Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1899)
4 V The Norfolk Weekly News HOISTS BITE FUG Pretoria Reports that Mafeking Seeks a Truce BYMBOL OF SURRENDER SENT UP Loniliui Cllnm tu llollof Stnlrinent In ITn true llrllthh Ilircrn Meet Kiinmy In KiilKtiliortiiinil i f Arlmi lluiuu Prrd 81 ill i l nriK An AiKaiiilng London O t II A special dispatch dated at Pretoria at noon yesterday s iys After a few shots wore llrcrt nt Mil felting tlio whito Hag wiih holntcd A How party bonrTng a flag of tmco was sent to inquire whether tho town Mirrenderod Tho Uoor messenger was detained for six hours ami then re- lcUhCll Another special dispatch from Pre toria says Tho Boor Krnpp batteries are now covering tho town Military engineers can bo observed laying a tem porary railroad which will probably bo used in armored train defenso by tho garrison Ladysmitii Oct 1 The British forces camo into contact with tho onotny in tho neighborhood of Acton IlonieHiind Testers station about Hi miles out yes terday morning Tho firing began at 10 oclock London Oct 1 There is still no authentic news from Mafekiug but till reports tend to confirm tho belief that Colonel I3adon Powoll is holding his own and no credit is given to tho ru mor that a Hag of truce had been dis played A considerable movement is antici pated in tho vicinity of Laydsmith to day Tho combined advance of Boer and Free Stato troops in this direction has been oxoouted with not inconsider able skill and shows a free appreciation of tho British position General Sir Gcorgo Stewart Whito has 12000 men ami -10 guns uvailablo besides a consid erable force of volunteers and no anx iety is ox porieuced on his part as tho Natal country is fairly open and al though tho work of moving them is difficult tho guns are liable to do good work The country is not favorable for Boor tactics and it will bo difficult for them to avoid tho exposure of their flanks to attack General Whito has a largo body of excellent cavalry which will bo put to good uso The Daily Telegraphs correspondent nl Ludysuiith says no newspaper rep resentatives aro allowed to proceed from there Iitber to Bostors Station or Actou Homes ai tldstbiu uiien i louboits forces are moving against Gleucoe and Betters According to tho same authority some volunteers who had come into Lady smith from Bostors Station and Acton Homes reported that 1100 Boers tried in effectually to cut off a small force of British troops but tho men were too wary The enemy as usual hid them selves behind hills and rocks but were unable to advance They used cannon against tho British riflemen who never theless maintained a stout resistance The firing was very heavy The coun try about Acton Homes being more open tho British mounted volunteers there aro retiring on Dewdrop Two thousand Boors aro engaged at Acton Homos and rather fewer at Besters Sta tion It is stated tho enomy there is hemmed in and suffering soveroly Tho Times Lobati correspondent tel egraphing under date of Oct 14 says Tho Boers were around us all day yesterday and broke up the lino in sev eral places between Pitsaui and Mafe kiug Thoy woro attacked and defeated by a party of our men from Mafeking Thirty Boors wcro killod during tho night Another lot broko up tho lino north of Lobati cutting tho wires Tho stationmastor and all of us here sot to work and havo just restored communi cation A runner has arrived bringing news of Colonel Baden Powells success in keeping tho onemy at bay Worst iutiiru or the Sltiiiitlon Tho foregoing about exhausts tho actual war news this morning Tho worst features of tho situation aro re garded to bo tho probability of nativo risings which whether on bohalf or against tho Boors are certain to produce serious complications bosidos danger to tho few hundred whites in these dis tricts Tho havoc tho Boors aro mak ing with tho railway and telegraph lines will seriously impede tho move ment of Geuoral Sir Itedvers Bullors army corps Thero aro conflicting rumors as to whether tho Boers havo or havo not occupied Holpmakoar Ac cording to tho best accounts tho rumor that thoy havo done so is uutrun but if tho Boors havo succeeded in this ma neuver thoy are completely around tho right of Gonnral Sir Goorgo Stewart Whitos position and will bo able to either attack him at an advantage or move down into Natal behind him Tho Times editorially complains of tho lax obsorvanco of neutrality on tho part of some states of the United States in punnitting tho sympathetic recruit ing and enlistment of men openly and ostentatiously for service against Eng land in South