The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 26, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Adeline Patti was Um in Madrid
but just when is not stated
Thoro upturn to Ihi something rotten--not
in Dotinmrk but in the Sixth dis
A St Inul paper divides thu your Into
three li1l wMisoiiH footlmll huso
bnll nml snow ball
It scorns it contradiction in tonus but
it is run nevertheless Unit winter goods
go up in tlio full season
Duns and BradstrootH eoininoroiiil
reports will not bo used iih campaign
documents by the doinorruts tills your
Tlio pooplo of Pittsburg IVnn lmvo
just voted to appropriate f700000 for
ptiblio improvements Pittsburg in
public spirited
A balloon corps is to bo sent to South
Africa as n part of tlio British war
forces Tlio result will bo wntohod
with much in tot est
An army of 100000 moil today in
rolativoly less than an army of UoOOO
was in 18111 Imperialism is aniisnoinor
and ovorybody knuwH it
Tho uowh comes ovor tlio wiro Unit a
Now York woman has sued hor husband
for divorce Who would hIio huu
Somebody olsos IiuhIiiukI
It is estimated that thoro is now
1000000000 in gold in tho Unitod
States Tho amount has doublod tiiucoj
tho gold standard was endorsed
Prosperity has resumed business at
the old stand is doing more than over
before and the crime of 7i is no longer
visible ovon to the naked oyo of the
Some one has made the statement
that Mayor Jones of Toledo looks bet
tor than his pictures This would bo
considered more sturtlfng if it wasnt so
true of everyone else
Aguinaldo has in his ranks a general
who would nccopt cash for tho betrayal
nnd surrender of his leader to the eiiomy
A Buy should also keep an eye on his
American supporters they might pos
sibly be induced to surrondor him for a
Massachusetts republicans enthus
iastically sustained the president in their
recent stuto convention and Senator
Hoar is out in n statement in which he
says tho president is right and that his
own nttitudo in regard to tho Philippines
has boon wrong
George Fred Williams says that the
only cure for the trust problem is
through the olootion of William Jen
nings Bryan to the presidency Hut
does George Fred tell tho truth In
1890 ho deolartd that prosperity could
come only with the free coinage of silvor
Advertising is a means to an end
The use of printers ink will draw trade
ton store but it depends on how a cus
tomer is treated by the salesman as to
whether tlio trade is kept Printers
ink can show tho way obliging man
ners and fair dealing must do tho rest
Sir Thomas Liptou is probably satis
lied by this timo that the Yaukees still
know a thing or two about boat build
ing having beatou tho pride of the
English shipbuilders art Sir Thomas
may as well sail home again and see if
ho can havo a yacht built on moro scien
tific lines and thon ho may bo in posi
tion to try another timo to win tho cup
While a year ago it took a certain
number of bushels of wheat to buy a
diamond it now takes twice as many
bushels to buy the same quality of stone
When will this thing cease It will
soon bo impossible for the common
people editors included to live in this
countiy unless our good Father Bryan
can really and promptly givo us relief
something by tho way more than talk
Mr Bryan says he will never rest
until tho financial policy of this country
is freed from tho dictation of the Londou
clearing houso If the poor man only
knew it ho might begin to rest right
away Somo one ought to havo relieved
his mind long ngo by telling him that
tho Loudon clearing house has nothing
whatevor to do with dictating the
financial policy of tho United States
Thero aro uono quite so blind as those
who are determined not to seo
Tho present outlook is that this fall
will inaugurate a season of building and
improvement iu Norfolk tho like of
which has not been wituessed for years
With the opera house and the new Cath
olic church uudor course of erection an
opportunity for present employment is
given to all builders and it is extremely
probable that thoy will eucourage other
improvements next spring Conserva
tive people believe that a now era of
progress is opening to Norfolk
Iu Iowa this year tho democrats aro
making their campaign almost entirely
oi the issue of imperialism The silver
