The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 26, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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nimura wkt
Bullets Fell Around te Volun
teer Like Rain
KviltliiB KMTlfiii ill lfirif V Mi ili f
Willie Sirt Imi u Siiiriitit nf ollipiliv
II Ilrtr Ni lmislll A IIMiKoriiii Iticoll
ntiltrrltii lx illl ton
rniin HnlimlnjV Dully
A roturntd soldier of thn First No
limski relates tho following incident
which rhow somewhat tho land of u
h Idler Goo W Snider nuido whilu in
tiles rvico Young Siidtr wits sergeant
of ompniiy H and is now ciuidtdnti for
f njMM ititciidunt of schools of this count v
After a trying night on the lino re
latin tho soldti r with bullets singing
uuco nfortubly cloe to cur crs from
tiuiL to tiini tho inorniiiLr of February
B broke slowly upon us Tin sninko of
tho n i Inig t c uibit hung hiuvily over
the landscape
A detachment of company B was in
charge of outpost No J from the cos
Kick of which thu irst shot was Hied
This post was on tho Halie Halic road
just beforn it enti red tho village of
Siutel F mr hinded yard b jond the
village wus tho famous bloolh u o No
T a s rong Mono fortifl ation Tlireo
hundred yards to tho left of this was
bli ckh use No 0 Companies K and D
wero on tho left
As soon as it becimo light enough
tho U ah light batteiy opened firo on
blockhouse No 7 from McLeuds hill
S on Col Stotsenburg came to tho
addressing the olllcers in com
uiund siid Take volunteers aid oe
cupy that villngo Then stud one man
to reconnoiter the gtoue blockhouse and
if it is silent wo will move up at onco
The entire detachment of 15 men volun
teered as ono man They entered the
villago without encpuuteriug any re
sistance Halting in the protection of a
stone building in tho village the oflicer
in command called for a man to volun
teer to npproai h the blockhouse Ser
geaut Suider was tho first to offer and
he was selected to go Ho moved up
cautiously keeping iu tho protection of
houses and stone walls to the opposite
edge of tbe village and then taking ad
vantage of every cluiip of bushes and
every irregularity iu the slope of the
hill he advanced to wi hiu u stones
throw of the fortification lie found
thn blockhouse silent the eemy hav
ing been drivn out by tho bombard
ment but they strongly entrenched
oa either side As soon as ho hud as
certained these facts he hastened back
to report So long as ho continued to
approach not n shot was fired from the
enemys trenches but the moment he
staited back tho bullets fell aronud him
like rain Fortunately not ouo found
tho mark and ho reached the protection
of tho village in safety and made his re
Thirty minutes later the soldiers oc
cupied vhe blockhouses nud adjacent
trenches and those of tho enemy who
had not fallen iu the fight wero lying
to the woods iu the rear for safety
This thrilling experience iu the sol
diering career of Sergeant Snider indi
cates the life of the byB in tho Philip
pines was not nil a summer vacation
To Curo Iu Grippe In Two Days
TukeLixative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature on
every box 2oo
Overlnml FrelilliiK
At the next annual meeting of the
Nebraska State Historical society which
will be held iu Lincoln on the evenings
of January and 10 one whole evening
will be devoted to the subject of the
overland freighting bnsiues
When tho program is printed it will be
sent to all old freighters and settlers who
meanwhile send their addresses to the
oflico of the society Tho opportunity
t preserve information on the subjict
of freighting is fa t passing away
Those who know best what freighting
was and who can tell most about it
have long boon gray and their number
is getting fewer daily All freighters
aro urged to loso no time in wiitiug
what they can recall of the days and
sendiug it to the so iety Informiition
need not be iu any special form Diaries
notes circulars newspapers anything
relating to freighting will bo con
siderdd valuable and very gladly ac
