The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 16, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tho stntoinont Hint mattresses have
gonojnp hiwno relation to the folding
bed jnko
riuck nml energy
whole lot of common
compllsh wonders
harnessed to a
soitso will
This la an iinporial country Kvory
voter In liiiMHulf a Caesar liolpinj to
direct and mould affairs
Tho Houtitntiit In Mudlsou county
iniliciit s t hut tho ndintuist ration U Hits
tainod by a large majority
ThoTiinosTiibunogol outils pen of
fancy poultry a little early and they are
liable to ho nipped by the frost accorded
Homo of the county ollloori
Slippery Si dipped into olllco
somehow What new method of nil
ping has boon developed byhini has not
ljoon rovonlod
mr with tho old on with tho new I
Tho campaign of 18011 ban been fought
and decided Now buckle on your
armour and wado into tho fray of 1100
Hurrah forMoKlnloy
Androw Polnnyi who died in Vionnn
had the greatest collection of autographs
in the world Ho had tho signatures of
over JIOOOO persons ancient and modern
of moro or less historical renown
Kx prosidont Harrison thinks that a
man who goos into battle singing psalms
is dangerous A bright oxobango thinks
that the man who goos into battle to
make bullets sing is ovon more danger
Tho returns seem to indicate that Madi
son county has been very kind to tho
republicans Besides giving a good
majority for tho head of the ticket five
out of tho eight county ofllcors wore
Madison county has done tho right
thing by Reese and If it is a criterion of
tho balance of tho state Mr Holcomb
will go down to politioal defeat buriod
under an avalauch of from ton to ifteou
thousand votes against him
From comparisons thusfur obtalnablo
Madison county stands high iu its show
ing of republican gains ns compared
with other counties of thostato It is a
record vory gratifying to tho republicans
and thoir frionds in tho comity
It Is certainly tho desire of every
gonuino American that poaco should
conto iu tho Philippines speedily but it
has boon truly said Hut with savagory
there can bo no peace until wo havo
first nmdo ovidont our strength
Mrs Miles is ropirtod as saying that
tho need of tho hour is for such a man
ns Admiral Dewey in tho white houso
Really without boiug intruslvo dont
you think Mrs Miles that a man liko
General Miles would suit you bettor
Tho war in South Africa is now the
contor of mtorost Tho Boers are res
oluto iu defense of tlieir country and
while Groat Britain is certain to triumph
in tho ond tho victory will bo purchased
at tho sacrifice of many of her troops
Tho Boors protest against tho Ameri
can miilo is coming into South Africa
and the American mule is doing some
vigorous kicking himself Tho Boor
and tho niulo aro vigorous combination
aud sooni to havo soiuo traits iu com
Governor Roosevelt of New York iu
a rocont talkjto mothers said If any
of you havo a boy who will not on good
provocation fight that boy is not worth
his salt Train your boy to uso his
lighting instincts on tho sido of right
If Mr Bryan has the power to iuflu
cuco votes that is accreditod to him iu
the Nebraska campaign ho should at
ouco start out oiiIhisjoniiipaigii of 1000
as ho catiuot hope to give 100 speeches
in every state iu tho union boforo next
eloction and bo a live man if ho does uot
Editor W E Powers of tho Pierco
Loader has met with another of tho dis
appointments to which tho craft is heir
aud which thoy aro always moro or lees
prepared to nieot He ran for cleik oi
Pierce county in a throe cornered fight
nnd was dofeatod for the position by a
few votes by the populist nominee
Tho republican was third In tho race
Norfolk did tho right thing by tho
head of tho ticket Iu tho four wards
aud outside precinct Roeso recoives a
total voto of 601 Holcomb 127 a republi
can majority of 71 Last year tho samo
voting places gave Haywood republican
407 Poynter fusion 401 a republican
majority of at Tho voto this year then
is a uet republican gain of 33 over last
year If half tho preciucts of tho state
have douo as well Mr Roeso is elected
beyoud questiou
Vico prosideut Hobarts ouforced re
tirement from public life because of
failiug health will be accepted with ro
gret from tho groat body of the people
He has been been more than a figure
