The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 12, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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A Triinrfo HimiiUimi In III Wtitiiul
ri Cnplitlti IIiiniMiiI Corim Men
Imli r lrii Sun of n llrnxr
Iftirrnl rmilnlii OIWIIPm Dentil
lOopyiUslit ISM by I I Kilmer
mil li I
IlimHCIliHh tllllH
of IcciIh of
iliiK 1 rrvtllt
cil to tlm roil It
rldcrH in thn ln
lum cmiiiuIk
iilion n putinut
tmhlic that it 1h
a rclltif to turn
to a jmgo of
Htroiin anil
V I Initio ihiUlniitH
J 1i it it t I ti if 41m
U tlolty TIioho
may no lomm in
tlio Htory of tho roiiKh ritlurH iih It coinon
from tho litis ami jton of Htlwnnl Mar
ahull tlio war cnmriponiliUt who went
in with tho front lino at LiihUiiiihiiiiiih
i At flrnt thought it mtflit hwiii that
lurnhnirn contlitft in tlio liuttlo wiw
foolliitrtly that not IwIiik a HkIiUmk
man ho wan not callfd niton to oiom
IiIh llfo in tlio way ho tlitl Tho torri
lilo fnto which waH tho penalty of IiIh
tlarlng Iiiih luil to coniiiUDtH iiiion hin ac
ISIni nllH own atory In that ho had
not inuYdcd to k into liattlo that day
nor any day Ho wltncHHcd tho lioni
liardmcnt of Daiquiri and Haw tlio
havoc made lty hIioIIh tho ltilliiiK of
Spaniards and Culmim and felt that it
wan a duty ho owed to IiIh family to
talto proper cam of himself and assumo
no nccdlcsH risk No liattlo was expect
ed at Las Ouasimas and for hoiiio rea
son tho stall of tho paper represented
by Marshall was short handed just at
tho time the troopers marched forwatd
to look for tint oiiemy Wishing to have
his paper served as well as others whoso
men were at the front Marshall took
it upon himself to n as far as tho next
man whether soldier or correspondent
Therefore ho kept pace with the fore
most saw all of tho llhtin and was
unioitK tho very last on that part of tho
Hold to catch a Mauser bullet
This ih Marshalls story of the ISrst
wounded olllcer lie saw that day Kays
ho I had ijoiiu to the left with Colo
nel Wood and F audi troops The fust
wounded olllcer 1 saw was Captain
lames II McClintock of U troop He
was loaning propped iiKainst a tree oa
tho backlhino of n hill which wuh iim
clearly defined iih the buttress of a
cathedral Two bullets bad met in the
ower left lotf and 1 have jijversoon u
man milTor such pain as lie did Ho
Hcenicd to lie very cheerful and win
carefully explaining to Lieutenant
Nichols that the place wan altogether
too hot for any man to stay in who was
not obliged to 1 shook hands with him
Kot his name and address as I did of
the other wounded and asked him if
there was anything I could do for him
Not a tiling Miid he except Kt out
Since then the captain has told mo
nlwnt one of liia trooper who after
McClintock had been forced to lie down
13 exhaustion came and lay elio lie
Hide him He talked cheerfully to him
and tried to keep his spirits up
Youd better get out of this said
JtfcClintoeu Its too hot
Dont worry captain the trooper
replied Im between you and the
liriiiK lino
McClint uk touched as he was by
the mans divotion still wanted him to
Ket away He urged him to leave him
Tho man refined Finally McClintock
I am your captain and 1 order
yon to go You are doint no ltoocI to
any one but mo here This is no place
for a well man I order you
The man had to toll I aint no
avcII man he slowly admitted Im
Where V asked McClintock
Oh its only a scratch I
They lay there in silence for a long
time The firing began to conio from
tho left The soldier worked his way
painfully around until ho was again be
tween McClintock and tho line of liro
McClintock was too weak from lots of
blood oven to speak Then a hospital
man came and lifted McClintock to
carry him back
Take him back too McClintock
managed to articulate
No use said the hospital man
Hes dead
Writing on death and suffering at
Las Ciuasinias Marshall telLs of the
