The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 12, 1899, Page 9, Image 9
J ai y Ies Lot Blk Ami S ft 7t 9 f 17 U B 71 It r 11 so 1 B 2 S3 V R H 07 1 7 57 2 7 II 80 7 2 17 4 7 47 5 7 377 8 7 377 7 7 47 8 7 47 10 7 47 H 7 28 IT 7 17 Is 7 2 lit III 7 IS nlif 19 7 il 20 7 47 I 8 8 21 4 8 8 21 0 Ui 8j 8 HI 12 8 2 U H 8 2 17 31 8 47 32 8 7 4 II II Ml V I It 6 l - 7 4 7 w ICO 1H l 2 M 0 40 1H l I l 17 11 8 21 20 l M ti 31 21 y 7 OS k -I 21 SI 2 17 22 II 7 Iti B 10 4 71 7 10 4 71 n 12 II 10 88 -21 12 10 1 HI 1 II 21 1 U 5 W 3 12 71 1 II 47 r 14 47 3 17 M 2 18 21 1 ID 11 11 Il 21 5 20 7 US 14 20 IS 8 21 2 87 10 21 57 11 i 57 liuilrond Out IoIh 2 177 Subdivision IotH 6 7 8iuidlliluck lltnil niml Adtlltioii 17 18 Thompsons Addition 2 1 10 1 1 1 10 lt On pint tod l Mid 2 17 112 01 14 2 01 15 2 01 lit 2 Ul 17 2 01 18 2 04 22 2 04 1 4 2 81 2 4 10 i I 01 I 4 04 10 I 01 11 I 04 1 5 01 2 h 01 A 01 4 04 5 01 b 5 04 A C Jolinhons Add turn M 1 li 10 I 1 fci 15 1 10 lb 1 10 Unplntted Liuids in Unruett illagu Township 21 Hnnge 4 description sec unit pt nvv bw Hi 1 28 pt nw hw 111 ft pt uwsw lJ 8 07 pt n sw ll 2 57 pt nw bw lJ B 41 HUHNETT VILLAGE detc lot blk Hint 2 1 2 r7 i2i B1 d21 7J 1 0 41 8 I bl U I 6 II 1 1 H in 1 i 11 17 1 13 18 1 bl 1 20 rl 1 I 2 57 i 4 11 14 8 I I 4J UlO 10 I 12 S3 70 11 4 14 4 Ij 1 12 5 b 2 57 ll II 2 57 11 7 1111 11 7 II 14 15 7 III 8 l 8 01 1 10 II bl I 10 01 5 10 ii 7 10 31 McCinnbh Bub Lots J 1 7 70 Bl00nt4 tl 41 Luiknrtn Sab Div ision Lot 1 Block 12 McComb t Hub LoU 3 33 MKADOW GROVE 3 J 24 4 1 24 b 1 4 21 1 2 3 53 n lif 4 2 3 53 hhl 4 2 U4 2 3 17 6 1 2 87 wlif 7 8 3 51 50 e 1 4 47 pt 4 H 94 pi I b 5 90 I 7 5 W 2 7 21 A 7 24 4 7 4 71 5 7 1 19 8 7 24 7 7 24 8 7- 3 53 4 8 4 71 5 8 2 37 B 8 24 7 8 24 8 8 24 Lewis1 Addition to Miudou irovo 5 2 83 5 6 2 37 Witt Meadow Grovo 2 3 51 HtTTLK ORKKK VILLAGE In Highland Precinct Western Tovn Lot Co Addition 12 29 1 81 1 SO 6 12 2 30 45 8 30 45 30 3 3 l 10 30 il 5 31 2 27 6 11 2 27 11 2 71 10 31 2 71 11 31 4 51 Pioneer Town Site Co Second Addition 1 3 45 11 31 1 81 12 34 2 27 4 37 3 33 1 38 45 2 38 5 6t3 Oat Lot 4 pt 4 45 pi 4 45 Pt 4 45 Battle Creok Village 5 2 24 Do w 11 22x121 Lot 6 7 8 5 I I 4 1 I 1 I 5 fl 7 8 5 6 li 21 wJO i 31 ii M li 51 pS o22 vWtU18 all vvMI UAl 20 rVi 11 10xV2 Il ulif 0 Id v hf o4Sn40 11 48 11 SI 11 81 7 8 1 1 4 II 1 1 4 H 1 21 J 1 I 5 II 7 I 8 J I 11 12 13 11 3 4 ft a 1 1 4 Blk Amt 2 15 2 15 11 3 7 7 7 7 y l y y M y y y 11 11 13 11 14 II 15 15 15 15 HI HI HI 10 HI 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 HI 10 II HI ll HI HI HI 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 4 4 4 I 4 b 0 tl Ii b U b 7 a 8 11 11 11 I 81 24 24 21 4 51 21 21 24 21 0 12 21 24 21 1 51 24 t 15 11 M s sy 7 SU fl 78 W 7 02 y oi II 2l 2 27 IS 05 5 Ml 4 51 bl 1 111 10 17 r on 11 51 II 78 1 15 W 6 78 I 15 15 5 Ml I 51 0 12 15 21 1 50 82 82 4 SO 4 89 1 111 15 2 27 15 24 21 1 SI 0 12 1 fl 1 VI 21 21 45 Ol 117 5 lJ 1 VI UI Ii 7S Ii 7S Kinilmll A Hluua Ad dition I 1 u 7 ii 75 w 7 w 75 w 75 J Hi bl 7 20 8J I 5 0 7 1 1 4 y 10 11 12 27 27 27 ZS 28 28 2t 28 28 28 4 51 Dais Addition 1 2 2 1 J 2 4 2 2 24 4 24 05 3 311 4 51 1 15 15 15 15 15 21 21 1 la 1 5u 21 21 24 1 1ft 1 15 Is 15 18 15 15 15 FJ Halts Out Lots 2 09 1 V 4 US 24 b 1 81 7 09 NAKNEKVILLL n 21 Jr 4J 51 S 1 r J Jl 19J 11 1 Hf lJ 151 tbj II 2 J 11 u J H 3J if 81 11 I 12j ll oj 111 UJ 13 11 15 IB I 1 19 20 21 ft 11 21 J 1 3 4 5 U 7 1 3 i 9 10 11 I 12 1 18J 03 CI 03 03 03 03 03 00 03 51 03 00 20 03 Ol 11 le Lot Hlk Amt I Pink m IM 7 III 7 2 S 1 8 41 II 7 S y 10 11 12 it 11J J i 4 5 11 7 S S