The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 19, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Tho crhno or i Ims koiio
Tlm Downy roluliritlion amply ilmn
oiistmttnl Hint Now York Is nit Amur
Icnn oily
Jobs nro busy front nun ond of I bn
Wintry lo llm othor IiuiiMiik for moil
Tills is n rnittiblionit mlniliilslralioii
Novor wus tbis country oxjmiitlftiK
intliistrlonsly us mpiilly its It Is today
Protection mid hoiuuI money lnivn ilono
Tim man wlioeuii boiipcsHimiHtat tlm
prommt tlmo Is a vntornn nitlmr of a lis
ordnroil limtinatlon or llm livur ooin
It is said that nvmt tlm niulos wltiolt
ttrnlifliiiK bought in this country for tlm
unn of tlm Hrilisli army in tlm war
itRniiiHt tlm Hours kiclt nt tho jtrospoot
Alfred Unit of Month Africa who is
said to bo worth ovor 1000000000
mndu his fort turn In diamonds Ho is
woll oducatod and not yot 50 years old
With ion Milos frinuds booming
him for tho prosidonoy mid Admiral
Dowoy lit domaitd oh aoandldato It
would lookout If tho winy and navy worn
strictly it
It is said that goats lymph will limko
mi insatm man sauo It is to bo hnpnd
that this is trim Wo hud supposod that
if anything on oarth would niako wum
tnoit insaim it wits tho foativo Rout
Amos Allntt Tout Hoods sucoossnr
has doolarod himaolf as omphutioally
undorsiiiK lrosiiloitt RlolCinloys atti
tttilo roKitrdiiiK tlm Philippines Tho
pooplo of Maiim aro trim to rnpitblionu
priimiplos and loyal to tho llnj
Cardinal Wolosloys advico to Groin
woll to fliiiK iiwuy ainbltion was very
foolish but if ho had told him that ho
should roKiilatn and control it ho would
hnvotullcud coiiimon hoiiso Ambition
like ovory othor noblo juality proporly
tisod is tiuiKtiitlcont and praisoworthy
lvlward Tmiiior has limdo a ood
comitur and tlm olllco uudor his supor
vision has boon ocottoitiioally manaod
This is n position to wltiolt ordinarily
very littlo iniportanoo is attaohodJand
yot it is in nudity a vory iniortmit of
lice Mr Taiuior having jlvon tfood
satisfaction will witbont doubt bo ro
Tho fusion ists aro considerably
worried about t ho threatening aspect in
Nebraska this fall All appearances
oom to indicato a landslide that will bo
jarrod loose early in November They
nro putting in all tho props at hand but
thoy scorn all too frail for the purpose
and aro surely giving way before the
crushing weight of public sentiment
Tho Omaha Daily News inailo its llrst
appearauco last week It is an evening
paper and published in tho form of a
seveii coluinu folio Tho initial num
bers huvo quite a metropolitan
appearance which augurs well for its
f ittvtro suocof s Tim price charged is but
ono cent a copy and it will undoubtedly
work up quito a circulation in tho city
It is astounding how rapidly tho
money is swallowing up all tho states
men out of a job Hon J Siuipon
tho soekloss man from Kansas who
broke iuto congress a few yours ago bus
become a mouibor of a combl nation of
live stock shippers If Freedom
shrieked whon Kosciusko foil sltoll
fairly niako Homo howl now that Simp
son has tumbled down
Tho chargo is often mado that whon
ovor thoro is plonty of ntonoy behind a
culprit justice is sum to miscarry Hut
tho San Francisco millionaire who was
nrrested two years or more ago for spit
ting on tho lloor of a street car and
who has boon lighting his sentenco of J4
honrs in jail ovor siuco does not agroo
with tho stntomeiit especially since ho
has been obliged to undergo tho penalty
It BoouiH that the World Herald had
nothing but good words for Chaplain
Mailloy the lighting parson of tho
Fighting First Nebraska until that
paper discovered that ho was in entire
sympathy with Undo Sains causo in
tho Philippines since which timo noth
ing has been too mean for it t to suj
about him The chaplain however
goos right along advocating his beliefs
without regard to tho mud slinging of
tho World Horald
Tho leading lumber ineii of tho north
west aro groatly perplexed ovor tho sit
uation With orders pouring in upon
thorn thoy cauuot out as many logs as
thoy ought because of tho scarcity of
men Meu aro not to be had at any
price Hard times have struck tho
lumber meu uuder a republican admin
ibtrtition Thoy cau make more money
than thoy could a while ago but they
cannot make it as fast as they would if
everyouo wasut so vory busy
Tho fusiouists are eudeavoriug to