heroism of hospital men He says
It would bo unfair to omit from
this chapter a paragraph about tho mi
pcrb work of the surgeons Surgeon
Church especially distinguished liini
helf Keforo 1 was shot 1 saw him run
ning along with his surgeons packet on
tho very firing line and attending
promptly to all the wounded ho could
find without paying the least attention
to his own nifety as ho did so In one
ciu where the firing was so hot that
every man in the neigliltorhood was ly
ing flat on his face to avoid it Church
knelt at tho side of a wounded man and
mado himself a shining mark for Span
ish bullets without hesitation
And here I have an opportunity of
paying blight tribute to one of tho
bravest men 1 ever knew His namo is
Oeorgo W Uurgess Hurgess was with
Troop D and enlisted at Oklahoma No
tmo detailed him to do first aid duty
during tho liattlo of Las GuuMiiius nor
any other time Ho has the quiet blno
eyes and tho thin straight lips of tho
gentleman desperado whom Diet Harto
wrote about Before 1 fell in tho long
grass I saw Burgess standing up when
others were lying down and others rnu
niug along tho ltriug Hue with hia
brown red crossed first aid pouch
Homotimcfl ho would ntop and takn n
Hhot at tho Spaniards jnst to miiku war
realistic ho said but most of tho timo
ho was busy with men who had been
wounded and were lyinn in dangerous
HnrKcsrt mado IiIh red crosn an ex
cuse for placing hiniHelf in extraordi
nary datiKorrt Ho was tho llrst man to
come to me and I can remember dis
tinctly how tho volleys sounded as they
HWept over my face and 1 know that 1
who was lyiiitf down shrank and shiv
ered as thev Hhrieked their devilish lit
tle souks while HurKess hUxh thoro
culm and quiet and told mo softly and
sympathetically tfnit ho was extremely
sorry for me Ho added witliHomethiiiK
of contempt that it wan a blanked
shame that I was only a eorroHoiidont
Then ho started on a run for another
wounded man who was nearer to the
front and probably lyiiiK under a hotter
lire than I was Not two minutes had
clapnctl before he camo back to mo and
asked if I ilitlti i want to bo carried In
to the Hhado It seemed to mo that iih
loiiK iih I had a Mauser bullet in mo it
would bo nice to die respectably of my
woiiihIh under tho shade of a tree that
1 could Heo iih 1 lay instead of staying
out there in tho bliHteriiiK Iouk rass
and dyiiiK of Hiinstrolie Ho I told IJur
mss I should bo very Kind to be taken
into the shade Ho took mo there and
dropped me in the shade iih if I had
been a hot potato and muttering wild
woHtern oaths ho sped desperately to
tho front which had advanced many
A rouh rider whoso fortitude undor
pain is described by Marshall Ih Ser
jeant Hasil Kickotta HerKeant KiekottH
in thi son of the gallant veteran Gen
eral Kickotta who was wounded at Hull
Kun and with stoical nerve boro up un
der the most terrible tortures in order
to save a kK which tho Hurneons insist
ed must be amputated The general n
wife it will be remembered followed
if Hit rouii only sik you now
her wounded husband to Libby and by
careful nursing brought him through
and then devoted her life to caring for
tho wounded Kays Marshall
Basil Kicketts took his wound iir
the son of such parents might boox
pected to take a wound One of tlu
Hcrgcnntsof the rough riders had hitvl
tinder General Kicketts and was the
fust man to ivmu up with Basil after
he had been shot
Im hi said Ricketts
Tho old sergeant leaned over him
and saw that he was taking it calmly
God Almighty I said tho sergeant
Wouldnt the general bo tickled if he
could see you nowV
The death of the gallant Captain
Bucky O Xeill has been touched up
on by many writers of Kan Juan Hill
but Marshall is the first to give the
story of a competent eyewitness From
tho lips of ONeills first sergeant he
quotes as follows
Captain ONeill directed us to
inarch at intervals of 13 feet There
