The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 12, 1899, Page 14, Image 14

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1 T Koonigstoln goes to Onkdalo
tcxluy on legal business
Mrs Lindsay wuh i Croighton visitor
lit this mot roplts Saturday
Superintendent C W Cnuu was in
tho oily today from Madison
Arthur Hrulmkor spent Saturday
villi friends in Meadow Grove
Mr and Mrs Frank Sohultzof Ploroo
wore Sunday visitors in Norfolk
1 P Owen loft this mnrnliiK over
tho Union Pacific lor a two weeks trip
Judge H 1 Kelly loft thin morning
ior Columbus to attend to legal business
Mrs 10 C Hutton and Mrs M Miller
of Ploreo woro shopping i Norfolk
Jnnios Henderson a Clearwater mor
ohnnt had business in the Sugar City
lOdltor J M Donovan or tho Madison
htar was attending to business in Nor
folk today
Miss Agnes Thompson returned on
tho noon train from a vittlt to Oniahu
and Fremont
lOdltor W 10 Powers of tlin Pioreo
Lender is looking aftor Sugar Oity
business today
Mrs S Thornton and Mr and Mr
Frank Johnson of Tihlon worn city
visitors Saturday
Mrs Judge Mnekay and Mrs A
Vollbrooht of Slauton worn visitors in
tfhis metropolis Saturday
IMtsK Viola Lowisnnd sister nnd Misses
Jessie and Com Uuol of Meadow Orovo
woro oity visitors Saturday
Mart Stewart of Lincoln was vistlng
in tho oity yesterday He wont to
Wakolleld this morning and will return
Goo II Spear D Roes and O 10
Hartford left today for i rand Island to
attend the grand lodge of tho Knights
if Pythias
George Davenport jr onmo over
1roin Randolph Halurday night and
npont Sunday with Norfolk relatives
and friends
Mrs 11 Conner and son and Mrs
Allen returned to Superior today after
u en days visit at the home of Mr and
JMrs 10 0 Conner
August Abtsof Randolph fusion can
didate for county dork formerly a mem
ber of company F First Nohraska
was in the oity today
Thondyanee agont of tho Hey wood
Colehritiesis in tho city making arrange
immts for the appearance of that com
pany in tho city in tho near future
Stock shipments to Sioux City Boom
bettor this season than for many years
sis nightly stoekjspooinls gojthrough tho
city via tho 0 St P M O road
Mrs 10 S Blair and Mrs 10 M Smith
of Wayne were in tho oity yesterday on
their way to York to attend tho state
mooting of tho federation of womans
Eugene Austin of this ollico is not
flow at raising potatoes Ho had a
latch in near tho Croighton depot this
season which yielded about liOO bushels
to tho acre
The Omaha Illustrated Hoc of yoster
day prints an excellent likeness of Rev
F M Sisson tiie newly appointed pro
viding older of the Norfolk district for
tho M 10 churoh
Mrs Carl Zuelow and little daughter
returned from Omaha Saturday even
ing Tho little girl is much improved
jiiuco undergoing nu operation at ono of
tho hospitals of that city
Tho captain of the Salvation Army
who has had charge horo for some time
lias been removed to North Platto and
tho new captain is oxpected to arrive
hero tomorrow and take up tho work
10 C llowo general manager of tho
American Hoot Sugar companys plants
left yesterday for Grand Island whore
ho will remain a few days and thou re
turn to his homo in Lob Angeles Cal
A strange disease is carrying off tho
Ihorses in Platto and Boouo counties at
sui alarming rato A voteriuary surgeon
says tho disease is ono that is rarely
mot with and is caused by feeding oats
that have been damaged by rust
Mrs F F Miller and children go to
Omaha tomorrow whore they will
mako an extended visit while Mr Mil
ler who is a deputy grand master work
mau of tho A O U W goes on a long
trip to tho western part of tho stato
A largo amount of stock from tie
Wyoming ranges is being fhipped
through Norfolk over the Flkhorn lino
Tho rails were kept hot yesterday by
tho passing trains and tho crews have
all the work they can attend to
Miss Maggio Hansen who recently
arrived in this couutry from Schleswig
Ilolstein Gennauy ami has been em
ployed at tho homo of Dr and Mrs A
Rear as domestic loft today for New
