The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 26, 1899, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
Boers Reported Repulsed but
British Lose Over ioo
llrltWh lnlillri In ninilrit IIiiiIiiiimik
tii SIIiiiiIIuii In South h Iru Ittntiritl
lttolt nil Along thr Mnu I hrriilrtidl
Orral lliitienr nf Nntlvt Inlet tout ton
London Oct 21 A special dispatch
from Capo Town Bays thoio has boon
nnothur battle ut LndyHinith and that
tho Boors woro ropulsod Tlio British
casualties woro placed at four killed
nnd seven woundod all rank and file
General White has telegraphed to tho
war ollleo lrom Riotfontoin under date
of Oct 21 rhit in the fighting
near Ltidysinith 12 of tho British force
woro killed and 81 wounded and that
five aio missing tho casualties being
most among tho Gloucester regiment
London Oct 21 With unconscious
humor u Capo Town correspondent tele
graphed yesterday Tho censorship
which is always u delicate matter is
working smoothly and without n hitch
This exactly hits off the state of affaii s
today An ominous veil is still drawn
over tho movements of General White
and Geneiil Yule Beyond beltifod
LidyMinth dispatches concerning tho
Klandslaagto fight which are still filter
ing in the Butish public is loft in com
plete darkness and to conjeotuie over
cooked war olllco dispatches Tho offi
cials of tho war oflico last evening said
very few dispatches had arrived and
nothing fuitherwas to bo expected until
morning Since it is cei tain that Gen
eral Yido has effected r junction with
General White although this was not
brought about Tuesday night but some
time Wednesday and both aro in a
position ot safety conjocturo concerns
itsolf chiefly with tho condition of
General Yulos retreat which was evi
dently hasty Was it disorderly Was
there fighting
While tho nows of tho retreat of Gen
eral Yulo could justly have been with
hold on the ground that it would keep
the news from the Boers thero boems
no justification for delayed reports
from the Eighteenth Hussars
Tho heavy losses of tho British troops
in facing only some 8000 Boers aro com
mented upon as what riflo flro means
today in tho hands of oven undisciplined
men who can shoot fairly straight and
stand their ground Comparisons aro
made with tho first employment of tho
magazine rifle in tho
war and it iscousidored tho Amer
ican losses at El Caney and Saiv Juan
would have boen much heavier if tho
Spaniards had doggedly stood their
ground liko the Boers General Buller
is expected to arrive at tho Cape early
next week and tho indications are that
some troops have already an lvod at tho
front and been in tho fighting whoo ar
rival has not jot boen announced
Thoro is every piobability theiofore
tliut reinforcements ai enow moving up
This is calculated to hasten Command
ant Goneial Jouborts attack on Luly
feinith and nows of a big battle is daily
Among tho touching scones of tho
field is related that Captain Peyton of
the Manchester regiment who was
wounded at Elandslaagto had to lio out
in the field in tho bitter cold night
drenched to tho skin A man ot his
company placed his arms around the
captain through tho whole night togivo
him tho warmth of his body
It appears that tho Gordon Highland
ers and theManehosteisboro themselves
with luckless courage To this was due
the fact that thoy suffered so heavily
Tho former were eager to wipe out tho
insults offered them by tho Boers after
Mnjnba Hill who taunted thorn with
being Kaffirs in kilts
