12 Thorp Is nn Industry In this coun try wiys tlio Innpcr Pin Nbwb Unit but little In known nbnut In tin nllUntor hide biiBlnenB During tho srnRon from tutu- t to September 1 O A Win ley of thin plnce bought 7fi7 hides for which In pnhl tho sum of lt7 lioiihtloHH our niont timid cltlen never thotiKht Unit 7IW sntorn could be found In thin lowly countys rreoli swamps iiml niuilbolrB In the Rliort npnto of thieo niontliH times Sonic people mo lllto drum bills a orv llttli nioiiov i mines them to In stiuli up 44 A Gentle Wind of Western Birth 7V7i no sweeter story to hunutntty than the Announcement thit the heAlth gwcr nd helih bunger Hoods SArsApArlll tells of the birth of An crA of good heAlth It is the one rcluble specific for the curt of Alt blood stotiuch And liver troubles odSSaUawut M A it Onmliii N II No 40 I Htm It Ih wild Hint hoiiio of the sheep fiiiniH In Austinlla art as laia0 iih tin whole of ICiikIiuuI llnnt III Ilrnliit Ulirn Vim SimiiI tor in Inuilunlilo HihtiMii Kklunoiul Es Dciirliorn St IhlriiKii 4iebire to yuincipuir J ii lint loo Ills Hittauleai majesty always mauds nioi e than his due 1L Tin poifoinuinoo of tlio unmUiir lnuslclun Ih of ton u music nick Aro You llnlnit Allnn Fool KmoT It la tlio only euro tor Swollen SnimtliiK llurnliiK Svventlnir Feet CoriiH mid IJuiiIoiih Ask for Allens Koot niibo u powder to bo Blinkcn Into tho bIioch At nil DiiiBBlBtH nnd Shoo Sums lino Sample sent PRICK Ad dress Alien S Olniwtoil LcRoy N Y Silf nilinliallon Is ninpU pi oof that thine Ih no iiiTountliiK for tastes HOUSEHOLD HINTS If there Is one thini on which tho housewife pride herself It Is Unit of liavliiK her laundering done nicely so that the wearing upparol may bo tho admiration of all Thu washing la n Bnmll matter any ono nlmost can do thnt but to bavo tho linens piosunt that nelhlo and glossy appearanco after belnj Ironed reunites a line qual ity of starch Ask your grocor for n coupon book which will enable you to get tho llrst two packages of this now starch Hed Cross trademark brand also two of the childrens Shakespeare pictures painted In tvvelvo beautiful colorB as nnturnl as life or the Twentieth Cen tury Girl Calendnr all absolutely freo This 1b ono of tho grandest offers ever made to Introduce Rod Cioss laundry starch J C Hublngers latest Invention dc- FUon Cine for UoiiMUiipilon Ib the tipnt of nil cough clues leoi go W Lotz InbiiLlier ln August SM 1Mj Truth piiuteu on the page Ih not ho potent iih tiutli pioilueed in poison FITSrirnimirntlyOunil Nontu orinTvouiinMnaftrr flrt Uy h ut of In KUiirH lin Ht Niri KvUirftr Drill lor Ill rK OJOO tilnl Imtllf nnil tiviiil D- It II Kiisk lUI V3I AlxliHl I lillndtli liiK Im Of the 10 000 inhabitants of Jerus alem li000 mo Jews Curnl Aflir llcpoiitril IulliiriH V IlliOthorn I will Infurin mlilli u il to Murphlnc I uuilnnuin Opium loiHlm hi uivrr Hillnti ImrmliM home enre Mm M II lUlilwIn lloi i I liltiuni la No man can count tne cost of useless life t a siiiiinr 1iitrutH Duriiig the past week 2 per cent of tho Inventors who bad patents is sued to thorn succeed in selling either tho wholo ar pint of tholr Inventions Amongst the 120 prominent firms who bought patents the past vvoek weio the follovvliiK Onto Manufacturing Co Albion Mich AJnx Manufacturing Co Cleveland Ohio Fruit Flowers nnd Vegetable evapo rating Co of New Jersey Liquid Air Power ami Automobile Co of West Virginia Union Holler Tube Cloaner Co Pitts burg Ia Ideal lluckle Manufacturing Co New Haven Conn Electric Siale Co Kltteiy Me Parties desiring to Intioduco or sell Inventions should addiess Sues Co lawjers and solicitors ilee building Omaha Neb for fieo llteratuio Ono way to iodine lents is to sow them up Important Inwiitloiin Applieatloiis for patents piepuod and proseiutd by us liavo been atlovv eil as follows To H D Taylor of Btrand la for a folding diavv bar for hariovvs thnt can be leullb adjusted to pass thiough between tiees mil gateways anil folded upon thu harrows to econonilbo space in packing and shipping To J M Christ of Dim Moines for an apparatus for loading coal upon bo cars The loader