The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 09, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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ULIIINU lltlU AfJKJ Ivm v --
cnouuh for mo without this uliow on
It wns not till Mr Trolun had tlrivou
away Unit I noticed in tho Hhndow of
tho trocs on tho onnosito nirio of thu
road n horso tioil up whoso empty sad
dlo siKko of u visitor within At any
othor Kiito and on any other road thin
would not havo struck mo as worthy of
uotico muuh less comment But horo
nnd after all that I had heard during
this eventful morning tho circumstaneu
was so unospootcd I could not help feel
ing astonishment and showing it
A visitor I asked
Somo ono to soo Lucotta
William had no sooner said this than
I saw ho was in u stato of high excite
ment Ho had probably boon in this
condition when wo drovo up but not
having my attention directed to him I
had not noticed it Now however it
was perfectly plain to mo and it did
not seem quito tho oxcitemeilt of dis
pleasure though hardly that of joy
Sho doesnt expect you ycf he
wont on to remark as I turned sharply
toward tho house and if you interrupt
her D n it it I thought you would
interrupt her
I thought it timo to teach him a los
6on in manners
Mr Knollys I interposed somo
what severely I am a lady Why
should I interrupt your sister or givo
her or you a moment of pain
I dont know ho muttered You
arosovory quick I -was afraid you might
think it necessary to join her in tho par
lor Sho is perfectly ablo to take care of
herself Mies Butterworth and will do
it Im afraid Tho rest was lost in
indistinct guttural sounds
I made no otlort to answer this tirade
I took my usual courso in quito my usual
way to tho front steps and went up them
without so much as looking behind mo
to seo whether or not this uncouth repre
sentative of tho Knollys namo had kept
at my heels or not
Entering tho door which was open I
camo without any effort on my part
upon Lucetta and a young gentleman
They were standing together in tho
middle of tho hall and wero so absorbed
in what thoy wero saying that thoy
neither saw nor heard me I was there
fore enabled to catch ono or two sen
tences which struck me as of somo mo
ment Tho first ono was uttered by her
and was very pleadingly said
A week I only ask a week Then I
can givo you an answer which perhaps
will satisfy you
His roply in mauuor if not in mat
ter proclaimed him tho lover of whom
I had so lately heard
I cannot dear girl indeed I can
not My whole future depends upon my
making today that movo in which I
havo asked you to join mo If I wait a
week my opportunity will bo gone Lu
cetta You know mo and you know how
I love you Then como
A rude hand on my shoulder distract
ed my attention William stood lower
ing behind mo and as I turned whis
pered in my car
You must como round tho other
way Lucetta is so touchy the sight of
you will drive overy sensible idea out
of her head
His blundering whisper did what my
presence mid by no means light foot
stops had failed to do With u start Lu
cetta turned and meeting my oyo turn
ed scarlet aud drow back a step Tho
young man followed her nastily
Is it goodby Lucotta ho asked
With a lino manly ignoring of our pres
ence that roused my admiration
Sho did not answer Her look was
enough William seeing it turned fu
rious at onco and bounding by mo
facod tho young man with an oath
Youre a fool said ho to tako no
from a silly chit liko that If I loved a
girl as you say you lovo Lucotta Id
havo hor if I had to carry her away by
forco Shod stop screaming boforo youd
got woll out of tho lane I know wom
en While- you listen to them theyll
talk but once tako matters into your
own hands and A snap of his lin
gers finished the sentence I thought
tho fellow brutal but scarcely so stu
pid as I had heretofore considered him
His words howover might just as
woll havo been uttered into imply air
Tho young man ho had addressed ap
peared hardly to havo heard him and
as for Lucetta sho was so nearly
from misery that sho had suflleiont
ado to keep herself from falling at her
lovers feet
Lucetta Lucetta it is then goodby
You will not go with mo
I cannot William hero knows I
cannot I must wait till
But hero her brother seized hor so
violently by tho wrist that she stopped
from sheer pain I fear Howover that