Now and stiingent orders wero pro
mulgated to strengthen tho vigilance at
Gibraltar Nobody is allowed to enter
or inspect the batteries Even tho fa
mous St Miehaols cavo is closed bo
cause it is required for tho storage of
arms and ammunition For mouths
Rippirs and miners have been engaged
in constructing new and poweiful bat
teries and it is bolioved tho garrison
will bo augmented
Tho Times commenting editorially
on tho rumor of European intervention
H oiits tho idea saying No powtr
will lift a finger Tho alarming com
plications built on our naval move
ments have no existence savoinovei
heated iniuginiitioiiH
All Hie Diilli In south Afilcu Unite to
Down KiiKlnnil
NrwYonK Out 25 Tho Worlds
London cablegram says Tho general
Butish situation m South Africa is far
more serious than tho rigorously ecu
solid dispitohon publishod hero would
indicate Stoyns proclamation annex
ing tho northern section of Capo Col
ony has excited only derision heie but
I am in a position to stato it has a very
pavo import Tho Capo Dutch in tho
annext d territory hao already risen in
arms against tho British government
cud Stoyns proclamation i intended to
I levo thorn of tho consequences of
their revolt
Tins is tho first symptom of n race
war in Capo Colony which has been
Hiouuoiislv deelued impossible by
L iambi rlaiii The war ofllco hero has
b eii advised of this sonoiis develop
mem an I the war board Inula piolonged
nttuig yesterday Dieaded nnhrary
in tisiiKH will bo adopted in the event
uiuy ot a general Cajie Dutch rising
Tiik gravity of the position is indicated
by tho measures taken to suppress all
nows respecting it in the press hole It
is easily imagined that tho Boors will
be heat toned by he knowledge hat
thoir race in Capo Colony has begun to
tike nuns in their cause
i icr gieat peiil is nalivo inter
Mlition in the war and those familiar
with the native lacos of South Afrlen
are convinced that tho effect of Milners
pioelamation to the Basutos will bo to
incite them to attack tho Free State
nnd that it could bo devised for no other
purpose It is a matter of supreme im
pel tunco to tho British authorities in
tho face of a revolt within Cape Colony
to secure a diversion by sotting on the
Basutos ngainst tho Free Slaters thus
preventing an effective junction be
tween the Free Stateis and tho revolt
ing Capo Dutch
llnllul itiiKtcil front WiiiiiiiI nml tlio
1ntliMit IIoIiik Well
OaimvTowv Oct 20 Intelligence re
ceived hero limn Natal says tho bullet
has been exti acted from tho wound of
Goneial Synions who was stiuck down
while leading his troops at the bittlo of
Glencoo and that tho patient is cheer
ful and doing well
Advices from Orango river Cape Col
ony unnounco that tho Boors havo taken
Kripdam near Barkly West north of
Kimberley and that Assistant Magis
trate Ilarinsworth and his clerk aio
prisoners It is supposed that tho Booi s
aro advancing on Douglas fai ther west
tho inhabitants of which place aro ask
ing for piotection
HimmiiH Cut Their Way Out
Lon don Oct 20 A dispatch to Tho
Daily Telegraph from Ladysmith dated
Monday says Thnty of the Eight
eenth Hussars who wera sent from
Glencoo to intercept tho retreat of tho
Boers from Elandslaagto woro cut off
and under Sergeant Baldsloy thoy brill
iantly cut their way out tho enemy fol
lowing them firing at 300 yards along
tho passes They arrived hero at 10
oclock this morning Three of tho
troops aio missing owing to the break
down of their horses Tho Boers used
u Maxim The lieutenant of tho Hus
