The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 19, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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UIM n i - I x r r
For ft moment William mul inysolf
htood looking at each other over thin
frail anil prostrate llguio Tlun ho stoop
od and with an unexpected bIiow of
kindness raised her up and began carry
ing her towaid the houso
Lueottu is a fool ho ciied sudden
ly stopping and jiving mo n puck
ghinco over his shoulder Because
folks are terrified of this road and como
to 6eo us but huliloiu sho has got to feul
ft most unioasonublu dread of visitors
Sho was oven ufraid of you coming till
wo showed her what folly it was for
b a
V i -
Sw Vl -
ru ah
DLHiND cuvtb pooar that ArrAia next coot
All 1 ciied somo 0110 sick in tho
Tho attack was too midden I saw her
recoil and forono iiiHtmit hesitate bofoio
replying Then her natural Milf posses
sion camo to her aid and hhu placidly
remai ked
Wo wero all up to a lato hour Inst
night as you know 1 1 was necessary
for us to have some food
I accepted tho explanation and niado
no further lemarks hut as 1 had caught
night on tho tiiy of tho half eaten por
tion of a certain dish wo had had for
bioukfust 1 leseived to myself tho privi
lege of doubting itH OMiet truthfulness
l IJI 11 1
jiui iu liuiui vu euiuii 4iiiyi iivu neiu p J i1 1 e 1 11 -
illU till 1IU1H til 11111 lltll I lilll
1 11 1 - t --
o doesnt liko Mr if i J e
Trohm thinks ho is altogother too
friendly to mo as if that was any of her
business Am I an idiot IIao I no1
sense Cannot 1 bo ti listed to tako earo
of my own affairs and keep my own so 1
crots Shes 11 weak silly chit to go
aud flop over liko this when d n it I
wo uuvo cnougn to iooic aiior wunouc
nursing her up and I mean ho said
flipping himself up with an air of po
lito consideration so out of keeping with
his usual churlishness as to bo moio
than noticeable that it cannot add
much to tho pleasuio of your visit to
have such things happen as this
Oh dont woiiy about mo I cried
curtly Got the poor girl in Ill look
after her
But as if sho heud these words and
was startled by them Lucetta lousul
in her brothers arms and struggled pis
bionatoly to her feet Oh what has
happened to mo she cried llavo I
said unj thing William hao 1 said
anything sho asked wildly clinging
to hor brother in terror
Ho gave her a look and pushed her
What aro you talking about ho
criod Ono would think you had borne
thiug to conceal
Sho steadied herself up in an instant
lam tho weakest of tho family
paid sho walking straight up to mo and
taking mo affectionately by tho arm
All my life I have been delicate and
theso turns aro nothing new to mo
Sometimes I think I will dio in ono of
them but I am quito restored now
sho hastily added as I could not help
showing my concern See I can walls
quito alone Ami she ran rather than
walked up tho fow short steps of tho
porch at which wo had now arrived
Dont toll Loi ecu sho begged as I
followed her into tho house Sho wor
ries so about mo and it will do no
William had stalked off toward tho
stables Wo weio therefore alone I
turned and laid a linger on her arm
My dear said 1 I neer mako
promises of this kind but I tan bo
trusted never to heedlessly slight any
onos wishes If I see no good reason
why I should tell your sister of this
fainting fit I shall certainly hold my
Sho seemed moved by my manner if
not by my words
Oh bhocried seizingmy hand and
pressing it If I dared to toll you of
my troublos But it is impossible quito
impossiblo And beforo I could urgo a
plea for her coufidenco she was gono
loaving mo iu tho company of Hannah
who at this moment was busying her
self with something at tho othor cud of
tho hall
I had no wish to intorforo with Han
nah just then I had my lettor to road
and wished to do it undisturbed So I
blipped iuto tho sitting room and caro
fully closed tho door Then I opened
my lettor
It was as I supposed from Mr Gryoo
and ran thus
Dkaii Miss Huttfiwoiith I nm nxtonlshod
