The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 26, 1899, Page 10, Image 12

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Made a Nijht
in Norfolk
of it
Kiiiiik Iiii store Kino Mnti ill ml
Miirkrl mill llniljn HiiiIk Mlllrn Virn
llriiliiMI llllo Hi tVllm lliml l Mill
Miiiirilln Milium Wm l llmlnii Open
I rom TuivHlnri lall
Htirghm made night of U in Norfolk
last night entering and rnnwicUing
three business houses but it is believed
tlmt thoir nights work was not product
ive of very largo roturiiH The throe
places entered wero Kiiro Hros moat
iniultol Hardys scale olllro and KiiiuH
drug Hi oro
HntrunciittiKaroK nmilot wasolTeotod
through tlio buck collar window which
was open lmt wiw protected by u screen
Tills was out awuy nlToiiHtiB an easy
entrance to tho lower portion of this
building Kroin Iho collar it was un easy
mutter to proceed to tho uppor lloor
whoro tho thieves rillml tlm monoy
drawer securing ft10 fortliolr troublo
Thoy loft a biokou pump lmiidlo and an
old ilow Hlmro which wtuo used to pro
vide an entrance After semiring what
lay within their reach the mnraiiitoiH
made thoir exist through the luck door
leaving it open
Tho free hooters onterod the scale
oillcoofll 10 Hardy near tho Union
luoillo tracks by prying opon n window
There they secured nothing of value and
roliiMd their disappoint meiit by soattor
ng the papers in tho ollice about proin
isouously Tliey appropriated noma
chewing tobacco which camo in their
The heaviest loser by the raid of tlm
burghirs was August K esau owner of
the drii store They broke into this
pluco of business by removing tho glass
from the back window and raising the
sash A Chinese lily which was on the
window sill inside and barred the
entrance somewhat was carefully lifted
and deposited on tho ground under tho
window Upon getting inside tho first
pluco investigated was tho cash drawer
Although this was not looked tho thief
mado quite u jofi of getting it opon
showing that tho porson or tho persons
engaged woro probably novices at
tho busiuoss It is prosuinod they
priod at it with a stovo lid ami other ar
tiolos which woro found near ot hand
this morning and dually succoedod in
breaking a pioco oft and opening tho
drawer which contained but llfty pon
nioa This was too small a stake for the
olTort and thoy woro not disturbod
Tho attontion of tho burglars was turnod
elsewhere but all that Mr Kiesau missed
this morning was Haven razors and tho
81 pioco silvor sot which was ouorod as
a proiuiuu to the fortunate subscribor of
tho Chicago Ladies magaiiio who might
draw it
Although tho loss was not largo to
any of tho victims of tho raid thoy
would bo pleased to capture tho
del ers and with this idea Sheriff Losey
wus requested to send or bring his
bloodhounds over but as the animals
woro out of town ho could not comply
with tho request
Tho Norfolk otlloors aro making dili
gent inquiry and investigation and their
olloits may yot result in tho capture of
the thieves
O F A Marquardt who runs the
saloon at tho corner of Norfolk uvonuo
and Fifth street is not cortaiu vhothr
or not ho received a visit from tho burg
lars He found this morning that his
roar collar door had boon qrokon in but
could not toll whether tho burglars had
been iusido or not lie did not miss
unythiug from his saloon and thinks
perhaps tho follows were frightened away
boforo they had completed their work
Oscar Uhle tho grocer has gono to
Miss lily sister of Mrs V C Weber
has accepted a position in the Fair storo
Owen ONeill of Jlattlo Creek was a
oity visitor today on his way to Madison
Tho Wednesday olub will meet to
morrow nfteruoon at 2 M with Mrs
Goo h lies
Fathers Foldmeun and Czech of
Humphrey woro tho guests of Father
Walsh yesterday
Miss liuttie nioiviui lelt on the noon
train for Council Bluffs whoro she will
visit with Mrs Beam