head iu Woahiugtou life he has boeu a
poteutial factor presidtug with diguity
and marked ubility as president of the
senate Besides he has beeii a very
close friend of tho president aud his J
conflnontlnl udvteor during tlio porplox
ing months of war tliroiiKlivlilcli tho na
tion has passed Mr Holmrt will o otipy
a very satisfactory plueo in liistory as a
thorough going business American
keenly ullvu to everything thntooneornod
the wolfaro of his country
Tint N ivm has a suggestion to inako
iu regard to tho polling booths and one
that would boa vast iinprovomont In
the oitv tho booths aro provided with a
very soft and sometimes very rough
plno board on which to matk the ballots
while tho pencils provided aro sonio
times very hard and tho result is often
an indistinct uncertain marking un
satisfactory to the voter nnd moro or
loss dinioult for the judges This should
be reinodlod boforo tho next election by
providing a hard smooth surface on
which to mark tho ballots and it is
hoped the proper authorities may mako
tho change suggested which would
cost very llttlo and be highly appro
Inqulro of alnmst any supportor of
Bryan in Nebraska as to why tnoy so
lovo him pin them down to tho truth
anil thoy will wind up with a statomont
about as follows Well wo adtniro
his gall A fellow who can go Into a
national convention as ho did iu 1801
and capture it is all right and I will
vote for him A man with a reputa
tion built on gall is not always tho
kind tho people should want That Mr
Bryan has an abundance of what is
vulgarly called gall everyone must
admit How otherwiBO could ho persist
ently deny existing facts and have tho
people boliovo him How could ho mako
some of tho wild statements and asser
tions ho is credited with and havo the
people accept them as gospal truth
Perhaps Mr Bryan has gall but gall
does not wear
It is roported that Prosidont McKin
ley iu his next messago to congress will
lay much stress on tho need for a cable
line across tho Pacific and will again
ask congress to authorize tho laying of
such a cable In furtherance of this
plan survoys aro already boing made
for the purpose of ascertaining tho most
feasible routes from tho Hawaiian Is
lands to tho Philippines Tho survoys
between the former islands and San
Francisco had boon previously mado
and it is not necessary to havo that
portion of tho route gone over again
So long as tho United States shall exor
cise authority in tho Philippines direct
cablo communication with tho archi
pelago is of great importanco to tho
government but asido from this thcro
should bo a cablo lino across tho Paciilc
touchiug nt Honolulu and connecting
tho United States with tho oriont in
tho interest of trade development and
Tho circulation per capita of monoy
in tho United States now approaches
if MiOO Sinco tho year 18111 thoro has
been an lucreaso of monoy in circulation
of 1000000 Of this amount I57
000000 is in gold coiu With such facts
to run up agaiust is it any wondor that
Mrs Loase considers frco silver a doad
issuo and that Mr Bryan while pro
fessing great lovo during tho recent
compaign for that which brought him
into prominence talked of othor and
nowor issues Tho pooplo were told in
1801 that if they would oloct M Mc
Kinloy and a ropublionn congress thoy
would soo a hotter condition or nlTaivs
Tho republicans havo redeemed their
word By a protective tariff and under
a gold standard confldeuco has returued
money is plenty every nblo bodied man
who wants work cau got it prices of
goods aro going up and wages aro con
stantly advanciug It is a hard busi
ness proprsitiou of the most substantial
quality that tho democratic party will
havo to moot next vear Their fuliniua
tions will avail littlo Tho sober second
thought of the nation will retain iu tho
presidential chair tho advanco ngout of
gonuino Americanism aud good times
Dr Soliiiruian on tho Philippines
Tho Outlook for November published
at New York coutaius au authorized
aud rovisod iutorviow by Dr Jacob
Gould Schunnuu president of tho Phil
ippine commission iu which Dr Schur
man states his view of the presont con
dition of Philippine problem aud gives
his ndvico as to some important points
of tho policy to bo pursued iu tho im
uediato future One of tho most nota