is run by a steam engine and it deposits the coal alternately at tho opposite ends of tho curb as rapidly as the coal Is delivered from the mine elevator and the cms are not injured by tho falling roal To Messis Dodd nnd Strutheis of Des Moines for a machine to pro duce static electi icity that is ndaptel for teleginphlng without wiies for ex hibiting X rajs and for treatiug ilis iaso theieapeutically Two loncentiie cylindeis aro used in place of disks as heretofoie The inner is stationary nn 1 the outer turntable A geneiator of any given power can bo thtib con Ktructed more compactly than with disks Consultation and advice nee to in ventors THOMAS G OKWIG J RALPH OKWIG RKUHEN G OHWIG Registered Attorneys Des Moines Iowa Sept 23 1899 Tlltt lz MANILA MAIL - - e llim llir PiiMlnl Snloin r llir llillliiliu n Hum llecii 0 Aiiirrliitnlriil A - m iiYjnih u wiLMiniimv I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Spnulsli A mm loan war marked n new point In the ma of piogrcss In the posinl sen lie of Ihls count i j anil full ly doinniislintod Unit mil postal hvs tom was nbli In moot wllh elllclenoy iiml pioiiipluiss unloiosooii oxluonolos which In u losH thoioiighly oignnloil public enteipilso would huve oiiuhciI utmost oiiiIIchs coiifiiHlon nnil peiplo ll It Is tt ii Unit In tlio Hist stiices of out oieiipiinoj of Ililia Im to Ulco and the Philippines theic was some conlu hIoii anil delay In the tiaiisiulsslon of mulls bill tlio pniiiiplncss with which older wiih brought out of chaos showed tlio ability of the postolllcc ilopui tinoiil to gtasp nnil hnnilli the now unit coin plc Hlliiiillnn II was no holiday task to Inmnft our piokiosslw notions of postal tiniismlHsloii upon Spains elleto unit in cbnlc system Tho loniloiM of nowspapois mo ill icmly qulto fnnilllar Willi the story of our postal opoiatlons timing the mill liny caiiipalgii In tho West IihIIoh and the establishment nnil muliiteminco of mull facilities In Cuba ami Poito Ulco hIiico the i lose of hostilities though conipaintholj little has boon written icgaiillug the opoiatlons In tho Philip pines nnil tho giont obstacles which woio oiicoiintoioil In getting anything like an olllclont soi loo On tho ilh of Juno last year congioss passed it bill ntithoi llug the establish incut of nillltaiy postollieoH in the Philippines ami IHiector of Post Kia nk W Vulllo with a ninnbor of as Klstants was dlspatohcil to the intent going with the liunspoit expedition which loft Sun Pinuclsco on tho loth of Mine Simultaneously with tho capitulation of Manila on the Utth of August III lector Vnillo nnil his companions rami rwoVJEpvi lUJiiinfirT 1NTI IIIOUOI 1 UK lOSIOH ici A 1 MANILA Ilsheil an Aineilcan postolllee In the old capital of the Philippines H is 10 latoil that they entoied at tho walled cit mi hour ahead of the Pulled States tioops bad taiilv boon hauled down fiom the govei mils palaco the sign U S P O THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY OCTOBER 12 1800 HE REDUCED THE BAIL It Ih not necessary to Ray Just how long ago this happened for It might HiiggcHl a iiaiiio A mini who Iiiih hIiico galiioil fiinio anil wealth at the Michi gan liar was t lion Judge by appoint ment In one of the totiltoiles lie hail not then settled down to tho Bluntly gall ho has hIiico nciiiilieil anil was not tumbled when tho balance showed up on tho wiong Hide of his vuhIi ac count On one occaHloti a notoiloiiH olTomlcr was biought hefotu liiiu anil tho time fin 1 1 hit ilMsl for a few weeks nlieail Hall was itoimiiuled but tu authuil tics know thill the pilsoitor hail com mit toil much gisuor ctimcH olsowhoio ami illi not want him to have a chain o to oKcapo I ho ball was llxetl at if 1 liiHI which was high conslileilng the iiatuio of the case anil thu lawyer for the accused made a lgoious protest that Hoiiiiotl to do no good The bonds man who nlliioil wiih u widely known gambler of tho fiontler anil when thej thought to disqualify him by h wear ing blm to what ho owned bu quickly fiiistiatod heir Hcheine Ill put up the coin Im Intel riipted anil Ill put It right In thu