The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 02, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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Attorney Fred Free wont to Mudison
Mrs Aug Melchr r is reported much
bolter today
Owur Uhlo returned lust night ftotn
hlsDnmhu visit
A V Johnson of Uucoln was u city
visitor lust night
0 H Hnnows wits n Sioux City
visitor ycl onlay
l S llnyinls in Stunton attending
tobuMnoss iniittois
I 1 Koonigstoin will no to Mmlihon
tonight on business
0 W IJmuMh returned last evening
from i visit toOnmlm
Mrs II Allon of Hattlo Crook was
n ally visitor yesterday
Mm Hurt Mapos wont to Omaha yos
toidny to vlsil relatives ivuil friends
IM Monti of Hullalo GnpS U spent
yoilordny with P K Bond nntl family
IV II i S ogniu will tnnvo Into tlio
residence recently vacated by I Coun
0 E Doughty took the noon train lor
Sioux Oily whine ho will visit ovor Sun
Mr and Mm W II Uultorlleld wont
to Omaha yesterday for n fow days
Mm W G Maker will spend Satur
day with hur hihtor Miss Hartloy ut
A F Multhy of Colorado Springs
Ool 1h in tho city looking after property
Mm E V Stevens and son have gone
to Sioux City and South Dakota for a
visit to friends
Mm ltonry 1 latino has u turned from
u visit of two mouths duration with hor
parents in Wisconsin
1 W True of Otnulm cumo in last
night and will pond tho winter at tho
homo of his son S W Tnto
Mr and Mm Mulutyro of Hloncoo
Iowa are guests of Mr and Mrs David
Bees at the hospital for tho insane
Mm Kiohurdsou Mrs Hubendall and
Miss Schavlnnd of Madison are in tho
city attending tho comity Sunday
school convention
Mrs A S ShurthtT who 1ms bson
enjoying a visit at the home of Dr and
Mrs 11 T llohleii loaves today for
Hot Springs S I
Tho Wost Side Whist oluh was vory
plensautly ontertiiued lust night at the
homo of Mr and Mrs David Bantu on
North Tenth street
1 1 Tonal of Hurtiugton count v
cleric of Cedar county was in tho
city today to see about tho printing
of ballots for his county
Dr O 1j Stovonson of tho hospital
for insane is enjoying a visit from his
mothor and two sisters who arrived
last evening from Oonova
O O Gow will go to Kearney to at
toud tho state convention of tho
Y 1 S U 15 as delegate from tho so
ciety of Firt Congregational church
Mrs Sarih W Morroll owner of the
Mast block is having a ono room addi
tion built adjoining tho rear of tho one
occupied by the Norfolk National bank
Friends of Mr Shurtx arc glad to
note that he is able to be out again ho
having almost entirely recovered front
what threatened to bo a serious sickness
Mrs Elizabeth Fletcher who has
boon tlio guest of Mrs eo L lies do
parted this uoou for Beouior where she
will visit a few days boforo returning to
hor home in Abordoon S D
Bov H Kwstor of Clearwater and
Hov E lust of Ahisworth wore in tho
oily yesterday on their way homo from
Wuyno where they had boon attondiug
tho Gorman Lutheran c mferonco
Mrs Geo L lies gavo a reception yos
torday aftornoou from I until 1 oclock
in honor of hor guost Mrs Elizabeth
Fletchor Those who responded to tlio
invitation piiFsed an on joyablo uftoruoou
Tho republicans of Norfolk and vi
ciuity should not forget tho mooting to
bo hold at tho city hull tonight to ar
range for tho mooting by Senator Hay
ward and Congressman Taylor of Ohio
on Saturday tho 1th
Mr nud Mm 1 E Tucker of New
York who have boon in tho city for
44 It is an IU Wind
That Blows Nobody Good
t That smalt ache or pain or
weakness is the ill wind
that directs your attention to
the necessity of purifying
your blood by taking Hoods
Sarsapa rilla Then your
whole body receives good
for the purified blood goes
tingling to every organ It
is the great remedy for all
ages and both sexes
Dyspepsia Complicated toiih
liver and kidney trouble I suffered for
