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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1899)
2 to 0 1 J u V V k Norfolk Nebr H -- The J4opf oik Needs W N nuaEnPubHBhor Kor W 111 ll DAILY lMillihhoil IW iliij oxriil Siimlii Ilj Iarrliir ir couth 1 ninil lor jimp yiw WKKKtY lj tnlilihliKil Is M Kvorj Thurwlii It nuitl por jimrJlAO lntmiil nt thn lWollttiiul oifolk Noli jih mchhI oliihn iimttor Tuliipliiiiiii Nd -- REPUBLICAN TICKET Muto For Siiirnmo Imlho M II ltlksi For KrKtMitHiif tlin Httn U 0 Mi In on Pit Wiumm II Kit ImiIIiIhI Ftir Juili if hu Niatli DUlrJot A A Wkii ii County Unrk PUtrirl Court Clin Sen wivnii Count Clnrk lnuli lHutn Tnmituror It C Miun SlinrilT S I UltDNiit Count JiiiIkii S Mviivv BuiHirintmiiliiul lulilii Instruction Iioitiu WSmiiiu Ciinmnr Kim vim Tnmh Siirtiin H 1 owK Count ComiiiiMlomtr Kirtt UUtrlot Ciiiiix Smith rrrtiurt llfKet Cur luttlct8 of thn lunco For Coin tililoH For Hoinl Ooronni K11IU J W lllKH Korwiwir F KlHIlHT J V IUnhom M It Mciuiuh J il TllOMIKON TJ llAUIIli ggS lillCillll Uiniihii Aiuuwnrtll Wiiynu S V II VMS I M 1 M I III M vims K vni J 1 Wuiiiin PUtrid No PUtrict No 1irnt Wnnl Sorimil Wiinl Tlilrl Virl louitli Want Outtiilo lriciuct Chaplain MailleyV jabs into the short ribs of tho fusionists continues to elicit groanb cursch and lies Tho young man who takes his best girl out sailing and hugs the shoie doesnt gain hor regard very fast The world cousuuies 8000000 tons of sugar annually Still some peoples dispositions could be improved by sweet ening The mortgages on western farms are not expanding Nevertheless strange as it may soem it doesnt bring joy to tho auti expausiouist Jerry Simpson hits it about right when he sajb that you might just us well discuss a last years birds nest as to dibcuss silver ut 111 to 1 this year Some ouo has said that those who farm to mako u living get rich while those who farm to mako money become iubolvent It is vory true It is the men who diversify farming and dont attempt to ruiso big crops who como out best Mr Bryan is dovoting tho lost fow duyh ot thocampiugii toHiiving his homo Httito to fusion mid doinocnioy but his oflortH will not biicceod tho tido has turned lVtVer hiij lie isnt ti republican but w has engaged to do all tho damage he can agmutit tho democratic party This must mako oven hard hearted Murk Ilanna Hinile Tho banlcH in some parts of tho coun try are going out of business because i they cant loan tho nionoy thoy havo on hand This is rather hard on bankorn aud free silror orators Tlioro aro 121 colleges and univorsltios in this country representing an invested capital of fLiOOOOOOO omploying 25000 porsous as teaohers and olllcors aud lustruoting 175000 students Tho editor of the Poduuk Searchlight says We expected to have a death aud mariiage to publish this week but a violent torm pievonted tho wedding and tho riwtor bemg sick himself tho pitieut recovered Accordingly wo mo cheated out of both That tho fusionists loaders aro alarmod oorthe change of sentiment in Ne braska this year is evidenced by thtir violent etVorts to stem the How of pop ular sentiinont Thoy aro playiug a losing gamo and ouo that will roceivo a doboryed rebuko at tho polls in Novom bor Johu J lugullshus become ono of the yellowest of yellow journalists Kver si co Mr lugalls declared iu tho senate that the golden rulo in politics was an iridescent dream ho lias been a states man out of a joo Fow men iu this country are keener iutellectunlly but the lack of vigorous nobility of purpose has made him a political outcast The World Herald is trying hard to drag Judge IU oo down to the lovol of Shpptry Silas und is thereby not only lonug whatever etlect it may havo had in turning otes towurd tho losing causo but dugtisting tho best element ot its owu party Judge Ueeso is tho mon for the position and the wild vaporings of the World Herald cannot prevent his election True reformers are totally disgusted with the alleged reform of thoir leaders aud admit theie is no such quality iu their breasts They have been after the olllces aud with pleasuro bacritioed all the principles of a reform movement Till NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 1805 estfe W S flji - - - - 8 Look at Goods Post Yourself on Clothing WE WANT TO SELL