The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 26, 1899, Page 7, Image 9

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CHAlTKK XII tho one who r eos it jiy liuHlmmlH tin-
Tin riiANTOM CAimiAoi l Hm Un iHxt mnriiiii nftor it How
Well I mn Batting 011 famously
thought I UhoMs milled to tho other
complicntiouH vhit could tho follow
have meant If 1 had pressed him ho
would hiivo told mo but it did not heem
quite a ludyH husinem to pick up in
formation this way especially when it
teemed likely to involvo Lucettu Vet
did I think 1 would over como to tho
end of this without involving Lueetta
Mygood EPiiho said No Why then
had my instinct triumphed for tho
lionco Let those who understand tho
workings of tho human heart answer I
nm himply stating facts
Ghosts Somehow the word startled
mo ns if in sonio way it gave a rather
unwelcome confirmation to my doubts
Apparitions seen in tho Knollys man
sion or in any of tho houses bordering
on this lane I That would bo serious
how serious seemed to bo but half com
prehended by this man But 1 compre
hended it and wondered if it was gossip
liko this which had caiiFcd Mr Gryco
to induco mo to visit this houso as
I was crossing tho street to tho hotel
as I indulged in these conjectures and
intent ns my mind was upon them 1
could not but noto tho curiosity and in
terest which my presence excited in tho
simplo country folic tlint aro invariably
to bo found lounging about a country
tavern Indeed tho wholo neighborhood
teemed agog and though I would huvo
thought it derogatory to my dignity to
notico tho fact I could not but seo how
many faces were peering at mo from
storo doors and tho half closed blinds of
adjoining cottages No young girl in
tho prido of her beauty could liavo
awakened moro interest and I attribut
ed it as was no doubt right not to my
appearance which would not perhaps
bo apt to strike these simplo villagers as
renmrkablo or to my diess which is
rsUher rich than fashionable but to tho
fact that I was a stranger in town and
what was more extraordinary a guest of
tho Knollys
My intention in approaching tho ho
tel was not to spend a couplo of dreary
hours in tho parlor with Mrs Carter as
Mr Simsbury had suggested but to ob
tain if possiblo a conveyanco to carry
mo immediately back to tho Knollys
mansion But this which would huvo
been a simplo mutter in most towns
seemed well nigh an impossibility in
X Tho landlord was away and Mrs
Carter who was very frank with mo
told mo that she not only did not dare
but would find it perfectly useless to
ask ono of tho men to drive mo through
that lane Its an unwholesome spot
said she and only Mr Carter and tho
police huvo tho courage to biavo it
I suggested that I was williiu to pay
well but it Fccmed to make very little
diffcrenco witli her Money wont hire
them said she and I had tho satisfac
tion of knowing that Lueetta had tri
umphed in her plan and that 1 must sit
out tho morning after all in tho pre
cincts of tho hotel parlor with Mrs
It was my first signal defeat but 1
was determined to iiiako tho best of it
and if possible glean such knowledgo
from tho talk of this woman as would
help mo to pluck out victory from it
fc ho was only too ready to talk and tho
first topio was little Hob
I saw tho moment I mentioned his
name that I was introducing a subject
that had already been well talked over
by every eager gossip in tho village
Her attitude of importance tiio air of
mystery sho assumed wero preparations
I had long been accustomed to in wom
en of this kind and I was tint at all
surprised when sho announced in a way
that admitted of no disputo
Oh theres no wonder tho child is
6ick Wo would bo sick under tho cir
cumstances Ho has seen tho phantom
Tho phantom carriage So tlint was
what tho locksmith meant A phantom
carriage I had heard of every kind of
phantom but that Somehow tho idea
was a thrilling one or would liavo been
to a nature less practical than mine
I dont know what you mean 6aid
I Sonio superstition of tho placo I
never heard of a ghostly upp arunce of
that nature bofore
No I expect not It belongs to us
I never heard of it beyond these moun
tains Indeed I huvo nover known it to
huvo been been but upon ono road I
need not mention it mudam You can
guess perhaps what I mean
Yes I could guess and tho guessing
inado mo set my lips a littlo grimly
Tell mo more about this thing I