create the impression that the future
welfare of tho Hryau cause depends
upon tho eloctiou of Holcomb to tho
supreme judgeship this fall If Mr
liryaus hopes rest on such a frail sup
port his adherents may well bo alarmed
at lie outlook HopublicaiiH fool that
their cause ts safe without regard to the
issues on which thn campaign is fought
They have a man beyond teproaoh us a
candidate for supremo judge mid they
do not hesitate to discuss national issues
when desired
In lHilll Mr Hrymi wept hacausn tlm
farmer wasnt getting anything for his
products In 1100 ho can spend his
sympathy on tho laboring man who has
to pay ho much for his beef steak It
keeps a man pretty busy finding out just
where to place his sympathy these days
If this magnificent republican prosperity
which is abroad in tho laud continues
to lighten thu gloom of the white mans
burden and help him to wipo out his
debts contracted under a democratic
administration Mr Hrymi will have to
sit up nights in order to adjust his calam
ity organ to tho right tune
Tho republican party is responsible
for a good many things and has a groat
deal to miHwer for in tho present condi
tion of affairs JAn oxohangosayH r Ithas
gotten so under thoso reprehensible re
publican auspices that farmers are
cavorting around the country in rubber
tired vehicles buying upright pianos mid
in other wayH conducting thonipolves
morn liko railway presidents than homy
handed sons of toil Iu thus famil
iarizing themselves with the manners
mid customs mid vices mid luxuries of
thu plutocrats thoy aro departing from
tho honored traditions of their fathers
mid tho republican party is to blame for
Tho Times Tribune says truly that
the amount of dilapitated sidewalks
around town that ought to bo put iu
Hliapo lnifore winter sots in is vast
Tin Nhws has called attention to this
fact before and it is glad that others
begin to see the matter in the same
light Tint Nicws said some timo ago
that sidewalks wore in tho poorest con
dition that they had been for years mid
now it will go farther and assort that as
a class tho sidewalks of this city are a
disgrace to a civilized community
showing a lack of ambition a lack of
progress a lack of interest in the town
Fully half of the walks of thu city aro
such as would cause a blush of shame to
mount tho cheek of tlm resident of the
smallest village in Nebraska wcro thoy
located in his town livery inch of
these dilapidated walks should Ihj con
demned and ordered robuilt at onco
but wo have no idea that they will bo
A fusiomst exchange says They
tho republicans do not wish to outer
a losing game and realize I hat the fusion
ticket is already sifely elected in this
state They do not roalizo concede or
beleivo anything of tho kind They
have no reason for gaining such an im
pression If tho fusionists had boon trim
to their trusts if they had lived up to
their principles and taken care to deserve
the support of the farmers and laboring
men accorded them there might liavo
been an excuse for tlm above wild asser
tion Hut witli a slump of nearly 120000
majority to littlo moro than 20000 in
four yetrs timo and witli the man who
was responsible for this groat falling off
at tho head of the ticket it is a wonder
that a paper has tho presumption to
make a statement so misleading front
the real facts Tho republicans do not
need President McKinloys aud Govern
or Hoosovolts help to carry Nebraska
this fall although thoy would have boon
pleased to greet tho two loading lights
of tho nation Holcombs record will
do tho business
Tho Omaha Boo of Thursday morning
publishes a fao similo letter written by
W J Bryau to J Sterling Morton in
which tho statement is made I assuro
you that it is tho moiioy that is in tho
olllco ami not tho honor that attracts
me This letter is published to prove
an assortioit mado by Mr Morton that
Mr Hrymi had at ono timo mado such
mi avaracious doclaratiou Hryau
denied tho allegation iu toto to a Bee
reporter and Morton took it upon him
self to prove that ho was not prevaricat
ing Tho letter was writtou in 1880
when Hrymi was seeking au appoint
ment as secrotary of the stato board of
transportation Tho fact that it was
written goos to prove that underlying
Mr Bryans evident intorest in tho poor
and oppressod thoro is a sordid liopo of
gain in this worlds goods that can but