sars with a party was driven back to
Glencoo Tho Hnssais weio filed on as
far down as Modderspruit
IiciiuIi In Wuti li llrltluli Siiimlrnu
London Oct 21 Disp itches from
tho continent to tho Daily Mail say tho
Fiench fleet lias been instructed to
watch tho movements of tho British
Mediterranean squadron and that tho
Italian fleet is under orders to concen
trate in tho Biy of Spoziu
ICiiIii of Creat llnnvflt
Wichita Oct 2i After a month of
severe diouth a fino rain started in yes
teiday Cattle woro boing driven miles
for water and tho leliof is greatly ap
Rt Rev Motis Joseph Jessing tho
founder and head ot the Joscphiuum m
Detroit is it the point of dentil
Fiauk L Henry a well known banker
died suddenly at the Racquet club Now
York Wednesday night of apoplexy
aged -10
A giant brass combine is being formed
-which it is stated will compiise all the
plants ui tho Naugatuck valley Con
Nashvillo is preparing a royal wel
come tor tho First Tennessee lcgiment
tho last stato volunteer organisation to
lcuvo tho Philippines
Hon Peter Mitchell tho lust of tho
fathcis ot Canadian federation and a
former minister ot marine and fisheries
died at Montreal Wednesday
Tho lecoivers ot tho Kansas City
Pjttsbmguud Gult and tho raihoads
which wero enjoined lioin boycotting
thorn huvo rt ached an agreement by
winch tho t radio difficulties wiil bo
Geneiul Davis at Porto Rico Wednes
day cabled tho war department that uo
more relict supplies aro needed thoro
boloro tho transport scheduled to leuvo
lor Poito Rico Nov 8
A tabulation of the students in tho
Hsirvuid university shows that this
year tlieie aio 1007 students attending
die blanches ot tho university an in
u ease ot 107 over last year
Ordeis will bo issued speedily for Cap
tain Cioier of thooiduaiico dopaitmcut
to pioceed to tho Philippines Tlio de
cision to send him was tlio result ot a
lack ot oiduauco olllceis m Luon
The American Huiuaiie association
udoptcd resolutions condemning as ian
u statement made by cu tain reioiilisis
over u year ugo charging tin- us uhli
lion with sending out in its pi uji u
gaiulud statement cuiieeiiiiu e
Tho buit brought by Henry Hint ti
recover 22u0ou commissions iioiu
Henry O Huveinoyer tor issuing in
the formatiou ot tho sugar trust was
hsmibbtd on tho ground that tho plain
tiff hud not bhown cuiibc for action
Aguinaltlo Sending Another
Envoy to Washington
Siiioi ItiKlitnr Nni In London to Hull
Im m VmU Miuiltv Willi i Tumi
Ior oiitldfintloii rillplni liuliiiuil
pikc Inilrr Atnmlinn Il otn limit i
Ntw YoitK Oct 20 A special fo tlio
Wot Id says Seuor Antonio Rcgidor
now in London will sail for the United
States within tin oo weeks and as a
fully accredited topiosontiitivo of
Aguinaltlo will piesent to President
MoKinley now terms for ending hostili
ties anil looonsti noting the government
of the island The coming of the lop
losentativo is kept a seciet by tho nil
miiiistiatiou but fiom a high authority
tho World leai ns from a eoiiespondont
hat tho terms Aguinaltlo dosiics aro
recognition of the Filipino government
as an independent republic under a pio
teetoinJo of tho United States
The pioposihon embodies nine ro
iiuitomonts dividing benefits between
tho two nations he United States to
have military and coaling stations in
Soiiur Regidor will have plonipoton
tiaiy povvois to heat with tho United
States government on all points in or
der to leach an ngi cement by which
hostilities may cease Senor Regidor
will bo the most niipoitant political