ALL OF THE MENS A N D BOYS CLOTHING Overcoats and Furnishing Goods SOLD IN THIS PART OF THE COUNTRY Holcomb gaining his election on an anti-pass platform with his pockets full of tho paste boards is but an instauco of how thoy juggled with tho pnnciples of those siuoeraly defi iug justice and right Tho Omaha Heo gives tho following which is a very good index of tho condi tion of pio ipority which is swooping o or tho stato If tho railroads cannot find cars and engines to move tho busi ness offered to them now what do thoy pioposo to do when tho big corn crop be gins to move This problem is not only bothering the shipper but the railroad men aro working overtimo trying to flguro it oat Tho general agent of one of tho leading railroads entering Omaha is quoted as saying there is business enough iu sight to keop his road busy for two years with every prospect that provision must be made for increased traftlc When tho railroads aro busy it is cortaiu busiuoss iu all lines is good Nebraska aud tho west aie today moro prosperous than over before and what is more it is not a fictitious prosperity Souio few years ago when tho loan agent was putting vast sums of oasteru nionoy into tho west thoro woro lively times while tho borrower was sponding it Today tho borrowor is paying back his loan and still has euough left to keoj business at high tido Tho storm contors of public iuterest this year in tho stato oloctions will be Nebraska Ohio aud Maryland Of lato years Maryland has gone back on democracy aud at the present time it has two republican seuatois Hut ex Senator Gorman is ambitious to become his partys caudulato for tho presidency and there is beiug a very aggressive effort maco by tho democrats to carry that stato Ohio ih tho presidents state and as a candidate for reuomiuatiou at the bauds of tho republican party a g od showiug must be niado The re sult in that stato will bo looked upon as the theimometor of public sentiment in regard to tho endorsement of the admin istration at homo If tho republicans roll up largo majorities Mr McKiuloys right to a renoniinatiou will bo con ceded without question but should tho republicans win by n scratch or tho democrats win it would sonoiiely cap him iu tho race The same condi tion of tiliairs confrouts Mr Uryan in this stato Wlulo lie is undoubtedly tho presout loader of his pnity bhould Ne braska go republican this year it would have a depressing influence on his cau didacy next year These three stato elections aro all pivotal this year freighted with far reachiug cousequeuces to candidates and party success and the results will bo eagerly awaited SCENERY FOR A NEW PLAY Its Prcpnrnllon In Modern Theater nn Intert HtliiK 1rocenH The piepaiatlon for a new play as far as the sceneiy Is concerned Is most Interesting A complete model In mln latuie Is mntle about the sle of oue of the German toy theaters been In the shops The plctute Is caiefully painted the rocks if theie be any and tho foliage nie cut out and nil the details aie followed with no less thought than when the teal aflair Is attacked The woik lb done Iu water color mounted on pasteboard nnd If tho scheme be an Interior there mo ial curtains in miniature flights of steps and the hangings all seilously worked out It Is something that would de light the heart of a boy and furnish lilin with endless amusement These models are kept until after the pleco Is produced and aro then put away on shelves alas only to warp and be come covered with dust But the master painter s work does not end here by nny moans for thero aro lights to be arranged sinco they play nn Important pnrt in the per formance and must be regulated by the scheme of color so thero aro long conferences with electricians nnd many discussions with the makers of glass shades whereby the exact tints mny bo obtained When every detail has been settled then the gieat acres of canvas are spread on the paint fuimes and tho drawing Is begun Large cliina pots aio used for the colois These nie filled with paints which are mixed with water and a ble and enormous brushes put the pigment on the can vas It Is wonderful to wntch tho tu list who dashes on tho paint with no apparent enre and who lias to work fast to cover tlio suriaco oeioro uiu color dries which It does