will bo fewer of you hurt ho said We
went north and then down into the
sunken road It was terribly hot down
there but it was much worse when we
got into tho open field Bnllots from
tho blockhouse and from tho trenches
swept down upon us constantly Wo
came to a barbed wire fence It looked
as if it were going to stop us because
for some reason none of us who reached
it first had wire nippers but wo beat it
down witli the butts of our carbines
and scrambled over tho prostrate wires
Then we lay down and fired but
ONeill stood up straight and told us
not to get rattled but toflro steady and
kill a Spaniard every time wo shot
Then we mado a rush Troop K camo
up behind us and wo lay down again
to fire but Captain ONeill walked
cheerfully up and down tho lino talk
ing to us Lieutenant Kane cried cut
Get down ONeill Theres no
use exposing yourself in that way
Captain ONeill turned and laughed
and said
Aw wl Tho Spanish bullet has
not been nidiled that can hit me1
And then one hit him in the mouth
and killed hm
The wounding of Major Brodio is de
scribed in Marshalls book by words
Irani General Wood Said the general-
Brodio hadnt tho least idea ho
rould bo hit by a mere Spaniard I
lliall never forget his expression of
luuazeuient and anger us he hopped
own the hill on one foot witli the oth
er held in tho air before ho fell Ho
tamo towaru mo shouting
Great Scott colonel Theyve hit
It was plain that ho considered the
wound an unwarrantable liberty
Taken all n all Marshalls studies of
battlefield incidents and phenomena
are masterly what might bo expected
from a trained observer who kept cool
and went in with tho fighters Marshall
not only went in with the lighters but
took the bolurs punishment with tho
fubliuio fortitude ho deserilies in others
Not only that ho will bo a heroic sulfer
er for life Tho Mauser cut away part
of tho spinoand ono leg has been ampu
tated below tho knee in order to relievo
j him of tho burden of a dead member
1 GEOitag L KiLiuut
Krcini WiMlririilnrM Dnlly
Mm K Dlorry in on tho nick list
Miss Martha Deminsky Ih on tho Hick
Mrs G II GliiHHof Oakdalo is visiting
with her husband
OhiiH Hydo is milking Homo improve
meats on IiIh house
Mr Higginbotham visited relatives
between traiiiH Sunday
Mrs Willo of Noligh is visiting her
mother Mrs Leo Hubert
Briikeman King him quit the railroad
and expects to leave Norfolk
KI Kniith Hwitchnian in tho F H
yardH loft Tuemlay for IiIh homo in Chi
cago 111
Tlico DoughiHH and M Sutherland of
Missouri Valley were Junction visitors
MrH lia Vill hns returned from Sioux
Falls and hur mother accompanied her
homo for a short visit
Mr and MrH Fred HollingHworth
have retnrnod from York where they
have been viHitmg friends and relatives
S L Breed returnid Monday from an
extended visit in Winona Minn Miss
ouri Valley and other pointa in Iowa
It doiibleH tho joy of tho human heart
brighteiiH body and brain Thats what
Rocky Mountain Tea will do cents
Ask your Druggist
Kuril ltrljlit Mini tit Hciiu ill Sliiuly Posi
tion tlm Vinr Arotiml In Norfolk
mill Vlilnlly
Doar Hditor Wo want a clothing
Halesnian to take orders for our mens
custom suits pants
overcoats and ulsters in Norfolk and ad
joining towns and country Any good
bright man especially if ho has hail ex
perience as a palesnian in a store agri
cultural implement house or where ho
has conio in contact with people as so
licitor for tailoring insuranco nursory
Mock or other goods can make big
money with our lino tho year around
but any good bright man even without
previous exporionco can make I tit 00 a
month and expenses with tho big outfit
wo furnish him and tho opportunity
wo give him if ho will devote his timo
to tho work or if wo can get a good
man in Norfolk whoso time is partly
taken up with other work and who can
devote his spare time to our line even if
only an hour or so a day he will do ex
