MESS ANDJAS1110N THE SKIRT QUESTION AS EXPLOITED OY THE GREAT FRENCH MODISTES The IIki rMnHr1 Shlrl lnlput Sljlp An Atlr niltl nt Very Kiill iklrta 71 no limy tin- NtwiM l iul lit 1iillor Uimiik It must be revolliHtiil that ninny of thp iiiomVIm now put fottli nro only ton tiitiva Timo nlono can oryKtulllzt tlio iihnIih ft thing Intlml wlilch limy not nrrlvo for wirh or tlio Kicut FhmicIi contnHoroH in tnrnlnj out nklrtH of ln rtivhlnnl cut mostly 1IhhI mllur to 0110 iinothor tint nil fiiHlilnnulilo Ono ixnnt limn fnvorn tlrnpcrlpi UlitTpforo lertlnjrotoHiiio wliKlitly iliuiieil roinul tliowniMt nml lluro mid cuuylit TAHOII MAIIK AND rillXCKSS BTYIlta tip on tho loft hip IIo also ndvocntm 1ho tunic draped over n volvot under skirt which Ih much stitched Anotlior Iiiih n nioilillcntlon of tho rayed ekirt n Huriun of lino hnnd run tucks starting from n couplu of inches below tho waist slightly widening low er down and censing below tho knoes whence tho skirt Hows full and grace ful A third is milking very full jnpes over live yards round tho hoiu while others wlvuciito the plaited back lint it should not ho imngined that tho plain tight skirts will ho ubolislicd Many will coutinuo to lmvo them so though they will bo ill advised if they allow them to bo cut oelskin fashion Tlio three coachmans capes eeem to bo tho prevailing decoration for tho shoulders of redingotes capes and innn ties though where rovers are worn they are very largo and accompanied by a linndsomo Velasquez collar standing well out from the linir nnd throat In fur thesoaro noticeably beautiful Zino cloth is tho latest shade beloved by tho tailors a dull light tone of gray verging on whito which gives it u re soniblnuco to that utilitarian metal Tho ilrst cut shows a gown in that material sot off with troblo nnd quadru ple rows of black velvot ribbon headed with glittering gold cord Whito satin linos tho shoulder capo and tho high medici collar is relieved with gold cord A princess gown trimmed to simnlato a coat and trained tnuic is also shown Tho cJnborato trimming consists of bands of sable and embroidery Tho design in tho second cut lo dor uier cri of tho skirt world upeaka for THE BOX ILAIT LATKST FASniON itself Tho placket holo is arranged nt the left sitlo for tho fit over tho hips is too closo to nduiit of it occurring nt the back The plait is henvily pressed half way down tho skirt and then left to fall in with tho lutes nt tho hem Chocolate Injer Cuke Three quarters or n cupful of butter one and a half cupfuls of sugar two nnd a quarter cupfuls of sifted flour three eggs oue qunrter of a tenspoon tul of salt three squares of chocolate three quarters of a cupful of milk one teaspoouful of vnnllln two teaspoon uls of baking powder Scald the milk dissolve In It tho Crated chocolate and set aside until cool Cream the butter and sugar nnd add the vanilla and the beaten yolks of the eggs Add alternately the lour nnd the prepared milk then the sillily whipped whites Lastly stir in the baking powder and beat hard for two minutes Hnke In three layers and when cold put together with the fol lowing icing Holl together one cupful nnd n half of granulated sugar one half of a cup ful of water and a pinch of cream of tartar When a little dropped Into wa ter can be rolled Into a soft ball take from the fire and set aside until partly cooled Stir uutll It begins to thicken and add oue teaspoonful of vanilla uud two squares of chocolate grated and melted over hot water When quite thick spread between and over the top of the -cake Table Talk SENSITIVE CHILDREN IIimt Mnlliirn Mny MnnnKo Miy IjIMc Ilillin nml Tliclr Pntilla Though nrrvouH children nro often very mnsllivo thoro are many littlo people not deficient in moral and phys ical courage who nro yet extremely sen sitive and self conscions Theso are is hardly fair to call them faults particularly dilllcult to uproot and often misunderstood for which reason the sensitive child later on in life often remains tho Kensitivo man or womnii Hut a parent who recognizes this dis position can by judicious caro eflect an iiiipioveiueiit Tho sensitive child can not bear a word of sarcasm or ridicule If a task is unsatisfactorily performed she must be tijld so in gentle direct and