il 11 II II 11 II 11 11 12 I J ll 14 11 111 17 IS HI 20 21 o Ei 21 25 20 a rM 20 10 I fl 01 tll IS Unplnttod lands in Un 1 o 11 lroctuct MaiUton City 1 i nnliip 22 ItniiKO 1 Doscnptlon Hoc Amt pt h cjr s or pt eu qr hw ir pt nqr hv qr pt hw qr bo qr pt iwir Hti qr pt nv qr Hi qr pt hw qr hw qr 12 32 12 12 12 12 32 19 7 81 11 1 81 I 17 1 15 II I OWN OK MADI tbON Dob Lot Hlk Amt 2 10 71 1 Ii WJ llnrnnd Addl Hon Den Lot Hlk Anil 11 1 TH K NORFOLK NKWS THURSDAY MTOUKK 12 1811 Ml I Sl 3 so S 8l I Ml I 7il J K Dnnriin Ad dition 4 8S 1 7s 1 01 Nortli Addition 4 I 5 1 21 lij 7 n 1 I 7 s y U J IS 2 51 19 21 10 HI Jl y 21 Irlte Addition u Id nlif ulif w lif ti lit nlifohf b hf 0 lif gllm hf l whf 113 lif B VS lif v hf w hf y 11 15 18 20 21 21 21 tl 25 211 2b 27 28 11 1 11 11 3S 40 ll us I 70 Ml 71 10 05 IU II 70 55 15 II 10 CI 2 IN IM 10 III 51 51 75 W 15 11 10 IIS 85 85 NoilhuoHl Silditiou 5 1 SI 8 1 70 s77 rl UJ 7l 7 7l 8 7H 71 8J 80 l S2 71 SJ il 1 81 S7 2 01 2 71 2 08 1 lit 2 81 I 18 1 18 1 tl 2 bl 2 Ii7 He ollMil he IlkciiCNPi A PaiiMim fcwell recently had n crayon nictmu of liiiUHolf mailo wliicli he afterwaid nrttciidud to find fault with Itdoe0 not bear tho alifjlitcbt resom blance to me suid he aud I will not tuke it The artiat protested but all to no avniL After the dandy had left the painter added to the portrait h magnificent pair of ass earfl and exhibited it in tho win dow thus altered to the gaze of tho cm ions pnblic v It hadnt been long exposed when tho dandy entered tho artihta Htudio in a toweling rage and finding that threatn amounted to nothing he at last offered to buy it even at 11 considerable ad vance upon the original pi ice It wisnt Htiango you didnt recog nize your les emblmee to tho pictuio at Hint said the painter but I knew youd notice tho likeness a soon us I udded thepo eais Sparo Moments MnrrliiKe l Hnlter Among ignotaut peoplo of English birth it is fully believed that a wife bought with money or goods is legally married if the purchaser loads her all the way homo by a halter Mr Baring Qould tho English anti quarian tells of a village poet known to him who bought a wifo for a half crown and led her 12 miles to his cot tage Tho squiro and the rector protested to the village poet that ho was not legally wedded Why yes I be he roplied Ill take my Bible oath I never onco tcok the halter off till ehed crossed the door sill and to door was shut The latest instances of such wifo sales occurred in 1858 and 1859 when wom en were sold in Little Hoi ton and in Dudley In these cases a blue ribbon took tho placo of tho straw halter But gentle ladies tho symbolic idea was the same A Iiiuicli on Lord Kcliln A good story is related of Lord Kel vins lecturing mothods at tho Glasgow nniversity As a professor of science he can use long words in such formidable array as would l ike u dictionary break Its binding witu horror During a course of lectures once on magnetism for iustance ho defined an ideal mag net as an infinitely long infinitely thin uniform and uniformly and longi tudinally magnetized bar and the misguided students vocifeorusly cheer ed which canned tho professor to say Silence 1 This definition was made and cheered with the usual reprimand frequently during tho lectures Once near the conclusion however tho stu dents did not cheer but Lord Kelvin from force of habit rapped out Si lence the same as before A Cute I ad A young Irishman once went to a kind hearted old squire for a recom mendation An elaborate one was writ teu and read to linn He took it with thanks but did not move Whats the matter