The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 12, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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B k
Becoming a Leading Industry
at Norfolk
A 1 KiinMIti ViinN Iteinowtl In
liirKd mill lnuriPil NM Vunli Itrlni
IIkIiiIiIIkIiciI Iij Cllojt Who Oiihuh Hero
from ionlnti lliiinn Alurlut Miiitlltcil
From HntiiriliH Dully
Tho sheep industry which wns start etl
in this city n few yours rwo by A 1
Knolliu Co of Iuiusiis City is reeeiv
iun new impetus this seitson by tho
enlargement nntl improvement of tho
yards of thnt company its well as by
tho eMiiblishineut of another system of
yards by Mr Hoyt of Gordon
Tho yards of the Knolliu company
have been moved to a location east and
south of where they were originally
tho removal being made beonnso the
yards before woro so close to to tho rail
road tracks that the smoke and soot
which frequently poured over the sheep
from passing engines damag ed tho wool
to nn appreciable extent and it was not
rated as lirst class when placed on the
market The yards which aro now
being built for tho winter feeding
cover ten acres and are 21 in number
The company is expending about 10000
in improvements which would seem
to indicate that tho industry is to
bo considered a permanent feature from
this on Besides the i l yards which
are built in a very substantial maimer
a warehouso 12 J by ISO feet is being con
structed as well as a scale house and a
very commodious and cozy dwelling
for tho men employed Tho latter
will contain besides sitting room and
kitchen live airy sleeping rooms
Water pipes have been laid into tho
house as well as to nil the yards and a
system of wnter works will be operated
ns n portion of tho plnnt a gasoline
ougno being used as power for pump
ing The samo will also bo utilized to
grind feed
Tho company propose to feed 10000
bheep here during tho winter and for
that purpose about T 000 bushels of corn
will be required and 1200 tons of hay
besides several cars of oil meal and
some pulp from tho sugar factory Tho
company has already contracted for
1000 bushels of corn at 11 cints n bushel
nntl BOO tons of hay besides they
rnised 00 tons of hay themselves
An nvornije force of 10 men will be
1 required to take care of the yards which
will be under the charge of Mr E A
lowe superintendent oi tne plant an
expert in that lino of work
Mr C Hoyt spoken of at tho begin
iug of this article is here from Gordon
and lias purchased 10 acres south of the
Kuollin yards whore he will this year
construct ynrtls to accomodate OoOO
sheep Work on these yards has not
yet begun but will be in a short time
and completed as rapidly as possible
While they will probably not be so pre
tentious at the outset as thoo of the
older firm they will necessarily have to
be quite extensive to accommodate tho
number of sheop that Mr Hoyt proposes
bringing here this fall
These two 6heep feeding industries
mean a good deal to tho farming section
around Norfolk They moan that there
wil at all times be an active demand
for hay and corn two of tho leading
staples of this country and tho farmers
here are likely to get a little better
prices for these products than those less
fortunately situated
City Council
The city council met in regular ses
sion Inst evening when there were
present Mayor Sirapsou Councilmen
Bruumiond Bucholz Bullock Dexter
Uhlo and Heckmun Absent Council
men Degner and Vielo
Minutes of September 21 were read
and npproved
The treasurers statemeut for Septem
ber was read and referred to the audit
ing committee showing balances on
hand is follows
General fund 118 01
