The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 02, 1899, Page 5, Image 5
It ar iS fc NKW CATIIOLIC CHURril Description of the Building as Provided by the Plans IT WILL BE A OITY ORNAMENT A Mnili TnrRcr IIiiIIiIIiik ln Oio On Nom Ititilrr IniiMriirllnti Ih lrovlilnl fur Omul Mivtirlivl Will lit lOtl nnil tint Kill lit Will lior SulmtHiitlBl Nature Tho work of BtnrthiR tho now Cutlio he church is now well in hiuul and is progressing very satisfactorily and in a short tiino tho work boing tlono will ho noticeable HealiitiB thut a strong nml Btiro foundation is tho flrit thing to ho consldued in tho erection of n largo building this work is being carried on with oxtrctno earn Tho materials are tho host ohtainublo and thot toiio com posing it is being laid with an uMicti tndo hearcoly less imrfrct than would bo accorded that portion of tho btructuro constantly visiblo to tho eyo becuuo Btiongth and nnifoin ity is essential in order to sccuro perfect results The building plumed is worthy of the ut most care as it will bo a noblo nioiiu ment to tho progrcssivoness of Futhn Walsh and his parishioners ami will lc an honor and ornament to the town and to tho country Tho now chinch of tho Immaculate Conception of IS m folk w ill bo located on tho Mto heiotoforo occupied by the fiamo struetuio for so many v ears at tho corner of lUndis on avenue and Fifth street It will bo 2 by 70 feet m sie OAclusho of the tower which will stand out from tho east end Tho foundation is being built of lock faced stono of line quality It will bo about eight feet high Beginning at a It vol about font feet below tho surfico of tho soil it w ill form tho biisonicnt which will contain tho fin mice apartments for coal and bo othervviso used when necessary From tho foundation up tho church will ba constiucted of NoifolK built faced with a lino quality ot Omaha pressotl brick winch is as haul as stono and w ill wear mi nidi lnnto period The trimmings will bo of pink limestone which will yive a substantial and hand bonio ellect The aiohitectural treatment of the building will bo adapted troiu the Gothic and w ill pieseut n solid and digmlied appearance It is tho intention to complete only a portion of tho full plan at present it being bo constructed that tho toll build ing as designed can bo built without disturbing or altering tho main poition now in course of erection The portions which will bo completed at some iuture dato aro tho sanctuary and sacristy and also the spire of tho tower Tho rear end wall will be of temporary veneer construction which while giving the comfort and convenience for present needs mil be ea ily removed when the building is ultimately finished Tho tower will bo completed up to the base of tho spiro only Tho auditouniii will bo seated on tho inclined iloor system and in connection with the gallery will couilortablr buit iW people Tho best modern pows will bo used for the seating and will correspond to tho general iinirth Tho intouor walls will bo finished for frescoing with paneled waniscoting at tho Iloor Large ai t glass window s will gi o a handsome oilect to th chinch both inside and out Tho church will bo heated by furnaces from below and will be lighted with acetylene gns Tho altar pieco will bo a beautiful oil paiuting of tho Savior which was re cently presented to Father Walsh by an eastern friend The vestments sacred utensils and other furnishings will be of tho best ami a description cannot do them justice Thoymubt bo soon to bo appreciated Tho appointmonts will iill bo modern aud of tho best materials Thoro will bo no public ceremony at the laying of the corner stono but it is expected that when dedicated tho friends of the church will be givon abundant opportunity to witness impos ing ceremonies Tho total cost of cpst of the building is givon at 10000 Thus is Norfolk growing year by year into a city of beautiful churches hand some homes and substantial school