with it roared the squire Oh uothin sorr said the lad quickly Well hen why dont you go Sure sorr I thought on the stringth of a recommiud like that youd bo wantin to hire me San Fiauciaco ArgonuuL LAST MAN OX KAHT1I WHAT P THC DKCAD TATL THAT AWAITS THIS MORTAL Mil n j I Ihmii Ifx hi In I In- Milliner of Life iiikI Dentil I lull Will lie the Tot linn ol the lnnl Itelle of lln tint lilt im It Not IiIkI Astiniintniis itll us that I lie dtt llltlsl COIIIO WlllII lilt fill Hi will lIKf tin moon whffl tluoiigli tin lifiiuMii a dead niid bin i en ball ot miittfi all- ltS VttltfllfSH IllfllSS Hut long long bo I mo lint tliuu inn ii will lie fMliitt will lmo dlsiippfaifd ho titlftlN Unit not so tntloli ns the lilfitflifd HUflftoti of a human being will be Nlhlo on all tliu millions or siiiino milts of the Htuliiic of this planet Unless bj some huge and unheisal cataclysm the whole uieo Is swept at once Into ftiinll it Is but leasoimble to suppose that man like aui other niff of animals will disappear slowly ami that eventually thete will bo but a single human being left sotne old old man gta headed ami boat led ami left to wiiiidei alone In a solitude that urn be Imagined but not deseilbed How will he die this last telle of the teeming millions that otuo turns fin mod the Im c of I he globe and i tiled undisputed masieis of ootj other liv ing thing Thuio uio inanj tales thai mti5 belall li I in lie 111115 go mad with the honor of loneliness and himself end his own mlseiable existence lie may be eaten by Ihe asl lepttles or giant Insects which will then piobably Infest the solitudes Ktit his fate ma bo fur webder and 111010 dieadful Scientists say that as we bum the eoal and timber we ate Hllll so liehly supplied with we let loose Into the almosphoie nn ever In ei easing olumo of caibonlc acid gas Much of this Is taken up bj plants but not all It must Increase and eventually poison the bientlmble air lllllng the valleys and mounting slowly to the hill lops wheto the hist lemalns of animal life nie stihlng for exist ence Thf last man will climb higher and highei but eventually the suffocat ing invisible Hood will leach and diow 11 him Again It Is said that the piitli as It gets ohlei Is clacking llko div mud Those ciacks will Inciease until at last they will let the wateis of the oceans and rivers sink into the lleiy center of the globe Then will occur an explo sion so tenlble as may stattle the in habitants of neighboring woilds The last man In this case will piobably be sonic aictlc exploier or Csklmo whom the vast plains of Ice mound will save from Instant death and leave to giill a few moments till the Ice continents me swallowed by ledhot gases and steam Suppose these eaith ciacks develop mote slowly they may suck away the water without dvastatlng explosions Then tho last mans fate will be the worst dtHci llmble lie will die of thirst The bcene of his death will probably bo the great valley in the bed of the Atlantic ocean off the Brazilian coast half way between Uio Janelto and the cape whete now six miles of gteen water lie between the steameis keel and the abysmal slime beneath TliPie hopelessly digging In the ever drying mud he must polish mid leave his bones to paich on a witoiless pi met The antaictie polar Ice cap has been glowing thlekei and heavier for un counted ages The distance fioui the south pole to the edge oi this Ice cap Is 1100 miles The ice ilses steadily 1 10111 the edge to the center At that center It cannot be less than YJ miles In thick ness twice as thick as Mount Dveiest Is high Suppose It splits