The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 19, 1899, Page 13, Image 13

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Teddy MoFarlaud is in tins city from
1 F lloyor of Omaha was in tho city
last night
Henry Thiodeof Wisnor is in tho city
on businifls
Mrs A Kins of Noligh was Norfolk
visitor yesterday
Father Stenson of Omaha is visiting
with Father Walsh
Judge Powers drovo to tho county
t eut today on business
il 1 M Mason of Halls turner shop
has returned from his Oninha visit
Mosdunies Prank mid Will Lambert nf
Osmund wen visitois yesterday in tho
Mrs H I Wellcr of Stella thisstato
is a guest at tlio homo of hor son K 13
Weill r
Tho Misses lira and Anna Honnott
of Pilfer wero shipping in tho city yes
Mrs J D Elmore and Miss Anna
WnittingMm of Stanton wens shopping
in Norfolk yesterday
Miss Nina Walker ennm in from tho
Dover district today and will spend
Sunday with hor parents
P Harris of Halting representing
tho interests of tho Loyal Mystic Legion
of America is in tho city
Miss Ida Sounensehoin of tho hospital
for insane wofit to Stanton this morn
ing anil will return tonight
Mr nud Mrs O W Bruaseh and
daughter Miss Gertrude returned hist
evoning from a visit to Omaha
Mrs 1 E RadoliUo loft today for her
homo in Sioux City after n pleasant
visit with her brother Goo W Box
Mis Anna Atkominu and children
Mrs M C Gamble and Mrs W Elmore
wore Stuntou visitors in tho Sugar City
Mrs Mary Shannon landlady ol tho
Shannon house of Pawnee City is visit
ing Mr and Mrs Rogers of tho Elkhorn
eating house
Mrs Geo D Butterfield of Creightou
is in tho city to attend tho party givon
by MrsN A Rainbolt and Mrs W II
Buoholz this afternoon
Mrs J M Pile of Wayne iB here to
nurse Miss Bachelor who is quite ill
At tho residence of Mr and Mrs W H
Baker where she makes her home
Messrs Hauso aud Nenow who live
seven miles south of tho city had a
public salo of flue cattle yesterday
Good prices and a brisk demand were
Father Petlach who has been associate
pastor of St Murys parish has been ap
pointed to the position of pastor at
Kearuey and will loavo for that city
next week
D J Slieehauof Rnngis Wyo is in
the city visiting his father-in-law Geo
Williams Ho is ou his way home
from Omaha where ho has 1 een with n
shipment of cattle
IMvvard Bowman who has been
visiting his daughters Mrs McFarland
and Mrs Slawter returnrd to Stanton
today Ho will come back to Norfolk
and make this his home
Tho temperature fell -18 degrees be
tween yesterday uoon and this morning
at 8 oclock The highest point reached
yesterday was 88 degrees which is re
markably warm for this season of tho
II P Freeland has purchased tho CJeo
N Beds 10 acro property north of J
W Kidders farm and will move onto
it with his family the first of next March
The proporty will make a nice homo for
the family
Mr and Mrs J F Wilholmy who
have been visiting with their daughter
Mrs R B Weller for the past week
went to Pierce this morning to spend
tho day They expect to return to
Oiimha tomorrow
Riiuhold Filter aud Miss Lenora
Weichniau will bo united in marriage
The Best is
the Cheapest
Experience teaches that
good clothes wear longest
good food gives best nutrition
and a good medicine that
cures disease is naturally the
best and cheapest Hoods
Sarsaparilla is the best medi
cine money can buy because
it cures ivhen all others fail
Poor Health Had poor health for
years pains in shoulders back and hips
iviih constant headache nervousness and
no appetite Used Hoods Sarsaparilla
gained strength and can ivork hard all
day eat heartily and sleep ivell I took
it because it helped my husband to whom
it gave strength Mrs E J Giffels
Moose Lake Minn
focdS SaUafrwiil
lloodi lllli cure Uver ill the imn Irritating and
ratfurtlc toUlt ltli iluoj SaraajurilU
Cleuuci and Ifiutirin tb ball
lroiiiotti a luiumnt growth
Never Fall a to Ileatore Gray
Hair to Ha Youthful Color
Curca aealp dittawi fc hair tailing
tOcaudtlmu llnirfliii
noxt Sunday at Christs Luthorn church
by RevJ P Mueller Tho couple will
niako their homo on tho grooms farm
flvo miles north of tho city