build ings Few towns of its size can boast of more ouorgotio chnrch societies with better odificos in which to worship Tho small frame buildings need but a few years ngo by tho faithful in which to hold services are rapidly giving way to imposing substantial structures a marlt of progress which all can ap preciato Dont buy uutil you eeo tho nice liuo of queonswaio nud glassware at tho Norfolk Cash store A lino dinner set ory cheap SOUTH NORFOLK From BntunUjt Dailj Mrs G V Kobobarryis on the sick list F Glass wont to Oakdalo this morn ing for a shoit visit Miss Agnes Kennedy went to Creigh ton yesterday for a vibit with friends John Ueclt has returned from his trip west and expects to leave for tho east Boon Brakemnn Belden has quit the rail road on account of poor health and loft for Omaha yesterdav Bnikomnti Canor baa quit tho road and expects to leavo booh for the Klondike country whoro ho has somo mines M A Peed of Plainiow was horo yosterday and purchased 100 head of calves which ho will drivo homo today W W Boynton and wife of Omaha linvo taken possesion of tho Clifton hotel and will conduct it in tho future Tho stroot lamps havo not boon lighted lately but that thoro is noeil of them is ONidoncod by tho fact that a lady who got olT tho train tho other night walked oft tho Bidowalk where it narrows north of tho depot and received boiiio painful bruises DISTRESSINGTIMES Hoitilillinu lliinliiiNn Mini I Tiiniteil to Volo for Urntrr CliViliinil Thnm Conversations overheard every day on tho stteots are convincing ptoof that a fearful condition confronts tho people and one which tho democrats havo con clusively piovon they can relieve the country Tho following was a con voi sat ion hold betwien a icpuhlicuu business man and a tusionist fanner and the tionil of it seems to bo thit tho bnsiuiss man is about uudy to linn tho ranks ol the fit siousts in order to gain lelief The lepubliean said I am getting most distressingly tned of this thing of winking all the tnno and trving to do tho win It of two men at thit It is not lerauf o I am pailieulaily lasciiiated by vvoik by any manner of means but beciuso I cannot get the wotk done un less I do it myself Whv a few short j eais ago I could got all tlio help needed in my business at from 0 to 75 cents per day for wages while now it is entirely dilleient and labor has appreciated 100 or J00 nor cent aud 1 am compelled to pay f 1 f0 or JJ and then cant get tho men when I uiliI them I also uso considerable giaiunnd find that tho samo conditions coufiont mo in that regud 1 foimeily puiclia si d my oats for 7 or s cents per bushel and am now compelled to pay 17 or I s rents or do without With coin it is the samo During irovir Clevelands famous reign 1 puichased this ceieal for S to 10 i entH Now I buy it fioin 0 to Scents per bushel It is most discouraging and I almost believe that the piesent administration is responsible for this condition ot things and that the lupubhcans wont into con trol on purpose to increase tho price iiud demand ot labor aud products of tho farm Tho farmor hero found voico to articu late Do you leally think so und tho business man replied Yes 1 really think soand am almost leady to vote for good old Groverskould ho bo nominated I dont know but that Mr Bryan might bo able to bring back the good old times and I might voto for him net year The present londtion may be all right lor tho laborer aud farmer but that wont help niu and I believe that some of them may bo induced to view tho matter as I do and help mo to bring about the return ot the good old tunes when labor wus plenty and feed cheap And with theseromarkb ho returned to his arduous duties and tho lusiotiist strolled away with u thoughtful look ditluMiig ithi lf over his contenance un able to Mate whether tho hut aness man was joking or really in earnest AViu nei 1 1 lln From J mlitys Dnil Homer Tannakill is laid up with a felon on his hand Harry