Interest fund irU ii
Road fund loi oil
Water fund 11
Sinking fund 2002 ilii
Fiio department 201 00
Report of police judge for September
was read and approved Amount col
lected 2l 00 uncollected 8 00
Report of police judge for July and
August reported back by auditing com
mittee as correct ns was also tho treas
urers statements for July nntl August
reported as correct
Tho matter of establishing a police
station wiru a teiepiioue ana also n
system of registering for police at cer
tain stations was referred to the com
mittee on flro nntl polico with power to
act by the followiug vote Ayes
Brummond Bucholz Dexter uud Uhlo
nay Bullock nntl Heckman
The committeo on public works
recommended tho placiug of a now
roof ou tho pump Mntion ami other
minor repairs Motion prevailed that
tho committee bo authorized to have
such repairs done
Moved thnt a committee of threo and
the city nttorney and engineer be in
structed to prepare an ordinance annex
ing ftdgesvater park addition Motion
curried nud Messrs Bullock Bucholz
aud Heckman nppoiutcd as buch com
The claim of the Chicago Lumber
company was referred back to tho aud
iting committeo
The claim of the U S Supply Co
lfi7 was referred to tho water com
The following olninis were allowed
Xo lists of bills has been furnished
this paper for publication
Tim special eomniittcu reported that
they had exchanged tho old stove for a
soft coal burner without expense to the
city A vote of thanks was extended to
the committee
Siipriiiit Court Suttulin Vnrillit of lilntrltt
Court In Might v Norfolk Snciir Co
The decision of tho district court of
Madison county in tho case of 1 light vh
the Norfolk Heot Sugar company has
been alllrmed by tho supreme court
Justice Sullivan rendering tho opinion
This was a case resulting from an ac
cident in tho sugar factory in December
IS04 Tom 1 light one of tho employes
was wiping n bt It when Ills hand wns
caught nnd drawn over n pulley result
ing in a severe injury to his wrist In
January of tho year following Mr Hight
began a suit in tho district court against
tho beet sugar company claiming 15000
damages for tho injuries received
In March ISflfi the district court
gave tho plaintilla verdict for
On May 15 ISOS tho caso was argued
nnd submitted to tho supremo court and
the decision of the district court was
reversed in October lust year
During March last tho caso was
again tried in tho district court by jury
and n verdict was again given for 2700
in favor of Mr Hight
It was carrietl to tho supremo court on
tho lth of September whoro it was
again argued nnd submitted tho result
being that tho decision of tho district
court was allirmed last Thursday
Tho attorneys for tho plaint ill were
Brome Burnett and Mapes ifc Haon
Robertson Wigtou were tho attorneys
for tho dofense
Tho defense is allowed -10 days in
which to file a motion for n rehearing
Following is tho opinion of Justice
1 A potition in which the cau o of
action is insuflicieutly or defectively
stated may bo amended by adding other
allegations to remedy or euro the defects
2 Tho statute of limitations does not
run against an nmoutletl pleading
wherein tho amendment consists in
setting forth a more complete statemeut
of the original causo of action
3 In tho trial of an action grounded
m negligence it is proper to submit to
tho jury tho question whether tho
plaintill was at tho time ho received
the injury engaged in tho performance
of work outside of his contract and
different in character from that which
ho had undertaken to perform
1 A special finding of the jury based
upon conflicting evidence will not bo
