lti 0 Hue puriflen tby Uluui lorfB lvt uiauuvvu make tou urootf luneniiu nerve and LOOS House Work Seems tsiM liiii iimn lull then ii great ileal of lifting and nwhtiig to do gtent main ltlpi tip anil ilown stalls to make in tlie coiiim of la s house work Its liatl whete a woman ii well 1or n woman Miiienug witli some form of female trouble it m daily luimciit Tlieie me llitiisnids of such women sttuggliiig along dav li lav in inn easing misery Hie Imek aelies the liead aelies tlie neives are uiisttiing lint the work must must he done no on dusling sweeping snubbing of tiiiln And vet we wonder why a woman is thed and lintahle when she 1ms nothing to do but take eate of the house lverv dav swells the long list of the thousands of women who have found a complete nire of their disease tn the use of Di rleieeH 1iivotite Preset iption It legalities the petiods diies enfeebling drains heals hi llaininntion and tileeiation and enres female wenkness It iiiiets the nerves hy feeding them It gives vitality and vigoi to the womanly organism It makes weak women stiong siek women well There is no alcohol in Favorite Prescription and it contains no opium cocaine 01 other narcotic Accept no substitute for Favorite Prescription If you want to cvpeiicnec the cure which other women have found m lavoiile Prescription do not be deceived into accepting some so called just as good remedy Intnrovlna Evory Day Km a nuniiHT of mouths I sullcu il with female trouble wiitcs Miss Akiics McOownc of m Hank SHcet Us1iiiiilii 1 C I tried vniiiius leiueillcs but none steiutil to ilu inc any tirtiiutttilit Komi Hie Uiiclots salil H was me wursi case of Intel mil tiouble they evil had I deelileil to write to you fol help I leivived a veiv cneouiiiuiiiK irplv anil couimeneed ttetitiueut at nine I had not iim il vmir Invutlti lleseiilillnn a week before I begun to feel bottei ami as 1 continued my health gradually impioved It is impioviiiK every lay Ouro constipation anti Its oountloss conso quoncoB ay tho uso of Dr Ploroos Pollots A small pill a small iloso and a suro ouro H G HOWELL Jeweler and Optician All urnirn of nifrartion properly rorinetcil hinr atrh At UTTERS BOOK STORE WHEN YOU WANT A J00O SHAVE or BATH TO- W 0 Halls Barter Shop MAIN eJT TlllltU 100 B KABT OF KOUBTH THE North Western LINE F E W V R H Is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska Nolirti to Noil HrittiUlit Ilefelliliuit Kate Lyons will tnko notico that on the Uth day of September Iblit Cluster A Fuller n justice of tho ptu o of Nor folk precinct Madison county Nebraska issued an odor of iittanhment for the Hum of o0 lit in nil notion peuditiK be fore him wherein Louis C Mittelctadt is pluiutitr and Kate Lyons defendant that property of the defendant consist iug of money due tho Kaid defendant nnd in tho hands of IJ F Taylor has been utttiched under suiil order Hnid cause was continued to the 31st day of October Ib0 at 2 oclock p m Dated this ilsi dav of Spptemlxr 1MH IOl IS C MlTTKI TAUr PhunriiV ltrrttt with rouwbftbfr you rnntlnur nrrTV fciiiiutf iuuiituubiii niii reiuuTv iuu urnreiur luuftccu wi ouiDcrfuunumircta cilflii m i m Nfi r m n l v ivr ymk H om b mWW m I Jw V A h a tuiti t dfYl Ctffl TO llArrruiii our own druiriit vtio rourh form TjLp It mill HKnktlriitlT itprciit nth lnr UiiSl uiuallf cure- 3 buit W cratrantrrd torurr or v rrfuud r ni v fUriiivlt4C Ikltt BofctrtU Aim Url Railroad and