The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 02, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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    t Look at Goods
m S
The Norfolk Ileui
W N HUSK PubllBhor
rotniiiiiiiiii ism
lim iluv oxooiil Siiinlii Il ruiiur pur
Wttrik lScoutH Ilj nmil pur jnir iW
IVIalilis hod IVSI
llTory T1iuimIh II mtiil pr 5 oir IM
Kutoivil n tlm IuitollkMiiil NorfoU Nub Cum
CMCUIIll tlilhS iiiuttrr
Tiiluplioiiti No --
For Siipnmiii iIiiiIko
It Itrisr M1100I11
Cm- liiKtiitHcif tlm Hliitti Uiiiihlty -
15 1 Mtliliov Oumlin
Diu W1111 M II ISiy VliiHwortli
For JiiiIko ir llio Niutli lilriot
V Wmrii
ClerV DNnU t Cmirl Imi Stinvi VNl
IVmiiiIj Murk Illllll llMICII
Trcasuror ItC Mnrs
County JiiiIk S A Miht
Sujriuliiiiliiit Iubtic liiNtiuitinu
It tiiciit V Siiiiit
OiirniMr Vuw mTnmk
Suriir V 11 Kowi
CVjuiily IlimiiiiMtiiiiur Piiht Uihtntt
fllltlh Smiiii
Irurlni t IltKot
Vor Jtibtiiv or tlm 1imou S V Ilwrs
U M 1 u oitn
yr Coustablfs MmiiinKim
I 1 Wiiuiiir
IKor Hmiil orniit
RJltlx District No 1
J V l 11 DUtritt No
IFor AMibMir -
C K lliniir Ilret Wiinl
J W It nmim SmvoiiiI Wnnl
Allt Moulds Third Wiinl
J 11 TimurxoN loiirtb Waril
T1 11 vnnu OuIbIiIu lrtiluol
National responsibility cannot bo
Confident o has returned and the peo
ple have confidence iii tho party which
brought it
Tho ropublioni party has n record
uot as a dotroyer but a regulator of
Free silver is a much out of dato as
froo trade Hoth huvo fallen into in
ocuous desuetude
Duty is n great word but it should not
cause a great nation to become timid of
its owu capabilities
ludepemlce and freedom are not nec
essarily synonymous terms Canada is
free but not independent
When Mr Hryaitklooka a bright honest
dollar in tho face roapocted ami sought
Cor wherever it appears and attempts
to impeach its integrity he makes him-
Holf t lio lunliK htook of intollijmt
Tho oyoH of tho nation urn on Nobrns
kn Tlio rohiilt of tho Ikotion in this
Hlntodoiw imirli to htittlo Mr JJryans
political fntnro
Kvury munufiictory in tho land in 11
boo hivi of industry No ouodonits it
All know it Kopublicun polieios are
responsible for it
Tho pooplo know tlint thoir truo
iiitorohtA lio in tho continuation of tho
ropubliiMu party in power Tlioy
not forgot it not Luohday
Post Yourself on Clothing
Silas A Holooinb is a bitter piirtisan
anil a porrtistont ollloo seokcr Ho is
not tho man whoso iutluoneo will have a
Ittiidunoy to plaru tho Hiiproino bench
abovo partisanship
Souator Mason of Illinois threatens to
resign becauso ho dosont liko President
MuKiuloys Philippine polioy Tho rest
of tho country would feel iiuito resigned
to such action on Mr Miuous part
A growing conuneroe good prices and
a busy people theso tiro tho conditions
of Ainoricmi civilization today Does
anyono want to change them If so next
Tuesday will give nil opportunity to
vote for a return of tho soup houo times
of 18Jil
America has opportunities before her
that she little dreamed of 11 short time
agj Tho future of millions of people
in Asiatic soils depends upon us Tho
tars and stripes will represent to them
as it does to us liberty freedom and
highest fruits of civilization
Tho republican party doesnt beliovo
in classes It believes 111 treating nioii
us men It stands by a system of
lliiuiHo that pays tho capitalist ami tho
laborer the fanner and tho pensioner
tho merchant and tho miner in tho
sumo kind of 11 dollar good for its faco
value tho world over
Tho fusion press is notably silent
lately in iis support of Uolcomb for tho
supremo bench Tho editors of these
papers ore hontst and siucero as 11 cltiss
and thoy havent tho haidihood to urge
thoir readers to support a man so essen
tially lucking in every qualification nec
essary for tho position
Mr Uryau declares that he stands to
day where he stood iu lbiKJ Ho stood
for the Chicago platform then and ho
stands for it now Thats all right
Y Ilium Its the sumo way with tho
Americau people They stood agaiust
tho Chicago platform in 1S90 and they
do today They stood for national honor
thou and thoy stand for tho mihio tiling
Holcomb has his nhnro of tho blame to
bear for tho looting of tho state treasury
by Bin thy Instead of making a thor
ough business like investigation of tho
treasurers accounts at tho propor tinio
ho carelessly passed it over taking Hurt
leys word and 11 cigar box full of papers
as proof of tho truo situation Do tho
people of Nebraska desire such ability
on the supremo bench No 0110 know
ing tho business sagacity and lovo for
justice on tho part of the people can
boliove that thoy do
S01110 interesting and instructive
facts bearing upon the Biibject of im