A servant while temporarily em
ployed in a more hazardous service than
that for which ho has been engaged
assumes only such risks in connection
with tho woilt asaro equally open to
himself and his employer
i If a servant is called by his mastor
to preform work beyond tho scope and
terms of his employment and there aro
hazards incident to the extra service
which are or ought to bo known to tho
master and which tho servnut on ac
count of ignorance or lack of experience
does not understand or appreciate it is
tho duty of the master to point them
out to indicate the peril and the menus
of avoiding it
7 But if the danger is in fact kuown
to tho servant or if tho accident could
bo avoided by tho servant or if tho acci
dent could bo avoided by tho exorcise of
ordinary care on his part tho doctrine
of contributory neligonco forbids u re
Atiiiiil Collf KHThlM Vrur
Never in tho history of our country
was there n grander opportunity than
tho present for educated young men nntl
women What an auspicious moment
for those who are just now on tho
threshold of lifo
Grand Island Business nnd Normal
college hns for fourteen years been tho
leading institution of its kind in the
western states uud last year more than
twico as many calls were received for
its graduate as could bo supplied
Everything necessary for a succcbhlul
btart in lito is taught business normal
and shorthand courses Expout es low
Board only jl SO per week One years
time given on tuition if do ired Col
lego record sent free or for six cents will
bend elegant catalogue
A M IIakkcjs President
Grand Island Nob
Siiiitliuin Jltrrntiirn
Interesting literature regarding tho
South is now being distributed by the
Southern Railway Southern Homes
folders large map folders Land of tho
Sky lookltts Southern Fields Min
ends and Mines looks ec mailed freo
to any address Tho Em ire of tho
South u very handhomo volume of
about 200 pages profusely illustrated
also issued by tho Southern Rulwavand
sent to any address upon ieceiptof ai
cents which amount approximates cost
of delivery Address
Wm H Tavloe
Abst fienl Pass Agent Southern Ry
Louis villk Ky
You can have
Lrnin Iirns
sells velvet or moquette carpets made
into beautiful ruus at the Omaha Rug
Factory 1521 Leavenworth St Prico
list free First class references
Jas Tkn KYCKE ProDrietnr
BeBt city reference
IriicwillliKR of tlin AilJiiurtnit Mi ellng
lit III litnt K Mil ti
From SntunlayH Dnili
All adjourned regular meeting or tho
board of education wns held last even
ing there being present Messrs lining
geinnii luikart Blrchard Salter and
Mat run
Meeting was culled to order by Presi
dent Brueggemau Minutes of last
mooting were read and approved
Hitls for furnishing coal weio read as
Broasoh Hoes Rook Springs
075 per ton Rock Springs pen
Rock Springs slack S5 Deer
lump lr0 Deer Greek nut
Canon City lump fOJo Hocking Val
ley t00
H E Hardy Illinois lump fi0 per
ton cash Hanna lump flir Hocking
Valloy lump f 000 Canon City lump
sU Rock Springs pea 1 10 Rock
Springs slack t8i
Salter Coal i Grain Co Rock Springs
lump r0 per ton Rock Springs slack
100 Rock Springs nut 0 00 Rock
Springs pea 125 Canon City lump
000 llanna lump f Hanna nut
Illinois lump 150 Hocking
Valley lump T50
Tho bid of C W llraasch being tho
lowest for the amount and kind of coal
required was accepted
Tho following bills were allowed
S G Dean curtains 1000
S V Dunn repairs 75 cents
Nebraska Telephone Co rental Sep
tember and October S00
IT H Miller dray 125
W N Huse supplies and advertising
Hayes Jewelry and Music house
clock and repairs 0 50
IT C Matrau agent freight 2557
II C Matrau boeretary exprcs and