cepted by the society Information is
wauted o such subjects ns freight rates
kinds of goods hauled wages of team
sters profits of business unusually
1 irge trains or hauls tinio made by tho
trains routes raveled Btatious condi
tion of roads amount of feed and water
obsolete names and expressions used by
freighters nunilwrs of freighters
wagons oxen etc and special adven
tures The names of all tho old freight
ers are wanted as well as when and
whore they wero employed and when
they died or where they now live The
society wants to place iu its fire proof
rooms any paintiugs or pictures of
freighting scenes und will bo under obli
gntion to any one sending such
Tho subj ct of old roads is of the
gr atost importance All v ho ean aro
ur ked to help locate just where each of
tho roids used iu freighting and other
trtlie crossed each eouuty If a few
men iu each eouuty Mill btudthescciety
a trnciug of tho roads across their own
county it will bo very easy to record
the entiro nud system of this country
as it oxNted before tho tinio of railroads
and section lines
It is desiud that all old freighters
who cm will attend tho mooting nud
talk ovir tho early days
1ay Amos IWiuivrr
Asst See and Librarian
Lincoln Nebr
S L sillier is still on tho Mi k list
Tho List stock special went west
Mrs H b Smith has returned from a
visit to Sciibner
Leo Hershhor male a business trip to
ONeill tho first of tho week
Will Thin bur has been called to Can
ida by tho illness of his mother
Conductor 1 C Aid inado his first
run today Ho wont to Long Pino
Mrs Stove Burnet is enj ying a visit
with her daughter from Missouri Valley
O 1 Chapman and family have
moved into their old homo on Second
Mr and Mrs P Crotty havo moved
into their new home the houso formerly
owned by John Crotty
Miss Hurley who has been visiting
here returned to Omaha this morning
ucomranied by her friend Miss Bar
Pony HHis and Nettio Coatt wero
married at Pierce by the county judge on
Tuesday October 10 and on Friday thoy
loft for Smithville Texas
S H Swisher has ju4 returned from
a visit to his family at Lincoln and is
receiving congratulations from his
friends on tho arrival of twin boys at
his homo tho first of tho week
What was probably ho largest train
that over cumo into Norfolk was tho
freight that came in from the weBt
Thursday evoning over tho Elkhorn It
consisted of 55 loaded cars and four
ompties making a train about two fifths
of a mile long It was iu chargo of
Conductor Taylor wuilo Engineer Bates
handled the throttle
In KeiiuMiiliniiUi of Mr I A Slnirl
Tho iuiRi1 Doalli 1ms out -red our liomu
Anil taken mil if our band
Tim ho claimed Urn ono that wo loved best
Wo could not Btay hit hand
Tis hard to my Thy will hu done
When our hearts with uriof aro soro
For the one w ho llllod our homo and hoarlH
lIiihKom to return no more
Thro many weeks of MilToriiiK
Our dourly luted utio pat tod
1 Jut with more than human pationco
Sho bore it to tho Inst
And through tho diyb of uiiqiiisli
And through the niKlitu of woo
A truly Chrihlliko spirit
Shono with a tteady nlow
Her lifo was puro and uusolflsh
Ily love and duty led
None camo to her with their burdens
And left uneomforted
And to thoto of her own household
Her worth no pen can toll
Like an old tweet benediction
Her Kentlo inlliicncu foil
She is not dead eho livoth
HerV was a heart of Kohl
And of her many kinillj deeds
The half has noer been told
And all iiIouk her pathway
Liko rotes fragrant and swoet
Hlos somod rich flnvvori of kindlier
Sho scattered for tired feet
Oh mother bereft nud brother
Oh husband whoso heart is torn
Oh little motherless darlint
Left so sad nud forlorn
Look- iii 1 A hand ishockoniuK
A hnnd wo lnivo hold so dear
And listen A voice is calling
J am waitini for you up hero
And ITo who looks iu mercy
On tho tirod and storm tossed soul
Hack from our earthly vision
Tho dividing eil doth roll
And wo catch a lemn of tho radiance
That shiuea on tho other shore
Where the broken band unitod
Shall meet to part no more
