The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 19, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Hiimr IiiIitinIIiik NJiirlm f Oic
CrinilO NiHtno r tin- SUHT Wtileli
n liiixi lllnnler sitjn Ik n
dlrltir ik ii Viittniiii
A oitrtildge tif dynamite Is ptutty
much a woman jo nocr H
what It Is pilug do si titHo It
doesnt know itself mild a boss blast
er I have seen a powder salesman
throw a cartridge of dynamite Into Iho
lodhot tin l0 of a JO horse boiler
and lie stuff Just burned llku lard
Net day I mw a art loy repeat the
cporlmont with a blacksmiths torgo
nml a pill of dyiMiinltn no larger than
ti pen and thero will he u wholosomo
fear and Mft coal In that boy as hum
itM he lives
I have soon n ease of 100 sticks of
dynanilto fall H00 fuel down n Hhaft
nnd never wink and Ive soon an In
Ohm drop a half cartridge from bin
hand to bin boot and not a gronso spot
did the poor follow leuvo behind At
that the ponr fellow deserved a better
fate for bo made a desperate light for
It linforo lu sent lured
Ho waH loading a bloek bole at Iho
time and bad Just broken a tililno
In half when ho dropped one of tbo
pieces Before It could touch the
ground he sort of half caught It and
thou began a dosporntu brief Juggling
net Again and again bo half caught
the deadly thing Then be mlHHed It
He made 0110 last effort and stuck out
his foot to break the fall against the
hard ground but It didnt work Thoro
was a bang ami It Was lucky no olio
stood near him Which shows that
dynamite Is like a woman becaiiHo In
my time 1 have dropped similarly bun
dreds of cartridges of dynamite and
still 1 am hero and wltji a good dl
Hut It Is In winter when dynamltu
freezes that It Is most eaprlclous
Then If you want It to go oil It Hlmply
refuses or burns with a dull ronr
like a boiler blowing off steam It Is
In thawing dynamite that most of tbo
necldents happen about which you
read There are two ways of thawing
dynamite one by placing tbo car
tridges on a Hteam holler or within safe
distance of a lire the other by Immers
ing them in palls of hot water As the
hitter method draws out considerable
of the nitroglycerin from the car
tridges and therefore weakens thoin
it Is often discarded In favor of tbo
more risky thawing by an open lire
I once saw an experienced powder
man thaw a doon cartridges by an
open lire though as the sequel will
show be completely lost bis betid
when suddonly confronted with an un
usual umergeuoy Ho had placed the
cartridges within a foot of an open
wood tiro and had seated himself near
by to await developments when one
of the cartrldgos caught lire
Had ho left It to burn Itself out tbo
chances aro a thousand to one that
nothing very startling would have hap
pened for It Is concussion and not tlreT
that explodes dynamite Instead he
rushed forward picked up the burning
stick by ouo ond and holding it up
ward like a candle began to blow and
blow until hu was black in the face
Ho never let go until the lame began
to nip his lingers and then In his ex
citement ho threw the cartridge to the
ground and began to stamp and grind
ou It with his hods as If ho were kill
lug n snake alul by thunder he
stamped out the burning cartridge and
lived to tell about It I The cart boys
called him Angel after that because
by rights hu ought to he an angel now
Ouo day a professor from Stevens
Institute of Technology came to the
quarry and aiked me to perform a
certain experiment for him We
printed with dynamite direct from a
newspaper on to a block of Iron The
professor said the experiment proved
most Interesting as he had discovered
among other things that dynamite1
works downward and uot upward like
black powder Out4 way of proving
tliat hi a quarry Is to lay a stick dr
dynamltu on top of a bowlder After
the hot the bowlder Is smashed to
Hut tbo professor bad hs own no
tions Ho carried three round blocks
of Iron six Inches in diameter and
three Inches thick Then he took a
newspaper from his pocket and spread
one sheet over the face of the block
1 placed hair a stick of dynamite on
top and covered it with a Utile Leap
of sand and touched her off You
would hardly believe the result but
you can see the block on exhibition Iti
a glass ease In the Stevens Institute
library anil you can read on It distinctly-of
course the type appears
backward the printing of that part of
ilie paper which covered the block at
the time of the explosion
Hut the professor bad another
wrinkle up his sleeve He picked an
ordinary oak leaf and spread It over
the face of a second block I prepar