ceedingly well with our agency We
have men in real ostato loan legal
lumber gram railroad express and
other business who givo their spate
time to our lino with big results No
experience is absolutely necessary no
capital required Wo furnish a com
plete lino of cloth samples and station
ery have no commission plan no
house-to-house canvass no catchy con
ditions but offer a rare opportunity for
some man in viciuity to secure high
grade employment at big wages
We aro the largest tailors in America
Wo make to measure over 100 000 suits
annually We occupy entire one of the
largest business blocks in Chicago Wo
reter to tho Corn Exchango National
bank in Ghicapo any express or railroad
company in Chicago or any resident of
this city We buy our cloth direct from
the largest European and Amoricnn
mills we ononito tho most extensive
atd economic custom tailoring plant in
existence and we reduce tho prico of
suits and overcoats to
from So 10 to iIKOO mostly 5 00 to
10 00 prices so low that nearly every
body will be glad to have their garments
and will giye our
agent their order
Wo will furnish a good agent a large
and handsonioly bound book containing
largo cloth samples nf our entire lino ot
suits pantaloons overcoats etc a book
which costs us several dollars also lino
colored fashion plntos tape measure
business cards stationery advortibing
matter and a rubber stamp with name
and address and pud complete also an
instruction book which makes it easy
for anyone to take orders and conduct
a profitable business Wo will also
furnish net confidential price list
Agent can take orders and sond them to
us and wo will niako tho garments
within five days and send direct to
agents customer by express O O D
subject to examination and approval
collect tlm agents full selling prico and
every we U we will sond tlio agent our
check for all his profit Tho agent need
collect no niouov and delivor no goods
simply go on tnking orders at a libernl
profit Wo deliver the goods collect all
the money and every week promptly
send him in ono round check his full
profit for tho week nnd nearly all our
agents got a check from us of at loast
1000 every week of tho year
Wo will make no charge for tho book
and complete outfit but as tho outfit
costs us soveral dollars it is necessary to
protect ourselves ugaiut anyone who
would impose upon us by sending for
the outfit with no intention of working
but merely out of idle curiosity there
fore wo will ask as a guarantee of
good faith on the part of the reader who
derides to take up this work that ho
cut this article nut and mail to us witli
the understiuulim tlat tho big bvk
ami complete outfit will bo sent to him
by express ho to pay tlio express agent
100 aud express chimes for tho outfit
with tho distinct understanding that we
will refund tho 100 as soon as his orders
have amounted to 25 00 which amount
of oiders he can take the verv first day
Dont compare this with any catchy
offers made to get your 1 00 The
genuineness of our offer and our reli
ability are proven by tho bank reference
referred to above or you can easily nun
out by writing to anyone in Chicago to
call on us
This is a rare chance for sotno man in
Norfok or vicinity to tithe un a work at
once that with reasonable eifort on his
part is sure to net him from 00 to
10 00 a day from the start and we trust
that front among your many readers we
will bonble to get a few good representa
tives in Norfolk uliI ndjoii ing towns
Cut this notice out and mail to tho
American Woolen Mills Co Wet Side
Enterprise Building Chicago Ill and
the boek nnd ngiuts complete outfit
will bo sent to you at once you to piy
100 ami express charges when received
the 110 to be returned to yoa when
your orders amount to 2500
City Commit Ion
Tho ropnblicnn electors of tho city of
Norfolk mot in convention at tho city
hall Saturdny evening nnd wero called