question ani the trusts aro scarcely
alluded to while great emphasis is
placed on the perils of a largo standiug
army They am after tlioCtormiin vote
but ihey aro not likely to get it on any
such a cry Tho ioniums of Iowa aro
a thrifty enterprising set of American
citizens and they know too much to bo
caught by such ohnll This talk of Im
perialism is lidictiloufi
It C Miles of Hnioriok republic in
candidate far county t roasurer is adding
ninny friends to his already long list
this filll Ho is a uinii of known merit
and al hough a large portion of his days
have been spent on tho farm ho has
kept in close touch with the progress of
the world and knows exactly what is
needed to mako an acceptable olllcial to
the people He Is a man of established
reputation and honesty and tho voters
will mako no mistake In entrusting to
him tho treasurers olllco
The fuslouists hope to array tho sa
loon vote against Judge Iteeso by tho
proclamation that ho is a prohibitionist
Inasmiiih as the question of prohibi
tion is not before the people anil it
would bo impossible for tho judge to
close tho saloons oven if he so desired
their object is plainly one of buncomb
IiVen the lowest characters among the
saloon or any other element admire a
good clean man who will deal out justice
to all on tho bench and many of their
votes will bo recorded for Kocso this
About 18 pears ago tho government
began thu compilation of tho records of
the Union and Confederate armies
which are olllcially known as tho Rebel
lion records Moro than one hundred
and twenty volumes havo already been
printed at a cost of nearly throe millions
of dollars and tho series is not yet
completed It is tho most exhaustive
work ovor attempted under the direction
of the government and will be a mine
of exhaustible wealth and assistance to
future historians of the greatest war
period of the republic
Phil Bunch has had excellent training
for tho position of county clerk to
which position ho aspires by virtno of
tho republican county convention and
there is no disputing tlio fact that ho
will take good care of the olllco Ho is
making a thorough cumpiiigu and estab
lishing a record as a vote getter that
may well bo onvied Hois a man whoso
list of acquaintances and friends is
largo and thoy aro very much interested
iu seeing him mako a winniug light A
vote for Mr Hauch Is a voteJfor tho
right man
Tho eastern press is of tlio opinion
that thoro aro faots disclosed in tho
Hryan letter to Morton that greatly
overshadow tho statement that ho
wanted olllco for the money and not for
the honor that was in it Tho fact
that he applied for aid to a pronounced
corporation politician for a corporation
job places him in a rather poouliar posi
tion in tho light of his recent tirades
against said corporations His desiro at
that time was not only to get a footing
iu tho corporation ranks but to pocket a
small portion of paid corporations
wealth That ho has since secured a
better thing both from a monetary and
popular standpoint there is no gainsay
ing but that ho would have occupied a
far different attitude at this time had
his ambitious been realized cannot bo
Tho young quoon of Holland will not
tolerate tho tedious long hours for
luncheous dinners aud suppers which
have been considered necessary to
elaborate spreads At a state dinner at
Rotterdam not long ago tho wholo func
tion lasted just 118 minutes Now that
royalty has sanctioned lets timo killing
at tho dinner tablo porhaps somo of the
American hotels and restaurants will
coudocond to serve a meal a little more
expeditiously Thoro is nothing
which sooms quito so much tho thing to
the average restaurant keeper in this
country as to mako tlio procuring of a
meal as long aud tedious a process as
possible laboring uudor tho idea that
it is considered quite tho correct idea
donoherknow The American people
as a clas have no patience for that sort
of tomfoolery but what they want is
qui k siniplo sorvice Amorican stylo
Tho Oxford club ono of tho most
prominent organizations nf Hostou was
recently raided by tho police and about
1000 iu poker chips aud paraphernalia
captured Twenty sovon men wore ar
rested and taken to tho station house
amoug the number being some of tho
prominent business men of the place