York whore she will meet and marry
her lover who is steersman on the
Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse
At Stantou on Friday while Chester
Lovett a boy six years old was ou his
way to school with other boys heclimlKd
ou tho touguo of a farmers wagon
which wns beiug trailed behind another
smd Chester lost his hold and fell Tho
wheels passed over his legs aud chest
causing his death in u few minutes
Glissmau and Nethaway have shot
iff tho tio recently made at a live pigeou
shoot and Glissmau is the winner ho
having killed IS birds out of a mwh11i1o
r0 Nethaways score wns 1 1 out of a
possible f0 loe llailoy im did some
shooting hut was not in tho contest
A crowd of about 1H people witnessed
the sport
W II Huohnlz gave a dinner parly
to half a dozen of his gentlemen friends
Saturday evening the guest of honor
being Mr 10 O Howe uuinngor of he
American Hoot Sugar company It is
needless to say that u delightful dinner
was served aud that those present con
gratulated themselves upon having re
ceived an Invitation
Word of a distressing calamity to the
family of Attorney 1 11 Hrown of
Wakolleld forinoily of this oily has
been received horo From all tho reports
obtainable it scorns that Mr Hrown was
in Omaha and for a time yesterday tho
children were loft alone in the house
when in some miiuuer tho little boy set
lire to his young sisters clothes aud she
was so badly burned that she diod this
morning from tho injuries received It
is understood that the little girl Is about
throe years of ago
Tho Gustava Male quartet entertained
a fair sized audience at the M 10 ohuroh
Saturday evening and that their music
was appreciated was attested by the fact
that they received a vociferous oncoro
aftor almost every number rendered
lint h the solo and ensemble numbers were
well received Although young men
tho members of tho quartet give evi
dence of thorough education in music and
with more experience before the public
will bo second to no company now on
tho road Tho qunrtot also sang at both
morning and ovoning sorvices at the M
10 ohuroh yesterday
Dr Fletcher M Sisson tho new pre
siding elder of tho Norfolk district of
tho M 10 church preached yestorday
both morning and evening in tho First
church of this city and was greeted by
a full house at both sorvices All who
heard him were highly pleased with his
sermons and ho made many friends in
tho city At the morning service he
gavo convincing evidence that ho was
a true Methodist preacher by taking
up a collection Within a few minutes
he raised 100 for the winters supply
of coal and other incidental oxponsos
Ho is a man of much religious power
and will undoubtedly accomplish much
good for tho churches of tho district
Members of tho A O U W from
all parts of tho stato will bo in Omaha
next Saturday which is Workman day
at tho exposition The Omaha Boo of
yesterday spoaking of thlsovont says
Tho Ancient Order of United Work
men will have tho right of way next
Saturday Hundreds of monibors of
tho order will bo horo from Iowa Mis
souri aud other states in addition to tho
representation from surrounding towns
in Nebraska An olaborato program
has boon arranged An addross of wel
come will bo dolivorod by Dr George L
Millor M 10 Shultz ex mayor of Boat
rice and tho present grand master
workman of tho United Workmen in
Nobratkn will respond Thoro will be
other addresses among the most notable
being that of ho grand master workman
of Iowa Prizes for coinpetivo drills
have boon arranged as follows First
prizo 0 socond third 1 fourth
10 Those prizes will be doubled if tho
attendance oxeoods 10000
F Johnson is in tho city from Cole
ridge on business
1 D Sturgeon niado a business trip
to Wayne yesterday
F L lOstabrook was a passenger for
Madison this morning
lOd Dixon has nccoptod a position in
Thompsons grocery storo
Mrs Abbio Garvoy and family of
Pierce are city visitors today
D S Ingham a real estato doalor of
Kearney is in tho city on bnsinoss