Mrs W U Stelnlmugh of Dodge
dparted for her homo this morning
after a visit with her sisters Mrs S H
MoFirland and Mrs Mai tin Slawter
Mrs Stoinbatigh is tho past presiding
olllccrof tho HoboUah lodge of tho state
HEOwen is homo for few days
from his railroad contract on tho Union
Pacific near lulosburg Ho siys rail
road building under a republican admin
istration is an uphill job as iiiuu cannot
bo secured to do tho wmk oven though
ho is paying more than over b
Tho Monte Cristo people failed to
receive thoir paper from Chicago in time
to thoroughly hill Norfolk but novothe
less tho assurance is inado that tho show
is a good one and should he liberally
pitioniitl They play at Marqunrdts
opora house next Monday evening
The First Nebraska minstrel an
organization composed of members of
the Fighting First who furnished amuse
ment for tho boys and natives in tho
Philippines has made a date to give a
show at Norfolk and will undoubtedly
bo greeted by a houseful of people
I ley woods Celebrities will enteitain
tho people of Norfolk at Marqunrdts
hall next Tuesday evening tho 17th
Tho company oilers tho cream of high
las musical work one act society
drama of intense interest Drifted
Apart and a ono act comedy Tho
Way of a Woman
There has been a government geolog
ical surveying gang working in the
county for tho past week They started
out from Kansas City last week and
have been taking tho elevation of tho
country aud setting posts to mark thoir
findings They will complete thoir
seasons work in nnd around this city
A number of laud byers from Iowa
have been in the city lately and real
estate agents report tho inquiry for
property quite brisk generally Peoplo
outside of tho state realize as never be
fore tho valuo of Nebraska property
especially farm lands and tho outlook
for future demands is very Muttering to
agouts and owners
1 G Westervelt returned 3estorduy
from Ohio where ho had boon visiting
six weeks at Columbus and surrounding
places which ustd to bo his old stamp
ing ground in an early day While he
was away ho attended a reunion at
which there were present nbout 150
peoplo all relatives of his While he
enjoyed visiting the homo of his child
hood still ho is glad io get back to
Nebraska again
Madison Chronicle A dance was
held at a farm house north of town
last Saturday night at which liquid
refreshments mingled so freely with
other festivities that a free-for-all light
resulted It appears that nearly every
ono took a hand in tho mix up oven to
neck yokes empty wagon box s knives
and in fact any old thing that could be
pressed into service as a weapon aud
when the smoke of bittlo cleared away
several of tho combatants wore found
to hi quite seriously wounded
A splendid opening is made for young
men through tho development of the
beet sugar industry in becoming skilled
in some particular branch of sugar fac
tory work says the Chino Valley Cham
pion Beet sugar factories are spring
ing up all over the United States where
the conditions are favorable nud in
filling positions in these new factories
the man who has had experience in the
work he proposes to do will nearly al
ways have tho preference A numborof
tho young men of the factory hero in
appreciation of this fact have been work
iug overtime and out of hours in order
to perfect their knowledge in somo par
ticular branch of tho work Such men
will alwnys find places seeking them
Miss Anna Seymour is on the sick list
Sol G Mayer has returned from his
Lincoln trip
Mr nnd Mrs P F Bell havo returned
from Omaha
Fred Starr is hero in tho interests of
hotel registers
Mr and Mrs Hooves and Miss Elrod
of Madison are in the city
E If Luikurt will return this even
ing from a trip to Omaha
Mr and Mrs Asa K Leonard will
return tonight from Omaha
Miss Liddio MoFarlaud of Stanton
was u city visitor yesterday
Mrs Hattie G nincil waB a passonger
for Sioux City on the afternoon train
Tho county commissioners will meet
in regular session uexr Tuesday at Mad
T F Momminger was in town from
Miidisoni yesterday greeting Norfolk
Tho young daughter of Andy McGin
