The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 16, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Soldier Who Won Spnrn In Cnlta
mill ho IMilltiiplnrn A I evr Civil
AVnr Vi Iitiiiin Still WlrlilliiK the
Swonl allitiit Dciiln UnnirikMl
iropyrlRlit IMS hy O I Kilmer
L Ik
II ION thu Span
Isli war broko
nut tin roKt
niontH of the
regular army
which was do
poiuleil upnn for
t h u heaviest
llhtlnc worn
coniinnnileil by
colonels w li o
worn wnr voter
n n h T h o I r
service In tho
civil nntl Indian
waiH had hard
oneil thorn Into
p r I n c o I y sol
diers the like of whom taking the
whole roster had never been seen nu
ll er the American tins Many of them
were promoted to the rank of briga
dier general in the volunteers but the
lieutenant colonels and majors who
took the regiments to the field were
also veterans and as capable soldiers
ns thocolonels themselves
Hy the addition of Jl regiments to
the standing army the government has
practically doubled the regular force
The new Held olllcers nnd nearly nil
this line olllcers are graduntes from tho
regular regiments nnd of the colonels
It may be said without favoritism that
they are the pick of the material nnd
that the material available is of the
choicest Six of the new colonels came
out of the Spanish wnr with honors
J M Bell was In Culm J Franklin
Hell In the Philippines Wallace and
Itlrkhimcr were also In the Philippines
nnd Kennon and Dorst at San Juan
Colonel J M Hell the loader of the
new Twenty seventh regiment now en
route to Manila commanded tho squad
ron of the First regular cavalry which
led off In the attack at Las Guaslmas
His command forced Its way through
tho chapparnl toward the Spanish
lines and In order to get at the enemy
quickly rushed over a wide open space
under Mauser lire Major Hell was
severely wounded while deploying his
men for that advance which won the
victory In the civil war Hell fought
four years in the Pennsylvania volun
teer cavalry coining out with the rank
of captain and with a record which
led to his appointment in tho Seventh
regular cavalry Hrevets were given
him for gallantry at the battles of the
Wilderness and Heams Station and
ho afterward won a brevet lighting
the Indians in Montana
Colonel L M V Kennon command
ing the uew Thirty fourth regiment
was one of tho first to have his men
ready to go to tho Held As captain of
a company which had a conspicuous
part to perform at San Juan hill Ken
non mndo an enviable battle record to
add to his service against Indians Ills
company was on the right of the Sixth
regulars when General Hawkins or
dered the gallant Egbert to cross
San Juan river nnd alone open lire
upon the blockhouse which up to that
time lind not been scon by half n dozen
men In the American lines General
Hawkins believed that the Sixth regi
ment could enfilade tho fort nnd thus
cover the advance of troops who were
to storm it on the Hank Egbert and
Kennon went nlouo to rcconnoltor the
crossing nnd seeing thnt the men
could ford the swift running stream
led the way with tho captains own
company Dashing through the heavy
current the men deployed on the other
side nnd formed n
line in tho thicket
to protect tho cross
ing of the other
companies So Ken
lions men actually
got In tho first rifio
1 Bm
fire upon tho famous
Colonel Dorst who
lias been promoted
from tho cavalry to
lend tho Forty fifth
Infantry was ono of
tho very first army
Ulcers to win honors coioneljmbell
luCubn Ilecom
mnnded tho fa
mous Gusslo ex
pedition which
landed munitions
for tho Insurrec
tionists soon aft
er the blockado
was established
This act of gnl
lantry carried
out with excel
lent judgment
gained him pro
motion to the
rauk of lieuten
ant colonel of
COLONEL KKNNON vollllltOOrS mill
be went with tho army to Santi
ago ns the adjutant general nnd
chief of staff of Wheelers cnvalry di
vision In the attack at San Juan he
was at the front directing the brigades
and regiments where to go In Tho Ir
regular ground nnd scattered lines
often separated the troops from their
generals but Dorst moved up and
dpwn the firing line coolly giving com
