The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 26, 1899, Page 12, Image 14

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Ladies Jackets Capes
and Furs
Tho Catchy Stylo of Ladles Wraps
tlltn SOIISOII lH rCsisthKH TIlO IllOHt
nobby garment lit a moderate exj Hin
di turn
Ours iiro direct from imioiiK n doon
of t ho lending iniinufneturorH of tho
Kast Kvorv garment bought for Spot
CiihIi itml our values cannot bo excelled
by tho Inrgost clonic houses
Tho Keenest Comparison will do us
Good Wo crowd no garment upon
you until you iiro sntistled
mm ill
Oorroot Jnokots 300 to 1500
Fur Collarettes 200 to 2500
Plush Capes 500 to il250
Childs TaokotH t to 5 yrs beautiful
Btylos 300 to 1500
Childs Jnokot fi to lJ yrs 150 to
Fur Jackets
Tho Finest quality Elect rio Soal Fur
Jacket Win Skinners best made satin
lining u very swoll winter garment
only 35
Sumo stylo and finish but host grado
Astrnchan 30
Those aro not tho ordiunry but lino
You cannot afford to
pass us in shoes Look
at them Mens Russian
Calf full leather lined
up-to-date stylo 250
Mens Finest Vici Kid
Dress Shoes full kid lin
ed most stylish last for
only 300
You cannot m a t c h
them and wo have equal
values in womens and
childrens Dont fail to
get our pi ices on shoes
Kvery w o m a n who
tries a TennehS Miller
Shoe will try no other
Ask lor them
An Am fill Oitlciil
Once in a year and at one place hi
the world there Is a crush that sur
passes anything else of its Kind in the
world It Is the great fair of Hawn
Farld which is annually held In the
town of 1ak lattan In British India
It Is held in honor of the famous St
surnamed Shakar Oiiuj
or sugar store from the fact that his
body had become so pure by continual
fasting that whatever was put Into his
mouth even earth and stones was In
Htantly changed into sugar
The principal ceremony consists of
passing through an opening made In a
wull adjoining tho shrine measuring 5
feet by iu feet and called Tho
Gates of Paradise
Whoever between noon and night is
able to pass through this opening is as
mired of paradise and when there are
60000 striving to pass through at tho
name time the cruh Is something tor
riilc Women faint bones are broken
and tho heat Is Milling
IlirtlM u Vi iilriloqiiUU
Many birds form their sounds with
out opening their bills The pigeon is
a well known Instance of this Its
cooing can be distinctly heard al
though It does not open its bill The
call Is formed Internally In the throat
nud chest and it only rendered audible
by resonance Similar ways may bo
observed In many birds and other ani
mals The clear loud call of the
cuckoo according to one naturalist Is
the resonance of a note formed In the
bird The whirring of the snipe which
betrays tho approach of the bird to the
hunter Is an act of ventriloquism
Even the nightingale has certain notes
which are produced Internally ami
which are audible while tho bill Is
Empress Skirts
This is tho loading Dress Form Skirt
yot produced Is light and hnups as no
other hkirt can Wo carry thorn in
Btook or tnko orders for Special Fiuo
Silk Skirts
Tho same Leaders in Black Merceriz
ed Underskirt that cannot be equaled at
our prices
Ihlllli nf II IiollriT Kiliikui
Manhattan Kan Out s Hon
George W Higgiubotham a pioneer
Kansaii died at his home hero yester
day of heart disease Ho was exten
sively known throughout tho west
ViKtT int iiit Wim h
TrKAMAii Neb Oct T Judge Key
sor Saturday sentenced Oscar Yeger to
eight years in the penitentiary for tho
killing of John Kggleton at Decatur
last May
Tho Lombardi Grand Opera companv
has disbanded at Kansas Citv after a
trip through tho west because of poor
Kphruim D Sayre president of tho
Kentucky Bankers association died at
Lexington Sunday of acute stomach
trouble aged
At Cartilage O Hon John K Pol
lard United States consul general at
Monterey Mex died Sundav night
He will be buried at Manslield O
At Windfall Ind robbers looted tho
general store of J H Sellmer hauling
away more than 1000 worth of mer
