The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 12, 1899, Page 13, Image 13

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Mrs G U Main is on the sick list
C S Hayes is in Stnuton on business
Or Salter returned at noon from his
trip to Oiiinhn
Mr and Mrs Goorgo Story of Pierco
uie visitors in the city today
Mrs Herman Ranseh of Stanton was
in the city yesterday shopping
Miss Lena Donuingor was in thu city
yesterday on her way to Madison
Mesdames Story and Surgennt of
Pierco weie city visitors yesterday
K C IIowo 1ms returned from a Hy
ing visit to Grand Island and Omaha
Frank Walker a real estate man of
Columbus is in tho city on business
Mrs W II Olurk departed this noon
for Randolph to visit friends n few days
Mrs David Bauin returned last even
ing from a visit to Stromsburg this
Moit Stowart of Lincoln transacted
business and visited friends in the city
last evening
S G Dean is arranging to have his
resulonco heated with hot water W
II Htsh is putting in the plant
Joe Teahou of Omaha traveling pass
enger agent of the Wabash line is in
tho city in the interest of his company
Mrs F W Wietor nud baby loturned
last evening from Grand Island where
they have been spending several weeks
with hor parents
Mrs C II Blood gave a party to her
class in the Baptist Sunday school at
her home on north Twelfth street yes
terday afternoon
Col S J Alexander of Lincoln icp
resuutiug tho Gorman American insur
ance company is transacting business
in the city today
Miss Piekerill who has been teaching
a physical culture class here left
this morning for Columbus The class
instruction was closed last evening
Mrs Becker and daughter Mrs
Straus of Legouier Ind left today for
the formers homo in Albion after a
visit at tho home of Morris Mayer
Julius Degner and wife took advantage
of tho pleasant weather yesterday and
diovo down to Wisiier where they will
MSit a week with their son Julius jr
Born yesterday evening to Mr and
Mrs Michael J Stone an eight pound
boy Papa makes his own cigars and
probably dispenses them with a liberal
hand to all friends
Mrs J MMDonaldis now in Omaha
where she will tako trentment lor a
month with a skilled specialist Her
friends have strong hopes that tho treat
ment will effect a euro
Rev Mr Chamberlain formeily of
Blair now of Birch will occupy the
pulpit of tho Free Methodist church
every other Sunday commencing next
Sunday when he will preach at 1 1 a m
and 7 l0 p m
F Strattons team became frightened
at tho minstrel parado yesterday alter
noon and proceeded to run A collision
with a havy dray wagon brought the
horses to a standstill however without
serious results
Tho driver of Fddys hack appeared
before tho police judgo this morning
after spending the night in tho cooler
on tho charge of being drunk and dis
orderly Ho was assessed the usual
dose for that kind of sport and it cost
him 7 10
Omaha World Herald A reception
will bo tendered to Rev F M Sisson
and family at the Hansom Park Metho
dist church this evening Dr Sibsou
having been appointed presiding elder
of tho Norfolk district will leave Omaha
with his family Saturday
J Hartley ox postmastcr of Lincoln
and J Paul ex postmaster of Huntings
are city visitors Mr Paul has resided
in the stato over 20 years and this is
his tlrst visit to Norfolk Ho experesses
Example is Better
Than Precept
It is not ivhat ive say bat
what Hoods Sarsaparilla
does that tells the story
Thousands of testimonials are
examples of ivhat Hoods
has done for others and
ivhat it will do for you
Scrofula Itiiunlii si rofula bores
niili me shunned by nilimhors Medical
triaiim nt fuiltri A rilutivu urntd me to
trj Hoods Mirsiiptirilli Did so and In feu
months the sorisuiinplitulj hiMhil Mas
1 M Hah II Ktmi N Jl
Inflammatory Rheumatism- Two
atcuksof tlie crip lift mi- wOli Inllainiua
lory rheumatism Am K vears old but
Hoods barsapinlla itirid nil and I can
i limb stairs and wain an whore J Low
I and J73 arnu Am liutfal N Y
JfoodS SajJapg liffd
llooda Illli cure liter iin tin imii irritation ii1