mands and exposing himself with a
fearlessness which wns noticeable even
on that field of countless brave deeds
With one exception the three colonels
from the Philippine nrmy hnve not
had the chance for personal distinction
In the field which fell to the lighters In
Cuba Colonel William 10 Hlrkhlmer
of the Twenty eighth had a war record
back of lilin before he went to Manila
having served through the civil war In
the Fourth Ohio cavalry As captain
of n battery he went to the Philippines
In the first expedition June 1818 nnd
In the battles with Spaniards nnd Fili
pinos bore himself with such gallantry
that General lawton recommended
him for promotion to the colonelcy of
the Twenty seventh oluuteers
Colonel Itnbert Hruee Wallace of the
Thirty seventh lias also been nt the
front In the Philippines from the very
start serving as lieutenant colonel In
the First Montana He graduated from
West Point In ISUO and Is now but lit
tle over 110 yenrs of age The cavalry
was the favorite arm of service for the
young cadet and he went to the south
west with the Second regiment where
he met with stirring adventures sub
duing the Apaches In Arizona and New
Colonel J Franklin Hell of the Thirty-sixth
broke away from the dull rou
tine of the engineers department to
take up the role of a scouting leader In
the Philippines He had been trained
In the cavalry and when General Law
ton readied the field at Manila lie or
ganized a small force to act as tho eyes
of his division and placed Hell at the
head of It The major had already be
come the talk of the nrmy on account
of his boldness In rallying and leading
detachments when the olllcers hnd
been shot down nnd In rushing to tho
front of chnrglng
troops sword In
hnnd to set nn ex
ample of courage
His exploit at Quln
gla where Colonel
Stotsenberg of the
First Nebraskn lost
v 97 tfcSf V
gl rog
his life Is but ono
of many showing
thnt Lawton knew
his man When the
army was ready to
advance from Mn
lolos Hell rode for
ward with GO men
ford across Quln
gla river aud
develop the
strength of tho
Filipinos nt that
point Arriving
at tho ford be
fore daylight
Major Hell and
forward and saw
In the dim light
n line of ln
trenchments In
front of tho town
with n few shad
i f 1c3h
owy figures presumably sentinels In
the vicinity
In order to Hnd out whnt lay behind
the works Major Hell formed his line
to open lire There was a sudden out
burst of shots from both sides A
trooper fell dead and two comrades
who were near were wounded The
mnjor fought his men desperately un
til ho saw tho enemy closing In on both
flanks then retreated losing two more
dead nnd three wounded These were
carried back to cover and n courier
sent to bring up the lnfnntry A bat
talion of the First Nebraska marched
forward nnd the mnjor proposed to
charge the works at once This wns
opposed by the Nebraskn olllcers
Finally the full regiment came up and
in the attack Colonel Stotsenberg was
The roster of lieutenant colonels nnd
mnjors In the now regiments Is adorn
ed with half a score or more of nnmes
associated with brilliant deeds In Cu
ba Colonel Kennon has with him In
tho Thirty fourth Lieutenant Colonel
Kobert L Ilowse a stnlwnrt young
Texnn who rode through all tho fire
nt San Juan hill as nn aid to General
Sumner Major Joseph Wheeler Jr
of tho same regiment passed through
tho ordeal ns an aid to his father
Lieutenant Colonel Bernard A Byrne
of the Fortieth Is nnother man with
a San Juan hill record He wns a cap
tain In tho Sixth regulars nnd followed
Egbert and Kennon In the first attack
upon the blockhouse as well as In tho
charge which carried the day In the
Philippines ho hns twice attacked su
perior numbers nnd enptured mor of
tho enemy than he hnd men nt his
Lieutenant Colonel Arthur C Ducnt
of tho Forty ninth colored Is to bo
singled out for special honors because
of his bravery at Fort San Juan He
wns then captain of a company In tho
Twenty fourth regulars nlso colored
nnd led his men against a point In the
trenches to the left of the blockhouse
where tho Spaniards were mnklng a
stubborn defense Ills company wns
badly cut up but won the point Cnp