to order by Chairman Burt Mapes who
read tho call G B Salter was on mo
tion elected chairman and S R McFar
land secretary
Dolcgates representing each ward
wero present and wero accorded seats in
tho convention
For justices of tho peaco K W Hayes
and L M Jay lord wero nominated by
Martin Kano and T 1 Wright wero
placed in nomination by tlio convention
for coiiHtables
The central committee was authorized
to fill any vacancies that might occur
on the ticket and tho convention ad
After adjournment tho delegates from
the various wards met and nominated
tho following named gentleman for as-
First ward C F KiBoley
Second waul J W Ransom
Third ward M R Morris
No cauciiH wuh hold of tho Fourth
ward delegates and no nomination for
assessor was mado but a caucus has
been called for this eveniug when an
assessor will bo named
Tlm KimiI ortlin Wluki il
if any of our readers felt anything
like an caithquako shock about one
oclock yosterdav morning they need
not bo alarmed for fear that it was
caused by any seisinio disturbance it
was only tho editor of this paper sitting
down quite suddonly on a wot and slip
pery sidewalk Times Tribune
What is that little scriptural quotation
about tho foot of tho wicked V All
editors you know aro reputed to bo
Not lets
Horaco Huntington Loraino Hunt
ington Delia Sessions Melissa Posten
lames Cutter William F Huntington
Daniel O Huntington Lottie 7 Hunt
ington Vela Olmstead Clyde V
stead Homer Cutter and Hattio Cutter
defendants will tako notice that on
tho 7th day of September JSOO Mary
A Smith plaintill herein filed her
petition in tho district court of Madison
county Nebraska against said defend
ants with others the object and prayer
of which aro to cancel a mortgage ap
pearing of record in book 22 page 277
of the mortgage records of Madison
county Nebraska on tho southwest
quarter of tho northeast quarter and
I lie noi t Invest quarter of tho southeast
quarter and tho south half of tho south
east quarter of section 15 in town
ship north of ntngo IS west of tho
lith p in Nebraska mado by said
plaintiff to Susan C Kudos and dated
October 1st 1801 to secure tho payment
of a promissory note of J00 of tho same
date for tho reason that on or about
the day of 18 1 plaintill settled
with tho said Susan C Kudos who was
then the holder and owner of said note
and niortgago and paid satisfied and
discharged said debt aud plaintiff prays
that tho apparent lieu of said niortgago
of record may by tho court bo ordered
canceled satisfied and discharged and
the snid debt declared paid
You aro required to answer said peti
tion on or beforo the ith day of Novem
ber 18 Maky A Smith
SiniiiiioiiH liy riilillratloii
To John Zwight Sophia Zwight do
You and each of you will tako notice
that i n October lth ISO Frank A
Dearborn and B F Swan plaintills
filed their petit on in tho district court
of Madison county Nebraska against
you as defendants impleaded with Citi
zens National bank Chicago Lumber
company and Ada Kyner tho object
aud prayer of winch petition are to fore
close n certain niortgago executed by
Danirtl G Kyner aud Ada Kvner his
wife to tho Durlund Trust company up
on tho following described real estate
situated in Madison county Nebraska
to wit tho east half of the northwest
quarter and tho uoithoast quarter
of tho southwest quarter of sec
tion fourteen township twenty four
rango ono west of tho sixth p m given
to secure the payment of the sum of
2500 00 duo February 1 181 which
mortgage was recorded January i0 1804
in the oflico of tho couuty clerk of Madi
son county Nebraska in book 0 at
page -104 that there is now duo upon
said notes and mortgage and for taxes
paid on said premises tho sum of o0212t
with interest from March 351 IbUi at
10 per cent for which sum with interest
plaintiffs pray for a decree that defend
ants bo required to pay the same or that
said promises may be sold to satisfy tho
