The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 09, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Hojnrltit IVfl
Imek of them the
Cniilnln CoRlilntiii story of 1lrol
Mint Tin IIito of lli HnlclKli Win
rirrat II IliuU IIIIIp llnnlionl
rrl Aliinil f llr II Ik iiimirli
t 1 t Kllinur I
K WHYS wny
with th Span
Inula nt Manila
wiih the wny
with the oiitlru
Ynnltfo otitlU
Tln coiiiiikmIoiv
tin Hhlp cup
IiiIiih the will
nrs ninl even
the kiiiih mid
hIicIIh hud It tn
them to hiiiiihIi
the enemy on
It Ih not In liu
man nature that
IlKliter H havliiK
trmlltluiiH of the
Ainerlean navy would staml aloof nuil
IiiiIiiIki I taifiet practlee With h1iIih
under them having a head of Hteani on
utile to move Into the rlnir of the ene
myH cliiunploiiH Yanliee wtllors admit
of no holding Another featnro which
inakeH for hot IlKhthiK Ih the fact that
nil our nhlpn now have mi Individuali
ty and are the cHtiecliil pride of the
otllccra and crew Theyll never hnnl
off from a Rcrap until the Hhlp hut
done the hetU there Ih In her
Captain CokIiIiiiih Htory of how tho
lleot went In and his own Hhlp the
Itnlclgh put In the tlrst Hhot for the
nuiHtury of the Inclllc iIIhcIohuh tho
Kpltit of the hour an It wiih at Manila
He Bald We held our laHt coiiHiiltntlon
nt dinner the nljht before the llfrlit
tuul Dewey mild that we were KtlK In
that nlKlit 1 dont think any of im
iite nnieh dinner Wo went In In a
calm sen although we were not ho
calm ourselves About midnight we
became niixloim becnuso we had ar
rived at a point where we were Inform
ed there hud been lots of torpedoes an
chored for us
Now the torpedo Is all very well
In tho storehouse lint theyre bad
things to have Heating around a ship
lint when we got to the entrance and
the Olympla wont through without be
ing blown up we felt better We felt
positively brave when tho Hiiltlmoro
went through all light and were ready
to go bang Into a graveyard ourselves
Well the Spaniards on duty at the
shore bntterles slept four miles away
fioin their guns that night and didnt
get back to their posts until the old
Italelgh enme along 1 saw a Hash on
shore and said to mi otllcer Hello
whats that Ho told mo It was the
second time lie lnut noticed It mid ask
ed If he should tire I told him not to
ns It was probably tho Insurgents who
were friendly then signaling to us but
when a solid shot came along later I
knew better Then a second shot came
nnd It was In response to this that the
llalelgh tired the llrst shot In tho naval
battle of Manila
1 I tell you we were nil on tho qui
vivo that night Our orders were to go
Inside the harbor anchor mid take
breakfast at daylight then wipe thu
Spanish tleet off the face of the earth
llul In the darkness we overran our
reckoning and at daylight found our
selves right under the batteries of Ma
nila The enemy on shore opened on us
mid Instead of the anticipated signal to
takc breakfast the signal came from
1ln flagship Kngago the enemy That
was where the old man Dewey canio
iu His plan had to be changed In a
Bccond We turned and stood toward
tho Spanish tleet taking the tire of the
liatteries without response for 117 min
utes Wo finally got the position we
wauted and opened up We kept at It
for Vi hours mid at the end of that
time there was no Spanish tleet
Captain Coghlan gave tho credit of
llrlng the llrst shot In Deweys memor
able battle to Knslgn Habln of the Ita
lelgh Ihiblns story of It Is as follows
It was about midnight when we came
to tho outer entrance of tho bay be
tween Corregldor island and Kl Krallo
The passage is live miles wide and In
stead of taking the middle channel
which was mined with torpedoes we
look the channel closo to Corregldor
lirefoiiug our chances ngalnst the
Spanish batteries on the island rather
than with tho torpedoes Just as we
started in a few minutes after 12