Judges own hands a piocoedlng that no ono Intel leieil with Thoie wuio S7X In untoc anil a piece of paper on which Hoinethlng was wiltten Thu Judge glanced ut tt mid then said In his most Judicial tone I dont know but the 1 it 1 1 asked Is a Utile oppiosslvo I will icdiico II to 100 Ho bunded hoiiio bills back to the gambler who hail meanwhile been teailug lie pa per to bits In an absent mlmlctl way It was the Judges personal note for SHOO The licensed never showed up for 1 1 Inl and the Judge told tlio story long nl tei waul Detiott Ktee Press AVIij I Knrlli Horn A roil ml One of tho biighlest young Porto Itlcans who llguied In tho lato war is Sonor Miguel Sanclie who is now In this country in the inteist of tlio Por to Ulcan public school system I to was at one time on the stall of Jeneral Go me in Cuba uud bo tells many Incl dents concerning that doughty old lighter 1 was Hklmmlng one of tho New Yoik Sunday newspapeis while 1 was In tho genernlH heudquaiteis In Cu Im said the sonor the other day and It was the Hist to teach us for sewrnl months I noticed an in tide on the newly discovered movements of the em ths suifice Now you know thu geneial disliked to have any ono do unv thing without being Invited him self to take pint He liked to bu consulted- to be asked questions no mat ter how imlmpoitaut they might tie so In leading tho article 1 stopped and asked Now general how do you account for tho dally revolution of thu earth anyhow V Thats easy to nnswer ho replied Instantly so long us Haiti Poito Ulco and Cuba ato puts of It Philadel phia Post A Pill Ml fill Slo Ml Sonic Caniullan Journals have ic cently been pi luting a stoiy of a hoises faithful devotion which it is kolil lint tlio moi ll of liolii lino Iteloie tlio Spanish Hag v i ri T Iiolleemaii was unToi innately lost on tho piaiiio Tor slv days he Manila was hung out -If not nctunllv aKut wI uulII u was iiKiiiinvoiv al lbt h0 ij smnv blliitl Then It was the pin pose of the now postal Mjinllljr fntbua ie lay down authoiitlos to ill st seize all the postage 10IIK t0 d0 1Ils faimr stamps but It was dlscovoted that theio woio none In the ollico to selo It was found that under thu Spanish svsleui all stamps woio sold by an otll cor con cspondlug to our collector of In tel mil levonuo at a discount to pilvnte Individuals who In turn sold to thu public nt face value Ono of these con tiaetoib had a little booth In the lcnr of tho lobbj of thu postolllcc and when bis place was closed as It wry fie quontly was tho would be pin chaser of stamps had to search for theni In tho small shops The whole postal outfit was found to bo very etude Theio was not such a thing as a letter case for illstilbutlon that Is to say cases with pigeon holes similar to postolllee delivery bows Lettois wete placed In large cup bom ds on shelves and taken out when dispatch was to be made ami sotted on a table Thoie woio four of these cup boa uU each with folding doors with shelves labeled to show what mall they contained Tho bows for city delivery were ar langod mound Unco sides of a quad langulm space of which the foiuthslde lined the lobbv ami had two dollvctv windows Hvciv bnholder bad Issued to him a piistoboaid iccelpt and this was piesented by tho paitv calling for mail ihe geiietil doilvoiy case with Its ninny little boxes tor scpaiit Ion of mail iilphiihcticnllv to expedite tleliv ei Is an unknown quality in Manila rhino was a can lor service In con nection with the Manila postolllco but It was ot the Piudost sott The can lots won paid no salailes by the govern niont but depended for a living upon the fees they collected fiom the to iplonts of the lettois The usual hiugp was J cents for a letter and 1 out lor a paper Thoie was an ontlie lack of svstein In the dell vol y and It Is it mm vol that any lettois cwrioich ed their piopei destination These wete some of the obstacles the Auieiliiin postal olllceis had to en uiinter Theio was the added com putation of conducting tho otlico in two languages it was found advisa ble to itiu two geneial delivery win dows one toi Spanish lettois exclusive