nt your dotormiuiitioii but sinoo your deniro
to visit your frionds in such in to load you to
bravo tho dimijiTS of Lost Mnns lano nllow
mo to HUKKOnt certain i ucautionR which it in
for our credit as well an your own that you
First Do not trust anybody
Bocond Do not procLtil unywhoro nlono or
on foot
Third If tho dangers como to j ou and you
find yourholf in n condition of ruil peril blow
onco shrilly on tho whistle I incloao with this
If however tho danger is slight or you wish
merely to call the attention of those who will
be set to watch ovor you let tho blast bo
short sharp and repeated twice to summon
u sslstanco three times to call attention
I ad iuo you to fuston this w liistlu atout
your nock iu a way to mako it easily obtaina
I havo advised you to trust nobody I should
have excepted Mr Trohm but I do not think
you will be given nn opportunity to speak to
him Jioinombor that all depends upon jour
not awakening suspicion If however you
w ish iiUvico or dtsiro to make any communi
cation to mo or the man socretly holding
charge over this affair in X seek the first op
portunity of riding into town and go at onco
to tho hotel where jou will ask for room 8 It
has been retained iu your service and onco
nhown there you may expect a viultorwho
ill bo tho man you seek
As you will see every confidence is put in
your judgment
Thero was no signaturo to this it
needed none and in tho packot which
camo with it was tho whistle I was
glad to soo it aud glad to hear that I
was not loft ontiroly without protection
iii my soinowhat hazardous enterprise
Tho events of tho morning had been
so unexpected that till this inoniout I
had forgotten my early determination to
go to my room boforo any chango thoro
could bo made Recalling it now I
Htartod for tho staircase and did not stop
though I hoard Hannah behind calling
mo Tho consoquonco was that I camo
full tilt upon Miss Knollya ooming
down thojial with a tray in hor hand
million in iiiuini w iin iijul iiiniliu w
thoro being in tho houso some person of
whoso piesenco I was supposed to bo
ignorant not a pleasant thought under
tho cncuni tances but quito an im
portant fact to havo established 1 felt
that in this ono discovery I had clutched
tho thread that would yet lead mo out
of tho labyiinth of this mysteiy
Miss Knollys who was on her way
down stuns called Hannah to tako tho
tray and coming bade beckoned mo
towaid a door opening into ono of tho
liont looms
This is to be your room said she
but 1 do not know that I can moo you
Sho wtis calm so perfectly misties
of hoi self that 1 could not but admiio
her Lucetta would hao fhiblrjd and
lidgetcd but Lot ecu stood as erect and
placid as if no double weighed upon
her lioai t and tho woids weio as unim
portant in their charaeteras they seemed
Do not listless yourself said I
I told Lucetta last night that I was
perfectly comfoi table and had no wish
to change my quarters I am soiry you
should have thought it ncce saiy to dis
tuib yourself on my account last night
Dont do it again I pray you A wom
an like myself had rather put heiself to
homo slight inconvenienco than movo
I am much obliged to you said
sho and camo at onco fiom tho door I
dont know but after all I liko Lucet
tiib fidgety ways ab well as thib unmov
ed solt possession
Shall I older tho coach for you
sho suddenly asked as I turned toward
tho corridor leading to my room
Tho coach I repeated
I thought thut perhaps you might
liko to lido into town Mr Snnsbury is
tit leisuio this morning I regret that
neither Lucetta nor myself will bo ablo
to accompany you
I thought what this Minn Mr Sims
bury had said about Lucottas plan and
hesitated It was evidently their wish
to havo mo spend my morning elsow hero
than with them Should L humor them
or find ecuses for remaining home
Either course had its difficulties If I
went what might not tako place in my
absence If I remained what suspicions
I might rouse I decided to compromio
matters and stait for town oven if I did
not quito go thero