Wantkd Several bright and honest
persons to represent us as malingers in
this and close comities Salary sjitOO a
year and expenses Straight bona fide
no more no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bank iu
any town It is mainly office work con
ducted at home References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped envelope Tin
Dominion Company Dept 11 Chicago
Attend CiiI1ck Till Vtur
Never in the history of our country
was there a grauder opportunity than
tlio present for educated young men and
women What an auspicious moment
for those who aro just now on the
thieshold of life
Grand Island Busiuess and Normal
college has for fourteen years been the
leading institution of its kind iu the
western Hates and last year more than
twice as mauy calls wero received for
its graduate as could be supplied
12verj thing uecessjry for a successful
start in life is taught business normal
and shorthand courses Kxpeiues low
Board only 1 SO per week One years
time given on tuition if desired Col
lego rt cord sent free or for Bix cents will
send elegant catalogue
A M Haiikos President
Grand Island Neb
Southern Literature
InterestiuK litem ure regarding the
South is now being uiBtributed by tho
1 Southern Railway Southern Homes
folderslarge map folders Land of the
Skv booklets Southern Fields Min
er da and Mines books etc mailed freo
to any address Tho Empire of the
South a very handsome volume of
ubout 200 pages profusely illustrated
also issued by tho Southern Railway and
sent to any address upon receipt of 25
cents wuicu amount appioximates cost
of dolivery Address
Asst Geul Pass Agent Southern Ry
Five Trains of Soldiers Pass
Through Norfolk
ItiKlinrnt Win Oiniileil at Iorl Snell
ItiK Minn mill UumlM or I J 11 Vlmir
mm oiiiik Men Spot Isiiikii I uiIiiIk In
ii Yiy I nlrre it Ini CoiiliM
Iriim MoiiiIiijr Dally EWM
Five special trains of Wagner coaches
passedthrough tho city at an early hour
this in ruing coming over tho C St P
M O and departing over tho Union
Pacific They wore loaded with soldiers
and equipments and wero bound from
Minnesota to I ho Philippines by way of
Sm Francisco
Tho c nimand consisted of tho nowly
recruited Forty fifth volunteer infant ry
organized at Fort Snolling Minn and
woro under command of Col 1 II
Dorst Tho first train arrived at I 10
and tho last about seven oclock Thoro
woro 51 cars used in all Ono section
was pulled by an Iniineitso Mogul on
gino which was so largo that it could
not bo turned on either tho table at tho
up town round house nor tho ono at tho
lunelion it was therefore taken onto
tho V at tho lunctioii where thofoit
was successfully performed
Superintendent A W Trenholtn of
the M and O accompanied tho soldiers
into Norfolk and took tho early train
out for Omaha
Tho command consisted of 1 75 stal
wart young men and whilo those iu tho
list sections were generally nsloip and
paid no attonion to passing scenes tho
latter made their presence known in no
unmistakable manner showing that
they started out on their long
journey with good heart Tho com
mand was ordered on board tho cars
Saturday afternoon and has boon travel
ing almost continuously since then
Tho trains stopped hero only long enough
to change engines and crows and wero
then whirled along toward their destina
On board tho first train which con
sisted of 11 cars woro tho regimental
headiiuartors consisting of tho colonel
and part of his stall tho hospital crops
and tho regimental band of 28 piee s
Tho train was inado up of 10 sleepers
and ono baggago car Altogether tho
trains consisted of IS sleeping ears filled
with men and olllcers and eight cars of
baggago and horses Tho run from St
Paul hero was made without incident
or mishap
Some Good Live ltlrd Sliootlni
An intorsting shoot was indulged in
yesterdny at grounds near tho former
sito of tho college building A number
of Omaha sportsmen were present and
with thoso whoso homes aro hero there
wero enough entries to make the contest
most entertaining nnd tho sport was