emissary over sent to the United States
by tho Filipinos Ho will have moio
power than Agoneillo who was sum
ninrily duven out of Washington alter
the piesentation of a nienmiial to con
gress which was notable alono for its
indiscreet attack on the United States
Senor Regidor will lopresent Aguinaltlo
Unity Ilmnil on 1 liiimptn t Im Itilllin
Homo liiHiirifent n Itit ill li to Cillliinhil
Manila Oct 21 Tho funeral of
Captain Guy Ilowaul tho assistant
quartermaster son of Major General
O O Howard retired who was killed
Oct 22 near Aiayat took place today
and was largely attended A process
ion of troops escorted tho body to the
wharf and paeed it on board tho trans
port Belgian King
The Twenty sixth infantry an i veil
hero on the transport Grant yesterday
and sailed for Uoilo without disembark
Tho insurgents huvo returned to the
vicinity of Ciilinnba They huvo in
ct eased in numbers and aro surround
ing tho town on tho land sides
Doron Muldir Cum mi tilt lm lie
Manciiksthu Ky Oct 21 Tho
grand jury impanelled heio has a big
tusk before it Thero are 12 murder
cases besides the assassination of Tom
Baker to bo investigated Yesterday
tho jury leturned true bills against Sol
Jim and Tom Giillin charging thorn
with tho murder of Deputy Shoiiff
Wash Thaeker ami E ldio ami Floyd
Chadwoll barging them with com
plicity in the ciiiuo Eiltlio Chadwoll
confessed that the plot was made and
executed by tho Griffins to avenge tho
advantage Thaeker had given the Phil
pots by his t hniony after the battle of
July 17 in which four Griffins and one
Plnlpot was lulled Tho town is lull of
Foi tj foui ill lcu m fui 1iiint
LiAVivvvoiirii Kan Oct 21 The
Forty fourth volunteer legiment 10
contly ordered to the Philippines left
yesterday for San Fiinoisco in threo
sections Tho first section consisting
of 11 coaches left Foi t Lea veil vvoith at
O IiO a in carrying ho First battalion
under command of Major Hale Tho
Second batt ihou under command of
Major McCoy lelt at 11 oclock and the
last at 1 oclock Tho hoops go over
the Union Piclic via Lawience instead
of Omaha as Hist planned and will bo
triiislened to tho Southern Pacific at
ShoiiI for Ail lull ill Simpson
TnrNTON N J Oct 21 Adnniiil
Sampson accompanied by Mis Samp
son nuivod yesterday The admiral
was presented with a sword by Gov
ernor Voorhees on behalf ot the stato of
Now Jersey as a mark of appreciation
of his services during the Spanish war
Tho presentation took place in tho as
seinbly chamber of tho capitol in tho
presence of a distinguished audience of
naval officers and presous prominent in
tho public and social life of the state
ii Trmutiorl to 8hII
SanFkascisco Oct 21 Five United
States transports aro scheduled to leave
hero today Tho Olymjna and Penn
sylvania will go to Portland Ore to
embark tho Fortieth regiment and two
companies of tho Thirty ninth regi
nient which nro now encamped on tho
banks of tho Willamette Tho Tin tar
tho Nowpoit and the Manuoiiso will
follow tho Olympia and Pennsylvania
to sea Thoy will steam dnect to
Chili Vint Strum DimiIIi
FAIiintltV Neb Oct 21 Several
days ago a 1 year old son of William
Giovoof this city fell and badly lacer
ated his throat with a toy trumpet hold
in his mouth Tho boy died lrom tho
cllcots of the wound
llluh Irli e foi ii Uii Itoril
Kansas City Oct 21 At tho Na
tional Heieford Association show at tho
stockyards here John Sparks of Reno
Nov paid 2500 for Armour Rose a
blooded Hereford cow