It is this kind of immorality in our
larger cities as well as in the smaller
villages of the land that does more to
demoralize society than nil else Young
men and boys aro not attracted by the
drunken orgies or tho midnight gambling
of the regular bum or the professional
tough they know enough to bo dis
gusted with it Hut when tho man who
moves in the best social circles tho
man who would Ihj surprised if you did
not treat him as eminently respect
able carouses gets druuk or gambles
nnd still keeps his place iu society un
disturbed it is confusing to tho mrral
souse of tho community Tho facts aro
meu ought to bo treated aliko Tho
way of the transgressors hard If it
isnt it ought to be Boston has set a
good example iu culling dowm leading
busiuess men who are unworthy citi
An Honor 10 Hid Coimly
Chris Sohavlnnd has male an excellent
olllcliil as clerk of tho district courtin
fact ho has made the host record of any
olork herotoforo holding the position
With the attorneys who perhaps come
in contact with the clerk more than
any other class of pooplo thosontiinont
regardless of party is that thoy would
not like to havo a ohiiugo Mr Hohav
land isa thorough conscientious olllcial
aud nn honor to the county olllcial list
liven the opposition press has good words
for him as is evidenced by tho following
taken from tho Times Tribune of Jan
uary I I Sill
Chris Scha viand clerk of tho district
court of Madison county was born Au
gust U7 IHiM near the city of Stavanger
Norway Alter having received a com
mon school education ho ontored a
Lilt in school at Stavanger iu 1880 and
having taken a combined commercial
and classical course graduated in 18811
after which ho continued his classic
study at said school for ono year Ho
came direct from Norway to Nowinan
Grove Madison county Nebraska in
tho spring of I88ll within ten days after
Ills arrival securing a position as clerk
in the general store of Geo H lrovliind
at that place In tho fall of 1887 ho
was olTored and accepted a position with
tho then newly organized Newman
Grovo Stuto Hank first as bookkoopor
afterwards as assistant cashier and later
as cashier which position ho held until
tho spring of 1891 whon ho resigned
and nccoptod a position with tlio Citizens
State Hank of said place
Inthosaino year ho went into the
farm loan and insurance business and
continued in said business in tlio year
1S95 In 1S88 ho was ono of the organ
izers of the Nowinan Grovo Improv
nient Society n building and loan asso
ciation and was secretary of said society
from the time of tho organization until
elected to his present olllco In ISCt
ho was the republican nominee
for county treasurer of Madison county
but failed to be elected In 1S95 ho wns
elected to tho olllco of clerk of tho district
court of said county and is now serving
his lirst term in that olllco
Tho Omaha Heo very frankly acknowl
edges the inistako it nnide when during
previous campaigns it lauded Silas
A Holcomb as the man who would
purge Nebraska of jobbery in tho
statu house and who would stnnd for
good govornient uudor any and all cir
cumstances Tlio Heo admits that after
a fair trial Silas has been found want
ing in overy ouo of thoso virtues which
ho was supposed to possess to nu oini
nent dogroe Says tho Heo During
tho four years of his career as governor
ho has had aniplo opportunity to provo
what mottlo ho is nuido of and he has
proved a lamoiitablo failnro in overy
respect Ho has oxhibitod a lack of
moral stamina at overy stago and sur
rendered himself to a cotorio of disrop
utablo politicians formerly disowned and
discarded by the old parties Instead of
oxercising his prerogatives faithfully
fearlessly and impartially ho has
truckled to corporate monopoly and
made reform a by word and reproach
The Hoe is now trying to undo the wrong
it did in supporting Holcomb in previous
campaigns and iu acknowledging that
it was wrong before it shows itself more
candid than most of tho politicians and
papers are especially during a campaign
Tho popocratio shoots aro trying to
mako it appear that tho president has
no settled policy as to what tho course
of tho govermeut should lie iu tho Phil
ippines The followiug quotation from
an address made by tlio president at
Clovoland does not iudicato that there is