only cathartic to taku with lluml fearjpamia
LImjijii aud Uautlfiu the hair
1rotnUci a luiumia growth
Never Falls to llcttore Gray
llalr to Ita Youthful Color
Cum aralp dttraM i k hair lallwz
tncaiidtliual Dmryljli
himsolf ns very ngreeably Burprised to
tlud such a thriving city heio as greeted
him on his arrival
Maniuardts hall was tilled to over
flowing last evening tho occasion loing
the appearance of Richards iV Pringles
Georgia minstrels The company gave
tho best nilnstiel show ever seen in
this city notwithstanding tho fact that
tho stage in tho hall is so small that
some of the features had to bo omitted
A special train emtio in over tlio
Union Pacific last night having on
board R Baxter goneral superin
tendent J 1C Langtreo superintendent
of bridges and buildings and A 1
Sohoinerhorn chief engineer of this
division The oflicorH were on a tour of
inspection of tho road They departed
this morning
Manager Spreeher of tho local tolo
phone olllce is another man who finds
it dilllcult to sectuo a needed forco of
moii Tho company is endeavoring to
put up a new line at Snyder and Mr
Sproohor was requested to send si men
to that place Thus far ho has not been
able to secure n man Ho came near
getting ono yesteiday but his hopes
proved to bo of an ephemeral nature
and ho is still on a quint hunt Ho has
good inducements to offer too
At tho meeting of Norfolk lodge No
Hi I O O F held last evening Judge
11 1 Kelly resigned as ono of the rep
resentatives to grand lodge on account
of pressing business duties ami II L
Spaulding was elected in his stead
The grand lodge will convene in Hastings
tho mhto Mst of this month O W F
Mnniuurdt is tho other ropiosontntivo
Mr Spaulding introduced quite an im
portant bit of legislation at tho last ses
sion which will como up for action at
tho coming meeting
Another qui to serious wieck occuned
on the Klkhorn lino bofweon this city
and Stnuton yesterday morning The
disaster was occasioned by a boiler
which was being shipped to the Harding
Creamery company at this place roll
ing off the Hat car on which it was
carried It fell in such a manner as to
get in the way of the cars following and
as a result three cars of freight ami one
of stock woro ditched Although no one
was hurt tho damage to the cats ditched
was considerable It is understood that
tho track was not blocked A wiecking
train has been busy since tho accident
in righting things and every vestigo of
tho wreck will soon be removed
The ciowd at tho entertainment last
evening demonstrated the fact that all
hogo do not travel on four legs Thero
weio many cases of seat jumping where
a man without a reserved seat check
would come in nud take possession of a
chair that had been sold to another
Most of theso cases were settled by the
seat jumper giving way after an annoy
ing parley but ono man is known to
have squatted himself in anothers sent
and lelused to budgo oven after ho was
shown that it had been reserved long
boforo ho thought of buying a ticket to
tho entertainment If ns is populnrly
supposed names originate from the voca
tion or uattiro of tho individual tho
name of this man should be Swine but
it isnt
Dr and Mrs A Ilodcetts have
broken up housekeeping preparatory to
thoir removal to Grand Island and are
stopping at tho home of Mr and Mrs J
W Ransom where about forty of their
friends called in and surprised them
with a farowoll party last evening
During tho evening tho doctor was pre
sented with a handsomo easy chair ns a
tokeu of tho esteem in which ho is held
by many Norfolk friends Mrs Hod
getts who has during her residenco
hero been an active and valuable mem
ber of the Ladies Aid society was also
tho recipient of a choice gift from tho
members of that society Tho gift was
a quilt tho blocks of which boro tho
autographs of tho different members of
tho society and will no doubt bo highly
treasured by tho recipieut for tho many
pleasant memories it will recall Mr
Hodgetts will leave tomorrow for Grand
