The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 12, 1899, Page 7, Image 7
-- NOT MUCH OF AN EATER Took So snia llttlr n iillnf llhn iipiiiln It w Morgan fvcry Inch a Welshman himself likes to tell tills moij whni iinli Is another Welslinuui hi lii arluc lie wont homo to dinner fin- ilay foiunl a paper hunger t lli In the Iuiiisk lli iiuIki tlu limn I Capialn Morpm told him It was lllllll I txuess Ill knock oil and no home t dinner then the paper lumber re- lllill I Ml ti and eat with us the captain nd and the Invitation was accepted Iitpiain Morgan was attentive to hl UiM dnrliiK the meal Ho had a lilirioiis appetite The captain help I lii in to roast lieef several times un til at Inst he had some curiosity to sco Jim imw much the fellow would eat without crvlnj enough The miniu wan Jtriwiiit pite Interestliif when tho fel low hejran to show sliis of quitting Will you have some of tho plum IHiiltliiiKV the captain asked him to re vive his falling appetite No tlauks he replied Ive had oikmiuIi 1 think ii take a small piece of the pud illtit the captain uracil Its jjumi iuc ICtinllsh plum pudding and home made at that Well 1 ilonK mind tryini It he Haiti The captain helped lilm to a section of the putldliif wolnhlnj ahout a pound and lie ate it with much relish Then he shoved his chair away from the taliie and leaned hack for an after dinner chat Im not much of an cat or he said not unUiuf tho smilo on the captains face It takes very llttlo to satisfy me Say you ought to see the Welsh eat Are they hearty enters asked the captain Hearty eaters repeated tho fel low Say they eat like a lot of bogs Iittshurg News i of i IT WAS GENUINE Thr SlKnnttire of Wllllnm Slinkca jicnre That Ail ml nil luec Mini At the time of the New Orleans ex position In the winter of 1881 5 Ad miral liticu was In command of the north Atlantic squadron and was sent down there to add to the gayety of nations which no other old suadog could do hotter than he Tpon his re turn the Hagship was anchored in New York hay where it was visited by many people One day a party eanio aboard which included among others a very pretty girl nnd a very dignified and learned Knglishman As Admiral Luce was entertaining them In his cabin lie asked the pretty girl if she would like to see an original autograph William Shakespeare At hia the dignified and learned VjijIishnian pricked up his ears and rpinaked that lie had made a study of the autographs of Shakespeare and was positive there was no authentic example in America Admiral Luce re plied that he was very positive his was authentic and that its genuineness had never boon questioned Tills made the ISritisher quite mad and he delivered a lecture on the fraudulent autographs and manuscripts that were brought over to America and exhibited as orig inals Well replied the admiral 1 am convinced that my autograph of Wil liam Shakespeare is genuine and I am going to have the plensure of show ing It to this young lady Whereup on lie went to his desk took out his visitors book turned back a few pages and then pointed out the signature Willinni Shakespeare mayor of New Orleans Jan L2 188T The English man gave a painful gasp and retired Chicago Itccord The Clever nomntm It seems quite surprising that the an cient Itomnus did not acquire the art of printing with movable types Inasmuch ns they came so very near to It They had wooden blocks carved with words In reverse by means of which they stamped those words on pottery while tlie latter was as yet unbaked and soft Incidentally it may be mentioned that they knew the modern method of mending broken pots by means of rlv Xts and many pieces of pottery thus icHtored have been dug up In ancieut Home there was one dally newspaper which was written entirely lk luittil IJii tt lwittintrt tlii Titmnti uttt Kt IF 1III14U HI UWI4UUii WJV fcU I I II otir a V1 ate had a publication which corre sponds to The Congressional Itccord being a report of the dally proceedings of that Important legislative body It likewise was written by hnnd Speak ing of linked clay one might mention the fact that the little boys of Koine 2000 years and more ago were accus tomed to play knuckle down with mar bles of that material just as children ilo now Coatm Milk Modern Medicine says that gonts milk contrury to the general impres sions differs from cows milk not in being