detract from his glib btatoments and
asseverations Mr Morton aud Mr
B yau were at ono timo sincere friends
illliated politically but the freo silvor
rock split tho alliance and Mr Morton
has since discovered the truo and orratio
u tturo of tho presidential aspirant A
careful study of Mr Bryaus charactor
has led Mr Morton to make this severe
arraigunieut of the noted orators ever
changing views As au economist
Colouol Bryan is a prestidigitator
While lecturing on free trade ho do
uouueed and bemoaned high prices aud
landed low prices Hut whilo lecturing
for freo filver ho damns low prices as
the bauo of prosperity aud praises high
prices as the solo tonic and tost of pros
perity As a solf adjustiug reversible
voto catching economist Colonel Bryan
is without a peer Ho wauted freo trade
because it would make prices lower He
wauts free silver bocausa it will make
them higher but ho wants ofllco more
thau ho wants anything else not to be
stow good upon tho country but money
upon himself
Mr Hryan is not taking many orders
as tho advance agent of calamity
Congressman Lent of Ohio threatens
to go the Philippines No Injunction
will be served
It is tho newspaper that enters tho
homes of the people that it pays to ad
vertise in Tun Nkwh is such it news
It is hard work lo niako n nation with
a full stomach feel hungry This fact
oauses thodoinocratH lots of trouble mid
makes them wear long faces when they
think of tho next campaign
Tho St Paul Minn Dispatch woll
Hays If John It Moljoan is eloctod
governor of Ohio by republican votes
tho man who has gold bricks for sale
will know just where to go for market
Tho poor lalxiriug man hasnt oven
time to go fishing under a republican
administration Tho gold standard mid
and high tariff keep him constantly on
tlm jump at good wages Tho octopus
is right after him
In speaking of the potential power of
tlm newspaper some ono has put it in
this way Every timo tho huh goos
down 70000000 people know something
that was known by only 70 when the
Htm rose
An iron liuintifacturor in Pennsyl
vania complains tbattiiues aro too good
Ho says ho cannot got cars near fast
enough to 1111 orders for his goods
Its hard times for iron moil under a
republican administration
About tho only real benollt wo got out
of anything lies in its use Your local
newspaper is only of benollt as au adver
tising medium to thoso merchants who
use it Do you uso tho columns of Tm
News constantly largely vigorously
If not why not
ill the Chicago high schools thoro aro
three girls to one boy If this is nu in
dication of what the future may have in
store in a few years it may be expected
t lint- tho women will bo smartor than
the men Some of tuom think thoy are
at the present day
Howovor much our sympathies may
bo aroused in behalf of tho Boors tho
facts aro that thoy aro lighting for
isolation and all iiatnro contends
against any such proposition A people
cannot in these days live a stunted life
Thoy must either progress or die
Tho oxpensiveuess of tho modorn
woman has again boon illustrated Tho
khodivo of Egypt poor unfortunate
man complains that his salary of
sr00000 is insulllcient to moot his house
hold expenses Ho has got to dismiss
sonto of his wives Soino niou seem
born for hard luck
Tho number of available hoof cittlo
it is estimated has fallen off 10000000
during tho past sovou years or nearly
one quarter while tho population has
increased over 10000000 and tho ability
to buy beof por capita has doubled
Thoso are soino of tho reasons why beof
has advanced iu price
That poaco couferencojtt tho Haguo
was a good thing no doubt but its offoot
on tho lighting element iu human
affairs is not visible Never was tho
outlook moro warliko Groat Britain
and the United Statos nro both ou tho
war path Franco is on tho vorgo of rev
olution whilo Russia is arming itsolf to
tho tooth
At no time for yoars havo tho republi
cans stood a hotter show of olecting their
outiro county tickot than thoy do this
fall Thoro is vory littlo excuse for
scratching as tho men uamod will all
make worthy oflloials mid transact
tho business entrusted to thorn in n
satisfactory niaunor to thoir constitu
ents Tho coming olootion should nnd
will rosult in success providing tho re
publicans do thoir duty
When in 1800 at the groat republican
rally at tho old opera house wo heard