Island whoro ho will preach Sunday
nnd his family will follow to their
futuio homo Monday or Tuesday next
They leavo many friends v ho sincerely
regret their departure
Mrs K A L iwrenco of Madison is a
city visitor today
R W Williams and daughter wont
to Madison this morning
Mr and Mrs W B Fuorst of lUttlo
Creok were visitors in the city yesterday
Miss Sehwerin teacher of a school
near Pierco is shopping in tho city to
F A Huston of living is hero today
looking after his mercantile interests in
tho city
Win F Alexander tho traveling man
will spend Sunday with his family m
the city
Mrs A Bear entertained the mem
bers of tho Katie Klatsch yesterday
Miss Rco ono of tho teachers in tho
Tildou pubho rchools is visiting her
friend Miss Mygatt
Born this morning to Mr and Mr
Michael M jolick at their homo on South
Fourth street a son
Al Richardson of Bmerick and his
brother Fred Richardson of Battle Creek
uro city visitois today
Born last evening to Mr uud Mrs
Frank Cantor at their homo on South
Tenth street a baby girl
Miss Not tin Hungate of Chiidron is in
the city to spend Sunday with her
friend Miss Hattio llbeny
Robt Johnson a carrepalrer is nicely
settled in a house at tho minor of Ne
braska avenuo ami Ninth streets
Prof O 11 Whitley is in town from
Neligh coming down last evening in
time to attend the dancing party
Miss Hartley ciuuo over fioin Madi
son last evening and attended the
Karly Hour club party at Must hall
Frank Fstabrook returned last even
ing from a tilp on the toad in tho
interest of the cold storage plant
George Koechig who enlisted us a
brakemau a few days ago has had to
lay off on account of a boil on his hand
Mr Sinsheiriier from Oxnniil Cal
has como to take the position of assist-
mil superintendent at the sugar factory I
Mrs Shurtz is not improving very
materially Tho littlo boy who has
been very sick is considerably better
A O Johnson of Montioss R I
was hero yesterday looking up values of
farm lands in tho vicinity of Norfolk
The Baptists have just closed a very
instructive and successful stato conven
tion at Omaha and will meet iiet year
at Bioken Bow
Republican nrospoiity bus stiuck the
dye house of Kh Ritsloy and tho event
is being celebrated by the application of
a new coat of paint
O D Jenkins leturned last evening
from the southern pint of the state
wheiehe has been on business connected
with the Fail store
1 K Sponcomnd daughter of Wau
kon Iowa are expected in the city to
night to make a short visit with the
family of V 10 Spencer
Misses Peail Reese Oriole Adams
and Anna Law Noifolk girls who aie
teaching school in the country all
spend Sunday with friends and lclatives
in tho city
Mrs and MNs Walker returned to
Schuyler this morning Mis Goo Fox
and son Will went with them to attend
tho golden wedding of Mis Foxs lather
nnd mother
Mis L R Pritclmrd of Meadow
Grove inl hor daughter Mis R
Bartlott of St Paul tins state are in
tho city for a short visit with Mrs U
Rudat and other friends
The cold storage shipped a 20 foot car
loaded with IV cases of eggs to head
quarters at Lowell Mass yesterday It
is understood that a like shipment will
bo made every Fiiday for some time
W H Baugh of San Finuoisco is in
the city on business Ho makes a
semi annual tiip to this section and
notes with ploasure that tho country
shows signs of improvement every tune
he comes
The following Pierco people were
visitors in this metropolis today Mis
C E llutton and daughter Fay Mrs
C 13 Stnloy Mrs C McDonald Mr
and Mrs B aim Miss Emma Inhelder
and Mr F Frahm
Omaha Boo- Judgo J B Barnes of
Norfolk is in tho city on business
Judge Bai nes is ono of the promiinent
men of his section of tho country and
has been identified with tho growth of
his homo town for many years
Tho members of the fire department
are having good success with the sale of
tickets to tho opening night of tho opera
houso and they have no fear that they
will not bo able to sell tho full 100 seats
that they havo undertaken to dispose of
A O Hazon who has been stenog