migration huvo been brought by tho in
vestigations of tho industrial commis
sion in New York city recently One of
thoso was the statement of an immigra
tion ofllcinl that during tho years 1880
to 1890 45 por cent of tho arrivals at
tho port of New York or nearly 2000
000 persona announced their destina
tion as the metropolis itself This of
courso could not bo true for the popu
lation of Now York increased only 400
000 in tho years stated but there was
enough truth in it to show the tendency
of immigration It was also btated by
the immigration officers that tho pa
drone system is btill afeaturoof Italian
immigration in spito of all efforts to
break it up and that assisted immigra
tion is still an evil that shows signs of
no material abatement To these sources
wo owe it was said a largo and con
tinuous infusion of the pauper and
criminal classes in our population
Tho bugaboo of militarism is being
worked to its utmost by tho
pausionists As 11 matter of fact if our
regular army were to bo limited to
000 men as Mr Bryan and others huvo
demanded it would result in leaving a
nation with ti homo population of TO
000000 and a dependent population of
10000000 more with only one soldier
to every l4 1 1 persons This is a very
much smaller force in proportion to
the population than ut auy dato iu our
records and entirely inadequate to man
uud keep iu order our seueoast fortifica
tions Our present oinergoucy force of
100000 men takes only 0110 soldier
from every 600 people and with exist
ing conditions iu the Philippines
Cuba aud Porto Hico is certainly us
small a standing army as a great aud
powerful nation should consider essen
tial to tho proper maintenance of her
supremacy The demagogic cry of mill
tarisiu has 110 foundation 111 fact jt is
only another democratic phantasy trying
to till tho place of a campaign issue
War ioornor ol hi ntln Hint
Tu rs Ami
Omaha Nov J 1 Governor Alvin
Saunders died yestcidiiy nt Iih home on
Sherman avenue at the nge oi S1 years
Ho passed away easily anil naturally and
his death seemed to the members of tho
family gathered around tho bedside as
though ho hud merely gone from perfect
consciousness into a gentle sleep
Governor Saunders death removes
one more of the few survivors whoso
lives connect with the early history of
the middle west lio was largely in
strumental in tho nomination of Abra
ham Lincoln as president Ho was
chairman of the Iowa delegation to the
national Republican convention held in
Chicago in 1800 While others were
trying to support Seward and Bates ho
exerted all his efforts in behalf of Lin
coln who is a reward appointed him
governor of tho Nebraska territory Tho
last signature ever written by Lincoln
was obtained by Governor Saunders
and is the most highly prized souvenir
in tho possession of tho Saunders fam
ily Governor Saunders late iu the aft
ernoon tof tho day of tho assassination
willed upon President Lincoln to got his
governors commission renewed for tho
second term The president signed tho
commission and remarked that ho was
going to the theater in tho ovening
with n party of friends Next morning
Governor Saunders while on his way to
Omaha picked up a morning paper at
Pittsburg and was greatly shocked upon
reading the news of tho assassination
Governor Saunders was closely associ
ated with the late Senator Harlan of
Iowa who was Mrs Saunders uncle
Communion Will Irupnru it Ilirtlnl lit-
iUH to III Illlllinlll ll III Olllt
YVahhiniiov Nov 2 members
of tho Philippine commission Admiral
Dewey Professors Sehurinan and
Vorcester and Colonel Donby will
nuiko a preliminary report to tho presi
dent bofore the end of this week and
it is understood tho roport will bo im
mediately given to the public This re
port Will be prepared at the request of
the president as u result of the confer
ence between tho president and the
commission at tho white house yester
day When asked if tho report would
touch upon tho soeulled Sulu treaty tho
arrangement made betweon General
Bates and tho sultan of Sulu Professor
Sehurnian replied in tho negativo
That was purely 11 military arrange
ment said ho with which tho com
mission hud nothing to do
luitniupt r Wound Two llolilii rs
MaNKatu Kan Nov 2 An attempt
was made Sunday night to rob tho post
ollloo at North Branch by a gang of
robbers who wero shot at by tho post
master Tho robbors escaped but yes
terday 0110 of thorn was found six miles
from hero shot through tho anklo It
now apoears that tho postmaster hit two
of the robbers and that the other
wounded one has crossed tho Nebraskj
lino and is being pursued
riintiir Will Not MmUft Guitar