amount found duo nud for such other
and further relief as may be just and
Yon aro required to answer said peti
tion on or boforo tho Ulth day of Novem
ber 180
Dated October 4th 1M9
Fkank A Dkawiokn
B F Kwan i
By A A Welch their attorney
i h A d A fc
Does Your a
Head Ache r
Aro your nerves weak Cant
you eiTti welly lila in your
lack y Iiuk energy V ApietUo
poor Dleistiun kail Jloilsor
jilmples Thcsonre lmtsoiuoof
Urn reMilts of roiihtliation If
tlio contents of tlu Iwuilsaronot
rcmuwil from tlio body each
day as naturu intended poison
ous substances aro sure to 1k ab
sorbed into tho blood always
cautdug BulTcrinnnd frequently
causing Ke ero diseatu
uiero is a counuou feenso euro
Thev dallv Insure nn easy and
natural movement of tlio Uiwels
lrico 25o a box All druggists
Aycis Sarsapnrllla
ith tho pillan ill hasten recovery
Writo tho doctor lint bow you are
uttering You I 1 receive the but
mAdtral advice without colt
Dll J U AYKIt Lowell Man
w r v w
- - --
jv i vt
I rcrTffgia5iffilm
a wkJ UI snfllSWl i
j fllul M bmU I
ti vi I I tLitSi
1 1 1 1 R 9 1
RIIBI 9lY IbdIJ Ul lllltillbti Ohstiimtn soros nnd uWrs which
refso to heal uulor ordinary troat
llffpriniT Prnmnill filirnrl went boeonio chronic and
dimmiig rruinpiiy Satnl aml aro suro Hin tlmt tl0
Dy 0 C 0 entire circulation is in a depraved condition They
uj Oi Oi Ot uro u severe drain upon the system and aro con
stantly sapping awfiy the vitality In every case the poison must
be eliminated fr m the blood and no amount of external treatment
can have any effect
There is no uncertainty about the merits of S S S every claim
niiule lor it is backed up strongly by convincing
testimony of those who have been cured by it
and know of its virtues by experience
Air LJ Clark of Orange Courthouse Va writes
For six years I had an obstinate riinninn nicer on my
ankle which at times caused me intense autTurim I wis
so disabled for a loiitf whilo that 1 was wholly unlit for
business One of tho liest doctors treated mt constantly
but did mo no Rood I then tried various blood remedies
without tho least benefit S S S was so hiijlilv recom
mended that I concluded to try it ami the elTect was
wonderful It seemed to fot right at tho seat of tho
disease and force the jwu son out and I was soon com
pletely cured Swifts Specific
drives out every trace of impurity in tho blood and in this way
cures permanently the most obstinate deep seated soro or ulcer ft
is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable and con
tains not a particle of potash mercury or other mineral S S S
cures Contagious Blond Poison Scrofula Cancer Catarrh Eczema
Rheumatism Son Tlcers Boils or any other blood trouble Insist
upon S R S nothing can take its place
Valuable books mailml fron by Swift Specific Company Atlanta Ga
ml out mni m i ul toiHuml
mmr m w m mw m mm utll luihI mm niiD uinu
nun tun tail UAniuitiviiini jum luuivrv iiciniu ucjnit nnti 11 iuuiiu
irrfrll7 kallbfarlnrjtUXiirtly an reproutiUMl rquiil tnmflilnrfithrMHl
aa n lit n m nmuu aim inr uiir Aim iiAmmi imi
JfcJJLry Special Offer Price 1550
mni freight ehiunc Jlaclilnu 1kIi 1 0 iioumlmimtthpfrilcht will
uvtraKuWccntH for each Ml tulles GIVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAl 1
yournwn liuMiciitiil u will return mirtfitaiHiiy ilny jou urn lint
untlKfllil ttr Mlt ilUTi rml makr mill prfttlror hrninic JlachtnrK at iS30
f lllllll f IIIKI f Iillllnml Ui nil fully lt crllicil In our trre Hpninir
Jlrhlniallofur lmtllil tortilla lllllll lltlik CAIIINKT lllltlllCk I
tin irriiitcMi iiiue Mr oiiirii nv iinv iiihic
tlPomentiVilVrriK unknown midline umtrr ntlounmnHs with vmrlonn In
dacf mrnth M rite hiitni friend In Iilf tiro am Irnrn m ho are re I laltlr and n hu a rp not
FLIC DIIDniOl hnH tiTv niiM 11 iniitminhvi
I nCi PUnlilvtV nun mhii i oiwov mhu iihii
IlfMllh UK MK Mmli till
Iitt iiiiikcrM In Atmrlcii