ed a charge similar to the first and
this time the ribs of the leaf and even
its outlines appeared distinctly press
ed Into the iron surface According
to the professbr the action of the dv
lanilto was so quick that the ribs of
the leaf had not time to bqrst apart
before they were Impressed on the
Irou In the case of the uevyspaper
the printed letters were harder than
the surrounding white of the paper
therefore the Impression
The professor Jlijid block Is not on
exhjbltjfii for lite reason that we never
found a Piece of It larger than a elovo
and tii reminds me what do you
MijV Tie reporter bald Yes-Chicago
Inter Ocean
The careful reader of a few good
in a year
tlmu u4ottt scholars do hi their1 great
iyrjWlW7 tf JJ Sanborn
How llio Glnnta iif tin Yonrmltr lm
lirnnarit it Tenvelcr
We made a side tilp to the big trees
of the Mariposa group which aro
about one boiirH rldo from the hotel
says a correspondent ir tbo smallest
of these trees could bu planted any
where In Pennsylvania the railroads
would run excursion trains to It and
make money The trees In this grove
are so large that It lakes u good while
Mitt of lir MfruiiKP SIkIiIb to Do Sn
III Mimtlli Street-
In this city of strange and unusual
sights there Is probably nothing that
appears so strange at llrst Bight to
the Amcricar as t lie Chinese car clean
er pursuing his calling ou tho street
corners The Chinaman so engaged Is
provided with a stool and a small
bamboo case In which are Inclosed
his Instruments
The IiMllpluo Is Just as sure of bnv
lug his ears cleaned ou Sunday as au
American Is of having a shave and In
the by streets and alleyways they line
up for all the world like a barber
shop on Sunday morning the only
difference being the Chinaman cant
say iiuni
liMrsl of nil the Chluo takes a razor
which looks more like a propeller
blade than anything else and wiping
the victims face with a wet rag pro
ceeds to mop the dirt therefrom While
watching this part of the proceedings
I was surprised at the flexibility of the
native nose as demonstrated by the
skillful lingers of the operator To
windward to leeward on Its stern
beam and bow the natives nose Is
rapidly twisted to avoid the aforesaid
razor Having removed the reai es
tate from the natives face the China
man turns to the more dlllleult task
of ear cleaning The smallest spot of
dirt and the tiniest flush worm Is re
moved before the operation Is com
plete and from the heavenly expres
sion one would Imagine that the oper
ation was anything but pleasant Ma
nila Freedom
Two Iolltlvlniia
One of the tlrst things done by a
stranger visiting Albany says the1
Philadelphia Call Is to pay L5 cents
and put himself at the mercy of a
capltol guide
Lhe guide makes a profound and
obsequious bow like a prestidigitator
about to charm an audience and pro
ceeds to lift the jjoJH Which hides the
mystics tjf pie great tyijldlne
0n a rteijut occasion tljet guide ed a
Btriing6rrogotfuUy pasjt McJutys
empty frame and proceeded to menti
fy the beads of notyilep fyat jdeeordjo
the stairway neiljd fjirly wcji uull
tlie itrttiifter pqliiteij out hakespeuru
and Flopier alul ased wjlicj they yt
Them replied the jfiilde undaunt
ed are the ieads of tWP pplltleiuns
whose names I dlsrenieuiber
Noppuptjr OliliuirlfB
By this lino one would think near
ly everybody has censed to wonder
at tho yny In whloji newspapers can
eoipe out with column after cquuiu of
biography the very mornjng after
some eminent person has passed away
and It Is an open secret that a care
fully written life bus been pigeon
holed in the otllce for months nay
years before
HQJfaplles Interviews personal
paragraphs nil yled their quota to the
compiling of an obituary put in some
cases tlie subject has the grewsoqie
expedience of bejuf wajted upon while
yet living to furnish materials for tho
notlceTT Inelnnnll Knqulrer
The Luresl iturfl itrldtre
Down ou Pine creek uear Camp
Verde A T is a natural lrldge that
Is probably grenter than any other In
the world it Is nearly live times the
size of the natural bridge of Virginia
ami has a span of more than fiOO feet
across Pine creek which Is dry 800
days in the year the height of tho
bridge Is about SO foet and It Is about
000 feet wide Chicago Record
Vlflorlnn Urn Cxiilnliiitl
Why Is It asked Miss Hook wise
that literature always nourishes
wliciirU tpieeu comes to he throne
Ueciiise suppose uiuwcred Mr
vnowllnes Jf one wnnta to be poet
laureate he uas to write to the queeus
taster New Vorlt Couiinerclftl Adver
EmiufKTyjiiuiisiYMQCTtQlii9 m
hIzii of the biggest of thetn The