Kmiiit I I ii n mm tin Itipoi I or I III in I in
nl llu Mint lltilicil
Wasiiimuhn Oil 20 Mi RoIhuK
the diiectni of the mint has iiiiule tho
following lepoit upon the pioduetlon of
gold and silver The pioduitioii of
gold in tho United Statesiiithecalendar
join IMISwas iHSilS ounces lino ol
the value of 101111100
Tho South Afilciiniepublicpioiluced
l Sill 071 ounces line or the value ol
71121 1HWI Aushalia piodueoil il7
III minces lino of tho value of flUMIO
800 These thieo couu lies mo the
gieat gold piotluiors of tho wot Id
The United States still occupies the
second place as a silver piodiicei to
which it was tolegatetl by Mexico in
IMI7 In 18118 it piodueoil 5 1 ttS00l
line ounces ol silver with a coniiiieicial
value of f121 18 100 against tho Mcx
ican production ot 517118000 lino ounces
w it li a eoulineiclal value of fit I7f 100
Together thoy pioduce 17 percent of the
woi ltls pioduct No other couutiy up
pioaolios them
Mil Mr in 1 vine li or ItoiiiW nn Supply
In Short
Drs MoiMs Oct 21 Specials fiom
Osltaloosa say the shilio of coal Illinois
of ho state has begun theie Tho top
men and duvois weio ot doted out of
one ol the laigesl mines yeslciilnv and
obeyed the older Dispute over the
schedule is tho tumble The stnke is
oxpeeted to spiead uipidly
In tho Des Moines distiicl tho Illinois
aio piotosting against the coiiliiiuanco
ol the 70 cent and 80 cent scale adopted
last spnng in mow of tho advancing
li ico of coal and thioaton to go out
Opi latoisexpect the men to go out of
all the nub oad contract mines any day
Tins would gi cully embaiiass the loads
which aheatly find difficulty getting
enough coal
Iih Molllits Mlllilrl VI Hi IM
Dks Moini s Oct 21 Tho death of
Mabel Scholleld the beautiful young
woman whose body was found in tho
Des Moines nver Sunday evening is
becoming a remarkably complicated
case Everybody concerned detectives
leportetsand lelatives have discaided
tho suicido thorny and it is now conceded
that sho was inurdoied Tho gill went
with her mother Satin day moining nt
7 when tho latter was leaving the city
fiointhit time she has been limit counted
lor until hor body was found Yester
day Dr W M Gutrilty infoiined the
police that ho saw her at 8 oclock Sat
unlay evening with two young men on
a down town street
lowinm Will Votu on tlin jtii nthin
Dks Moini s Oct 20 Tolcgiaplne
advices lrom San Francisco stato that
the Fifty first regiment will take a vote
on the question of coming diiectly to
Des Moines lor a stato leception when
it letuins to Iowa It is now piomisetl
to be heie before election if hero aio
no delays Mombeis want to come to
Des Moines anil tho city has mvitid
them Council Bluffs is also uiiuiiging
a big leception The legiment will de
termine which invitation to accept
Din Moini h VViiuls Im Ioth
Drs Moims Oct 21 A muss meet
ing ol business niteiests of Des Moines
has been called to consider the business
of the Liverpool and Des Monies Pack
ing companys big plant in this city
with tho design ol giving it to any huge
packer who will opei ao K Tho plant
cost about i20000 and it is understood
can bo bought fui i iOIKK It has boen
idle for two oi thieoyens The city is
determined to have it reopened if pos
VlniNliiilitlilp lot Multlnil
Wamiimiios Oct 21 Attorney
Gonoiil Griggs yesteiday authorii d
the appointment of T L Matthews of
Fienioiil us United States inaishul foi
NebiiisKit viicdeoigi II Tliuiiiinel ie
signed and the commission was sent
to the piosident lor his signal mo
Imhlniiif lllls n llol ill