Business Directory 5 S 1l E en Q to 2 a s3 DC LU -1 v S CO I -5 B CC E C0 0 - - 5 V LL R R TIME TA6LE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley IHT DKIAKT iiiiilm lonHiMiKcr i 11 tn lilciuro lxiritH 1VJ0 p in aiiuiw Cliicnuo KxpriwH 7lni it 111 Umiilm IliwiiiiKur 1210 pm WltHf IlKIAltr ltlrvolt MIIIh KxproH 7Jipm ViirillKru lnHMimiir 1210 p in Vnnllcro Accoiuuioilntloii IMHlitiu west Aiiuni 1 tlnc k IIUIh Kxprrria VI p 111 Vnnlluni Ishhoiikit II 01 11 m Vtnllgro AcfdiiiNioiliitlon 7 lll p m Tim I hliHKo uiul Muck IIUIh KxprCBH iiiiimw nnil ilopnrtH from hmctlim ilnpnt Tint Oniuliti unit VtmllKro triiuiH uriivn mill ilepurt f ruin city ilopot II M TI1AU AKOIlt Union Pacific HOCTII iiiiht ColiiniliiiH Arcniniiioilntiiiii tlll p 111 Onmliii Denver anil Iaclllc Count 1010 m in noktii AlllllVU ColniiibuH Ace ininniliitlon 1225 pin Jnuilm Vomer and laclllonmKt HMIpni iiuiihIh at Niirfolk with K M V Ktiinit went ami north iiml with the C Ht 1 M ft O for pnintu north anti eiint K W Junkman AkihiI Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha KST llltlVIIT Slnnx City nnil Omaha laniiKir 7 01 am Siuiix Oily Iastenser 1 l in wist iuiiixi Sioux City liiirtiwir It SA a in tlotx City anil Onmlii ImusMiitiir ri y p in ConneetN at Norfolk with l 10 A M V kniiot viHt niul north anil with the C 1 for pointH Hontti K W Jlnimn Akimii 1h Ij except Sunilny C S HAYES Fine Watch Repairing W W MANGUS Painting and Inperlinnging Pliid Work luuranteed Sponaop OVilman Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly Done d BHERMANN Gontraetop and Builder I 7 Fourth Street HCTRUMAN Paints and GTJa 1 Paper House anil SIrii Painter INSKEEPS IVlIIiIilHERY Cheapest nnd llcnt 22 T crfrlK miii J W EDWARDS The Norfolk Horseshoer Am Woiik ll AltANTKlU or 1th St mill IlrmiHcli Ave Ilenuty la Illooil Deep Clrnn blood moans a clean hkin Xo beauty without it Ciihi arcts Caiuly Cithar tic clean your blooil anil kccji it clean bj stirring np the lazy liver and driving all im jnnitieH from the body Jlegin to day to banish iiimples boils blotches blackheads and that ickly bilious comploxion by taking Cascarcts beauty for ten cents All drug gists satisfaction guaranteed 10c 25c 50c Mem can bo curort privntoly and posi tively nt homo of nil weivkness nnrt din piise Writo for now froo IkxIc Dr J N Hathaway JJ Vimuionutil Block Sioux Citv In OiVSTOBXil fleam tho 91 Kintl 0U WaS Bou Stop that barkiiiR by tho uso of Bal lards Horehound Syrup It nrrests the touKh allays irritation of tho throat nnd relievos congestion of ho lungs in n day It is safe and pleasant to take and never disappoints 35 and 50 cents ilO B ClIKISTOlMI IIiiik Collti Acini Willi Yon If not drink tf rain 0 from pure grains A lady writes Tho lirst tune I made Grain O I did not like it but after usini it for one week nothiiic would induce mo to go buck to colleo It nourishes and feeds the system Tho children can drink it freely with great benefit It is tho strengthening sub stance of pure grains Got a package todav from vour iro2er follow i In directions in making it and you will have a delicious and healthful table tmvi rage for old nnrt young l and iw Dont Tuliarro Slt ami Simile Vour 1 ItV Auny To init tobarco easily ami loieicr Iioiiiiib iiitic Inllof life iieno ami lor talto No To llu tiio oiuler worker tliat mnlics iveal men strong All ill unBibts Moor l CuruKiumu teeil HooHlet ami samplo tree Aililress Steilln icuicily Co ClikUbO or Now Yoik The IliinuPacitlo will sell during the Greater Auerican exposition every Taesiliy lound trip tickets to Ouinhn an 1 return at i Ml return ticket good wiilnnecn days from date of sale also ev tv Sitnrdny louud trip tickets at iiio riiurn ticket good until tho loviu Monday F NY JrxnMAX Agfiit Tn Ture Cuimtliiutlou forever Tibet isuneu Cumlv Cutliarlla 10corI5c 1IC C C ail lo eure Uruckisls rituml uiouvy THK NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY OCTOBER 12 1899 INSURGENTS IN A ROUT Schwan Makes a Successful Move on Malabon DRIVES NATIIB TOROLS SOUTH Jtiliirm Aftrr lnlllrl Ini riiiilliinilit Uinii llm IlUplnm No liili iillon of IIiiIiIIiik il in nl Tnwin teiiiiriil Oil Win in Ollliiim Kiimlllni Auny Irimi Mniilln WAiilNtnoN Oct 12 A cablegram from General OliH to tho war depart ment conflrniH tho press dispatches re gnrdlngGeneral Kcliwans move on San Francisco In Malabon General Otis says Schwan was successful yester day in driving tho insurgents south with loss from San Francisco do Malabon Ho reports their force disintegrated and retiring over liUeient roads which aro impassable for artillery or wagons No Intention of occupying this country perinnnnntly or temporarily Transpor tation will ret urn by way of Kosario nnrt column will move in tho direction of Das Minimis probably retiring on Iiuus Country of no strategic im portance General Otis disapproves of olllcers families joining them at Manila Re garding this question hu cabled the de partment as follows Population of Manila much congested Provision for olllcers families cannot be made Those already arrived together with families of enlisted men have caused much per plexity Would not permit my own family to come under existing circum stances Nearly nil olllcers and men here ure abseil I from Manila on duly families should await more peaceful conditions IMkIiI AiniilraiiH Woiinilcil Manila Oct III During the early morning hours there was somo tiring near Angeles with the result that eight Americans were slightly wounded Ar tillery was used and tho enemy re sponded General MnoArthur does not attach special significance to the inci dent A small party of Americans was llrert on by the Filipinos near Mara guayan two of our men being wounded General Scliwans column having ac complished its purpose of punishing the rebels is returning from San Fran cisco do Malabon with artillery and tho trausportat ion service PRESIDENT ON THE GO VUltM lllim niul irnv ItiMiiilini mill Malic Man spiierlien In I milium GmcMio Oct IS Tho Pennsylvania special bearing the presidential party ar rived in Chicago yesterday from Kvans villo and was at onco delivered to tho tracks of the Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul road Today will bo spent at Minneapolis and St Paul and at mid night tho departure will bo made for Dulutli Tho weather continued wet nnd gloomy throughout the day Tho rain detracted in some degree from tho en joyment of the blue and gray reunion at Fvansvillo at which tho president and cabinet participated But nothing could entirely dampen tho ardor of the throng that hart gatheicrt to greet tho chief magistrate At every station between Evansvilo anil Chicago there were to greet the president and tho president made several speeches Aiilililsliot lliliillt MInsIoii Nrw OmrANs Oct IS Archbishop Chappelle papal delegate to the Philip pine islands gave out his first inter view regarding his important mission I have talked over my mission thor oughly with President McKinloy he said and we understand each other My errand is one of pacification I hope to accomplish what tho army of the United States has failed to do to bring peace to tho islands 1 will leave at tho earliest possible opportunity I feel that I will lie successful in what I am going to try to accomplish Ieiv ill Mniititller Moxtimiiki Vt Oct IS Admiral Dewey arrived hero from Sholburno yesterday and was greeted by an im mense crowd which hud assembled nt tho deiKit The ndmirnl was met by his two brothers Krtward and William As he walked throat h tho streets just at dusk in company with his brothers he bowed right anil left nnd waved his hands to his old friends as he recog nized them Haiti was falling ami it dampened the ardor of the people to a great extent Delay 111 miiUIi IIiiKiiIh IEiiIii Case Sioix Oct IS A B Kitt redge attorney for tho Milwaukee rail road company in the famous Suoth Da kota railroad rate case which is now before the United States supremo court today advised that tho case which hnd been set for argument before tho su premo court Oct 11 had been post poned until Oct I0 KaitMi Oilil Irtlou Wichita Kan Oct IS Tho Odd Fellows of Kansas held the annual ses sion of tho grand encampment in Gar Held hall Flection of olllcers for lt00 Will J Hussell Kansas City Kan grand patriarch II C Stevens Topoka high priest Thomas Dryrten Spring Hill senior warden ritleiiH Atliirk IlimU Kolilii m Hitciunsox Kan Oct IS Five masked men blew open tho safe in the State bank of Turin in this county lust night Citucui attacked the robbers while they were nt work and the rob bers fled securing only S0O in coin Tho burglars left toward Stafford on a handcar Diihl II Mill Timii il ilmiii Nrw Yokk Oct IS Tho ntaie Demo cratic meeting lust night was controlled by Richard Crokeraud ex Senator David B Hill was turned rtowu A Bryan resolution was nrtoptert seconded by Croker and opposed by Hill WAR NEWS HELPS WHEAT hlilppltiK Diinmiil In Corn m Ciiii Siitiiir llian Wheal Cllli Ado let II War ncwi irlmnrll ami ciKirmoai etpiii i mtnuctuciiN Inelili nlnlly innilf lii nt n wtnuiK mnrliit today niul nil nt VdV1 In tliilcmllllR future Corn m i riiiwtruiiKer nilviineliii lo fur DiiMiiilier niul p for May wheat In Ilu i iiei niul hiiivv cXiiiit Iniriiiiiiiiiits prevail lint nuts i liwnl V11 higher IrnvMims were heavy ami eliiii il with Hllitht lifeline for laid ami iIIm but unelinuitnit or Jiorlt los Imj jirlffi Win r -Dee 7a May 7iViJ7rA Coiin -Dee II1V May llV al- May SIV 1fillK Dif IHSi liiu tlll7 44 Ii Inn aV liAlin Dii Mi4tVI0Wi 5M Cash iiiotntliiai No nil whent 71 j NnilNpiliiK wheat tlftt7V No J eorn liljj tJo No aiMits WdWItc CIllliiKii I Itn Stork ClIICAdd let II IterclpN 15000 trifle III rattle wiii only fairly netlve nnil fornifr pi lees Wfi e miilntiilueil k1 toeliolrn entile xolil nt tS HiKl7M eiimmoner KriuleH nt JKiilrtlKft Htinker iiiiiil fiislers hronuht 7S itttmi hulls rows nnil lielfem aWKtRaSj TiXiih steers l ItliM M riniKcrs lJVlVU niul fillies I IRi7 His IK the ilemnliil fnrliiiKM wns kihhI hut the simply wnu Hhi nil ami slightly lowei pHeetiprevaileil heavy hoiss olil at IIIHIm7II mixed lots nt ltiKtl7fi nml Unlit nt NUVrol 7f pls hroucht iiWKM7ll nnil enll II fiOKtOO JIHHI tlin market for sliei e p anil liinilis Mas slow ami wrali receipts continue too liinti for the ilemanil niul there wns n further illopof ahoilt lllo toilay shrrp sold at fJIKkiA H for eoiiiiiuin lo til H fur best Krniles Cfsiiii inimeiM lirlnuliiK iilkitii liimlis until at IJMliti for puniest to best ranco llnelm brlinliiK I IVI aSlK ICmiiis Clly I lie Stock Kansas Citv Ort II Cnttln Hecelpts lStHHl choice heavy cattle sternly iirillnnry itriuleH nihil ldoilV lower henvy natlvn steers i lVll li lltillt WelKhtH I KtHlti 7f stockers anil lieilers lfit4liri hutehrrs eoiVH nnil heifers llimiil l7i runners a Via BOO western stenrs Ill IIKilill Texmis IlimVit llfiO Hois lllS0 market opemsl fairly iietlvn and stmuly weakened eliislliB mostly tc lowei heavy f4S7M li mlxi il II ill H4 I5 llkht 14111 a 4 V pics 4SVi4 li Slieep ltneeipto SSSH ilull hut prices iiltout Htendy IiiiiiIh t4SViV0l muttons jVKiO JlSTi stockers anil temlers J7l4Si culls laWKtfll 00 Sou t ll Oiniilm llui Slock South Omaha Oct II Cattle Receipts flllKI netlve ttiUU hlKher native 1 f steers 15 O t0ti western teern iMiVftlNI Texns steerH l7lKit4Li cows anil heifers IllWViil 10 dinners f aVgttf stoi kers mnl remliii H fifWal7ll calves 4WVtllT5 hulls utiles etc Mi0 7 Hokh Herelpts lMKl Htemly closril weak heavy 54JVit4 lii mixed 4tiait HkIu 4iri7i plus i4txvod40 hulk of wiles 4WMIiS Hheep Receipts 11000 VitlOe lower yenrlinuH IllbOiiJIltiO western muttons iii0irSS5 HtocltHlieep 43 40 aiiMi Iniiilw flQO ii 7i Kilucnto Your lloivels Willi Cimrnrotn Candy Cntliintlr care conailpatlon forcier 10carc If C CO fall ilrucKlsts refund money Dr Hathaway Treats All Diseases His Uc Hi nil Iiivnrinbly Cures All Cntiirrlinl llroncliinl Jiiin Stuni ucli Liver Kidney and Oilier Com plaints us Well as AH Discuses mid Weaknesses of Women In Dr llatliavis most iteiMu piacllie env eriiiK li period of mum thana earNhe ha heen called upon in treat all lllilllllil of ilNeases ol men and women and iilniiK tho wluili line ol human ailments hu has heen umloiuily uc Ilathaways me tliml of tieatment nets illnvtly at the seat of Purities lrolll Imitles the hlnnd tOies up the Mhole system ami i ni i inc uiooii itrahes thu iioNoiis liicli pimliiee tlm diseased eondlllons O Veaily he restores to All uiscascs perfect hmslmN lf vllLllIS Treated Q frm catturli lirnncliltN As thma Hay Iever lmiu Complaints Stnmiicli lleraiul Kidney Disease- lllcs Tmnors Can cers Kivi lunil all manner of skliiairectlons uiseasesol way aNo treats Mlth Krltlst s nn tllosl Women WMy dstiessnK Mealinesses and diseases hy which s manv women areallllrteil Electrical i11 ni iiri Illteil Aniinne wliall Hi latest electrical mid Appllancos r s tl thl v nf which as well as the microscope hu liai world Midi fame as an epert All of tho medicines used hy Dr Hathaway aro eonipounded In his own lahoialories imdcr his pers nnal direction IhI remedies am prepared for each In- dh liliuil case according to Its romilrements Evnmlnattnn Ibithawiiy has prepared n Flriesofselfovamlnatlonllanks uianKS ipiliiKtothollirereiitllseasus which he sends freo on application No i for Veil No J for Women Voy for Skin Diseases No 4 lor Catarrhal Diseases Nofi for Kidneys Dr Hathaway iiialiesnoeliarKo onnu tin consultation fr ooti ultiitlmi at either Ills Freo olilceorhy mall J NEWTON HATHAWAY M D Dr llalliiiwiiy V Co 9 iti iiiiiiiierelal lllnek Minix City luwu HEAD ACHE Hotli mr iv I Ie nml niTHeiriinve been