any equivocation on this question iu the
mind of tho executive Tho problems
aro gravo tho responsibilities aro great
Nobody feols thorn moro than 1 do
And yet my countrymen our duty is
plain straightforward uumistakablo
to stand by national honor and preservo
our territory Our soldiers carrying
our flag in Luzon will bo supported by
the pooplo of the United States and
hostilities will stop in that distant island
of tho sea when tho men who assaulted
our lag aud our soldiers shall lay down
their arms Pea o will como nnd I
trust and boliovo come shortly and wo
will bo able to give those peoplo in tho
Philippines a government of liberty and
law a government which will encour
age their best aspirations aud their
noblest aims a government under tho
undispntod sovereignty of tho United
S L Gardner is a campaigner of
known reputation and he is proving
himself entitled to a record in that lino
this fall He is not only vigorous iu tho
work but clean and is making friends
wherever ho goes Pooplo aro surprised
at his vork and lie is causing consterna
tion in the ranks of tho enemy While
he has nothing but good words for his
opponent ho is winning many for him
self His euergy as a campaigner is an
indication of what ho cau accomplish if
elected to tho olllce to which ho aspires
aud there is no questiou but that he
will perform all its fuuetions in a most
satisfactory manner His opponents
concede that he is a stroug man and
that ho is setting them a swift paco
For the benefit of the Tiuies Tribuuo
and others who havo beeu criticizing the
career of County Clerk Heilrnau wo will
suy that besides his sons and daughters
brothers and sisters nieces nephews
cousins and nunts ho luri othors to
assist him iu performing tho work of tho
county clerks ofllco For all this tho
work will boar tho closest inspection
while his nnniiat settlement with tho
county board showed a nico little excess
of M 10 tho greatest over known in
this county and iu no caso did ho ovor
charge anyone mom than tho legal foo
This kind of a record is protty tough on
tho tux payers though is it not
Ex Governor Altgold who it is said
resigned his pluco on tho ways and
means committee that ho might devote
his whole timo to tho promotion of
Hryan s prosldontial cnndldaoy is about
to ilivado this stato to givo thocandidato
a boost Hols advertised to speak at
Wayne on Friday evening of this week
This country remembers Mr Altgold us
governor of Illinois refusing to protect
life and property in Chicago when it
was at tho mercy of n mob Ho is an
in runt demagogue and because of tho
fact that ho is a sort of a political curi
osity ho will doubtless draw a big crowd
at Wayno
Henry Watterson is a democrat but
he is moro than that Ho is first of all a
liberty loving American Ho has no
pationco with tho cry of imperialism
aud warns his party lenders- of tho suro
result of their anti expansion cry in
theso words No party in this oountry
has over yet thrown itsolf across tho
highway of tho countrys progress and
arrayed itself against tho soldiers in the
field without inarching to suro defeat
Tho bugaboo of imperialism will frighten
no ouo Tho mankind of the nation has
its face sot toward the futuro and keeps
stop to the music of progress
Tlio ratio between labor and silver is
also gradually widening aud tho fusion
istshave but little hope to strengthen
their cause by comparisons of this na
ture What will really become of thoir
campaign material by next year no one
can tell If thoir fiiond Aggy should
suddenly discover that Uncle Samuel is
as harmless as a lamb whon his gontlo
ness is not disputed they would iudeed
bo in a bad way and no ouo could sin
cerely blame them if thoy should resur
rect the old free trade corpse and inject
now life into it
Young Cornelius Vanderbilt has
recoivod a groat many friendly notices
during the past few weeks bocauso
rather than not marry tho girl that ho
loved he put up with recioviug only
10000000 from his fathers estate
Audyot wovo kuown youug mon
equally persistout in wedding tho girl
of their choice who didnt get ton mil
lion dollars
Tho fact that everything has an ap
pearance of republican victory in Ne
braska this year should not cause tho
party workers to throw aside their har
