The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 02, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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A - fc A X - - V A
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gara Agmmi gNftta 4LafiflsiftfciiS
overcame him He wrote a few letters
seized his tiavellng bag and tied with
out much idea as to where he was go
In the lower hall of the building he
met Miss Elton It was what he had
long feaied for her uncle was cashier
of the bank and she had to come down
lo see him often on errands for her
Of course he couldnt look at her
Neither could she look at him And
Hint Is why they both tried to get out
llrst and both came together with 1
jolt in one of the compartments of the
rapidly revolving door
Kiost porcehed the catastrophe the
tenth of a second too late He btopped
suddenly in the wild hope that he could
back out The door bumped against his
heels with tioinondous foice and ho
lurched forwaid against Miss Elton In
a most embanasslng way Ilabbllng
the most abject npologles ho thrust
out a hand ahead of Miss Elton and
tried to push the door mound It did
not move He threw his weight
against the leaf behind him but It was
as immovable as an iron wall
Why whats the matter with the
thing he exclaimed
Its stuck leplied the girl feebly
That was the truth certainly Frost
could not move It either way Their
segment was completely closed by one
of the curved walls between which the
door revolved They weie impilsoned
in a space just big enough to hold them
Frosts llrst idea was that the shock
of the door had disauanged Its mech
anism He had never taken the trouble
to find out Just how these contrivances
were built but ho knew that the i in
volving partitions could bo folded to
jjelher handily so theio was good ptos
jieel of Immediate iclcase
Indeed It was probable that the door
ciiirf J5 Miir ir jfooir
a iww - - - - - -- - -- - - v
When Mr Irost onino In Hip portal
of thu Aim street liiitiU building whom
111 his others weie located he obsei vrtl
tliat some workmen were repairing the
roof of tin1 vestibuh It Is a unique
structure unlike anything else l New
Yoik Mr Irost being an arelilteet
was peculiarly sensible of Its nhstudl
ty It looked to lil in as If tlie bulldois
lintl tried to carry u classic nimble
tomb Into the modem stiuetuie and
had pot stuck with it half way ihiough
the front door
Considering the weight of the Hlahs
which foimed the main pait of thu
vestllmleK roof Mr Fiost was of the
opinion that they ought not to he dis
till bed while people weie passing in
and out beneath This opinion how
ever was entirely professional Iei
sonnlly he did not caie whether the la
borers did or did not ill op 00 pounds
of marble on his head whence we con
clude that Mr Irost was not happy
Meally he bad stood It about as long
as he could The trouble did not seem
to be that he had losl the girl but that
lie could not stop thinking about her
When their engagement was bioken
lie was able to say to himself that the
act xvas wise that she would be hap
pier as the wife of somebody else and
ho as the husband of nobody at all Of
coin so Miss Klloii was a very at
tractive gill with a face that simply
wouldnt gel out of a fellows mind
and a lot of the piettiest Con-
fmiiul II Wliv liNil In v el met liniV l
Why couldnt he stop wonving and
get back to woik Must he lesort to
travel in far lands as levels in noels
usually duV
On this purticulir day the doshe
could be turned by foiee piopoil ap
plied Mis own position prevented him
fioin putting much power Into the of
foit for in pushing upon the pailitlou
ahead of him he had nothing to binco
against except the paitltlon behind
him and such an attempt was like the
old Joke about the man who tiled to
lift himself by pulling on his boot
Meanwhile the situation was Inex
pressibly embarrassing Dozens of
men who knew Mr 1iost and Miss Kl
ton and the main facts of their unfor
tunate love storv weie among tho
banks customers or held ollices in the
building A crltnblo procession of
them might be expected at that hour