freight paid 20t
Amoricnu Book Co books 1150
Maynard Morrill Co books 1 152
D C Heath Co books 1102 27
D C Heath Co books 2700
D O Heath Co books 5 18
Thomas Charles Co books ib
E W A Rowles supplies 180 21
E W A Rowles supplies 12020
E W A Rowles supplies 77 Ii
Guin fc Co books 5100
Silver Burdett A Co books 28 10
Silver Burdett Co books 12i0
L C Mittelstudt lumber li 02
Monthly pay roll 102105
Report of John Friday treasurer for
tho month of September was read
showing balance cash on hand in gono
ral fund of li502 with unpaid out
standing warrants 1002000
Salaries of Miss Mario Brynn and
Miss Margaret Morrow were fixed at
1000 and 1500 per month respect
Miiluriiil IViiir
If you feel tired appetite is poor have
headache indigestion constipation and
a general run down feeling do not delay
but attend to your caso at once before
malaria fover has fastened its grip upon
you Read what Rev II W Cies pas
tor of Christian Church Craig Mo
writes Wo have used Dr Kays
Renovator in our family and believe it
is tho best medicine wo ever used I
had a bilious uttack bordering on malaria
fover to which I am subject and feel
safe in sayiug that I broke it up com
pletely with half a box of Dr Kays
Renovator Thousands havo pre
vented a fever with the timely assistance
of Dr Kays Renovator thoroughly
cleansing their sluggish system from
all genus of disease and impure matter
thus tho blood is purified and every
organ toned up to n vigorous action If
taken now it may prevent months of
illness Dr Kay s Renovator is sold by
druggists or sent by mail on receipt of
prico 25cents aud 100 or six for 500
by Dr B H Kay Medical Co Saratoga
Springs N Y Send symptoms for freo
illustrated book
Notlcii to IiiiiiI Oiwiem
To all whom it may concern
Tho county commissioners of Madison
county Nebraska having viewed tho
section lino road petitioned for by J
Hoepfingor and others commencing at
tho northwest corner of tho bouthwest
quarter of tho northwest quarter of see-
tion nino 0 in township twenty four
21noith range four 1 west of tho
1th principal meridian in Madison
county Nebraska running thunco north
to the northwost corner of section four
1 aforesaid township and range and
terminating at the intersection with the
bouth lino of Pierce county has reported
in favor of tho establishment thereof
and all objections thereto or claims for
damages must bo filed in tho county
clei ks office on or before noon of tho 7th
day of November A D lbUi or said
road will bo opened without reference
thereto E G Heiiman
County Clerk
Wanted So verul bright and honest
persons to repre eut us as managers in
this and close counties Salary KX a
year and expenses Straight bona fido
no more no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bank in
any town It is mainly office work con
ducted at home References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped envelope The
Dominion Comiany Dopt i Chicago
Tho Variety storo sells heavy lleeced
hoso for 12oceutfi Fleece lined gloves
for 15 cents und 2 cents Granite ware
deep pudding paus for 10 cents 11 cents
17 cents aud 20 cents
Strayed from tho premises of the
undersigned in Norfolk a dark browii
pony with short main and tail
Clyije Rouektk
Colored waiters arc to take the plnc
of the undeiRraduate students if Yale
nbout thlity In number who lmo
been holpliiK to pay their vmiv tliimili
colee bv acting as wallets In the
Yale commons This Is In acconliince
with n decision of the famltv which
holds thnt such work InlcifeieH with
The tU Ulon lias ficqufiitty been
asked ho was Bronx whose name
was glvwn to the Bronx river ami to
one of the lli hoiougliH of ihe dealer