I am hesitating said I becauso I
noticed when I was standing at tho gate
with your brother two or three rather
threatening looking clouds toward tho
east But if you aro suro Mr Simsbuiy
can bo spared I think I will risk it I
really would liko to got a key for my
door and thon riding in tho country is
so pleasant
Miss Knollys with a bow passod im
modiatolydown stairs I went in a statu
of somo doubt toward my own room
Am I Boeing nil thoso things through
highly magnifying glasses thought L
I thought it very posbiblo yet not so
possiblo but that I cast very curious
glances at tho various closod doors I
had to pass beforo reaching my own
Such a little thiug would maku mo feel
liko trying thorn Such a little thing
that is nddod to tho other things which
had Hcemod to mo in any way unox
I found my lied niado and overything
inapplo pio order I had therefore noth
ing to do but proparo for going out
This I did quickly and was down stuirs
sooner porhaps than I was expected At
all ovonts William and Lucottu parted
very suddenly when thoy saw mo sho
iu toars aud ho with a dogged fahrug
and somo such word as this
Youro a fool to tako on so Sinco
its got to bo tho sooner tho better I
say Dont you seo that every minuto
makos loss our chances of concealment
It mndo mo fool liko changing my
mind und staying homo But tho habit
of a hfetimo is not easily brokoii into
I kopt to my first decibion
Mr Smibbury gave mo quito an ami
ablo bow us I enteral tho coach This
niado it easy for mo to say
You aro ou hand early this morn
ing Do you bleep in tho Knollys
Tho btaro ho gave mo had tho least
bit of suspicion in it
I live over yonder ho said point
ing with his whip across tho interven
ing woods to tho maiu road I como
through tho murbhes to mybreukfast
my old woman says thoy owoa mo threu
meals and throo meals I bhall haio
It was tno lougebt beutenco with
which ho had honored mo Finding ho
could tulk I proparod to mako mybolf
agreeablo a proceeding which ho seom
ed to appreciate for ho began to sniff
and pay groat attention to his horo
which ho was elaborately turning about
Why do ou go that way 1 ciied
Isnt it tho longest way to the vil
Its tho way 1 am most accustomed
to said he Hut wo can go the other
way if you liko Poilmps wo will get
u glimpse of Deacon Spear Moh a wid
ower jou know
The leer with which ho said this was
iutolctuhlo 1 bridled up but no I will
not admit that 1 so much as uiauifestod
by my manner that I mulct stood him 1
mutely expressed inj wish to go tho old
W ay
lie whipped up the hoi so at onco ill
most laughing outiight I begun to
think this man also tapabloof most any
wicked deed lie was foiccd however
to pull up suddenly Diiectly in our
road was tho stooping llguio of a worn
an She did not nioo as wo advanced
and so wo had no iiltornatho but to
stop Not till tho hoisoH head touched
her shoulder did sho movo Then sho
rose up and looked at us somewhat in
Didnt you hear us I asked will
ing to open eonvei sat ion witli tho old
crone whom 1 had nodilHculty in iccog
niing as Mother Juno
Shes deaf deaf as a post unit
teied Mr Siuisbury No use shouting
at her His tone was brusque yet 1
noticed ho waited with gieat patience
for hor to hoblilo out of the way
Meanwhile 1 was watching tho old
creatine with much inteiest Sho had
not a common lace or a common manner
Sho was gray sho was toothless sho
was haggaul and she was hen but sho
was not ordinaiy or just ono of tho
crowd of old women to bo suiioucoun
tty dooi stops Thero was force in her
aged movements and a strong individu
ality in tho glances sho shot at us as sho
backed slowly out of tho roadway
Do they say sho is nnliecilo I asked
Sho looks far fiom foolish to mo
Hearken a bit said ho Dont
you seo she is mtitteiiiig Sho talks to
hoi soli all tho tnno And in fact hor
lips wore moving
I cannot hear her 1 said Mako
her come neuer Somehow tho old oioa
turo interests mo
f 3zvr --
iriK i r
- i rfrjty lAr
her greed I was inclined to think it
the latter for her pottly llguio was far
