The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 12, 1899, Page 15, Image 15
i tf Y T I FLOBSHEML MENS SHG fl I ZTzjC J i irUtElMM CORRECT SHAPE GOOD MATERIAL AT RIGHT PRICE Davenport Bros Norfolk Nebraska NORFOLK LODGE NO 97 A 0 U W Mpota in Odd Follows Itnll ou tlin flrpt mid thiid Fridnyii of encli month Visiting broth ers cordially invited to nttotid nil our iiiooUiikh V K Ilollmnn Klunncinr h 1 liiinrult Ko eorder C i Dolnn Mantor Workman SIMPSONS CORNER Oilico Hardys Coal Ollico Good storage room Two good rooniB up3tuirs ono largo fnlo room down stairs for rent Money to loan ou real estate Como and see mo when you want in surance J E SIMPSON A DREAM fiO jp itB m TT Vlr TTHKi j OF BEAUTY is our offering in furniture this week While wo always aim to get tho latest and best and we sometimes excel ourhulves and this is one of your opportunities to profit by our quickness in taking advantage- of tho best thats going W R HOFFMAN For first class mer chant tailoring see My Tailor where you will have suits well made and trimmed which is the main part of mer chant tailoring when they are made to order Call on My Tailor and have prices quoted L I I i lii i u Ohfts II Johnson has never attempted to Hoo Doo tho people with Notoriously Low Grade Pianos such plunder does not stand with Musicians RELIABLE Dealers do not recommend them and the Deceived Purchasers soon discover their mistuko to their sorrow Of tho many different Fakes that have readier Norfolk tho Adam Schaaf is the Latest when represented as tho Uest If in Doubt read the following which recently appeared in the Chicago Jour nal and other papers Wo did not want to strike said Mr Dold to tho Journal this morning but Mr Sohaaf would not liston Tho men wore receiving 8 00 to 1000 a week aud that is very low wages con sidering tho men havo families It costs the Factory 7r 00 to 000 to put up an instrument and all wo ask is 15 cents advance on an instjument or that tho men shall receive a minimum wage of s13 00 per week The suh coutract systen is ono by which the work is given out to ono man who pockets 0 00 and divides 100 up amongst four helpers This is mani festly iiujust as theso subcontractors are Never superior workmen Mr Sohaaf violated his agreement by dis charging Regulators and replacing them with HOYS The announcement that such a piano is the best that over came to Norfolk is such a rank Falsehood and so utterly devoid of truth compels publication of facts as they actually exist CHAS H JOHNSON THURSDAY TIDINGS Tho local lodge Order of the Eastern Star will hold a meeting tonight and a good attendance is desired A company of young folks from the city aro arranging to attond tho weekly daneo at tho hospital for insane tonight David Keei of this city was elected as trustee of the grand lodge Knights of Pythias at tho meeting held in Lincoln yesterday Norfolk lodge No HI 1 O O F will meet in regular session tonight in thoir hall Visiting brothers aro cor dially invited to attend F Warrant is receiving figures on tho new opera house and hopes to com mence work soon on the preliminary nrrnugomonts to its erection Cards were received here yesterday announcing tho birth of a daughter to Mr and Mrs R S Montgomery of Ghadrou formerly of this city Tho Ueemer Times was last weds turned over to the ladies who published n Fouvenir edition in tho interests of the Congregational church now in course of construction That theso ladies are an enterprising class is evidenced liy the appearance of tho paper The ladies also hauled the first load of brick lor the new editice and a picture is given showing them at work unloading the same Hov S F Shurpless writes from Wnvuo in regard to tho Presbyterian synod now in session in that city The convention was opened Tuesday evening with usmnon from First Corinthians 1 li by tho retiring moderator Rev T O Clark D D of Grand Island after which Rov Win M Portor of Nelson was elected to tho moderators chair Rov Sharpless was honored by being elected chairman of tho synod Tho program this evening will bo in tho naturo of an annivorsnry celebration with addrossos and papers by Rov 1 D Kerr