Africa Tm Shooter nil Tllill Tkkamaii Neb Out lit Thomas Potts and O E Bigolow both of Omaha charged with shooting George Kelloy the affair occurring here two months ago Kellcy losing hib tout as a result aro now oil trial hero i Woiiiiiii SultruKlt Aleet Nebraska City Neb Oct 10 The Womans Suffrage convention met hero yesterday The attendance was light It will continue for two days BRYAN OPENS IN OHIO Will Itttimi in Nr1iunlil fur tin ljt Two WiikK of tit tiiiiiinlen OtNfiNN vn Oct Id OonunciuMng nt C oclock hist Monday morning and end ing at 10 oclock hut night Mr Rryan traversed Kentucky from west to cast covering over 1S00 miles and deliver ing six speeches at designated points each day besides as many platform speeches at unuxpectod points Mr Bryan spoke from a platform in Park place Covington and it Is estimated that 20000 people surrounded it When ho quit speaking there was a rush for the platform to shako hands Many were badly crushed in the crowd Mr Bryan was escorted to Ohio by great crowds with blazing lights all along the way but ho declmod public receptions and repaired nt once to his oar leaving at 11 p m for Dayton whoro tho pri vate car of Hon John 11 McLean tho Democratic candidate for governor will bo attached to his train Mr McLean will accompany Mr Bjyan in Ohio tho rest of this week Then Mr Bryan will hasten to Nebraska for tho last two weeks of the campaign ANTI IMPERIALISTS ADJOURN Ionrilctlro ut ClilriiKii Coiiiih tn 11 UIiinu toeliriin Millie nil Aililru Clikwuo Oct HI The anti-imperialist meeting at Central Music hall came to a clo o last night Hon Bourko Cock ran of New York delivering the oration of tho evening Tho hall was tilled and tho remarks of the orator were greeted with approval by those present Mr Cockran lmsed his objection to tho pol icy of tho governmont on tho broad ground that one people had no right to onforco a government on another Ho discussed the question in a dispassionato manner claiming that there were many reasons why the United States should hold the islands but no reason why it should attempt to forco upon any peo ple a form of government to which that people object Tho conference adjourned at tho con clusion of Mr Cockrans address those in charge of tho meeting expressing tliomselves n delighted with tho success of the affair Uojhooil Friend Oroct MclClnlny Nnrs O Oct 1 In this towu President McKinlcy lirst saw tho light of day Thousands of his boyhood friends gathered at tho railway station yosterday afternoon to cheer him on his journey back to Washington aftor a tour which covered over 5000 miles through the west and northwest and during which time tho chiof executive of tho nation delivered almost 100 speeches to thousands piji Miousiuids of onihuiasriiciticus hiy three of tho cabinet members remained in tho party which appeared to bow acknowl edgements to tho warm reception which awaited them here Sillier for Csipt niii liiilin AjiKh la Oct 19 Brigadier Geu oral rames Rush Lincoln of this city has received a sum of money which aggre gates in the neighborhood of il0 from tho enlisted men of the Fifty lirst Iowa regiment at Manila to bo used in pur chasing a saber to be presented to Cap tain J T Davidson who until recently has beon tho regimental adjutant of the Fifty tirst Tho captain resigned his position with the Iowa regiment on his having received tho appointment as captain in the Eleventh cavalry and is now doing doing duty with that regi ment in tho Philippines rulliiinn Dlrnrtory Mittinir CincAOO Oct H J W Dean a prominent member of tho Pullman Car company directory arrived hero today from Now York to attend tho annual meeting and is supposed to havo tho plans of tho Pullman Wagner consolidation in his possession T E L E iGRA P ITfC B Rl E F S Five divisions of tho Order of Hibern ians at St Johns N B have declared their loyalty to Great Britain in the Transviuvl war Henry Frohman father of Daniel Gustuv and Oharlos Grohman tho theatrical managers has died at his Now York homo of heart diseaso aged 72 years William Fitzhugh Whitohouso of Newport It I accompanied by several Englishmen will leave England on Oct 21 with an exploring expedition for Abyssinia Tho family of J F Buss of Warsaw Intl was poisoned by eating cheese Eight of the family aro seriously ill three cannot live and Mr Hubs died after eating of tho cheese Lyman C Lamed of Boston has brought suit at New York to enjoin Juglienio Marconi from using tho wire less telegiaphyandasking 100000 dam ages for uso already made of it Captain Andrew fainter of Menoni inee Wis vice president of tho linn