In the forenoon Fancy being shut up
in a little glass walled cell witli the
gill to whom joii used to be engaged
ami thus exposed to public lew and
the ridicule of oiir fi lends It was
not to be borne
In the few seconds that were ieiiiir
ed for the situation to ieeal itself to
Irost a ciowd had collected It was
still possible to pass in and out of the
building for on each side of the m
voher then was an oidinary door
but most people seemed to piofcr to
halt and view lie spectacle 1iosl saw
the uniformed watchman of the build
ing a gigantic and inipiesshc ciea
tuie push liia way tluoiigh the Huong
within and apply his stiengtli to the
door It did not move the sixteenth
pait of an Inch Kiost shouted to him
to get help fioin the woikinen who
weie cliiiibltig down fioin the vesti
bules loot and the watchman replied
itasMiringly that it would be all right
In half a minute
Evidently icllif must come fiom
WssM I
Jf wmm W I
BiArT n n nnn r
Ilwlfrs yu Lul
J h
Hit 11 i L
Iteki i aki siiiit ur TocirriiKH in a oaciv
without It remained for thoso within
to summon up their patience Frost
was a young man of remarkable self
This must be very annoying to you
he said but of coin so It cant last
long I think we should make the best
of it and that suggests the Idea that
you would better sit down
He tinned his diess suit case over
on end and placed it so tnat she could
have thu end wall of the eel for a
Thank you said she I bhall not
be so conspicuous If I sit down Hut
Im afiald the door will begin to tuin
And Im afiald that It wont he ie
joined laugnlng gently At any rate
It will hit ni llrst and I will give yoii
warning Ah heie comes Paulson
raulsen was the chief machinist em
ployed In the building He went light
to work as if he thought that two min
utes tlmo would be enough to settle the
affair lint the minutes passed and the
door was Immovable
In the segment opposite the one In
which Mr Frost and Miss Elton weie
Immured an eldeily gentleman of rath
tr elegant appearance had been caught
His position was In all respects similar
to theirs He was taking matteis very
coolly leaning against one of the par
titions and smoking a cigar
Our neighbor is bearing It well
said Fiost with the amiable Intention
of dlv citing his companions thoughts
He has the advantage of being
alone leplied Miss Elton
She had not meant to say anj tiling
disagreeable Natiually she computed
the man in the one comptuimeiit with
the man in the other Hut the leiuatk
was susceptible of being taken anothei
way It cut Frosts heait right In two
You are ungrateful to 1iovldence
tald he gently Think of the extreme
luevltv of our picscnt assoilatlnn and
if the linn h loiigi i mie that von have
Im ulMlim that she hud been the
oilgluiil nggiessnr MIm Elton plncced
oil to git even with I lost for revet I
lug to an unplenannt topic
As jnu linplj sold hp thin cno
riciice Is oinparahlc to niatrlinonj
Here wc arc abut up together 111 n cage
enili humlng to get away and vet Inca
pable of doing so
Ami Paulson who tjplflcs the di
vorce court Is so dreadfully slow re
joined Irost
These glass walls said he ghl
cotil Inning the allegory are like the
publlellv of inarringe Mntrled people
are foi ever In the sight of all the wot Id
and inch must In effect decline at all
times This Is Hie best parluei I could
As to that responded Ilost the
icincdv Is to make a choice of which
one can uevei be ashamed 1 did so
Ipon my wold said she vou said
nothing so polite as that In the old
I thought vou would like something
of the kind lie leplied and I tried
verv haul People Mho me foiced to bo
together should stiive to be agieenble
That Is I fanev the gieal and open so
ciet of happiness in man Inge
No one Is so dlsagieealde said she
as the man who stiaius his naturally
uuamlable online in the ell oil to be so
and then immediatelv deiuatids ciedil
tor It That I should suppose would
be Hie heaviest ot a wifes bunions
Her husband Is a beat a polar bear
lleice and cold Once in awhile he
pulls In his claws and looks pleasant
for about two minutes and tor the