oclock the smokestack of the dispatch
boat McCulloeh at tho end of our Hue
caught tire mid blazed up like a piece
of tlreworks This sudden illumina
tion gave us away at once to the Span
lards ou shore and presently a gun
boomed out from Kl Frolic
As soon as that llrst shot came from
El Fralle Captain Coghlan sent me
word to nnswer nt once with the nfter
gun So n f lor a hasty glance around
and correcting the sights It was a
pretty long range nnd the pun had to
be elevated a good deal I let her go
1 dont suppose I will ever know posi
tively whether that llrst shot hit any
thing or not Some time afterward I
met a Spanish otllcer who hnd been at
Kl Fralle and he told mo It had dis
abled 211 men and put one gun out of
the light Hut I wouldnt vouch for
that It may have been only Spnnlbii
Although not responding to tho lire
of the batteries Deweys thlpa were
not dodging the main enemy They
were getting Into position for the des
perate game of smashing the forts nnd
lleet at the same time At 135 a m
Deweys flagship Olympla began fir
ing with her forward S inch guns nnd
swinging round gave tho forts broad
side ofter broadside roni her rapid
lire guns Tho other fchlps followed
suit acd moved up nnd down In front
of the enemy glvlug furious battle and
receiving n deluge of missiles In re
turn which for n wonder hurt no
body Suddenly n Inrge white Spanish
ship started for the Olympla and as
this was the Itelnii Crlstlnn having the
Spanish admiral on board the contest
for a moment at the head of tho line
wai between flagship and flagship
Hut all the American guiiH made a tar
get of the daring Spaniard mid she
couldnt get to close juarteiH with tho
Olympla She turned to make tho lit
tle harbor of Cavlte but 11 shell from
tho S Inch rifle In the forward turret
of the Olympla crashed Into her stern
nnd raked forward to tho boiler which
exploded setting the ship oil lire mid
milking n complete wreck of the pride
of the Spanish navy In the Philippines
This shot alone killed the captain of the
Kelna Crlstlnn and 110 of his men Al
together Admit ill Monlljos tilt with
Deweys own cost the lives of MO
Spaniards and tho wounding of over
About this time two Spanish torpedo
bouts set out to do for tho Olympla
what the Itelna Crlstlnn so sadly
failed In Tho men mid otllceiH of the
American licet looked 011 In alarm for
they realized tho terrible power that
might lie in those two black engines
creeping steadily toward tho flagship
Kvery gun that would Injur was trained
upon them mid the men of the Olym
pla turned from their Ineffectual heavy
batteries to tho rapid tiro ll pounders
A hall of shot churning the water Into
foam Ih the only expression to describe
what the anxious spectators saw
around the torpedo boats Suddenly one
launch blew up either by the explosion
of her boiler or of her own torpedo
nnd she disappeared with nil on board
The second torpedo launch went on tho
beach with a dozen holes In her nnd
11 coating of blood 011 her decks
Forging ahead leading the line up
mid down past tho Spanish ships and
batteries tho Olympla once more near
ed the forts at Cavlte and a inlno Held
exploded about 1000 ynrds away Tho
Olympla was not hurt and made her
fourth trip turning again for the fifth
nnd last of the morning battle After
the fifth bout with the enemy the Olym
pla steamed out Into the bay followed
by the rest of tho ships beaten ns the
Spaniards believed Hut no It was
only a 20 minutes wait for the Dewey
breakfast which had been ordered In
those witters for tho daylight hour
During the wnlt it was signaled from
ship after ship that there had been no
loss In tho American fleet astounding
Intelligence which was lustily cheered
all along the Hue At 10 r the signal
to renew the battle was hoisted on tho
Olympla This time tho Haltlmorc took