nis is reported somewhat bettor this
Mr and Mrs Congdon aro expected to
return tonight from their wedding trip
to Omaha
A few friends were entertained nt the
homo of Mrs McKim on North Tenth
street Ia6t evening
Ed Bruasch is in town from Tilden
visiting at tho home of his parents Mr
and Mrs O W Uruasch
MisB Metta Hansen of Tilden is visit
ing at tho homo of 0 W Rraasch on
her way homo from Madison
Dr and Mrs H L Scoggin wore
ninong those who went to Sioux City
today to see President McKinley
Chas lauch of Buzilo Mills islted at
this homo of his uncle W A Moldou
lmuer over night while on his way homo
from Omaha
S A Mackay of Meadow Grove can
didate for tho position of county judge
is in this city today getting ueqtmintod
with leading politicians
Tho machinery has boon placed in tho
now Salter elevator and it was placed
in operation yesterday doing tho wink
intended for it very nicely
MissMattie Nioh 1 of Nollgh for
merly of this citydepirtedlast Tuesday
for Georgia where she has accepted a
responsible position in a huge school
A largo party of friends were enter
tained at the newly acquired homo of
Mr and Mrs C H Kralin on Madison
avenue last evening A very pleasant
evening was passed
Mrs E M Smith and Mrs Dr Blair
of Wayuo stopped at tho home of Mr
Mrs Kobort Utter over night on thoir
wav homo from Yoik where they at
tended tho state federation of womens
A farmer from near Madison giving
tho name of Manning was up before
police court this morning charged with
being drunk and disorderly Ho was
assessed a lino which with costs amount
ed to b It which lie paid and was
Tho now general merchandise stock
of A J Bohnert was opened up in the
Kooingstoin bloik vosterduy Mr
Bohnert has a very complete assort
ment of goods and will undoubtedly
receive his share of the trade W H
Woodworth formerly connected with
tho Fair store will assist in tho now
Fred LooMler of St Bernard had a
great experience the first of tho week
says tho Humphrey Democrat One of
his calvos was lousy and he sought to
cure it by tho kerosone snioko process
Ho set the calf afire burned his arm
badly and had a decidedly warm mix
up Tho calf died Fortunately his
barn was not set on fire
Noligh Leader Of late tho railroad
company has had mora freight business
than it can handle properly A car of
brick and one of flour wero on tho track
at this point for several days awaiting
shipment and it is stated that nearly
170 cars of dead freight were lying bo
twoen Noligh and Norfolk that tho
train men could not handle
Mr TolTerios returned from BoBton
last evening Both thero and in Michi
gan where ho has been visiting during
the past fortnight he had a grand time
Tomorrow morning aud evening ho
will devote to an account of the great
council he attended in Boston Mrs
Jetrerios returned lust evening from
Crete where she has been attending the
meetings of the Womans State Mission
ary Union
It is reported that a oO iuch vein of
coal has been discovered on the farm
of C II Goodfellow a mile west of
Jackson this state Tho vein was
struck at a depth of 111 feet while dig
ging a well Those versed in tho min
eral claim it is a fair quality of bitu
minous coal Tho fact that tho state
pays -1000 bounty for tho discovery of
coal in paying qunnltiei furnishes an
incentive for father investigation of the
One of tho farmers of this vicinity
was in tho Fair store yesterday inquir
ing for men to help him harvest his
corn crop Ills quest proved to bo in
vain until C D Jenkins one of the
proprietors said that ho would go pro
vided tho farmer would give himi a
day as his hire Tho oflor was quickly
uccopted with a come on and tho
gonial proprietor was compelled to ad
mit that ho was joking It is getting
to be a mighty dangerous thing to oflor
to work unless you really mean it
The labor question is really getting
beyond the joking stage
Mrs N A Rainbolt and daughter
Mrs W II Bucholz gave a ladio af
ternoon yesterdny to a company of about
10 of their laly friends at tho beautiful
homo of the former ou Koonigstein ave
nue The rooms wore most handsomely