witnessed by a largo number of people
The targets wore live birds from a -yard
riso and tho scores indicated son o
very good shooting In tho morning
Glissman Burgess Reed and Bailoy
entered for a purse of if 10 divided into
two moneys Glissman secured tho first
money 25 by killing 1 out of a pos
sible 50 Burgess captured second
money 15 with a score of 15 Others
who did not outer for the purso but did
some shooting wore Leonard Gardner
Salter and others
Iu the afternoon Reed Bailey and
Glissman entered for a purso of 50 tho
targets being 50 birds Builey won tho
money by killing 47 birds thus making
an excellent score Glissman was a close
second with 40 dead birds to his credit
duplicating his score of tho forenoon
Reed brought down 111 out of tho 50
This forenoon Reed and Glissman
entered a contest for 25 a sido the tar
get being 100 live birds Tho strong
wind prevented tho good shooting of
Dont buy until you seo the uico lino
of quoonsware and glassware at tho
Norfolk Cash store A fino dinner set
very cheap
Curd of Thanks
I desire to express through tho columns
of Tub Nkws my hearty appreciation of
tho many favors conferred upon myself
nnd wife by many friends during tho
lattors illuoss and death Their kind
words and acts will never bo forgotten
P A Siifitrz
A general lino of mens ladies miss
es and childrens shoes cheap at tho
Norfolk Cash storo
Curd of Tliunkd
To the many friends who so kindly
assisted in tho reception of the body of
my late wife and in tho funeral obso
quios I deBiro to return my Mucero
thanks W D Gallup
To Cure A Cold In One Day
Tiiko Laxative Bi 01110 Quinine Tablets
All druggistB refund tho inonoy if it fails
to curo E W Groves signature on
every box 25o
Dried fruits fresh fruits and candies
as nice in you want to see at the Nor
folk Cash Btoro
T lATnUrOYou can have
your old in-
in nin
sells vehet or uioquetto carpets made
into beautiful rugs at tho Omaha Rug
Factory 1521 Leavenworth St Price
list freo First class references
Jas Teneyckh Proprietor
Best city reference
t tt ji c
IjOllirinl Kcconl shuwiui Ilic Iarls
of lie Scandal
Silas A Hnlcoiiib while governor of
the stale not only accepted an uncoil
Milutiuiial appropriation for the pay
iiieul of his private house rent bill by
the use of pulded vouchers he look from
the stale treasury almost double the
amount of money hat the house rent
actually cost It takes no argument to
substantiate this The records are the
best evidence
When he legislature of IKllil made a
house rent appropriation for Governor
C101111se he last Republican governor
it was promptly vetoed Croiinso in
hts message declared it tiiicotistitulionul
and said the legislature had no power
to increase he salary or perquisites of
any state officer
Governor llolcomb had no such re
gard for the constitution or the law
He regarded the law as a farce and a
sham as his sworn testimony later dis
closed Ho was glad lo take the house
rent appropriation and he intended to
make as much as possible out of it
The records show that for tho first
si mouths nltua the appropriation was
available in IS1V1 llolcomb lived iu a
house belonging to A- O Craiuliill
There is no evidence of the actual
amount paid Crattdall for the rent but
the ouehcrs drawn show that for each
quarter tho governor drew 1S0 in ad
vance He had Crandall sign the
On he 1st of October Holeoinb rented
a house from Mrs Gould at the rate of
Jilt per mouth And yet tho records
show that for the qunrtcroudingIuu I
IKIHi he drew in advance flSO for
house rent The dale of this voucher
is Sent i 1KJI5
Pile next voucher drawn was on
March It IHHI when llolcomb look 150
all 111 a lump the voucher saying it was
for house rent but did not say what
period of time it covered This was tho
case with all future vouchers an adroit
effort having been made to cover up the
misappropriation or steal The record
of all the vouchers drawn as shown by
the books in tho auditors office is as
May 2 ISr fiwM
duly II isiio lsooo
Sepiio lhi iwiiio