Imagine the gi gantic mass of water and Ice that will come sweeping up noith over the oceans and continents of the eaith Where then will tho last man breathe his final gasp High up In the snows of borne great range ho will perish miser ably of cold and starvation looking down on a huge shallow sea beneath whose tossing waters will lie the whole of the laces of the world Or last and perhaps dreariest fate of all the human race may outlive other mammals and last until the sun as some day It must grows dull and cold and vegetation dies from the chilled earth The mlsenible lomiiant of earths people mtibt then slowly die out after ages of an existence to which that of the Eskimo of today Is a pant disc DoIiik Without the Dot The small letter I was fonneilj written without the dot The dot was Intioduced In the fourteenth centurj lo distinguish I from e In hasty and Indistinct writing The letter V was oilginally used where the lettet J is now employed The distinction between 1 and J was Intioduced by the Dutch pi Inters at a conipaia tlvely recent date and tho J was dot ted because tho I from which It was derived was written with a dot Hint Tor Writer Dont moisten jour new pen between your lips before you begin to write Take jour cheap steal pen dip It In the Ink then hold it In tho flame of a match for n few seconds wipe It care fully dip it Into the Ink again and you have a pen that will make glad the heart v Ithln jou Try It Hustler Ilefore iintl After My dear said Mrs Huiipvvell as bhe ponied the coflee at lueakfist the other mottling do you believe In the eternal fitness of things I used to replied Hunewoll but that wai before jou began to make mj bhlrts Chicago News An amattiir editor has made a for tune by his pen Ills father died of gilef on reading one of his editorials and left hlui 150000 Nauvoo Inde pendent STRENGTH OF GIBRALTAR I In It n liellt Inu lM rot I pun 1111 V liter I en ii I out ll I llieie Is no doubt that Clbiallai Is from the uatiiie of Its louitlou the stioligest fin tilled spot oil eaith said a lecentlv 11 tinned tout 1st hut tin Ktigllsh olllicis who ait on dutv theie seem Impiessed with tho Idea that then Is Honie weak spot about Ihe place and that some Anieilean imiv dlseovei It Thev have veij noiiseiisl fill 1 ules ami legtilatlons uoveiulng Ihe loitllleathui aud one of them Is that 110 Autei lean tan be admitted to the fin tilled places though thev ait al lowed to waiulet all mound the outside as long as thev t me to 1 do not think the combined guns of the lest of Ihe win Id all wot king to gether anil fot lJ bonis each tlav Sun dais and public holldavs Included foi one jour could sotlouslj Intel leu w lib ilbiallai bcvoiitl culling oil Ihe mall ommiiuleilloii The walls me solid lock a ipimtei of a mile thhk and Htleli a thing as doing auj damage in II mllllmv sense would be slmplj iiun sense Clhialtar could icsIhI anv at tack and the coiidlllons Iheie an such that the allot king pmlj would iiooes saillj have to be exposed In making Its atlatk Mils exposme would have lo be within imige til the guns ol ihe foil evin If thev an dO joins out ol dale tiisoiiieutlj thej would bo noai Ij as ell eel he as model 11 guns Im willi all that Is claimed for modem wailaie Iheie piobuhlj novel will bo any lighting done when Ihe opposing pintles an out of sight of each olhei hilc all this Is admitted bj mill taij men of all eountilos II seems fiiunj thit thete should be auj thing of a Mcict 01 hidden chmactei about lilbiiltai that Amoiliiiiis should not be allowed lo Inspect as fieelj as the people ni