and conveniently arranged for tho occa
sion and with tho happy facility of tho
two ladies at ontertaining nothing but a
vory pleasant tinio could possibly re
sult The rofroshnionts served were su
perior productions of the culinary art
and their excellence was fully attested
by word and action of tho entertained
A person iB indeed fortunate who is
givon an opportunity to participate at a
function where Mosdumes Rainbolt aud
Bucholz ure tho entertainers
Tho now freight service which is put
on between hero and Sioux City tomor
row will observe tho following time
It will leave Columbus at i a in arriv
ing in Norfolk nt 10i0 leaves hero for
Sioux City at II ol arriving thereat
l I10 p m Returning it will leave Sioux
City at 1 50 p m arriving hero at I0
will leavo for Columbus at i arriv
ing thero at 1 1 i0 at night Tho service
is purely freight between hero and Sioux
City but passengers will bo carried bo
twoen hero and Columbus The passen
ger train will also chunge time It will
leavo forColuiubiiB at 11 00 a in instead
of 1010 as heretofore and will arrive
from ColumbuB at 9 oclock instead of
Robert Utter went to Sioux City yes
Burt Mapes Is in Omaha today ou
Chas Illee returned last night from a
trip to Omaha
Mr and Mrs W A Moldonhuurr are
visiting in Stanton j
C B Durlaud won to Wlusido this
morning ou business
Miss Julia StalVord visited fiionds in
Boomer on Saturday
P A Huston is hens in the inteiest
of his dry goods store
Howard Seabury of Pliilnxlow spent
Sunday In tho Sugar City
Attorney A O Gtoss of Madison hail
legal business in Norfolk today
Mr and Mrs Asa K Ieouaid eauio
homo from Omaha last evening
Geo I lies returned Saturday from a
business trip into North Dakota
Mrs Edward Tanner of Battle Cieek
was shopping in Norfolk Satuiday
W 11 Johnson returned from his
business trip to Chicago last night
Mrs J D Siitheiland was a city
visitor Saturday fiom Battle hook
Dr l A Me Kim was called to Kan
dolph on Saturday ou profeslonal busi
Sig Schavlaud of the firm of Johnson
Schavlaud of Madison is in the city
John Bisek loft this morning for l
catella Idaho where ho has a ponitsoii
ou a railroad
E B Ovelmaii came in yesterday
fiom a trip ou the road in the interest
of his shoe house
Dave Owens ciiino in last night from
Juleshurg Col whore he has boon on
railroad business
Mr and Mrs J Cleveland drove
up from Madison yesterday for a short
visit with triends
Frank Twiss chief clerk of the Boyd
hotel at Wayne is visiting his parents
and other friends
Miss Belle Wisdom has arrived from
St Joseph Mo and will assist Mrs
Long in I lie Viuvi work
M O Hiizon went to West Point at
noon to attend the session of district
court which opens there today
Miss Bachelor has resumed her duties
as teacher m the public schools having
recovered from her late illness
H II Chappcl traveling repre
sentative for tho Sugar City Cereal
nulls leaves for a trip west today
Mrs M L Swain and daughter Etta
of Ewmg have been visiting friends and
relatives in the city for a fuw days
E II Jenkins and wifu of Columbus
spent Sunday witli his brother O D
Jenkins and returned homo on tho noon
Bulk Examiner E II Luikart visited
over Sunday with his parents in Nor
folk Ho wont to Creightou this after
Carl Davenport Kay Hayes loo
Powell and Elwyn Alexander wont to
Pilger Saturday and made thoir frinod
Clmr Blakely a short visit
Charles Bridge jr who has been
suffering from typhoid fever for so long
is improving very nicely and has all tho
prospects of regaining his iisual health
Tho first Union Pacific frejght train
passed through Norfolk today on its way
to Sioux City in accordance with tho
new agreement between that road aud
the O St P M cfe O
Everott Curricle had tho misfortune to
yi 4bVYW l ill
-V-V V Trl X JV
j -4
i I I r 11 r I
Nntliino is It fl lo chance in the mamilaclure of Ivory Soap
It is the highest testtlt of scientific soap innlrinj
Ivory Soap lias been analyzed by many ol the most noted
chemists who pronounce it of supetior quality The tests ol
chemists jive confidence thai it is pine and the tests of thousands