tnin Ducat was shot through both
thighs The colonel of the Forty ninth
W II Beck led the troop of colored
regulnrs which formed the connection
between the right wing nnd the rough
riders nt Las Guaslmas
All the Hue olllcers of those new regi
ments hnve been chosen from among
tried soldiers
In the Forty eighth nnd Forty ninth
there ure black men wearing shoulder
straps who fought with
at San Juan and El Cauey
George L KlLUEiL
WvIkIiI f lin Mull Mil It or Handled nt tho
Nm folk tlintiilllrn for Ono Month
Postnuistor Sproeher weighed all tho
niiiil recolvotl nnd sent out of Norfolk
during the month of October nnd tho
items noted contain soiuo interesting in
formation to tho public
The poHtolHeo force Initialed 810 pounds
of lht class mail matter consisting of
letters postnl cards nnd other packages
containing writing This averages
about fiO letters o tho pound and bIiowh
thnt there were almost 11000 different
enclosures handled during thu month in
this class
in the second class matter there were
two kiiidB bundled consisting of news
paper magazines and other publica
tions Thu number of pounds handled
were 201 1 In tho county 10111 pounds
In third anil fourth olass matter con
sisting of books uirculars pamphlets
merchandise etc there were 117U pounds
nnd 1 1 ounces handled
Of free matter there were bundled 22
pounds and 1 1 ounces
Equipments consisting of mail Banks
etc amounted to 1182 pounds and 11
Thu snin total of nil matter handled
during thu month amounted to 7505
pounds or more- than three and three
quarter tons
Of mail matter received and dulivored
to the railroad companies thero were
First class 751 pounds and 11 ounces
Second class 2011 pounds nnd i
Jbroo matter Nil pouuus nnd ono
Third nnd Fourth clnss matter 272
pounds nnd 11 ounces
Govornmont freo mail 22 pounds
and 1 1 ounces
A total of li8U pounds and nine
Tho lightest day was on tlio 28th when
thero wnB handled 1 1 pounds of
clnss nintter consisting of 700 letters
Tho heaviest day was October 25
when il pounds and six ounces of first-
class matter was haualed menniug
about 1000 lot ters
Tho average amount handled per day
was about 20 pounds or 1000 letters
Dont buy until youseo tho uico lino
of queeuswaro and glassware at the
Norfolk Cash store A fine dinner set
very cheap
To Ciiru Cohl In Ono Day
Tnke Laxative Bioino Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund tho money if it fails
to euro E W Grovos signature on
overy box 25c
A hllOCOHHlllI CiiNipiilKH
The sugnr factory at Chiuo Califor
nia Inst week closed a most successful
campaign itjbeing tho last of thothree
lactones in Southorn Culifornin to close
It wns the end of a campnign which
it is claimed was tlio most remarkablo
of any enmpaign in tho history of Amer
ican boot sugar industry It was
days in length nnd Jdnriug thnt timo
thero was not u single breakdown or
hitch in tho work and tho machinery
was not stopppd except for tho regular
cleaning Of it tho Chnmpion says
Every pound of sugar made wns mar
ketable none hnviugto bo remelted
and none but tho highest quality going
out The first pan niado at tho
mencemont of the cnmpaiga was
class white granulated nnd the last pan
on Monday of this week was tho same
high qunlity No yellow sugar syrnp
nor any extraction in process is held
over but all cleared out of the factory
in tho form of first class uinrkotnble
sugar This is a record never beforo
mado by this factory and so far as we
are able to learn in any other American
factory there usually remaining sonio
quantity nt least of yellow sugar to hold
over to tho next campaign or shipped to
a refinery
Thejporcentago of sugar in the beets
wns high much of tho time over 17 per
Tho managoment gives tho following
interesting items concerning tho enm
Tons beets sliced 4 lt10
Pounds sugar produced 12050400
Paid for beets over 1226000
Paid for labor 00000
Men employed UfiO
Barrels oil nBod 50000
Tons coke nsed 000
Tons lime rock nsed 0000
Sugar bags nsed 120CM
To Curo li Grippe In Two Diiyn
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if itfailp
to curo E W Groves signature on
overy box 2C