March It Isnt iM t mi
Dec 21 ISHl IliHMKI
Aug 7 INI 1201X1
Dec 21 IMI7 HiilUHl
May 2il lNlh 2WIIKI
Aug H INI llKino
Dei 11 INN 2KKI
Ian ll 1WIII WlilO
Governor Holcomb deliberately mis
appropriated and put in his pocket each
mouth a little over 10 All this in
spite of tho fact the appropriation is for
11 certain amount for house rent or to
much thereof as may bo necessary No
quibble will justify the steal Tho
state officials now admit tho wrong and
to prevent tho vouchers from being in
spected by tho public the auditor has
removed them from their usual places
with thu other vouchors in tho vault
and has them concealed at the present
tune iu Deputy Pools desk A good
way to prove thib is to go and ask to
see them
Tho sworn evidence given by Mrs
Gould shows how much was paid for
the house which llolcomb rented of her
on the 1st of October lh5 and which
ho still occupies She testified before
and investigating committee as follows
Q Who rented the property1
A Until of Us my husband and my
Q Who is the tenant f
A Mr Iloluonili
Q What doe- he pay now
A Thirty dollars
Q Who pays the water rent
A He doe-
Q The rental price is the same as when
you rented ilr
A Yes sir
1 1 ore followed a number of questions re
lating to tlio rental value of property in
the city as ciinpared with years ago ami
the testimony resumed as follows
Q What year was it with reference In
his being eleried governor1 JJo you know
the year that you rented it to liiuir
A Why 1 am not positive when the
rent began bill 1 thiol it was in October
lhli 1 couldnt swear lo that J hadnt
only 15 minutes to get ready iu and I
hadnt much time to look anything up I
think it was October Ihitfi he first rented
Q After that your husband did thu
A Yes sir
Q And you dont know how many
years ho reined It for that is you cant
recall now
A I suppose it would be since 1805 It
would lie lour years 1 his Is IWUl
Q In collecting the rent Mrs Oould
to whom was it pnldf
A It was usually paid to me but to
Mr Oould when he was at home
Q Who J ilit It to your
A The governor
Ij How did iho pay it to you by check
or money
A Sometimes In money ami some
times in check or draft
Q Wero you ever paid by warrant
from the state1 11 1 the statu pay your
A No
IJ It was always p iiil cither by money
or a private check1
A Yes sir
Q Was it paid monthly or quarterly
A Monthly
Q In advance1
A Not always Sometimes It would
be pretty near two months Sunietiiueri
thu 15th and sometimes near the last It
never was Hiid rluht at the da v
Q Did you collect it by going after it
or was it brought t the house
A He usually biought it to me
Tho legislative investigation commit
too beforo which this evidi -co was
given tried to get Holcomb to testify
Ho refused to come forward and ex
plain himself for tho good reason that
no explanation was possible Tho fol
lowing is 11 mrt of tho coiinuitteob offi
cial report
The 24th session of the legislature of
thestuteof Nebraska by house roll No
tVK h bill making appropriation for cur
rent espouses for the bleuuium appropri
ated the sum uf tlioOO for house rent for
tho govuruor Thu 2Mb schlon of tho
legislature by house roll No till uUoap
preprinted for the purpobe of house rent
for thu governor thu sum of f 1500 for the
blennlum Complaint having been mado
to tho committee that this sum had been
misappropriated evidence in relution to
thu Mimo wus heard and from thu evi
duncu wu find That thu first two vouch
ers drawn ngulnut this fund train created
wuro ouch fur tho nam of 1S0 each pur
ported on Its face to be for lliroe months
house rent the warrants In eiivmrlit
hereof being drawn to A landall
I hese Miiiehers were lo my the least lr
regular In that the llrit iltnwn Ma 2 was
for rent In July I ISi while the second
drawn July II I Mia was for lelil In Oct
I IMLi llius pilling he bills for lent be
fore hey matured
riiceomniltice further flu Is that nun
aholll the Its of li tnlic IStli to be end
of his term of nlllee I lie goleriior nrciniliil
a icsldcnce on A si reel In the 1 t f of I In