more digestible but in being less digestible and less nutritious al though it contains a larger amount of solid matter than cows milk It Is indeed the most indigestible of all tnllk Coats milk has a peculiar ami un pleasant odor and flavor due to hlrcic acid or bliclne It contains an excess of fat a ud Is therefore altogether too rich for an Infants diet An Austin colored waiter told a Bos ton mnn at a hotel that in eastern Texas a white man had married a ne gro woman Was he not derided asked the Hostonian In the classic speech of the 11K f nlnri x V V lie WI181 SHU ueuiiieii iiofiin Dey rlded him out ob towu on a rail Household Words Onk UniiuUa lllililcn tlnilrr Ilny Curious but dangerous freaks of na ture frequently found In the deserts of Arizona are called sunilderos by the Mexicans and Indians They are mask ed pitfalls of quicksand that decur In the dry plains and are covered with a treacherous crust of clay that has been f picad over them in line particles by the wind and baked dry by the sun The peculiar properties of the soil retain all the moisture drained Into them after the Infrequent rains and al low It to lie tlltered to unknown depths so that a man or a horse or u cow or a sheep that once steps upon that de ceptive crust linitantly sinks out of sight beyond hope of rescue The suuiideros are on a level with the sur face of the desert There Is no dan ger signal to mark them and their surface cannot be distinguished by the ordinary eye from the hard clay that surrounds them They occur most fre quently In the alkali covered flats and are often lii or -0 feet In diameter Sometimes they are only little pockets or wells that a man can leap across but the longest pole has never found their bottom A stone thrown through the crust sinks to unknown depths and no man who ever fell Into one of them was rescued They account for the mysterious disappearance of ninny men and cattle Chicago Itccord 1inir rurlNlili Similii j a The four Sundays of November are observed as fete days in Holland They nre known by the curious mimes Ke vlew Decision Purchase and Posses sion and all refer to matrimonial af fairs November in Holland being tho month par excellence devoted to court ship and marriage probably because tho agricultural occupations of the year are over and possibly because tho lords of creation from quite remote antiquity have recognized the pleas antness of having wives to cook ami cater for them during the long winter On Kevlew Sunday everybody goes to church nnd after service there Is a church parade in every village when tho youths and maidens gaze upon each other but forbear to speak On Decision Sunday each bachelor who Is seeking n wife approaches the maiden of his choice with a ceremoni ous bow and from her manner of re sponding judges whether his advances are acceptable Purchase Sunday the consent of the parents Is sought if the suit lins prospered during the week Not until Possession Sunday howev er do the twain nppear before the world as actual or prospective brides and grooms Denver News KiikIInIi Secret Service Money The term secret service money Is usually applied to n fund placed at the disposal of ministers to be expended at their discretion in promoting or pro tecting the interests of this country These moneys consist of n sum of 15 000 annually Included In the estimates in respect of which ministers are only required to make a declaration that the moneys spent have been expended Ip accordance with the Intentions of parliament As ministers nre required to give no account of their stewardship It is ob vious we have no means of knowing how these moneys are expended The reader however who carries his mind back to episodes within his knowledge such ns the collapse of the Fenian con spirators or of their Inter develop ment the Irish Invlncibles will have llttlo dlmculty in realizing how Indis pensable a fund of this kind is to tho protection of a state nnd of under standing the Infinite variety of uses to which it may be applied Chambers Journal SllHlitlna the Walter It was at a railway refreshment room The passenger was hungry aud In a hurry Please puss me them pertaters mis ter he said addressing an elegant gentleman who sat next him The luttcr slowly focused his gold eyeglasses on the speaker Did you think that I was one of the waiters he asked Icily The others held their