Senator Thurston in nueloquout speech
say Under a domocratio administra
tion men are hunting for jobs under it
republican administration jobs aro hunt
ing for men wo supposod ho was to bo
forgiven for an exaggeration made iu the
boat of a political campaign Now we
know we owo hint an apology Ho
understated a simple truth
Tho presidency Booms to bo n money
niakiug institution both before taking
and after Mr Bryan it is said has
made fiOO000 as a caudidato for the
presidency whilo ox Prosidont Harrison
ns legal counsel for tho Venezuelan re
public before tho Paris arbitration is to
got a foe of f tfOOOO If it pays well to
bo a presidential nominee moderately
so to Ik n real president it would seem
to pay a great deal better to bo au ox
Tho Atlnuta Constitution is domo
cratio but it is n war democrat You
know the difference between this kind
mid the other It is tho eauto now that
it was in tho sixties Thoro were demo
crats then who yelled for poaco and
callod Lincoln a tyrant ns thero mo
democrats today who cry peace and call
MoKiuley nu Imperialist There were
democrats then who differed fioin Mr
Lincoln but stood loyally by him and
tho lag The Constitution differs from
Mr McKtnloy but stands loyally by him
In support of tho nations Hag Speak
ing of the rotuuiing volunteers it says
Lot tho regiments as thoy conio homo
como us thoy fought I For every wound
a balm for ovory rag n cheer for all it
warm wolcomo to thn hourts of their
Ho quiet let tho soft tears of lovo fall
silently close tne iirod oyes gontly
caress tho cold hands noto tho last
dicker of a feoblo pulse observe tho
last lutteriiig breath murmur a lust
fond farowell it is dying mid will soon
bo buried in forgetfulnoss to sleep n
sloop of eternities and whon tho last
movoinunt and sound havo boon noted
do not shako tho colllii or disturb tho
grave the freo mid unlimited-coinage
of Hilvor at 1 I to 1 -without
- the aid
is dying An nntiquatod
back nuinbor doctor strolls along occa
sionally and gives tho feoblo body n
punch or two in the ribs mid thinks of n
cum but tho leading physicians and
friends havo abandoned it to its fnto
Its friend Whoat was tho llrst to
abandon it This started tho rush and
tho procosiou of forgetful friends rapid
ly movod away Wheat has nlready
found n now lovo in wiro nails whilo its
othor friends aro falling down boforo
imperialism tho trusts militarism aud
other fresh young beauties Kqulescat
in paco 1
Tho Omaha Daily Nows which is an
independent paper gives a very fair
statement of tho political statoinout in
regard to tho Philippine question It
states that if Mr Bryan woro prosidont
and ho was pursuing tho sumo course in
tho Philippines as that now adoptod by
President McKinley tho republicans
would bo arrayeil against him While
the News has no precedent on which to
base this assortioit it may bo truo to
soino extent Tho history of tho repub
lican party however is one of patriotism
nnd it litis nlways been found in support
of tho old Mag novor against it It is
therefore doubtful if many republicans
would bn fouud if Mr Hryau were
president who would advocate tho
hauling down of tho flag or permit it to
become a jest of tho Filipinos or any
other people Tho Nows says further
Mr MsKiuley is trying to get
his country out of a painful situntion
brought on by the fortunes of war and
if Mr Bryan woro placed under tho
sanio great responsiblity wo believe ho
would try to prove himself just as good
and loyal au American Tho foot is
that Mr Bryau is ou rocord ns having
advocated tho ratification of tho treaty
that sprung the expansion trap on the
pooplo If ho woro prosidont today ho
would not be tho popular hero of tho
Filipinos Tho fact of tho matter is that
whilo thero is room for divergouce of
opinion regarding what futuro disposi
f on wo shall muko of tho Philippine
slauds as to tho government etc until
peace is secured and rospoot won for the
flag now planted on that soil thero is no
room for chip trap politics in tho discus
Princely Jilt lo Kducutlon
Not in any previous year in our his
tory have educational institutions iu
the United States been so enriched by
donations and bequests as iu ISOJ
Though the year is not yet ended the
institutions of learning have received
nearly 30000000 which is about 10
000000 more than they received from