lo suggestions made by Dr Sohurmnu
is as follows
Wo should havo an authoritativo
declaration on the part of tho United
States of tho form of government nnd
of tho rights privileges and immunities
which tho Filipious aro to recoivo from
us 1 trust that tno presiueut una
gress will soon agreo ou such a grant
and tho sooner it is ouacted the bettor
Iu my opinion uothiug could eo much
contribute to au adjustment of our Phil
ippine troubles as such a pieco or legis
Iu a word my advico is increase your
military forco to the utmost extent that
may uuder any circumstances bo nec
essary uud with those forcos annihilate
or bo ready to annihilate the Tagalog
insurgents who are now resisting tho
authority of the United Statos but
at tho saiuo time tell tho inhabitants of
tho Philippine Archipelago four fifths
of whom are at peace with you what
political status uud civil rights you pro
pose to confer upou them Such a
declaration may make tho further
exorcise of power unnecessary Iu any
n at ill 4 nl tr oancfv 411 isa
except the Tagalogs who are now
nctully engaged iu war and it cannot
fail to have great iuilueuce among meu
of iutolligence aud property who are
uow committed to tho Tagalog causo
Homo Conclusions
Enough returns havo now been re
ceived from tho rocont election to indi
cate dofluitoly tho trend of Houtlmout
in tho country That Rontlinent scorns
to bo practically unanimous in support
of tho present national administration
and its mothod of dealing with uow
questions of unwonted moment
Iyery effort has been mado by tho
opposition to discredit President Mo-
Kinloy and the government in the minds
of tho pooplo Every Haw 1ms boon
picked and oxposod Tho molo hlll hns
been persistently nnd skilfully enlarged
into the mountain Mans prejudices
and greed and sympathy havo been
spurred into tho urona and mado to
play an important part No posBlblo
chanco for tho formation of political
capital has boon allowed to pass unob
served by tho fusionists with a party
aud a favorito at stako
As a conseqtionco tho campaign has
been of unusual interest and marked
with oxtraordinnry activity by both
parties in tho Hold While this hns been
genorally truo throughout tho United
States it has boon especially truo in No
braska and Ohio whoro tho storm
conters wero
Naturally tho republicans havo been
on tho defensive and tho fusionists havo
boon tho aggressors Tho record of tho
formor party and its actions and achieve
ments during tho past threo yours aro
not only matters of history but aro bo
foro tho oyes of tho world and tho solo
offort of tho fusionists has beon to tarn
ish thoir splendor to discredit tho
Havo thoir efforts boon satisfactory
Look at tho roturns from Ohio Iowa
Now Jorsoy Kansas South Dakota
Pennsylvania and othor states in which
elootiouH wero hold
These conclusively and uuequivocnlly
stato that tho administrations policy
has boJn satisfactory that its business
mothods dosorvo backing that In fact
tho pooplo aro satisllod and happy
Nebraska is tho ono stato in which
tho majority of its votors havo appar
ently said tho administration is uot
what we dosiro its efforts to please
us havo beon in vain
Still thoro aro mitigating circum
stances ovon in Nebraska In tho first
placo tho ropublicau rauks havo not
beon disrupted tho party voto was
almost as strong as two yoars ago Nor
aro tho mombors of that party dismayed
they aro already buckling ou tho
armor preparatory to tho battle of 1 100
with a courapo and enthusiasm that
brooks uo permanont dofeat
Another reason for the result iu Ne
braska is thut many of us nro homo
worshipors and whoever conies from our
stato is all right They deemed
tho fact of tho 6tato having had a cau
didato for tho presidouoy through the
grace of ono of tho groat national parties
iu 1801 aud tho possibility of hisrenoini
nation a sufllciont iucoutivo uot only to
accord him and his party thoir voto but
to work for thorn with might and maiu
This fooling nlouo was respousiblo for
thousands of votes Aud it was persist-
outly worked by tho fusionists Mr
Bryans pesonnlity and his ambitions
having beon thrust to tho frout contin
Another and it is boliaved a vital
consideration wos that tho natiounl
loaders of tho ropublicnu party did not
fear Bryan as much ns other members
of his party aud thoy woro willing that