knives and forks suspended In midair expecting to see the man shrivel up but no such phenomenon took place lie turned and beckoned to the nearest waiter George come here please What is it sir asked George I wanted to npologlze to you that Is all You see I mistook this party here for you but I hope you wont bo offended at It Now pass me them pertaters and well go on with the rest of the meal London Tlt Hlts A QncMtlnn of Decree Judge A Well Uncle Zoh where are you going The Kenedlct I wuz jls going to do cote sub to see you sub nnd get n remorse from dat yeller limb dat 1 married the ynrder day Judge A Why see here Hint wont do Didnt you promise me Hint you would tnke her for better or worse and all that The Benedict Yas sub but den she mn n night wuss dnn I took her fur Harpers Bazar Snved Nodd Blinker had a hard time the other day His head clerk Is in the habit of glvug him checks to sign nnd Blinker who has every confidence in him nlwnys does o without question This day his wife tilled out one and the clerk took It In Blinker signed it Todd Kuln him Nodd No It was for such a large amount the bank wouldnt cash It Detroit Free Press In I nek You think you know all about wo men dont you asked the newly mar ried boarder No replied the savage bachelor and I am njlgbty glad I douV In dlauupolls Journal THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY OOTOHKK 12 1810 WHEN LIGHTS ARE LOW rooms ro hiialiril llir IIrIiU tr low t nit nnil llstrn In t lie ultul Tlmt mmr a from nut the illntmit Mil It mints nml rrnoiis in an tiiiilertmia alien ritrlons Mist nlnl limo Of 1inni lost In n liiml unltiitrnn Tlirn Meal rij mul nil In Mill TIs buimI to listen to tln wind When rooms mu IiiihIhiI ami Unhls hte low When those we love hne romp ami tone Via weary to e left behind--To nils jiwimI rjirt wheie late they shone To look lor what we limy tint llnd 10HK cherished tonus that haunt the mind Sott lolrrs that wete imti loo Mliilj To Hie and miss them one liy one Is weary work Whod lny hehlnd When those we loin hiU ronie nnd irnnef - New Yolk Times A TRAGEDY IN A PICTURE Ill Simp Shut if ii Drink Tim K1I11 Til o Men The most remarkable snap shot pic ture In the world Is owned by a friend of mine In a town In Georgia said an enthusiastic amateur photographer Its story in extremely curious It seems that he went one day to a black smith shop to get a shot at the men at the forge The smith was engagedton a difllcult piece of Ironwork and had two helpers lust behind them on a shelf was a pint llask full of yellowish while liquor evidently the corn whis ky for which the native Georgian has a peculiar lilting As my friend was preparing to take his picture one of the helpers caught sight of the bottle and communicated his discovery by dumb show to his companion The smiths back was turned at the moment and the first man reached stealthily for lie prize while my friend unnoticed In the coi ner quickly alined his camera It was u comical scene aud In his mind he had already named the photo The Stolen Drink The helper uncorked the llask and took a swift gulp and Ills comrade snatched it nnd did likewise Then for a brief breathless Instant they looked at each other and as they did so their foolish grin gave way to such a stare of questioning horror as I never saw before upon a human face I know because It was then that the eninori clicked nnd the picture is as clear as crystal The llask contained carbolic ncid Within tin hour both men weie dead When my friend took one print lie broke the negative so as to make the photograph absolutely unique It shows the forward end of the shop In the foreground Is tho anvil with the smith bending over his work Be hind him are the two helpers one still holding the flask looking at each oth er You can see tragedy In their eyes as plain as print It is a frightful and dramatic tableau that could not bo duplicated by any sort of art New Orleans Times Democrat Clinu of lie Cyclone Kver see a cyclone say Bite the world and munch away Kat up houses fences trees just as easy as you please Set n hustle on Its jaws Swipe tho earth with fiendish claws Hump its hack and take a rim through the orchard just for fun Prom a hill to hollow flit seeming to get strength from It Never seen one Well I jlng Its a pesky sort of thing Kver see a cyclone say Take Its track and speed away Switch