was sho turned palo as death under his
clutch and when ho tried to utter some
hot passionato words into hor ear shook
her head but did not speak though hor
lovor was gazing with a last final appeal
into her eyes Tho dolicato girl was
bearing out my esumato of her
Seeing her thus unresponsive Wil
liam flung her hand from him and turn
ed upon mo
Its your fault ho cried You
would como in
But ut this Lucetta recovering hor
poiso in a moment cried out shrilly
For shame William What has
Mies Butterworth to do with this You
aro not helping mo with your rough
ness God knows this hour is hard
your part 01 your uosiro to goo mi oi
Theros womans gratitude for you
was his growling reply 1 offer to take
all her responsibilities on my own
shoulders and make it right with with
her sister aud all that and sho calls it
desiro to got rid of her Well havo your
own way ho cried out storming down
tho hall Im donowith it for ono
Tho young man whoso attitude of
servo mixed with a strango and linger
ing tenderness for this girl whom ha
ovidontly loved without fully under
standing her was evory minute- win
ning more and moro of my admiration
had meanwhile- raised her trembling
hand to his lips in what was as wo all
could seo a last farewell
In another moment ho was walking
by us giving mo as ho passed a low
bow that for all its grace did not suc
ceed in hiding from 1110 tho deep and
heartfelt disappointment with which ho
quitted this house As his figure passed
through tho door hiding for ono mo
ment tho sunshine I felt an oppression
such as has not often visited my healthy
nature and when it passed and disap
peared soniothing liko tho good spirit of
tho place seemed to go with it leaving
behind doubt gloom aud a morbid ap
prehension of that something which had
in Lucettas eyes rendered his dismissal
a necessity
Wheres Saracen I deolaro Im
nothing but a fool without that dog
shouted William If ho has to bo tied
up another day But oven ho has
some sense of shamo in his breast for
at Lucettas reproachful William I
ho dropped his head sheepishly on his
breast and strode out muttering somo
words I was fain to accept as an apology
I had expected to encounter a wreck
in Lucetta As this episode in hor life
closed sho turned toward mo But I did
not yet know this girl whoso frailty
seemed to lie mostly in her physique
Though sho was suffering far moro than
her defenso of mo to her brother would
seem to denote therowas a spirit in her
approach and a steady look in her dark
oyo which assured mo that I could not
calculato upon any loss in Lucettas
keenness in caso wo camo to an issuo
over tho mystery that was eating into
the happiness as woll as tho honor of
this household And this in a measure
was gratifying to mo I should hato to
tako advantage of her despair to discover
a secret sho would havo been ablo to
keop in her better moments
I am glad to seo you wero her un
expected words Tho gentleman who
has just gone out wiih a lovor of mine
at least ho once professed to caro for mo
very much aud I should havo beeu glad
to havo married him but thoro wero
reasons which I onco thought wero very
good why this seemed anything but ex
pedient and so I sent him away Today
ho camo without warning to ask mo to
go away with him now after tho hasti
est of ceremonies to South America
whero a splendid prospect has suddenly
opened for him You seo dont you
that I could not do that that it would
bo tho height of selfishness in mo to
leave Loreen to leavo William
Who seems only too anxious to bo
loft I put in as her voico trailed off in
tho first evidence of embarrassment sho
had shown sinco sho first faced mo
William is a difficult man to under
stand was her firm but quiet retort
From his talk you would judgo him to
bo moroso if not positively unkind but
in action Sho did not toll mo how
ho was in action Porhaps her truthful
ness got tho hotter of her or perhaps sho
saw it would bo hard work to prejudico
mo now in his favor
In a week Lucetta had said sho
might havo been able had ho been
willing or in a position to wait to givo
him a moro satisfactory answer Why
in a week That sho shrank from leav
ing her sister so suddenly or that sho
had sacrificed her lifes happiness to any
childish idea of decorum I did not think
probablo even Tho spirit sho had
shown her immovable attitude under a