he should havo all tho prestigo ho could
gain by tho showing of a fusion victory
iu Nebraska thus giving him a stopping
stono to tho nomination next year
The fight thoreforo was loft almost
wholly to stato politicians whilo tho
fusionists had tho pick of tlieir men of
natioual fnmo to assist them iu keep
ing Nebraska iu lino
That tho outcome iu Nebraska will
havo tho result of placiug Mr Bryan iu
nomination all concedo aud the loaders
iu tho uoxt campaign will uudoutodly bo
tho samo as iu lSJO McKinloy aud
Sir Thomas Liptou whoso name is
associated with the recont yacht race
botweou tho Columbia nud tho Sham
rock is going to South Carolina with
a view of iuvestigating tho opportun
ities for tea culture on a largo scalo
Tho UuitedStates department of agri
culture has beon carrying ou experiments
iu that stato for tou years past with the
tea plant Last year thoy inurkoted
iiuoo pouuus or tea at a prolit ot 20 per
cent Mr Shoppard theuianager has
r0 acres of tea plants uow under culti
vation and expects to obtalu 10000
pounds of tea annually as soon ns the
plauts reach maturity Ho says that
tho commonly accepted idoa that tea is
a tropical plant is an erroneous one
Thoro nro two essentials to successful
tea culture The climatouiust bo com
pnratively mildaud there must bo plouty
of wnter Tho mercury went down to
zero in South Oaroliua last winter but
tho crop this season was not materially
lossoued becauso of it If tea raising
should prove profitable not only Liptou
but other English capitalists will bo
ready to invest capital aud another
iudustry will bo addod to tho wealth of
the uatiou The climate in the tea
raising districts of China is said to bo
very similar to that of our southoru
Au abstract of tho ofllcial count of
the votes cast in Madisou couuty is
published today This table does not
change the result as auuounced tho day
following election although somo of tho
flgnrs nro somewhat difforcnt than those
first given The closest voto lson county
treasurer It O Miles being oloctod by
only flvo majority Tho county gives u
mnjorlty of 85 Ou tho whole republi
cans havo no reason to feel iisliaiuod of
tho work done iu this county
Hon John J Ingalls has snld a good
many things during his publto caroor
sonio wiso somo othorwiso but ho cer
tainly hits tho nail ou tho head in this
sentence Tho mcdlcino fortho ills of
society must bo found iu individual cul
tivation and development nnd tho ulti
inato nppoal must bo to consotonco and
Intelligence to protect liberty from tho
folly of its friends and tho fury of its
foes v
Tho Omaha Boo of Saturday rofors to
tho returns of Madison coutity as ono of
tho surprisos of tho election it having
reversed a Ufl majority for Poynter last
yoar to an 80 majority for llcoso this
year Tho pooplo of Madison county
look upon tho rotunm of tho bnlanco of
tho stato ns tho surprising part of tho
Tho auxious reader is moro thnn
anxious to have tho World Hornld tell
of tho barrels Mark Hanna tapped in
Ohio during tho campaign Why oven
in Marks homo couuty tho iucroased
republican voto was in ovidonco It
must certainly havo required vast sums
of monoy to got tho peoplo who best
know Mark to support his administra
Whilo Mr Bryan is now somowhat
self satisflod over tho result in Nebraska
tho St Paul Dispatch vontures toassoit
thatwith frco silvorjto kill him iu tho
east and auti oxpansiou to bury him iu
west ho will conio out of the uext cam
paign too worst battered nguro that
over emerged from a politicul contest iu
this country
Sinco Senator Hoar of Massachusetts
has renfllnnod his allegiauco to repub
lican policies and hisboliof that tho
ropnblicanpartywill win in 1000 his
stauding among tho domocrats who
spoko so affectionately a few mouths
ago has beou seriously impaired
Brynus swing around tho circlo cost
moro monoy than tho entire barrel of
Murk Haunns boodle placed on tap
iu Nebraska Still there aro reform
ers who without a blush say that tho
republican is only corruption party
The question has beou asked as to
whether it was Holcomb who pullod
Bryau through or Brynu who pulled
Holcomb through It couldnt have
boeu Holcombs record which did the biz
for both could it
The results of tho roceut state elec
tions show that the American peoplo