yet encouraging fashion To make it tlio subject of cynical reproof wouiuIh tho little heart most deeply and only renders the child more sensitive and shrinking and more tumble to do her self justice I know one mother and ns n mat ter of fact she is absolutely devoted to her children who said ton 10-year-old daughter when sho had been practicing unsteadily at tho piano I am ex tremely obliged for tho concert yon have given us I thought your teacher must bo playing nil tho time And it is very good of you to turn to such cap ital account tho money I spend on your musical education A high spirited dashing unthinking child may take such a remark in good part but tho sensitive littlo ono to whom it was ad dressed went scarlet as if roiiio ono had struck her a blow Her lip quivered and she choked hack nsobns sho hastily left tho room to brood nnd feol tnisur nblo over tills reproof whereas a kind ly I wish you would practice more carefully dear I was disappointed in your playing today would leave no sting Above all a sensitive child must al ways bo corrected in private It may ho an unhealthy vanity which cannot brook discouragement boforo a third party but tho trait is so marked that mother does very wrong if sho takes tho sensitive ono of her Hock to task before tho others who nro cast in bolder mold Littlo mannerisms Bhould pass un noticed as far as possible Your sensi tive child may lmvo a way of knitting her fingers or twisting n button or crossing lior foot and if bIio is teased about tho habit it only grows worse and sho feels hopeless of checking it There are sensitive boys too lads who aro sent to boarding school and who fall asleep sad at heart each night bo cnuso they miss tho parents good night kiss or who cannot accustom themselves to enjoy football or any very rough sport and who nro often tho butts of tlio school Unless tho peculiarity of onch a boys disposition is recognized nnd ho is treated accordingly ho will grow up painfully sensitive and shrink ing It seems an unimportant point to lmvo a child sensitive and self con scious but tie evil lies in tho fact that tho trait grows ever bigger and makes boys and girls when they lmvo out grown childhood morbid unhappy dissatisfied and poor company for them selves and their circle IMirnlv In Hound Dvoorntlon Purple Is an almost unknown color In bouse decoration nnd yet there bcouis no very gooil reason for it A drawing room lately seen was decorat ed In a very unusual way In which purple had a prominent part The walls were hung with some beautiful Japanese applique embroidery No pic tures were hung at all Tho window curtains were dyed to match the pur ple In the Japanese stuff and their brilliancy only slightly toned down by white next the pane The room has lu it some admirable pieces of old mahogany and a few examples of choice pottery The lighting Is from old brass lamps and candlesticks The effect Is unusual House Itcnutiful Quince Miirniiiliitlc Ktc One of the last fruits of the season Is the quince and belated housekeepers often utilize it In various forms to eke out a too scanty supply lu the fruit closet Quince marmalade furnishes n pim ple way of using up small and Irregu lar fruit Cut the quinces up skins cores ami all together Cover with wa ter and boll till tender Hub through a colander and to every pint of pulp add one pound of sugar Boil for two hours stirring to prevent burning Hemove from the tire and pour Into jam pots covering In the usual wny Quince Jelly may be made of the sklus nnd cores of the quinces proceeding In exactly tho same way as In apple jelly A Iritc tloul PJiie Itnck There are no frills on this pipo rock Its only nrtistio pretension lies in tho curve tho lino of boauty Bnt if Buy ono linda its simplicity too much akin to barrenness it can bo decorated witli studs leather or a littlo carving Tho shelves uro screwed on from tho A SlMlLK IIPE RACK back and should bo scooped out slightly to hold the pipo bowl in position for contrary to tho usual practice tho pipes nre hold with bowl downward This according to one who should know about these matters is tho only proper way from a smokers point of view- THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16 1899 AN EXTRAORDINARY CHANCE Ior n