of Knapp Stout Co and a millionaire lumber man died Wednesday from an attack of pneumonia Ho was 70 years old A now German warship was launched at Hamburg Wednesday in the presence of Emperor William Sho was chrit encd Kaiser Karl der Grosso by Dr Von Monckeberg burgomaster of Ham burg Tho United States has applied to Gor many for tho extradition of Max Schio maugk formerly of tho United States volunteers wanted for obtaining money under falt e pretenses by forging postal orders United States Ambassador Choate visited tho British foreign oftlco Wed nesday and had an intorviow with Mar quis of Salisbury tho premier It is understood that tho subject under con bitleration was Samoa M Collier writer of the leading ar ticles for tho Dreyfusiird organ Auroro fought a duel Wednesday with the son of General Mercier formerly minister of war M Mercier was pinked in tho chest and is not thought to bo seriously hurt NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY OCTOBKR 10 18W AKS IN STORM Transport May Have Crossed Path of a Typhoon LErT YOKOHAMA ON OCTOBER 5 Kmiirc of liutlii Whlili Snllrd Almlit tlie Sumo Tlino linn Hough Kipm I riuo Hrlliiiiil Tmimiiot t Will Anl liming tint Coining Wroli Vutouia B C Oct H Tim Bteamer Empress of India which has reached here from Jnpuu has com pleted tho roughest trip of its III voy ages Tho second day out from Yoko hama it encountered a typhoon which smashed nil telegraphic communica tion between tho engine room and bridges ami destroyed some of the boats Tho storm continued unabated a day and night Fours aro expressed by olllcers for the transport steamer Senator carrying homo the Kifty lirst Iowa regiment It left Yokohama for San Francisco eight hoars before the Empress and having immense upper winks would fare badly in a gale Sriintor llxpeeleil Niit Wren San Fkancimo Oct HI Tho trans port Senator with the Iowa volunteers on board is expected to arrive from Manila next week Tho news of tho terrible experience of the steamship Empress of India while eurouto from tho Orient to Victoria when sho en countered a typhoon caused no alarm here for tho safety of tho Senator which is supposed to have also passed through the typhoon The Senator is a good vessel and able to withstand tho rigors of a storm of unusual severity PATRIOTS AT YOKOHAMA Ilttlu Colony of Aliierleun Tlinro lliivi utml for VotimloorB Yokohama Oct I Via Victoria Oct 1 Tho Fifty first lowu regiment tho last of the volunteer regiments to touch at this port on its homoward bound trip reached bore on Oct 3 and left yesterday for San Francisco Tho departure of the Iowans ends one of the most remarkable features of tho wtir whether it bo considered in the light of tho irreproachable conduct of the great army of Americans passing through or in that of tho patriotic devo tion of tho littlo American community here which in every possiblo way min istered to thoir needs It has Iwon n gigantic task for tho handful of Amer icans hero to feed an army of 12000 to organize for them an oxtensivo bureau of information to guard them against imposition to euro for all tho sick even to tho extent of tak ing them into thoir own homos to furnish free baths to provide delightful headquarters and in ovcry way to re mind them that thoy were among friends and countrymen Of course tho ladies of tho colony have borne the brunt of the work whilo tho men havo furnished the means and that most liberally All this has leen done too with a national pride which would not permit tho acceptance of for eign aid though freely proffered Sel dom has such work been better done and it may bo added seldom more freely appreciated and rewarded The great army of returning Amoncans has re sponded with an unsullied record 12 000 to the amazement of all the foreign ers having proved themselves in every regard an army of gentlemen UlgcH Kemimil of Otis Vancouvku Oct HI Professor D O Worcester and Colonel Denby Phil ippine commissioners arrived on tho Empress of Japan and loft for Washing ton where they will make their report to tho president Among tho passengers was Mr Lotmoro proprietor of the Ma nila American His mission is to urge tho removal of General Otis and the promotion of Goneral Lawton Lotmoro says Lawton is frequently denied tho fruits of victory by tho hesitation of General Otis Mntinoiib Ollleer Killed Pauik Oct 10 Tho minister of tho colonies M Decrais has received an of ficial dispatch announcing that Captain Voulet and Captain Chunoino of tho outlawed French expedition in tho Soudan whoso members recently mas sacred most of tho members of the ex pedition