are with tho administration and that
nuti imporialisui is uot a wiuuiug card
in Auiericau politics oxcopt iu Ne
It is to bo hoped that tho denial of
Nobraska voters that thoro is any pros
perity will uot affect that which tho
ignorant nud deluded republicans have
beou pleasod to think was tho genuino
Li Huug Chaug does not approvo of
our Philippine policy This is sad but
ho should have raised his objections
soouor The precession cnut stop uow
evon for tho eminent celestial
It is extromoly discourteous in Presi
dent Kruger and Mr Chamberlain in
attempting to pull off the South African
scrap in the absence of Richard Harding
Davis aud James Creelmau
While almost everything else is going
highoi coffoo is almost suro to get lower
iu price Tho total visible supply at
present is tho largest ou record boing
80K1550 bags
Since last January wo havo soldmoro
goods abroad than wo have bought by
more than 317000000 worth Somo
figuroa aro dry thoso are eloquout
The Plaiuview News has installed a
uow powor press and is uow printing au
8 page 0 column paper four of tho
pages boiug printed at homo
It is now olllcially auuounced thatMr
Bryau isSilivo politically A cat may
havo nine lives but its last lifo will bo
passed some day
Tho bicyclo has well earned tho name
of tho auvauco ageut of good roads
No other ono thing has done so much to
promote them
Many f usiouists nre not plensod after
all that Holcomb should occupy the
place of houor on the supreme bouoh
Tho startling auuouucemeut is made
that tho consumption of liquor has in
creased 1700 per cent iu 17 years
Iowas regiment got homo just iu
time to swell tho ropublicau vote iu that
Coiu Haryeyscolu seems to have
been a potoutial factor in Nebraska this
Cultivate a pleasiug address It will
pay bigger dividends thau bauk stock
AU things comoto thoso who are rich
euough to wait
A Chicago man confesses to having -12
wives Ho must bo a mau of fortitude
North Dakota will roalizo moro than
10000000 froiij its flax crop this year
Protty good showing that
In tho World Horald of Sunday Mr
Bryan gavo his view on tho results of
tho election aud among other things is
quoted as follows tbcofuo I0inerbl
oo uro inin fmah That is perhaps
about tho sizo of it
Russia has decided to colobrato tho
uow century January 1 by adopting
tho Gregorian calendar and keeping
tinio along with tho rost of tho civilized
world instead of being eleven days
bohind ns nt prosont
It is reported that Gen Fitzhugh
Leo recoinmonds that a gouoral oloctlou
bo orded in Cuba soon for tho olection
of a prosidont mombors of congress and
stato legislators Ho boliovos that tho
time for such action is at hand
Parties in Wisconsiu havo rocoivod au
order for 50000 Christmas trees to bo
sout to various parts of tho country
Outside of Nobraska thoso are still re
publican times and peoplo nro planning
to havo something to hung ou those
A Cleveland womnn who has been
suing for divorce has been ordered to
pay il a week alimony to her husband
pending the decision of the court This
la a case thnt clearly demands tho at
tention of the reformers Things are
coming to a fine puss In this country
when tho courts expect a man to live
on SI a week
It is thought by somo ofJthoJforomost
oducators of tho country thatin tho
training of tho youth of tho laud uot
enough attention has beou paid to the
science of business Steps are being
taken to remedy this deficiency and
sovoral of our universities aro oponing
thorough courses in commercial educa
tion There is littlo quostiou but what
this demand will iucreaso aud that tho
day is not far distant whou our great
universities will mako a special feature
of courses iu tho Bcienco aud practioo of
In nn account of a call at the Stdu
Islands Captain Sanders of General
Otis staff says The band of the
Twenty third infantry soon struck up
nud the companies formed in line
greatly I imagine impressing our vis
itors Tho American soldier is all for
business nothing for show and his
stature and self consciousness of
strength nppeal strongly to these peo
ple and they unconsciously show It
when our troops appear I think that
parade did much toward establishing
friendly relations
In a Now York World writo up of
Bryan it is said Mr Bryau is decid
edly optimistic by nature Tho peoplo
