lis 3tr ft t re N The 14oif oik Hems W N HU8KPtibU3Uor Kvnrvjilay ook liivuntx Kury DAILY KMnhlinliKil KS7 oienil Smiiluy Ill liy miii pin jour u REPUBLICAN TICKET SUto ForSnpriMiiii iIiiiIkii - M It ltiiti For ltojoutHof tlui Htiitii KOMiOuos Dr William 11 Kir luiliclnl For JmlKonf tlio Ninth Dibtricl A A Wuicn County Jlorlt Dlbtrlct Court County Ilork TroiiBurnr BlinrllT County JiuIko hit I or 00 WIIKIY KMilhlinliil ISSl Thurnluy Ilj iniill piiroirliO Kiitrroil ut tlio llwtulllco ul Not folk coiiil dims iiinttnr Toliiihimo N -- No pur liiiicoln U11111I111 Ainnwortli Wiiyun Cim Smivvivsi luiiir lUuiii It Murt S Ii 0iiiNiii S A Mckv Suporlutouilout lulilio liibtriictiim 1iiiiiu W Ssiiikii Coronor Ktiw kiiTnsik Survivor II loi County CommUitlounr r iit DUtriPt t llltlnSMIIII rrtirliirt Tivht For Jutliro of Out 1ohco S W Hwiw Ij M Iwiouii For Conctiiblivi Mvhtin Km J P Wiiiiiut For Komi Ovornoors J Hu Dlbtrift No 1 J V Hovuk For AhMfcori V F KlHKIKT J W Hansom M K Moititis 1 II TaoMi hOS TJ 11 111111 DUtriot So n First Wiinl Siiiiuil Waul Third Wnr1 Fourth Ward Uuthiili lrivliicl Trust your neighbor as yourself is u trust that tho country is nut yet ously sunoring from Wouldnt -it raally bo a good trust to form Those parties in tho southern pirt of tlio county who havo recently uucorked a mud battery must lx very hard up for campaign material We would confiden tially advise tbom to train their mud guns towards tho upper air or else they will find that thoir eflorts to besmirch ouo of tho caudulates will react and react hard Norfolk does not approve of mud sliuging by either party and the ouo that indulges in it will hear from tho voters of this town on electiou day Tho hod carriers at Victor CM Recording ti prtws roports struck Holi day not becauso they were employed ut a starvation wago but because they know they could get more and the work of buildiug was put a stop to They had been receiving 300 to 350 per day of eight hours but now waut 150 to sf400 for tho samo amount of work About WO 111011 aro involved iu the strike Tliis ninybo tlio roHiilt of rupub Huiin lulvcrsity for surely uo such condi tions existed under the reign of tho good und Krunt Cirovor for it wnsut possiblo At tlmt tiino the fivmous army of thu unemployed hud its inception in tlmt part of tho country und had such 11 condition existed then lutiny wpuld huvo been ready aud willing to tako up tho hods of tho dissatisllod carriers This strike is but unothor ovidonco that prosperity provuils sneers and doubts of tho fusiouists to tho contrary notwithstanding Will Not Support Allen Judge Mosos a life long democrat living in Wayne county has como out tlat footed against ex Senator Allen us a cuudidate for tho otllce of judge of this district on tho ground that ho is not the choice of tho democrats for tho posi tion nor is ho a domocratio candidate In tha course of an interview Tudgo Mosos says Yes I havo voted with tho domo cratio party for forty eiviht years Hut you must not understand mo as saying that during all that timo I havo always voted for ovory candidate on tho tiekot If I had good reasons for belioviug that ouo or more of the candidates on the ticket did not boliovo iu tho prin ciples of tho party was in fact a more pretender and a fraud or if I judged hint morally or intellectually deficient 1 have claiinod and exorcisod tho right to scratch his tiamo aud substitute another W V Allen in nnr tlm CHiiiliilnto nf tho deinocraov of Wayne county Ho has not been nominated by thorn A fetf individuals porhaps a little more tiau a bakors doen assuming to be the big moguls of tho party got together and appointed dolegatos to attend a judicial convention No convention of the democratic voters as called and none hud No opportunity was given them to express their views or to mako choice of persons to represent them iu a judicial convention Those delegates knew full well how thoy wen selected and that they had not beeu authorized by tho doinocraoy to ropresont them in tho convention and it would have been a piece of high handed impudence for them to uudortako to do so Their action in tho convention aud tho result of the convention shows conclusively that they did not uudortake to repre sent tho democraoy of this county j for if they had their votes would havo beeu cast for a democrat Instead of pre senting a caudidate who is a democrat tioy go to another party aud solicit from it a candidate who does not even pretend to be a democrat All that TIIK NORFOLK NKWS THURSDAY OCTOBER 12 J8M WE