ness and tako it eay Keep tho ball
rolling and mako tho majority a largo
one so that thero will be no questiou
as to the sentiment in tho stato
Admiral Dewey has survived tho first
course of his enthusiastic welcome been
formally relieved from his ollicinl duties
by tho president aud uow ho will settle
dowu in the home which au admiring
peoplo have provided for him in Wash
ington whoro ho will tako a well earned
All this talk about tho democratic
party handling tho trust question is
utterly irrelevant and sheer waste of
timo The trust problom will bo settled
longbeforo tho democratic party gets
near enough to any prattcal success to
haudlo anything
A conservative estimate places tho
amount spent by tho peoplo of tho
United States in attending the tlioatro
at not less tuan 70000000 nuuually
Whon Norfolks now opera houso is
completed theso figures cau bo rovised
Upon tho announcement that Pitts
burg is building 500 stool gondolas for
Egypt un oxohaugo asks What is
tho world coining to It is very evi
dent that it is coming moro aud moro to
tho United Statos for almost auythijg
it wauts
Mr Bryans attempt to mako it appear
that ho was defeated in Koutucky in
1890 by being counted out leads the
Minneapolis Journal to iuquiro if ho is
really desirous of becoming tho greut
American humoriBt
The United States is not buying off
insurrections Thero is only one way
for tho Filipinos to have poaco That
is by unconditional surrendor Its tho
old way Grant had and it still goos
With bank failures so raro that thoy
aro almost unknown with victories for
their favorite Aguinaldo as scarce as
hens teeth theso are iudeed dull du s
for the democrats
If anti trust laws would rid tho coun
try of trusts thero would bo fow of
them left by this time Thirty states
lmvo already pissed rigid laws of this
Broom corn is now 100 a ton Never
theless the republican party is going to
sweop tho state this year
Gen Lawton may bucceed Gou Miles
when ho retires
fractlcal Itcsiilt of the Yacht Knees
Tho international yacht races off
Sandy Hook havo demonstrated one
thing which is oven moro important
than the possession of tho Americas
cup nnd that is tho practicability of
tho Marconi system of wireless teleg
raphy Tho experiments were conduct
ed under tho direction of the inventor
Mmsolf Signer Marconi coming to this
country expressly for the purposo of
testing his system in reporting the
yacht races Tho results must have
realized his highest expectations as
they conclusively proved that tho sys
tem was practical at least for short dis
With unerring accuracy tho Marconi
instrument ticked oh in tlio Morse
alphabet every change in tho move
ments and sails of the contesting
yachts Every lircezo was described and
every favoring wind that filled a sail of
the Columbia or the Shamrock was
flashed in wireless words to the shore
from Signer Marconis boat and thence
to New York city
Wherever the Marconi bulletins were
posted in New York tho public wns less
than 7o seconds behind the yachts and
iu somo instances less than HO seconds
In no public event of this character in
this country lias tho public been enabled
to follow so closely tho happenings and
movements of the participants
The system is by no means as intri
cate and mysterious as peoplo have been
wont to regard it Thero is no signal
ing in wireless telegraphy no flashing
of lights from point to point as ninny
have supposed It is tlio simplest kind
of Morse telegraphy except that the
messngo is carried on a vertical wiro
to such a point in midair as is neces
sary to deliver a messngo which will
produce without fail sound waves that
will not meet with interruption be
tween points of sending and receiving
Theso sound waves when transmitted
to tho upper ether aro taken up by a
receiver that is tuned to tho same point
of synchronism us tho machine which
sends tho message and are recorded by
a Morse ticker
Tlio demonstration of tho utility of
wireless telegraphy in reporting the
yacht races is a distinct triumph for
science the results of which are likely
to bo fan caching in the industrial and
commercial world So successful were
tho experiments that government offi
cials who witnessed them are already
advocating tho utilization of the system
in the operations of tho United States