tlrlglit Mnu to Srmrn n Stonily pool- lion llm Ycnr Aronnil 111 Norfolk anil Vicinity Dear Kditor want n clothing salesman to tako orders for our mens custom suits pants ovorcoatfl and ulstori in Norfolk and ad joining towns nnd country Any good bright mnu especially if ho 1ms had ex perience as a salesman in n store agri cultural implement house or where ho has come in contact with people its so licitor for tailoring insurance nursery stork of other goods can make big moiiny witli our lino tlio year around hut tiny good bright man even without previous experioncu enn niako lf0 00 a month and expenses with tho big outfit wo furnish him mid the opportunity we give him if ho will devote his timo to the work j or if wo can get a good man in Norfolk whoso timu is partly taken up with other work and who can devote his spare time to our line oven if only an hour or ho n day ho will do ex ceedingly well with our ngonoy Wo lmvo men in real estato loan legal lumber grain railroad express nnd other business who givo their spnro tnno to our lino with big results No experience is absolutely nocessnry no capitnl required Wo furnish n com ploto lino of cloth samples and station ery lmvo no commission plan no canvass no catchy con ditions bnt offer a rare opportunity for somo man in vicinity to secure high grado employment at big wages Wo aro the largest tailors in Amoricn Wo mnko to monsuro over JSOOOOO suits annually Wo occupy entire ono of tlio lnrgost business blocks in Ohicngo Wo refer to tho Corn Kxehnugo National bank in Chicago any express or railroad company in Chicago or any resident of this city Wo buy our cloth direct from tho largest lOuropenu nnd Ainoricnu mills wo onernto tho most extensive anil economic custom tailoring plant in oxistenco and wo reduco tho prico of suits and overcoats to from 5 CO to 1800 mostly 5 00 to 1000 prices so low that nearly every body will bo glad to lmvo their garmonts and will give our agont thoir ordor Wo will furnish a good ngont a largo nnd handsomely bound book containing largo cloth samples of our entire lino of suits pantaloons overcoats etc n book which costs us soveral dollars also fluo colored fashion plates tapo measure business enrds stationery advertising matter and a rubbor stamp witli nnnio and nddress and pad comploto also an instruction book which makes it easy for anyono to tnko ordors mid conduct a profitable business Wo will also furnish net confidential prico list Agent can take orders nnd send them to us and wo will mnko tho garments within iivo days and send direct to agents customer by express C O D subject to examination and approval collect tho agents full selling prico nnd overy week wo will send tho agent oni check for all his profit Tho ngont need collect no inouoy nnd delivor no goods simply go on taking orders at n liberal profit Wo deliver tho goods collect all tho monoy and overy week promptly scud him in one round check his full profit for tho week aud nearly all our agonts got a check from us of at least 1000 ovciy wook of tho year Wo will mnko no charge for tho book and comploto outfit but as tho outfit costs us Bovcml dollars it is necessary to protect onrsolvos ngninst nnyono who would impopo upon us by Bonding for the outfit with no intention of working but merely out of idlo curiosity there fore wo will nsk ns n guarantee of good faith on tho pare of tho reader who decidos to tnko up tliis work that ho out this article out and mail to us with tlio undcrstaudinu that tho big book aud comploto outfit will bo sent to him by express ho to pny the express agent 100 nnd exprops charges for tho outfit witli tho distinct understanding that we will refund tho 100 as soon as his orders lmvo amounted to 25 00 which nuionnt of orders ho can tako tho very first day Dont compare this with any catchy offors made to got your 100 Tho genuineness of our offer nnd our reli ability aro provon by tho bank reference roforred to abovo or you can ensily find out by writing to anyone iu Chicago to call on us This is a rnre chnnco for some man in Norfok or vicinity to tako up a work at onco that with reasonable offort on his part is sure to net him from 500 to 1000 a day from tho startaud wo trust that from among your many renders wo will