Morris has rented nud moved onto the Shields farm Fred W Chustuu will try to organize a lodge of Modern Woodmon hero L K Hills has bought Aleck Suiders house aud will move it onto tho fauu Mike Halpiu went to Grand IbLmd Moiiday to attend tho business college Emerson Morris went to Central City Sunday to learn telegraplmug with Ins brother Will EdCarberry who has been hero sev eral weeks visiting relatives foft for home Thursday AUenil College Thin Year Never iu tho history of our country was there a grander opportunity than the present for eaucated young niei und women What an aubpicious uioniont for thoso who are jubc now on tho threshold of life Grund Island Business and Normal college has for fourteen years been tho leading institution of its kind in the wefrtoru states and last year more than twicoas many calls were received for its graduate as could bo bupplied Bvorj thing necessary for a Buccesbful btart in life is taught business normal and fchorthaud courses Bjwjienses low Board only 1 SO per week Ouo years time given on tuition if desired Col lego record sent free or for bix cents will send elegant catalogue A M Hakkos President Giand Island Neb Southern lltcraturi Interesting litem u o regarding tho South is now being uistributed by tho Southern Railway Southern Homes folders large map lolderb Laud of tho Sky booklets Southern Fields Min ends and Mineb books etc mailed freo to any addiecs Tho Kmpiro of tho South a very handsome volume ot about 200 pages profiiboly llliibtrated also lnsued by the Southern Railway and sent to any address upon receipt of 21 cents winch nmount approximates cost of delivery Address WM II TAYIOK Asst Genl Pass Ageut Southern Hy Louisville Ky T11K NORFOLK NKWS TlirUSOAY XOVKMHKK 2 1WM COUNTY CONVENTION Nurt tnsfiil Mi oIIhk of Sumlii i linol Wnrlitriv CloKiil Hi lliill 1st t liurrli FriimSnturilnjn Dnllj Tho Union County Sunday School convention which has been in session at tho Baptist church this city for two days this week closod hint evening It proved to bo n very successful mooting and although not largely at tended was a vory satisfactory uftair to thoso present Tho secretary of the state organiition H 11 Pollock of Beatrice was in attendauco and per sonally supoi vised tho meeting Ho was ably assisted by local workeis A good program was carried out and the mooting was a success all tho way through Kov Cobb a returned missionary from Corea very pleasantly substituted one who was on the piogram but not present yesterday afternoon Ho gave a pleasing outline of thowoik bo tug earned on in that eountiy and was listened to with careful attention The exeieiMH last evening biought out tholatgist attendance of any of tho session Mr Pollock opened with a few leinaikHand Dr Fletcher M Sisson was then pieniitnd In intiodueing his subject Mr Sisson said it was tho now est thing in the wmld Woik From this now subject tho speaker gave a vuy interesting diseouisK after which the convention adioiuued At tlie evening si ssiou tho following olllcers who hail been eleetul in tho alteinoon weie announced President M F Thomas Madison Vice President C M Thompson Norfolk Sectetaiy Dr II 1 Cole Norfolk Treasure Mis P luibenilall Madi son Supoiintoinlont ol Normal work Hev V It liiilon Norfolk Superintendent Homo depailmont Mrs WosCiuig Bat tlo Creek Kiipiiiiileiiihiit Piiinury deputmoiit Mis Bum Mapes Not folk It is i vpoetid that liom this time on the county convention will be a regular lealuro ot Sunday t iiiuol win U and it is Imped that an niton st w ill bit moustd hat w ill make future mi i tingR ot inro interest to the people in gt in ml COLLECTION OF CURIOS 1 I Iliiltt Mils ii I hit I til ill Mi inililiiH V lilt Ii Im til In H il In I iilni L P Hale opei at ol at tho union do pot s ho spent some months in Cuba us a member ol the signal serv ico dep irt ment ol the government has some in teresting and valuable relics of his visit to that island