under Lieutenant Colonel Klobb sent to arrest those officers on charges of cruelty and insubordination have been shot by thoir own men Wichita llrv JomL Store Hum Wichita Oct HI Tho drv uoods liore of George limes fc Co burned yesterday It was brilliantly lighted unil prettily decorated because of tho local festival in progress It is thought to have caught from some electric wire The loss is 75000 with insurance of 511000 Primn lor nliiuilit Oami Giincok Oct HI Bow scouts havo been sighted at Hattinghpruit bcen milos from the British camp and an engagement is imminent r Lxg MJi LbM vrciV vf ILLINOIS CENTRALS PLANS IktI to Open It lltiiiilin luil lloilgn Mini lr Inn I loot Omaii Oct HI Tho Illinois Central railway is I apidly completing its new mail which will connect this city with Fort Dodge la and the main Hue of tint Centrals system in tho west Mr Wallace assistant second vice president of the road while in tho city yesterday said Wo originally expected to have everything completed and ready In opor utetratnsby Inn I 1000 and we haveat present no reason to doubt our ability to do so The construction of a line of railroad I It 1 miles in length in a years time however is a mighty big under taking and one which usually consumes two or three years At present we have 1011 miles of track completed After the entire track is completed ami eonuee lions are made it will bo about a mouth before the regular oporat ion of passed ger and freight trains can commence The track must bo surfaced up and otherwise preptrcd for service This time there ant l engines and train crews at work on the extension We have forces of men aside from the grad ers and tracklayers at work putting up water tanks building stations Mock yards and preparing for sidetracks In all these departments wo have per hups 5000 men employed in Ibis work Since tile 15th of last April wo have had an average of 1000 teams at work and in our grading have removed the onor mous quantity of 5000000 yards of dirt In Omaha wo will havo a city passon ger and ticket otlice in the heart of the business part of tho city and will have representatives of our freight depart ment located there You can depend upon it thiil when tho Illinois Central opens its linn to Omaha its service will equal that of any other road and will bo excelled by none In fact I will venture tho statement that the Central as soon a a its now homes in Council Bluffs and Omaha are established will en joy us great popularity as tiny other road because of its superior physical condition its excellent equipment and the frequency and speed ot its trains The Commercial club is preparing to send a special train carrying 200 Oma ha business men over the Illinois Cen tral to New Orleans as soon as this now connection is made SiTiftnry WlUon ll imIiIm Oiiau Lucn la Oct 1 The Iowa sugar beet convention was called to order today by Professor Curtis of Amos with an attendance of IKK Sec retary Wilson of tho department of ag riculture wus chosen chairman Ad dresses were made by H M Allen of Amos Nob president of tho National Beet Sugar association Secretary Wil son Prof Shaw of tho Minnesota Ag ricultural college Thomas Ilopke Prof Hayes of tho Minnesota Agrienlluril college Prof Curtis of Ames la Sena tor Gear C F Saylor and Henry Wal lace Slonx City ItnUe Unmix Tor racking Ilnnt Sioux On y Oct 111 Tho coming of the International Packing company to Sioux City is now dellnitely assured Sioux City yesterday finished raising the 50000 cash bonus to the company provided it would reopen the big Sillxir liorn plant which has been idle for sev eral years Hrj iui Will Close limn Cnuinlgii Dks Moivks Oct H Chairman Huffman of the Democratic committee announced last night as a result of tolc graphie correspondence with Colonel Bryan that it is practically settled that tho Democratic leader will return to Iowa to close the campaign TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Tho Cologne Gazette announces that Emperor William will start for Eng land Nov 11 Efforts aro being made to form a pow erful flouring mill trust in Ohio river and southern territory John V Fithian of Joliet IIIr has been appointed census supervisor for tho Sixth census district of Illinois Three thousand Yalo graduates and undergraduates united Wednesday night in a parade boforo President Hiulley Vincent Buroh a waitor on tho San Francisco ferryboat Suusailto was stablKd to death Wednesday by Manuol McBride cook of tho samo vessel Tho war department was informed Wednesday that tho transport Indiana with tho First Tennosseo volunteers on board