The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 16, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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A True
The wimple of inollirrliood is
often oti shadowed by the misery
of motherhood The gtrnt functional
changes which ire incident to child
bearing leiwe their matk for life on
tunny n mother Some women olTet
tit their lives ns u sacrifice on the
nllar of motherhood A far gtealei
tnunher live on in ceaseless tiikciy
Their strength fails their beauty
fades they have no ambition and no
enjoyment in life
To every woman Doctor Pierces
lavorite Presciiption offcm escape
ftont the piins and perils of mother
hood Taken dining the petiod of
waiting and anticipation this medi
cine strengthens the lnxly nourishes
the nerves and ptepares the whole
womnuly system for the coming
ordeal The mind feels bright ami
buoyant There is no anxiety no
dread but in its place a happy an
ticipation of the babys coining
which counts for the future happi
ness of the child unlwrn The use
of lavorite Prescription makes the
babys advent easy and gives abund
ant vitality to nursing mothers
There is no alcohol in Pavorite
Prescription neither opium cocaine
or other narcotics It is a purely
vegetable medicine
Accept no substitute for Favorite
Prescription There is nothing just
its good for weak and sickly women
I Ask your
for n generous
Elys Cream Dalm
roittAlnn no cocnlnc
mercury tmr any other
injurious drui
It In quickly Absorbed
Gives ltellef atonco
Ft oto tripled
rm IroM un
25 CTS
and pock c
99 aSaWaMMll
TUB 3 WAxlk
Made a
Well Man
of Me
arxtxiRrosx H333vran E
produces tho nbovo results ln30 tlnya It sell
txnrorf nlly and quickly Cures when all others fall
Young roon will regain tholrlost manhood and oM
tnon will rocovor their youthful vigor by using
BRVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervous
aesa Lost Vitality Impotcncy Nightly Emissions
Loit Power Falling Memory Wafltlns Diseases and
mil effects of Bolf abuso orcicemaud Indiscretion
which unOts ono for study business or marriage It
not only cures by starting at tho neat of disease but
la a great nerve tonto end blood builder bring
ins back tho pink plow to palo cheeks and ro
storing tho Ore of youth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having KEVIVO no
other It can bo carried In Test pocket By mail
BlO pcrpackage or sis for 85O0 with a posl
Mve written gnarnnteo to rare or reload
besMoey Circular froe Address
Royal Medicine Co
For salo In Norfolk by Goo II Chrlstn
Sick Ho ad
and Liver
Bold by all druggists
I or ent by mall
NervlU Mesial Co Colore
For sale byflGeo B Ghristopb Norfolk
Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale
Notice is hereby givoii thnt by virtue
of a ohnttol mortgn0 dated ou the 7th
day of November 1898 and duly filed
iu the oilico of tho couuty clerk of Sttui
ton county Nebraska ou tho 8th day of
Noveuibor 1808 aud executed by John
Robert Anderson to August Karo to bo
curo the payment of tho sum of SJIHHOO
aud upon which there is now due tlio
aum of 2i0S0O default having been
made in tho payment of said sum aud
in tho conditions of said mortgage aud
no suit or other proceedings haviug
been instituted to recover said debt or
any part tiiereof therefore I will sell
the property therein dpscribod viz
Fifty six head of Hereford heifers
hree years old all with calf one Hero
ord bull coming three years old aud
twenty three head of sucking calves at
publio auction at Dudlovs livery barn
m the city of Norfolk Mndifou couuty
Nebraska ou tho 17th day of November
1890 at one oclock p m of said day
Dated October 27 1899
Auoust Kauo
lreU with tou whether 70a continue the
BvrvtKiiiiotf iuuaccu umutintiA u
reuoTri mo uvairn lor bouctu
ouinervouiaiiirea eipeiiDict