with each of which is connected an interesting tale or legend His collection of shells gatiered there is very complete and samo of them are most beautilully and wonderfully con structed He has a door casing taken from tho Spanish war vessel Heina Meiiedes which was destroyed by tho Ameiican fleet near Santiago This relic was given to him by a member of Ilobsons wrecking crow and is highly pned by him 11 1 also has many Spanish coins and other small tnnkets secured fiom olli ceis in the qutfiih service Own ot the coins he thus secured is more than Inn years old Ho has a very fine mori schiium pipn which ho secured from a Spanish lieu tenant colonel Perhaps tho most valuable article in his collection and the one most highly pned by him is a Masonic emblem takon lroin a lodge room in the city of Cienfuegos meaning the city of 100 fires The emblem is voiy beautiful iMjing Bet with valuable stones Mi Hale perhaps values it more on account ot its associations than for its intrinsic worth Tho queen of Spain ordained that no secret societies hould hold a meeting after such a time In spite of this proclamation tho Masons gathered and hold a lodge and while so engaged the room was broken into by guards or soldiers tho proclamation read by the officer in charge and the lodge property was confiscated Sir Hale discovered tho emblem or jewel now in his posses sion at a pawn shop whero it hud been sold or given as security for a loan Not only has Mr Halo como into pos session of many interesting mementos but his mind is well stored with pleas iug stories and anecdotes of his experi ence on tho island Waited Soveral bright nnd holiest persouH to represent ub as managers in this and cloo counties Salary fX a year and expenses Straight bona fide no more no less salary Position per manent Our references any bank iu any town It is mainly oflico work con ducted at homo References Enclosed belt- addressed stumped envelojx Tiik Dovi5JiovCoMiAY Dept Chicago To -urn A Colli In Dun lluy Tuko Laxative Hroiuo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to euro L W Groves signature on every box 25c ToCiirit I ii irlpjio In lii Diijh Take LnxntivoBroinoQuinino Tablets All druggibts refund the money if it fails to euro K W Groves signature on overy box Slo 1 rVUrOYouciiH have 11 our oll m II A J j t uruin sells velvet or moquette carpets made into beautiful rugs at tho Omaha Hug Factory 1621 Leavenworth St Price list fioo First class references Jas Tineyckk Proprietor Best city reference A 1 1 V y 1- MUTUAL INSURANCE N lli lovitiior llolroiuli lWoalorfr f II Till lloOianiodiiCoiiiiiiuiN Ii a fJ t SiH t S J xtSH The romarkablo i coord of Silas A llolcouib iu tho matter of insurance legist Uioit challenges the attention tif tho people of tho state and leads at once to tho iuev itablo conclusion that it would bo unsafe to place such a mini on the supremo bench A weak man in tho presence of temptation while in the gubeitiafoiial chair what could lie ex pected of him as a judge What case would bo safe in his hands Dining the legislative session of 1 SIM theie was a delei initiation to pass a law which would allow the oigauiatioii or mutual cnmpiuies for tho instiling of village and tow u ptopoily To defeat this time was present at the statu house mi oigaiiiod lobby possessed ol ample means fin ml iohu pin poses II was well kiinvv u at the time that 10000 iu cash wis mi hand lobe used iu deleat lug mutual insiiiatiee legislation On I iu 17 Mr Bioiiniiau of liiebaid sou iiitiniliieeil house mil 211 a lull an Hun iing the lot million of mutual com paints II was pel feelly salisfat toi v In the puiple who were demanding mill mil lusuiaiiee The record ol I he intmdue tlou ol the bill is louiiil on pigc2llof the ImiiM iniiriiiil hi Tib 21 tho bill was repot ted to the gi in nil llle and was deluitl theie until Maieh 27 when II was taken up in the comtuillee oi the whole ami le commended Im pissago On