years from dyspepsia nvith severe pains
Hoods Sarsaparilla made me strong and
hearty J B Emerton Auburn Me
3bodi SaAJamuffn
llood Illlt cure llvir lilt Hie iiou lrritutliie and
only cathartic to lake with llumlt Sarmurlllt
several days examining tho sugar fun
tor left on tho noon ttalu for Ames to
viow tho factory at I hat place before
continuing thoir journey Mr Tucker
Is secretary of the American Hoot Sugar
Kov Unhid or Fond du lino Wis
has accepted a call to become pastor of
St Pauls Lutheran church of this city
anil will probably arrive here next week
and preach lo his new congregation tho
Sunday following Mr Helzel comes
highly rccotunteiitlMl for the position
and ho will undoubtedly receive a warm
welcome from his parishioners
C F V Murqunrdl 0 E Doughty
S L Gardner lohn Oostorllng Win
lClesau and 10 E Heels were Not folk
Odd Fellows who assisted In instituting
tho new lodge at Meadow Orovo last
night They report a largo atteudaiico
of members of tho order from the various
lodges in the vicinity and u royal good
time Tho lodge starts out with II
charier members while a largo number
were initiated last night
Tito ladles should tnko ospnoial inter
est in tho movement for a free public li
brary in Ioi folk and should attend tho
meeting called by Mayor Simpson at
tho high school buiMiug tonight Per
haps no otto thing eerts a bolter in
lluenoo on tho young manhood and
womanhood of tho world today than
good reading mailer and to placolhis
within tho reach of all should be ono of
the objects of all oharitablo ennobling
people Whoovor Is instrumental in in
stituting a free public library in Nor
folk will have u monument to his
credit of more than ordinary moment
The men have taken uu interest in
pushing along the opera house and tho
oppot Utility now offers for the ladies to
equal or exceed that attainment in pro
viding a public library Tho men will
certainly lend thoir assistance to tho
work but it would bo a nieo thing if
Norfolks ladies always loyal to their
home towns welfare could take tho
lead and bo entitled to tlio greater
F Warrant who has tho supervision
of tho opera houso at this placo has
received homo lino photographs of
the building oroctod by his company ut
York which ho is exhibiting to his
frionds Ono is an interior viow and
discloses a lino substantial building of
commodious proportions Anothor is
an interior view of the seating capacity
of tho hall showing tho lower lloor and
balcony seated with fine opora chairs
with upholstered souls The other viow
discloses tho stago and boxos which nro
both works of art and nmko a handsomo
appearance oven in the photograph
Mr Warrant promises that tho Norfolk
auditorium shall bo exactly lileo tho
York structure with tho ono excep
tion that tlio building is SO foot
longer than tho one under construction
here but this 20 foot is occupied by store
and olllco rooms so that tho opora house
proper is no larger than tho ono planued
for Norfolk Tho Norfolk- opera houso
will bo fully tho equal of any in the
state the Hovd and Creighton at Omaha
being no oxcoptions Although thoso
aro larger and havo a greater seating
capacity they will nor answor tho pur
poso for which thoy aro intonded any
hotter than tho ono for Norfolk
E 13 Ovelmtin is in to spend Sunday
F Wietzer went to Omaha this morn
Judge Allon was in tho city again this
Howard Heomor returned from Omaha
last night
Mm W Powors is in tho city today
from Piorco
Miss Graco Spoar wont to Columbus
today for a visit
Mrs C G Seniors is vibitiug with
hor sister at Chadrou
llalph Hraasch was a pussougor for
Omaha this morning
F A Huston is again in tho city at
tending to business affairs
John Hockofollow was in tho city
yesterday from South Dakota
L II Doaii flronmnon tho Elkhorn