chandibe including OO pairs of shoes
Tho upper stories of the large framo
building of tho
American Card com
pany in tiie business section of Lowell
Mass were burned Sunday night
Mrs Eruostiuii Sehaedlich who was
tried for being an accessory to the mur
der of Senator Hampton Wall at Staun
ton Ills during tho summer of 16U8
was accniitttid
Anti Semite riots broke out at Hal
leschau Moravia Sunday Jewish
houses wero stoned stores were pil
laged and the gendarmes charged tho
rioters killing three persons and injuring
fceveral others Tho military tinaily re
itoivd order
Our store is tiixetl lo ils utmost rnpacily to hold our liouvy piircliuscs for tho Tall season Itoughl curly All kinds of goods arc rapidly advancing as ov
spent Mm mi tin month of August among no largo importers and oastorn nianufarturors and purchased heavily before tho sharp advance began Test us So
People know our methods Our highest aim is to iiiuko every person who enters our store W K I U0iM i Freely shop in every department We challenge the
within your reach Our uiHuestionable Low Prices and Largo Assortment wo are determined shall bring many new faces into our store
Dress Goods
Our Dress ioods Department should command tho attention of
ovory woman Tho assortment is largo and embraces tho choicest
styles in vogue in tho fashionable centers
Black Cropons 1125 to 200 Stylish Kersoy Suitings Zibileinu
Plaids Homespuns Venetians etc It iB necessary to boo dross goodB to
form mi intelligent idea of values
Silks in profusion Sonio Raro ValuoB in Black Dress Silks
Dress Trimmings Tho newest things Dainty but pronounced
ami rich
Jetted Nets sfl50 to 850 Applique Fringes Braids etc
Mitikot ItiillliH In Sjiup it dy Willi Corn
Im IhIiium llifliir
Cliu Ann K t - Wheat not Mow tlm 70o
mm It fur the Deeeinber iiptlon iikiiIii todny
lint eoni cninu to tho riwuo mill tlm lots wuh
fully It iaiimiil Dneeinlior rlotiui n hhiulo
hltrlier at 7Ui470fco Huylnrf ly ovnrolil
hliorts htiuiiKtliciipil eiirn nml that commodity
eUnil with a Ruin of iVHeo Oats elo e4 ii
hhuile higher The ftruiiKtli in corn was ro
ilivtiil in provUioim anil January jiork ml
vaneeil ilk anil lard and rilw S78n iiauh
CIuiiiik prii f
Wiikt Uwi 70ii70jo Mny 74ljo
CoilN neeaiillI5o May KlJVftlUo
Oath IHv i1 May MJiu
Pohk Iw 80 Mny f tttiu
Illiw Uiv U S4 May UWYHVJU
Laiui Uih VJ May 57f
Ca hiUotatton No a mil wheat 70 97lla
No ShprliiK wlieti5t7lo No i corn tiio
No Joatb ilo
Clllenk ii Live Stork
ClllOAOO Oot JA Herplntn 14000
there was a fairly uetivo demand for eattle to
day at about former prices the middlini
1 radiN lM lnif liarely steady ijood to fancy i
grades brouihtYfi0iJ570 roiiiiuon to medium
tlUjp545t stockers and feixlurn tJOOtvii
cows and bulls J WS 4Ji Titxaus fl6Oa410
calves tSOiV 70 Hogs Heceipts ttjoa
triulu in Iioisk was brisk nt vtt ady prieos fair
to prime lots i Mfnii5i heavy packers 4ls0
9417 mixed 41U4a5 btitiihers 1415
q44H UKhtWeikthts 40OIf4li piKs 3 10
aiJO Hlieep ltiveipts IfttXWj there was an
excellent demand fur heep and lambs at tho
recent advaiue poor to clioioo slieep sold at
JiVgj4y5 and lambs at W 50jji5 60 for thu poor
est to tho bet
KaimiH City Mitt Slock
Kansas City Oct vtn1 i it
1UUO active bteady heavy unlive steers 5t0
iMilUllchtWfiKhtH 5 Ulcl57a stockurs ami
fisnlers J3U 75 butchers cows and heifers
iaiU9i ta antiers western steers
jt IUO4S0 ciimmon Texaiw a UViai Hoks
Heceipts laavj improvisl demand prices
btcudy heavy nilxtnl and liKht I41M415
it I40OH4 US Hhcep Keccipts SftU rood
leuiaud for hheep lambs blow and lower
lamb l4fiUij5iV muttons a5lii4 00 blockers
aud feoders 3oaS4J5 culU mVft3 10
Kontli Oiu1ih Live Slock
BoLTil Omaua Oct
Wo placed an order early in tho season for 50 rolls of Carpet at a
special prico for this qnautity Prices have udvauced 5 cents a yard
sinco and outside of presout Btock wo confidently believe it will bo im
possible to sell Carpets on any new purchase
nt our present prices v
All Wool Ingrains 50c 55c 60c and 65c