tine punoes iue tiuoa
iurr tvw uibuuvvui
lOAkes you tirooff
bs1 mm m m mjMiXws
sW a aa amP uuu uu
V AW Vaa
V- aaa aM
old ipO000
j ovr own dnipglit wha
wouphfaruaTiLk It with
will patlontlj perdttrotl j One
1 imuiIIt curefi SboietltM
guaranteed to en re or we reiDDd Dionf T
auUf tme4t U lltt Irial Urn 1 tri
J jvfcYfll
A Mothers Testimony
I would like to express my grntb
tuile ftil Hie lieilcfit tecciveil from your
wonderful medicine favorite Prescrip
tion wtlles Mis 1 C Anderson of
South llritain New Haven Co Conn
ltox vi DiuiiiK the fust month of
priKimucy I could not keep nuythitiK
on my utotiinch Was so sick ilml I
hnil to eo to bid and stny for weeks I
tried dllTerent doctois but with little
benefit 1 read about tunny bclnn helped
by usiiiK your medicine so I thought I
would Kive it a Uiul I beenn to take
your 1nvorite Ptrscriiition in Novem
ber and I had a nice little bnhy girl in
Ielititnry followlntf My baby weighed
over eiRlit pntiniR I was only in linrd
labor about one hour and got nlong
nicely during eoufinenient wns up and
dressed on the eighth day 1 never lind
the doctor with ute at nil My friends
thought that I wns sick a very short
time I think Dr Pierces Pavoritc
Prescription is indeed i Our mothers
friend for it helped me wonderfully
Dim Floraes Favorite Proscription makes weak
women strong slok women wall
Thu gront remedy tor nervous prostration ntul all d senses of tlto Kcnerutlvo
orgnttsot ollliur bux sucli as Nervous Prostration Falling or Lost Manhood
Iinpntcncy Nlgltlly Emissions Youtlifttt Krrors Montnl Worry excesslvo uso
or Tobacco or Opium which load to Consumption null Insanity With every
95 oritur wo gtmrnutco to euro or rufuml tlio money Sold at 1U pur liox
0 boxus for 500 lilt MUTTS CIIICIUCAL CO Clovuluud Ohio
opens nml clcuuecx
tlio jiamil in8nge
nm nir urn
Alliivit Itllltiiiiiiiiltlnn Kl
llcnls nnd Protects tlio Membrane Krstnres tlio
Sonars of TiuMo nml Smell Willi Slzu cut Trial
Biro 10c nt Itruwlntn or liy ninll
JiLYUttOUKIlk Ml --
TIiouruiuIk tiro Try I tin It
Ill order to provu tlio grout uiorit of
Klyrt Creniii Iahn tlio most olloclivo euro
for Cutunlt nnil Hold in 1 loud wo hivo pro
vrircil a gimoroiiti trial Hlo for 10 ei ntN
Got it of your drugM or sunil 10 conts to
KIA 15HOS Mi Warron at N Y Oily
I BillTorod fiom c itarrlt of tto wnrt kind
ovnr ninco u lioy uiul I iiovit Imped for
uro but Klyw froiim Unlni t oeuia to do
ovon that Jrany ntiiunlntiinoeH linvo umd
il with oxcillont Duciu Outriim
in Wurrou Ao Chicng 111
rlyn Crpiun Halm is tlio acknowledged
run i fur cat an h and ooutains no cociiino
limrciiry nor any injiinotm drug Price
CU coutH At ilrutiiHti or liv mail
Denuty la Ulootl Deep
Clean blood means a clean nlcin No
beauty witliout it Caucarcts Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean by
btirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from tho bodv llegin to dny to
lianisli iinplcs Imila blotcliCH blnckhends
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
CascnrotH beauty for ten cents All drug
gists satisfaction guaranteed 10e25e50c
To Curo CoiiNtlpiitlmi Iorovr
TiiUoCisfiuuls Cnnilv Cuthartie 10c orS3o
If C C C fall to curo driiKUlsts rufuml money
Bears tho Tlia Kind Voii Have Always Bought
Donl Tobacco Spit ami Smuko Vour Mfc Annr
To quit tobacco easily ami forever be mnr
nctlc full of life nervo nml vigor tnlto
thu womler worlcer thnt inuUes woul men
strong All druKKlsts tOcorll CuroKiiaran
teed llooltlct and snmpio freo Address
Sterling Itcmcdy Ca ChlcnRo or Now York
Jnm If you wero a woman youd
know us I know and all othor women
know that liocky Mountain Tea is tho
greatest blesmug womon ever hnd
Bean tho Kin1 YoU Wvvavs w
Men can bo cured privately and posi
tively at homo of all weakness and dis
ease Write for now free book