is laying off for a couplo of days
0 1 Sleepor and son of Waruervillo
were in tho city today on business
Mrs A J Durland and baby returned
last night from a visit to Plainviow
A stonowaro oulvort has been put in
across Fifth street at Madison avouuo
Senator John M Thurston spoko to a
largo audience nt Wakofiold last night
Miss Nina Walker is expocted homo
toduy for a months visit with hor
Mr Homo is horo to spend Sunday
with his family at tho homo of Mrs
Wm Homloben shippod another car
load of live poultry to San Frauoisco
last night
The city has just received anothor
car load of stono to bo used for street
Mrs Dr Person oud Miss Etta How
ard of Stanton spout tho day with Mrs
D F Sidler
Assistant Superintendent N W Chap
man of tho Uniou Pacific was in tho
city last wight
Mrs ilos Horriskey and daughter
Mary returned yesterday from a visit to
friends in Iowa
Judge J 13 Barnes was a passeuger
for Lincoln yesterday whero ho will
visit Guy and Kim
Thero was a vory heavy while frost
last night mid tho surfneo of tho ground
was f ruuti quite hard
Miss Lmiii Mills and Oriolo Adams aro
in from their schools to spend Sunday
with relatives and fiiends
F P llanlon of Omaha was in town
to attend a meeting of Iho directors of
the Norfolk National bank
Mrs McGuiro and Miss Johnson
teachers In tho Croighton schools were
shopping in tho city today
Editor A P Ohilds of thoTimoH Ttib
line was among tho number who wont
to Wuyno to hoar Altgold talk
J F I not Holier has gono to his old
homo in Missouri Valloy Iowa to visit
friends and attend to business
Miss Agnes Conrad is seriously sick at
tho homo of lior Herman
Mllor on South Third stroot
H A Pollock who has boon attoning
tho county Sunday school ccnvontlon
loft today for his homo in lloutrieo
The 1 larding Croamory company
shippod a carload of thoir fitio products
to Spokano Washington last evening
Mr and Mrs U E Foster drove
down from Plulnvlow yesterday and are
guests at tho homo of Mr and Mrs J 0
Hurt Mupos and M D Tylor drovo to
Hattlo Crock today to attend a meeting
of tlio republican county control com
Tlio riiiloud employes in all oHlcoa aro
very busy which is convincing proof to
them that dull times aro something of
the past
Mr Hyuearson and Miss Hello Sin
clair drovo ovor fiotu Madison yester
day to attend tho Sunday school con
vent ion
11 W Williams is siilVering from a
well developed Jobs comforter that is
working overtime to supply the deniaud
for comfort
Miss Edith Hichelor and Miss Hrunor
went to Wayno this morning for a visit
with tlio family of Prof Pilo of the
normal school
Tho Sugar City Cereal mills booked
au order yesterday for four carloads of
their celebrated Hour to bo shipped to
tho Black Hills
Gust Murquuidt loft yesterday for
Meadow Grovo whero ho will furnish
music for a German wedding celobratiou
llvo miles south of that vitiligo
Tho front of tho fnskoep millinery
store is being ropaiutod A sign with
niumnioth letters will occupy tho ontiro
space above tho doors and windows
Guy Alexandor and Marshall Leavitt
started yesterday on thoir wheels for
West Point whore thoy will visit tho
hitters brother Hov F W Leavitt
Chris Schavland who has boon hero
fr ovora 1 days in tho iutorest of his
candidacy for clerk of tho district court
returned to his homo in Madison this
J F Jonal of Hartington county
clerk of Cedar county who is here look
ing after tho printing of election ballots
cleiktd in Palmers grocery store at this
placo IS years ago
Mr and Mrs S K Dextor who havo
beou sponding some weeks in tho city
loft today for their homo in Lowell
Muss Mr Dexter is proprietor of tho
cold storage plant
Tho second dauco of tho Early Hour
club was hold last ovoniug in Must hall
Sassano tho Sioux City harpist fur
nished tho music nnd tho party was
thoroughly enjoyed