ul her lomitilcs me Ihig land inav be whipped some time In he hlsloij of Ihe woiltl bill the tlefeit will mil take pi ice at ilbiallai I us sine joii Washington Stai SCENERY FOR A NEW PLAY It 11 epiii ntltlll In Moilei 11 I henlel 11 11 I lilei IHl Inu lriHn The piepititloii I01 a new plaj as fin as the sieiierj is ituicoi nod Is most lutfiestlng A complete model In mlii ialiiie is made about the sle ol tine ol tho Coimnn toj theatiis seen In the shops I hi pit 1 111 o Is caielllllj pillllttl the 1 oiks il then be auj and the foliage me cut out and all the details nn lollovved with no less thought than when the ion I aflnir Is attacked The woik Is done in water coloi mounted on pasteboaid and If tho scheme be an Intel lor theie me 101I cm tains In mlnlatiiie lights of steps and the hangings all seiloiibly woikod out It Is something lhit would de light the henit of a boy anil luinlsli him with endless amusement Those models me kept until after the piece Is ptodiicod and me then put away on shelves alas only to wmp anil be come coveted with dust But the master palnteis woik tloes not end heio by any means for Iheie me lights to be mianged since they play an Impoitaut pait In the pel loiiuaiice and must be legulated by the scheme of coloi so theie me long ctinfei elites with olecti Iclins and many discussions with the inakeis of glass shades whiieby the exact lints 11113 be obtained When eveij detail has been settled then the gieat acies of canvas me spieatl on the paint fi nines and the dniwing Is begun Lai go china pots me used for the coloi s Those me Hied with paints which me mixed with water and a sle and eiioiinous blushes put the pigment on the can vas It Is wonileiful to watch the aitlst who dashes on the paint with no appment caie and who has to woik fast to cover the binfirco befoie the color dries which It does quickly New Yoik Comnieiclal Adveitlser Some SiiiHTKtltloiin When starting for tho river sajs a vviitcr In London IMeld if you have to turn back and get something that you have forgotten you me sine to catch llttlo or nothing that day This Is an article of Devon folkloie and I am In clined to think the west country folk right hciioln The disappointment the htiiry and the bilnglng of wrong things always act piejudlcially upon what out to bo tho unrullled oven temper of a successful angler Ho becomes hasty and lash most of ten with 111 results to his basket In the western highlands It Is cur rently believed that if you see a colt with its back to jou when stinting In the morning on a fishing excursion It Is the woist of luck only to bo exceed ed should you hear a cuckoo befoie bieakfast Illlen Kent Copy lames Whltcomb Ulley wrote a long poem for a New Voik newspaper It was oidered In advance and was to be sent In upon a certain day isow most wi Iters especially poets aio dllatoiy But the Hoosler bind Is an exception to the nile Ills poem anlved the day It was promised It came by express in a formidable paicel Flint weie the outer w lappings of heavy blown pt per then some soft packing btuff and beneath that the bomd covers within which was the inanusciipt tied to gethei with a small ilbbon and so neat that the editor was almost afiaid to tuin the leaves Philadelphia Hvenlng Post TlirmiKli Her Mem Bugby gets out of nil patience with Ills wife He sajs she cant get a thing thiotigh her head Thats funny He told mo every thing he said to her went In one ear and out of the other Philadelphia Bulletin Onljr the Slnirer Fee Does singing the song Oh Promise Me at a wedding promise auybody anything AtchIsou Qlobe