New York It appeals that the liver
derives Its name from Inula llinncx
who settled In that region In Klllll
Married people live longer than the
unmarried the temperate and IiuIiih
trlotiH longer than Ihe gluttonous anil
Idle ami rlvlllred tuitions longer than
tho uncivilized
rar ii i iiiiiiiiiiIiu
fWHSfcS 5Mtrnl
vS JfAt i IEr doetore
iSBsS wdB wrelch
Z llrfl I III II I T A
m m Iuum k
a 1 1 J Ail -If 17hft
2 p i JocLw ol
Tho New England Education lviigun
Is laboring for n ch np bonk post lv
which IioiiIm from pulil i lllniitic niv
he conveyed as si ml Uiihi iiiiiiiv U
I ci ut per pound Sonic IHiuh ma
who have been loiiMilteil nnrii -it llnt
If thai rati coiihl not lie mini cii i
II might he applied for a hIuii u
iIiikc as llfly of one huuilteil nilci
n tul piove pioiliiibln lo ihe n
meiit or at least cover Ihe mm of
A patriot iihch 1iH pilvale lnlliiiiif
for the public good a polDlclmi -
Ihe public lulliieiici for his pn ii
Pride got h ncfoie a fall ami litior
ancc before a fciulci less tin ley car
very word operation strikes tenor to it womans
Neatly nhvnyi these operations become ucccssiry
through noglcct
If tho metises aro very painful or too frequent atttl excessive
got tho right advice at once nntl
top taking chances It will cost
you nothing for atlvico if you write
to Mrs Pinkhatn at Lynn Mass
for it and if you let the trouble
run along it will surely cost you a
groat ileal of pain and may mean
an opctation
Miss Sakaii J Gkaiiam Shctiilanvillc Pa writes Drvu
Mks Pinkiiam I had sulfeicil for rev
eals with teniale troubles mid
il until I was discouraged 1 felt
ed ami tiled of living I had
enso of kidneys bhuhlet tumble
diopsy and bloating had womb
trouble and a huge tumor bail
formed in fait all my oigana
were out of fix
Seeing a womans letter prais
ing your leniedics 1 wiote to
her and she begged of ine to try
it telling me all that it hail douo
for her I bought six bottles of
Lydia E Pinkliams Vegetablo
Compound and now cannot ex
press my gratitude to you Tho
tumor began to conic away in
pieces and 1 got better nil tho
tunc I believe now that I am
entirely cured
My doctors could notbelievo
it at first as they all had told ino
that my case was a hopeless one
nnd no human power could do mo
any good They were astounded
If I can sny anything that can
help other women I shall bo
glad to t
It is not snfe to waft until tho
last in uncut Head IT trouble
by prompt attention to it Dont be satisfied wuhout Mrs
Pinkliams advice
gaf8ftWMnoaMMteatMeatoin3C8 ooftaeseM
I In Time
of Sunshine
j 1
liO lbZ -154
Prepare for Rain
Our Facili
ties are
such that
we are
enabled to
prices that
always In
ical buyers
Our goods
are the
that always
give satis
Our values
are the unapproachable
that never
can be
IVoHO Iiiillrn Royal Capo
MiickhUoth Com inuile cif luth
Kiadti double Inline wool
cuihmtre in navy Slue r
Muck lined throughout uiili
fancy plnld fullwrrpdntihlu
hreutli il driachahlr cur Willi
uiifi pearl button mlid v c 1
vet collar Olja pluil in hmk
nrw fclmpt skirl with one oul
fcidk porkrl and oprnitiK
aide saui lo allow rrefc to
dr porkrl liullonhc let nrc
worked wiih silk and all
fcraru tronily teued I In
manufacturer Kuaranlru for
piilin wtiifnction Hands bark
of every k arrnrnl tlii roupltd
with the way down price wn
name ahould trtllt all doiihl rf
to the value A KOod Mackln
toah il a wilt Imnnmrnt
whnreaa a poor one U inoni y
throws away Our lili
point art practical kuovli iln
of rjurtlitj and liuyini in Iiikii
liinnlllii s al lh lowett cli
price thtr Milviiiiate wn
ritrml to our ruatointim inn
of their inackintothr will pro