Superintendent O II Reynolds will
depart for Chicago tomorrow to meet
Mrs Roynolds and Mrs McBrido on
thoir return from a visit to oastoru
frionds and rolativos
Mrs A J Davis is enjoying a visit
from hor brother A J Griswold of
Decatur 111 whom sho has not seen for
more than a quarter of a century He
is a conductor ou tho WabuBh lino
Tolophouo No 150 has boon placed in
tho building occupied as police heud
quartors No 110 is now in E H
Winders residouco and 111 has boon
put into tho residouco of J K Boas
Managor G F Sprechor of tho tele
phone uxchango reports tho arrival of a
now assistant nt his homo early this
morning Tlio young gentleman will
call tho manager papa us soon as he is
G W Evans has 6truck a lowing
well on his farm south of tho city which
ho considera of much value to him Ho
thinks that tho valuation of his farm
has boeu increased nbout flOO by tho
lucky 6triko of the well boring appara
Whilo at Grand Island recently V H
HoiVmau passod a successful examina
tion as uu euibalmer and undertaker
boforo tho state board and is now in
possession of a certificate as required
by tho recent luw passed by tho legisla
It is understood that Hov J P Van
Fleot of Trinity Episcopal church will
preach his farewell sermon tomorrow
afternoon and will eoou depart for
Kansas City to toko up work Who
will in tho futuro bo tho pastor hero is
not kuown
W O Hall has discontinued tho bar
ber 6hop recently started by him at
South Norfolk because ho needs Will
Hazels services in the up town shop to
tako his placo as ho Is compelled to bo
absent from his business much of tho
lime ou account of his wifossorlous
Sioux OityIournal 11 llowoagctl
I yoursu switchman has boon declared
lobe Insane by tho commissioners ofiti
Hiuityiind this morning will betaken to
the hospital for the iusano at Olurinda
ltis nbout four weeks sinco Howe Urst
displayed fcigns o niDtital ailment and
now his malady fooiuh to bo getting
worse it Is thought to bo tho result of
taking ovotdoMjs or patent niedioiiio for
relief of spinal trouble
II Vimt Lano general malinger or
tho Nebraska Tolophouo company nud
II U Denny superintendent or toll
lines of tho satno company wero in tho
city today on their way to Croighton
to look after tho proposod construction
of the now lino between this city and
that town Fivo carloads of poles for
tho now lino passed through this morn
ing Ono was set aside hero and is
being unloaded today by Messrs
Sprechor nud Hoqua Tho others will
bo unloadod at tho other towns along
tho line
J S McClary
Omaha today
was a passenger
Ed Bates went to Missouri Valloy
tho noon trnin
J II Herrymau is a city visitor today
from Croighton
Mrs W II I3ucholz loturned from
Omaha Saturday
O Fantl of Chicago is a business
visitor in Norfolk
Chester A Fuller had businoss at tho
county seat today
Mrs Story was a visitor Saturday
from Meadow Grove
Onus Hico went to Platte Center this
morning on business
D J Koonigsfein was a passenger to
Madison this morning
Fred Ivlontz sr and daughter Lizzio
wont to Omaha yesterday
P W Wurnor and Arthur Pilger
drovo to Stanton yesterday
Mrs E A Cruni of Croighton is visit
ing her daughter Miss Oru
Misses Ruth and Graco Matrau wero
visitors in Omaha Saturday
Bauk Examiner E H Luikart visited
with his parents over Sunday
iT Sprechor nnd Mayor S E Simp
son had business in Madison today
Mrs 1 Booth was over from Waruer
villo to spend Sunday with friends
Mrs Ditz aud Mrs Rosoborough re
turned to Tildon Saturday evouiug
F Koch of West Point is tho guest of
his sistors Mosdamcs Rudat and Asmus
Mrs G Eborly and Miss Lula Trent
wero in tho city from Stanton Saturday
Mrs W A Moldenhauor roturned
from a visit to Stauton Saturday even
County Attorney Biruhart of Piorco
was in the city this morning on busi