temptation which had not only romance
to recommend it but everything elso
which could affect a young and sensi
tive woman argued in my mind tho ex
istence of some uncompleted duty of 60
exacting and imperative a nature that
he could not oven consider tho greatest
interests of her own life until this ono
thing was out of her way Williams
rudo question of tho morning What
thall wo do with tho old girl till it is
all over recurred to me in support of
this theory making me feel that 1 need
ed no more confirmation to be quite cer
tain that a crisis was approaching in
this hoin o which would tax my powers
to tho utmost and call perhaps for tho
uso of tho whist lo which I had received
from Mr Ciryce and which following
his instructions 1 had tied carefully
about my neck Yet how could 1 asso
ciate Lucetta with criino or dream of
tho polico in connection with tho serene
Loroon whoso overy look was a rebuke
to all that was false vile or oven com
mon Easily my readers easily with
that great hulking William in my ro
membranco To shield him to hide per
haps his deformity of soul from tho
world oven such gentle and gracious
wonion as theso havo been known to
enter into acts which to any unpreju
diced oyo aud an unbiased conscience
would seem little short of fiendish
Lovo for nn unworthy relallvo or rather
tho seiiBO of duty toward olios own has
driven many a olear minded woman to
her ruin as tho police annals embodied
ns thoy aro for mo in Mr Oryco would
That I havonotasyotputintodoflnito
words tho suspicion upon which 1 was
now prepared to work is quito apparent
to inc Up to this timo it had 1kcu too
vague or rather of so monstrous a char
acter that I had felt ready to consider
other possibilities as for instance tho
possible connection of old Mother lano
with tho unaccountable disappearances
which had taken place in this lane But
now tho very definite assurances I had
been constantly receiving from tho mo
ment 1 had set foot in this house that
soniothing extraordinary and out of
keeping with tho ordinary appearances
of tho household was going on in secret
in some ono of tho innumerable cham
bers of that long corridor corresponding
to my own and which for very obvious
reasons I had as yet failed to find any
oxcuso for penetrating was taking shape
in my mind and I no longer affected to
dony to myself that everything 1 had
thus far seen and heard went toward es
tablishing tho fact that these young wo
men hold in charge a prisoner of somo
kind of whoso presonco there and per
sonality they dreaded tho discovery
Now who could this prisoner be
Common sonso supplied mo with but
ono answer Silly Kufus tho boy who
within u few days had vanished from
among tho good people of this seeming
ly guileless community
Onco sottled in this Idea I applied
myself to a consideration of the means
at m j disposal for determining its truth
Tho simplest and porhaps tho most sure
as woll as tho least satisfactory to ono
of nij nature would bo to summon tho
polico and havo tho houso thoroughly
searched but this involved in caso 1
had been deceived by appearances aH
was possible oven to a woman of niv ox-
Impossible0 sho was golfig o say
but caught herself back in time and
changed tho imperative word to ono
more conciliatory if equally unjlehling
I am sorry Miss Butterworlh to
dony you this gratification but the con
dition of the rooms and tho unhappy ex
citement into which wo havo been
thrown by tho unfortunate visit paid to
Lucotta by a gentleman she Is only too
much attached to 1 hope you will not
expect me to talk on the subject make
It quite impossible for me to consider
any such undertaking today Tomorrow
I may find it easier but if not bo as
sured you shall see every nook and cor
ner in it If you so desiro before you leave
the house
Thank you I retorted dryly I
will remember that To ono of my
tastes an ancient room in a time honored
mansion like this atfords a delight not
to bo understood by one who knows less
of a century agos life Tho legends only
connected with your great drawing room
below we wero sitting in my room 1
having refused to bo cooped up in their
dreary side parlor and sho not having
offered mo any other spot more cheerful
are attractions sufficient to hold mo en
tranced for an hour I heard one of them
She spoke moro quickly than usual
and for her quite sharply