half laughed half spoke It ought to
bo rtf sonio interest to mo
Sho nodded drow her chair n trifle
nearer and iinpotuously began
You seo this is a very old town It
has its ancient country houses liko tho
ono you aro now living in and it hus
its early traditions Ono is that a car
riage perfectly noiseless drawn by
horses through which yon can seo tho
moonlight haunts tho high road at in
tervals and Hies through tho gloomy for
est road wo huvo christened of lato years
Lost Mans lauo It is a superstition
possibly but you cannot find many fam
ilies in town but believe in it as a fact
for there is not an old man or woman
in tho pluco but has cither seen it in
tho past or has had sonio relativo who
has seen it It passes only at night and
is thought to presago some disaster to
by him on tho highway Fortunately
years elapso sometimes between its go
ing and coming again It is ten ycuis
1 think they say since it was seen last
Poor littlo Hob It has frightened him
almost out of his wits
I should think so I cried with bo
coming credulity But how camo he
to seo it 1 thought you said it only
passed at night
At midnight sho repeated But
Rob you see is a nervous lad and night
before last ho was so restless ho could
not sleep so ho begged to bo put in tins
window to cool oil This his mother
did and ho sat there for a good half
hour alone looking out at tho moon
light As his mother is an economical
woman there was no candle lit in tho
room so ho got his pleasure out of tho
shadows which the great trees iiiudu on
tho highroad till suddenly you ought
to hear tho little fellow tell it ho felt
tho hair rise on his forehead and all his
body grow still with a terror that inado
his tongue liko lead in his mouth A
something a thing ho would have
called a horse and carriage in tho day
time but which in this light and under
the influence of tho mortal terror lie
was in took on a distorted shape which
made it unlike any team he was accus
tomed to was going by not as if being
driven over the earth and stones of the
road though there was a driver in front
a driver with an odd three cornered
hat on his head and a cloak about his
shoulders such us ho remembered as
having seen hanging in his grandmoth
ers closet but as if it floated along
without sound or stir in fact a specter
team which seemed to find its proper
destination when it turned in Lost Mans
lane and was lost among tho shadows of
that ill reputed road
P haw was my spirited comment
as sho paused to take her breath and seo
how I was affected by this grewsoino
tale A dream of tho poor littlo hid
Ho had heard stories of this apparition
aiidcliis imagination supplied the rest
No excuse me madam but this is
tho very point of tho tale Ho had been
carefully kept from hearing any such
stories having enough to do to bear his
own troubles without that You could
seo this was truo by the way ho told
abet it He hardly believed what ho
had seei himself It was not till sonio
loolish neighbor blurted out Why
that was tho phantom carriage that
ho had any idea he was not relating any
thing but a dream
My second pshaw was no less mark
ed than the first
Ho did know about it notwithstand
ing I insisted Only ho hud forgot
ten tho fact Heop supplies us with
these lost memories Wo remember then
what may never recur to us in tho day
Very truo and you might bo right
Miss Butterworth if he hud been tho
only one to seo this apparition But
Widow Jenkins saw it too and she is
a woman to be believed
This was becoming serious
Saw it before or saw it after I
asked Does she live on tho highway
or somewhere in Lost Mans lane
Sho lives ou tho highway about a
half milo from tho station She was up
with her sick husband and saw it just
as it was going down tho hill She said
it made no moreiioiso than a cloud slip
ping by Sho expects to loso old Kuuso
No one could seo such a thing us that
she says and not have some misfortuuo
I laid all this up in my mind My
hour of waiting was not likely to prove
wholly unprofitable
You see tho good woman went on
with a relish for tho marvelous that
btood me in good stead there is an old
tradition of that road connected with
a carriage Years ago beforo any of us
wero born and tho houso where you are
was a gathering placo for all tho gay
young bloods of tho county a young
man camo up from New York to visit
Mr Knollys I do not mean tho father
or oven tho grandfather of tho folks you