A J Durland returned Saturday from
his trip to Plainviow and other points
Mrs A Hupp and daughtor of Wiu
sido wero in tho city Saturday tho guests
of frieuds
Fred Sprccher a nephew of P F
aud G F wasaSuuday guest of his
General Manager Lano of the Nebraska
Tolephone eompauy was in tho city
last night
Mrs W H Cooloy and daughter
Miss Bessio wero passengers for Omaha
this morning
Mrs Crook and Mrs White aro guests
nttho homo of Mr nnd Mrs White
southeast of town
Rev A Vollbrocht of Stanton preached
to a largo congregation in St Pauls
Lutheran church yesterday
Mrs S E Hull roturned Saturday
from Codova 111 whero sho has been
visiting during tho summer
A baby girl arrived last woek at tho
homo of Mr and Mrs Ed Ueckor three
miles northwest of tho city
Mrs Bush and daughters and Miss
Amy Richurdsou wero Battle Creek
visitors to Norfolk Saturday
Mrs J L Knesel and daughtor Miss
Alda of Hattlo Creek wero doing some
shoppihg in Norfolk Saturday
Mrs J Sutherland and daughter aud
Miss Idoll Taylor of Hattlo Crook wero
shopping in Norfolk Saturday
Mrs Olios Stitt of Fremont is visit
ing at tho homo of her parents Mr nud
Mrs Whlto southoast of the city
Messrs House aud Nichol havo adver
tised a big sale of stock which is to take
placo next Saturday November 4th
A special train hauled by two engines
came in yesterday ovor the Uniou Pa
cific Tho train contained f0 curs of
beets for tho sugar factory
Postmaster P F Sprecher has im
proved his residence property in tho
western part of the city by the applica
tion of a now coat of paint to tho house
Mrs Carl Asmus celobrntod hor birth
day yesterday by iuviting a number of
relatives and frieuds in to dinner nud
supper A fino time is reported by
by thoso who attended
Dr Frank Salter and wife left today
noon tho doctor for Chicago where ho
will attend a course of loctures aud
IfNf 4 -
A clean vigorous shampoo with an abundant
lather of Ivory Soap is delightful and refreshing
It cleanses the scalp removes dandruff and leaves
the hair glossy and clean
on 44
JJ 100
Vx Salter will go to Battle Creek
Mich to visit her parents for a mouth
Clyde Pollock tho boy who recently
had a leg broken by getting it in a re
volving buggy wheel is now getting
along very nicely and it is believed ho
will bo ablo to bo about again in a few
A company of 1 of Ida Paso walks
little frionds called on nnd surprised hor
yesterday at tho homo of her parents on
South Fifth street tho day being tho
young ladys 11th birthday A good
timo was enjoyed by tho children
Tho Womans Homo Missionary so
ciety of tho M E church will meet
with Mrs Hibbon ou South Third street
tomorrow afternoon after which thoy
will servo ono of their popular 10 cout
teas from fivo to seven oclock Every
body is invited to attend
A number of little frieuds called in nnd
surprised Clydo Edvurd9 Friday even
ing tho home of his parents and assisted
hinijiu observing tho 12th anniversary of
his birth Tho little folks enjoyed ngood
time and wero especially delighted with
tho choice refreshments served
Tho work of laying brick ou the now
opera house was commenced this moru
iug and the front foundation is rapidly
assuming proportions The brick of tho
foundations is boing laid with cement
which whilo making it strong nnd endur
ing will ulso niuko it impervious to
Yesterday was tho fifth wedding anni
versary of Mr and Mrs Ed Dunning
aud a number of their friends called in
and surprised them at thoir liomo on
Tenth streot A vory enjoyable time
resulted and a largo number ol woodou
presents wero left by tho guests as re
minders of tho occasion
It is reported that au epidomic of
typhus fever is raging in tho vicinity
of Santi n and there aro many ill with
tho disease This fever was responsible
for the death of Arthur E tho 14-year-old