Its tall find snort and bound Just like light ning oer the ground Get a swift move with Its feet racing for the winning heat Then cavorting up and down heeding no laws of the town Pushing everything aside Out upon n gayly ride As though owning nil the track ever onward never back Never seen one Well 1 swow Its a buster anyhow Klngsley In Times YnchlliiK on Salt Save during the rainy season Lnk Lefroy In western Australia Is quite dry But as the water evaporates as the hot weather approaches a smooth glassy floor of crystalline salt Is de posited Those living on the shores have found a menus of utilizing this All boats which sail on the lake when possible are during the rainy season fitted with four wheels and thus are enabled to continue their travels As Lake Lefroy has an area of 100 miles and the surrounding coun try Is extremely rough this menus n great saving In expense labor and time The speed attained by these wheeled yachts Is very considerable though not quite equal to the pace of tho Ice yachts so popular In Canada Cincinnati hnqulrcr A Sennlorliil Slnnder Two ladies visiting In Washington during one of the sessions of congress went to the capltol to hear the pro ceedings In tho United States senate Most of the galleries being filled they approached the doorkeeper of the sena tors gallery where admission Is by card As they did not possess this passport the doorkeeper suggested Hint they procure one trom any senator lliey might be acquainted with But we do not know any senator they replied Well It Is very much to your cred it said the doorkeeper Pass right In ladles San Pranclsco Argonaut lllKh Art Oh yes he Is a follower of one of Ihe higher arts Well he doesnt look It What does lie do Hes a professional flagpole paint er Belgium Is the home of the racing pigeon There the sport Is a natloua pastime ami a good pigeon frequeutl wins for Its owner large sums of inon y tho prizes being considerable to which heavy pools are ndded The earliest pottery with printed lesigus of American subjects was made at Liverpool at the end of tho uguieemn century Horn lOnnnl tin ol Iree Here Is a curious error said tho schoolboy as he laid down his Uncle Toms Cabin and turned to the en cyclopedia The author uses the ev presslou All iiitii are born free and equal Well what Is the mailer with that Inquired the schoolboys mule Why the quotation should be All men are born equal There Is no free In It Do you mean to tell me that lef fersoti did not write free ami equal In tho Declaration Thats what ho didnt Ill hot you -- Dont do II uncle Kemeniber you haven family to support and they will need all your money The word free does not occur there See And he placed the big book before his mis guided relative Oh I know bettor I will gel a copy of the constitution In one of my old books 1 have heard hut quoted so often I know what 1 am talking about You have heard It quoted wrong ev ery time you heard tho free In II After they had found the good and reliable old hook and all the rest of the authorities the uncle ungraciously gave up But he hated to do so It seems Impossible lo correct that wroni Impression The boy was right Yet people will go on iiidellultely milking a free and Inaccurate quotation Chicago Post Out si Mini lis III CiHiililllilli The carriage horses of Chief Justice Marshall were exceedingly thin and ids family told him that It was cur rently hinted that Jerry the colored coachman exchanged too great a pro portion of the horse feed for whisky for personal use lo allow the horses food enough to keep them In a good and creditable coiidillon The Judge went to the stable and directed Jerrys attention to the pour appearance of the liurses told him of the iiiiio about his exchanging oats and hay for whisky and thereby depriving lie horses of their necessary supply of food and spoke of the sleek fat team driven by his neighbor Brewer Laws Massa John said Jerry Its the natur of the animals look at Mr Brewer liisself sab a short fat greasy genleman that aint seed his boots after his foot was In cm for yealis while you sab Is all and roun shouldered an sees your feet all de time youse walklii an look at his coachman thicker through than lie Is long wlilles Ise only skin tin bones Of course Ills critters Is Tat while yours Is thin Its their natur Massa John Its their natur They belongs to the fat kin and