WANT TO SELL ALL OF THE MEN S i BOYS CLOTHING Overcoats and Furnishing Goods SOLD IN THIS PART OF THE COUNTRY those delegates could do and all they did do was to ropresont thoso would bo moguls who appointed them and abso lutely nono others Tho domocratio party of this county at least has uo candidato for judge and each democratic voter is at liberty to oither not vote at all or select a candidate to vote for whioh suits him best My preference will be for Mr Welch because 1 think 1 have tho means of determining that ho is at least tho equal of Mr Allen in ability legal knowledge honesty honor and acquaintance with thoso rules aud principles of courtesy and ainonitios duo from ouo attorney to another aud from tho court to tho bar Mr Allen was olected to this oflico sovoral yoars ago and abandoned it as soon as thoro was a chanco to get another otllce which suitod him better And there can bo nono so stupid as to not know that ho will tako tho judgeship only as a makeshift whilo ho is wait ing for Mr Thurstons term to expire hoping and troinblingly expecting to succeed him If elected judge ho will devoto moro thought and onergy to lay ing tho ropes to stop into Thurstons place than to preforming tho duties of the office The Ninth judioial district is not so hard up for judicial timber as to be uudor the necessity of asking Mr Allen to bo so kind obliging nud condescend ing as to tako an oflico which ho has onco thrown back in tho faces of the votorsof tho district More Popiilur Tlitm Kvttr Since 1890 tho Hot Springs of South Dakota havo been recognized as tho ro sort for western peoplo All things aro favorable for thoso seek ing rest health or pleasure This season finds tho resort well patronized by peoplo from Nebraska Iowa Illinois Minnesota Wisconsin and eastern South Dakota and overyone well satisfied with the Wonderful Waters Delightful Climate Modern Hotels Variod attractions for sight seers Thorsorthwesteru Liiuo is tno pioneer tothis resort Tho Northwestern Line runs Wagner Palace sleepers to Hot Springs South Dakota The Northwestern Liuo makes low round trip rates to this resort Ask your nearest railroad agent for tho data of tho next excursion via the Fremont Elkhoru Ss Missouri Valley H R Northwestern Line J H Gahlk J H Ruciiasak T P A G P A Des Moines Omaha The News jod department is com plete in overy particular BELLCAPTURES INSURGENTS HcnutliiK Iurty Mlitti ii innll IliiniU uiul ltrlnis In siimn rriminors Manila Oct 11 Major Bell with 120 picked men of tlio Thirty sixth reg iment made a reeoimais inci yesterday in the direction of Florida Blanco four miles out of Ciuagua ami encountered a body of 100 insurgents whom they routed capturing a lieutenant and three armed privates Near Florida Blanco they met another body of insurgents and routed them capturing another armed lieutenant and ouo private Re turning with SO scouts Major Bell en countered tho enemy a third time Tho reconnaissance resulted in scattering tho insurgents in that locality Tho last two days havo witnessed considerable outpost firing by small bands of insurgents on tho northern lines Simultaneously with tho affair near La Loina church tho outposts of the American forces at Caloocan Do posito and Manmimi were fired upou Tho uprisiug in Manila will result in extra vigilance on tho part of the United States troops Wilt oii Trial Near CoiicIiihIoii NniiKASKA City Oct 12 Tho taking of ovidonco in tho case ngainst John O Watson for forgory was concluded in the district court and tho judge deliv ered his instructions to tho jury and court adjourned until morning whou the urguments of the attornoys will gim Kkoltiton of a i In ut St Joskimi Mo Oct 12 Tho skel eton of a giant over seven feet in length was discovered by excavators at King hill The site many years ago was used by Kickapoos as a burying ground Ititlu lttariU Diilcota lliirvest Sioux Falls S D Oct 12 A rain storm which has beeu general through out tho state will seriously retard tho work of threshing and may injure tho grain still in stack Clothing made of paper is not so very new after all for Ponipeiinu ex cavations have revealed shoes made of paper Tho whistling about 15 miles buoy can be heard President McKinley and oabinot will bo in Sioux City next Saturday and Sunday October 14 and lr and the C St P M O road has provided for one faro for the round trip on that oc casion Tickots will bo placed on sale October li and 15 return limit good until Octobor 10 One fare between Norfolk and Sioux City is 2 Jr F W Junkman