ly In charge of Spanish employees and the other for all other classes In charge of a soldier Ilider tlio Aineilcan regime great changes have been lnnle and the Ma nila postollke lias been pretty thoi otigbly AmericauUed and biought up to date hot so stood sentinel over the soon un conscious inau nnd It was the spec tacle of It keeping resolute watch which In tho end nttrncted tho notice of a passing mail earlier The hoise like Its lldcr had been six days with out food When two weeks after con sciousness letutneil to the lescued ser geant he asked to see ills faithful hoise It was biought to him mid at once licked Its masters face Two dajs later the animal was dead Its teitiblu experiences lu tho cold had exhausted Its btiength Lifted Ihe lllockmle In Iloston tho other day a balky hoise held up HO tiolley cms and block ed tialllc for over an hour leinaiulng immovable while mud was rubbed in his mouth Ignoring a blazing paper with which his whlskois weie singed and exhibiting the utmost contempt for a heavy lilaeksnake whip wielded by a muscular driver A happy thought Dually stiuek a bystander who pio cm oil a boda siphon and taking delib mate aim squirted half the contents in the nniinalh oar As soon as he io covoieil fiom his suipiiso the horse stinted off down tlio biieet ut a two minute gait and the blockade was lilted rrcalN of IlKlitnlnur During u lecont Uiiinileitoim In Ileilln most cm ions ffcctb weio pro liiceil by the lightning on the poisons who woio stiuelv Some of the strange freaks peifoimoil me ilescriboil as fol lows None of the wouiuleil have ex tensive Inn ns the wounilb look as If oausoil by a cliaigo of gialn shot Tho holes t each to the bono nail tire bur rouiiileil by a web of blue ami brown lines Many of the Injuieil have quite a number of such wounds lu their feet ami aiiMes while othois got off with a skin covin oil with blue and blown minks as if beaten with a thick stick Millie It lllii HiihIiwmh In a western town the other day a little boy was tiioil bofoio the police justice for using Improper language After discharging the jotingster be catise of his tender yea is the Hingis tiito askeil tlio bovs father Do vou send that child to Sunday school V Whats that to you lesponiled the father Five dollars for contempt of court said his bouor uud the old man hud to paj It SliD HELL GET TRAINED ALL MQHT Scene Country police station Young countryman nsplilng to becom a member of the foico Is being examined Inupuctot Of course ou me awme jotill have a lot of night work to do You ato not afinid of being out late 1 suppose Ills Gnndmotliei Thatll bu all light sir Ills old giindmothers going loiind with blm the Hist two oi thiue nights until he gets used to it Punch HUMOR OF THE HOUR Have you anything to say before the sonteiue ot death is piououiicedV asked the Judge Yes your honor topllod the con demned muideiei 1 doslie to i elate an Incident which was not biought out on tilal The day boloiu 1 killed this man I was called to my telephone by a violent ring The lnstitiinent was in a box and the tcmpcualuie Inside was 1111 lu the shade Walt thoie a mo ment said somebody over thu who A gentleman wishes to ask you a wiy linpottant question 1 waited jour lionoi while the peisphation lolled oil me In guigling sticams 1 waited li minutes by the watch and then this wietcii whose life I took asked mo fiom the other end of the lino how I would like to be the ice man Theio was piofound silence In tho com tiooin In consldeiatlon of extenuating cir cumstances said the veneiiblu judge bis voice tieinbling with emotion the cu diet Is hoieby set aside and the pits oner stands dischinged Call the next case New Oilcans TIines Deinociat IlomiNtlc Siiclnlillltj After six unsuccessful attempts to place the cm tain In position he paused on bis chair for lnoath Ills wile watched the peispitatlon lolling down uud said Would that you wete a cm What Woman She hide t lacked the cyclone of wiath Yes John would that jou weio a cm tain hanger bj tiiilo Without a wind lie continued Ids la bors Chicago News Maintained Ills Ilimnr Algy much