County Clork 10 G Hoilniau was a
city visitor yestorday from Madison
Dr Stevenson of tho hospital for in
sane was a passougor for Lincoln yes
10 G Mason porter in Halls harbor
shop has gone to Omaha to seo tho ox
Mrs A Teal returned at noon from
a visit with friends at Omaha and Mis
souri Valley
Mr and Mrs O A Alexauder aud
daughter wont to Omaha yestorday to
soo tho oxpositiou
Father Petlach ossistaut pastor of
St Marys Catholic church made a trip
to Creighton today on church business
Miss Metta Hansen of Tihlon visited
at tho homo of Mr and MrB O W
Braasch yesterday on her way to Madi
A dispatch resoufly recoivod from
Hov J J Purkor stated that ho oxpected
to start ou his homoward trip about tho
lth iust
Mrs Bishop neo Sumption who is
visiting in Madison is oxpected to ar
rivo in tho city today to visit Mrs A J
Chris Sohavlaud clerk of tho district
court and candidato for re election ou
the republican tickot was a cityvisitor
this morning
There was a special dauco for em
ployes at the hospital for insane last
night and a very enjoyable time was
had by all present
The Fourth ward democrats have
plaed iu nomination F W Koerber for
assossor Tho nomination was niado at
the caucus held last night
Key W II Katon preacod to a largo
congregation of country folk at Bcga
school house about I J miles northeast of
tho city last Sunday afternoon
Tho shower which fell in tltln vicinity
last night Horved to lay the dust which
haR boon unusally plentiful Tho
change Is very acceptable to tho peoplo
The Fourth ward republican caucus
met in the hose house at the Junction
last evening and placed J II Thomp
son iu nomination for the ollico of asses
The bridge gang of tho C St P M
O road with the companys pile
driver Is driving pilesund strengthening
the bridge across the Northfork oast of
Mrs Jack Koonigsteln has boon re
moved to tho homo of hor parents Mr
aud Mrs S F Hharploss while a furnace
is beiug placed iu her homo on Koon
igstoin uvonuo
Mr and Mrs S K Dexter of Lowell
Mass aro expected in Norfolk on this
evenings train Mr Dexter is owner
of tho cold storage plant at this place
and is coming on business connected
Tho excavation for tho now Catholic
churoh is about complete ami matorials
forthe foundation aro being hauled onto
the ground in readiness for tho work
men who will soon commence tho work
of construction
The Jungle club met last ovoning at
tho homo of Mr and Mrs W II Baker
Tho object of tho club which is com
posed of tho touchers of tho schools is to
study litoraturo in gonoral Thoy are
now engaged with tho works of Hud
yard Kipling
Tho sugar factory is now producing
sugar at a lively rate tho million mark
having been passed yestorday Tho
company has orders ahead all tho time
for its product which is shipped as last
as turned out and goes to tho leading
jobbers in western cities
Monto Cristo is billed to bo presented
at tho Marquardt hull next Monday
evening iu which Charles II Farhain
will appear iu tho title rolo This is a
piece that has always drawn well and
there is no doubt that tho hall will bo
tilled to its fullest capacity
Tho Hey wood Celebrities havo decidod
to postpone their ongugomont for the
present but will appear botoro n Norfolk
audience later iu tho season Mr Hoy
wood has gone to Croighton and Piorco
to try to arrange for tho appearance of
his company iu thoso cities
Tho stato secretary of tho Sunday
school union has written to Norfolk
parties desiring to hold a convention of
all tho Sunday schools in tho county
sometimo during tho lattor part of Ooto
bor Arrangomonts for the meeting
havo not yot boon completed
A G Bohnort tho former Neligh
merchant is receiving a portion of his
stock of general merchandise which will
soon be opened up to tho public in tho
Koenigstoin block next door east of tho
postoillco Tho room has been placed
iu llrst class condition and the uowly
papered walls and shelving give it a
voiy neat and cleanly appearauco
Miss Anna Lobnow this morning be
gan hor duties as assistant day operator