tlrl77ly Hunt Is l feet through at
tlie base and over 5100 feet high This
tree would overtop the spires on the
rittsburg cathedral by about J 00 feet
Tbo trunk of this tree Is 100 feet
clear to the Jlrst limb which Is JO feet
in olrohinforoncc Many other trees
here aro noaijy as largo ns this one
nnd thero aro -100 In the grove
TJirough ItjSevoral tuunqlp have been
cut and a Cour burpe stage can go
through them tuiuiels on the run and
nqver grizo n hub Ypu Kpt uu ap
proach to an adequate Idea of ther
slao by walklpg off a bundled yards or
ho while tJu stage Is standing ut the
foot of a tree and glauclpg from top
to bottom keeping the singe In mind
as a means of comparison Tbu stage
and horses look like tan little tin outnt
that Santa Clause brought you when
yop were a good little boy
Thetjo trees are no longer to be called
the largest In the world howevor A
modes of eucalyptus has been found
In Australia as large or larger Uiuer
son warns us against the use of tho
superlative but when you aro In this
region of the globe you cant get along
without a liberal use of it Ue himself
Hays of Ypsemlie It s the only spot
I have ever found that came up to the
brag And as I stood In the big tree
grove I repieinbered that some one
galled Kniorson himself the Sequoia
qf the human race Pittsburg Dis
A of WMeJicrnft In lUiRlnnal tu
tin1 fHVtiltMli CVntliry
Hole Is a slory of1 wltchcralt Tho
lord olof justice Holt of England
who llourlfjhed In the seventeenth cen
tury told It of himself As a young
tnati perhaps more sprightly than
some lie found himself once In the
country without any money lie went
however boldly to tho lirflt roadfddu
Inn and ordered bed and hoard By
to fully appreciate the facta about the j the fireside be saw a girl shivering
With ague Why let your child nut-
for lie asked I wlll cure her for
you lit a single night Thereupon hi
wrote certain characters on a slip Of
paper hilled It up In a cloth and told
the girl to tie that round her heck slid
to go lo bed and III the morning she
would be Well Thin she did Well
did site rest ami In the morning she
was well
Holt stayed n Tew dayH nt tho lun
ami ou his departure boldly asked for
his bill Sir said the hostess It Is
I who owe you not you who oWq me
Ho he departed eorty years after
ward being on circuit be had to try a
woiititn charged with sorcery and
witchcraft She healed sick persons
mlraculouuly and therefore by the
help of the devil Helng questioned
she acknowledged that she used a
charm which generally worked a cure
Let me look at It said the Judge
She handed him a small cloth roll
Within l he found a paper with cer
tain characters Then the memory of
his ttlek came back to Jilni
You were yourseir he said once
cured of an ague by tho use of this
charm V
She said that was so Then he turned
to the JUry and related the whole story
and dismissed the poor old woman
Hut as for the charm the court Im
pounded It and the poor witch lost her
power Uetrolt News
Irnitliniiit iit of n Woman With
hi vcn Clillx to AlnUc
Seven visits to make In one after
noon I Well I think I can manage it
Some of them may uot be at home
and 1 can mnke an early start Let me
sec Theres that auecdoto about Kth
els fox terrier and the cute speech of
little Hob and that awfully clever
thing that Dexter told the other night
about the Goddess of Liberty Is that
all 1 have in stock V Oh dear not
Theres that quotation from Tho
Lnouniatio Woman that struck me
so 1 havent got It off to any one yet
and 1 dare say it will go as original
Nut one person In ten has heard of
The Pneumatic Woman
Is that enough for seven calls Im
afraid not Well theres always the
weathun lteally If It came to the
point Id rather talk Interestingly
about any old subject than stupidly
about a brand now one Theres more
art In It 1 wonder if I dare risk that
Joko about Clara again Ive told It
so mnny times lately Indeed 1 wont
bu Bore that some of tho times were
not nt tho very plnccs Im golug
How moan it Is that Maude made
me promise not to repeat that lovely
bit of gossip she gave mo this morn
ing I havent heard anything so de
licious for a long time Well with a
sigh I promised on my word of hon
or 1 wouldnt tull and another sigh
why here we are nt Mrs Some
bodys I wonder If 1 have enough to
talk about for seven calls Oh well
some of thoin may bo out and oh
dear if I only hadnt promised
Maude Cincinnati lOuqulrer
Wholly lloinirnnr d
No maam I dont like em said
Mr Cuinroflvth ejupbjisjs Im free
tojjay those dialect qtores makes me
tired llnlf tho words In em aint lp