Dr T N Hathaway
22 Commercial Block
Sioux City In
Tha i Kind You naie Always Bought
Bear tho j
Wo wish a live traveling manager in
your territory at once man or woman
liberal cash audoommlssion ilrstyear
more second year if deserved somo
for local work also good rofereucea
reiiuired those out of employment or
wishing to hotter themselves address
Factory Cor Porkius aud Union
streets Akrou Ohio
Notice Life insurance companies
will reduco the rate UU per cent to all
who agree to take Hocky Mountain Tea
A wifio measure
CAKOAKETM do nil claimed for tbem
and aru a truly wonderful niudlclne Ibavoofitm
wished fur a uiedlclnu pleasautto take aud at last
liave found It In Caicarvtt Hluco takluc tliem cur
blood has been nurined uud my romtiloxlun lias leu
proved wonderfully ami 1 feel tuucli better In overr
wax AI1W rJaLLlK K tiElxaiu Luttrell Teun
Pleasant Palatablo rotent Taste Good Do
Quod Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe 10c 26c Wo
Urllr R4 rwpr Clilca Xtalrtal w Ttrk 919
Sold and by all
WTHB1P guaranteed drug
I UlJlu gins to CUltK Tobacoo UablL
Ml ft
in ri
Lcgislatltii Demanded by the
National Grange
NlrnriiRiin Orpnt lnkisMUtUsliil ntid
Irrnl liihoa VIInntlu Wulnrunys Irrn
Iturnl Icllory Ioslnl Hnvlnct llnnhi
Anll Tiiitl nml Ollior Lion Wanted
SruiKnmtin O Nov 10 Tho lId
niiiiual hchhIoii of the National Uriing
coiivoued in HiIm city with Muster
Aaron doucs of South Bend lml in
tho chair Twenty six status tiro ropro
Hunted the delegates from which to
gether with tliosu roiiiitiniug from tho
State Orango meeting and other vis
itors places tho total attendance at
SftOO in tlio city Tho Grange began
business at once and after tho roll call a
committee ou credentials was appointed
Tho ovent of tho afternoon session
was tho iiniiuiil address of Master Aaron
Jones which together with tho reports
of tho committees occupied tho lime
Grand Master Jones began his annual
nddrcsH by congratulating tho Grange
on tho prosperous condition of tho order
Ho said tho Grango favored national
and state laws controlling trusts and
Ktate inspection Iu closing his ad
dress ho said
I recommend that tho National
Grange continue to press their demands
for appropriate legislation on tho follow
1 Freo delivery of mail in tho rural
districts and that tho sorvico bo placed
on tho same pcrumnonjb footing as the
delivery of mail in tho cities and that
tho appropriation therefor bo commen
surate with the bouuilts and demands
for tho sorvico
S Providing for postal savings
Submit an amendment to tho con
stitution providing for tho election of
United States senators by direct voto of
tho people
I Enlarging tho powers and duties
of the interstate commerce commis
sioners giving them and charging them
with tho duty of fixing maximum rates
of faro and freight on all interstate rail
5 Enact a pure food law
0 Providing for tho oxtousion of
the market for farm products making
it tho duty of the United States consuls
to aid in the extending of markets for
farm products as for manufactured ar
7 Tho enactmuut of un anti trust
law clearly dullning what acts on tho
part of any corporation would bo against
public policy
8 Thu speedy construction of tho
Nicaruguan canal by the United States
Tho speedy construction of a
ship canal connecting tho Mississippi
river with the great lakes and tho great
lakes with tho Atlantic ocoan
10 Ite vising tho fees and salaries
of nil fedoral otlicers and placing them
on a basis of similar servico iu privuto
Waterways Contention Kuds
MrMiiiis Tonn Nov 11 Tho con
vention of tho Western Waterways as
sociation adjourned sino die yesterday
Tho convention has been a notable ono
botween C00 and 700 delegates repre
senting 10 states being in attendance
Yesterday afternoon tho committeo on