agitated Gwacious Have you hoard that tho twouble be tween Caneby nnd Checkeitun tesiilted in a duel Jack By Gcoige no Algy Yaas jou should have scon tlituu face each other pale but in twepid Lots were dinwn and Cane liy poor fellow must wear a ttuii down collar for the next six mouths Tlt Blts Imfennloiial IciilmiHy Who me these people asked Agul naldo lleicely as the captives were biought befoie him Accoiding to their confession they aro bandits Bandits Off with their bends Thine Is getting to be altogether too much competition In this business Washington Star Mlkl N Ill NCVIlt Why Mike told mo lies descended fiom the gioatest houses In Iiolanil Och So ho has often f loin a Sloper WIu ii Shu I iiilcrxtuoil Cu you undei stand all those golf terms that jour husband uses Mis Tat well No Tho only ones 1 can undei stand ate those that he uses when his ball goes behind one of the mounds or into a sand hole or when he teats up tho sod with his club Chicago Times Herald Itt iiiiirkiible Those Bubblctoub seem to be wbol Iv devoid of fauillv orlde What makes you think so Tin eo of their gills haw got mar ried and they havent gonu mound com plaining Unit a single onu of them chose a husband who was beneath her Chicago Tiines Ilcuald IUiimIc nnil Monde When my daughter plays on tho piano tlio neigbbois piactice physical culture Hows that Why they all get up and bang down their windows Uotioit Kieo Pi ess He Got ut It Irate Woman Have jou located the soiuco of that base slander against me Her Husband No jou see it otigi nateil fiom the Jaw of old Tellall and I dislocated it Cleveland Leader OlisiTMit ion 1 mi OliMurtnnt ndltor It Is ii very ditlicult matter to make a chinch the right sio Hveiy one wo ever saw was too small for weddings and too laigo for pi a j or meetings Atchison Globe Clcnrlj Dillneil What Is social piestlge Social piestlge consists In getting nnywheic Hist and having a chance to pick out a conspicuous seat Chicago Itecottl VImIiih Jl suppose a monocle aids vision Yes It helps people to see thiough tho man who wcais it Dotioit Jour nal Wiilrriuiliiii Dnja Sins t foiik o surishino llln7ln ourlicail I 1iiilirs ripe ind rosv An apples turnln roil Bine n trine o sunshine I rt it burn an blnrct All the world is liippv In the usttnnrlon h Athntn Tonstltutlon SHE BUNKOED CHOLLY How the CKcr filrl Won u Iet Prom the L ii lie Cholly iemaiked Mr bTtznoodlo ITiiHliington with Boinethlng thnt might have been taken for a gleam of Intelligence tinting bis vncuous face If you want to meet cievab girls go down nnd spend a month at ono of those southern resorts Ah they groat old chap Inquired Cholly ns ho decked the ash from his clgaiotte Kawthah I mot n girl down at one of em that beat any glil I evnli met befoah What that girl didnt know wasnt woith knowing old man deuced clevah ically How did she show It mo boy Well thoalis a pier down theio with a bathing tloit attached to tho end of It Tho tloat ye knaw lay about six feet below tho end of the pier quite a drop jo knaw One night I was talk ing to the girl on tlio veranda nnd I suggested that tho pier olfered an op poitunity for a good bicycle ride if It werent for the danger of dropping off the cud nnd taking a tumble of six foot to the tloat below The glil look oil at mo nnd said that oven if ono did stilko tho tloat It wouldnt inattah Why Ill rhlo down heali nnd out on the raft she said You daiont I re plied Sho turned up her nose and asked me what Id bet I bet her twenty live dollahs and a box of flow ers Slio told mo to bo out thenli In the morning and Id see her do It I wns theih blight and oahly And blow my ojos old man sho did do It Why wasnt she hint mo boy Not a bit Tho tide had raised tho float to a level with the pier and at the end she Just rolled out upon It on her wheel Deuced elovali wasnt It Dotioit Fieo Iress Sound rriiiiHuilkNloii Water ib a vety good transmitter of connd A scientist of the name of Oil- ladOii made tome epeiimeiits on Lake Geneva Svviueiland to demonstrate tho power of sound to travel a Imi way ui vvuter A clock was made to strike under the water