next hour or week poihups be Is al
wavs snv lug how hard lie tiled to
please his w Ife
Would vou like me lo huirv Paul
sen he aslsed
lie repiesents the dhoieo com t
doesnt lie- said she Yes by all
means appeal lo him Theie Is an evi
dent case heie of liieoiiipatlbllllv ot
Piust culled to Pnulcu and the ma
chinist came close to the prison wall
The tumble Is not with the door
he said it is on top Thu whole thing
Is ciamped
The loot of Hie xestlbule hail settled
pet haps as Hie icstilt of some misman
agement of Hie i epulis and one of the
Htippoits was piesslng down upon the
door in such a way as lo hold lis four
llanges immovable Posslblv the Jar of
Hip doors sti Iking 1iosts heel might
have Im nlshed the last pound of powei
that jiieclpitatcd Hie catastrophe or it
might have been tate hat timed It so
The couil said Irost decides Hint
we have not been heie long enough to
gain a lesidence Attion on jour peti
tion is tliciefoie po l ponod
And meanwhile she all
our liiends know that we aie anxious
to part and cannot Theres Harry
Windoin gi inning through the glass
i iid hell tell everybody And oh
thems uncle Poor fellow how sony
he will be tor me
That our fi lends should be amused
and our mar iclatlves gileved said
Fiost is the inevitable result of these
putanglemints However kt us be
consoled Your uncle will spend large
bums to get us out of this
It will gel into the papeis she ex
clalmed I see a man wilting some
thing in a notebook
Therell be an ai 1 1st hero piesently
said Fiost I wonder if they can pho
togiaph if tluoiigh this glass
They both laughed at the pieposter
ous notion of their pictures being to
gether in the afternoon papeis Their
mcriiuient was Interiupted by an out
burst fiom the other cell The t til t tt
prisoner was making a rumpus Ills pa
tience had given out Ills cigar was
smoked up and besides he had gath
ered fiom Paulsons statement that the
situation was not without peril He
was threatening damage suits and per
sonal violence
Miss Elton caught borne words of his
which let her know the real cause of
the trouble and It fr Queued her Sin
gulaily enough sie clasped Frosts
hand with an Impulsive grasp
Is It true she ciled that some
thing Is wiong with thu roof over us
It Is said he but theio Is no real
danger If theie were they would
break down the doors and release us
He did not let her li inil get away
while he was speaking and Indeed
she made no effoit to wlthdiaw it Stid
denlj theie weie tears In her eyes
I am glad jou are here she cried
Of course I would not wish you to be
In danger but I should be so frighten
ed If i wen alone
I think that we have been of some
use 10 each other he i eplled Even
our juaiTclr have helped to pass away
the tune Our friend in the other cage
who typiliLs Hie bachelor began tlio
ordeal mote calmly than we did but
lie has not held out as will His Intel
est is selllsh and that Is the woist kind
of unhappliiess
He caieful Jack she whispered
You are leading our little allegory to
a strange conclusion
Let It lead wheie it will he re
piled Tlio fact Is that all life Is an
oideal which two can bear butter than
She looked serious for a moment and
then laughed happily like a child
Tell Paulsen t lint I dont want to
get out said she The petition is
wlthdiawn Youre a good fellow
lack and the hinder the situation the
better fellow jou are It Is worth
while to go tluoiigh troubles for the
sake of going thioiigh them with
Half an hour later when the door
decided to move these two did not
take advantage of their fieidoiu They
went up to races home und told her
mother that they had made It till up
And while they told the Mnry they
weie Just us clubo together ai in tlio
narrow cell of wood and glass Hut
they had learned to Hko It
Boers Cupluto Two I3ritish
Regiments ai Laitysmitli
Ionl Irish rustlers niul
shirr1 Ucjiiuciils SuiTtiiuVr
Slvli -dm UIMcn In Mix KiliH liiiiiiil
tiiKil In the Uimn til Ilin IIWiix
I lil IhuI tln VVliiiln Cnlllil i Inliidlmilll
1 Vinl linnl Im ii IIiiimIi iil iiii
Iiximx Nov I Theie was a con
tinuous sticain of calleisat the war ol