tect u from ruin and djinp
nrltumlKllrbrtl if fcilisfit
llon Slrr 54 -6 5a U oridla
inilift lonK no larger lncu
In which is listed at lowest wholesale prices evervthine to t
cat wear and use is furnished on receipt of only 10c to
partly pay postage or expressage and as evidence of good
faith the 10c is allowed on first purchase amounting to
100 or above
Dont re foolJ tlh a mckinlojh
or ruMtr coat If ou wantacoat
that will ktp ou Jiy In tht hril
rt IVrfm buy tht Flth brand
Sllckr If not for fait In your
oa vrlu of caUler ut to
335Q SHOES i
worm to jb con iredwitk
oilier mEkc
Iniliimril In n r
1111111 UUD v ii rH
TlUliilllVt Lir luU
nw toil Jrlr ImuirU nn bullum
Take uo ulii ma i inl
t ho at Bwl 1 ur IM uiiArr
i 13 ami Hu 1 in tho
worM biiirrp
lUum If nut mi ni cm sun
rM in in ciii ii Im riiaiv
klim of lirntliiT rlcu aud nldtta plulu ur lap l
ninitiKuu rrffi
Co Ouiulut3 nlNII Nu 10 1HU9
m ri frvpn
aiB WilbkUinkllaei
W I ki4 W MOUI
Ulltaa to travel for old rilab
naHIM 8nu BJrji0a uo
LSMa NtpraTkniejpuV
lit IlllNOtll IIUll HKIIll to 1IH mid wo
will Mil you the bint iiimltly of
Binding Twine
Wholesale Prices
Sisal or Slnitiliiid
- -
In it i mi i I hiinlui
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Re
Vl luiV 1 11 K him It llllll I llll lllllkl lclli
hlnpiiu iili llif lint mill i ic iiiiiiiil hiiiliin i
llllll lllllllllh Mil Mllllllllt IIhiuIiiH VVii
Iliiiiiiiitii lliill i i i luill nf inn IvMim Imih
llilll lllllill lili HIM I plllllli k uillilll III IiikI
iiiiii I i hi Si lili 1 1 l I IliMI i I mi So
riiiiiiil iimi ImIiiii In rr W ill kIiIi I II l
filliji il In iiiiiiiiinliiiii iT iliiiiiil Will tn
HUi Imiih iinin iiiMniiil uf III pi inii
ihiun Mini iliip Inlit ItifniiiiriH Nilir iih
liii Siitiim il Imiil Ilnh luipii in u 1 1 iiiiii nf
mil li i n imiiiii nl IMii Ai hi I It n
The Western IVIercantile Co
Illlli iiml I mi iiii Sli Diniilin
Thr I limn Iiml Sin 1 1- Vmi Minn
A tliiillmi Im iiiiih
Do lull iIiihIih In IiiiiiiIikIn nf mmiiiiIii
ciiplnH nf inn liiillinil jniiriinlH 111111117 1 iiiiii ihiuh
liiinrH liinikw riitiilniiiin iiiiii Iliciilmii nf llin
iti t mI IiiiihiiiiiI fiinii liiiiliii hiiIh iiml iiiiulilii
rr llllll III llrpl iiinllllllM llui 11M1I hiiiIh mill
nIiiiIi fm Iuii jiiiik nr mini 7 If mi mini iiii
mhii iiiiiiii uilh I 11 1 iIiIh inmhii mill wn will
liinil IhiMiini in Ihi Viiiiiliim KiiiiihIh lllrip
Inn Hhirh riiH hiilln nil iimi llm Unllinl
Stnli tu nililli liiin iiiiiiIhiiiIh mill tnmiiifjii
Vim will nil iiimii 11 mi I 11 nillnit iniitliT
I Ii 11 hi nitilil Iliiihiiii fur iiiiiii liinun llm
Hiniill runt nf lin ii ulh Hi until imtj fmniiiii
Iiimii III Ihi UiiiIi I Iiiiii in nut illtiilnt lit
iiiii ii I Mi Ml Iih Imiim imi tn
Mi IM r 1 1 t UK
lliliiilliuliiiiii A In
let Away a Couple nf Alontliil
ami visit
Ashcvillc or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
hi thf many
Tiuiiisl in kcts on sale via
Southern - Railway
by all Tlrkut Agents
lor sclifdiilfs 01 fuiLliiT Inlur
matlou vviitf or rail on
Wm II Tam hh A G P A
Louisville Ky
1 III am lr N W P A
M Ailiiins St ChiCiiKf
OATrwTc u s AN itiN
Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes
1720 New Vnrk Ave
IIIciihtiihllHliiil I 41W riirirniMiiiniliiriili Cnr
rKHplllllllllCK llillll htlll
Iiiciitiil ou Hid lllinniH Ililrnl It It in
Villi lllwi Jliriitxl nn thn Y117H11 mill MIhUh1ip
Vnlliy It It in tint Fiiiiiium
Of lliHbiKaippi Spicnillly iiiliiiiti il to tho ra 8
mi nf
Corn and hogs
Soil Richestinthc World
Write fur Pamphlets ami Maps
I I iiml Criiniiiin ionnr Afcnt lnnil omr
III Vnl It H I o Inrk How ltooinS7
Louisville 8 Nashville
Write for hfixmition lo