Match lit ptge I IM of the house piiu mil it was passi il by unanimous vole Such ie foimtisas Hairy Hull and Soileimau weielluie ami voted lot the lull The reason foi the unanimous vote was that the msiiiaiuti bundle had been insight so noloi ituislv that any man voting against the lull would have been mitt In il at tun e as a booillt r The lobbv concentrated its i llorls to di leal the bill ill I he sennte Bviry method of delay was resorted to At liiistoiie piomtilfitt clcllc was bulled Mum y was olTi ed o benutors to git tlieiii to dt lay or lose tho bill At one time the ouo crooked lerk and one bundling si natnr cinrieil it away and Wen mnileln disgoige only allti the sen ill hail issued wauanls lor then in lests In I lie senate as in the house nil he bundle plans filled The lull pisstil with but one dissenting vote and thai one si uit ot was politically blacklisted lot that act and has ueviti sineti been allowed to hold olliee But the old lino iiisuiaueo people knew what they wort doing They hail delated tho final pissago of the bill until the last day ol the session They knew what Onveiuoi llolcouib would do They knew that ho would wait until attei the adjournment ol the legislature when all daugei ol pissing nvirlns head was past and I lion he would vi to tho lull The loooiil hlmws thai on April fith pige 1IV ot the house jiuit mil tin bill was picsi nted to the goveiijoi by n joint cnmiiilttei Inlil it leu hid Iiik hands it was t and ill I guaidid to k ep the ists nnd booilliis liom sti aling it At that line dny ouo ol the eleiks was oirei i d 11000 if hit would lose the bill or allow himself to be held up and lobbed ol it Alter the adjournment of the legisla ture loveuioi llolcouib can led nut Ins pnt of the cnutiat t Altei uiimeious consultations with a Lincoln lobbyist ho vetoed tho lull Im this action he was never able to give a decent excuse and left hiuisolt open to the strong suspicion that he had entered into a hatisfaetniy deal with tho bundling lobby The deleat of this mciitoimus bill in such a suspicious manner caused mm h indignation over the state und tho next legislature met with the dotoi munition to pass u mutual insurance lull and put it through so early that a eowatdly gov ernor could not head it nil Jones of Nemaha on tho 18th of January lft7 Hitioduced hoiihO roll 181 a bill exactly similar to the Biockman lull exiopi Uiat it had seveial more sections relat ing to nssessineufs and other matters wJiich were also covered iu the laws al readj on the statute books The bill passer the house on the llth of March by unanimous vote It jtihsed the sen ate on tho 2d of Apnl with just one negative vote and was presented to tlio governor on tho lid of April For some reason not orally explained but which is pretty well shown up by tho records Governor llolcouib held the bill until the 8th of April when ho an noiiuced to the legislature that ho had signed it New tho sequel That same day the news was given out thut a new insur ance company had been organ icd under tho new law and that Silas A Holcomb was elected as its president Tlusaction had hi en taken before tho bill was signed and tho salary of tho president was fixed at 0 per mouth Comment on this transaction is unnecessary Tho ret olds aro the best evidence From that date to tho close of his jIUciiI term its governor Holcomb drew money every month as follows t ulai iu governor fjWih fM Salary as insurant o president WMio Bake oil In house rent deal u Hi f27s ij This was a pretty comfortable salary for a plain man and did not count Iho oflur iHiquisites ho might get in tho way of laihoad ptshes assessments from clerks and appointees and other coinpliniontauos as O W Palm would term them Silas made tho office pay but the in surance scandal will bo remembered It will havo another chapter tiii v ruui iif ioi t Aolu u slide tlio gulden wedge Anil while hn Uept II lllilditi In his tent 9 I hi i nine of bid