tlco until a late hour eveij body anx
iously nupming legaidlng Mondays
casualties hut the war olllco declined
nothing had been teceived since en
iial Whiles dispatch eonvoving Iho
iutoiuiatiou of the capit illation til tlio
Uoyal Irish Fusileeis and the iloiieosler
legimeut This delay in getting fur
ther intelligence is attiibuted in put
to the hifiikiug down of the east coast
cable but it stands to leasoii that tlio
Win olltei must he possessed ill fiiitlier
news vv liu h it is not thought iidvisalilo
lo publish us yet Tlio disaster has
caused a leiling akin lo constei nation
mid in iloiieeslcrshno and the not lit of
Iiclaiul wheie the legnneiits were io
Tinted the blackest gloom pievails
lamihi s awaiting with healing heaits
the news Many homes an1 already m
liiolil mug in couseiiiciice ol losses sus
tained bv those icgiiiieiits in pievious
Public anxiety was caused by a spe
cial dispatch t rum lidjsiiiith pub
lished m the lute Millions lo theellecl
Hint befoio dailuicHs last night the
Hoers Decupled the position held by
then homy aitilleiv which icuciul
Whitehall silenced by the naval In
adeiuid had opened Iho again
The dispatch fuither says Thu
oiiemv ivi again closing in and Iho sit
uation is one of grave anxiotv He
youd ihiiibt the lioer letiiemeut Mon
day was a i use to iliaw ieneral White
into the hilly counliy and nwav 1 1 tint
tlie Pitilish camp
This last sentence is Higiulleaul ami
couth ins I he opinion ol mi I it u y expel Is
that ieneral White is allowing himself
to be oiiteneialed by ommaildaiit
Geneial Joubeil
No i xaci repoit of losses has yet been
made public but I he best estimate is
that 1110 to 1 Kit men have been cap
tilled oi killed The olliceis Willi the
lost detachment nuiiihcieil il Whites
lepoit shows 12 ol these pi isoners The
liileienco drawn here is that the others
have been killed
Fiom lie scanty advices nceived it
seems cei tain that the disaster was a
simple icpetitiou ol the bailie ol Majuhi
hill though on a largei scale The two
legiuicnts weie allowed to niuich into a
tiii set lor them by the lioeis It is
simply a case ol the lioer spider and the
guileless iiritish lly In fact Hie whole
engagement ol Monday seems lo have
been bioiight on by Command tut iiiii
cial loiibeil who conceived a giant
trap out oi which as the olli iil dis
patch shows Sir Jeorge only i scaped
with dilliculty icucial White had the
idea oi driving the Hoers from the hill
seven miles out which icucial limber
made a show ot foitifying on Sunday
The Eoer ioiceslelt uioice sutlicient
to draw General White on while with
the reiiiaindei of the Eoern he moved
stealthily around the Hritish right to
dolivir a think attack and to endeavor
to cut oil Ueneial White from Eady
sniith Tlio Hritish commander suc
ceeded in bating oir the attack hut
only with great dilliculty and during
the movement Ins tioops suffered lrom
a flanking lire
Harsh things are said in militury cir
cles of the tactics which have made pos
siblo the ambush of the Eighteenth
Hussars at Olencoo and now the loss of
two lino regiments
It is feared that Sir Jeorge White is
no mutch for the Hoors insofar as cun
ning tactics aro concerned and it is
pointed out that if the Eiitish com
manders continue to lead their men
into obvious traps tuithei disasteis
must be looked lor
About 0000 fresh troops will nrrivo
nt Jape Town on Sunday next liom
England and lie available to reinforce
Ieneral White Tianspoits will nrrivo
theie daily after Sunday until by the
end of next week 28000 troops will
have Ik en lauded in South Africa
These troops aro intended for General
lullers army but they will undoubt
edly bo disptaehed to Natal if the situa
tion there should become pcnlous The
Hritish army will eventually reach the
huge total of hJOill of winch ltSi
will bo legulars and tlio other 20000
miscellaneous but excellent colonial
Worn DrfiMt fm ii lliimliril Vintri
London Nov 1 An ominous cur
tain has again descended on affairs in
Natal No dispatch except the ofllcial
telegrams of Sir Geoigo Stewart White