at tho tolophono exchange Tho tem
porary improvements to tho facilities of
the station havo boon made and it is
hoped that all who desiro to beconio
patrons of tho oxchaugo may bo accom
modated ponding tho arrival of tho now
switch board now boiug constructed
A now time card will go into offect on
tho Union Pacillo road next Suuday and
it is understood that tho trains of that
lino will begin running botwoon liGre
aud Sioux City on Monday It is said
that whilo all tho details havo uot yot
boon arranged it is practically assurod
that tho freight sorvico between
horo and Sioux City will bo resumed on
that day
Rev A F Siegler will depart tomor
row for Wauwatosa Wis to assume
his dutios as pustor of tho Gorman Lu
theran church at that placo It is un
derstood that ho will havo tho body of
tho lato Mrs Sioglor oxhumed andtakou
to his new homo whore tho remains
will bo ro iuterred Mrs Sieglor died
and was buried in tho church cemetery
here somo months ago
Mr and Mrs II L Spaulding drovo
a horso belong to G R Seilor about two
and one half miles into the country
yesterday and whon near tho track on
their way homo last ovoning tho horse
rofusod to go further and laid down iu
tho haruos3 and died Tho causa for its
sudden death is not knownlmt it is sup
posed the animal was nfllictod with
heart disoaso or some other disorder
peculiar to its kind
A team hitched to n buggy and being
driven by O B Vroomau indulged in a
lively runaway on Main stroot last even
ing Ono of the neckyoko straps gave
away letting tho tongue of tho vehicle
to tho ground which frightened tho
animals and caused tho runaway The
frightened animals wore stopped by
bystanders just in time to keep them
from dushiug iuto a buggy containing
a lady Mr Vroomau also had a nar
row escape from iujury
The Sophomore class of the Norfolk
high school called on and surprised
Miss Lydia Siegler last evening at the
home of her friend Miss Clara Rudat
where she is stopping The party was
in tho naturo of a farowoll to tho young
lady who loaves with her fathor tomor
row for her now homo in Wauwatosa
Wis A flno tlnio was had mm red
only by tho thought of a classmates de
parture Very flno refreshments woro
served during tho ovoning
Dr Flotehor M Slsslons household
goods havo arrived from Omaha and aro
being placed in tlin homo ou South
Fourth street recently purchased from
Dr Hodgotts Itisoxpoctod that Mrs
Sission and the children will arrive this
evening and thoy will begin housekeep
ing soon iu their now residence Mrs
Sission is tho authoress of Gathered
Thistles a work that was placed before
the publlo at Fremont and has met with
very good success It is believed that
Norfolk society will nllord tho family a
warm welcome
A dispatch to tho Omaha Boo from
Croighton says that diphtheria is still
raging at Walnut Grovo a fow niilos
west of that placo Threo havo died in
tho Fredrick family and it is roported
Mrs Fredrick is now voiy ill The
case of tho Frodricks was especially
distressing Tho neighbors woro not
aware of thoir torriblo plight and whon
tho doctor got to tho house ho found
ono child dead aud tho mother nlono
with tho dead child and hor Bick husband
Tho doctor and his driver buried tho
child nlono at midnight
Tho mnnogoment of the sugar factory
has found it necessary to exclude visitors
from tho working parts of tho plant
with tho oxcoption of Thursday afternoon
from a to I whon nguido will bo provided
and nil thoso who desiro will bo shown
through nnd tho functions ot tho dillor
ont pieces of machinory oxplninod
Tho visitors gallery howovor is open
at all timos of day and night nnd visitors
aro always welconto to inspect tho fac
tory from that point of vantage This
step has been made necessary by tho
constant stream of visitors who havo
boon coming to tho factory during tho
past mouth and who not only require
considerable attention but nro in con
stant danger of being injured whilo
passing through tho factory
Tho adjourned annual meotiug of tho