aro visiting liiuani Ho was great
grandfather to Lueetta and a very fiuo
gontleinan if you can trust tho pictures
that aro left of him But my story has
not to do with him Ho had a daughter
at that timo a widow of great and
sparkling attractions mid though sho
was older than tho young mini I huvo
mentioned every ono thought it would
bo a mutch sho wus so handsome and
such an heiress
But ho failed to pay his court to
her and though ho wus hundsonio him
self and iiuulo a fool of moro thun ono
girl in tho town every ono thought ho
would go as ho had como a freo hearted
bachelor when suddenly ono night a
horso unci carriage wero found lacking
from tho stables and ho wus found lack
ing too and what was worse tho young
widows daughter u chit who was bare
ly 15 and without a hundredth part of
tho beauty of her mother Lovo and an
elopement only could account for this
for in thosu days young ladies did not
ride with gentlemen in tho oveiiing for
pleasuro and when it camo to tho old
gentlemans ears and what was worse
camo to tho mothers there was u com
motion in that houso tho echoes of
which some say huvo never died out
Though tho pipers wero playing and tho
fiddles wero squeaking iu tho great
room where thoy used to dance tho night
away Mrs Knollys with her whitu bro
cado tucked up about her waist stood
with her hand on the gieat front door
waiting for tlio hniso upon which sho
was detei mined to follow him Tho fa
ther wlui wus a man of 80 years stood
by her side Mo was too old to ride him
self but ho never sought to hold her
buck though tho jewels weio tumbling
fiom her hair mid tho moon had van
ished f i oni tho highway
1 will bring her buck or die tho
passionate 1 eauty ocluiiucd and not a
lip there said her nay for they saw
what no man or woman hint been able
to seo up to that moment that her cry
life mid soul wero wrapped up in tho
man who had stolen away her daughter
and that it wmld be death in lite for
her to live with the knowledge that sho
had given him u wife of her blood who
Was not herself
Shi ill went the pipes squeak and
hum went the fiddles but the sound
that was sweetest to her was the pound
of tho hor es hoofs on the road in lront
That was music to her indeed and as
soon us alio heard it she bestowed ono
wild kiss on her father and bounded
from the house An instant and sho was
gone Ono flush of her while lolio at the
gate then all was dark on tho highway
and only tho old father stood in that
wide open door waiting as ho vowed
ho would wait till his daughter ie
She hud not gone ulono A faithful
groom was behind her and from him
was learned the conclusion ol that
quest Ionm hour andiihalf they lodo
then they cuino upon u chapel in tho
mouutuiiis in which wero binning un
wonted lights At the sight tho lady
drew rein and almost loll from her
horse into the arms of her lackey A
niuiriago sho murmured a mar
riage and pointed to a carriage stand
ing in tho shadow of u wide spreading
tree It was their family carriage How
well sho know it Housing herself she
mado for tho chupel door I will stop
it sho cried 1 urn her mother und I
huvo tho right But tho lackey drow
her hack by her rich whjjo dross
his daughter sltfiiig all ulono iu tho cur
tiage Hut the soil on tho white brocad
ed lolds of lier while di ess was no longer
that of mild only She hud stubbed her
self to the heart witli u bodkin she woio
iu her hair and it was a corpse which
the faithful negro had been driving
down the highways that night
I am not u sentimental woman but
tills story us hus told gave me a thrill I
do not know as 1 leally i egret experi
What was this unhappy mothers
name I asked
Liieeltu was tho unexpected and
none too reassuring answer
This iiume oneo mentioned called for
moio gnssip hut of a somewhat ditler
cut nut me
Tho Lueetlu of today is not liko her
uneieut iiumesuke observed Mrs Car
ter Sho may huvo the hem I to love
but she would never show I hut lovo by
any act of daring
1 dont know about that I replied
astonished that 1 felt willing to enter
into a discussion with this woman on
tho very subject 1 hud just shrunk Ironi
tulltingover with the locksmith Girls
us frail and nervous us sho sometimes
astonish one at u pinch 1 do not think
Lueetlu lucks dining
Vou dont know her Why 1 have
seen her jump at tho sight of a spider
and heaven knows that can be nothing
new to her among lie decaying walls