GitrsiiAvi Neb Oct 21 Lightning
shuck the lui go twostoiy fiame hotel
ut this pluto almost demolishiug the
liont ltoiu loof to foundation Heavy
beams woro torn out anil scatteiid in
fragments How tho occupants escaped
Iiijui v is a mil tele
Colonel Pundo has been elected presi
dent of Bruil in siiKcssiou of Senor
Beyond the reading and consideration
if so veril results tho sepsiniiH W dues
ray of the W C T U at Seattle wero
Tho Dawes commission has completed
ts enrollment of tho Chickasaw In
liaus Tin enrollment shows 17000
Indians mid 1000 ficediiien
After a confi reiico at Indiauaiolis
between ollloials of the Big Four and
tho firemen an agt cement m wages was
reached Weilnestlaj though the scule is
kept si crot
Tho inauguration of Professor Benja
min Ido Whet lor as piesitlent of the
Univeisity ol California took place
Wednesday The cei oniony was an im
piossivo one
C W Hopkins a stockman and Dep
uty Mutslutl Fox engaged in a light
with six shooters in a saloon at El Reno
O T Wednesday with tho result that
both weio Killed
Philip Stiiinbaiigh was accidentally
tilled noai Vonetia Pa while trying
iu iiujiini puiiii iiiiiiiiiiii vviin it uir in I
-ion nit uir bimtiiiK II 1 ill ovtr UK
heart Hisuiothu is a eoiisiu of 1risi
lout MeKiuloy
Tho gieitest ileuioiistrition m tho
History ot St Johns on in retl Wciliu s
lay when the Niw Hiuiiswicktoiiipauy
jt tlio Canadian 1 riin witl loutingeiit
eft lor 3uebeo More than half tho
oopulahuu ot tho city was ut tho depot
o bid tho couipiuy larewe ll
Irish Patriot Quits the House
of Commons
IliU li tliin I iillnw Im I pllllou of llnl
iiioihI unit siipriiloii ol 1 1 1 l ii slum
llMl IiiIIiik C li i ii i In- lulu Kept llll
Mulling IIkiiIiiU unit ipliillilllou
losiKis Oct 21 Michael David
lush Niiliouulist memliei loi South
Mayo aiinoiincttl In the bouse ul com
moils that ho would tesigu as a piotcst
against the Boor war
This action by David following
closely be foiciblo expulsion of Will
lam liedinontl fiom the House ami the
suspension or Patiick OBiien forsiv
ing hat Colonial Secieliuy Chainbei
Iains hiintls weio dyed as ictl with
blond as those ot the vvoist uiitiileior
thai ever mutinied a scallold mink
be deep tooling ol tho liish for the
Smi lln Niuiil Miippi ikkiiI IkIiKIIUiih or
Itfliiniul Willie mi ViiiIIkiii i
London Oct 21 - Dining the debate
on the set mid leading ol lie appiopna
Hon bill in the hoiiseof commons lames
II Daliell expiessitl the opinion that
one ol the gioatest dilllculties iniiiiiv
nigat a settlement with Piosident Kin
gi i had been that nghtly oi wionglv
the pieslilent bail believed thai Cham
beilain the Itiihsh eoiotaiV ol stale
tor the colonies and Cecil Rhodes weio
identical lie lidded that Mi Cliiim
beiltnn bad given gioiintls lot this be
llel bv suppicssing telegianis wlleio
upon the colonial sect el my tattly intei
ventd saying I have novel sup
piessed teligiiims 1 have not go
Mi Chuiubct lain also denied that ho
had i of used to see Dr Montague White
the agent ot the Tiansvaiil w ho the
colonial societal y added had novel up
plied tin an iiudieme
Shiiplirl ilil h full III ill to llu llixl
Gkiai Falls Mont Oct 21 - H
anyone has concluded that ho time
has passed v lien tlioseivant lsaslaitli
fui to tho inteieslH ol his master as ho
could be to Ins own he should lonsnlei
thostoiyof the loeenl lib ml which
swept tin nugli Teton county As a re
suit ot that stoi i lion aro known
to be dead and ol these five bodies
have been iccoveictl With ono oxcop