Rov J C Sloan Rov Clark Rov John T Haird W D Reaugh Rev T L Sexton Mrs J II Miller and Rov E Van Dyke Wight Tho Scientific American of last week contains an article illustrated with aline halftone cut describing tho removal of tho court houso of Box Butte county from Homiugford to Alliance adistaueo of 1 Similes Tho job was first lot to a citizen of Lincoln who after jacking the building up found his maohinery not equal to tho ttisk of carrying it and throw up the contract There was a necessity of oitier voting 50000 bonds or conveying tho old building which was amply suillciont for present needs to its newly chosen location The Bur lington roud which runs botwoen tho two towns is a heavy taxpayer and tho superintendent conceived tho idea that it would bo cheaper to move the old court house by rail than to pay its sharo of tho taxes Accordingly tho building was loaded aboard four strong Hat cars and guyed to some heavily loaded coal cars in front and behind As the rails were less than five feet apart and t ho building was US feet wide it can bo realized what a nice job of balancing was necessary to keep the structure up right It was successfully accomplished howover and the court house id now on its new site Tho dimensions of tho building werq i8 by 10 feet and 51 feet high Tho train made a speed of from five to eight miles au hour with its ex traordinary freight Those gilt top 12 mos aro sold for 1 cents at tho Bookstore Waki e A young man tor six months for general work A J DiIiand Wasted A laundry girl at Pacific hotel Chas H Johnson received orders last week for three of his famous dicker ing Pianos all sold for spot cash ou de livery and they are now in transit from Boston ono to Scotland S D ono to Lyons and ono to Emerson Neb and the pianos aro so popular and so reliable that in neither caso has ho seen his cus tomers except by correspondence and ono of them has figured for over nine months and writes Have just returned from Sioux City spent throo days there investigating tho different makes and have five letters in this mail offering big discounts and big inducements bo thoy say They havo como down from 100 to 200 but your first offer uino mouths ago is the best I havo received from anyone He sells piuuos of tho Adam Schaaf Hospo Grado at 125 to 17i Sturgeon is tho piano mau Farm and city loans The Durland Trust Co Tho Bookstore wants and news trade TJnnnnu for anln V V Orunuvit I Suidors catsups ut Boxs Have you any troublo with your eyes If so delay is dangerous The troublo can bo corrected with properly adjusted glasses No charge for testing your eyes Call ut onco on O F W Mar quardt graduate optician Norfolk Neb TIttf NORFOLK NEWS TIirttSDAY OCTOIWU 12 180 your magaziuo Tim Wciitlmr Conditions of tho weather as recorded for tho 21 hours euding at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 78 Minimum temperature Avorago 12 Piocipitatiou 00 Total precipitation for mouth HO Barometer 2921 Forecast for Nebraska K iin tonight aud possibly Friday Colder touight aud extromo oast portion Friday DrFrank Salter Diseases of children rn HE RACE IIEKTIM Mrs I A Successful Afternoon of Rac ing at the Fair Grounds WITNESSED BY A LARGE 0R0WD Ilint root mill llliiiidiiiiiiit Hmith Ctilltut tin AltcriHioni sptirl MiiHi InliMM hiih Mimirt mill iM Imtlj ipiiiriil to In Wiill rixuiiil A largo number of people attended the racing meet at the old fair grounds yesteiduy afternoon The attendance would have undoubtedly been larger but for leports that had been cirenhitrd to tho elloet that there would be no races The threatening weather also served to keep many people away Nevertheless it was a very successful meeting and proved highly entertain ing to tho e who attended The large number of events handled proved that the judges weto onto thoir job They were Messrs Clements Odell and Kingman The Ihht race was an eighth mile bicyelodash which resulted Geo Davis 1 st A A Ahlmaii Jnd C W Aid man lid Tune IS seconds Tho second event was a quarter mile bicycle race for boys under 1 1 years if ago Will Davis 1st Hartford 2ml Elliot id Nichols Ith Time lt seconds Roman hippodrome one