Z Who liiitet a tlilef Itesleil on Israel Hut when Hie ultlsKeritl iirti1it ti litnU Aelieu to the Mihurim Of the eniiip Anil Hlntitd him there with slouis 1 111 he vmih ilcnd I lie t ilise was llftiil Anil Ikiih1 In the next ciiuimlgii J Ciurliil evei ptii Inut In the statu You are tho Ai hen SI You limit the vvedgu Yen M tooU uv iu j hliig In night Anil now I ho vv hlslttii d iiiiplintH uf iitfoi ui Ate itftii You The te pelllu vou with stones I hev e ill hen vim to the hiiIiiii In Of tlio camp Anil theie tint II II lug Jim Aswiuthless iiiIiIiInIi Into Hut AhIi ban el Im Of iilillvlnn I hev re building now A uillil wall Ainunil the Htipienie i tutrt T1 vv nit nun unit so mull And bins so i Iiimi I hat e eu Mm I I he sllppiiesl woiHct nf jtiitr gang annul Miteive thliuiiih A ml in llial gale tlie U mil o No i itniiluii U of Sim in ii form No imp limit conjurer of Uiillni fiuuils EJ5 No i oiiHiiliitlon broiler 4 lilt sti Ii ii limine 1 1 ub In bis urn r mi i uli r j - J MILJZ I illlirli Von lii t it k lough Ki W nut v -- nil llMll VIMII I llllIIIO Ntui viliml Miiirdiiv In pulltlrq I In peupli have In till lilnil In Mitt I In v tin knl nu In a cm i lane And ut lliitltli I lew I hi v i lieered umr filllse And vwiMil mmi on h biiniiirii And vnii old lev mi lliiwnl i ut I stnllfd j W llll slllli I illliilllllllS in feu hiinvvliiir full well I lint nil the whilo J mi had I he vvitlfe -- Oh sllit Mlns1 ry Hail vim but solved Hie pent o And In it viiiiiMir 1 In V Would nut How III lids iMn I Inn Hfiiiiib ut hiilui In liusl Im fnru A ml liii mi Nalvitl In jv oil i liemli 4 - I im nlii Jinn n Hill l llillini Wi lies ii I i III i M llaiiingtnii Dcmni iitn nom nee lot iiiugieM in the Sixth disliu I e also a vu 1 1 in ol the habit ol leltn wnl nig as witness the lollowing si ut b him In lu in Bovlc ol ICoaiuev i hail man of the IJeinoeiatle dislncl louimit tee Kl A KM V l II I llll II ISnvlf Km Dl A l Mi -I he slut ii 1 1 ii I i inn in I Iti ii Is uigliig pinmpt uitlnii Vi iiiiisI i ifpL Hie im vitublii I In- fuluie nf Di min ii i in the Mlh dlHtili t id pcmls liuelv ilpnn the nuiiibei vf tun tlniw ftiiiii Inp llllsl Miiiiii s I lieie Ih oiiI tine imue vcir In wall nml riisluii will be all nvii IheiewllI In but ivvu puHles mill the lentil is nf the Demoi talif pnilv now Wjll In the ret iikiiIi il leatlets then submli ginii fullv t veil tho we luivi liislietili a pnl lit to dn in I I ud in lii tl u i eilllli ale w hii Ii phn e sitfii In tin two plui i s mm I t tl In fun a j list Ii i nf tin pi iv e ni a lint in publit wlmhasiiM tl Mi Neil who his lit i II iib t ut iu Itglnlii will be ut borne in a few ilnv s und waul tn liuve it ieail fi mi M II VIII IM ION This lettei is of pnfiiiilai inteithl and sigmlli nice to all PnptihsiH nl Ni bllski It sets Im 111 the avownd pill pnsonflhe I mni tats tn sw illnw lie Popiihslu next yeai What ennci ssions no made this yiu by the Deinncials ate expected tn heal ft lilt nil hlindrtd toldntiljeu when andiiliite ISiyan and the sihci plated DemociiU y will put tho Pnitihst paily out ol sight This is the im ailing ot the adherence of Piym to Holcomb iu the stile convention despite the piotest nl in my leading Demo iits who nbjei ted tn supporting Ilnliouib but who ate doing so in u desultniy soil nl way merely to profit by it next year when the Populist party just as Mi Huiingloii writes is to dis appeai and when loadtisof Denmcraey now will continue to Im Uaileis alter tho swallowing has taken plum Mr Haiimgtous letter which has just como to tho suifacu thiovvs a stiong side light on tho working of lloss IJiyan and his Democratic maclnno General Fred Funston like Admiral Dovvey has disappointed the oppon ents of the ailininistiations warisilicy He has uouUrmod what tho admiral has said since his return Ho demos tho capacity of the Filipinos for self-government and favors going ahead in a vigor ous manner to suImIuo the rebellion in Luzon He