we all belongs to tie lean kin Its natur Perhaps that is so saltl the Judge reflectively and walked away as if well satisfied with tho explanation Chica go Inter Ocenu IiiirueNt Kmcrnlil In the World A vase cut from a single emerald has been preserved in a cathedral In Genoa Italy COO years Its dimensions are Diameter liP Indies height rtfi inches lOvery preen lit Ion is used to Insure safekeeping Several locks must be opened to reach it anil the key of each lock Is In the possession of a different man It Is publicly exhibited very rarely and then only by order of lie senate A precautionary decree was passed in M7U forbidding all per- sons to approach the priceless treasure too closely An antiquarian advances j the theory that It was one of the gifts made Solomon by the Queen of Sheba and has written a book to prove his assumption It is dlHIeult in these matter of fact days to believe so large an emerald had ever been found and It would be Interesting to hear the ver dict of a gem expert nfter he had care fully examined the vase Manufactur ing Jeweler ArtUla In Molltcr of Ienrl The Incrustation of precious woods with mother of pearl is In Hnnort French Tonquin an Important In dustry an entire street known as the street of the Inlayers being devoted to It Landscapes gleaming In the sum sheafs of many colored flowers the most delicate arabesques and many other beautiful things are evolved by the deft aud pliant lingers of the art fleers with the alt of the plainest and crudest tools only anil marvelous cab inets and other articles are fashioned and put together without the aid of nulls by dovetailing and lacquer paste riiiireh IlelU Why do they have church bells What good are they Men go to a hank or the store at the proper time without a bell Women open up their millinery stores on time without being rung up People In the country where there are no bells get to church on time The fact Is church bells are a relic of ancient limes People have llieni because it is custom They do no good Keally they are a uulsunce Atchison Globe An IJniilc imnnl Diet Mr Diikaue Jouesy indulged In a linguistic diet yesterday Mr Caswell What do you mean by that Mr Dukano Northslde made him oat his words Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph The man who Insists at the poker party that the husband Is tho lord and master Is the one who takes off his shoes to sneak up stairs when he gets homo New York Press A calm at sea resembles thnt artifi cial sleep which Is produced by opium In an ardent fever the disease Is sus pended but no good Is derived from It The nerve thnt never relaxes the eye that never blenches the thought that never wanders those nre the mas ters of victory Burke r 2 5 a r w t v w r r OUR BEST FRIENDS 3 1 iiiijfcv art the long timr uwrs ol Smith Pmuirrs The more hard work ttirnrd out the more appuenl is Smith Premier diirbillly Repair bills reduced In a minimum Sinilh Premier capacity lor 1ood work all llie lime is unequaletl Catalogue Tree Ask for it Ihr Smith Premier Typewriter Co FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING 4Vi mm rt in I yiirVllii hm mm tepi - v- r WAS HUN I A blindness irmrs to nu now and then I have it now It is can sec y yrs lint not your nose I cant read because some of llie leicrs are blurred dark spots cover I hem it is very uncomfortable 1 know aM aboul it its DYSPKPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Rinans Tabule - A mini if IhmI limllli Uul IIMANB will 1ml limnt Thtjt Imiilnh linlti imil lirtlonjc llfn WANTIK ullif Iwil UiuKunl III l ANHiin thf liiukiiK mill iicrtit ulvitlliiln llllANS ill fnri iMilH or twilM iiiKktlsfiir IHii nli limy Im liml ul imy OniK utorn Ti n numilFHiiiiiiiiin thiiu anil tiMliiiiiiiliilH will Im inullisl li iiiij ui1iIkiii fur fi inlK fiiwnlnllo the ltltiutm Jliciiilcul Co No Ul UuruisSt Niw York TRY THE Daily News Job Department FOR SPECIAL PRICES ON LAEGE ORDERS Union Pacific Through Trains ARE SOLID VESTIBULEO Direct Line to the West Lrl Tl3 JIvtL 1 tlA PuftSy Colorado I Wyoming Utah California Oregon AND FINELY EQUIPPED WITH Palace Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Free Reclining Chair Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars Pintsch Lighted For Time Tables Folders Illustrated liooks Pamphlets descriptive of the territory traversed call ou F W JUNEMAN Agent