Agent To Curt A Colli In nt Duy Tike Laxative Bioino Quinine Tnblets All druggists refund thenioueyif it fails to cure E V Groves signature on every box 25o StateofOiiio City of Toledo Lucas County Fiusk J Chknty makes oath that he is tho senior partner of tho firm of F J Ciuniy iCo doing business in tho City of Toledo county and state afore said and that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each aud overy case of Catakkh that cannot bo cured by tho use of Halls Catakkh Cure Fijank T Chenly Sworn to boforo mo and subscribed in my presence thiMith day of December A D I88li a r m I A Q1XT seal J Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken intorral lyand acts dirootly on the blood and mucous surface of the system Send for testimonials free F J Cheney Co Toledo O Sold by Druggists 7oc Halls Family Pills are the best Kent Kamte Traimtorn The following transfers of real estate aro reported by Chester A Fuller man ager of the Madison county abstract office at Norfolk O G Peterson to Augusto Dorr wd ua ue4 5 22 4 lr00 00 Minnie Kralin and husband to Adolheid Seinmlor wd loC 1 1 block 1 Dedermaus addition to Norfolk 1000 00 Adelhoid Semmler and husband to Wilbelmiua Krahu wd lots 7 8 0 and w 8ft lot 11 block 1 Pilgors addition Norfolk 700 00 Thomas M Aistrop to Alice Mao Reed wd uo 32 22 2 and seL 21 21 H 8000 00 Walter P Powell widower to Abel E Campbell wd lots fl 0 7 aud 8 block l Verges Suburban lots Norfolk uud eitt aw- 17 21 1 2000 00 Friedriek Ropgory and wife to Wilbelm Roggory wd uwJrj j21l 800 00 77 For Stinpln Ami CoiiipllriittMlColil From Iutlueuza to Grip from Bron chitis to Pneumonia from Sore Throat to Diphtheria aro broken up by Dr Humphreys Specific 11 all druggists 25o It doubles tho joy ot the human heart brightens body and bruin Thats what Kooky Mountain Tea will do 35 cents Ask your Druggist What promises to be au attraction cf merit and one that will visit us iu the near future is Monte Cristo Dumas musterpiece The story of the play is well known the scenic aud mechuuical devices produced are said to be most wonderful aud tho costumes used for v r r yp V loo t ooods Get tlie Prices 1 I Post Yourself on Clothing I Write to Chicago Omaha or any other place for samples aud prices Then come to us bring samples and prices S and WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW WE KNOCK EM OUT We will offer you BETTER Values or wont ask you to buy w ft w ft ft ft ft f ft ft ft ft w ft ft ft ft S ft ft ft n ft ft f ft ft yye nave ine zhuck yye nave me Kigni rnces win you lnvesngaier ft t Ay -- V Ay S We will Treat You Politely Whether fl Vm i Rnr NJrt ft wx av ft m m ft s I Norfolk Nebr Mi S fi - fei te THE STAR CLOTHING STORE ft ft M fie play aro historically correct Tho piece conies to the Murquardt opeia house next Monday evening for one performance solf Irenorviitlon Is tho first law of Nature For this reason everyone who is ill detires to be conio well Thoso who havo impure or impoverished blood turn to Hoods Sar saparilla becauso they know it will enrich and purify their blood nnd give them good health To tnke this medi cine on tho first appearance of impure blood is an important step toward self preservation Hoods Pills cure sick headache indi gestiou For a clear skin clear all the way through transparent enough to let suu shiue rosy cheeks show through take Rocky Mountain Tea A9k your drug gist i We wish a live traveling manager in your territory at once man or woman liberal cash aud commission firBt year more second year if deserved j some for local work also good references required those out of employment or wishing to hotter themselves address Factory Cor Perkins and Union streets Akron Ohio If a woman ever gets bo home1 she isnt worth looking at shod better tako Rocky Mountain Tea Brings back tho bloom of youth Ask your druggist How Are Your Kidneys f Dr HobbsSimraKiisPlllscuro all kidney Ills 8am plafreo Ailil Sterllun UemedrCo CMchro or N Y Have You Been l k x Ae yourecorering as fast as you should Has not your old trouble 1Aeftyur bIooil full of impurities And isn t this tho reason you keep so poorly Dont delay recovery longer but tako Auers M c in It will TAmnvA nit Imnnriftaa sM your blood It is also a tonic of uicusu vuiuu uive nature a little help at this time Aid her by remov ing all the products of disease from your blood 100 All druggista Ayera Pills cure constipation Writs tn triA Hwin UAi j a ------ - mv Mu tut tivrif buu fCCBITD prompt replT without coit wmii uuil uAicn ijoweu mm - 2 d