Baptist church society was hold last
evening and proved to bo ono of tho
most cheering meetings of tho kind
over held in tho history of tho organiza
tion Tho financial statement showed
a gratifying advanco over former years
in tho societys standing as to monoy
matters whilo tho spiritual welfare
under Rev Eatons pastorate also shows
great improvement Tho outlook for
tho future wolfaro of tho society is very
cheerful nnd tho members aro encour
aged wondorfully Z H Batemau
was elected as a member of tho board of
trustees for a torm of threo years C II
Blood was chosen as clork nnd 10 E
Adams as treasurer of tho society Tho
churoh building will not probnbly
bo moved to its now location until next
spring as all tho details havo uot yet beou
II Kennedy sr is laid up with
Leo Horshisor niado a business trip to
Sioux Oity this week
W C Roland went to Omaha yestor
day afternoon on business
Mrs OA Harshman and Mrs F Koer
ber spent Thursday in Omaha
Mrs Sohultz of Stantou visited Mrs
Hull nnd Mrs Porry during tho week
Mrs Burgor sister of Mrs Swartz is
removing horo from Missouri Valloy and
will mako this placo hor home iu future
Mrs M J Lavoll is expected homo
this week from Sioux lOalls S D whore
she has been visiting her parents somo
Misses Edith and Frances Violo spent
a fow days at Fremont during tho week
tho guest of Mrs J Hulf formerly of
of Norfolk
Mr and Mrs J J Harrington havo
returned from Iowa where they woro
called by tho death of Mr Harring
tons fathor
D Blackwoll from Ames Nob is a
now brakomau ou this division of the
Elkhoru and ho has just removed his
family horo
Sovoral of the boys of tho Juuction
indulged in a bioyclo race tho other day
and Matt Schaffer jr had tho misfort
une to wreck his wheol in tho mixup
which was a port of the race Tho
young man now oxercises his lower
extremities as ho walks to and from
Ittttnr IlHt
List of lottors remaining uncalled
at tho postoilico October a 1809
Dollio Andrews Wm Bargor J U
Cavoney M M Cook J L Ohristmnu
Edward Ewiug Carl Falk Josio Hock
oudorf Chas Johnsou Joe Mnrcoe S
A Marcoll J II MoKran Frank Men
otr A 11 Poters W Schroder M San
bagram II II WulV
If not callod for in 10 days will bo
sond to tho dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the abovo
please say advertised
Oiillli for Sulc
I Imvo constantly on hand nud for
sale good native cuttlo for feeding pur
p tsos Prices as low as the market af
fords Call and get prices aud terms
John- Shannon
Hoskius Neb
The News ou aepartmeut
plete iu every paiticular
is com-
1 Ienry Winborger is undor t he weather
Mrs Bishop was a passenger for Lin
coln today
S W True wont to Omaha today on
a business trip
W 10 Benedict of Custer City was in
tho city yesterday
Mr and Mrs Poter Bell loft on tho
noon train for Omaha
Sol G Mayor went to Lincoln today
on business and to visit
Mr and Mrs 10 A Bullock will loavo
in tho morning for a visit to Omaha
Yankton has organized a golf club
What is tho mattor with Norfolk sports
Mr and Mrs Homo and son of Omaha
are visiting at tho homo of Mrs MclCini
Mrs J RudclilV of Sioux City is visit
ing at tho homo of hor brother Geo W
Will Johnson is in Chicago on busi
ness for tho Johnson Dry Goods com
Father Walsh has purchased an orgnn
for uso in tho tho Catholic church at
Battle Creek
Mrs 11 10 Howlns started this morn
ing for Wells Minn where she goes
to join her husband
Miss Bachelor of tho city schools is on
tho sick list and Miss Edith McClary is
teaching iu hor room today
Mrs Thos Kingston and daughtors
and J 10 Brown wore Stanton visitors
to this metropolis yestorday
Mr and Mrs Julius Degnor sr have
returned from Wisuor where thoy
havo been visiting with thoir sou TuliuB
Captain Ada Smith and Mattio Potors
of the Salvation Army loft this morning
for North Platto where thoy tako uy
tho work
Mrs M D Tyler loft today for Mt
Carmol 111 whoro sho will visit about
six -weeks Mr Tyler accompanied hor
as far as Omaha
Rev S F Sharpless has gono to