Tho Klkhoru train from tho east was
lato again last night and did not arrive
in Norfolk until 11 I10
Goo Brechler of Madison who atpiros
to the position of county treasurer was
in tho city again toduy
Dr Deenug formerly connected with
the Norfolk hospital for tho iusauo was
inho city yesterday from Liucolu
H H Thomas of Chicago is visiting
his brother who is clerking iu tho Fair fords
Btore and may decido to locate in Nor
The derrick which was used iu putting
down the well at tho waterworks pump
iiig station blow over during last
nights btotiu
Am K Leonard is confined to his bed
with another attack of troublo with his
back tho result of mjuries received iu
the cyclone several seasons ago
W R Hoffumu is moving his family
into the Powell house on Prospect
avenue M V Wheeler will occupy
the house being vacated by Mr HolTniun
on Ninth sheet
The institution or an Odd FoIIowh
lodge at Meadow Grovo which was
planned to take place this evening has
been postponed until Thutsday evening
of this week
Mr and Mrs F W Congdondeparted
yestonlay for their home in Hamilton
Conn going by the way of Washing
ton I C Thoy carry with them tho
best wishes of Norfolk friends
A very enjoyable party was given nt
tho homo of Tlieo Loosehor on Kim
avenue lust night in honor of Aug
LenthaiiAor A largo number of poople
were present and n pleasant evening wua
passed Choice refreshments woro
served to the guests during tho evening
At tho shooting contest yesterday
Hailoy again captured the purse and
proved himself one of tho best shots In tho
vicinity of Norfolk Iu spite of tho wind
ho killed M birds out of i5 Glissman
limited but one of tying him get
ting vll out of 25 Hood nmdo n score of
C i Ileum went to Lincoln today to
be present at tho marriage of his daugh
ter Myrtle to Juntos Quinn which is to
take place Thursday morning at 7
oclock Mr Ojuiiiu will be roinoin
bored by many as formerly having a
run out of Norfolk as a cleric iu tho
railway mail service
A county Sunday school convention
will bo held at tho Baptist church begin
ing next Thursday and closing next
Friday ovouing A lntinbor of promi
nent speakers and Sunday school
winkers will bo present and a good moot
ing is anticipated Or Fletcher M
Sisson will give the closing address Fri
day evening
Sessions A Boll the taxidermists
have received a sil voi -tipped bear to bo
mounted which in its wild state must
have been a monster as it weighed be
tween 1201 and 1101 pounds It was
sent by 1 I Kdgigton of Fullorton
by whom it was killed with tho ussis
unco of Mr Cook of tho same place
The animal will bo a magnificent speci
men when mounted
Dr Frank Salter W H Dexter and
All Gerecko started out on u hunting
trip yesterday driving tho doctors lino
black horse In crossing a field thoy
drovo over a burbod wire ou whioh tho
horso caught ono of its foot and severed
an artery causing tho animal to almost
bleed to death boforo tho low of blood
could bo stopped Tho horso was loft at
the nearest farm house and tho men
walked home Messrs Suitor and
Jorecko drovo out today to seo how tho
animal was gottiug along
P A Shurtz is quito soriously ill
and it is feared by his friends that ho is
also alllictod with tho blood poisoning
iu which his wifes troubles finally
culuminutod resulting in hor death
Tho trouble llrst nppoared on his hand
in a small soro which later grow swollon
and quito painful and it is now under
stood that tbo gentlemans throat is
aiiecieu it is noiiovea tnat tno poison
was recioved while attending his wife
during her lato illness Mr Shurtz
fiiends hope his conditions is not serious
and that ho may rocovor with proper
caro His condition is reported as
somewhat improved today
Norfolk has again been troatod with n
variety of weather during tho past 21
hours Yesterday tho wind blow a gale
from tho south carrying with it clouds