JA15K VX T1IK UKIiliK YL1 HIS I ACL WAS HOMI LY I NOUGH IO SCAHL CHILDHLN He II111I Kllili li VII llo r liter tielllnu 11 Wile I nlll lie V tiillj I em iiimI II In Iiih ei Mini II He H11I MluliM Im Ileiilm I icikon lube Hawkins was about Ihe Dullest mini ho I mil evei lei live said 1 in li lieu as he medllall v olj VV helled his klillc lipnn his hunt log Ive kllowed stiaugets In lollei that mail mound loi a half hum lost to git another look at Ids line an Ihcii go light nil 1111 lake a diluk o lhkei Scorned to kind n give em a lellsh lm II I e klloweil lool women In stale lllelt 1 hlhlieil llllo spasms bj Ihieatt 11 III to give em to lain an thej do ssiv hes been the taiise n ilium than 0110 iimawnv lie was lost pleu uglj an thats all thev was lo it II wan a tliuu pit j too bet huso he wiih a might v lilt e man If jou happened to moot him In Ihe tlink 1111 he hud iiimicj In Iho bank al Maple Willi an Ml at ion o as Hue helium laud as ever loll a plnw Well In spite n hlui belli si 1 blame hiimclj that he tlasseiil look a woman In the line 1 his j en cuss was alwajM u nut In In git miiiiled but 11 ionise thej wan l no waj to got at it lie adveillsid some In he ellj papci an will letleiH lo lots o women that waj but he was honest In I ho i 01 o an when the thing gnt along lur enough sns thej mlghl iniMhlllg eiuiie o It he al wins hoiil his photogiaph an that end ed it Intel thej was a mlghtj likely willow linm waj link oast that got to llliln lahe ptutj well thimigh his lot tei willlu an I must mij he was a gonil hand at tint bolme lit soul his plekshili Alter Htlldj III ovei Ills lino incuts loi a couple o iuiiiiIIih she math up hoi ml ii I 10 eniiio nn niijhnw but when she ackshullj saw lube In the llesh she hat ked out an mail led SI Pe ter an she made him 11 mlghlj lino wile bin 1 In Ihe 1 tit I that sho hud n ill join old sou thai hnhhoil up attei the cicmnnv mi till nod nut to be as hhlflless as Its possible fin 11 man to git 1111 live Then lube gits despei It an he up an tillois a bundled dnlhns lowaiil lo iniy budj as will git him a paidiiei Bui thai didnt amount to much die Hud Hauls lowed hed make his oldest gill Mliandj the one thai hail Iho hmellp Jlne him an lube know In his own hIioi Ifomlus was sallsllod to gll tiuvboj most but Mliaudv look epileptic fits an tiled beloio the vveddln Lome oil an folks all mouii said ll was a ludgmcut on Dud Then llni Iiaiuin lining iihmiii his half wittetl gill an la be sitiilicd a long while ovoi it thinkln mebhj that If they was goln to be chlhlien come with his ugliness theyd bettei he fools too sos thej wouldnt icalle It Tho gill seemed lo lake a lancy lo labti light away an wanted to kiss him but he changed his mind light off piopeily decldln that he couldnt stand auj hotly that was as big a fool as that Things was thlsa way when theie was a hjpnotlei come tluoiigli Maple Bun an give a show an ho asked lor people to come up on Ihe plilloiiu an lie bj pilot leil Lveijbodj most was a li a Id to go till la be made the bleak sajiii ll didnt mallei nun h what be come o him nohow an hen five mote went up like they allu tlo Well the iiilnlt this hole lijpnotiHt tool hold o lubes head mi tilted It back to git a good look in his ejes he give a liinuj little jump an sajs I cant tlo nolhln with 3011 Why man jou may not know it but jou got mole lower than I have If you fix them fine blue ejes o journ on anybody they Just nachelly have to do what you say Then he let lube go an made Wash Dillins fight bumblebees an preten he was a dog an do the most outlandish things yon ever