army nnd navy
The republican prosperity is not sec
tional in its blessings The Greenville
Miss Times a local domoc ratio paper
gives this pou pictnro of existiug con
ditions there which can find its counter
part in ton thousand other towns It
says Gronville has never been so full
of life energy hope and business acth
as now Its streets aro crowded
with buyers and sellers its stores tiro
handsomely stocked with new goods
importnut public improvements are in
progress and private buildings and
dwellings aro going up on overy hand
That is surely a bright picture too
bright for the demo populist combina
tion to profit by
In the year ISOS this country exported
moro than 100000000 worth of metal
working and electrical machinery It
would bo a very dillicult and up hill job
to conviuco tho men who built thoso
machines the coal diggers who fur
nished the coal to run them tho mer
omuts who supplied tho groceries for
this army of employes tho farmers who
raiso tho products that tiny eat that
they had no interest in foreign markets
Any party which has tho audacity aud
obtusenss to oppose au extension of our
foroign markets will find that it has run
up agoiust a veritable stone wall of pub
lic protest and it will be repudiated at
tho polls
There was something of grim humor
In the offer of a young Hon the emblem
of British sovereignty by Cecil Rhodes
to the delegation of Dutchmen from
tho Transvaal who recently visited
Cape Town The gift was certainly
not in good taste and was spurned by
the Boers The latter however would
have had the best end of the jest had
they accepted the symbolic beast tak
ii It home and placed it lu a cage in
ihe public square of Pretoria that the
Boer youth might have as an object
lesson a caged lion
Henry Watterson advocates threo
things in regard to the Philippine ques
tion First fight tlio war in tho Philip
pines to a finish second establish order
iu the archipelago third create suoh a
government there as seems best to us
That is Mr Wattersous program and it
loy is doing Henry had better quit
domocraoy altogether nnd come over
where he cau be appreciated
Tho Momphis Commercial Appeal is a
democratic paper This sentiment
tnlyui from its columns will receive
wide endorsement from the voters of
the country The succession of Medi
cine men with their herbs and nostrums
has made tho democratic party which
thty have controlled for the past few
years the despair of tho patriot and tho
hopo of the charlatan andompiricist
If Mr Bryan had as much judgment
as he has lung power hed be all right
for the presidency But lie hasnt
He llotiirnn Homo l Knoo Pnmontlo
In Mir ruction nml t Perform n
Most OiiiI miii1 Polity nml Then
VWIts Mr Clcvelniiil
Copyright ISM by American Press Asso
Gitovmi uviianIh in tub htait
itv Noo Iiiisky
Til the Edlttir
1 hev arrived back til the old farm for
a breof visit tu mi family in order tu
git better acquainted with em and tu
resoom diplomatic lelaslnnis with ml
wife Maria boose insurgent nttltood he
trnlibled me wile I hev bin In Washing
ton liieoolmtin various schemes intended
tu unite all kinds uv Dhuicrats Intu one
grate orgiiiiiashiin boose motto will be
We must git tliare 1 wuz wllliii for
my part tu patch up sum kind uv a
trooee with her until the liilliimiiiasliuii
uv her temper subsided but I lied tu
call In stun uv mi nabiiis before she
wood consent tu arbitrate Our differ
ences uv opiuyiiii wuz mostly over tho
labor question She accused me uv shirk
In the responsibility uv sawin wood and
uv evadln the luetics thet pertain tu the
household Hz the result uv our uogo
Hliinshuns 1 wuz obliged tu contribute
sum uv mi revenue fer the maintenance
uv the family and Hi sine a t rooty uv
peeee hhidin me tu observe the laws uv
Noo Jersey relative tu abscondln hus
bands boose wives wont support em in
idleness no longer
Ml luioiiiiliaslum wuz hard tu bear but
I lied tu submit tu It fer the good uv the
Diniieratic party and the piirilicashuii
u v the doinestiek slrkle It iz not ml
purlins however tu enlarge upon nil
household abasement 1 bed another nnd
most unplesaut dooty tu perform wich
called me hack friuii mi plesaiit sur
riiimdius in the Hiiro uv Inferniashun hi
Washington It wuz tu impart the dis
tressln nooze tu mi discoverer and bene