A Contented Mini tu CuiiMiint 1eiint
A contented mind cannot exist how
over with a diseased body But whnt
is disease Just what tho word iudi
catee dis easo tho opposite of ease
and contentment Tho troubled con
dition may bo in the stomnch tho liver
tho nerves tho mill or somo other
organ or it may bo more goneral and
include the wholo body as in tho case of
uuaemia nnd that tired feeling
It is a mistake to regard tho dis eiiBO
as tho object of medical treatment
Tho true way is to remove that which
causes it This is tho secret of the ro
markably prompt and permanent cures
etrectcd by HooiIh Sarsaparilla Im
pure and deficient blood is tho funda
mental cause of tho disease that comes
from rheumatism dyspepsia catarrh
scrofula aaltrheuui nervousness nnd a
host of other ailmentB Hoods
parilln makes the blood pure nnd rich
tones and strengthens thu stonineh
quiets tho nerves nnd thu dis ensu in
gone for tlio reason that tho enuso of it
no longer exists
If yon would huvo a contented mind
you must have a healthy Imdy nnd the
only snro means of restoring and pro-
urn in health is by making and keeping
thu blood rich nnd pure This is just
what Hoods Sarsaparilla does and thnt
is why it is Americas greatest medicine
nnd thu best that money ciui buy
Ironi HatnrtlujH Dull
Mrs Stein went to Omaha yesterday
to visit her sister
Mrs E V Adams who was visiting
at Missouri Valley lelnrnotl home
sooner than sho u peeled on account of
thu illuecH of her mother
KnsiiiusHPii is back in Norfolk after
a months absence and has resumed his
old position on tho railroad
Mrs 10 Blnekwell has just returned
from visiting rclnthcs and friends at
1 lowells
Tho sheep yards of A Knollin iV Co
now contain IH1SS sheep tho full
number that will ho fed thorn during
thu winter This sheep feeding industry
is proving a material benefit to the
markets of Norfolk ns thu yards will
require IMH tons of hay aud 0700
bushels of com to carry thorn through
the winter Tho top price for corn is
being paid and tho average at the yards
is live cents higher than at Hoskius and
surrounding towns
A Irlo for it Moot Lifting Miiohlno
Among agricultural implements
noeded in oulivnting the sugar beet no
machino is moro valuable than a good
boot digger In fact some devico of
this kind is absolutely indisponsiblu
Quito a number of such machines have
already been put on thu market but in
ortler to determine which is the beet
the Duutscbe Lsindwirthsehnft osell
schaft has offered a prize com
petition Tlio premiums amount
to ii0 Tho examination of thu
competing niaobines will bo held
in the fall of liXX An additional prize
will bo given to u machino which will
raiho and top beets at tho saniu time
This prize may nt first seem rather small
for an important pieco of agriculture ma
chinery but it is to bo supplemented by
prizes olfered by tho Veroin der Duutsch
en Ztu kcriiidustrie or the Association
of the lermnn Sugar Industry which
has odercd prizes amounting to I0l
and 25SO
Our United Stntes consul at Mag
deburg says these prizes will bo given
to machines that are not only the best
that arc exhibited in tho competition of
tho farming association but thnt in ad
dition must conio tip to certniu other
requirements nnd specifications which
will bo sot forth later on Tho com
petition is not restricted to Gorman
manufacturers and foreigners will nlso
bo admitted This it ono of tho
instances in which there is a Itgitimnto
prizo nfford for an invention Scion
tifllc American
Best canned
Cash store
goods nt the Norfolk
ICiport of Wutur oiiiiiiIkhIoiut
Non kolk Neb Nov 2 1890 To tlio
Honorable Mayor nnd City Council
Gontlomen I beg to report tho ro
coipts for water rentals from May 1 to
Nov 1 1800 amounting to 1 10805
Paid city treasnrer 8351
City certificates of in
debtedness opor list
attached taken np
in accordance with
your wishes
1 00805 10030
Uespectfnlly submitted
II II Pattkkkon
Water Com
A list of city certificates taken up and
paid by water commissioner and re
ported to couucil Nov 2 1800
Certificate No 152 amount 27500
ii 1 7jo
1 712
11 11 7i7
ii 7j
int OH
101 Hfi
Wantkd Several bright and honest