trinn tai bent mulLrlulinmifV
eiui buy
ffcfckrAX X I ISO
rw i
olittfil luaii dropping imin clirhn tube uetl a a fenier laMf Aland
or Jul thf otherupfii with full luiiiUh tnH and hiari in place for
FtwlllLT 4 fancy drawen latest lSJIII Lrlctnn frame rtiril linnHed fill
ImsvcdamUltCOtnUilcaMnit ilnUh Hntt nlcKel drawer iuiIIm rt ti nn four
oaMcrF inljuHiiMe tnadle Frentif ne m tli Iron htind Hnrt lllirti 4rm
brail iDitte four motion feiM fiMf tlirt udlni vibrating shuttle automatic
bobbin winder adjustable bearing patent tension liberator improed loose
wheel ndjustnble pressure f i ot improed earrir patent net die bar
piitent dret tfuarif hvA U liamUiinirly ltTratnl and ornamented and beautiful
ntrlel Irlmtned GUARANTEED thp Mitlitf t runnlnir most durable and nearest
nnlwelfhti mnxhlnp raadf Itery known attachment Is furnished mid our FrCQ In
struction Book tellrt just how anyone eanrun it and do elthcridalnornny
kind of fancy work A Jt Years III iMllntfCuaratitet it cent with eveiy machine
IT PfKT5 TUU NflTNIfjn toffe and eiamlnrlliU machine compare It with
t sella at flUU to
B0rm and then If convinced that jou are Having tou to fid 00 pay your freight agent the SISfiO
K Td HrTtUN OVn f15SO if at anv time w ithln three inonthn on say jou uro not t atlslkd OHUEH 10 UAY
DONT DELAY Sears Itoebuck 1 Co aro thomiiuhh IMitor
Address SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Chicago III
tut thU ad out anJ fcrnd li un with IIH iiid c hIII imd uu ihu Xkti
I3trUUUi lUULOU Utn OIUUN tj frrlght t 0 Ilt aubjert tofiamloa
lion Viiii run examine It utj our neurct freljht depot nnd II
yon find It exuetl uw represent el Hie friralrai lalue jua ficp tn
and fir tie tier than oreini adif rtUed hj othrrn at more monej pay the freight
aernt OUR PRICE 3550 lens the 11H deposit or iftlM and
rrelcMrharvet THE PARLOR GEM None of the mol IX KAIIIK
AMI snhhlksT 1UM II loktruminlH ur made From tho Illustration
bho it which isenKraed direct fmtn a photograph jou can fnrm
Eomeldcaof its beautiful appearance Made frmuruilld iiiiurter
bwm1 out or wulnut uidelredf perforated Ley slip full panel lmdj
beautiful maniuelr deblen paneU and man other handnome deroratlona
and irnanicnU ll Hip HLY M ft MM UK TIU lAK Ml
HVAl U 6 feet hih 4 2 Indies Iihir 1 Inches w Mo ami wrlulnt Kt
pdiinds Contains li octaws 11 htops as follow m lilipaunn rrluclpal
llulclana Jleloilla telete tr era on a lUhttnuplfr ireuetuiijiirrt
Diapahiin rorte and oi lluinann U tlrtair Coupler 1 lunr Hell
1 Irand trtran hwell I Sel of Irrfieatral Toned Uciunalorj Pipe
Quality lU iil 1 St lor 37 lurr Snrct Jtetodla Keed 1 S loft
lharmlntih llnlllant t ilckte Hl 1 MtofM ItlcU 3Ii lliw hmoolk
Ulipaon Itied I Set of rieiintr hofl nrlodlou Irluclpal
Herdi THE PARLOR GEM uction consMsof tho
Celebrated N well Ueed which ute only w ed in tho high
est prade Iristrillililltdt tHUd with lUnnnond ouplerk and
ot Humana al o brft Pole felts f thern tte bellown
of the bent rubberelotli 3 plv bellow a tttociC unci tliuMt
leather in MiUen THE PALLOR GEM Is fund hed
witli a 10x14 lamId plate trench mirror nicLtl plated
pelal and every modern Improvement t
furnUh free a handomr orjfan btutd and tlie belt ornn Inttrue
llon book Duldiihed
t au jaa 1
a3mJdgStftWia ii iRHB
Ufl - t 1 TJItUll TlHf Jl f -kW fhVl OK K1U1H1
insue a written hindimr 21 earKuaiantec by the C TLtSJSB fi il 7rab 3 1 k H PNrlG T1 I4R
termftand comlition of whlen if any part Kivinnut jTif5MvJLlKirVL Gfl tvralv
repair it free of eliarce Tr It one inuntli and we will 5CtWl E K SKSlk ffl fifli
refund ourinont vlf you are notnerlectly t atlsfled i00 lit1VflHkTxCtGir hKv -a Bin IT
of the e organs will be sold at 53550 OUlrKK iJSISbSSsJIX S KB
iltalt with uaubL jouriitllitiuruUtut titiHrlto
the piitilintuT ot tliln mper or Metropolitan i
Katlonnl Hank or tlrn Nut Hank of Chicago i fe