hou all won hhecpherdors and all were
found lying in such positions as to in
duuto that thoy had stayed with then
bands to tho last dying in their at
tempts to siv pi wityof their om
ploy ors
llmiiV Now Huh tho lloiiii
Wahiiimiion Oct 21 The house on
Rhode Island avenue let enlly piucliasi d
for Adnniiil Dewey by popular sub
scnption was loiniiilly tinned over to
him by Assistant Secietary Vindcilip
and United States Tieasuier Robeitsof
he Dewey home committee Ml
Fitch the owner went to the tieiisniy
dopiihucut antl piosouted the deed
which was iminidialely lilt d lor iccoii
The pin chase juitewas about f10
Two siibsci iptions were icteivid yester
day which lompleted tho payment iii
clutling the expenses incident to the
VVlim Si limilii Vltiliil
Namiviiik Oct 21 Rollu Heikes of
Dayton O won the Kchumlcr medal
at the toiiriiameiit ot tho Iollo Meado
Gun club The tip is einbleinatic of
he championship at clay targets Heikt s
biealong 01 out of u possible 100
ThoiniinA Mushallol Keithsbiug Ills
was si ond with 8l bioken and ltke
lay thud with hi Theie weie 17
Utiles The mi et has In ell haiactei
li tl b sili mild shooting Pied Gilbeit
ol Sjiii it L ike la hiv lug a st oi e ot TiOD
out ot a possible 001 to Ills en lit
Cum Imi unit Vlixli iii4 ut VVur
WAsiiiNoroN Oct 21 The seciefaiy
of war leceived a telegiam fiom Gov
einor Muiphy of Aiioni saying that
LOiisidciuhlo hoiible has oceiured at
Naco on tho bonier between Ariona
auilMixieo between Ameiicau cow
boys and Mexican olllceis Ho recoin
mentis that a company ol troops bo or
dered thoio from Foit Hiincliiica to io
nium until the tumble has subsided
Ho says that the civil officers will do
oveiything jKissible to maintain order
but may not bo able to do so
Itnnowil of iilhollii Suiiiiuii Si hool
Dunugti Oct 21 Rev Father Dab
ton of St Imis is bent arianging for
the lomoval of tho Catholic summer
school from Madison to Dubuque It is
national in scope including tho dio
loses of Milwaukee Santa Fo Du
buquo Cincinnati and St I otiis
suppoi In AiIiiiiiiUI rut ion
St Lot is Oi t 21 - Bishop Doano of
Alnauy X Y in his uddn s befoiothu
Protestant Episcoiml Missionary coun
nl now m si ssiou hi nine out
iquiuely in siipKit of the jiohey of tho
I liiiistnition m taking tho Philippines
undo national piotection
liiiiKiimlh VVmilil Vppli to llliuooll Vi
lli il I noilll Ion In Suln SiiIIuii i 1 iikk
llll Vim It t i Wlllloi li Itl1ll1
Win III llii m II i uiiliM i d bigamist who
laimslii IniH niaiili tl iivi i 10 vvniui u Hi
dilliuut jit t s ol the win lil savi ho
II olli t an imiipie lb fellso wbll llbt
ism Is i alltil Inl 1 1 in
Ihe siillaii ol Siilu Iiih miitiv wives
ami is iimlii Ihepinti i tiou of lln I uileil
Slates govt i nun ut said Km iihwhi th
I also have many wives but tho
police not the goul unit nt have It li III
cliaigo This is not acinuling lo tho
institutional pinvislnii gnaiiiiitet tug
qualit to all and then ileiiving special
pilviltges to ho lesidoiils ol this couu
tiV I w III see that lollhil go flee or
the sultan of Sulu givi s up some ol bis
bi Hi i halvis
Mm in I In oiiuli VVIiliih liupi ii ol liiilln
IllnaKll Mont llnnl I III ttvo oil lilllll
Vlt KHIIA Del 21 IlllolligeiKO is
buuight by the Itiusa Mam which has
iiuiviil heie lint the typhoon tluoiigh
which the KmptosH anil Heuator pissed
pitiMd oven moio dlHustuiiis on laud
than on sin In Toklo ami Vokohamu
il lagetl with gieat fleiceuoss Hun
dieds ol houses woio wieeked in all lis