fiom looking eitlui ill fed or pooily
caied foi llei boss wasa decent calico
and hoi pipe had evidently been lately
filled for 1 could smell the odor of to
hacco iiImhiI hor Indeed as 1 ultoiwaid
hcuul tho good people of X had never
allow id her to stiirer Yet hot llngets
closed upon that coin as if Iu it sho
grasped the salvation of her life and iu
to her eyes leaped a light that mndo her
look almost ouug hough nIio must
have been fully HI if not mom
What do jou suppose sho will do
tdth that 1 asked Mr Sunshiny as
hhu turned iivvny iu tin evident fear I
might lepetit mo of my Imiguiu
1 link I was his brief ros mnso
She is talking now
1 did hnrlt and heaul these winds fall
from hi i quleklj moving lips
Nventv IH and now or 10
whlih shall it bo
liugon for 1 had given her lfi cents
an amount quite dilleient fiom any sho
hud mentioned
Suvoiityl Sho was repeating tho
figures again this time in a tout of al
most frenied elation SoventylThiity
eight ami now l or 10 Wont Llzio
ho suipiiseill Seventy I Thiily 1
hcuul no moio sho had hounded into
her cottage and shut tho door
Waal what do jou think of her
now chuckled Mr Simsbuiy touching
up his hoiso Shes always liko that
saying ovei ntimbeis and iniittoiiug
about Lizzie Liio was her tluughtoi
lutj veaisago she inn oil with a man
from Hoston and for I8 yeais sites been
lying in a Massachusetts giave Hut her
mother still thinks sho is alive and is
coming back Nothing will ever maku
her think dilVoient Hut shes lmimloss
pei feet ly harmless You neednt bo
afeniil of her
This becauso I cast a look In hind mo
of moio than oidinaij curiosity I sup
pose Why weio they all so sine sho was
liaimless I hud thought her epiession
a little al liming at times especially
Vhen she took tho money fiom my
hand If I hud rofiiMtl it or even hold
it back a little I think sho would havo
r xcjr m i traw v i f mm i i i
Z v I
aSSX KVYkaiJ7TtVl Sc t I T
LucrrvA is a fool hi mum
Ho at once beckoned to tlio crono nut
ho might as well havo beckoned to tho
treo uguinst which sho had pushed her
self Sho noither answored him nor gavo
any indication that faho understood tho
gesturo ho hud niado Yot her eyes nev
er moved from our facos
Woll well said I sho seoms
dull as woll as deaf You had hotter
drivo ou But boforo ho could givo tho
necessary jork to tho reins I caught
sight of somo ponnyroyal growing about
tho front of tho cottago a fow stops be
yond and pointing to it with bomo
eagornobs I criod If thero isnt somo
of tho vory herb I wont to tako homo
with mo 1 Do you think sho would givo
mo a handful of it if I paid her
With an obliging grunt ho again
pulled up If you can mako her un
derstand said ho
I thought it worth tho effort Though
Air Gryco had been at pains to toll mo
thero was no harm in this woman and
that I need not even consider her in my
inquiries I romomberod that Mr Gryco
hud sometimes niado mistakes in just
such matters as theso and that Amelia
Butterworth had felt hersolf culled upon
to sot him right If thut could happen
onco why not twico At ull ovents I
was not going to loso tho loast chanco
ot making tho acquaintance of tho peo
plo living in thislauo Hud ho not him
self baitl that only in this way could wo
hope to como upon tho clew that had
eludod all open ollorts to find it
Knowing that tho sight of money was
tho strongest appeal that could bo made
to ouo living iu such abject poverty as
tins woman making tho blind to bee
and tho deaf to hear I drow out my
pnrso and held up beforo hor a piccu of
silver Sho bounded us if sho had been
shot aud when I hold it toward hor
sho camo greedily forward and stood
oloso besido tho wheels looking up
Kor you I indicated after making
a motion toward tho pluiit which had
attracted my attention
Sho looked from mo to tho herb and
nodded with quick appreciation As in
a flash sho seemed to tako in tho fact
that I was u stranger a city lady with
memories of tho country and tins hum
ble plant aud going to it with tho same
swiftness sho had duplaycd m advanc