Mrs Carter I went on endeav
ored to amuse mo by relating the story
of Lucottus namesake sho who rode
through the night after a daughter who
had won her lovers heart away from
Ah it is a well known tale but I
think Mrs Jailer might havo left us to
tell it to you Did sho relate anything
No other tradition of this place
said I
I am glad she was so considerate
But why if you will pardon me did
sho happen to light upon that Wo havo
perienco and discrimination a scandal
and an opprobrium which I would bo
tho last to inflict upon Altheas children
unless justico to tho rest of tho world
demanded it
It was in consideration of this very
fact perhaps that I had been placed
horo instead of somo regular polico spy
Mr Gryco is a man who has mado it
his rulo of lifo never to risk tho reputa
tion of any man or woman without rea
sons so oxcellcnt as to bear thoir own
exoneration with them and should I a
woman with full as much heart if not
quito so much brain at least in tho es
timation of peoplo in goncral by any
prcmaturo exposuro of my suspicions
cast a mantlo of shamo over this family
thoy aro far too weak and too poor to
ovor riso nbovo again
No rather would I trust a Utti
longer to my own perspicacity and
mako Euro by tho uso of my own eyes
or ears that tho situation called for tho
interference I had as you may say at
tho end of tho cord I was oven now fin
Lucotta hud not asked mo how I camo
to bo back so much sooner than sho had
reason to expect mo Tho unexpected
arrival of her lover had probably put
all idea of her former plans out of her
head 1 therefore attempted no explana
tion witli her and a very short one with
Loreen when I met her at the dinner
table Nothing further seemed to bo
necessary for tho girls wero oven moro
abstracted than over before and Wil
liam positively boorish till a warning
glanco from Loreen recalled him some
what to his better self which meant si
Tho nf ternoon was spent in very much
tho saino way as tho evening before
Neither sister remained an instant with
mo after tho other entered my company
and though tho alternations wero less
frequent than thoy had been at that
timo thoir peculiarities wero more
marked and less naturally accounted
for It was while Loreen was with mo
that I made tho suggestion which had
heen hovering on my lips over sinco tho
I think this said I in ono of tho
pauses of our moro than fitful conversa
tion ono of tho most interesting houses
it has over been my good fortune to en
ter Would you mind my roaming about
it a bit just to enjoy tho old timo flavor
of its great empty rooms I know they
aro mostly closed and possibly unfur
nished but to a connoisseur liko myself
in colonial architecture this would
rather add to their interest than detract
from it
not heard thorn incidents spoken of for
Not since tho phantom carriage flow
through this road tho last timo I ven
tured with a sinilo that should havo
disarmed her from suspecting any ulte
rior motivo on my part in thus intro
ducing a subject which could not be al
together grateful to her
Tho phantom carriago Havo you
heard of that
I wish it bad been Lucetta who had
said thiB and to whom my roply was
duo Tho opportunities would havo been
so much greater for an injudicious dis
play of feeling on her part and of a suit
ablo conclusion on mine
But it was Loreen who never forgot
herself aud I had to content myself
with tho persuasion that her voico was
just a whit less clear than usual und
her serenity enough impaired for her to
look out of my ono high and dismal
window instead of into my face
My doar I hud not called her
this boforo though tho term had fro
qucntly risen to my lips in answer to
Lucotta you should havo gono with
mo into tho village today Then you
would not need to ask if I had heard of
tho phantom carriage
Tho probo had reached her at last
Sho looked quito startled
You amazo me sho said What
do you mean Miss Butterworth Why
should I not havo needed to ask
Bicauso you would havo heard it
whispi red about in every lano and cor
ner It is common talk in town today
You must know why Miss Knollys
Klie wasuot looking out of the win
dow now Sho was looking at mo
I assure you she murmured I do
not know at all Nothing could bo
moie incomprehensible to mo Explain
yourself I entreat you Tho phantom
carriago is but n myth to me interest
ing only as involving certain long van