Buch sources during nil of last year
The following is the list of the principal
Mrs Inland Stanford to Ieland Stan
ford unlM rslty 15000000
Estate of John Simmons or Female
ICRr lloiton 2000000
lltnry C Warren to Harvard rollcRC 1000000
G W Clayton or a university at Den
ver 1000000
P I Armour to Armour Institute 50000
Maxwell Smnmillo to University o
Pennsylvania 000000
Edward Aiutin to Harvard college 5000m
Lydla Ilradley to Bradley Polytechnic
Institute 500000
Samuel Cunptea to Washington univer
sity 400000
Jacob Schlft to Harvard college 350000
Marshall Iicld and J I Hockefeller to
University of Chicago 313000
Edward Tuck to Dartmouth rolleRe 300000
J D Hockefeller to llrown university 250000
Caroline I Macy to New York Teach
ers college 200000
Edwin Austin to Massachusetts Insti
tute ol Technology 200000
K C Hillings to Massachusetts Insti
tute of Technology 150000
O C Marsh to Vale college 150000
Andrew Carnegie to University of
Pennsylvania 100000
Unknown donor to Wesleyan university 100000
Ceome it llerry to Ualtiniorc Female
college 100000
J D Hockefeller to Dennlsou college 100000 I
W h Vanderhllt to Vanderhllt univer
sity 100000
Unknown donor to Princeton college 100000
11 C Hillings to college 100001
The list nitty bo Incomplete nnd
there may be additions to It before
the close of the year which may
grently swell the total It Is ns It
stands n very gratifying list nnd Indi
cates that the cause of education Is not
being forgotten nt least by some of
those who cau afford to make generous
In this connection It is gratifying to
uote that the matrlculntlon iu the col
leges and universities of tho country
thisfall shows that the totulnttendauco
therein will surpass thnt of nny pre
vious year Small nnd great Institu
tions alike nro experiencing n rush of
students which taxes their neconinio
datlons to tho utmost Not only does
It appear that Institutions of learning
aro receiving geuerous gifts but that
these benefactions are being thorough
ly appreciated by the youug meu aud
women of tho couutry
Ill AMnuU llio IHtulrrntlc Slrkim
mill Anltiinl Mio nt tin- Con
x ntlon In Ohio ami Hum Some Ml
MTlvlllKN AliiMit IIn AIIMimhI
Copyright 1S39 by American Press
Wasiiinotov 1 J
Til the Klittir
I hev jest got link fruin nnuther lljln
trip tu tho west wioh iuclimdcd mi visit
til the Dinilciiillc nirktts anil ntiimiil sliu
nt titles vl lie Ohio nnd wich out uv re
speck tn former gntheilns wuz culled a
Ktalt convetisliuii We liev bin pliinnin
for the performance doorln the past fu
weeks under the direcshun of Mr lolin
It McLean hoo xvuz the ringmaster at
our rehersals nnd hoo r tu koiiliiuiu in
thet enpasity doorln the stall canipniie
lie lives in Washington most uv the
lime and fruin what I cood see nnd
hear doorln mi trip tu Ohio tliare aint
likely tu he uothln in the result uv the
eninpiiiie tu cause him tu change hi resi
dence tu the stnlt whnro he sumthnes
stays over nlto
All our staltsmen hoo hev been kor
ruled occa sliuiially In these licdqiuirtcrit
hev bin n v the oplnymi thet a grate
Diniicriitic victory he needed iu Ohio this
yoor ess it send olT fer 1000 We hev all
felt thet it wii necessary tu hev the
president pnlltlknlly repoodinted hi liiz
own stnit iu order tu give uz tho proper
kind ii v a foot hold It wood hev a most
gralifyln iullooeiice on the Dimlcratlc
farkshuns hoo are litein ouch uther ev
erywharc mid it wood also eukurrij tho
insurgents in the Filllpeens nnd hi Mas
Btcliooetts Thine hez bin no difference
uv opluyiui ez tu the necessity uv hevin
a Diniicrntic sweep in Ohio to sho the
koimtry thet sieli tyrants ez Mark linn
nil and sieh degenerit stnitsmen ez Mo
Kiuley kiiinot forever rool with nu iron
hand The only iiiestslum hez bin ez tu
hoo wuz best fixed tu du the job At
fust none uv uz seriusly thot uv Mr
McLean ez the ringmaster uv the sirktis
At Kiun time or uther doorln biz enreer
he hez mnuijeil tu be up aginst neerly all
the leedin Dimicrnts uv the stnit nnd
hez blode hot nnd cold on their measures
and their nmbisliitns I found doorin mi
travels I lift tu mcnsliim hlz mime iu tho
presence uv menny Dimicrnts wuz like
shakin a red rug in frunt uv nu exsited
bull I found n nooinerus number uv em
nt Ziinesvillo nnd it took all the keorful
Kteerin we cood du tu prevent au ent
hral in iho coiivensliun Hut it lied bin