Wayno to attend tho stato meeting of
tho Presbyterian church which meets iu
that city this week
Mrs A B Lano and son Asa K left
this morning for Huron S D where
thoy will visit about threo weeks with
Mrs Lanes parents
Miss Lena Johnson and Mrs J J Mc
Furlaud were in town yesterday frcm
Stanton Miss Johnson was on her
way to Pocatella Idaho
H A Potter and several other gentle
men from Iowa aro in tho neighborhood
lookiug at somo desirable farm proper
ties with a view to purchasing and locat
ing hero
W II Bridgo is expected homo this
evening from Lincoln Hastings and
other cites whore he has been advertis
ing tho products of tho Sugar City Cereal
miles at tho street fairs
Invitations nre out announcing tho
marriage of Miss Mary Newman to Mr
Scheukol which will take place next
Suuday at 1 1 Ii0 at Christs Lutheran
church Rev J P Mueller ofliciating
Liout McElhoes caudidnto for clerk
of tho district court on tho fusion ticket
is in the city gottiug acquainted with
loading politicians Mr MeElhos
served in company F with tho First Ne
braska in tho Philippines
Another installment of Row Sheldons
book In His Stopswill bo read at tho
Baptist prayer meeting tonight The
diversion is proving of considerable in
terest aud attendance nt the meetings
has increased materially
A convention of Episcopal clergymen
of tho diocese of Nebraska will be held
in Columbus next week Rev W R Mc
Kim of Hartington is down for a paper
tho subject of which will bo The Dif
ference Botweou Rome and Ourselves
Tho West Side Whist club held its
first meotiug of the season last evening
at tho homo of Mr and Mrs Jacob Bamn
and the mombera enjoyed a very pleas
ant time Tho club will continue to
meet ovory two weeks during tho fall
and winter nt tho homes of tho members
A livoly lodge of Odd Fellows was
instituted at Wakefield on September 39
with a number of the grand officers and
about 200 visitors from other lodges to
assist C E Doughty of this city took
active part iu tho ceremonies
two candidates were initiated aud tho
lodge starts out with a membership of
about 111
Romo Millor manager of tho Her
Grand hotel in Omaha uud also of tho
F 10 M V railroad eating houseshas
moved his entire ollico forcd from Mis
souri Valley to Omaha where his head
quarters will hereafter bo located and
from which his entire system will bo
directed He has eight bookkeepers and
other employes iu his force of helpers
Mrs A Hodgotts and daughters
Sadie aud Etta departed on this mom
iugs trniu for their now homo in Grand
Island carryiug with them tho best
wishes of Norfolk people for their
future prosperity aud welfare The
members of the Senior class of tho high
school were at the train iu a body to
bid good by to their classmate Miss
The livoly lime city oi wuyue nas
turned ovtr its keys to the Presbyteriau
ministers of Ntbras ka who are holding
their unuual convention there today and
tomorrow An interesting program has
beeu arranged and lively interest i
beiue muuifest Tomorrow evening
will be devoted to anniversary exercises
in which tho work and history of tho
robraMni synod will bo roviowed iu
interesting papers nnd nddressos
Hov A F Siegler nnd family de
parted on the early C St P M O
train this morning for their future
homo in Wauwatosa Wis During
their residouco in Norfolk tho family
has gniuod a largo circle of friends who
will not soon forget thorn and who ex
tend tho best wishes for thoir future hap
piness Members of tho Sophomore
class of tho high school were among
thoso to hid tho family God spocd
Miss Lydia boing a niembor
W F Rouvis of Battlo Creek is in the
city today Mr Rouvis has just recent
ly returned from tho Klondiko country
where he wont in soarch of a fortune
Ho oncountered many hardships during
his absonco nnd is pleased to get homo
again Whilo thoro ho ncquired a
mino on tho famous Forty Milo crook
which promises some reward for tho
hardships oncountered His brother
who wont to Alaska with him did not
accompany him homo but is iu chnrgoof