the lead steaming close to tho forts nt
Cavlte She opened with her big guns
at a range which tore everything In
sight The Olympla seconded tho Haiti-
more in the attack and Dewey ordered
tho Concord Hoston and Petrel toco
Into the Inner bny of linker where tho
defeated vessels were seeking refuge
The little gunboat Petrel which had
pluckily fought the big Spanish ships
In the morning took tho lead Into tho
bay She cutered tho heart of tho
Spanish stronghold and tho officers of
the fleet thought she was lost when
they saw her steam up within rlflo
rnngo of the enemy
In Hakor bay Captain Wood of tho
Petrel found the Spanish Castllla afire
the Don Antonio dc Ulloa on tho bot
tom and Don Juan do Austria tho
Martinis Duero tho Isle do Cuba
which hnd carried tho admirals flag
after the loss of tho Kelna Crlstlnn
and tho Correo deserted by their
crews Lieutenant Hughes of the Pet
rel went out with a small boat and
tired the deserted ships When tho last
shot was fired at 1 oclock the Petrel
Hoston and Italelgh were in closo ac
tion with tlie Spaniards and tho little
gunboat signaled back to Dewey that
the last flag of the Spaniards had been
lowered It was a shot from her guns
which had brought it down
Iu the second attack ou tho batteries
nt Cavlte tho Baltimore stood out ns a
idngle target for tho Spanish marks
meu but they failed to score 11 second
hit or to Improve upon their best shot
of the morning That best shot was
given to the Haltlmoro when she first
opened her broadsides against the
fresh batteries and warships It wus
ni armor piercing shot mid when it
entered made tho steel splinters fly lu
nil directions Six men were wounded
by these splinters iu a single gun crew
mid the shot bpuu around bounding
from side to side until it fell spent
upon the deck
Hut If there was no damage worth
mentioning sustained by the American
ihips Deweys battle at Manila was a
wonderful one Kvery ship took Its
own chnneeF against torpedoes bunken
mines ami Spanish gunnery This
list and not the Spanish valor seem
ed at fault
On board each 0110 of the Amerlcnn
essels It was believed that the other
ships were buffering great slaughter
so tierce and continuous tho Spanish
fire but nil were prepared to share the
slaughter if It came to that and the
western world echoes the words of
Dewey when he said Ive the pretti
est lot of men that ever stepped on
shipboard nnd their hearts are as
stout as the ships
George L Kilueo
for n llrlcht Mnn to Nrrurn rStMly
llun II10 Your Around In Norfolk
nnd Vli t tilt y
Dear Kditor Wo want n clothing
salesinnn to tuko orders for our mens
otiHtom inadOto meiiHurn suits pants
overcoats mid ulsters in Norfolk mid nil
joining towns and country Any good
bright man especially if ho litis had ox
porleuco as n Biilesmiui iu n store agri
cultural implement house or wluiro ho
has comn iu contact with people as so
licitor for tailoring insurance nursery
stock or other goods can iiiako big
money with our lino tho yoar around
but any good bright mnn oven without
previous experience can imiku lo0 00 11
mouth and oxpouses with tho big outfit
wo furnish him and thn opportunity
we give him if lie will dovoto his time
to tho work or if wo can got n good
man in Norfolk wIiomi time Ih partly
taken up with other work and who can
devote his spare time to our line oven it
only mi hour or so 11 day ho wilt do ex
ceedingly well with our agency Wo
hnvo men in real estate loan legal
lumber grain railroad express and
other business wlio give tnelr sparo
timo to our lino witli big results No
exporienco is absolutely necessary no
capital rcituired Wo furnish a coin
pinto lino of cloth samples and station
ery luivo no commission plan no
canvass no catchy con
ditions but offer a rare opportunity for
sonio man in vicinity to seouro high
grade employment at big wagis