heard of I gosh It was funny an he made some o the othcis act up too but none so much as ole Wash an the next day he went aw a j But ho made a mighty big change In lanes life ysee up to this time Jabo alius dropped Ids eyes every time ho seen woman comInan the woman alius looked the other way But now Jabo made up his mind to try It an bo ho looked an all lie women knowed about It so they looked an they found out that them eyes was mighty fine If you looked at em ho keen you couldnt see the test o his face They was mostly seined too since they hemtl as how la be was a hypnotler If ho only wanted to bo that a way but o course that only made em look all the more Klrst off Jabo didnt have the sand to look at the best lookln girls but only the homely ones an It wasnt two weeks till he could o had his cholco o 11 doen girls You bee they got to talkln to him an studjln them eyes o hlssn an fust thing they knowed they was hankerln after em But Jabe got partlclai They was a time when hed been tickled to death to have any girl that woie dresses keep compny with him but he kep raisin his Idees every day till linly he sot his mind 011 wlnnln Hetty Allen that was the blomedest puitiest girl In the whole country an had a doen fine lookln fellers with good hoi ses an buggies an some land trj In to court her an blame If ho didnt git her An the funniest pint of It all Is that theie aint no purtler young tins auj wheie than them seven chll dren o Jabes An they all got blue eyes every one of em an the let Is like their mother The hun U lllue Professor S P Langlej secretary of the Smithsonian Institution says If we could rise above the earths atmosphere to view It the sun must have a decidedly bluish tint to the nak ed eye The proper color of tho sun Is blue not merely bluish but positively and distinctly blue J A POPULAR MISTAKE I he liliii I hut Imfeioiloiinl Mm II 11 1 e nn riin I line People who wmk with Iheli hands espetliillv ImiiioiH me 11 11I In Ihlnk lluil pinfcNslniial men have an easy 1 1 1111 nl II Hiihl a Inwvei of this city 1 Im an aiiiiiNlng iiilsinhi I he fanner ilops at miiidnwu mid the htboier wul Us leu houiH at the oiiIhIiIo The milage pinleNHlnllill man wotks rinm I to II hums diiv In and daj oil all Ihe jeat mniiiid Mien at a pinch ho will woik fiom Hi to 00 lllllllH lm HCV 1 ml dajH In stiffcHHlmi ami he will woik when ho Is sick 01 sulleilng se veie plijshnl 1 in 1 li Momclhlug Ihe mail mil Inllei wouldnt dieiim ul ll coiimo ho takes nIioi I Inleivals nl lout like eMijbnilj else The human eiigliu Nu 1 iiipable ul absiilulelj sustained ciiilcnvui Im nver an hum al a Hlieteh Watch a tlav Inboloi whn seems In be pluihllng along like a machine and jou II lliul lluil he iciillj iohIh imiie Hum half Ihe lime lie looks al hiiiiii well iIhsnimI ihittnl lawjil blokei 01 mail nf allalis and siijh In himself Oh Miu doggiiiii I lny uiscall Ifjnu nlllj had In wulk like mo Tin tlilth Ih Hull Ihe 1 hap he envies Is putting an amount nt emu eiitiailnii and continued eiioigv Into his diillj loll Hull would kill the man whn wuiks with his bauds nlnne In loss Hum 11 week I dnii t moan this us auj lelleelloii nil Iho lahiiiei whn is iiIhii tin doubt titling his level best I Hlmph mean lllllt tho deuiilliils nil lililltl piniluctlnll 1110 11 Ilibil again as seven as the tie mauds mi 1111111 le pi oiluel Ion Ior kIioci hIiiv lug iUiilllles Iheie Is iiolhllig In Hie win hi that equals the nervous high billing dull lunkliig iiindoiu pin foHshuuil mail- New li loans Times I llIIIOCtllt JESS AND THE BEAH III liln Sin eil hc Vliin I nl I