coin nw lied ley Mim A lloulil and for
which he p ild a renin of tW per month
which sum was paid nioiilhl allheeou
Ulilriice of I lie guviiliDi mill In the en
tire satisfaction of Mrs llouhl that dill
lug the lime he occupied said resilience as
giiM riinl he pivsclitcil 111tchcrs In hlsnwil
name amounting to flODto hi if
which aiiiouullng In ft lo weie not sworn
10 ns required Ic law for the paMiieul of
which Ihc state midline Issued his will
rants on Hie stall lieasurer
The emu 111 1 1 tee weie unable tn procure
the attendance of A Crmulall In w hniil
the llrsl I wo warrants were Issued In as
certain the amount aclualli paid to him
for rent but giving the bellellt of the
doubt to I lie vouchers as tiled and ad
milling thai tiiil per month was Hie
aiiioinil nf lent actually leeched bj him
11 Will he seen I ha t f 771 20 of Ihemiiouul
set apart fur the payment nf house tent
has been misappropriated by Imernnr
llolcomb and MMir comuilltee would
recommend ihat jour excellency refer
this mutter In the atlnrucy general with
Instructions lo take such steps as may be
necessary In r ier finin Mr lloleiimb
the amount thus misappropriated
This same man who maliesout padded
vouchers who arranges lo have them
concealed from the public gae who
rel uses o appear and testify before a
committee and who fails to explain in
any way why he pocketed this money
is now a candidate for the otllee of su
preme judge The house rciil fraud is
only one of hit many reprehensible
deals entered into by this politician
for spoils only Hois not lit for tho
supreme bench ami should be repudi
ated at he polls
Mr Itluilix rillllciil Alolili
Some time ago the Hon J Sterling
Morton made tho public assertion that
William 1 Ilryau had said it is the
money thai is iu be olllco and not tho
honor thai attracts me
Such a remark from Mr Bryan could
not be regarded as a probability by
those who believe In in to be a leader with
high moral standards ami honorable
purpose The charge having been
made by so prominent a citizen as Mr
Morton on the other baud created
much comment Air Bryans friends
refused o believe Air Alorton and vig
orously denounced him for milking
such a false accusation against lliiii
idol Finally on Kept 21 Air Bryan
when at his liome iu Lincoln was iu
terviewed on he subject and he denied
ever having given expression lo such an
utterance and added that whatever Air
Alorton might say was unworthy of
credence It was then up U Mr
Alorton Accordingly iu I ho issue of
his paper The Conservative of Oct
12th he published a facsimile letter re
ceived by him from Mr Bryan in
which the language quoted is found A
photographic reproduction of the let
ter leaves no doabl as to whether Air
Bryan did or did not in ike use of such
language Tho docisjon is in Air Mor
tons favor
Friends of Air Bryan will ollcr the
excuse that the letter is ten years old
Ihat he was when he wrote it much
younger than now and that if such
language and sentiment be objection
able the transgression has been out
lawed If Ibis lenient view of tho case
be granted the fact still remains that
Air Bryan was on Sept 2lh lHill at
the zenith of his powers and perhaps of
his fame and how therefore will he
bo excused finn denying the utterance
Obviously Air Bryans political op
ponents have too generously conceded
the sincerity of his purposes the in
tegrity of his character Air Alorton
has not eonvted him of any greater
defection from the straight path of rec
titude than ho purposely and publicly
mado in IHHI when on his tail end
campaign he advised voters to wear
gold badges and vote for silver This
endorsement of hypocrisy and deception
was certainly as unbecoming a presi
dential candidate as anything Air Alor
ton has proven against him or of which
ho stands Wilf convicled
If 11 voto for Hole mib is a vote for
Bryan is to bo adopted us the fusion
shibboleth this year in Nebraska then
rheso things- are to bo legitimately con
sidered along with the Holcomb cigar