charaetenes Aguinaldo as a con man He is confidoncing his followers into loheviiig thoy can whip tho Americans and drive them out of tho islands As a disciple ot Ceorgo Washington aceoiding to lonerai Puuston tho little rebel is a miserable failure and Nobraskans who may think hoy uro supporting u pure and Ingh miuded patriot by voting against the iidmiuistiition should ohu their eyes to the facts Silas A Holcomb as governor repudi ated Mr Sturgess n commended by or ganiod labor loi appointment on tho state commission fin thu Umahu exposi tion United labor now has its oppor tunity to repudiate Mr llolcouib ami tho prospei ts mo very good that it will do so The truth is there is positively no warrant for labor of any kind bup poitiug Mr Holcomb and his ticket on geneial pinieiploi All kinds of labor is in great deniaud all over tho state at enhanced wages and this in no wise because there is a Populist state admin istration but because the good Iord has sent big e rops and tho Republican paity has maintained sound money and kept its promise to reopen the nulls und re store prosperity IMPORTANT ut thtH out and Hcud to uh ami wo will sell j on the lust quality of Binding Twine AT Wholesale Prices Hisal or Standard Manila Ini mi i nil OiiimIiii III Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Re funded Vo lniw but etui l nnil t mi mule ft in il hlliHili lilt- till till unit Ii Ii i flu il mmIiiIi I Ittlit I liiltn i h tin tl iiiIIiii t ImmIii ii v ittliiriiliti t Hull i it ry liall nt inn luun lulu Im en itinili en lit w Htilinlli f witlini lln 1nl iiuittv tliivf Sunt iii Su l llll II it llll I IU llll III tc Wlllhllllil I II miIiji 1 1 Ini mi ml ii it I it in If ill Mi 1 1 Will it tom I Mini iiiiin luijiniiit nf in i i iMt low ii nnil hliti littt r Hi Ii n in i x Si In Niitliimil liiitdi 1 1 Ih iii i m ni nn nut till i iihltiini im tit nt11 Vililn The WesiGiw Mercantile Co Itllli in it I ni im Ml- lln il llll II Ill it mvi H Vi II Ml I i v V III iillioi I iii im im 111 Jell il Milt In illili lilllllli nu if lllll I i iiiih i f in iliiiltinil ii nit hIk min niiH 1 1 m iiiiii Iiii I m mini i t h i i t nil it I ft r tl lllli si III i mini fllllll In i II I IiIm Mini ti ii I ii kiv in it Iii Iii i I i null il i ii in inn i ii ii Hi in Ii fi i lMi i iiih ni in 1 1 H in i i I i Villttlllllll V till tl II I IlllH lllfllll I III ll il lllllll llll Mlllll III t I Villi ill llll I HIM I li III Iiii i wliii Ii ii i h wlin 1 1 nu till it lln I im i Stud v I jml li In ih tin r I im i mil i Inn n V il HI i I im ii ii il n i i i i in limn vnii iimlil hii I mi Im min im is il i n in 1 1 1 1 mI i f I ii 1 1 i i W i w hi t i i Tn i i nil mm In lln t III I lull mi in I I H i I I n tint I I VI Ml Hn Ill 1 1 i iti Iti min i I lH Itii inn ilii V In tmuori 1 caiir let Away a Couple of Aluiitlit fiom BAD WEATHER and visit Abbeville or Hot Springs N C Aiken S C Augusta or Savannah Ga it t In IIIIIIV FLOEIDA HESORTS Tniiiisl In In s im salt i i Southern - Railway j hj all I ickel Acnls i I Im seln dull s nr Inillii r mat imi wtfte in call mi Wvt II Tvmmk A f I A I LniiisviHe Ky J j 1 Hi avi It N W I A j Ml dams Si Clilcin j DATFhMTC an i ki kin f 1 Ll 1 O lROCUKU EUGENE W JOHNSON Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes 171 Niw V nrl Avi VV ASIIINUION I C till I I Hflllllll lll d I I Iiiiihi v 1111 iliTutn or n cii iiiliiii 1 11 1111 hi ij FARiR3 LANDS I iiciitiil hii tin lllinniH 1 ntr d ft ft 111 SOUTHERN tlUINiGIS 111l iiImi Ii rnlsl im t Im 11iui nml MlmihMji iilli y It If iu lln 1 111111111H YAZOO VALLEY Of MiniNiiii Sjicinlll mjiiiitiij to tliti ra b 1111 ui Corn and Hoes Soil Richestinthe World Write for PainnlilethaiKl Maps R J SKKNB IIKRNT MOB I11111I immihhinni r Auhi Iitnil Coiur III Cint it It 11 Iltrh ItiiwIUoinri7 IKAIU IM FIRST and THIRD TUESDAYS EACH MONTH CHEAP TRIPS SOUTH BY THE Louisville Nashville Railroad Wnlt for hformation io C P ATilORE C P A - 10VISVULE KY