ont Ilia I lie In Ihe lliiiunlii Theie hi a slnlj 1 oiniei led Willi Iho IiikI belli killed abolll hole which luliil gllllldpipiis nllt 11 1 1 li I the llllltlteil seated nil Ibeb knees It appeals Hint Ihe telehialoil 1 IK lo loss hud spent all his Hie as 11 iiuppci ami hiiuiei and never a mishap hud lielallen him Hut one niKlit In his 11 11 hl v lo shako a tnnli ho llmboil Ihe hIicII nl nu oltl lite As he began shaking the neighbor ing limb he slump In which he was 1 llnglng gave waj and he sank feet 11 1 Ml Into the hollow onlei All ellnits to escape weie Impossible and tho pious biinloi Irnl loKiilved In piss the leiualliilol nl his Hie in piajel when tnwmil ulglil his supplh atloiiH weie In tel llipled Looking up he beheld tho eje of a beai looking stialghl low 11 at hlui Then Hie animal tinned about ami but ked down the Inside of the stump Huidlj knowing what In tin Undo less put up his hands In piolfcllon and gi asped the bear Now ll was the hems till ti lo be 1rlghtened Ho Kcimubled up again while the hunter hung oil foi his life anil was cat lied w Ith safely lo the lop lleie the bears leal double began loi wlh so hea v j a weight It was lm possible Im him to tin 11 about and bai k down so hi tiled It head list but that was no easy matter to Hi lit ast and he loll with a heavj thud to the giuiind below and was killed while Im le less went home mill told the tl lllhl ill tale to be banded flow 11 in his chihlieii -Springfield Republic an Slllllln SI i 1 1 Ion IrleHlN At cooling to a lecliiie on Slam dollv fied icceiitlj III London by John Bait led thai tommy has moie than lis shine of pilosis The population of Slam he said amounted to about JOOuVOO and a cm Ions feat tu e was the bilge ptepontleiaiice of Chlnesf moie f specially In Bangkok The Chi nese piactlcally toutiollcd all the trade mid coinineice of the place There weie baldly any Hianiese meichmits One million of the people weie in the priesthood He bad tiavoled up river tluoiigli the main tfiiuoiy of Slam for a distance of ir0 miles ami during the Jouiney It had been absolutely Impos sible to get out of bight of a temple In each temple theie weie fiom 10 to U00 priests supported entliely by tho people Of the lOOOWX pilosis only 300000 weie actively engaged The 11 inalulng 700000 weie passing through the priesthood Iuiier mill Htrlnir Kinukllnrf time houoied mid cumu lative adage Ior want of tho nail the shoe was lost for want of the shoe the hoise was lost for want of the horse the man was lost should have the addendum of twine and paper bugs put to it to make It complete Kew things are moie aggravating than to be icady to tie up a package and find no string or to carry a few apples oiungcs eggs or bulbs a short distance and find no bug to hold them Strings should always be wound in a ball and kept icady for Immediate use wheie the family may find them ami paper lags as soon as emptied should bo folded neatly and laid in a drawer for use as needed lloa of the Olilen Time Boys have nlwuys been boys There Is no doubt that Shorn mid Ham pitch ed coppeis or plajed jackstraws ou the shady side of the ml while Noah who couldnt flud them had to feed tho stock hjmself or that David held up two fingers to Jonathan when he saw him across the block and that they therewith went in svvimmiug In tho Jordan against the express ptohlbltlon of their mothers Minneapolis Journal flieasy baths may be made perfectly clean by lightly scouting with a wet ftnunel dipped In common salt The farmer gets along all right It things dont go against the gralu Philadelphia Bulletin