of dust and producing a degree of heat
equal to a good hot summer day and
last night tho wind developed into
almost a hurricane It subsided toward
morning and thou switched around to
tho northwest sinco which timo tho
tomporaturo has boon falling quito
rapidly Somo rofreshiug showers
have fallen which put an effectual
us on tno oust in Umaha yesterday s
rocord shows tho highest Ootobor tem
perature in more than a quartor of a
Tho following appears in todays
World Herald being dated from Fre
mont yesterday Lou Mosoley a
baker 21 years old eloped yesterday
with Pearl Luke a 14-your-old Norfolk
girl Tho mother of the girl telephoned
tho polico lust night to take them iuto
custody Tho youthful couple spout tho
night in tho polico judges olllco and
this morning tho girls mother camo
down Her wrath was soou appeased
and sho gave her consent to tho mar
riago which followed Tho girl is quito
attractive Mosoley has been painting
for H O Truman this summer uudhus
iuloly boarded at the Luko homo whero
ho niado tho girls acquaiutanco
Tho largest variety of goods iud tho
lowest prices in Norfolk at Tho
Variety store iu the Riohards block
Cattle for Sain
I have constantly ou hand ami for
salo good uutive cattle for feeding pur
poses Prices as low as the market
Call and get prices and terms
Tons Shannon
Hoskius Nob
Come iu and seo tho now Norfolk
Cash store
WHO IS Women as well as men
Trt aro mudo miserable by
I yJ kidney uud bladder
BLAME bl0 Dr- Kilmers Swamp-
Root tho great kidney
remedy promptly cures At druggists
in fifty cent and dollar sizes You may
have a sumple bottle by mail free ulso
pamphlet telling all about it Address
Dr Kilmer Co Biughamtou N Y
F A Huston has returned to AIiih
1 1 Koonigstoin
had business in
Madison today
A Loitthuuson departed this morning
for West Point
II K flllssinaii was a passenger for
Columbus today
Mrs W W Rlloy of Plorco was n
city visitor yesterday
Chas Harding returned last night
from a trip to Omaha
Mrs August Molchor is quito sick nt
her homo east of tho oity
It A Stewart returned last night
from n trip to Sioux Oity
Sheriff Chorry of Wayne county is in
tho city on olllciul bustnoss
Mr and Mrs A 1 Durland and baby
wont to Plainviow yestorduy
Mrs L Woltzof Bnttlo Creek visited
frionds in tho city last night
Mrs W H Buoholz has gono to
Omaha for a visit of a fow days
Tho Union Pacific accomodation de
parted about throo hours lato last night
Dr Frank Salter was called to
IcitiH last night on professional business
Henry Vun Horn of Plorco is looking
about tiio city with a view to locating
Dr P II Saltor and Oscar Johnson
loft this morning by boat for a hunting
Mrs H Fricko and children of
Madison aro visiting hor mother Mrs
Mrs W II Buttorflold has returned
from a visit to relatives and frionds in
Mr and Mrs John Davis of Bloom
Hold were visitors in tho Sugar City
Mrs J II Kingman and her two
sons Russel and Lynn aro visiting in
Battle Cheek today
Mrs Goo B Christoph arrived homo
this morning from a six weeks visit to
Iowa relatives and friends
Too Horriskey has returned from
Pocutolla Idaho whoro ho has boon
omployod for somo timo past
Tho Haywood Celebrities woro in tho
oity today having driven up from Stan
ton ou thoir waytto Hitniphroy
Conductor F Rhaoy of tho main lino
of tho Union Pacific brought in a train
load of shoop enrouto to Sioux City last
Lizzio Zistrow oelobratod hor 8th
birthday yesterday afternoon by enter
taining a number of hor little friends
at tho homo of hor parents
13 M Zoischo of Piorco has routed tho
markot building noxt door west of
Fuoslors and will put iu a cigar and to
bacco store about tho first of November
Chns Rosoau who has boon employed
at tho Norfolk hospital for the insane
during tho past your bus resigned and
uccopted a position in tho sugar factory
Mrs Goo L lies ontortaiuod a fow