resolutions made its report The report
was adopted without a dissenting voice
and tho labors of tho convention came
to an end Tho resolutions nro sub
stantially as follows
Resolved That wo aro moro firmly
convinced than over that it is tho duty
of tho general government to mako lib
eral appropriations for all tho navigable
rivers and harbors in tho United States
llesolved That wo favor tho estab
lishment of an additional department of
tho government to bo called tho depart
mont of commerce nml industries be
lieving that great and constantly in
creasing appropriations would bo so
cured and more direct consideration
aud that tho peoplo of our country
would bo greatly benefited Tho head
of such department should bo a momber
of tho cabinet and bo appointed as other
members of the cahinot aro now desig
nated by law
Captain of I ho MtTi iinao
LniKUTY Mo Nov 10 Captain
James M Miller U S N who com
manded tho Merrimac beforo it was
sunk by Hobson iu Santiago harbor
arrived homo yosterday and was given a
royal reception at William Jewell col
lege of which ho is a graduate This
is Captain Millers first visit homo sinco
war with Spain opened After boiug
welcomed by tho collego faculty Cap
taiu Miller delivered a short talk which
was received with much outhusinsm
Captain Miller is now in command of
tho Scaudia and is under orders to sail
from San Francisco for Manila
Intnl Iluel With Knives
Wkst Piajns Mo Nov 10 At
Bakersfield on tlio interstate stage lino
in a duel Luko Seels mortally wounded
Postmaster W M Sharp with a knife
Sharp is not expected to live through
thp day Humors of improper relations
between Seels and Mrs Sharp had
reached Sharp who demanded satisfac
tion A challengo to fight with knives
as weapons was accepted Mrs Shurp
it is said sat on tho stairway calmly
witnessing tho death struggle
Alakim lloitiulary Dispute
Wasiunoton Nov 10 Tho indica
tious aro decidedly against any reopeu
ing in tho immediate fntnro of negotia
tions looking to a permauont adjust-
motif of tllfl Alfltlbllll lmmtilnrir mine
tion Tho modus viveudi which was
adopted to define temporarily tho re
spective rights of tho two parties is
working satisfactorily aud there is said
to be uo reason just now for pressing
lorwaru toward a bolutiou of tuo per
iuuucut boundary ubuo
Clilrnuo liitln unci IrorUlons
CmoAoo Nov 11 Whent wns wink rnrly
with llvorpool toilny but MlftVniil on reopen
lot of iioetliweMturn Hour mllli nml buying to
fxvimiip Mulinln trmli M clmlin ViMia under
yiwterdny Corn ami wit closed unclmnuoil
nml pioTlNlnusn filimlu to fa lower Cloilnir
Wiikat One 07U Mny TlJjtTlc
Mny UJo
OATS tleo Mny 1SIJ1
PollK Dee lHlfliTiili0trJ4
Hum Dec tt75
IjAIIi Dim l4N7ijTan lo07J I0
CrhIi limitation No i rod whuitt WHiJfKlo
No 2 sprint wheat iVftitOd No 2 corn SI J
iro No a obIh aoie
lilenii llvo Htocli
ClllOAfio Nov lf H000
tood toelmleo frnilos Htront to Ido lilther
rniiteeattliRtroater to shndo hltliiir Imtcli
mk stock nml ennnerH firm Htockors nml feed
erH Ktendy tood to choleo tSUDjU Ms poor to
medium fltWiHfit Htockors miITd ho
leutiil feeders llZViJITII JiukI to rholcn rows
lllKKittlV lielfern i7VfJ5i1 cmnierH lS0f0
IU IiuIIh J4IUtll0 cnlven 40070U fed
TXftltieiivoiHfOilMKi KiHH TexnllH tIOVjJ
4VT wont urn rnnisii lieoveH JI00y5U5 lions
HecetptH SH0OO ienenilly fv lower mixed
mid liuteherH Jil Kva4iri oih1 toeliolce henvy
itXAi4rj roiiuli heavy j7fKiHP0 lltlit
MSVnll5 bulk of wiles tlUlVflp 4UU Hlioep
llwelptH I5KK nliout Htendy lanilm netivo nt
ntemly prlnwi native wethers II7VS4GI
liimlw 4IXticVJA western wethers 4XA4W
wusturn ImiiliH 47dA25
KnnitnH City llvn Nloek
KansAH Citv Nov IB Cattln Hecolpts
11JUU Improved dtminnd for nil tsrailiis com
mon Hlenrs Htendy to sliado hitsher no choleo
native stecrH offored couunon nnd lltlit