bonblo to get n fow good representa tives in Norfolk and adjoining towns Cut this notice out and mail to tho American Woolen Mills Co West Side Enterprise Building Chicago 111 and tho bock and agents comploto outfit will bo sent to you at onco you to pay 100 and oxpress charges when received tho 100 to bo returned to you when your ordors uuiouut to 500 Choice celery nt Glissmans ItCtil Notice H E Wood non resident defendant will take notice that on tho 6th day of November 1899 T C Cannon plaintiff herein filed his petition in tho district court of Mndisou county Nebraska against said defendant aud Klkhoru Valley bank a corporation Lillio A Stuurt as executrix of tho last will nnd testament of James Stuart deceased Lillio A Stuart Anna Stuart Lona Stnart Churles Stuart Mary Stuart Van Bureu Lewis Addalino Lewis WUliuui Loavitt anrt b W IJeuel as guardian of the estate and person of Jack son K CIiufo tho object and prayer of which are to forecloso certain tax liens against the southwest quarter of Fouth west quarter of section 1 in township twentythreo 28 north of rnnpo tour 4 west of the 0th p in in Madison county Nebrnskn by virtue of tax sale certificates dated November 4th 1895 and November 7th 1898 respectively issued by tho county treasurer of said county for the delinquent taxes levied and nsseFsed against said property for the years lb94 und 1897 respectively and for subsequent taxes pain for tho years 1895 1SU0 and 1898 uud n tux deed dtitod February 5 1898 and re corded in the office of tho county clerk of said county in Book 27 of Deeds at page 405 and phiiutiff prnys for ti de cree that defeudmts bo required to pay the same or that said premises mayjbe sold to fatffy the nuionnt found due with coits interest and attorneys1 fees and that each and ail of the defendants be excluded from any aud all title claim lieu or interest iu or to said pro perty or any part thereof claimed by them You are required to answer said peti V Hon on or boforo tho 1 8th day of De comber 1K99 Datod November 8 1899 T O Cannon Plaintiff By MapcH Hnzon His Attorneys litRiil Notice Maria L Averlll dofondont will tnkn notice that on tho 4th day of November 1899 T C Cannon plaintiff heroin lllod his pdtition in tho district court of Madison county Nubraska against said doiendont and D A Omniurnimi tho object and prayer of which nre to foreclLHO certniiijtax liens ngninst tho northeast quarter of section twontv threo2l in township twenty four 24 north of ruiigo two 2 west of tho 0th j in iu Mudison county Nobraska issued by tho treasurer of said county dated November 7th 1892 November Ith 18115 anil November 7th 1898 re spectively fof tho delinquent tnxes levied nnd insensod against said land for the years 1891 1891 and 1897 respective ly und for subsequent taxes pnid for tho years 1892 181CI 1895 18911 and 1898 and a tax deed issued therefor dated February Ulth 189 nnd recorned in tho olllco of tho county clerk of said comity in Book 25 of Deeds nt pngo 259 and pluintiff prays for a decreo that defend ants be required to pay tho sumo or that said premises bo sold to patisfy tho amount found duo with costs intero t nnd uttoruoys feos You nro required to answer said peti tion on or before tho 18th day of Decem ber 1999 S DatedNovombpr4 1899 T O Cannon Plaintiff By Mapcs Iluxuri His Attorneys I criiI Notlcn Catharine Dicey defendant will tnko notice that on tho Ith day of Novombor 1899 T O Cannon plniutiff herein filed his petition in tho district court c f Madison county Nebraska against Baid defendant tho object and prayer ol which are to forecloso certain tax lions against tho northeast rtor of tho northeost quarter of section ten 10 in township twenty four 24 north of rnngo four 4 west of tho Ith p m iu Madison county Nebraska by virtue of tax salo certificates issued by tho treas urer of said county dnted Novembor 5 1894 and Novombor 1 1897 respectively for tho delinquent tuxes lovied nnd assessed ngninst said described premises for tho years 189t aud 1895 respectively and for subsequent taxes paid for tho years 1894 1895 1897 and 1898 and a tax teen issued tuorotor daten March 11 1897 nnd recorded in tho ollico of tho county clerk of said county in Book 27 of Deeds at pago 225 nnd plaintiff