Wo are tho largest tailors in America
Wo mtiko to nioasuro over IOO000 suits
annually Wo occupy entire ouo of tho
largest business blocks 111 Chicago Wo
refer to tho Oom Kxchnugo National
bank iu Chicago any express or railroad
company in Chicago or any residont of
this city Wo buy our cloth direct from
tho largest Kuropean and American
mills wo aneruto tho most extensive
mid economio custom tailoring plant in
oxistenco and we roduco tho prico of
suits nnd overcoats to
from 15 00 to 1800 mostly 5 00 to
1000 prices so low that nearly ovory
body will bo glad to have their garments
and will giyo our
agent thoir order
Wo will furnish a good agont a largo
and handsomely bound book containing
largo cloth samples of our entire lino of
suits pantaloons overcoats etc a book
which costs ns soveral dollars also fluo
colored fashion plates tapo nioasuro
businoss cards stationery advertising
matter and a rubber stamp with unmo
nnd nddress and pad comploto also an
instruction book which makes it easy
for anyone to take ordors and conduct
a profitable business Wo will also
furnish net confidential prico list
Agont can tnko ordors and bond tliom to
us and wo will mako tho garments
within fivo days nnd send direct to
agents customer by express C O D
subject to examination and approval
collect tho agonts full soiling prico and
overy week wo will sond tho ngeut oni
cheek for all his profit Tho agent need
collect no money and deliver no goods
simply go on taking ordors at a libornl
profit Wo deliver tho goods colloct all
M10 monoy and ovory week promptly
send him in ouo round check his full
profit for tho week and nearly all onr
agents got a chock from us of at least
-1000 overy week of tho yenr
Wo will innko no charge for tho book
ami complete outfit hut as tho outfit
costs us sovoral dollars it is necessary to
protect ourselves ugainst auyono who
would impose upon us by sending for
tho outfit with no intention of working
but merely out of idle curiosity thoro
foro wo will ask as a gnaranteo of
good faith on tho part of tho reader who
decides to tnko up this work that ho
cut this articlo out and mnil to us with
tho understanding that tho big book
and comploto outfit will bo sent to him
by oxpross ho to pay tho express agont
100 and express charges for tho outfit
with the distinct understanding that we
will refund tho 100 as soon as his ordors
liavo amounted to 25 00 which amount
of orders ho can take tho very first day
Dout comparo this with any catchy
offers mado to get your 100 Tho
genuineness of our offer aud our r li
ability aro proven by tho bank reference
referred to abovo or you can ensily find
out by writing to anyono in Chicago to
call on us
This is a raro ohanco for sonio man in
Norfok or vicinity to take up a work nt
onco that with reasouablo ollort on his
part is suro to net him from f00 to
10 00 a day from tho startaud wo trust
that from among your ninny readers wo
will bonblo to getafow good representa
tives in Norfolk and adjoining towns
Cut this notice ont and mail to the
American Woolen MilliCo We t Side
Enterprise Building Chicago ill mid
tho book and agents comploto outfit
will bo sent to you at ouco you to pay
100 and express charges whon received
the 100 to bo returned to yon when
your orders amount to 3500
Choico celery at Glissnmus
Ii KHl Notice
II E Wood uon resident dofeudnut
will tuko notice that on the 8th day of
November 1809 T O Cannon plaintiff
herein filed his petition iu the district
court of Mndisou county Nebraska
against said defendant and Klkhorii
Valley bank a corporation Lillie A
Stuart as executrix of the last will and
testament of James Stuart df ceased
Lilliu A Stuart Anna Stunrr Lena
Stuart Charles Stuart Mury Stuart
Van Hureu Lewis Addnliue Lewis
William Leuvitt and S W Deuel as
guardian of the estate and person of lack
son K Chafe the object and prayer of
which aro to forecloi o certain tax lions
against tho southwest quarter of bouth
west quarter of section 1 iu township
twenty three 21 1101 th of rango four
f wost of tho tith p m in Mudhon
county Nubriiskn by virtuo of tax sale
certificates tiatetl November 4th lMt
and November 7th 1MKS respectively
issued by the county treabiirer of haul
county for the delinquent taxes lt vied
and nsseFBcd ngaiubt said properly for
the yeius 18D4 and 1RU7 respectively
and lor subsequent taxes paid for tho
yoars lb05 IS0 and 18iS and n tax
detd dated February 5 lbUS and re
corded iu tho olllco of the county clerk
of said county in Hook 27 of Detds at
page 105 j and plaintiff prnyb for a de
cree that defendants be required to pay
the same or that said premises may bo
sold to FatUfy tho amount fouud dun
witli costs interest and nttorneyb fecB
and that eaoh nnd nil of the defendants
ba excluded from any and all title
claim lieu of interest In or to said pro
perty or uuy part thereof claimed by
Yon aro required to answer said peti
tion on or boforo tho 18th day of lo
conibor 1809
Dated Novombor 8 1811
T O Gannon Plaintiff
y Mapcs Hizon His Attorneys
IrRiil Nntlro
Maria L Averlll tlofoudont will tnko
notico that on tho 1th day of November
1800 T O Cannon plaintiff heroin
filed hiH petition in tho district coutt of
Madison county Nebraska against
said defeiident and D A Ominormati
tho object and prayer of which aro to
foreclose ccrtaintax Hoiib agaiiiHt tho
uorthinst quarter of section twenty
throo2l in township twenty four 21
north of rnngo two 2 west of tho Otti
u 111 in Madison county Nebraska
issued iv tho treasurer of said conntv
tinted November 7th 1802 November
Ith 1805 and November 7th 1818 re
spectively for tho dnlinqnojit taxes
lovtetl and assessed against said land for
the years IHU Inlil mm lb icspectlvo
lv and for Huhsfquont taxes paid for
tho years 1802 IS 1805 18Jand 1808
and a tax tleetl issued therofor dated
February litth 1805 and recorded in tho
olllco of tho county olerkof said county
in Hook 25 of Deeds at pago 250 and
plaintiff prays for a tlecreo that defend
ants bo required to piy tho sumo or
that said premisos bo sold to satisfy the
amount found duo with costs interest
anil attorneys feos
You are required to answor said peti
tion on or botoro tho 18th day of Decem
ber 1800
Dated November -1 1800
T O Cannon Plaintiff
By Mapcs Hazou His Attorneys
ItKiU Notico
Catharine Dicey defendant will tako
notico that on the day of Novombor
1800 T O Cannon plain tiff horoin
filed his petition in tho district court f
Madison county Nobnibka against said
defendant tho object and prayor ot
which aro to foreclose certain t ix licnB
ngaiubt tho northoast quarter of tho
northeast quarter of section ten 10 in
township twonty four 24 north of
raugo four 1 west of tho ith p in in
Madison county Nebraska by virtno of
tax sale ceititicates issued by tho treas
urer of said county dated Novombor 5
1801 und November 1 1807 respectively
for tho delinquent taxes levied and
tissosscd against said dosoribed premises
for tho yoars 180 aud 18011 respectively
aud tor mihx uncut taxes paid tor the
years 1804 1805 1807 and 1808 and a
tax dood issued thorofor dated March 111
1807 and recorded in tho olllco of tho
county clork of said county in Book 27
of Deed nt pago 225 and plaintiff
prays for 11 tbicreo that dofoudaut bo
required to pay the samo or that said
premises may bo Bold to satisfy tho
amount found duo with costs interest
and attorneys lees
You aro required to answor said peti
tion 011 or beloro tho lbtli day of Decem
ber 1800
Dated November 1 1800
T O Cannon Plaintiff
By Mnpes Ilazen His Attonioys
SiimnionH ly Iulillriitlnu
To John Zwight Sophia Zwight do
You- and each of you will tnko notico
that on Octobor 1th 1800 Frank A
Dearborn and B P Swan plaintiffs
filed thoir potittou in tho district court
of Madison county Nebraska against
you as defendants impleaded with Citi
zens National bank Chicago Lumber
company aud Ada Kyner the 1 bject
aud prayer of whicli petition aro to fore
close a certain mortgage executed by
Daniel G Kyner aud Ada Kyner hiB
wife to tho Durland Trust company up
on tho following described real estate
situated in Madison county Nebraska
to wit tho east half of tho uortliweEt
quarter and tho northeast quartor
of tho Pouthwest quarter of sec
tion fourteen township twenty four
raugo ono west of the sixth p m given
to Fecuro tho payment of the sum of
2500 00 duo Fobrunry 1 1800 which
mortgage was recorded January i0 1891
in tho office of tho county clerk of Madi
son county Nebraska in book 10 at
pago 40 1 that thoro is now duo upon
said notes and mortgage and for taxes
paid on said promises tho ram of 3021 29
with interest from March 25 1800 at
10 par cent for which sum with interest
plaintiffs pray for a decree that defend
ants be required to pay the same or that
said promises may bo sold to satisfy tho
amount found due and for such other
and further relief as may be just and
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before tho llith day of
oor iHiiy
Dated October 4th 1800
Fuank A Dkaubohn
B F Swan
By A AVelch their attornoy
Charles K Oluoy Jeremiah Oluey
and Georgo II Nichols will tako notico
that on tho 24th day of Octobor 1800
T O Cannon plaintiff heroin filed his
petition in tho district court ot Madison
comity Nebriiku against said defend
ants and John K Olney nnd Charlotte
E Olney tho object nnd praver of whioh
are to foreclose certain tax liens ngainst
tho followiug dtbonbed real ostate sit
uated in Madison counts Nebraska to-
wit Lot six 0 block ono 1 and lots
fifteen 15 and sixteen 10 block six
0 of tho town of Norfolk lots twelve
nnd thirteen 12 and 13 and tho south
ii2 feot of lots fourteon 14 fifteen 15
and sixteou id block two 2 lotbix 0
block three and lots three four
1 niuo 0 ton 10 eleven 11
twelve 12 nud fourteen 14 in block
four 4 all of Mathnwsous second addi
tion to tho town of Norfolk by virtue of
tax sale certificates issued by tho trens
uier of Madison county Nobrai ka
dated November 5 1804 for tho tuxes
of lbOO 1801 180J nud lbOU nnd sub
sequent taxes paid by tho plaintiff for
tho ypars 1801 and 1805 aud a tax deed
itsned therefor dated March lit 1807
aud recorded iu tho office of tho county
clerk of Madison couuty Nebraska
March 151 1S07 in Book 27 of Deeds
page 225 nnd certificates of tax sale lor
taxes 1800 tinted November 1 1807 and
subsequent taxes paid for the years 1807
nnd lb03 and plaintiff prays for a de
cree that defendants bo required to pay
tho Mime or that faid pr inises may be
sold to Hitihfy the amount found duo
with costs interest ami attorneys fees
aud that defendants be excluded from
any and ull title claim lieu or intercut
in or to said property or any part there
You are required to answor said peti
tion ou or before the 4th duy of Decem
ber 1890
Dated October 25 1809
T O Cannon Plaintiff
By Mapes Iluzeu His Attorneys
K k v1 -in
feAoUR 3850 m
The great Emperor understood that primarily
the soldier is a stomach Primarily every man
is a stomach The whole body and brain are
dependent for health and life upon the order
liness and completeness of the processes which
go on in the stomach and allied organs of diges
tion and nutrition Eood is the source of mans
vital energy In the natural processes of diges
tion and assimilation the phosphates lime
salts etc are distributed to blood brain and
f bone in proper proportioti to supply the needs
of each But where the stomach and digestive
system is disordered or diseased there is partial failure to extract
the nutritive elements from the food and hence the body under