factor lirovor Cleveland thet he wuz a
dead num politically speeklu After the
Bryan outbreak at the Tammany dinner
iu inoo York on the Fourth of looly
and the Hop over of Mr Dick Croker Hi
Bryan wen he arrived home lriini biz
visit tu the otihl cotmthry it wuz pane
fully evident thet sum uv our dead men
wood hev tu be buried Sum uV us got
together at thu Buro uv Iiiferiuaslmn
aud held a post mortem examiiinsliim
upon the presideushiil chances uv the
several candidates ami we all conclooded
thet uv the big butch boo lied bin more
or less mCiisliimed hi stlinbiulily Mr
Cleveland wuz deder than all the rest
uv em put together It wuz also desided
thet it wuz mi dooty tu brake the nooze
tu him ez gently ez I coed When I
went over fi biz house I found a big
shingle iisilcd tu tho front door and on it
wuz chalked in big letters Cone tu
Buzzards Bay lishin
The importance uv mi niisshiin how
ever demanded thet I shood see Mr
Cleveland at wunst and I lloo tu biz
home at Cray Cables I wuz received ez
well ez enny Noo CJersey Dimicrat bed
a right tu ovpoet tu be and we sampled
sum uv the ox Presidents applejack
wich hit us both in the rite spot Tliare
is uothiii like pure applejack tu brace up
on wen yu hev bad nooze weighin out u
yure mind and yu want tu onload it on
Minibuddy boo dont want tu hear it
After waitin long enuff fer the llooid
tu prodooee sum siniptoms uv hilarity I
took kurrije and broached the subjiok
wich I lieu cum lruin Washington tu git
rid uv
I hev brung yu bad nooze Mr Presi
dent sod I
Whut iz it nabtir EpizootV sed lie
1 hev bin instruektod tu notify yu
thet yu air a dead man sed I hezitat
inly for I expected tu see him Hi intu
a passluin thet wood she itself in big
words and a good inenny uv em
Dont itieiishun it sed he quito eamly
fer him I hev bin tied so uieiiuy
times thet one more death nnd burial
wont bother me I want yu and all
other Dimicrats tu onilerstiind thet I inn
still in the Held ez a free trade and gen
eral kalamity candidate thet kalamity
iz bound tu arrive sooner or later and
wen it duz I am the logical candidate uv
everything thet savors uv discontent ami
lonkiu backward
There dont seem tu bo much kalam
ity on hand jest at present sod I At
leest I dout see it
Precisely sed he A Noo Gersey
Dimicrat is generally short sighted but
kalamity will cum all iu a heep sumtiiiie
wen we aint liuntin fer it and wen it
duz the Diniieratic party booze strongest
hold iz iu predictin it and helpin it along
will hev no other candidate ez available
ez I am
Wen I fust arrived I lied made up mi
mind tu keep on insistin thet he wuz
led but wen I found out thet he lied
not felt the slightest siniptonis uv po
litikal dissoliishun and thet nothin cood
make liiin beleeve thet prosperity wuznt
kalamity in disgize 1 conclooded tu
change mi tactics and leeve him iu thu
beleef thet ho wuz still alive and well
and the popular leeder uv u grate po
litikal party
How ill yu nccount fer Tammanys
break tu Bryan V sed I
Tammany Iz alwazo hoistin a signal
uv distress wen tliare aint nothin tu bu
seared uv sed he It iz alwaze iu tins
field tu grab everything in site and it
wants tu be on good terms with onny
candidate boo hez the slightest chance uv
whiniii Just now it thinks Mr Bryan
hez a chance and it will tickle biz vanity
wich is ded easy Tim tride tu tickle
mine wen tha wuz obliged tu Mr Bry
an is killin hizsclf with hiz mouth m
tryin tu fito all the battles uv his fiends
In the different staits If the Dimicrats
git licked in all the staits ho iz stuinpiii
in like Ohio Kentucky and the rest uv
em wich tha air likely tu do he will be
fired overboard Id the next uashuual
Dimicraiie coiiveiishun
But suppose the Dimicrats tdtood hap
pen tu win in hiiiii uv the important
staits wlia re Mr Bryan iz talkiuV sed I
Tha cant du it sed he We wont
let em I ii yu notice how our few and
teleet loldbiigs air arousiu nnd enthoosin
iliein elvesV
Thine aint eiiufl uv em tu du very
mutch enthoosin sed I
Tliare iz enulT uv em tu thro the elec
hliuii Intu the hands uv McKinley See
whut we did iu Noo jersey iu 1S0 and
we kin du it agin next ycer if 1 aint
treeted with proper konsiderashun and
Mr Clevelands eyes snapped feroshusly
Jest think uv a ded mail making threU
nnd talkiu like that