quickly New Yoik Commercial Advertiser home buiieratltlona Wheu starting for the river says a wilter Iu London Field If you have to turn back and get something that you hnvo forgotten you are btiro to catch llttlo or nothing that day This is nu nitlclo of Devon folkloie and I nin In clined to think the west country folk right hiiiein The disappointment the Inury and the biiiiglng of wiong things ulwub act piejudlcially upon what out to be the uniutlied een temper of a btieeessftil angler Ho become hasty and rash most often with III leults to his basket In the western highlands It Is cur rently believed that If ou bee a colt with Its back to you when btaitlng In the inoining on a fishing excursion It Is the woist of luck only to be exceed ed should you hear a cuckoo befoie breakfast An amatem editor has made a for tune by his pen His father died of prior on readltn one of his editorials and left him 150000- Nauvoo Inde pendent i uet me Knees g Write lo Chicago Omaha or any other place for samples aud prices Then come to us bring samples and prices S and WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW WE KNOCK EM OUT We will offer you BETTER Values or wont ask you to buy w ft m w Ji ft ft We Have the Stock We Have the Right Prices Will You Investigate ft rts fnw a v m w m We will Treat You Politelv Whether You Buy or Not THE STAR CLOTHING STORE ttf m The Norfolk Cash Store HS COMILKTK LINK OF Gents Furnishing Goods Boots and Shoes Hats Caps Overcoats Queensware Glassware Call and seo tho uico DINNER SETS offered nt low prices Prices puarauteed tho lowest Groceries a specialty Best Brands of Flour Highest price paid for Butttr nnd Eggs Come and leave your oiders and they will be well taken care of and delivered oioiKroibtio A Q BOHNERT Proprietor m gfefcgSXStSBB5CgggstS FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS SEE v The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary Iettnr IUt List of letters remainiiiK uncalled for at tho postolllco October 33 1899 Edith Archlor Ethel Blackeau 2 Cassio Olay Victor Davis A F Han W II Huutor Carl Kubo Bert Long necker Goo A Mndeen Anna Quin II Horhkeo J W Rulluer Wm Stone Arch Vanovinklo Fred Wegnor Mrs Willians dress m niter H H Wulff If not called for iu 110 days will be sond to tho dead lotter oflico Parties calling for any of tho aoovo please say advertised P F SlUKCIIRR P M Ho plays well that wins Hoods Sarsapunlla wins tho victory over disease becauso it ptssos gi nuine curative power State of Ohio City ok Toledo i Lucas County FkimcJ Ciiinkv makes oath that ho is tho seuior partner of tho firm of F J Ciiknty Co doing business iu the City of Toledo county mid stato afore said aud that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and overy caso of Cataiuih that cannot bo cured by tho uso of Halls Oatahrh Cuhk Fuaxk J CirevtY Sworn to before mo nnd Ftibscribed in my presence thisOth day of December A D IbSU A W GLEASON m al Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internal lynud acts direotly on tho blood and mucous surfaoe of the system Send for testimonials free F J Chkney Co Toledo O Sold by Druggists 7f a Halls Family Pills are the best A Sound Ilver Mnken a Well Man Are you bilious constipated or troubled with jaundice sick headache bad taste in mouth foul breath coated tongue dyspepsia indigestion hot dry suu pain in back and between the shoulders chills nnd fever etc If you havo any of these symptoms your liver is out of order nnd your blood is slowly being poisoned because your livor does not net promptly Herbino will euro any disorder of tho liver stomach or bowols It has no equnl as a livoi medicine Price 75 cents Freo trial bottle at G B Ohristophs Ho laughs best who laughs last it you take Hoods Snrsanarillu von mnv laugh first last and nil tho time for it win mnlce you well CALIFORNIA The Land of Sunshine fepwwK v THERE IS NO CLIMATE LIKE IT ON THIS CONTINENT FOR A WINTER RESORT 1- me Train hi rvico via tho Union Pacific Palace Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Free Reclining Chair Jars Hufiet Smoking and Library Cars Ordiuniy Sleeping Cars Pintfch Light Steam Heat Fio Daily Trains from Missouri River For Time TubUs Foliler UluMratod HooW Pamphloulrcnptheof tin tfrrltor txlOill ou F W JUNEHAN Agent i