and was heard to a distance of 12 miles In a second ex periment the striking of a clock waB heard to a distance of 27 miles Brewrs aro Intcroatod In the claim that liquid air mRy be ned Instead oi Ico in the manufacture of boor ana that on gnllon of it costing 1 cent will do the work of eighty five pounds of lcc ConsumeM of the bovcragc nro concerned lest with such a proems uc froth will be greater than ever The boys who fought t being members of the First l vnnla reserves who wore engaged on Little Uoundtop during the battle oC July 1803 hold a reunion at pttB Tho burg on Monday September homes of mnnv of these sold let a wcro In plain view fiom the spot whine they fought Irnfnr Cntinnt Ho Cnrcil bylocnluppliiitlitit us llioy iiitinot rfiich Urn linenOil portion of iliu i nr Tlioro Is only ono wny to cure iliiifneso nnil thai is bv cpnitl tutloniil reiiKiliPs Deafness is cousoil bv n liilltmeil ronilition of the mucus lltiltitf of tlio rustiitilnn 1 be When Mils tube Is tntliuneil vou hnvo n rnmiilliiif sminil or lmiiorfcct licitr ln unit whciilttsintlielv IohciI iliiifm ss Is tho result iiml unless tlio Inlliinitntitlmi run bo tnken nut unci this tulie roston cl to Us nortinu coiiilttloii hiiirliiif will bo aVstrojnl fon vor nine raxes nut of ten tin ciuisert bv cattirrn whloh lRtinthlnK but nn Inlliimeil comlltlon of tbrinurusKurfiires Wo w 111 v e One Ilumlreil DnllnrB for any enso of Dinfno s rnuseil bv cttirrh that cannot bo cnrcil bv Hulls Caturrli Curo hcml for ini r J rilRSKY CO Toledo a Sold b DruiJisists the Hall s Tumlly fills tiro tho best I feel as If I had wheels in my head groaned the num nt must on the tiuck jou ate for dinner lejolned hiB wife innocently enough Detroit Journal Do Yonr Feet Ache nncl IlnrnT Shako into your shoes Allens Foot Kase n powder for tho feet It makes tight or New Slices feel Kasy Cureo Corns Bunions Swollen Hot and Sweating Feet At nil Druggists and Shoo Stores 25c Snmple sent FIIKC Address Allen S Olmsted Leltoy N Y Wisdom Is nn excelTent tiling in its place buts place is not m a love let ter If you would make It interesting HBVtBkEtf4R hL B I Is your breath bad Then your best friends turn their heads aside A bad breath means a bad liver Ayers Pills are liver pills They cure constipation biliousness dyspepsia sick headache i25c All druggists Want j our motmtnclie or board a beautiful liniwn or rlrti litioV Thr n line BUCKINGHAMS DYE MBSr SnCT 0 DnuGClT R P M gKlSXSX4XikfASAS U A CO Nhuj h H ONE OF OUR SAMPLE OFFERS 3 98 Till bu this clegint Boucle Jacket Made of black curly boucle all lined in cluding sleeves mi h siikoline and interlintd doubk beasted storm collar eight born but tons Our handsome Illus trated Fashion Cata logue Mailed Free to any address Boston Store State and Madison Streets Chicago 111 2xssssxa TjjfjNJiESTg r Wy f jf fKI Vf UwQc eWr Fre Send your name and ddress on a S postal and we will send you our 156- r1 tr t Hurt ro i ad vi 4nl tm frd rSi k inuJiiriKu vaiaiLuc net WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS GO 174 Winchester Avenue New Haven Connt Teachers titesch to tholr pupils the liet if nil jutrlu Ii i in i m in ti nimmHii I II K h 11121 llff I simple ro will ho atnt nHUm Omlr Iablltlirr SI luul Ho DR SFTi3 ARNOLDS hat stood the t st of B0 vims iiml is still tho Ili Ht Ccii u li ltimu ilt Stilfl ririu Htuii othir mnoalis fill rnnc irwiil rhllilriii UUo It hold by nil druirtrKis J5tnts KELLER BARTERS INK Inko no otliei It Is tho best that can be made night ut I ali Illro Iulil for Poultry Game Butter Errs Ii ml fur tan mul pri i Muninin It I- lloliii i Im h Omaha 4ADAYSURErmsrwsrn ntroduce our goods In the country Send slump for terms KANSAS FOOD CO 613 W 5th St KANSAS CITY MO rtBfi IMXftCC f r fail mil ulun r t llent or iJIU WU 0 liuli mrudu liu K In HI iouiiI Iiriu mr 1 Hr h I II 1 111 AT A Ill 1ulilUliurit Ni nrk City liuiliil I MinriiiN an i iMiut i Mippile atu Unfru HuUuii 5V ll ji int trill mnahu IIA i Ouuilni ill V N I Nl4 IMfMI nniitrainTWTrw UUKtS WHtHt All Ubt IAIIS PJ tCouU Syrup- JuumQouO 3mM la time Bold br dxmtglftlA A i 11 i 1 1