frionds lust ovouing at whist in honor
of Mrs Klizabeth Flotchor A very
pleasant ovouing was onjoyed by thoso
in uttouduueo
Mr B O Goutlo has uccopted the
position of bookkeeper in the Norfolk
National bank Mr Goutlo was for
threo years bookkeeper of tho Oreston
National bunk of Creston Iowa
Another lottor recoivod from Row J J
Parkor states that ho oxpocts to start
for homo noxt wook and will probably
occupy his pulpit at tho First Congrega
tional church tho first Sunday iu De
A company of pooplo from tho Heights
wont to tho homo of Dr and Mrs HT
Holdon on West Norfolk uvonuo last
ovouing and surprised them A pleas
nut evening was spent by all partici
pants in the affair
Mr and Mrs J E Tuckor arrived in
tho city last evening from New York
and aro looking over tho sugar factory
under tho guidanco of Manager Wietzer
Mr Tuckor is a prominent capitalist
and it is understood ho is interested in
tho factory
SouatorM L Huy ward and Congress
man Taylor of Ohio aro billed to speak
in Norfolk a wook from next Saturday
Novomborl on tho political issues of
the day Norfolk republicans will hold
n mooting iu tho city hall noxt Friday
ovouing to make arraugemonts for tho
An interesting suit is being tried to
day boforo a jury in Tustico Fallors
court iu seseiou iu Police Judge Hayes
olllco Tho suit is brought by a firm of
Omaha doctors against Ed Wagner tho
liverymau Thoy seek to secure their
fees for a courso of treatment which
Mr Woguer alleges didnt affect a cure
K A Lindemanu denies tho alleged
rumor that tho party recontly givou by
him was for tho purpose of influencing
votes Nevertheless it has a suspicious
uppearauce and it is believed by mauy
uiui it Buuiuu ue miuizou in ins sworn
statemeut as olectiou expenses Ho
states that it was given solely in honor
of his wifes birthday if so tho plot
may bo of long standing dating from
his wifes birth uud will probably bo a
rival to the crime of W in history
His friends hope that ho may be nblo to
prove that his nomination to tho ollice
of justico of tho peace was not conceived
at that time
Sioux City Journal John Malouo n
prosporous farmer and cattlo raiser of
Madison Nob was in Sioux City yes
I onlay a buyer at tho stock yards
Madison Is tho homo of ex United States
Senator Allen now District Judge
Allon The distinguished populist is u
partner iu business of Thomas Malono
of Mudlson u brothor of John Malono
Spenklngof politics Mr Malono said
Although tho county I llvo in is demo
cratic I boliovc it Is going to go repub
lican this full Tho voters bulievo tho
democrats uro too radical on tho war
question ami then tho good times have
converted many to republicanism If
Nebraska goes republican this fall then
its goodby to Billy Bryan
R I Reynolds returned yestorduy
from Sulom S D preparatory to begin
Ing work on tho now opora house for
which ho promised to bo on hand when
wanted Ho expected to begin brick
laying this morning but tho brick has
not sulliciontly coolod in tho kiln to bo
used Ho oxpnets howovor to begin
work Monday morning at the latest
with a force of llvo masons and tho
work will thon bo ruBhod ropidly Dnr
ing tho balance of this wook tho ma
terial will bo got on the ground and all
things in roudlnoss so that thero nood bo
no delay after tho work starts Mr
Reynolds states that thoro is much pros
perity whoro ho 1ms boon working and
tho populists are rotiiriiing to tho repub
lican ranks by tho score Ho says that
it is a quito common thing up thoro for
farmers to pay 250 por day and board
for hands and that somo young men
not out of their toons aro making thoso
Pat Stanron of Tildon vico p csidont
of tho Nebraska Retail Liquor Dealors
association camo down last night to innkq
arrangements for tho semi annual meet
ing or that organization which will bo
hold in Norfolk November 11 and 15