who havo heard him speak aud read his
opinions aro very glad to know this
Thoy had somehow formed the opinion
that ho was decidedly pessimistic but
this statement comiug from so author
itative a sourco shows them their error
Hereafter when he speaks of tho horrors
of militarism imperialism the gold
standard tho robber tariff and other
iniquities toward which the govern
ment is teudiug tho people will know
that his views are decidedly bright and
Tho European powers havo with char
acteristic generosity invited the United
Statos to select somo portiou of the
Chinese empire which shall bo sot apart
ns our nations special sphere of in
fluence Probably wo ought to say
thank you for this small slice of ter
ritory offered by tho great powers that
be and set about concentrating our in
fluence within the limits of our
sphere but that is not Americas way
Why should we arbitrarily try to con
trol a portion of the empire when wo
can just as well have it all all at least
for trade and business This nation is
already possessed of commercial rights
and privileges which are guaranteed to
us by solemn treaties and bettor thnn
this tho friendly good will of thoChiueso
peoplo which extend over the entire em
piro ad are iuvaluablo to us now The
Chineso govornmout has never had cause
to complain of au uujust or aggressive
net from tho United Statos aud thoy
will rejoico to learn that tho United
States will allow no breaking off of
Auiericau intercourse with any part of
China oven if our trafllo should happou
to cross tho spheres of influence of
other uations Let them content them
selves with small allotmouts of tho em
piro if they cau but not for a moment
aro thoy to fancy that wo shall accept
like restrictions In tho words of Secre
tary Hay the treaty clad rights of tho
United States shall not bo trampled up
on nud as a largo American squadron
has been ordorod to Asiatic waters it
look ns though the iron clad cruisers
would uot bo Blow iu emphasizing the
treaty clad rightBif it becomes necessary
It would seem that the sphere of in
fluence plan of the Earopeaus would bo
largely shorn of its attractions if Amer
ica remains iu possession of all its pres
ent privileges iu Ohiueso ports and
provinces and hor representatives are in
overy center of iuflueuco hustling for
trade aud opportunity nnd being kiudly
received ly the people of tho empire
Ho Write n Second Letter to Ann
iiiililo to Aoqnnlnt Mm With tho
Inlltlknl Sltoonnhun In Tliln
Country nml Kcarn Dcfent Wootl
Give the Dlnilcrntlc Inrty the nil nil
fititKKCi n
Washinoton D O
Tu Mr Agulnnldoo ho Is still nt loose
Miimvhnro In the Flllipeen Islnnds
Ml Denr Sir nlso Ml grnte nnd Rood
frond ez Orover Cleveland wood m
nnd V7 I cnlled yu before In ml first let
In behalf uv the Dlmlcratlc party uv
this kotintry booze hopes nnd nsplra
Hliuns I hev nt hnrt and hoozo cnthoosl
iistie lonnin for sum sine uv knlnmlty I
also shnrc in I hev nfiln taken mi pen in
hnnd for the second time tu let yu kno
how dtirncd hnrd up we air for live ls
soos how reddy wo nlr tu bury the old
ones nnd how we air lookln tu yu for nld
and cumfort ez the day uv the Novem
ber cIocrIuuis nppronches We hev bin
liovhi n li 1 of n time ez n Rrntc Re
publikln stnltsmnn wunst remarked In
tryln tu onhltch the Dimlcrntic pnrty
frum platforms wlch hev bin coiiilciiiincd
nt previous elersliuns nnd tu wenn it
frum candidates boo wuz onable tu scare
up ontiff votes tu elect em
If yu lived in this koiintry yu wood
moar rcddily oiulerstand the dismlvnn
tijes under wlch we labor We klnnot
hev mutch kurridKc tu wage n polltikal
eampaue wen prosperity is rnKin thru
the land Our stronghold lz kalnmity
and thnre nlnt cnuff uv it at the presont
time tt supply us with aimmmlshun
The crops were never so bountiful labor
wuz never so fully employed at good
wages nnd peece nud prosperity seems
tu be doin a pood blzuess everywhare
For one yrcr at leest kalnmity hez Riven
uz the cold shake Thare haint bin no
widespread drought tu effeckt the food
supply and the western grasshoppers hev
filled tu fructify tu their usuul extent
We nlr thus shorn uv sum uv the vital
nrguiucnts wich we hev used with tellin
effeckt before wenever wo cood ketch a
hungry mnn boo wuz out uv work
I kiiinot tell yu in one short letter how