ol housekeepers who have used Ivory Soap for yeats is even more
convincine They say tbit Ivory Soap will do some woil for which
no other soap can be trusted They Unow from expeiience
Andrews aud Hon Horace G Whiftnoio Mr Pou iIIh hmiuv i but all united in
will speak at Nniinlk on the iiilit of wishing him much prosperity and happi
Octoherl The local committeemen ness in his new homo Mr Powell was
will he expected to make arraiigomeuts presented with a eeraus hiulgi a
for the advertising and holding of tho
Geo N Peels II L Spaiililing and
C F W Matqiiardt departed today lor
I Hastings to attend the annual meetiiiK
of the giand lodge ol Nebraska I O O
P The list named has long I a
uiomhor of thegiaud loilgoauil ibeiiilici
are lepresentalivos Iiiuu the local lodge
to the grand orgaiualiou Miss Lmrt
Law also goes to Hastings as a lepm
seutative to the giaud Keliekah lodge
from Deborah lo - No till
Miss M try Neiiman and L mis Schen
zel worn married at PJI0 yesterdny at
Clitisth Luthern chinch by Kov J P
Mueller Eva and Anna Key I were the
bridesmaids and Julius Lindstailt and
John Pofahl were groomsmen A wed
ding dinner anil supper weie served at
the brides parents ton large tinmbT of
invited guests who showed their friend
ship to the newly united couple by the
presentation of iiumeious valuable gifts
Friends in the city havo received the
announcement of the uiurriiigo of Mr
Roy Calvin Holmes and Miss Khzabelh
Ann Cox which took place at tho home
of tins brides parents at Dubuque lown
on Wednesday October I A double
wedding was luld a sister of tho luide
being also married atthesanis time
When Koy Holmes loft tins city soiui
eight years ago ho was but a boy but he
has made romarkatjlo jirogr ss since ho
reached mans estate and is now doing
well in a business way Noi folk friends
will extend sincere congratulations upon
this occasion untl wish the young couple
an abundance of the richest of human
happiness Their home will bo at
Evnustou 111
Fifteen or twenty members of the
Woodmen of tho World belonging totho
fall into tho mixer at the sugar factory local lulgo went to Noligh yesteiday to
yesterdoy and was quite badly bruised assist in theceremonies attending the un
up It is fortunuto that the results of veiling of a monument to WTCurtis
tho Occident were no worse formerly a member of tho lodge of that
Mrs J Koenigstein has been very Members of other ledges also at -sick
since her removal to the homo of tended and thero were a largo number
hor parents and for a time Satuurday of ombers of tho order pro ent J C
and Sunday her life was despaired of Ho of Omubu one of the head men of
Later reports aro to the effect that she is l0 t waH J r vor night and oo
much better which will bo pleusiiiir in- companied tho members of the local
formation to her friends
Miss Lenora Wichmau and Reiuhold
Filter wero united in marriage yester
day at 1 1 1 by Rev J P Mueller
Tho ceremonies wero quietly obs rved
only a few friends being honore 1 with
invitations Ernest Wichman and Miss
Lizzio Filter lifted in groomsman and
bridesmui I
Albert Degners now house on Fourth
street is completed aud the family is
now moving in This is one of the
handsomest most convenient homes in
the city and Mr Degner is not only
well pleased with thopropoity but with
the manner in which it has been built
finished aud plumbed
lodge to Noligh It is one of tho pro
visions of the order that a 100 inoiiii
uiout shall bis enetod over their grave
when they die It is understo d there
are about i candidates to be initiated
into the order here tonight
A fire alarm from tho Point h ward
yesterday shortly before uoon brought
out tho fire department in quick order
The flro was in a pile of wood near the
round house at the Junction which for
a time threatened the destruction of
that building The blao was got under
control however before any great dam
ago was done One of the wheels of tho
Mast cart came off soon after it was
taken out of the engine house and the
accident resulod in the breaking of tho
Tho team of Hermau Buss indulged xl j two places Good woik was done