rapher at tho law oflico of Mapes z
Haen for some time past has resigned
that position nud accepted tho ono of
stenographer nud clerk in tho oflico of
Superintendent Roynolds at the Junc
Tho Madison county term of tho dis
trict court will not conveno on Novem
ber lt as has beon announced tho sit
ting having been adjourned until De
cember because of a conflict of dates
with othor counties Tho Pierco term
of court has also beon adjourned
Tho Outside product caucus hold nt
tho city hall this afternoon nominated
T J Iliutor for assessor K J Rix for
road overseer of district No 1 and J
W Bovee sr for road overseer of dis
trict No h Tho caucus recommended
for appointment as clerk of oleetion K
D Hammond and for judgo of election
O P Byerly
Miss Liio Schrnni unexpectedly cele
brated her 11th birthday yesterday after
noon at her homo on South Third street
Tho celobratiou was occasioned by a
largo number of littlo friends calling
in and surprising her An enjoyable
afternoon was Bpent in which tho re
freshments served were of considerable
Tho seniors of tho Norfolk High school
gave a class party last evening at tho
home of Ray Hayes ono of tho mem
bers which partook of tho nature of a
faiewell to Mifb Ktta Hodgetts whoso
parents are removing to Grand Island
The evening was very enjoynbly spent
in games and such other modes of
amusement as young people know well
how to lev iso
Rev John Jeffcries writes from Ovid
Michigan stating that his frionds thero
havo him in such a grip that ho cannot
return to Norfolk this week us he J
hoped aud expected to do He baa
therefore deteired his ml urn until some
time next week He states that hois
feeling much better for his journey and
rest and is anticipating his return to
homo and vvotk with delight
F L Myeis writes from Module la
leqiiestiug information concerning his
1 1 years old son Fiotl who left his
homo September Hlh lie has In own
hair dark blue eyes left eyelid di Hop
ing Was bain footed when ho left
homo and woie a dark shiit with white
dots and a black hat witlta toili lim
Any information concerning him will
be thankfully leceived by Mr Myers
Yesterday was the tenth wedding
aunlveisaryof Mi and Mis Otto Buckle
iv date which was teuieuibered by many
of their friends in the city who moved
in uiioii them last evening and gave
them a genutne surprise The quality
of tinwaie brought along as souvenirs of
tho occasion was A 1 but the royal con
gratulations which accompanied the
visit of the tiiends weie the most uppic
oiated pint of tho evening
Tlie congiegiition and membership of
Hnnscom Iaik M B chinch ofOimilut
tenth ted their pastor l M Sisson and
family a faiewell leceptlou Kiiilny
oveuiug lustiumental ami vocal mu
sic readings ami lefteslimenls coiihIi
tuted the eveningsiiiteitaiuinent Dr
Sisson wits piesontcd with a handsome
painting of lite Sistine Madonna and
also a large Wilton tug The tlocioi
an iv ed in Noifolk this noon ami will
preach mm mug and evening at the M
K church tomoiiow
The lirsl ol the lancing puities to be
given by the Laily lloui club lining the
winter held at Mast hall last evening
was a success in eveiy articular flic
hall wiin handsomely decorated the tun
sic furnished by the Malum oiclieslia
was iiispmng tho at tendance wiih all
that could badesiied and there was no
flaw to mar the pleiisiuo ol the evening
Coll eo and sandwiches worn set veil
luting the evening by Blierliatl The
series ol patties will bo lontimied the
next coining tlneo weeks fiom last
Sioux City Join mil IIonryT Oxnanl
of Oxnaiil Cal president of the Amer
ican Ret I i aigiir company has wiitten
a letter to themanufactuiers committi e
of the Sioux City leal estate board say
ing that hi repiiseulative whom he
had intended to send to Sioux City
lining the latter pint of September foi
the purpose ol investigating the adapt
ability of Sioux Oitvs terntory fori the
raising of sugar beets had been pie
vented fiom coming but that ho would
arrive in Sioux City some tune dining
the piescut month