or Jtrman Kxchunee Hank Now York or any fjjfp
rnllroad or cipn ns pompany In Chlcatro He ib
bur rillilor oitr f ikiiiuoihi occupy entire
oh of tlie largest bulnci ii tilocksln uicago
ami Iinploy nearly 2CH1O people In our own
tmtiitiiiL nr KIIL ittntNH at oo in a mn
fU av n tvin
yps -- gSm
ii ttiirm 1 1 i n -ii nns -
i Jiifl1
riAMiS 1 1 I6no nd opt al jo every tiling in musical InstnimenU at lowest wholesale priceB Write for free special
oman piano anil musical instrument catalogue Aildrces Scan lioebuck Co an tiorouihly nllabla Editor
8EARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Fulton Desplalnesand Wayman Sts CHICAGO ILL
Blood Poison
Jl mi x
For honest treatment and a speedy cure write
or go to Dr J Newton Hathaway whose
great reputation is a sufficient guarantee of
satisfactory results Consultation of hy miit Free
CoutiactetJ or Ilorultl
tary Syiililllls In all Its
terrluio Manes prntlncltiK coppor niloriil
hpnts on faco or Imdy littlo ulcers on tlm
toiiKue in tlio tnotitlt or throat fallmi out of
tholialr or cyohrows decay of tlio flesh or
lioiiis completely and Ioiomt eradlctited
wltlmiit tliu uso ot Injurious druns IwhIhk
tho system m u pure ttiung and health
f ul statu
Uarionnolo or veins which
WCIIIliUUCIC lead to a eompleto Ions of
soxual power alto Hydrocele Oonorrhiea
Gleet Strlcturo and all Irlvatuand Venereal
Diseases and Weakuesies of men ijuickly
Jiff 4K
Jl I
J -3 K
4 f i
auT out aud end to us tuto
j our wrivbt and bviitlii alro nuiu
ber of iuitie urouiiUbudj atLuit
do cfl ami e Mill nnct tll
0TH CAPt to jou In eioreL
U llbllliJLHt tO elaililliHtfin
You cai ttamlne anil trj It on
a ii eiuris or-
iK raiiu ii louuil prrhrllr
tallrarlurj fitll
Triurii IUU lOr Ultil
wuodrrful iilo 70a
or Wrduf
pay the epnn
uirent our nlul
ollir prln 275
aud rkrr rtiary
1 pn vliai Ktta
lll ateraire 10 to
to tent for eat h
1W mile THIS
WINTEH inadu
Kidney and Urinary KM
cult Too I ruUHtit llloody or 5Iilly Urlno
ullfiiiKtloiiiil diseases of tlio Heart ItuiK
Ilver and Stoma li nNo lttatrh ltupturo
ltheuiiiatlsin Iles ristuli and all lllood
and Skin Diseases and all reuialo Diseases
treated aeeiirdui to tho latest and bust
inethods kn i n to medical bclunco
Home Treafment riWSS
cessful Write for free hook Just published and
Syiiiptom blank if you cannot call
Dr Ilntlimwiy V Co
aa uiuiniTiiul ltlock blimx City Iowu
AllMI lull 500 WATUC n nC
from uu tir A td
bratj 11 mudI bltkurblu
iinuiui lEurllun Jifu
Tfrclolh gl Indus lonp very lull jfp IJ iurUuipir
cat lltrafull lr f ipe ad Urg loria culltr Uuull
fully trlminij uitti blck Ultle I fun uoer raim
triiiimeil Willi tlirt row and collar witu tworowtof
Bd nohilr brldi cloth button ornament Tbl rp It
florUllor ad thruskout and tqual to cars tuat scllat
lnor than double the price ttrll fr fr llk tat
IBatn HtKliaU U w UsrvaiW nUaMt tiUliir
Ilttllir MALKIVTOMI for si0
W 9im
iil A iSf
Wl J
lornr urt unu uoaj at brrtkl takmoirr
11 t uudrr roil ctokf up umJrr ariua and
w c w 111 6t nd jouthltirotitliy uijite
tUI butijirt to rsaailaailiiD Kx
umiiiu aiui ti it onal iurfuaict
tlprexriolmx and ir found tiarltr
rriirckt Bird and It muni Hbudrrful
lalue jou rur nw vr licard uf and
riual lu miy feat ou ran iuj for
ifimi im mi fiUia ent OI K
tXiirtH rltarLps
1 II IN 3IAKINT01I U lalett liHX
ft It tOty littliiKt MiuUtf from liraj
walrrttronf an ruler prnuinr iaiUutrrl
t loth fill KiiKtli Uuutlt hn jafctitt
KiikiTMlut itillar fma lultl llnlnrf
wuteriToof cwdUfumi huttablf tor
tmih llata or llirrrual unil ffbiraulrrd
IU411 M UIU fnritT ri d by lib or
on ithfrhouiM lur Irt viluth Mmilr
of Mtna Mac Uinta hi up to tSw
Jfs unu Maaa toMfuxuriMiluarul
tufttunt frtirn M tit 110 Ul uritu for
MIIK HiUriKltOlIk Ao UllK Iddrfti
uocbuc to art iborbujhl reUtllt tdlUrJ
To PATENT Good Ideas
may lx secured by
our aid Addrctf
Baltimore Md
Batmcrlptloot to Tbt Fttcot Record llWptrtaoum