box settlement with Defaulting Treas
urer Bartley tho houso reut record and
ballot fraud connection
Mr Bryan profiting by his corres
jioiidence with J Sterling Alorton
should not forget tho postscript burn
this letter
Headers of this paper aro being fur
nished some impartial evidence of the
questionable acts of Silas A Holcomb
taken from tho records A consider
ation of it by tho public is all that is
necessary to elect Al B Heeso justice
of the supreme court
Dewey was going to blow the admin
istration clear nut of tho water when
he arrived He would tell the world
the mistakes of the government He
would give Aguiiialdo a patriots certi
ficate Sosaid the antis Dewey is
home again and ho reijfllrnts what ho
has always said since tho 1st day of
Alay lbb that the authority of the
American flag must 1m established in
tho Philippines
There were many loyal Democrats of
tho north who iu tho sixties gave
their siipisirc to thu administration of
President Lincoln because thoy believed
their country more worthy of preser
vation than any political party Tho
indications aro there aro many such iu
Nebraska today Thoy realize that to
vote against tho administration by sup
jsjiting tho fusion party this year will
ho to give aid and comfort to enemies
of tho American flag iu tho Philippines
and thus commit a grave and irrepar
able bluuder That Nebraska will
stand by tho president iu this enier
f ncy as tho bravo boys of tho First
Nobrusku stood by tho Hug iu tho Phil
ippines is practically a foregouo con
Cut this out and send to us and wo
will sill you the best quality of
Binding Twine
Wholesale Prices
SihiiI or Slandaid - do
Manila ii
It no ins hitnliii
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Re
c lime till 1 loci mill 1 in innkc prompl
hlllpllilhlH llll I III V Miller ll tlllltllMl I
tilte rhiiiiiiK 1111 hcliibue Hr culiwc Ve
plilliuitii lliiit even hull il 0111 tuiiir linn
1 11 Hindi 1111 new ppliiilli i uitlim Hie 1 tint
imiilj iIiih M I lilt 1 1 v IIiihiiivih No
cillinil mil I wine lien- Will chip
Hlllljlll ll I Xllllllllllllllll if lICHIIIlj Wll m
cue luine upon nv iniot of III it mill
iImmii Hint lop Intel llrfciiiirin Nehrim
I n Niilioniil bunk this pnpi 1 01 mi one of
mil luli 11H eihiif IS vddriKH
The Western IVIercantile Co
Illlh mid I 1 rl 1 11 tn Hlh 111 11 1 111
The III mm Hull SiiiH oll MolllJ
A Itclillini IliriililH
Ill loll ill Hire In iitiiii IiiiiiiIimIh iiT wimple
rtipli H of 1111 Iriillnnl jonriiiilH iiiiiuiuMiikn iiiiwh
impiim I11111IH IlilnliMiiiii htiil ciiculiiih of thn
liili Ht Itnprnviil fin in Impleii ruin unit niiirhln
Ill nnd he llipt posted on iiiiptoted mixIh nnd
sliiili fm lun jiMif 01 iimtiT If mi hiiid nil
Mini limni ullli hli ciiilH IiihiImi mill vmi will
Illicit tliidiiiin In llie Vlliitlrllll IiiiiiiiIh lllreo
loiv vvhiili ioih vvhiillim nil mur thn Itillml
Sliili In inhlihliiin inti elm nl m nnd inMliufiic
IniiiH 1111 will ic mini Kin d iiMilllut niiitlnr
Muni 5011 cnnlil pinrliiiHi for mini llntnH thn
miiiiII roiil of ten riiilM n vmi nl 1 very fiirnierii
niiiiii In lie Iniii il MIiiIih in 0111 ill I nry nl
onril IAIIMVIIH HlllHIlllllV Co
IliluirliniMit IIH
lliiiiilinthtini Ala
let Away n Couple of Alontlis
and vlsil
Ashcville or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
01 the many
Tnuiisl tickets on sale via
by all Ticket Agents
For schedules or fuiLher infor
mation wiltc or call on
Vi II Taviuk A O P A
Louisville Ky
1 O IIkam Jr N W P A
Ml dams til Chicago
I A I Uri I o procured
Solicitor and Attorney In Patent Causes
i73Ncw York Ave
WAblllNiiTON I C
IIIcichtMlilicliiil lMlt liiiruiHiiKiilnriito Cor
riiHiMitiiliinri niiiiHtiil
Incnlisl on Did Illinois Central It It 111
nl also Inrntsl on llin Yiizon mill MleuibHlpp
Viillny It in tlm HtiinoiiH
Of Mihtimijipi Spccinlll adapted to tic ra h
inr 01
Corn and hogs
Soil Richestinthe World
Write for Pamphlets awlMaps
I mill CoininiHsiniiiT Afcst I and ouir
III Vat II It I ci Inrk How ltKinri7
Louisville Nashville
Write for Information lo