ing to tho carriage sho toro off several
of tho bprays and brought them back to
mo holding out her hand for tho niouoy
I had never been greater eagerness
und I think oven Mr Salisbury was as
tonishod at this proof of her poverty or
lallcn upon mo tootli unii nail l wish
ed I could have had a peep into hor cot
tago Mr Gryco had described it as four
walls mid nothing more aud indeed it
was not only of tho humblest piopor
tions but had tho look of being a mcro
shanty ruisod to protect hor from tho
weather Thero was ovon no yard at
tached to it only a little open place in
front in which a fow of tho commonest
vegetables grow such as turnips car
rots and onions Elsowhoro grow tho
forest tho groat pino forest through
which this portion of tho road ran
Mr Sinibbury hud been so talkativo up
to now that I was iu hopo ho would en
ter into somo details about tho persons
ami things wo encountered which might
assist mo in tho acquaintanceship I was
anxious to mako But his loquacious
ness ended with this small adventure I
havo just described Not till wo wero
woll quit of tho pines and had entered
into tho mam thoroughfare did ho deign
to respond to any of my biiggestions
and thou it was iu a manner totally un
satisfactory aud quite iioncominuiuca
tive Tho only thing ho deigned to offer
a remark upon was tho little crippled
child wo saw looking from its window
as wo emerged from tho forebt
Why hows this said he Thats
Suo you sco thero and hor timo isnt
till artcr noon Bob idlers sits thero of
a mornin I wonder if tho little chaps
sick Sposo I ask
As this was just what I would havo
ruggested if ho had given mo timo I
nodded complacently and wo drove up
und stopped
Tho piping voico of tho child at onco
Epoko up
How dyo do Mr Simfibury Mas
in tho kitchen Bob isnt feohu good to
I thought her tono had a touch of
mjFtenousness in it I greeted tho palo
littlo thing and asked if Boh wus often
Nover sho answered oxcopt liko
mo ho cannot walk But Im nut to
talk about it ma says Id liko to but
Mas facu appearing at this moment
over her shoulder put an cud to this in
nocent garrulity
How dyo do Mr Simsbury camo
a second timo from tho window but
this timo iu vory different tones
WhatB tho child been saying Shes
so hot up at being allowed to tako her
brothors placo in tho winder that sho
dont know how to keep her tonguo
still Bobs a littlo languid thats all
Youll see him in his old placo
low And she di ovv back us if iu pi ill tit
intimation hut wo might ihivnou
Mr Simsbuiy responded to tho sug
gestion mid Iu allot her mouieul wo weto
Hotting down the road Had wo slaiil a
milium lougei I think tho child would
have said something moio or less Inter
esting to hear Sho IooIiimI blunting w ilia
iideslio for gossip but then goodness
mo who wouldnt if obliged like her
to sit iu one w itidow tho half of ho lim
you did iiol spend iu a littlo dink bed
room uinlii tho eaves of ft eoltago whoso
whole dimoiiNloiiHititilil bo embiiieiil by
tho walls of my pubu
Tho hoi so whlih hud brought us bus
fur at a piettv hbiiiptint now begun to
lug as wo ill evv into town taking up ho
much of Mr Sinisbiiij s aid iilion that
ho loigot to aiiswei oven bv a giimt
more than hall of my quest Inns lie
spent most of his lime looking nl tho
nags hind feel und Anally Just as wo
camo iu light of thosloies ho found
his tongue Hiilllcieiillj In miiioiiiiee that
tho hoi so was casting ft shoo and 1 1 nt t
ho would bo obliged to go to the hhu Ic
smiths with her
Humph and how long will that
tako I iiskul
lie besilalid so long rubbing his
noso with his flugoi thai I glow sus
piciotis and cast a glum u al 1 1 in Iioisoh
foot inj self Tho shoo was loose I be
gun to hear it clung
Waal it may bo a mat tor of ft cou
plo of boms ho finally ill aw led Wo
liiivo no blacksmith in town and ho
lido up theio is twotniles Soiry it hap
pened maam but times shops heio
you see and Ive alb is heatdthal ft
woman can easilj spi ml two bonis hag
gling away in shops
1 glanced at tho two ill furnished