Havana Nov 2 Owing to the pres
ent low price of sugar and tho poor
prospects many planters havo decided
not to grind their present crop but to
uso it in replanting and in increasing
their acreage
Inn fi llHiitlstrt A10 In Sutton
Iowa City Nov 2 The 11th an
nivil convention of the Kastern Iowa
Dental society was called to order iu
the dental building of tho University
of Iowa yesterday President Mac Lean
presented the visitors with tho key to
the university and tho freedom of the
A 1 iimr TiKt Sntlnfuctory
Wasiiinoton Nov 2 Tost was made
at Indian Head of a plate varying in
thickness from nine to fourteen inches
and representing the sido armor of the
Illinois Two shots were fired with
satisfactory results and 700 tons of plate
wero accopted
ChIoiihI Metrnll Promoted
Wasiiinotov Nov 2 Tho prosident
yesterday commissioned Colonel Wilder
S Mntcalf Twentieth Kansas volun
teers brigadier general by brovot for
gallant ami meritorious servicos iu ac
tion at Guigiionto river Luzon
Inn u Wtcnin Omul
NFvniiA In Nov 2 Tamos Doyle
for many years a resident of Story
county and a veteran of tho civil war
is dead at tho ago ot 811 years Tho fu
neral services will bo conducted by tho
local post of the Grand Army
Colombia Culilu Cut
Wasiuxhton Nov 2 The stato de
partment has been informed that tho
land lino wires connecting tho cables
with the interior of Colombia includ
ing tho capital havo been cut as an in
cident of the revolution
Ilral ThoiiKltt
Mildred Huvo you ever thought that
your last moment hud come What an
awful feeling it is that comes over one
at such a time
Gertrude Yes I had that experience
once when I was out riding with 11 fel
low and bis horse started to run away
It seemed as If we would certainly be
dashed to pieces
Mildred And whnt was the first
thing you thought of when death
hoenied to stare you in the face
Gertrude A holo In the toe of my
left stocking I havo never sinco then
run the risk of being found dead in
Fiioh 1 condition Chicago
Cliulltt l lis
Mrs Smith you dont seem to mlud
your two boys quarreliug
No When theyre quarreling I know
theyre too busy to batch up mischief
Chicago ltecord
Get the Prices
Write o Chicago Omaha or any oilier place for samples and prices Then come io us bring samples and prices
W and WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW WE KNOCK EM OUT We will offer you BETTER Values or wont ask you to
Jf lnjimiL II I mil
We Have the Stock We Have the Right Prices Will You Investigate
Norfolk Nebr
3 s
Overcoats and Furnishing
We will Treat You Politely Whether
You Buy or Not
i m
m to
7k to
feM to
Wjk to
w to
Si H A k LI III rli S 1 1 1 hf H
- jt E- In--- i fyZ
S Ifc W C
Deafness Cannot lm Cured
By local applications as they cannot
rench the diseased portion of tho ear
There is only ono way to cure deafness
and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the Jmucous lining of tho
Eustachian Tube When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing and when it is en
tirely closed rVafness is the result and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tubo restored to its normal
condition hearing will bo destroyed
forever nine cases out of ten nro caused
by catarrh which is nothing but an
inflamed condition of tho mucous sur
Wo will give ono hundred dollars for
any case of deafness caused by catarrh
that cannot bo cured by Halls Catarrh
Cure Send for circulars freo
F J Cheney Co ToledoO
Sold by druggists 7fC
Hulls Family Pills are tho best
Open tho door let in tho air
Tho winds nro sweet tho flowers nro
Joy is abroad in the world for me
Sinco taking Rocky Mountain Tea
Sulf PreMirwition
Is tho first luw of Nature For this
reason ovoryono who is ill desires to bo
conio well Thoso who have impure or
impoverished blood turn to Hoods Sar
snparilla becauso thoy know it will
enrich and purify their blood and give
them good health To take this medi
cine 011 tho first appearance of impure
blood is an important step toward self
Hoods Pills euro sick headache indi
It takes a sovoro matrimonial frost to
kill the orange blossoms used in Kooky
Mountain Tea cents
It adds spice to dreary life encourages
the human heart lifts one out of de
spair breathes new life and confldenco
Thats what ltocky Mouutain Tea does
Is often 11 wnnilng that the liver Is
lorpld or inactive More serious
troubles may follow 1or a prompt
fllliIent cure of Headache anil all
liver troubles take
Hoods Piiis
While they rouse the liver restore
full regulur iiitlon ot tho bowels
they do not gripe or pain do not
Irritate or inflame tho internal organs
but have n positivo tonic effect 25c
at ull druggists or by mall of
C 1 Hood U Lowell Mass