tlie dictionary
Uutjiou might cultivate a liking for
them sad bis yjfes sister It Ib
Hqmethlpg like musje Xou may not
hYo pipuhpffjp juap for it at flrstlut
lfypu keep at Itypp will soon appre
ciate It
We maybe I will soue day fjuf t
id rather jiye spjucthuig solid U
like to begu pfi some of my youngest
gfrjs wpql uooks and go rbjlitj
uirougu em inat s ine son oi reuprj
lug tbutjil enjoy speudlug tluie ou
Ho picked up one of his daughters
books which happened to bo ylpg
nm It was a copy pf Virgil whloli
his lnugutei bud beep tranqhitlpg Info
Kngllsh He stared splemidy a tho
nrsi page or tuu jjitin epic tor awniio
nnd then slowly turned the leaf When
his eyes bad got down to he mlddJo
of the next page he laid tltu volume
down with a sigh
Its no use ho exclaimed regret
What Is of no use
My trying to read dialect And I
must say that this thing of tenchln
It In the public schools strikes me as
plaguy foolishness Washington Star
Cltnmiilim Trouble orroncf
I have known a good mapy borrow
ers of trouble said the man with t
glasses bpt the worst case I think Is
hat of a friend of iniup yho has pick
ed out his own pallbearers and maq
them all promise that they will luslst
upon having proljos stuck lio him be
fore be Is burled so as to be sure that
ho is rcnHy dead
That Is an aggravated case replied
his companion but 1 know of one that
beats It The wife of a poet of piy
acquaintance Is worrying because be
piay get rich ami go out iu society
where they will flutter and spoil him
-Chicago Times Hei aid
A luM Itcply
WhatU I do Willi this lot of raw re
crpltsV nsked be Pucllic Islander
Kay recruits echoed the chief ah
eentmludedly WJiais the use of
bothering me with such foolish ques
tions Turn eni oyer tp the cpokJ r
Washlujgtgu fcr
53tr 3WKwn
were ypu
I wouldnt tlilnk ont dlitrcu
II I rre you
I wouldnt eini onre contfM
To tier frclhiR dW
Hut wlith tlie mm U fll dUprxfd
lo olilnc upon our tririiilt nnd lun
Id lie lllltlllt ltli Wli lew
II I wire you
Juit Iti It rnin or enow or tlilne
Twill liflnfc hu Mr
Tu Maine tnhtortutie or ttplna
I lie InnRiKt Innc
Will fnd koiniUlnf hl ftry tly
Hvsck uill Mourn h Ion u tho wtj
IKiuiikc ijt rain
Then Miik jour notiftnf try tt roil mult
Hut keep In view
TU MUU iwul lixplrliiK trust
Tints nhAs due
Td tlictn tlist strive to llc ioe
All nirllily tMnx txeiUriK lote
Id lut ill otlur trtfuuro runt
It I uiic juil
Facti and Plctloa
SlinkPHiirnreH Conceit Iliiiln n Conn
loriiurt In Itonlltr
When Shakespeare put In the mouth
of Hamlet tho curious conceit about
the dtist of the great Alexander hav
ing become loam and then stopping n
bungholo In a beer barrel he lind Boom
ed to reach the ultimate extravagance
of Imagination Yet near tho Portn
Balarla a still more unexpected ex
travagance was revealed after the ex
cavations carried on thoro In thoso
a cipptis or sepulchral column con
taining a cinerary urn of rare oriental
alabaster was brought to light Tlie
Inscription on the clppus revealed that
the ashes contained within the urn
were thoso of Calpunlus Plso Llcinl
anus who In February A D 09 was
proclaimed Caesar by tho lOmperor
Gulbra Kotlr days afterward Jalbra
was killed and Plso also suffered
death In ids thlrty llrst year His were
tho ashes that the alabaster urn con
The precious urn wns given to a
workman employed on tho premises to
take care of Some days nfter -when
the proprietor of tho place nBked for
tho urn he found It empty Whore
snld he are tho ashes that wore
hero The workman surprised said
that lie gathered them together and
never dreaming that they were any
good but being white nnd clean scut
them to his wife to make lye for her
washing And thus said tho Into
Shakespeare Wood describing this In
cident linve the ashes of an Imperial
Caesar adopted by Galbra as Tiberius
was adopted by Augustus and accept
ed by tho senate been used more than
IS centuries after his death by a Ro
man washerwoman to cleanse her dirty
linen together with tlie nshes of other
members or the family In whose veins
lowed the noble blood of Crassl and
of Poinpey the Great Baltimore Sun
Ilia Xorve Won
It was such n good Joke on mo
snld the girl In grny to the girl In bluo
as they stirred their chocolato that I
must toll you
You know how John has boon pro
posing to mo nt regular Intervals ever
since he was out of knickerbockers
Well he did It again tho other night
and with his usual facility chose an
occasion when 1 was very cross
lie did It a little more awkwardly
than usual too deliberately choosing
the old fashioned method of offering
me his hand ami heart