lias thus far been permitted to mention
tlio disaster and no telegram from Ijady
smith has neon received in London since
tho advices of the Hritish commander
This gives rise to the beliof that com
munication has been cut in which event
some time must elapie before di tails re
guiding Hritish losses are rcceivid
if tho war olllco ofllcialsliave itceived
information on this point thov have ru
lrained iroui publishing it ieneral
Whites estimate that tlie Hritish losses
were uhout M isovidently quite sspirato
from the probable losses in killed and
wounded among tliecaptuvud b ittalions
On this point tlioro is tho greatest sus
pouso ninoiig tho relatives of tho pris
oners It is NiipptKiil the stampeding
nuili i eai i led awav the icn v h of am
iiiuii him ami thill the lumps wipilu
lad d atli r Hung the iiiuuils each man
ruined In the absence nf news the
morning pipei s aie f educed lo spirilla
Hon ni to how the disiistir m curved
Tlio grin nl opinion i Mini a inisiim of
Iheunuln vv as he real ren son of the full
Into the tin Appnii nth there was no
cm nil v lo w iti h over the rat let of the
mission column
The Morning Post pointing out how
near the Mulish were ton ntill greater
tllsasb r saw lu en pt iirt ii g the col
limit tin Moeis also had the Devonshire
legtmeiit praetirallv at their luerev and
a little inure dining would have made a
bad business much wotse and seeing
thill a foiee sllollg enough lo scoop lip
a couple of infaiiliv battalions could
IlllVe put itself ptlicliiullv bet Wren Jell
rial White and his eiitupwo may be
very thankful that things toditv aie
not nunc seiioiiH than they are thu
Ii ssou has been seveie It Is huniilliil
big lo Hud a nation ol fai merH healing
at theii own game but Hid
Mtonit a propel lespeel iH had loi Moer
Htiategv ami laches tho better lor our
IoiIiiiii s in Natal
This sobeiiug note is sti ueh bv all the
mottling papeis today together with
expiessioiiH ol a delei miuahou lo eanv
the niatlei thiough ul whatever cost
The Daily hionicln leleiimg editor
uilh to the silualiou says
III vii vv ol the intent liuluie ol lie
campaign and the teuible hiiiiiiliiihoii
ol the Mrilish aiuiy vvocun onlv vaguely
hope Hint Sll ieoige While III tile huld
lavs that lay beloie linn may be able lo
hold 1advHiiiith Iteheat would be an
uiideitaking which the imagination
fails to giap It this war is lo be a
Mai ol veiigeaui e we shall have lo wipe
out adisihtii beloie which themeiiorv
ot Maniba ludoNiiway Tlie empiio is
liu e to fare w ith a irpnlse computable
only to Hie suiteiider ol itillgovue to
the embattled lilimiisol our Ametlcau
IIiii Ii l inpiil 1inl i it imI itl Iti fint In Near
VIIiiiIiiiI iii
Wu mimios N Nov I -Author
itative lepoils 1 1 1 tin Wiighlsville and
Caiolina I each says the noilheasler
leached tlie height of its lui y in that
vicinity ai I a m Much piopeitywas
drstioyed but no loss ol lile has been
lrpoileil At Wl Iglltsvilh theie mo
DO odd collages ami ol this number
ir in c a total loss and the oiheis badly
damaged The loss is estimated at
42i000 The host lo ot tlio Wilmington
Sea Coast mill oad ami hack aggiegal
mg ill extent about lluee miles IH u
xvieek and the damage is estimated at
fit0IO AI WllghlhVille Sound con
siderable damage was done and tins
loss is estimated at seveial thousand
Im ikiIii llniil slmliilili I mini lied
Itli iivioxk Va Nov 1 The toipedo
boat Slililniek was launched bile yes
teiday in Hie piescncpol Piesideiit Mc
Kiulej 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v membeis ol Ins cabinet
Goveinoi Tj lei ol Yiiginia anil an im
mouse olltpoilllllg ol people The drill
instiiilion was mailed m some of its
lent urns bv a heavy laillslorni Tho
civ ic carnival parade hail to be aban
don d ov ing to the weather ami the
di i mat ions oi tho buildings picsculcd a
bediaggled and woe liegone appearance
Hut the pi ople lesidents as well as vis
ilois liom ul in Vuginia cities und
points outside the shite vvlio ciimu to
witniss the launching and see the
pienidi nl wi io enthusiastic
olninliliin Itilii l IiiiImI
VIon oloinbia Nov 1 A icpoit