A meeting of local dealors was held
last night at Chas Ricos placo of busi
ness for the purpose of organizing Mr
Rico was made chairman of tho meet
ing and Rudy Blntt secretary A com
mittee or Uuanco consisting of Chas
Rice C F A Marquardt and H H Pat
ter son was named and thoy will solicit
funds tomorrow to provide for tho enter
tainment of tho delegates Geo Holler
was made a committee of ono ou music
Auothor meotiug will bo hold Eriday
night when othor dotails of tho meeting
will bo looked after It is oxpectod that
thoro will bo from 150 to 200 delegates
from all parts of the stuto iu atteudance
at tho mooting and tho local dealors de
sire that nothing for thoir entertain
ment shall bo loft undouo It is pro
posed among other things that tho dole
gates bo driven to tho sugar factory tho
hospital for tho iusauo and through tho
principal parts of tho city
AliiHknn Vemel Arilvon nt Sonttln Willi
lamiiir In Wretched Illglit
SKATTiKOct 2o Tho schooner Horn
which loft Cape Nome Sept 20 arrived
hero yesterday Two men died on tho
way down ono of starvation and ono of
dementia Tho only supplies aboard
when tho schooner arrived hero were a
little Hour and water Tbo crew was in
a pitiablo state Thero woro 200 per
sons on board Somo of tho passengers
wero half crazy from starvation and
lack of water
News of tho wrotchod plight of tho
Heras passengers was brought hero
Sunday night by tho steamer Lakmo
Tho rovonuo cutter Grant and tho tug
Sea Lion immediately started after
tho schooner Thoy succeeded in find
ing tho schooner Monday about 50 miles
off Capo Flattery Tho two deaths re
ported aro thoso of J O Ryan who
camo on board a woll man but through
bad food and lack of attention grad
ually grow worso until ho died ou Oct
C Tho other case is much tho same
Georgo Laniby through want
of nourishment and confine
ment in ill ventilated quartors
was taken with typhoid fever and died
mi Oct 21 Whilo ho was sick ho hud
absolutely no medical attention Both
men wero buried at sea From tho
statoinonts of other passongors it is
learned that tho agent of tho ship at
Nome guaranteed thorn plenty of good
provisions on the way down They
wero charged 50 for their passage
When thoy wero a few days out meat
sugar and butter ran out
New Point of International Law Involviil
In iliilm of Scaler
London Oct 25 Russia it has boon
learned by tho Associated Pross has at
last agreed to arbitrate with tho United
Stutes tho claims resulting from tho
soizuro of sealers in the Boring sea
which huvo been ponding for about
eight years A protocol botween tho
two governments has been drawn up
tho final formalities oro expected to bo
concluded noxt month and tho arbitra
tion will probubly tuko tho form of tho
Venozuolun court
Cnnnila Willing to Olv Up lart or lie
Cold Country
London Oct 25 Tho Associated
Press is onablotl to give authoritatively
Canadas final proposition for a perma
nent Bottloment of tho Alaskan disputo
Canada gives up much of tho disputed
gold country hi return for a seaport
Pyramid harbor but stipulates that it
inubt got tho latter boforo it agrees to
arbitrate tho bouiwiary lino
Chief rnlli n Wltlto U Head
Omaha Oct 25 Oliiof of Police
Martin White diod this morning at 1
oclock at his room iu the Merchants
hotel Dr Gilmoro announced that
heart failure following a complication
of liver trouble us tho immediate cause
of his dcuth
8111111117 S1I1110I Ctmvriitlnn
Following is the program oftho Madi
son county Sunday school convention
which convenes In the Baptist church
this city tomorrow afternoon and con
tinues until Friday ovenlng
t Devotional meeting Rov J J
Joffories Norfolk
100 Normal lesson How to study
and loach a Sunday school lesson R
H Pollock Bentrico
Qiiostionsund discussion Temporury
orgnnlzution Appointinont of com
mittocs Assignment of delegates Ad
7 0 Song service