dependent we air upou yu nnd how mutch
iz involved in yure success or defect Yu
ma or inn not cut mutch uv n ligger
turning yure own people in yuro own
koiintry but I kin nsshoor yu thet yu air
ucerly the whole show nt our Dlinicrntic
couvenshuns Our speekers hev sot yu
up ez n grnte stnitsman hoozo pa
triotism wuz oozin out thru hiz heels ez
yu Hew frum one swamp tu nnuthcr
thru three feet uv mud and wnter tu
spread nbrnnd the troo prinsiples uv kou
stitooshunnl liberty One uv our Dimi
cratic congressmen sod yu wuz equal tu
Patrick Henry but Pat wasnt present
tu resent the kompnrison and nobody
picked it up In Mnssaehoosotts yu wood
be ez popular ez John L Sullivan used
tu be if yu cood hit ez hnrd and yu
wood be roceeved with open arms nt the
second table uv the best families uv Bos
ton We hev bin tryln n sorts uv
schemes tu hoodwink the people In Ne
braska wo hev sot free silver behind the
curtain and in Ohio nud Mnssaehoosotts
we hev put it in frunt In Iowa we
didnt sa nothin about it nud in uther
stnits we hev put it wharever it wood du
uz the most good But in all uv cm we
hev given yu a grand stand scat either
in the speeches or the resolooshuns Yu
nir tho one man booze wharabouts nir
unknown but hoozo lofty patriotism nnd
unswervin devoshun tu prinsiple makes
nil our own staitsmen look like second
hand clothin dummies
We shood like tu hev yu cum tu
Ohio nnd take the stump ngin Mc
Kinloy but thnre nir obvious reezons
why yu cood not fill sicli nn engage
ment nt the present time We shood
like tu hev the glory uv yure presence
bust upon yure enthoosinstic ndmirers In
Mussachoosetts but the same reezons
will prevent yure cumin But dont git
downhnrted Put in yure best licks be
tween now nnd November if the mud
nnd wnter nnd insccks will permit and
we will du the rest Wc will kontinue
to speck well uv yu nt nil our gntherins
we will embroider platforms tu suit the
ocenshun and we will hatch out nn out
burst uv indlgunshun thru the medium
uv men nnd wimuiln hoo fito only with
their mouth thet will be herd thru the
length nnd bredth uv this grnto republik
if cnuybuddy happens tu be listeuin
Dont let the Amerikin army lick yu enny
moar It wood giv the Dimicrntic pnrty
the blind sluggers and dislocate all our
plans Our only hope in yure dirccshun
Iz tu hev yu hold out ngin our armies
ntil the loss of life the grnte expense
nnd the demornliznshun uv defect or de
lay kin create n reacshun uv publik sen
timent in our favur Du this and yu air
O K Dont du it and the whole shootin
mutch will be dumped overbonrd nt the
poles next November in wuss condishun
thnn the Tories uv tho Rovolooshun and
the Copperheds uv our big uncivil war
I hev thus confidenshelly oulonded mi
self ez tho representatlv uv a grato party
thet nlnt in uo condishun tu mako mutch
uv n lite upon pure nnd lofty prinsiples
but wlch Iz wntcln for sumthiu tu turn
up in its fnvur without mutch regard ez
tu whut It iz Yu hey no idee uv tho
trubble thet beds us off nt every turu in
pursooiu sich n course Tho Dimicrntic
party hez uhvnze bin in fnvur uv ex
panshun wenever it bed n chnnco tu ex
pnud ennythiug nml thnro iz nlwnzc sum
feller well enuff read iu tho history uv
the kountry tu bob up iu convenshun and
I remind us uv it or tu fling it up nt us in
sum uouzepnpcr hum uv em nir impu
dent enuff tu nsk whut we hev tu gniu
bl lloppiu round nnd wnlkin bnckwurd
nnd givin the lie tu all our past pro
fesshuus On sich mournful occushuns nil
I kin du iz tu manctnno n diguifide silence
nnd swear Tu tell yu tho plane truth wo
hev taken nn all fired big risk in defendin
yu and stakln nil our chances uv win
ning the next elecshun on u very slippery
nigger This iz entirely eonfidenshnl and
not tu be repeeted except In secret Dimi
crntic sirkles but thnro iz no denyin the
fact thet we nir goin tu lozo votes hi bein
ngin white soljers uv our own blood nud
kountry nud iu fnvur uv them with
black hides und no clothes on hoo hi In
wntein tu shoot down our sons in furrin
jungles fer defendin tho Amerikin ling
This Iz ubout tho sitoonshun up tu date
nnd I hev ritteu plunely In order thet yu
mn profit hi it nnd sho yureself a troo
Dlmicrnt hoo kin lend us a hand wen we
need help
Frum Applejack Farm wlch iz next tin
Grovcr Clevelands in tho stnlt uv Noo