lias ii at lied hem that on Oct 28 two
aimed government steamers destroyed
seven insiiigent vessels one ol the latter
sinking with it is liiinored 200 sol
dieis Tho government troops were
vietoiious in a pitched battle with tho
insurgents near Hticninmiriga Tho
lnsutgcnt leader I Tribe was killed and
the insurgent leader Kui taken pus
oner It is now buheved Hint tlio revo
lution is ending
DiTiilcN fiilnnl luhnr JiiiiiiM
Pirisiiuiuj Nov 1 An liiipoitaut do
cisiou was handed down by Judge
White of the county courts against
labor unions Tlio case was nno which
caused a great deal of comment in labor
circles all over the country G L Flue
ens a glass manufacturer brought suit
against the Glass Workers union to
prevent them from inducing theappren
tiers of the plaintiff to join thu union
Tlie decision holds that tho plnintitr iias
aright to operate his factory independ
ent of tho union ami that the defend
ants have no right to poiHiiado his ap
prentices to become members of their
I Dont lose sleep j
Take j
Cherry Pectoral
and lose that i
couhu j
A Pane Top I IiiIi ami Itinia in
tiHIR llllcs VUllOillllllll lliil mnl
IliM lltttttt tH or I hi He I si it V
ttoilioi of Viiililei Skills
A tiovellv llmlliig favor anmiu oiim
Of the inodlstes Is Hie Use of mini II box
philts la 111 fiom lop to cilne or ii lunie
ill nillRrtiietlt Tills Is not UccismiiIIv
cut ell prim i ssi In actual fail llioiiili
tin general appearame bads to Hull
HUggiMlull II Is sIllMligh gioeful
mnl uncommon hovvevn
Tlie fiiurj for st might lines Is also
well shown In Hie small iniinnm mil
ol Hie Hi hi llliistialloii I his is in tlio
new idiadc of i loth wlili Ii will bn
m V ulU J
much adopted for autumn ami winter
weal being a led shade of mulberry
and ailed aulomoblle The biaided
design Is of plain black- plaited biald
having a lather satin elfeet in places
The slilclieil levels dull metal bllttoilH
and gineial linlshlngs give Hits suit it
most chill tiling elleet while the long
lines tend to make It a becoming alyle
lo auv liguie liiclliird al all to embon
The lacket can be made smaller as a
bodice for Indoor wear and lie collar
lined with velvet in place of the fur
which obtains on Hie outdoor coat
The second cut pirsenls a charming
decollelage lor a voiuig lady It would
account loi ilselt well in any light Hut
but Is csp chilly successful in white
Willi shoiildii simp and bow of sap
phlie blue velvel a pale shade of blue
sa I In ilbbon Unending the bouillou
liees at Hie top beliealh the flill Mi
Iher a sapphlie or tmiiiolse liucklu
slioiild be woin al Ihe waist
Idle the chic bliirk gown is allll
well liked ami ciavs and biowns are
in high vogue Hie piospect of dull
tp TOvit
If m Jffllm
w v -
n -
J 3i
days to come eiicourages toward gay
ness of toilet The tailors me appar
ently dominated by Hie most cheerful
of sentiments for their tweeds com
bine startling and daring color con
It asts Theie me blues inlxed with
heliotropes and lurther confounded by
splashes of ted gieeu and brown
flecked with orange and curiously
clever and iiite delightful gray mix
tures that If caught In one light re
veal flecks of blue in another oC
mauve mid perhaps In yet a third a
glimpse of yellow The tailor world
evidences no signs of erring on tho
side of dill monotony
Spots It Is said will bo everywhere
und tunics or polonaises of pastel cloth
spotted with black velvet will fall over
plain cloth sklits that are to be decked
with flounces cut bias which are to re
place the shaped flounce so long used
elvet It may be added In passing la
expected to be greatly euiploved
It Is authoritatively stated that one
of the great Paris designers will en
couiage skirts for the coming beason
to be much less tight The necessary
graceful curve of the tlguie will Jie de
lineated by a well shaped skirt but In
many cases a wide box plait will ap
pear down the back giving the Hat
-fleet yet a mote graceful looseness
expanding as the liguie wnlku
A late thing Is to have tailor mode
di esses of silk the silk used bclug of
the soft dull kind or faille