prays for a decreo that defendant bo required to pay tho samo or that paid premises may bo amount found duo und attorneys fees sold to satisfy the witu costs interest You nro required to nnswer said peti tion on or beforo tho 18th day of Decem ber 1899 Dated November I 1S99 TC Cannon Plaintiff By Mapcs fc Hazcu His Attorneys Summons liy Publication To John Zwight Sophia Zwight de fendants You and each of you will tako notice that on October 4th 1899 Frank A Dearborn and B F Swan plaintifis filed their petition in the district court of Madison county Nobraska ngninst you ns defendants impleaded with Citi zens National bank Chicago Lumber company nnd Ada Kyner tho object and prayer of which petition nre to fore close n certain mortgage executed by Daniel G Kyner and Ada Kyner his wife to tho Durland Trust company up on tho following described real estate situated in Madison county Nebraska to wit the east half of tlio northwest qunrtcr nnd tho northeast quarter of tho sonthwest quarter of sec tion fonrteon township twenty four range one west of the sixth p m given to Fccuro the payment of the sum of 250000 due February 1 1899 which mortgngo was recorded January JiO 1894 in the office of tho couuty clerk of Madi son county Nobrnska in book 0 nt pago 40 1 thnt there is now duo npou said notes nnd mortgngo and for taxes paid on snid premises the sum of 502129 with iutorest from Mnrch 23 1899 nt 10 per cent for which sum with interest plaintiffs prny for a decree thnt defend ants be required to pay the samo or that said premises mny bo sold to satisfy the amount found duo nnd for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable Yon are required to answer gnid peti tion on or before the 13th day of Novem ber 1899 Dated October 4th 1S99 FltANK A DEARBORN B F Swan By A A Welch their attorney Notice Charles E Oluey Jeremiah Olney and Georgo H Nichols will take notice thnt on the 24th day of Octobor 1899 T C Cnuuon plaintiff horoiu filed his petition iu tho district court ot Madison county Nebraska against said defend ants and John K Olney and Charlotte E Olney the object and prnyerof whioh are to foreclose certain tux liens against the following described real estate sit uated in Madisou county Nebraska to wit Lot six 0 block ono 1 and lots fifteen 15 mid sixteen 10 block six C of tho town of Norfolk lots twelve and thirteen 12 and li and tho south 132 feet of lots fourteen 14 fifteen 15 audsixteou lGblocktwo2 jlotsix 0 block three l nnd lots three II four 4 nine 0 fen 10 eleven 11 twelve 12 aud fourteen 14 in block four 4 nil or AlntliewBons second adui tiou to tho town of Norfolk by virtue of tax snlo certificates issued by tho treas urer of Madison county NebrnFku dated November 5 1894 for the tnxes of 1690 1891 1892 and 18011 and sub sequent taxes paid by the plaintiff for tho years 1891 nnd 1895 and a tux deed issued therefor dated March 13 1897 and recorded in tho otllco of tho couuty clerk of Madison county Nobraska March 13 1897 in Book 27 of Deeds page 225 and certificates of tax salo for tnxea 1890 dated November 1 1897 nnd subsequent taxes paid for the years 1897 and lb98 and plaintiff prays for a de cree that defendants be required to pay the same or that earn premises may be sold to satisfy the amount fouud duo with costs interest aud attorneys fees and that defendants bo excluded from any and all title claim lieu or interest in or to said property or any part there of Yon are reqnired to nuswor said peti tion on or beforo the 4th day of Decem ber 1899 Dated October 25 1699 T O Cannon Plaintiff By Mopee Hazen His Attorneys Mother Is boundless Yet it is utterly helpless to give strength to the child born with a low vitality The time to give strength to the child is before birth and to impart this gift the mother herself must be strong When the mother is weak nnd nervous dreading the coming time of her trial she impresses her feelings on the little life linked to her own When the baby comes it is fretful and nervous marring all the joy of motherhood by Ks restlessness and wailing Dr Pierces Knvorite Prescription gives strength to mothers It preserves them in robust health in the months before baby conies It practically does awav with the pains of motherhood and eiinblcs the mother to endow her child with a healthy body and a happy disiositioii It gives strength to nursing mothers and enables them to abundantly nourish the children they bear Pavorite Prescription contains no alcohol and is absolutely free from opium cocaine and other uiti colics A Beautiful Baby I consider Dr Pierces Pavoritc Prescription the best medicine made writes Mrs Mary Murdock of 220 Taylor St Topekn Kansas I know it has no equal I am the mother of ten children nml only one living the tenth one She is one year old and is ns well and hearty as can be She is a beauty Of my other babies some were born at right time but dead others were premature births one lived to be one year old but she was always feeble I tried different doctors but none of them could tell what my trouble was 1 was examined by surgeons but they found nothing wrong I did not know what to do so I thought this last time I would try Dr Pierces Pavoritc Prescription I took it during the entire nine months and now have a fine baby girl and I cannot praise your medicine enough A Greet Gift t rVioilsers I Every inollier nhonlil posirNn n copy or IK IIKIUEN COMMON NKNNE MICIUOAI ADVIKKIt It In Hill or Infor mation on lu qiiPHtloiiN nml proliIeniN which confront tho mother nt every turn It Is n common vense liooli written in Iomiiion HoiiHO Ntyle 11 nil appcnls directly to the com mon nciinc or every rentier Thin hook containing 100S Inrirc piiKew nml over 700 illiiHtrntiotm in went FItEE 011 receipt of NtnnipN to pny expense or niuillng ONLY No nil 21 one cent NtnmpM for the pnpcr bouml book or 31 HtumpH for the book bonnil lu cloth address DR 11 V PIERCE Ituflnlo N T SEND US ONE DOLLAR fMoUR 3850 m w s3aEBsspairvjs fewassw h Item SSstesWrl II T THIS AD OUTAXUHhin 10 IH 1IITU AdouWo SPECIAL HIGH GRADE ft 3850 STOCK SADDLE by freight C O II nubjert to vvamlnullou YOU CAN EXAMINE IT ofurrttf h - I 1 depot and II Imiml perfectly PUtMuiturj cxuetly tin rcprccrttiil An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle nnd Oic equal of piddles poM cverwWioro nt from eito 10 iMUMm mm pripp cqq en taj 1110 itfixniuKciit wwii i iiiuu vuutuuf cm Hie 100iuLUftU or ttU uud ficJLht chnrntu This Saddle Is made en a 5or IG inch Cenulno Ladosma or Nelson Heavy Steel Fork OAitKFVMiV fjiijcTii ituvimiK covikid TItril bound or roll can tie steel Icatlir rcovoredhtlnups or Much oxbow bra38 bound as desired Mill kend bound cautlf unlfM olhrniLpordprrd TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG l1 llncil 3 lncti wlilolHi o stirrup Icutlicrs l lncli tlcntrapt extra lone on nrar Hide sMruh to Imcklo on ofldlde himy rotton twisted Mexican fi iiicii front cinch hmvy cotton licltlni llnnk clncli counuctlng strap Loop teat teat anil Jockey all ono pieco ELEGANT HAND RAISED STAMPING as lllutintcil Wvlffht nt Htitldlo nliout C5 pouifUi packcil for shipment O pounds IllEIUlIT IS OMV ADULT 1 110 Hilt KACII SUuVtllKS WRITE FOR FREEVEHICLE HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE showing a full line of Cowboy and Rancher Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted Address SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc CHICAGO ILL Jpari Kovtauek k Co are thoroughly reliable Editor SHE WAS BLIND A blindness comes to me now and then I have it now It is queer I can see your eyes but not your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Ripans T abide A cane of but health tht will not benefit They banish pain and prolonR Ufa WANTED- n llrr Note Urn word HTl ANS on the package and accept no tubetltoto Vs W for5eentt or twelve packets for 44 rent may belind ut any drug ttore Ten tnmpleiandnnr thou tand bfillmnttlaU will be mulled to any addrea or 5 cents rorwaruad to lb Ulpani Cbtmloal Co Ho W Bpruce HI New York Monday mornlne rVpt 3 Work for Hnnril Vn furnish nil rr1 rvl to e nwru huil us ttS mitnc llnl of younZ p ii I J liiin cut oui iiir Wri klyoMPypurfrof Our in r i 1 - V iU ssfl 5teMm Vtfm3s SSKKXMWM l 5 OUR BEST Friends are the long time users of Smith Premiers The more hard work turned out the more apparent is Smith Premier durability Repair biIsreduced to a minimum Smith Premier capacity for good work all the time is uscqualed Catalogue Free Ask for It The Smith Premier Typewriter Co m