velthtH4 rHlifSfio Htookers nml iHiilors 4UUil
4N InlteherH rows mid heifers MOr425
eminers f l western steers WliVVO
6 0S ranto Btccrs IOOWi5 Toxnns 431
iJ4 00 HoKs HecelptH 13710 ncttvu heavy
til OX4400 packers laUOiWWi lltht H7fKiO
atrjJi PlK 3 lWita5 Hhiiop Hooulpts 1600
lirisk deiiiHiul for klllltit lamlis Htipply nhnrt
muttons and feeders steady lamlis 4400 tOSOO
muttons ttlMKctlUO Htockers ami fecdurs -75
400 culls tlfillnja 75
South Omaha I Ho Stock
Booth Omaha Nov IB Cattln Receipts
00X steady to easier nattvo beef stts rs
4400010 western ateors 4440500 Texas
steors 4300i4iOeowH and heifers f34040
canners J50Wi1 Htockers nml foodors Ifi0
47Q cnlves 41 0Otl7n bulLs stas etc uj
cl 75 Hot s Hoei lpts 500 Htendy to Be low
er henvy 4JIS VWI0o mixed ib7t0 light
MlKXffHtl5pltrs 4I7V U bulkof sales 4HS7
IdHMii Slieep Heeelptti liOUO Bteauty na
tive muttons J4iri64tlO western muttons
4400r440 stock sheep 4UtHXg400 lambs 4400
Hog Cholera In Hurt County
Tekamah Neb Nov 10 Hog chol
era in becoming quite prevalent in this
part of Burt county An insurance
company that insures swino against dis
ease has several herds in charge aud is
treating them and reports some success
A woraiui wants a man for a husband
one with lifo energy courage Girls
it you get ono without these good
qualities give him Rocky Mountain
Tea T will do the business
Deeds Aro Vrulls
Words aro but leaves It is not
what wo say but what Hoods Sarsapa
rilla does that tells tho story Tho
many wouderf ul cures offectod by this
mediciuo aro the fruits by which it
should bo judged These provoit to bo
tho groat unequalled remedy for dys
popsia rheumatism scrofula saltrhenm
catarrh aud all other ailments due to
iinpuro or impoverished blood
Hoods Pills are nou irritating mild
Hdncnto Your IlnweU With CiisrnrctH
Candy Catharllr cure constipation forever
i0c25c If C C G fail dniRKlsts refund money
Hnw Are Your Kldneya t
Dr HoblisSpnraciis Pills cure nil kidney Ills Sara
plo free Add Stcrllnn Keuicily Co Cliicuito or N Y
And tho AVeuk uro IleMorod tn Villi Vluiir
11ml Strength at thu
est Healer of Modern Times
JnTn onnnyinornclinorwPnknossT
Ax Vo
AnllOII Does air liliMidMiowtltat It contains tin
Slek Iurltliht Am sou nervous Do you lack
Liiiitinlnrltvrirttlnliwl 17
1 m
wiuitij UTJ
sou fiiiiy iirriu iiaveou
lo tiiiuhltiiin iBtlierounr
uiiiiutural ilrutn upon the
syf tern Is ovury orc in tier
fornilui Its proior tunc
lion In ttlier Worils
Aro You it Iorlectly
Strong Active Vlrurt
Jlealtliy Jliipji
If not j on rliould not do
lay one day lieforo j on con
sult u fjnClallst oiiu to
w liom the Iiiuuiiii body Ihiiii
open hook uud who under
KUindaewrj iiUai uof
and IImUki mid to
w liom Umpi oper treiitment
for a curu in un timii
tlio uildlm of a column of llcures
loroverlOjeiriDU JNKWTON
Tho Londlnrj iiathawayiuihIk tim leHdintr
SDOClalist rlieclullftoftlilHcouiitry lllsprac
v tlciihuslieen for jesrs lurcer tlmn
tlnitof nil other fXClilii tcoiiililiiiul IIIkcuu nof all
hortsof UmiimcI rouillUons hatulieen tho marvel of
the mcilkiil iirofefHion nml tho people Kenerully m
fmun litis cpreuil Into eerytou and eteryliamlet
TliOMiiitlllcteitMlth all milliner of dlseuseHliaroBouuht
his services In order Unit Uieymlnht ho made wholo
hy tlio iiilmlnli tcrf ui of IiIhm omlerf iiUj ctcm of treat
ment Wrecks of hiiuiiinlty hae como to hliqfor
coiiHultatlon nml iiiedlclneK whoa few month later
liuvo returued luui In mort vigorous heulthto five
him their thanks
All UlSOaSOS Dr HathuwaytreaU all rtlrxwpes
Cured tllo itCfllsr to men and Une
IssJiillar to uoniiiii as well at
Calnrrn Kneimiiitlnin Kidney Complaint Eczema
and all forms of ItiiKerlnc and chronic disorders
uiin Pr- HntlmwiiyB success lu the
VarlOOCelO and treatment of Varicocele and
Stricture rtrlclurn without this aid of knife