goes a partial starvation Nervousness is only a symptom of nerve
starvation Iti a person whose food supply is sufficient and
regular it indicates a disordered condition of the stomach a con
dition in which there is a failure to extract or assimilate from the
food eaten the nerve nourishing elements
Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery owes its cures of nervous
diseases and diseases of the blood heart liver lungs and other
organs to the fact that it cures diseases of the stomach and allied
organs of digestion and nutrition
When the Discovery has healed the stomach and cleansed
the blood the other diseases disappear
Six years ngo last August I was attacked with malarial fever writes Mr
Daniel A trarler ot Yost Kowan Co
N C My spleen became enlarged
and I was iu bed off and on for four
years I went to the doctors and some
of them said I had dyspepsia others
said I had liver trouble 1 he last doc
tor I bad called it chronic liver aud
stomach disease So I paid out money
and nothine did me nny pood Two
years bro I commenced taking Dr
Pierces Golden Medical Discovery
and used ten bottles now I can do ns
bie a days work ns nny man
Or Plorcam Plonannt Peltatn promafo tho aanoral health by putting
the bowels In a healthy condition Thoy do not bacama a necessity
to tho user but with restored health aro at onco to bo discarded
Thoy aro safo and suro
FAII TKIS7I Opons Monday mornlnir Sept 3 Work for Hoard Wn furnish all
RtudiMitR with plncos to work fot board You enn attend this college for half the money
required to go olhuwhcie Send us 25 niuiiiN anil ndrtres es of young people Interested In
business educntlou and gut our Collego Weekly one year free Our now catalog free to
anyone Address IEOlIItllOUtill IIKOS Onialui Neb ft
ir - a
r7ilii life
Jt iVL 1 1 osvv I - it mrhif u
XrT 4 2 t U 1 1 VK KV VI 1
fU Vrt t jfK li7 Sr2W I Wfli
f 4fel ill
1 S 1 wm Mmmmm l
A blindness comes to me now nnd then I have it
now It is queer I can sec your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its -DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Pvipans Tabule
A cmo of nad heidth that 8 will not beni flt They baiitah pain i and prolong W
V Una Klvi rillrf Mto tlm w ort 1W1 A NS on tle puckduu nnd acct pt no ubhtituia K H KU
11 forScenu or ti ln pucLMa for McentB may tw liut t n drill store T n wimples and ym ll u
lnS JVtlmonUilR III I hi mulled to uny oddre lor S tuu forarill to tiie Klpans Chemical Co Iso
ID Suruce bl New lork
are the long time users of
Smith Premiers The more
hard work turned out the
more apparent is Smith
Premier durability Repair
bills reduced to a minimum
Smith Premier capacity for
good work all the time is
unequal ed
Catalogue Free
Aak for it
Smith Premier
Typewriter Co
1 SH fflwsWm
Mi i M1
bj frt Itll t V O J Milijcil to exuuilnutluu
ptrUutly MilUtuilory tliull nt rcpreacntid
An Extra Flno High CradoSnddlo
ami tliu equal of taiMlex Bold ovcrvwhero at from
15IIO to Aitoiiu nun dwc oq en
iay the freight nirpiit VIUII I UIUU ipuUivJU
eM tlie 100 iliMioiilt or itO and freight
This Saddle Is mado on a ISor
16 inch Gonuino Ladosrna or
Neison t toavy btcci Fork
Till bound or roll cautlp kteil lrutlui covirtUsltrru
or 2 lmh oibowr brarti Iwuud un desired mil wud Lvuil
rsUe uulru elbrniUe crdrrrd
tra lieavy wool
llnul alncli vvWuUcu tllrrup Ipuilura 11 liuli Huntrai
extra long on mar aide SMruh io bucklo on oifddcbtavy
cotton twliurt Mexican Much front clntli tiuivy cotton
lltlug flank clnrb connecting strap Looii tent lent aud
Jocluy all ouo plere
at llluttralcd Weight ul Huddle uhuut ir iiuuudi
liackLd tor blilmnpnt ii uounda llllllll I is uMY limit
iuuiouKitn looVmiu
CATALOGUE showing a lull line ol Cowboy ind Rincher
Outntt at the lowest prices eer quoted AdUrcbsr
Stn Snlut a U an ItenafSl nlUU IMIUr