half mile Won by SMitchell on two horses abreast Leo on pony second Time SO1 One fourth mile free-for-all bicycle raco handicap Geo Davis 1st C W Ahlman 2nd Elliott id Time II seconds Fred Miller ran into the foneo and accordingly was not in the race Tho fifth event was a pony race one half milo dash Mitchells gray horso Pearl took first money IClsons Brigham was 2nd and T Lees Lea Id Time III seconds In the one mile bicycle race handicap Klliott took first prie Geo Davis 2nd O W Ahlman id Will Davis Ith Hartford ah and Miller 0th The seventh was a one half mile and repeat running race best 2 in i R mines Fannie II was 1st and K D Mitchells Bill L 2nd Time first heat 52 seconds secoud heat 515 seconds lutho free-for-all foot raco 100 yards Bert Gordon was first Geo Davis 2nd Satterloo liil Time 11 seconds Mau against bicyolo 00 yards stand ing start Pert Gordon man 1 st A A Ahlman wheel 2nd Time S sedonds Pony race one half milo dash Leos Lea 1st Bisons Brigham 2nd Rominos Nichol lid Bicycle raco for championship of tho county one half mile A A Ahlman easily won 1st Geo Davis 2nd Time 1 21 Tho last raco was a standing Roman hippodrome Tho horses in theso novel races aro owned by S D Mitchell of Albion and his son is the rider In this raco he rodo four horses abreast and made the romarkablo time of 50 seconds Tho rido was ery exciting and tho four horses which proved to bo very fast animals were well handled by tho rider This kind of an event proves a nice diversion from tho ordinary races and it is expuctod that Mr Mitchell and his horses will bo in great demand at racing meets next season Fresh bulk oysters at Fuoslors Buy all your groceries of Box and get the best Every child that goes to school should have their eyes tested to find out if vision is normal if not normal the de fect can bo corrected and it will save the oye sight If not corrected in time there is danger of having poor sight for the future I will tost every childs eyes free of charge Call at once on C F W Marquardt optician Norfolk Nebraska Farm laud and city property for sulo by G R Soiler PERSONAL Tom McGinuis is ou the sick list Mr Diotz of Creighton is in tho city ou business C C low wont to Pilger on tho noou train on business Dr J H Mackay has returned from a visit to Chicago Chas Newman of Froport 111 is in tho city on business E G Heilman county clerk was a city visitor over night Bank Examiners Coates and Luikart were in tho city over night Captain J H Brown came in from Wakofield on tho 10 M0 train Ono of the children of Mr nnd Mrs Audy McGlnnis is quite sick II O Bromo of Omaha came up last uight to look after legal business Supt C H Reynolds of tho Elkhoru loft today for a trip over tho Albion branch Mrs J C Reed mother of W E Alexander is visiting at tho homo of her sou Dr Frank Salter and J Hershiscr went duck shooting yesterday and roport fair success II C Pronneko and daughtor of Pierce were visitors yesterday in this metropolis G B Rouso of Meadow Grove was in the city yesterday on hit way home from Madison Mrs I L Estabrook leturned last evening from a two weeks vtMt to friends in Iowa Miss Agnes Conrad fistcr of Mrs Herman Miller is nick at Iht home on South Third sheet Mrs Alvin lovve aud Mrs John Hay have returned from Kansas where they been visiting several weeks Miss Fredericks who has been visit ing the family of W K Alevandei tor a week has relumed to herhoine in Coun cil Bluffs Superintendent A G Stoirs of the telephone company has llnl died with his duties heie and left this morn ing for Omaha Mr aud Mrs 11 G Chappull of In dependence Iowa lelativesof Miss Ora Oram passed through the city today on their wedding tup Walter Sehroeder will arrive twin from his former home near Winona Minn and tnle up his work as teacher of St Pauls parochial school nct Mon day Dan Frasor ot Madison formerly clerk at the Oxnaid was in the city yesterday greeting friends Mr Fraher went with company Ftothe Philippines and rose from bugler to second sar geant in his company You can see the osteopath at the resi dence of J S McClary Tuesday Thurs day and Saturday of each week At the Bookstoio an er rand