ualinr CASCAHUTS ami tliey ore the ben medicine wo hao ever hail In the house Last week my wlfo wan frantlo with hendticho for two days sho tried somo of yourCASCAKETS ami tliev relioved tho pain In her head almost Immediately Wo both recommend Cascarets Oiias Stedefoiid Pittsburg Safo Doposlt Co IlttiburB P CANDY thadi majik BioirriPiio Pleaiant ralatable Potent Taste Oood no Good Nuter sicken Weaken or Gripe 10c Sic 60c CURE CONSTIPATION Slirlloj llriatd foif tttc0 kllrrl Kw York SIT NflTnRin BPlS anil guaranteed br all drug I U DftU gittt to OIJKK Tobacco llablt r CASTOR 14 Atfic tabic Preparation for HicSlomnchs nnd Dowels of Promotes DiiicslionCriccrrul ncssnndltestConmiris neither OpnimMorphinc nor Wtncxal Hot Narcotic Xtope orOWnrSMtCELHItmB Jimphn Srtd yibtJmrut JniitSttd Jlprrmint Jh CorbonaSoijX ffamSttd ftnnful Sugar Ilntpwi tlarar Apcrfcct Remedy forConslipa tion Sour StomachDiarrhoca Wonns Convulsions Fcvcr ish jicss and Loss OF SLEEP Tqc Simile Signature of NEW YORK VX CHH lignatnre of CXACT COPY or WRAPPER AFTER USING lilB Kind Yoj Hava Always Bought Bean the J V Tnblors Buckeye Pile Ointment gives iustnut relief It allays inllainmntiou and heals It is uronint in its action and positive in its effect It is the kind that cures without pain or discomfort It is for piles only 50 cents Tubes 75 cents Geo IJ CiimsTOiir OASTORXA earii the f Ihe Kind YoJ HaveAlvvavs Boufiht Are you lacking in strength nnd eu ergy Are you nervous despondent irritable billious constipated nnd Kenernlly ruu down in health If so your liver is torpid nnd a few doses of Herbine will euro you Herbiue has no equal as a health restorer G O 13 ClIKISTOlH 9dEftBBmiHSBBflHiHUnFlv For Jttfimts and ChfMrer The Kind Vou Have Always Pought Bears the Signature xJm0 dw fi fu The Kind You Have Always Bought ASTORIA THE CLNTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CITV HEALTH AND VITALITY Tho Krcat remedy for nervous prostration anil all diseases of tho generative organs of cither sox such as Nervous Prostration Falling or Lost Manhood Impotenoy Ninhtly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worry excessivo use of Touacco or Opium which lead to Consumption and Insanity With evory 5 order wenuarantco to euro or refund tho money Sold at 8100 per box G boxes for 500 111 ITIOTTS ClIItIICAIi CO Clovcluud Ohio For Sale nt KEONIG STEINS PHARMACY Tills Ih Aour Opportunity On receipt of ten cents cash or stamps a generous Einnplu will bo mailed of the most popular Catarrh nnd liny Fever Curt Elys Cream Halm suflicient to demon fctrato tho great merits of tho remedy ELY HHOTIIEHS CO Warren fct Kow York City Kov John Held Jr of Great Falls Mont recommended Elys Cream lialin to me I can emphasizo liin stntcment It is a posi tive euro for catarrh if ned as directed Kov Francis V 1oole Pastor Central Prea Church Helena Mont Elys Cream Palm is tho acknowledged euro for catarrh nnd contains no mercury nor nny injurious drr Price 50 cents A Sound Liver Milken u Well Alan Aro you bilious constipated or troubled with jaundice sick hendache bnd tiihto in mouth foul brenth coated tongue dyspepsin indigestion hot dry skin pain in bnck nnd between the shouldeis chills nnd fever etc If you have any of these symptoms your liver is out of order nnd your blood is slowly being poisoned becnuso your liver does not net promptly Herbinr will cure nny disorder of tho liver stomnch or