in which she lives A puny chit Miss
Butterwoith pietty enougli but weak
The very kind to draw lovers but not
to hold them Yet every one pities her
her smile is so henrllnolcn
Witli gliosis to tumble her mid u
lover to bemoan she has surely some ex
cuse for that said I
Yes I dont deny it But why has
sho a lover to bemoan Ho seemed a
proper man beyond tho oidiuury Why
let him go ns she did Kvcn her sister
ii n fhlt run ha in nisi ox a is fomiiiai
Look iio cried pointing in at one of
tho windows and sho looked Tho muu
she loved stood beforo tho altar with
her daughter Ho was looking in that
duughtors fuce and his look showed a
passionate devotion It went liko a dag
ger to her heart Crushing her hands
against her fuce sho wuilcd out some
fearful protest then sho dashed toward
tho door with atop Stop on her
lips But tho faithful lackey at her side
drow her back once more Listen was
now his word and sho listened Tho
minister whoso form sho had failed to
bco in her first hurried look was utter
ing his benediction Sho had come too
lute Tho young couplo wero married
Her servant said for so the tradi
tion survives that when sho saw this
she grew calm as walking death iu an
instant Making her way into tho chap
el sho stood ready ut tho door to greet
them as they issued forth and when
they saw hor there saw tho rich bedrag
gled robo und the gleam of jewels on u
neck she had not even stopped to envel
op in moro than tho veil from her hair
ho seemed to seo what ho had done and
stopped tho bride who in her confusion
would huvo fled buck to tho altar where
she hud just been mudu a wife
Kneel ho cried Kneel Aniaryuth
Only thus can we ask pardon of our
mother But at that word that word
which seemed to push her u million
miles away from these two beings who
but two hours beforo hud been tho dour-
est beings on earth to her the unhappy
woman guvo u cry und fled from their
presence Go Go wero her parting
words As you huvo chosen continue
But let no tongue cull mo mother
Henceforth I am mother to no one
Thoy found her lying on tho grass
ousido As she could no longer sustain
herself on a horso they put her into tho
carriage gave tho reins to her devoted
lackey and thenibohes rodo off on horse
back Ono man tho fellow who had
driven them to that pluco suid that tho
clock struck 12 from the chupel tower
us the carnage turned away and begun
its rapid journey homo That may be so
and it may bo nut Wo only know that
its apparition enters Lost Mans lane at
nearly 1 ulways ut nearly 1 tho hour
at which tho real carriugo camo buck
und stopped beluio Mr Knollys gate
And now for the worst Miss Butter
worth When tho old gentleman went
down to tho curriugo from the door
where ho had stood without movement
ever since sho tturted after tho lovers
it wus to find tho lacker in front and
admits that she loved him
I do not know tho circumstances
said 1
Well there isnt much story to it
Ho is u young man from over tho moun
tains well educated and with sonio
thing of a fortune of his own Ho camo
Hero to visit tho Spears I believe and
seeing Lueetta ono day leaning on tho
gate in front of her houso ho fell in lovo
with her and began to pay her his at
tentions That was beforo tho lano got
its present bad name hut not beforo ono
or two men had vanished from among
us without anything being known of
their fate William that is their broth
er you know has always been anxious
to huvo his sisters marry so ho did not
stand iu tho way and no moro did Miss
Knollys but after two or threo weeks
of doubtful courtship tho young man
went away and that was tho end of it
And a great pity too say I for once
clear of that houso Lucettu would grow
into another person Sunshine mid lovo
two very good things Miss Butter
worth especially for those that aro
weakly and timid
I thought tho qualification excellent
Yes said I I should liko to seo
tho result of them upon Lueetta Then
with an uttempt to still further sound
this womans mind and with that the
united mind of tho whole village I ro
murked Tho young do not usually
throw aside such piospects without ex
cellent reasons Have you never thought
that Lucettu was governed by principle
iu discarding this very excellent young
Principlo What principlo could sho
have hud iu letting u dcsiruble husband
Sho may huvo thought tho match
uu undesirablo one for him
For him Well I never thought of