tho mining property thoro Mr Reavis
is not certain that he will return to tho
Kloudiko next spring
Stato Secretary Pollock of tho Suuday
School union from Beatrice was iu tho
city yesterday and made arrangements
for tho holding of a county convontion
in this city on tho Siith nnd 2lth of this
month Tho meetings will bo held iu
tho Baptist church aud all tho Sunday
schools ot tho county aro invited and
oxpected to tako part Good talent iu
tho way of speakers and music aro ex
pected to participate and nu oxcellout
time is anticipated It is also believed
that much good to tho work in the
county will result Programs of tho
convention will bo issued aud distributed
within a fow days
Walter P Powell aud his nenr family
expect to depart on Tuesday tho 17th for
Oregonwhero thoy expect to mako their
home in future Thoy are now dispos
ing of houFohold goods and completing
work in hand preparatory to removal
Tho family consists of Mr Powell and
his unmarried daughter Sadie Walter
Powell jr and his wife Too Powell
Mr and Mrs J W Kidder and children
and Mr and Mrs 10 C Hazen and little
ion Mrs Kidder nnd Mrs Hazou aro
daughters of Mr Powell Tho family
has a largo number of friends in and
around Norfolk who regret exceedingly
o seo thorn leave but who desire noth
ing but good fortune and happiness for
thorn in their now heme
A very pretty wedding took place at
10 oclock this morning at tho homo of
Mr and Mrs J O Stltt in which Miss
Emily Rust Holt of this city nud Frank
W Cougdou of Hampton Connecticut
wore tho contracting parties Rev G H
Main of the M E church performing
the ceremony None but immediate
relatives aud frionds were invited to
witness tho union Tho newly married
couple loft ou tho noon train forOmnha
whore thoy will visit tho exposition a
few days and nfter returning for
a short visit here will go to
Hampton where they will make their
future homo The bride is well known
iu Norfolk having niado it her home
since childhood with tho exception of a
few years which sho spent in Couuecti
cut with hor graudmother whore sho
becamo accpuaiuted with the groom
Sho is a lovely j oung lady both in re
gard to looks demeanor and disposition
and Mr Cougdou may congratulate him
self on acquiring a rare Nebraska jewel
The heartiest ot congratulations of Nor
folk frionds are accorded Mr and Mrs
J H Couloy has located his stolon bi
cycle and the thiof is in Omaha The
Bee says Detectives Heitfelt and
Donnhue arrested W Arliugton last
Saturday and booked him at the nolica
station as a suspicious character They
mistrusted he had been taking things
that did not rightfully beloug to him
but were unable to get any positive ovi
douce Ho was kept in jail until Tues
day morning and then tho officers put
up a job on him Thoy had him re
leased and kept the closest surveilanco
upon his ovory action during the day
with tho result that ho was landed in
jail again about dusk with a bicycle iu
his possession that had been stoleu up
at Norfolk some time ago Mr Con
ley loft this morning for Omaha and
will bring back with him tho thief aud
tho wheel Whilo in this city Arliug
ton wout under the name of Marshall
ut his boarding house and the sugnr fac
tory whoro ho was employed and whon
ho hired tho wheol of Couley gavo the
name of Wilson If he is ono nud tho
same fellow ho is sailing uuder many
aliases and is
undoubtedly a clever crook
Money Tiilkh
Mr Tames Waller I see a notice in
the NoBj uLK News that you will
Xsebruska Bourbon npuinst auy horso in
the viciniry of Norfolk for 100 00 a
sido ou know- that I would not mark
Burtwood out of the thirty class this
fall bonce vour nhni iit i i
- u uin i win
ionUrt S0l UKlist urbon for
0000 a tide tho race to be paed on
any good mile track by the first of May
aud will put up 100 00 forfeit now
M FN Kidney trouble preys up
AN D ou hl courages
WOMEN amy vigor nnd cheer-
diseased For
uso rw
Kilmer SwanipRoot the
great kidev
remedy At druggists Sample bnml
free also pamphlet AddresTDr Kil
m r Co Biughamton NY