windows ho poiutul out thought nl Ar
nold A Constables Titlunys und tho
other New Yoik eslal lishmeiitN I had
been iu tho hubil o v islling and sup
picssed my ilisiliiiu lalhor tho man
was a loot in ho was tiding a pail iu
tho inteiests ol Lucdlii aud hoi lumily
I lathii inclined tolho luttei supposi
tion II tho plan was to keep mo out
most ol tho moiuing why could that
shoo nut have In en looseni d In Into ho
lei I tho stable
I nuuloall necessiii j pui bases while
in NewYoik snid I but il jou nnisl
get the hoiso shod wbj lake him oil
and do it 1 suppose them is a hotel pal
lor iieai heio wheio I t an sit
Oh jos ami ho made husto In
point out to mo when- tho hotel stood
And its a veiy nice place niunni
Mis Out tor tho landlady is Ihe nn est
suit ol poison Only jou wont try to
go homo maiiiii on fool Youll wait
till I can come back for you
It isnt likely Ill go streaking
through Lost Mans lane alone I i
indignantly Idialhei sil in
Mrs Callers pulor till night
And 1 would advise jou to ho
said No use making gossip lor tho
villtgo folks Tiny have enough to talk
about as it is
Not exact 1 j seeing the foil o of this
reasoning but quite willing seeing that
ho had no intention of taking mo back
at once that ho should have mo to my
own devices as soon as possible I point
ed to a locksmiths shop I saw neai by
and bade him pill mo down llieie
With fthinfi I might havo intei pretul
iu any wij ho diovo up to ho spot I
pomttd out and awkwaidlj assist d mo
to alight
Trunk key missing he entuiti
befoie getting back into Ins scat
I did not think it mccssaiy to answer
him but walked imnniluitily into tho
slum I thought bo looked dissalislii d
at this but whaltvir weio his fi elings
ho mounted picsontly to his placo and
drove oil I was loft lonhonling thodo
cent man who icpri sen ted tho lock fit
ting nit rests in X
I found somo difficulty iu broaching
my errand Finally I said
Miss Knollys who lives up tho road
over there wishes a key fitted to one of
her doors Will you como or send up
thoro today Sho was too occupied to sco
about it herself
Tho man must havo been struck by
my appearance for ho btared at mo
cmito curiously for u minuto Then ho
gavo a hem and a haw and said
Certainlj What kind of a door
is it When 1 had answered ho
gavo mo another curious glance and
heemed uneasy to step back to where his
ussistuut was winking with a file
You will bo suro to como in timo to
havo Ihe lock fitted by night I said in
that pcrumptory manner of mine which
means simply I attend to things when
and where I piomiso and expect you to
do the sumo
His Certainly struck mo ns a littlo
weaker this time jKissibly becauso his
curiosity was excited Aro you tho
lady who is staying with them from
Now York ho asked stopping back
seemingly quito uiiuwul hy my positive
Yes said I thawing a tnfio I
am Miss Butterworth
Ho looked at mo almost as if I wero a
And did you sleep thero ho urged
last night
I thought it best to thaw still moro
Of course I said Whiro do you
think I would sleep Tho young ladies
aro friends of mine
Ho rapped abstracted on tho counter
with a small key ho was holding
Kxoiibo mo said ho with somo ro
ineinbranco of my position toward him
as a stranger but werent ou afraid
Afraid I echoed Afraid in Miss
Knollyb house
Why then do you want a koy to
your door ho asked with a slight ap
pearance of excitement Wo dont lock
doors hero in tho village at leant wo
I did not say it was my door I be
gan but feeling that this wus a prevari
cation not onlj unworthy of me but
ono that ho was entirely too sharp to
accept I added stiflly It is for my
door I am not accustomed oven at
homo to bleep with my room unlocked
Oh ho murmured totally uncoil-
vinccd I thought you might havo got
a scare JolUs somehow aro afraid of
that old place its so big and ghostlike
I dont think you would find any one in
this village Hint would sleep thoro all
A pli using prepaiaUon for mv rest
them liiiilgbl I giimly hiughi d
Dangcis on tho mad and ghosts In