persons to represent us as mnnagors in
this and close counties Salary 000 a
year and expenses Straight bona fldo
no more no leHS salary Position per
manent Onr roferonces nny bank in
any town It is mainly olllco work con
ducted ut homo References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped envelope The
Dominion Company Deptil Chicago
Southern Literature
Interesting literal uro regarding tho
South is now bf ing distributed by tho
Southern Rnilwny Southern Homes
folders large mnp folders Laud of tho
Sky booklets Southern Fields Min
erals and Mines books etc mailed freo
to any uddress Tho Empiro of the
South a very handsome volume of
nbout 200 pages profusely illustrated
also issued by the Southern Railway aud
sent to any address npon receipt of 25
cents which amount approximates cost
of delivery Address
Wm H Taylok
Asst Genl Puss Agent Southern Ry
Louisville Kt
Sonio Hellnlto lufomittlon toneornlnc
111 In Weeks Anlriitiiiiiilriil Iheiuiinetm
Prof Unrrctt II Heiviss writes in thu
Scientific American of October 28
explaining the astronomical phenomena
predieted for this week The display
takes place throe tiinesduringneontury
or iineo in ouiry M years In ISltl it
was so splendid that it has ever since
occupied 11 place apait in the popular
imagination as the most gorgeous nntl
startling of all celestial pageants Tim
display in 1MHI although Imposing was
not ns wonderful as it hinl been in isii
The mctcois have been Hfatferitig
suce thou and thu display may not he
as brilliant its in IMiO yet nt Ihu woisl
theiu is certain to he u luelentle
shower in which but a few hundred
or possibly thousands will take pint
One unfortunate ciicumstaiitU will be
thu presence of a strong moonlight
which will sulllee to conceal many small
meteors ntiilmh ninny larger ones of their
brilliance Mr Servlss goes on to say
While Die best attainable iiilormn
tion points to the iltst hour of the morn
ing of November 111 ns thu time when
the meteors will be most numerous yet
the data me so uiicirtaiu that all oh
servt rs 11 ro advised to be on the wntch
IS hours earlier Begin say at midnight
on thu Kllh and watch until dawn
Resume watching on thu following
night lied so 011 until tho morning of tlio
17th Every watcher for thu November
meteors on this occasion can have the
satisfaction of knowing that his or her
vigil is being shared all over tho civil
ized world by thousands of tho brightest
spirits which now inhabit the earth
Thu solution of thnmystery of the No
vember meteors will stand in the
perspective of a tliousaud years high
among thu achievements of man
The watch for thu meteors well in
evitably call many unaccustomed eyes to
tho starry heavens and luckily the con
stellations of view include several of the
finest Like the meteors however thu
stars will suller from I he elliilgence
of the moon At midnight in tho mid
dle of November the eastern half of tho
firmament is especially beautiful
Nearly nvoi head glitter tha Pleiades a
silvery swarm A lit tin eastward ap
pears the V shaped figure of llyndes
containing the led Altlebaran making
tho eye of the gruel bull Taurus which
tlio imagination of tho constellation
makors pictured in the act of charging
down upon t lie giant hunter Orion
Dried fruits fresh fruits and candies
ns nice as you want to see at thu Nor
folk ash store
A Norfolk lloj In llio Nnvy
The Omaha Illustrated Bee published
yesterday prints a very fine half tone
likeness of Will Rniney formorly of this
city who is now in tho navy Tub
Nicws has heretofore published a short
sketch of Mr Raineys careor but this
printed in connection with tho photo
gives some additional points A Ne
braska boy in the navy is herewith pre
sented in the portrait of Will Rniney
whoso family lives at Norfolk Young
Hainoy was a member of company L of
tho Second regiment of tho Nebraska
National Guard and was mustered into
the United States volunteers at Lincoln
in May of last year He wont with the
regiment to Cliickuniatiga and ramaiued
with it until discharged and thou joined
the Seventh United Stntes cavalry at
Omaha last September and was detailed