in a lively runaway Saturday evening lV tho mun llt tho rction and when
It mn down Main street to tho mill and tll ir0 iwirtinont anived on tho scono
then turned north Tho man who was tJlun rmmjneil Very little to be dono
driving was tossed about in tho wagon -plus is the first alarm that has been
until his arm was broken Dr Kiesuu
tnnnwi in ftr mii ith mnntlw bnt tbn
set tho broken bones and the injured
man is getting along ull right
Bear in mind the sociable to be given
by tho young peoplo of the Baptist
church at tho Adams homo on South
Fifth Btreot Thursday evening Every
Ixwly invited Tho timo hua been
changed from Tuesday evoning A good
Mine with ganios aud refreshinonts is
promised to all who wi 1 attend
A telegram from Orlando Tefft chair
man of the republican Btate central com
mittee announces that Ex Congressman
w --
superstitious are now looking for the
other two in the series of three in which
fires aro isupiiosed to group
Norfolk lodge No 11 I O F held
a spocial meeting in their hall Satur
day night tho purpose of which was to
give a farewell recoption to their es
teamed brother V P Powell who do
parts tomorrow with his family for their
now homo in Ashland Oregon The
mcetiug was well attended by members
of the order and it proved very success
ful Many regrets wero expressed over
token entitled lo bo worn by mombi rn
who have hseu in continuous good stand
ing for UfiyeaiH The recipient has been
a member ofNiufolk loilcji for more
than that length nf time and has been
closely ideiitilled with its growth and
prosperity Ho is one of this two ro
mitiiiing eliarter mcmhciH of the lodge
W II Law being the other The lodge
was instituted in M y IS7I ami tlie llrst
meeting was held in a small garret tho
only room available in the town at that
time The lodge has had many iipsaud
iIoaiis but is now on the high read to
success The meeting was organized
into a veterans lodge and the older
mouthers addressed the order tolling
what they I new ol its old time history
After the speaking relreshmtnts wero
served by tho committee and the even
ing proved to bo a vory miccchsIiiI alfair
Shortly after its institution Norfolk
lodge included people within a radius of
about 100 miles and Irom them were or
ganized the lodges of ONeill Noligh
Oikdale Stanton and others in Noith
Wanikd several might and honest
persons lo represent us as managers in
this and clo e by counties Salary 000
ayeai auilexp uses Straight bona fide
no more no IcrB sulary Position perma
nent Oar inferences any bank in any
town It is mainly Ike work con
ducted ut homo Kofeieuco Elldnso
-elf-addressed stamped envelope Till
Dominion Company Dept I Chicago
Atti iiil lnllri I IiIh Viir
Never in the history of our country
was thero a grander opportunity than
this present for eilucati i young men and
women What nn auspicious moment
for those who aro just now on tho
threshold of life
Grand Island Business and Normal
college has lor fourteen years been tho
leading institution of us kind in tho
western states and last year more than
twice as many calls were receivid for
its graduate- as could ho supplied
Everything necessary for a successful
start in life is taught business normal
and shorthand courses Expemes low
Board only 1 n per vu ek One years
tune givon on tuition it dci ircd Col
lego record sent free or for six ceits will
send elegant catalogue
A M IlAitituh President
Grand Island Nob
is robbed of its terrors by
the fact that ic best med
ical authorities state that it
is a curable disease and
one of the happy things
about it is that its victims
rarely ever lose hope
You know there are all sorts of
secret nostrums advertised to cure
consumption Some make absurd
claims We only say that if taken
in time and the laws of health are
properly observed
will heal the inflammation of the
throat and lungs and nourish and
strengthen the body so that it can
throw off the disease
We have thousands of testi
monials where people claim they
have been permanently cured of
this malady
oc and Siuo all tlrueguts
SCOTT UOWNF ChtmiMt New Yotk