The very Best made 65c
Rug Sale
Handsome revorsible Smyrnin Rugs New
direct from the mill
Jlxlfi ci 126
HOxtK i 250
aoxva of 350
Bibsels Grand Rapids best Cyco bearing Carpet Sweeper 250
6000 slow tu lower native beef steers 4ft0i
rsoMurii steers 4tlti48J Texas tners
iiKo4IO cows andlielfers JIIIkliiJIiB can
ners JV i stockers and feeders fllV
V4N calves 450g1rt7ri bulls stiiBS etc
50ijm73 Hobs ltweipts 70J0 simile ensiur
heavy 4WH4l2a mixed f4 Ut41ft HBlit
T4 lii4L0 pi s 37Vu34UH bulk of sales 4101
415 Slieop Heceiita 45IX stront liiinlis
insier yearlinis H 85D4 10 western muttons
CllWiiJJJ stock sliucp 340c3S0 lambs 400
Alinanae of I lie Day
Thursday Sun rises at 023 sots at
505 Moon rises at 1140 p m
Tho Weather Iowa Fair Thursday
Hid Piiday except ohowers and cooler
in extreme eastern portion Thursday
northerly winds Nebraska Fair
Thursday and Friday north to east
Fireman Killed ill Ladder Imrtlce
McKkkspoiit Pa Oct 24 Fireman
Roseborg was killed and Firoman Ma
lonoy badly injured during ladder prac
tice at tho Central lire station Tho
aerial bidder had been shot up and tho
men had reached tho top when tho
wagon overbalanced and tho men fell
with tho ladder which was broken to
Mcllrlilus onfesHloii Verified
Ossawatumie Kan Oct -4 Ths
confession of J O McBride tho Still
water convict of a postoillco robbery
and murder committed hero lias been
verified Tho inailml who was shot
by McBride was doubtless James Helms
who was killed Jan 1i lo Tho
identity of the murderers had never
been known
Iltracr Miller Troiii 1rilrle Iiro
Oud Neb Oct J0 In a prairie fire
near here Tiininermaii brothers W D
Mnig ami Charles McMitio lost much
nay and Royal Bailey a largo quantity
tf wheuc which was in shock
Ladies Tailor Made
A self Plaid back honvy Camols Hair
Wool Tailor Made Suits for 1500
Wo solicit a comparison with any suit
houso on earth I shades to select from
650 HI 0m
to mmMk
1200 mmsMm
Styliph correctly made suits 1000
to 1500
Good all Wool suits 500 600 and
Baby Caps
Silk Plush and
Velvet Neat up-to-date
st y 1 o s
direct from the
nianufa otnrer
who makes
them 50c 65c
75c 88c 8100
and 125
Look at these
and see the sav
ing to you
ervbodv knows We
Squarely on Prices
prices oi any city
Ladies Wrappers
Prices that you cannot eqnnl
i i i ii t n ftm - ur
- i TJ4iruk jix rr
Indigo Print Wrapper 50c
Fleeced Twill Printed Wrapper 100
Heavy Swausdowu Flannelette Wrap
per 175
Dress Skirts
Cropons Plaids Serges etc 125 to
Stamped Goods
We have jnt received the Largest
Assortment we have eer shown
Pillows 25c to 75c
New Lace Novelties Panels etc etc
Visit our store Visit every department Each one is crowded with
values easily recognized when you see them
We invite you to our store
The Johnson Dry Goods Co
Try The News for Job Work
gmviii n
irtf aim i wami - aii
Woman Knows Woman
Zurich Kan Jan 31
I used Wine of Cardul for ner
vousness and weakness in tho
womb After taking one bottle I
was well again I am a midwife
and always recommend Wine of
Card ui to my lady friends during
pregnancy and alter birth as a tonic
Kvery lady who takes it tiuds that
it does even more than is claimed
for it
Nobody knows woman like worn in Men tro to medical coIWm
study books and listen to lectures They learn indirectly S e dSs
of women but they are men and can neser fully understand the ailments
the sufferings the agonies of mothers wives and sisters A woman
kJVi Mrsfsvert slle h ls lassetl through the trials
and tribulations of her She
sex has been near by when her sis er V
fered She has seen them relieved and cured with Wine ifSuf b
it any wonder she recommends it Is it any wonder that thousands
I Korailvlcelnraeiirrqulrlmjn till
I ulreilluim adilrrM t lMIiK s niiluinn
Udl idlor liiit llirl lUlllMKIli
i BUHilMio ClultaniHij li im
i winci women recommend it
Ilify limnv They have ac
tual experience to prompt them
They spread the tidings from
numth to mouth tellinir how Win
the weak of sU ages Helps and cures USaJgV epS
Druggists Sell Large Bottles for 100