to Macon On and then to Cuba where
he arrived with his regiment on the lht
of January of this 3ear Ho was dis
charged nt Havana April 22 under the
tho 0110 yoar nut nnd a month later
joined the navy at Chicago lie is now
on thu training ship Hartford under
Commander Hnwley which will sail
from Now York next month by Way of
Hong Kong carrying besides tho crow
1100 land troops His friends in Norfolk
take a great interest in his career in the
A general lino ot mens ladies miss
os nnd childrens shoes cheap at tho
Norfolk Cash store
Kidney Trouble Hakes You Miserable
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers Is sure to Know of the wonderful
1 22V
m i
1 -
cures made by Dr
Kilmers Swamp Root
the great kidney liver
and bladder remedy
r It is the great medl
M cl triumph of the nine
teenth century dis
covered after years of
yy 5CICIU1UC rcsearcn dv
f iNB Dr Kilmer the emi
nent Ktaney and blad
der specialist and Is
wonderfully successful in promptly curing
lame back kidney bladder uric acid trou
bles and Brlghts Disease which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble
Dr Kilmers Swamp Root Is not
liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need It has been tested
In so many ways in hospital work in private
practice among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail also a book
telling more about Swamp Root and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble
When writing mention reading this generous
offer In this paper and fCK
sena your address rtoi
hamton N Y The
regular fifty cent and nomecr swamp Hoot
dollar sties are cold by all good druggists
Cut this out ami send to ns and wo
will sell you the 1 est tiiality of
Binding Twine
Wholesale Prices
Sisal or Standard - Do
Manila iir
Iloo 111 oiiih Olillllnl
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Re
f liiiM Iiik hliicl mill mil iniile irimpl
hiiiiiiiiIn tin iln iinlii i in cmil mhIoii I
lnli rliniiciM mi hiIiiIIiii iImwIiiH c
iniilllllili Iluil iWi dull nt him luiiu Iiiih
llllll IIIUlllMIM lllU Hlillllllh Wlllllli tin IhhI
ninety iIhh ttiiiiint 1 nm 1 1 w No
nn 1 ii il iiii i Iwini lien Will fliip 11
Niiltjiil liiixiiniiiintiiin if tliMitil Will ii
HIIM t Willi tllllll llltlllllt lit 10 HI Illll
llllWtl llllll Hllil llllll ItlflMlllC NlliMH
ln NiiIiiiiiiiI IiiiiiK iImn uiiii or mi nun of
inn LtmOciiitiniiiiH nf IMU WIiIiihk
The Western flIercantile Co
lOIti fltiil Iiiiiiiiiii Sk Oiniiliii
Tin IIiiiim tlml Nino mi Mmicj
Altiiillnn I in mil n
Dillon iIihIih to miimim linniliiilii of Minipln
Iliplim of iirloiiltmil jniiriiiilx iiiiikiiIiiih luiun
impviH liniikH IlitiilitfniH inil cliiiiliiiH of Dm
lnliHl liniiriiMil fiuiii liiiiliii iiiIh nnil iniuliln
it mill lin linpt pontniloii linptnwil miiIh unit
HtlllK fill o JIIIIHOI lllllll7 If HO Mllll IIH
imir limim with Itll ihiiIh IiikIIiit mill mi will
IiiNTt t liininm In tlM Auinrlriiii IlinniiV Dlrcn
toi uliltli uoiih uliiillnu nil inn tlm llnltnil
HtntiM lo piilillhlniH iniiilimitH ntnl innniifm
tiiiiitH Inn will cil mom Kiit iiiiillim tiinltor
Hum inn roiilil purclinwi for iiimiy timim tlm
Hiniill cohI or tiii riiii Vn unnt crj fmtnnrii
niiinu In tlm Unitnl HtnttH in ma ilirtxlory 11L
mini KAltMMtH DiiimnoiiY Co
DipmtiiiKiit IIH
IIIiiiiIhkIiiiiii Aln
let Away a Couple of Alonths
nntl visit
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
tn I he many
Tourist tickets on sale via
Southern - Haitaay
by all Ticket Agents
Kur schedules or lurtlier Infor
mation write or call tin
WM II Tamdk A 0 P A
Louisville ICy
1 O liKAM lr N W I A
B0 lims Hi Oliiciifo
Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes
1729 New York Ave
lllcoiHtnliliHliPil IBH linrKiHiiioilnratc Cor
riupoiiilKiicii riMiiiHtiil
Iocattsl 011 tin IlIinoiH Iljntrnl Ii Ii in
And iiIko lonitil on tlm Yiioo nnil MlHuissipp
Vulliiy It It in tlio Fanning
Of illbbimippi Spicinllly mliinUri to tlio ra b
int of
Corn and Hoes
Soil Richestin the World
Write for Pamphlets and Mapa
Land CommlMilonor AHt IhuiI Comr
111 Cunt It Ii Co Iark How KootnlH
Louisville Nashville
WrIU for hformjttkn to