left Nagasaki Japan on tho 18th Mrs W S Jackson wife of tho cash ier of tho El Paso County bank of Col orado Springs committed suicide by shooting Wednewlay She had boon in poor health for some time Tho Regular Army and Navy union held its ninth annual meeting in Wash ington Wednesday and heard tho ad dress of Henry Sehiudler of I avon worth the national commander Tho postmaster general has issued a formal warning to all postmasters against the levy of political assessments and tho civil service commission has culled intention to the law governing tho subject and the commissions inten tion to enforce it At the session of the general iiasseu gcr agents convention at Boston George II Daniels of tho New York Central load was elected president Hairy C Townsend of the Missouri Pacific rail read vice president and A J Smith of thul ike Snore road secretary mjujj i44Mai mmti fffcSWEEEB SlSQLmElYPunE Mokes the food more delicious and wholesome ROfll tUOOHO POWOCR CO DCW ON Iriccful linsy nod Long Wearing T III IAMOIK Olga Nethcrsole 250 Shoe I 0U VOMIIN 1oihwh ttminntltrf irrfi t htjtn 111 comfort mid il Nolireiiklngln unrownttj iimiln to conform to tlin liimno Holn ery llnxilitni tliroinn Kill Mix I Hint It nofl oh n rar lilo Iron Km din nny J lMUliuo for woor run nunfi No IIO ChroinnlUil ulUitliof tlin tnmi imimIIiiiii ttituli 1 lnthiMiltlintiiiilltir liult ilnlhtr Ida IiiI iiiiiI volt I oii mil Onil Mill kIhm u ronililnnlloii olrtyliimiil i nnirnrt nunilmOnril ti I In Umk lilmiil MiiirCo kotk litlnnil mil vili riclimlrl In llilnilty tiy F A HUSTON 1 7 urnMlltj OZfLWm 8KW r Inn fiMiL ilP riilivH iffi J kIovo Jit KBRfttfm li U JHSil it nolo V1 tr y iiltmii v S Jrr in y1 MtwtV ftkmtVTk VVfTt I I I I KUiUAl N J WALL PAPLR l roni hoc a Double Roll up Window Shades Room Moulding Paints Oils Glass oN 4ii st Brushes Etc Etc X 0 running 1npcr nniigiiig ami uccorniivc ori ni i air riitcs j I A llMkAKT IurNini NT MAS H III 1 1 Ml K Vn i 1iiKHiinNr W II IOIINHON AHimtii W It llItAAHCII Asht Cahiiikii The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 liny nnil Mll nuilinnxn on IIiin country nml nil imrtii of ICuinini Kniin lnmm Directum aim Ahmi h W II Ioiinmin iiah K Hioimik W Hiiaahcii CM Hwanii 1 A IeiKAiu T Y MiMMINokii I Himmiush FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Buildine and Loan Assn C B DUSLAND Secretary S FUESLER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand Money to Loan ON Real Estate BIkhorn B k S Associate jgARNKS Sc TYLKH VV tX AttornojH at Law Norfolk - Nabrnaka QH II T IIOLDEN llomeopnthlc IliyHician and Surgeon OlHco ovnr Cltlziiin Nitiorml f Hunk Ofno hours -- 10 -00 to IiM 11 111 mill i 00 to 1 Mi im ivouiriKH 7KX to 80 HjihIiIiiiicb TnleiiluiHH No 9 Ollico No 101 Norfolk - - NebniHka JH C S IAKKER DENTIST At Piorcn Kwry Mondny Mnst LMock - - Norfolk Neb 22 J COLE DKNTI8T Office over Cltlteue Natl flank ftaaldfiuce ou block nortli of Corivrevatlaonl ohurcli Norfolk MISS MAHY SHELLEY Nebraska 1aHhlonablc DroHRiuaker Up autre In Cotton clock orer Hanmi iuir Klrnt claBB work traaraatond Norfolk Nebraska pOWKRB V HAYS AtlorncyH at Law Boom 10 II and 12 Mail Dlock Norfolk Nebraska gKSSIONS BKLL IndertakorH anil Kninalmers Bentona lllk Norfolk kyt Norfolk Nebraska V M ROBERTSON Attorney at Law Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wigton Hlock Norfolk For Plumbing Steam Fitting Pompi Tanks Wind Mills JLud all repair work In thli Hue ca W H RISH BatUlaotlon Guaranteed Itrtt door aouib f Dally Miwa oHw M C WALKER lUCAIKU IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TKUMMlONrc NO 33 L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for Hie Mycin Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wmk First door West of Post Ofllce ED WEGENER Livery Feed and Sale Stable Mack Line In Connection Telephone 68 WHKN VOI WANT A 0001 SHAVE or BATH to- W 0 Halls Barter Shop MAIN riT Till HI DOOH KAHT OF FOURTH H G HOWELL Jeweler and Optician GJ All error of refraction properly corrected Fine natch rvuiirliiK At UTTERS BOOK STORE Norfolk Myrtle Hive No 30 Ladies of the Maccabees of the World Mcitktivnry flrfct anil tlilril Tuenlajs if pack mouth at 2 it clock iu tlin afternoon Vibitine iiiumlnre uro conliallv imitcd Mm Ida Clark laily toinniamltT Mm Katii Itii li ltocor i Keeper Jlre Kiln Itotiiitiauui Finance Koonor Mrs H H Hull WILL CUTS Parisl Trtatrctnl MtiDimricg od Sbmpoi Will gladly cal at your Lome and do any ol till work Order taken fur fin hair iwltohM Perfsct match inaranUad Be ideaoe on Viral treed Junction Order saajr be Uft at to auction DrnBOT Telephone 10