J J Clements was a very sinpiiscd
man last evening when a party of rel
atives and friends invaded his homo on
Madison avenue at about S oclock
finding him playing with tho children
on the kitchen floor Mrs Clements
had invited tho guests who met at the
home of Mis Mather and proceeded in
a body to the Clements home and until
they cauio m upon huu ho had not
thought of the fact that it was his list
bnthilay Tho evening was very on
joyably spent at games of cards and
other nmuecmeuts Refreeshineiits
were served to which ample justiio
was done after which Mr Clements
was presented with a handsomo collar
and cuff box
T II Tiacy who is a member of the
Milford Soldiers and Sailors home is
in tho city vsiting his son and friends
Mr Tracy is vi ry well pleased with the
home of which ho bus furnished n lew
facts Tho homo was originally built
for a sanitarium on account of tho fine
mineral springs in tho near neighbor
hood Itjwas however never used for
tho purposo for which it was built but
was rented by the stato for its present
use Tho institution is now tho prop
erty of tho stato tho last legislature
having appropriated IlilfcUO for its pur
chase Tho legislature also appropri
ated 5000 to erect a hospital addition
The inula building is three storns in
hoighth with basement and is situated
on the highest point ol ground on the
foity acres which is the property of the
institution From tho building the
giound slopes gently to tho Big Blue
river which is tho boundary lino of tho
property on tho east Moro than one
half of tho forty acres is covered by a
beautiful forest of native growth Tho
home is governed by Commandant Ttulgo
Fowler of Omaha whono wife is ma
1 1 on and Mr Tracy states that they are
doing all in their power for tho comfort
and convenience of tho old soldiers of
tho homo
CoininlxHlcimi Ircii in dim-
Madi ok Nebr October it 1890
At 1 p in board of county commis
sioners met in regular session A C
Johnson II W Winter and John J
Hughes present
On motion the minutes of the last
meeting were read and approved
On motion tho clerk was directed to
exchange valuations and taxes for the
year ISlil on lots 7 and block 1 O W
Braaschs addition to Norfolk making
value of lot 7 7fi Off and lot 8 10 00
and for tho year 1 Mis reduce value on
lot h erronoously assessed as improved
to fhOO
On motion claims in tho alleged in
sanity case of Geo Beyiner were
allowed as follows
Geo W Losey witness I day fiiKi
J II Kingman witness 1 day and 17
miles U70
ILL D4Afc4 j 4 X
ijkY A C
I A I ill ll -
Maybe ho icccr is just out of Ivotv Soap hut has
another he thinks is just as ooj No other soap is
just as jooil Insist thai he no I Ivory Soap loi you
AWONDOI WANNINCi - Tin to in- minv lilti vupi i nil iiptiMiilrl In 1 1- ut iinl
At till MllltV llllV AWll SOI till tiki ill IMUMll III IIS lllll tilt pi I lilt ir lllil IllllllUltlllj in lllllvs of
Hit it millK Ask or lur So ipilii Insist iikiii Kitllnp II
Ida Guard witness I day andl7 miles
t 70
Minnie Taylor witness I day anil 17
miles - 70
Lot tie Taylor witness I day and 17
miles 1 70
1ied llollingswnith - days and 17
miles fi 70
John C Speeliiiau witness I day
and I mi in lies fl 111
Mis John C Speelman witness I diy
and 17 miles jl 70
II II Hull witness I day nud 17
miles 7o applied on peinounl tax
Catl Wilde county treastnei on ae
onnnt tax II II Hull i l 70
Mrs II II Hull witness I day and 17
miles jl 70
Witness fees i in favoi of Saiah M
Reymer anil I low ml leniei wemilis
Other cltiims weie allowed as follows
Win Rates county judge It es in
caseof Slate vs A I Webb fiom Louis
una fil 00
C WVt inn county Hiipetiiiteudciit
snlaiy tor St ptomher and incidental
olhco expenses f 1 17 77
L Mittlfstudt lumber for budges
70 Cm
Win Putts county judge costs in
cases ol Wm Kuby and Victor Meiha
sont lo reform school l I 05
II L Spaulding constables costs in
case of Victor Moilia i 10
B G I oilman postage freight uud
express f I I fit
Claus Young for soldiers relief pur
poses jtoo
R I Scott booklets and stationery