bowels It has no equal as a livei medicine Price 75 cents Free trial bottle at G B Chrittophb CASTOR I A For Infants and Children fhe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ytf Plf your child has thin pale cheeks uncertain appetite nnd unrestful sleep it has worms and curing with strong medicine only makes conditions worse by irritnting its dolicnte stomach Whites Cream Vermifuce is mild but certain in effect nnd is n superior tonio as well as a positive worm destroyer Geo B Chkistopii OASTOHIA j pin 1 v y yffiAS s KLYS CREAM HALM l n posit Ivecure Apply into the nostril It I ipiiekly absorbed 7 cents nt DriiLuiFtH or hv miel biimples 10c hy mail ELY imOTUKHS 6ii Warren bt New York Citv rhotoprapbed irom ure mmt WFji L 8 KB SV THE 4f MRJR - jl HI REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Kfi Made a Well Mai of Me nEUE330rO3E3 H333Vt23I35i produces tho abovo results ln30 days It sell mivciimijuuuijuitiiij wurtu wuenauoinerBUii Young men will regain their lost manhood and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using HEVIVO It quickly and surely restores Ncrvou Doss Lost Vitality Impotcncy Nightly Emissions KJBt Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases and all effects of solf abuso or eiccBBand indiscretion which unfits ono for study business or marriage It not only cures by Matting at the neat of disease but iso great nerve tonle and blood builder bring lng back the pink plow to palo cheeks and ro Btofing the flro of yonth It wards off Insanltf and Consumption InBist on having IlEVIVO no other It can bo carried in vest pocket By mall B10O per package or six for 85O0 with poal tlvo written frnamntee to enre or refund tbexDOaey Oircularfree Addreea Royal iMedicine Co3SiiBXa For sale in Noifolk by Geo B Cbristn NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency NiffhtEmisslonsand b iDtuouo ail CllCCtS Ol Sell PJr 1 Aaf iiH uouse or excess and Indis cretion A ncrvo tonic and lilood builder Brinps the pink plow to jiale cheeks and restores the lire of youth I3v lnnil nitn n ln tt t Ki v uuA uua tec tn euro or relund tlio ironev send for circular Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO Clinton Jackson Sts CHICAGO IL i For sale by Geo R Christoph Norfolk Money to Loan ON Real Estate Hkhora B d S Association Ytt Jf Rev- D- C Hopson Pastor M E Church Wauneta Neb writes After P 5 E Pt jT c A years of constipation and stomach disorder DiS Kays Henovator has removed Pi s f m POTl immw jwttxttzOiA us tno constipation aim muuu my biuuiuuii uuiiust new i could not hear a watch tick with it closo to my right ear anti but a very bhort distance from niv left one I can now hear one quite a distance from my right ear and a one distance from ray left one and tho thick heavy feeling between uy eyes to my Dr Kays Renovator is trono Dr Kays Catarrh Cure did it It is tho best thine T mm t inv HI 111 of HI lUKea irualtnt iiniifoiiiTU tin E ADVIpEamllenarC0 ur Iayslomo Treatment at iMuntratpi all iilTmenta common to tlio human lutnlly Writo us ull nhout nnt Itnvft nilr rilllflhS linn t UlUft itnv kiilwlllniA - wufc our rlhorliavo No Equal They can l lie ilmil prepaid ly return mail iv cut yi linnaiir 2Sr tn and IIHlur H Ul nrih lnr is in ri -- -- - v wi tij - uihiiuUuui V m yiaiiiSJimJs S2iZJ r J way weuieiu uo baratoua Uprlnga N V led I ole rase lUflt l ft Ipslue prVoo to a Address m r H sffiffimffi r