or cautery Is phenomenal Tlie
pnttent Is treatod hy tills metliod at tils mm home
without iwlnor lopsnf time from InnlneivS Thlsls
positively tho only treatment which cures with out nu
oHratlon Dr llillumav culls the particular atteu
lion of Mifforers from Varicocele and Stricture to
IWKea 2 J W and Slot his new hook which will bo
Everv Case let n on application
2 Kverv rase taken Ijyllr Hathaway
Specially Imperially treated arconllm tolls
Talul iiatureBll undorbis trenernl ironal
I roBiou Hiwrvlslon nnd all remedies used hy
him ore prepared from the purttaml lientdruirs lu
Ills own lalsiratones under his personal overtlcUt
and all from Heclal prescriptions of disown
rIlUwiyiiiukM no cliaruo for consul
LOW tatlon or advice either at his office or hy
Feca piall and when a case Is taken the onu low
fi covers allcotof medicines and profes
clonal services
w Ir lliitlinivuy Co
2jCoiiiinerclHl llliiek Mom CltrIowa
1 wfA riH III i A1
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought and which has vjocn
iu uso for over 30 years lias borno tho signature of
Everybody wants the bast oj
meats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Our Shep is the NetoBt
iu the City
Sale and
Boardings Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
Braasch Avenue
and Tnlrd St
and lias been mado under his per
sonal supervision sinco its infancy
Allow no ono to deceive you in litis
All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes arc but Ev
pcriincuts that triilo with nnd endanger the health of
Infants and Children Bxpericnco against Experiment
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops
and Soothing Syrups It is Harmless nnd Pleasant Ife
contains neither Opium Morphino nor other Narcotio
substance Its ngo is its guarantee It destroys Worm
nnd allays Fcvcrishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency It assimilates tho Food regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels giving healthy aud natural sleep
Tho Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friuud
Bears tho Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
0 A LTJIKAHT Phkhident
OHA3 S HKIDQE Vice Piusident
Always Fresh
and Just as
Highest Market Price Paid tor
Butter nml Eggs
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Bny nnd uell exchango on this country nnd all pnrte of Europe Farm Loans
Directors -Carl Ahmus W H Johnhon CnAB S Ubidoe C W UnAABcn C M
Swank O A Luikaut T F Memminoeb L Sehsionb u
Oil andGasoline
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wink
First rloir West of Post Ofllce
W 0 Halls Barber Shop
Is now ready to Repair your Watch
and Jewelry Everybody will be
surprised how good and cheap 1 will
do It at
Koenlgstelns Drug Store
Money to Loan
Real Estate
Elkboni B S Association
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears he
Rev D C HoDsonPustorM 12 Church Wnunetn Neb writes After
years of constipation uud stomach disorder Dr Kays Renovator has removed
tho constipation and mado my stomach almost new I could not hear a watch
tick with it close to my right ear and but u very short distanco from my left
one I can now hear ono qulto a di3tanco from my right ear and a long
distance from my left ono and the thick heavy feeling between uy eyes to my
Pl Kays Renovator
joy ia gone Dr Kays Catarrh Curo did it It is tho best thing I over tried
wo tlvo FREE ADVICE and send freo Dr Kays Homo Treatment un Illustrated b ok
of 114 naires treutlne all ailments common to tho human famllv Wrlta us nil nlinnt vnir n
It ilrugeUts do not have our remedies dont tako any substitutes they say arc vjust us good
rthey havo No Equal They can be bad prepaid by return mall bv encloslnc prlco to
Dr Kays Kenovutori5cts and tlODor WOO Catarrh Curo 60 cts Address