that Truo sho may Thoy aro poor
but poverty dont count in such old
families as theirs I hardly think sho
would bo influenced by any such con
munition Now if this hud huppened
this year after the lane got its name
and all this stir hud been mudo about
folks disappearing there I might huvo
given some weight to your suggestion
women aro so queer especially the wo
men of old families like theirs but this
happened long ugo und when folks all
thought 1 heap of the Knollys leustwiso
of tho girls for William does not go for
much you know too stupid and too
William Would tho utteranco of
that name heighten my suggestion I
Miiwyid hit closely lint could itetect
no change iu her Nomewhiit puled
My allusions wein nol In referenco
to the disappeaiuiices said I I was
thinking ill something else Lucettu is
not well
Ah I know I They say sho hus sonio
kind of hrai I complaint hut ilnt wus
not tine then Why her checks weio
like roses in those dus und her llguin
as plump mid pretty us any you could
see now among our Hinge beaulies
No Miss Hutteiwoith it wan hor weak
ness lost him Mio pmbably palled upon
his taste It was noticed Hint he held
his head very high iu going out of
Mas he married since I asked
Nol to my knowledge maam
Then ho loved her I declined
Sho lookid at me quite eurlouslv
Joubl less that word sounds a Htlleqiieer
on my lips but I hut shall nol deter me
from using il when the cirenuisluneis
seem to requite Besides there wiihoiico
ii time Hut Ihete I promised lo full
into mi digressions
You slioiiltl huve been nun ried your
self Miss Hullcrwoilh said she
1 wus umuycil Hi si at her timing and
secondly that 1 was so littlo angry at
il Bill then the woman mean no ol
fenso probably intended u compliment
rut her
I am very well contented as 1 am
I returned I um neither sickly nor
She smiled looked us if she thought
il only common politeness lo ugieo with
mo and tried to say so bill finding tho
situation too much for her coughed anil
discreetly hold her pence I ennio lo her
icseuo with a new question
Have tho ICnnllvsovcrheen success
fill in love The mother of these girls
now she who was Allheu Hunoughs
wus her life with her husband happy I
have always been curious lo know Sho
mill I weio schoolmates
You weie You Knew Altheu Knol
lys when she was u girl Wasnt sho
charming maam Did you ever see a
livelier girl or one with more knuek ill
winning nlleclion Why sho couldnt
sit down with you a half hour beloro
you fell like giving up eveiything you
hud lo her II made no dillelenee w belli
er you weio mini or woman it wus all
the same She hud but to turn those
mischievous pleading eyes upon you
mid you became u tool ut once Yi I her
end was sad maam too sail whin
you remember that sho died at the very
height of her beauty ulone mid in u for
i igu land Hut I huve not iiuswend
your question Wero sho and tho judge
happy together I have never heiid lo
tho contiary maam Im sum ho
mourned her faithfully enough Some
think that her loss killed him Mo did
not survive her moro than three years
The children do not favor her
much said I but I seo an expression
now and then in Lueetta which recalls
her mother faintly
Thoy mo pine Knollys blood said
she Even William has tiuits which
with a few moio bruins huek of them
would remind you ol his giandfuther
who was tho plainest ol his race
1 was glad that tho talk had reverted
to William
He seems to lack heart said I as
well as brains I marvel that his sisters
put up with him as well as they do
Tliey iiiniiit help it Mo is not a fel
low to he foohilvlth Besides ho holds
third sham in the house II they could
sell ltl Hut deary me who would buy
an old tumble down pluco like that on
u road you cannot gi I folks w ho have
any consideration for their lives to enter
for lovo or money Hut i run me
muuni I forgot thit you are living just
now on that very roul Im sure I beg a
thousand pardons
Iain living there as a guest I re
turned I liavo nothing to do with its
reputation except to biivo it
A courageous thing to do maam
and one that may do the road some
good If you can spend a mouth with
the Knollys and como out of their house
at lust hale and hearty us you enter it
it will bo tho best proof possible that
there is less to bo feared there than
some people think 1 shall bo glad if
you can do it maam for I liko tho
girls and would bo glad to huvo tlio rep
utation of tho placo restored