ished ancestors of mine
Of course I assented No ono of
real sense could regard it in any other
light But tho villagers they talk and
in short you will soon know if I do
nut tell you myself more than ono of
them declare it pas Fed through tho lano
on Tuesday night
Tuesday night Her composure
had been regained but not so entirely
but that hor voico slightly trembled
That was boforo you camo I hopo it
was not an omen
1 was in no mood for pleasantry
They say it denotes misfortune to
thoso who si o it 1 am therefore obvi
ously exempt But you did you seo it
I am just curious to know if it
- 1
Iblo to thoso who live in the lane It
ought to havo turned In horo Wero
you fortunate enough to havo been
awake at that moment aud to havo seen
this spectral appearance
Sho shuddered 1 wan not mistaken
in believing I saw this sign of emotion
for 1 was looking at her very closely
and tho movement waH uumistaltahle
1 havo never seen anything ghostly
in my life said she I am not at all
If I had been ill natured or if I had
thought it wise to press her too closely
1 might havo said
Then why do you look so pale Why
tremble so visibly you whom I have
never befoie seen disturbed
But my natural kindness together
with an instinct of caution restrained
me and 1 only rcmarltod
There you are sensible Miss Knollys
doubly so as a deulen of this houso
which Mrs Carter was obliging enough
to suggest to me was considered by
many as haunted
Tho straightening of Miss Knollys
lips augured no good to Mrs Carter
Now l only wish It was I laughed
dryly I should really like to meet a
ghost say in your great drawing room
which I am forbidden to enter
You aro not forbidden she uttered
hastily You may explore it now if
you will excuse mo from accompanying
you but yon will meet no ghosts Tho
hour is not propitious-
Taken aback by hor sudden amenity
I hesitated for a moment Would It bo
worth while for mo to search a room
she was willing to havo me enter No
and yet any knowledge which could be
obtained in regard to this houso might
bo of uso to mo or to Mr Iryco I de
cided to clubmen her olVer but first 1
must test her with ono other question
Would you prefer said I that I
should steal down these corridors at
night and dare its dusky recesses at a
time when specters aro supposed to walk
the halls they onco llitted through in
happy consciousness
Hardly Sho made the greatest
effort to sustain the jest but her con
cern and dread wore manifest 1 think
1 had better give you the keys now than
subject you to tho drafts and chilling
discomforts of this old place at mid
I rose with a semblance of eager an
I will take you at your word said
I Tho keys my dear lain going to
visit n haunted room for tho first timo
in my lifo
1 do not think she was deceived by
this feigned ebullition Perhaps it was
too much out of keeping with my ordi
nary manner but she gave no sign of
surprise and ioso in her turn with an
air suggestive of relief
Excuse me said she if I precede
you 1 will meet you at the head of tho
corridor with the keys
I was in hopes she would be long
enough in obtaining them to allow mo
to stroll along the front hall to tho open
ing into tho farther corridor in which I
felt a speeial interest But the spryness
I showed scorned to have a correspond
ing oficct upon her for sho almost flew
down tho passageway before mo and
was back at my side before I could tako
a step in the coveted direction
Those will take you into any room
on the first floor said sho You will
meet with dust and Lucettas abhor
rence spiders but for these I shall
make no apologies Girls who cannot
provide comforts for tho few rooms
thoy utilize cannot bo expected to keop
in order tho largo and disused apart
ments of a former generation
I hato dirt anil despise spiders but
I am willing to brave both I assured
her for the pleasure of satisfying my
lovo for the antique At which she
handed mo the keys with a calm smile
which was not without its element of
I will bo hero on your return shu
murmured leaning over tho banisters
to speak to me as I took my first steps
down I shall want to hear whether
you aro repaid for your trouble
I thanked her and proceeded on my
way somowhat doubtful whother by so
doing I was making or not tho best uso
possiblo of my opportunities
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