8 00 Why a Sunday school conven
tion Rov W II Eaton Norfolk
820 Profitable Investments Rev
O W Lowrio Madison
0 00 Quiet half hour
0 Biblo normal lesson W D
1015 Business Election of officers
1 1 00 What tho community has n
right to oxpect from tho Sunday school
Rov G II Main Norfolk
11 I0 Equipments for the Sunday
2 0 Pruyor mooting for Suuday
school work
2 i0 Securing attoiidauco Rov
R W Wilcox Battlo Creek
100 Necossity for and how to
securo trained teachers Rov T K
Fowlor Madison
i 10 Biblo reasons for tho Sunday
school Rov J W DeMorit Battlo
I 00 Questions nnd discussion
7 10 Song service
8 00 Address Rev F M Sisson
Aio you thin Would you liko to got
fat and plump Tried laughing
t wouldnt woik now tuko Rocky
Mountain Tea t will do tho business
WiuittMl A Sound Kraillvntur
W H Blakemau owns among his
othor barnyard fowls a female of tho
genus bovine commonly termed cow
This goutlo and sometimes desirablo
pieco of furniture possesses along with
otheis of her ilk a voice of some volume
notes of which sho occasionally launches
out upon tho circumambient ntmos
phoro Tho poot may ravo over this
bovine accomplishment but that it is
not always desirablo to people who prob
ably lack tho instincts of such above
montioncd poet is ovidonced by tho fol
lowing received by Mr Blakoniau on a
postal card
October 22 It would bo very very
much appreciated if your cow would
not make quite as much noiso as sho
has made dining tho last few days
Oni ok Yolk Nikiii lions
Is Is understood that Mr Blakemau
upon receiving tho curd proceeded to an
interview with the disturber of tho
neighborhood and gently remonstrated
with her ovor hor soomitig luck of eti
quette Ho oven went so fnr us to read
tho postal curd to hor and tho effect
scomod to bo very gratifying nt that
time and if it continues so tho owner
will feel that tho desired result has boon
accomplished If not thero will bo a
domnud for n sniull boy with a very
largo hand to covor tho cows mouth or
a patent muzzle specially designed to
mullllo sound or ho may bo compollod
to build 11 uoiso tight cell of somo kind
in which to coufiuo the brute Anyway
ho hopoB in Borne way to ovorcomo tho
objection to his domestic arrangement
Wanted soyoral bright and honest
persons to ropresont us as inanugors in
this and close by countios Salary 00
a year and excuses Straight bona fldo
no moro no loss salary Position perma
nent Oar references any bauk in any
town It is mainly olllco work con
ducted at homo Reference Enclose
Eolf addressed stamped envelopo Tun
Dominion Company Dopt i Chicago
Cherry Pectoral
Cheaper than any
experiment no mat
ter what the price
FALL TRISin Opens Monday mornlnc Supt 3 Work for Honrd Wn furnish all
Btudents with placos to work fot board You can attend this coIIoro for half tho money
required to ro elsewhere bend us 25 niitnei and addresses of young people Interested In
business education and get our College Weekly ono year freo Our new cntaloK free to
anyone Address ItOIIIltOiil IIKOS Omiilin Neb -
ik IrnlJliii m
r v v 1 1 uif 1 --sin-- h
U sC f Jn ilda f vMiV
wiEa m XMm III
A blindness ccmes to rie nw and then I have it
now It is queer I can rec your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Ripans Tahulo
-un i oanrhri health tlist RlPANS will not Ixnent
Tber lianlah
W 7ii k A uri 11 1 vKHmi the nackttirn and accrta iiuiut
aln and
10 for 5 aenta or twiU o acki t for i cenu may l Had ut any drug More Tn aamplra and one Uioiv
udd Mttmunluli will bo mulled to unj uddrcn for 5 ceuU forwarded to tlie RlpauaUlieinioal Co No
10 Spruce St New i ora
4 ML
are the long time users of
Smith Premiers The more
hard work turned out the
more apparent is Smith
Premier durability Repair
bills reduced to a minimum
Smith Premier capacity for
good work all the time is
Catalogue Free
Ask for It
Smith Premier
Typewriter Co