Pshaw was my final comment
Tho credulity of the town hus hud as
much to do with their loss of it as thoy
themselves That educuted people such
ns I seo hero should boliovo in ghosts
I say final for ut this moment tho
good ludy spiinging up put an end to
our conversation Sho had just seen u
buggy pass tho window
Its Mr Trohm said sho Mumn
if you wish to return homo beforo Mr
Simsbury conies back you may be able
to do so with this gentleman Hes a
most obliging man mid lives less than a
quarter of a milo from tho Misses Knol
I did not say I had already mot tho
gentleman Why I do not know I only
drew myself up und waited with some
small inner perturbation for tho result
of tho inquiry I saw sho had gono to
I To ho contiiiiioil niixt SUurilnjr
Notlrt to IhikI On iinrH
To all whom it may concern
Tho county commissioners of Madison
county Nebrasku having viewed tho
section lino road petitioned for by J
Hoopfinger and others conunonciiig ut
the noithwost corner of the southwest
quarter of tho northwest quarter of sec
tion nino in township twenty four
21 north range four i I west of tho
tith principal meridian iu Madison
county Nebrasku running thence north
to tho northwest cornor of section four
I aforesaid township mid range mid
terminating at tho intersection with the
south line of Pierco county hasroported
iu favor of tho establishment thereof
und ull objections thereto or chums for
rimmtges must be filed in tho county
cleiks office on or beforo noon of tho 7tn
day of Novomlier A D lSJi or said
road will Ihi opened without rofereuco
thereto K G 11fii mas
County Clerk
Hest canuod goods nt the Norfolk
Cash storo
tts Coming in Looked Forward to
With Both Joy mid Four and itn
Sato Arrival in Hallod With
Trido and Dolight by All
Thn nrrlval of tho first baby in Mm
household is tho happiest and most Im
portant event of married life Theyoimg
wife who Is t ii become a mot her delights
to think of tho happiness in storo for her
when the littlo ono shall nestle upon her
breast und latterly Hho shall hear it Unit
ho sweet and holy name mother
Hut hor happy mil ieipat ion quickly van
ishes when sho ivuliru I ho terrible pain
und HiilTering through which she must
pass whllo bringing tho liltlo ono into
t ho world An indescribable fear of tho
danger attendant upon tho ordeal noon
ilissiputcM her joyfiilncHS
ThoiisandH of women huvo learned
by nvporionco that hern is absolutely
no nircHHity for thn tailTerlngs which at
tend child birth thev know t hut by
t he nun of Mot hcrH Krlontl u ecien
tillo liniment for u few woolen beforo
tlio trying hour oxpeetiiiitniothors can
so prenam thonmolvoti for tho ilnal
hour thai tho pain and Hollering of tho
dreaded event arc entirely obviated mid
it is surely piiHsed through with com
paratively little discomfort
All women tiro interested and es
pecially expectant mot hers who for tho
first timo have to undergo Ihis trial in
such a remedy for they know the pain
and sulTering tosay nothing of thediin
ger which is in atoro fur them Moth
ers Friend is wouiuiih greatest bles
sing for it takes her safely through tho
severest ordeal of hor life Kvery woniaii
should bo glial to read tho little book
before Huby Is Horn which contains
information of great value lo all II
will be sent freo to any one who hcikIb
their address to Tho Hradlleld Regu
lator Co Atlanta la
Frazer AxSe Urease
fa lu TO ri o
DU 11111115 I l - tK --
rViAnc iMt
1 r i hi i 1 1 ii i iiijii
o I Jl I Mil I I
f3 ANY OTHfrl
Not affected by Heat or Cold
Highest Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
Itanubclured pRAZER LUBRCAT0R JO
Factorial ChciaQo St Louli New York
if lies Vurlctlc ut Hard I linen Price HiiuiU
frull hi liiruu biippl MillloiiH nf Htniwlicrry
IiImiiIm vury thrift Mini uull rooliil Jot tho
tiist iniiir lininn mill niivii ficlulil or iXrntv
Hon 1 1 Tor prirn IIhI lo
North Bend Nurseries
North llcnd 3dc County Nch
Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
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Unoxcullixl tluin unil iiccoininoiliitious
to tho
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Kor morn coinjilcto information iloflcriptive
iumililutB ntc mlilrebb
AO FiawllA TI A
Southiyitt Cor llth anil DoiiKlnsSts
Cleinxi tuvl Uutlfltl the Kill
rrumotc luxuriant growth
Never Fall to llentore amy
Ulr to it Youthful Color
Cure tclp diMMi tt filr lullsr
OcmdIUi DniggUu