fiO 00
L M Johnson working on bridges
and grading w7C
L M J Vaage guiding 7 00
Bnk Melnnd grading ro applied
on personal tax
Carl Wilde ounty treasurer on ac
count tax Bak Meland i Ufl
S O Sinioiison grading 4 r SJ5 up
phul on personal tax
Carl Wilde county treasurer on ac
count tax S O Sinionsoii o tii
Halvor Hulvorson grading SO ap
plied on personal tax
Carl Wilde county treasurer on no
connt tax II Hulvorson r0
R DScott publishing tounty treas
urers semi annual statement and folders
K G Heilman salary as clerk of tho
county board for quarter ending Sep
temlier 50 I Mil
Gust Kaul janitor for September
On motion board adjourned for supper
and mot at 7 p in
On motion Thomas Kennedy was ap
pointed road overseer of district No 17
vice Henry Nahrstadt unable to serve
Chum oa motion allowed iih follows
J A Light work on road fsi ap
plied on personal tax
Carl Wilde county treasurer on ae
lounttaxJ A Light h l
M D Tyler sahuy for quarter end
ing SepteinlHT ISO 1MIJ HI
Dr H T Holden medical attendancd
and medicine to Mov s Clink 2 Hi
Wmtir A SchuU iixIh grease oiletc
usid on county grader Ri 15
Karo Bros meat for relief of Clark
2 HI
Geo ZitniiieriiiUi erectiug bridge
near Meadow Grove flili H
Crowell Lumberix Giain Co lumber
1 Mi 7
J F Altstadt woik on bridge pit tio
P V oberg plumlers inuuiml used
in jail l 7 applied on personal tax
Carl Wildo county treasuier on tic
count tax P F Oberg ii57
Madison Chronicle printing and sta
tiouery H 50
Carl Wildo county treasurer commis
sion to special collectors fO W
Carl Wilde county treasurer casli o
Soldiers Relief commission 5000
A R Lewis woilt on guide ilAri
1 It Donovan stalioneiy and print
ing fU
On inolion boanl adotuneil until to
moiiow at I p m
Icloner I boaid pi oi ceded to view
lniilge six miles west of Madison ami
met at com t houso at I p m
On motion claims weie allowed as
1 K Klynn woikon giado at Mend
iiw Ciovo id OH
L O I lei I iiiim piepaiing tax list lot
ISMI 151101 hues I cents iill 00
John II 1 1 n I ft stattonciy and punt
ing JO Ml
Call Wilde cash paid lor county atlas
postage exchange on state funds el
in I il
John ilynn giuvcl woik on load at
Meadow irove i278 Ml
Win Bates repairs on desk postage
expn ss etc 1 1 hi
James li Hume lumber 57i
Luiil Pnlihei now lopairs on county
giader in less peisonal tax- 00
balance 10 00
Cirl Wilde county treasuier on ae
count tax L Piibbcrnow OH
Asa Iv Leouaid medicine for lelicf of
Smith and Budgelonl l 00
State Join mil Co 5100 lax receipts
diiphcatt s and triplicates 7f 00
A Johiihou county commissioner
per diem and auhiige I01 50
John J Hughes county commissioner
per diem and mileage hS J
II W Winter county t oinniissioner
pi i diem and mileage - 05
Statement ol ft es rendered by Chr
Schavland i lerk of the dislnct court
showing total amount of tees icceived
foi quarter ending September If lHOO
to bo r -5 was rcLtiived and ordeied
placed on file
On motion boiud adjourned until I p
in October 17 I Ml
L G IIiiivias
County Clerk
WiNNn - several bright and honest
persons to represent us as managers in
this and close by counties Salary 000
ayearundoxjienHes Straight bona fido
no moro no less salary Position perma
nent Our references any bauk in any
town It is mainly oflico work con
ducted at homo Reference Enclose
self addressed slumped ouvelopo Thk
Domisios Comiasy Dept 5 Chicago
y xi
1M U tmm i
i fi Prv4 mnntinii frtr tt 11
v 10 U IUIA4 IIVU1111Hj UI IMS w
X baby that is thin and not tr
X well nourished and for the
V mother whose milk docs j
not nourish the baby J
w It is equally good for the y
boy or girl who is thin and
yt pale and not well nourished y
W by their food also for the M
anxmic or consumptive
V adult that is losing flesh M
y and strength Z
In fact for all conditions
of wasting it is the food w
medicine that will nourish
and build up the body and
give new life and energy
J when all other means fail
Should be taken in summer as
well ai n Inter
Sr 50c jndjl 00 ll Jrufgistl
5 SCOTT A 1IOWNE Chenau New YoiJt