tho houso Happily I dont believe iu
tho hitler
The gesliitoho mndo showed Inrroilu
lily lie bad euisi d nipping with tho
key or oven In show any wish to join
his asvisluut All his thoughts for tho
moment sieuuil to bo com entiiiteil ou
You iloul know lilllii Unh ho in
qililed the nlppled lad who lives at
ho head of Ihe lano
No I Mid I havent been iu
own a duy jel hut I mean to Know
Hub and his slsloi loo Two ci Ipples Iu
one fiimtlj louse my inloiest
lie did not say why ho had spoken of
him but began tapping with his key
Aud jou aiosuro you saw nothing
ho whispcicd Lots of things i an hap
pin Iu a lonely mad liko that
Not il ovdjbody is us afiaid to en
i r it us jou say jour villageis mo I
ii oiled
Hut ho didnt yield a jot
Some IoIIih dont mind piosiut dan
gers Mild ho Splilts
Hut he ti i oivi il no eiicoiiiagomenl Iu
his leliiiu In Huh topic You dont bo
liovoiu Hpiiitsf iiiiul ho Well they
me iloublliil sort of IoIIih but when
limn sl and itspcduhlo n oplo such us
live in this tnwii when chihlieu oven
hie what iiuswtis to nothing bill pliiiu
loins tin n I lean uibei what a wisoi man
than unj ol us it if o said Hut peihaps
you 1iii I lead Shakespeaio miidiniC
Nonplus d Inr Ihe moment but in
teiohtul iii the mans talk moio Ihiiu
was i onsisti lit w ill need of haste I
said with slime spllit lor it sllllek mo
as vi iv ililiiiiloiis that this counliy mo
ihiiitii should qin sl ion my know lulgo
ol thogiiiitesl iIiiiiiiiiIisI ol nil thin
Simla spoon anil the liililn tin n t tho
staple ol i i i leading Atwliuhho
gavo men Utile und ol apologj and has
ti m il lo lemiii K
I lion von know what I mean Ham
lets lelliillk lo lloiulio 1 1 mi tin it I hi to
am mini things i m Ymu nieiniuv
will minlilj supplv you with tho winds
I siguilli il mj s il istut i ion and pi i lei I
coinpn heiision ol Ins meaning anil lul
lug that soiin thing mum nnpoiliiiit lay
behind Ins winds than had j l uppiaiid
I enileavini il to malo him spiak mom
I ho Misses Knollys show no leiror
of then home I oliseivid Tluj nil
not believe in spirits nit lit I
Miss KihiIIjs is a woman ol a gie it
deal ol huiiilti Mini he Hut look
at Luietta I heio is a Iu e for j ou liu
a gn I not jet out of hei twi nlii anil
such a ioiiiiiI ihiekdl lass as sho was
iiKol Now what has made thoihangi
I ho sightsauil souudsof that old house
1 say Nothing else would give hi i thut
scaled look nothing mciely moi tal I
J his was going a stop too far I could
not discuss Lucetta with this stranger
much as 1 would like to have known
just what ho had to say about hor
1 dont know J lemonstrati il tak
ing up my bliu k satin bug without
which 1 novel slir One would think
tho tenoiHof tin lauosho lives in might
in count for some appeiiauco of ft at ou
hei pint
Yes snd ho but with no viry
hi iii ly iidmittunu so it might But
Limit i hts novel sjiokt u ot those dan
giis The people in the bine do not
seem to f in them at all It is wo out
sulcrs who dont know what to mako of
the thing Even Diucon Spcur says that
set aside the wickedness ol tho thing
ho iathci enjoys tho poet which the ill
loputn of tho lano gives him 1 dont
understand tins myself I havo no rel
ish for mysteries liko that or for ghobts
You wont forget tho koj I said
preparing to walk out in my dread lest
ho would introduce again tho subject of
No said ho I wont forget it
But thero wus something not quite
hearty in his voico which should havo
warned mo that I need not expect to
havo u locked door thut night
To be Continued Noxt Week
Drink Iniln O
af tor you havo concluded that you ought
not to drink coiTeo It is not a inodiciuo
but doctors order it becauso it is
healthful invigoiating and appotizing
It is mndo from pure grains and has
that rich soul brown color aud tastes
liko tho finest grades of coffeo and costH
about -- as much Children liko it and
thrive on it becauso it is a gonuino food
drink containing nothing but nourish
ment Ask your grocer for Grain O
tho now food dunk lfi and Si cents
One thing is certain
Hair -Vigor
5 makes hair grow