Here she paiibed to drink some choc
olate ami the girl In bluo nsked
breathlessly what she said
Oh remarked tho other In tho
tone of one relating an event of no
Importance I told him thnt 1 believed
I was already provided with the full
quota of bodily organs and thnt I
wouldnt deprive bim
And what did he say
Well Belle thats the funny thing
He Boemed to brace up and said po
litely that nti nny rate thero was no
doubt about my having my full share
of cheek And I wns so delighted toi
lind ft man capable of oven that much
repartee- ou being rejected thnt I nc i
ocptcd Cincinnati Enquirer
linvtthojrne nnd Salem
Way down in a little fiidestrcet in
alep s Uawthoinos birthplace It
Is modest but withal a proper house
with a gambrnl roof wltnont which
nobpuspeed apply for the position of
brjuglpg forth celebrities Boyond is
tjiftt bflie of a custom house nnd all
nround are houses of seven gablos
You will be pursued by little boys who
spot your tourlsCHiintont nud who give
you Hawthornes lilMory at a rate that
threaten Die urchlus tongue and
tcejh When they aro through If you
have apt pnderstood it all they will
say It all oyer agalp A peuuy In tho
slot phonograph could do It no better
Time and tlie Hour
A llipiitf kiilile Crvr
The niosj remarkable odlchil careor
in the United States was thnt of lohu
Quuey Adapus It attended over
year aud tjnhraeed 15 years In the
diplomatic service as minister to Bus
sla Prussia aud the Netherlands llvo
years as senator oght yjmrfsas secre
tary of state four years as proBjdont
nnd 10 years is a representative in con
Uuiinirs Drink
Somebody asked Itobert Bonner once
If ho were a teetotaler
Am I a teetotaler No said Mr
Bonner In answer to tlie question no
I am uot a teetotaler I had a glass
pf sherry when I came to New York
Iu 1S4I
It s not on record whether he over
took another
Anyone subscrihin
now and sondin
will reccivp
The Norfolk Week
us 150 in
fy News
and a FREE COPY of the Great Medical Work
Kendalls Perfected Receipt Book
To old subscribers who pay up to date and 150 in
advance the same offer is made
u u
Other county papers can be had for less money but when
SIZE QUALITY and the amount of HOME and FOttEtGN
NEWS given is considered you will lind that THE NEWS
Perfected Receipt Book
The Best Ever Published
It is morth 10 a year in every family
You eant afford to do without it
Jt contains all the besj features of all the old books be
sides hundreds of new things nerer thought of before
It has receipts for everything and everybody
The best reoeipts known for man and beast cooking
toilet etc etc It has many receipts for preparing articles
of generaLYuse which you now buy at great cost Jttis by a
popular author and published by the Kendall Publishing Co
of feawtogri Springs N T
What Others Say of the Book
Founder and pastor of the Teople Church Oinuha writes I have received
a copy of tho Perfected Receipt Book and am highly pleased with it It
will be of grcatvalne to tho public I wish it a large sale
Fount or of tho Christian Home Orphanage Council Kinds Iowa writes
Jt ih a very valuable hook and 1 fall to see how it could be Improved upon
a c hamhond
A prominent stockman of Stockton Kansas writes
for one of the recelpes In your Receipt Book
1 would not take 00
Fqr jnapy years cisher of the Citizens Bunk of Omaha writes 1 received
youRecejpt Book and haveexutniued it carefully and am inoie and more
pleaded with it It is the iinst eoinplete wink I ever saw
Of Irwin Inwu write Recentlv two of tnv hogs took sick with log chol
era and one died within twenty four hour 1 had your receipt for hog chol
I dont like punishments Yon will era tilled as given in uennau s renecion iteceipt itonK and gave It
never torture a child Into duty but a Jt cured the other sick ipe and prevented the others from get
fcenqlble child will dread the frown of ltng sick I think it saved my Ijerd of thirty one Your receipt hook ought
a Judicious mother more tiau all the ie jp evqry family for I thpk It Is worth twenty times the price asked for
rods dark rooms ami scolding school
pilstrejises iu the upiyerbe White
S0 nenetrntnjj Js jvncr at hjgi pres
sure that only special qyajUies of caijt
Iron will wlthstant It
it 2c I shall always ueiieve vinit ynir receipt for Img cholera is just the
medicine for bogs fpr it aaYfdruy hick one and prevented the rest fropi get
Vine eluk If my thoory Is correct as I believe it is it saved me at least 150 i
-wish all who are losln hogs weuld get a receipt ook and try thl
The hook seems to be full tf other good things also