son of Mr and Mrs Carl Mittolstadt
of that place who died a woek ago Fri
day nnd was buried tho Sunday fol
Battle Creek Enterprise The infant
of Mr and Mrs Carl Bolifsky recently
bom died Tuesday night and was buried
Wednesday Rev Hoffman oilloiating
Tho sympathy of everyone is with tho
parents whoso numerous sad misfor
tunes aro without precedent Of tho 14
childron born to thoni ouly two aro
ulivo ono of whom has boon sadly
alllicted for yoars and was just recently
consigned to the Norfolk asylum
A crowd of about 0 adult Russians
and nearly twice that number of child
ren came in on tho 1040 train from
Sioux City having come directly from
their native land To Amerioans tho
people presented a rather grotesque ap
pearance in thoir nativo garmonts and
thoy wero the object of mnny curious
glances by tho peoplo about tho depot
It is understood that thoy will form a
colony in this vicinity aud till Nobraska
soil for a livelihood
Tho following is related of one of
Norfolks bright youngsters His papa
and another geutlemnu went out duck
si oo ing tho result of their hunt being
ono duck Tills hud boon klllod by the
compauion of the boys father who pro
sent ed It to that less fortuuato individ
mil Tlio circumstances being explained
to the lad ho was curious to know why
his fathor hudut killed a bird also
The old man stated that ho guessed it
was because ho wasnt a good shot On
going to bed that night the kidlot
wound up his ovoning prayer with this
rather shockitig request God bless
papa and mamma and teach papa how
to shoot
Tho Pacitio block had a narrow escapo
from anothor firo last night Ono of
tho girls employed iu tho kitchen had
beou usiug a lautorn and in turning it
down to extinguish tho light tho wick
was turned into tho oil which caught
firo and sifter blazing for a moment tho
bowl exploded scattering tho burning
oil nbout tho room where it continued
to barn with threatening vigor Tho
bright light was seen by some gentlo
mon passiug along tlio streot who hur
ried in but tho employes hud been
prompt in their action aud when thoy
arrived tho flames wore extinguished
Tho experience gavo all present quite a
scare nevertheless
John Broecker and wifo wore G5 years
of ago last week which contained also
tho anniversary of Mr Broeekers intro
duction to the tailoring trade he having
plied the neodlo for CO years past on tho
bench This week of important anni
versaries was royally celebrated yester
day at tho home of tho worthy couplo
In tho neighborhood of 40 guests wero
entertained at dinner and supper
aud during tho evening The
occasion was heartily enjoyed by all tho
guests aud tho choice refreshments
were given merited consideration It
is said that Mr Brcccktr still does his
work with a deftness that is a revela
tion to many a younger man
Tho Marshall Field ranch southoast of
tho city is soou to receive a very lino
blooded cow Tho animal was bought
at tho last day of tho auction sale of tho
National Hereford association held iu
Kansas City last Friday Fifty eight
p HI til tt HI J
1M Coiigli I
Mp on
Yrtil noun noir1 oil
I sorts of cough
dies but it does not I
j yield it is too deep I
j seated It may wear
J itself out in time but j
fit is more liable toj
produce la grippe
1 pneumonia or a seri 1
j ous throat affection I
I You need something I
I that will give youf
strength and build
9 I
i up tne body
f will do this when everything f
1 else fails There is no doubt
j about it It nourishes f
strengthens builds up and I
j makes the body strong and
2 healthy not only to throw 1
J off this hard cough but to j
fortify the system against
i further attacks If you arc I
run down or emaciated you f
I should certainly take this
j nourishing food medicine j
t Soc and i no all druggists I
ai u j i o nun uiieraists Ntw York
L tit