desided tu try the experiment uv riumiii
a millyunaiie tu ketch the laberin vote
and so we licil tu spueleh nil opposishuii
The conveiislum wuz about whut I lied
expected after kiioiu whut lied bin dun
previusly We lied the job well sot up
consiilerin the size uv it mid tho ma
terial we lied tu work with We got Mr
McLean nominated till rite iu spite uv
the powerful current uv opposishuii wich
wuz riumiii ngin him ouderueath nnd we
hev put him otitu a platform wich wuz
desined to ketch votes faster than Hi pa
per will ketch Mies Kz a vote ketcher it
iz rite in it if we only ketch em
The resolooshuns iz hot stuff We hev
fired evoryluuldy overboard fer president
exseptin Mr Bryau and we hev endorst
him at tho rasho uv more Hum 15 tu 1 ez
the only man in the koimtry hoo kin leed
the Dimicratie party tu victory aim then
we nominated a man fer Kiivenor hoo he
woodnt hev on the ticket with him in
On wnr nnd imperialism we hit or up
in grate stile enilorsln the soljers hoo lit
intti the Kovolooshunary war at Ituuker
Hill but boo wont vote the Diniicrntic
tickot iu Ohio this ycer nnd straddliu -bosses
he did in different direeslmus on
the Cuban and Fillipeou wars and puttin
in a good lick fer our Diniicrntic ally iu
the Filllpeens wich iz Mr Agiiiualdo
hoo nt Inst nkhounts wuz nil rite and
euthoosiiistieally opposin the administru
shun uv William McKinley
We also rcsolootcd strongly agin hitch
iu ontu enuy eutnugliu alliances with
furriu kingdoms and empires without
waitiu tu see wether tha wantid tu en
tangle themselves with the Dimicratie
party uv Ohio
We hit the Trusts nnd the political
losses n stnggerin bio nnd showed
how konsistent we wuz hi mnkin the
most offensiv Diniicrntic Boss iu the
whole stait our kandidate fer guvenor
nnd the one hoo iz in every Trust ez fer
ez he kin git iutu it
We nlso dcklnrcd ourselves in fuviir
uv the inishhitiv nnd memorandum but
hed sum trubhle iu gittin it throo ou
nkhouut uv the most uv the delegntes
not knowin whut it wuz Tha thort it
wuz Sinn nu kind uv mixed drinks We
put in a resolooshun agin sweat shops
and hed one reported agin uite sweats
but it wuz reeled out ou a pint uv order
We got the platform throo the coiiven
sliun without mutch friekshun but wen
it cum tu nominatin a kandidate for
guvonor thnre wuz sum plane speekin
thet orter hev bin supprest It wuz real
mean fer iciicrul Warner tu nllood tu
Mr Kilbiirue ez a niiiii hoo lives iu
tho stait nnd fer uthers tu refer in n
sarkastic wa tu Mr McLeans big wad
UV nmiuiey wich he will so grntely need
iu Ohio before he kin be elected guvonor
Tluiro wuz one nu feature uv the con
venshun wich made n grate hit nnd thet
wuz the big stump speech wich the ltev
Mr ven nicy tired off in his prayer nt
tho openin uv the performance Dinil
cratie ministers air so skarce ez a rool
it wrnt the delegates up tu a grate pitch
uv exsitement wen tha saw a renl live
one start the sirkus nnd inform the
Almighty thet lie must du the square
thing bl the Killipocnoze nnd deliver
them frunt the brute force now bein in
llicktid ontu em hi the minions uv a
Hopublikin admiuistrushun
ICz a whole the program wich wuz
mapped out wuz put throo with ez little
hitch wo cood expect wen we remember
thet we bed tu crowd down the throats
uv thousands uv good Dimicrnts a man
hoo wuz mortally hated hi em Hut
uiuiiuey talks this yeer nnd it lied tu be
dun whatever the consequences The
resolooshuns dont make much difference
fer nu Ohio Diiuicrat is expectid tu
swallec whatever iz sot before liiui with
out asking enuy questshuns but wen I
tbiiiK uv the attitood we shall be placed
in if our Fillipeen coiubiiiiishun dont
work 1 tremble fer the result titvin
ado nu cuuifert tu the kountrys enemies
iu time uv war haint brot no distresbin
amount uv glory tu the Dimicratie party
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Frutu Applejack Farm wich iz nest tu
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Before niy
wife began using
Mothers Friend
she could hardly
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not think she
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Mothers Friend
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medicines internally They endangei
the lives of both mother and child
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