tnelH A lulal wave swept over Tiigoii
mini Ovei J00 hiuiHos weio dostioyed
ami mine Hum 1H p oplo polished
The iieighboihootl of Yosolnwii Moiwii
was onvi rd il into an extensive lake
A iniinlii i ol boats mo engaged in u
seaich loi Iledeatl bodies Gieat mis
ciy and snlleiing pievail among tho
alllicti d people
IV I II C iiviiiiIIoii Knitii
Skmiik Oct 20 The national W
1 T U elosi tl its 2lltb iiniiiial touveii
lion ami silvei jtibili e in Ibis city yes
teiday Mis Hannah 1 Bailey of
Maine supei iiiteiiilent of the pem i tie
paitment iiudei Die auspices ol which
tho Philippine Win iiisolutioil wan nit in
duced rend liei lopoit Ihe only iclci
euce made to the ci itii isms by her com
mittee was when she said Wo do not
ciitieiso the soldicis who fiom a sense
ol apprehended duly ami h mailed pat
i lotibin enlisted
VIIhh l iilil AkiiIohI ItotlollN
Mivitti Mn Oct 20 -Miss Helen
Gould spent Hiiuin time in Mexico lust
night Kiom the ititi of hot piivntu
car talldiig to a lepmlcr she saitl
Sptaking ol Ihigliam U Robeils tho
iolygauiist ot Ulnli who has been
elected to congnss I think eveiy tliin
Ann I lean is opposed to I lie seating ot
Robeitsauil I llimk tho best way lo op
pose this is by wi it nig to tho cougiess
men I think the voleis will liavil
moio weight in ho matter than tho
In I iiiiilmi ut Koi I OoiIki
Fout DoDtwc Oct 2t -A huious con
dition of nllinis exists here lis the icsillt
of a local ice liunino Tho Fort Dotlgo
no deali is exhaust oil thoir supply of ico
two or tliicii days ago and since then
have im en placing oulers outside to sup
ply their tunic until tho season had
t lo- d The liiight car famine how-
evil which is tsMCially severe in thiH
pnt ol low i made it impossible to ship
the ice in heie in sufficiently huge quan
IiimIIii VI tfil Ool to IIiiikIiiik
Foul Doitiiic III Oct 20 Richard
lailoon William Hailoy antl Thomtis
Shea thice burglais who attempted to
nib the clothing store of Lintlqucst
Bros at Govvue iceeiitly and weie caj
tun dm the act wero sentenced to
thieo yeus at haul labor by Judge S
Weaver i his moiuiiig Thoy peadotl
guilty to the charge ol binglary
ui 1 1 Miio 1iihk Iiikiii lion
Wit llll v M 20 M C Campbell
chairman ol the state livestock sanitary
cniunii sHjii hiyh that ICausas will havo
no oieu season loi soul hein cattle this
season but cuttle fuiiii south of tho
qu u inline hue limy be admitted into
the slate Iioiu Nov 1 to Doc S1 on p iss
nig a satisfaetoiy nispi ction ami belie
1 oiuid In cot the southern cattle tick
limt Miliiln i tit Kit iu miiix Ia in ll
WAltuiNsiuitti Mo Oct 21 Mrs
Maiy Ruby a sister of Kit Cat son tho
famous scout tiled heie today ot apo
ploxy Sho was hoi ii in an Indian fort
near Bismesboio Ilowaul county and
during tho S7 yeais of her hfo wai
never out of tho state of Missouri Mrs
Ruby was tho last member of Kit Car
sonb family
Klo iiiiuiln on Hit ltiiiiipiiKi
Sav Antonio Oct 20 Tho Rio
Gruudo nvor is on a Ikmiiii and is threat
ening tho buildings at Fort Hi own
Tlio department of Toxas has liiado uu
oinorgeuoy appropriation to protect tho
resei vahon against tlio encroachuioutd
of the water
Solilltli In jouklnjf Itulii
Maniia Oct 20 At San Isidro 3J
hours nun hits raised tho river and sup
plies aro arriving thoro m tho cascoes of
the natives Tho health of tho return
ing columns is excellent
To 1liili lilt lull iiiik No a
San Fuami co Oct 20 Aii older
uis Ik on issued to muster out tho Fifty
list Iowa volunteeis Nov 3
Makes the food more delicious and ivholesome