boy The Counto de Monte Cristo Alex ander Dumas best work which is so well known lotlniitro goers will be pre sented to the t heal re goers at the Mur qimnlt opera house Monday evening The revival of this soul stirring drama under its picMtut management has met with tho hearty nppioval of theatie goors Tho piece is said to be staged in a wonderful manner with hcenery in abundance and historically correct cos tumes Mr has H Furnhains por trayul of the Counto is said to be flawless he is a strong romatic actor and endowed by nature with unusual magnetism The Mercedes of Marie La Brahy is said to bo captivating while her beauti ful gowns fairly dale tho eye Cloth 12 inos li1 cents at Bookstore Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr F Verges residence and office Before you put in your winter supply of coal call and seo C W Bnuiscli He always buys the best grades of coal in tho market Box can suit you on oofleo Wantkd old scrap iron and all kinds of junk Will pay good price Third street north Asinus storo B Mkykiis On October 11 and 1 2 tho F ISMV railroad will sell excursion tickets to Omaha at 290 for the round trip good returning until October I Ith He plays well that wins Hoods Sarsaparilla wins tho victory over disease because it possess genuine curative power Tonight If your liver is out of order causing Biliousness Sick Headache Heart burn or Constipation take a dose of Hoods Pills On retiring and tomorrow your di gestive organs will be regulated and you will be bright active and ready for any kind of work This has been the experience of others it will bo yours HOODS PILLS are sold by all medicine dealers 25 cts NOW IS THE TIME TO GET pVTTEjfy HAT CHEAP FOR CASH AT E Have Red and Blue GOLF CAPS STAA1PED LINENS 11 ANNOUNCEMENT I have Just milled to niv Fun Drug Slock n complcti of the B P S PAINT TIiIh Paint Is Absolutely Pure White Lead Zinc and Linseed Oil having been analyzed at the Nebraska State University with a proof of 07 per eeul The I S iovcinmcht has adopted tills paint for the use in the navy being the best goods they could Hud upon the tuaiket We also state with plcastiio that this paint I being iihciI very largclv by the Heel Sugar Factory They icccutly painted the coltnge out theio with H P S It litis given absolute satisfaction to the uiatiiigemeiit mid is i plcnmuo lo the eyes of till who see II We now offer In Hie people o Norfolk thiBKsT PAINT SOLD so if you mo contemplating painting let us show you a good paint Hint gives the best of Hiitisfaetinu GEO B CHRISTOPH Dmist OUR HARVEST OF GOOD THINGS Hought for the Full and Winter Tradn is now almost completed We have a meat many things lo iuteiest you and extend A IIKAR TV INVITATION lo cull and look over our goods even though you may not be ready to buy OUR CAPE AND JACKET DEPARTMENT is full of THE BKST of that line special elloil has been made to supply our tiade with the CHIC KFI KCTS and MKTUOli ILITAN STYLUS mi fascinating to all Every wrap is new Not an old garment in our house THE DRY GOODS PLACE F A HUSTON Robertson Blk Norfolk Neb Norfolk N AUAlNIIOIr Primntnit AMCXANDKIt IIKAK Vicu Priinlilnl t W II lllIIIOI Cimhlnr K W UT AHNlHliuitCiiNliior National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Oiders Sold on any Point In Furopo A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIRHCTOE6 AIIKAIt K I IIANhON KI IUIK W II IIUUHOJZ WM XUTA NA HAINHOLiT JOHN H HAYH K VICIKKH BHCOTTON s Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand C W BRAA8CH DEALER IN in nnAT in sc I l i I J H GKRIISr Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in the market Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 1 BABIES CRY FOR WHEATLM AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS i A MJIKAKT IHKHIDKST IJIAS H HUllHiK Vk B Puwiiieut W II JOHNSON Oashikb W K UKAASCH Asst Casuu The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Hu Anil sell oxcliaDKd on tint roiiutr and all porta of Europe Karm Loam Director Alt Asuia W 11 Joiisaon hah S Huidok C W DuAAbca C M riUASh i A IWKA1IT T V SHMUINOKK U BKHHlUhU FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary