The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 12, 1899, Page 10, Image 10
Hi Kngliwtil and tic TrniiAYiinl The n lntlon of Kuglniiit to the TrniiB vnnl Is i1iiii1v explained by linnes Ciistinns Wliliclv In tli cunciit iiuin tr of Tin Im iun The llilllsli gov rnimitit sjivs Mr Wlilloly tlilnkn tlic ullliiiuliiH ought to linve iiiori rights nnil llticrtlcs Tlic South Afrl cnii ltiiiitilc Im of tlic opinion Unit they have nliemly dm much of these as Is cooil for tliciii or for llic i cpuhllo Tim Imgllsli sec a iiiiinlicr of their fellow tonntrMucn In n Nlimigo Innil coin pellet to submit to lie rule of a com ui rati vely suiiill iniuilier of Uoeis whose Ideas of government are coiihIiI eretl somewhat primitive These nil landers enii olilaln full citizenship In l In1 Transvaal only after 1 1 or 15 yeafH residence and after having eoinpllcd with a number of leinilrenientH which render the full franchise almost Inac cesslhlc There are many Hiimllor an noyances In connection with the high tariff the dynamite monopoly and the language employed In the schools tlic eoiirts and the legislature All thcHo things hiivo been arranged liy the Hoers ami they do not suit the uttland eitt The Hoers however look at the matter from itilte a different point of view Ir more than half a century they have heen trying to get away from Miitlsh rule They are an agri cultural and a pastoral people whose chief wish Is to he left to manage their own affairs and who for n generation have been retpiesllng the Itrltlsh gov crnment to stand out of their Htiullglit The International relations of tircat Hrltaln and the Transvaal are deter mined principally by the convention of London This convention was not an iigrceinent between ciiuals It was unilateral The word suzerainty was not used but article which gives treat Britain a right of veto In regard to treaties clearly places the Trans Vaal in the position of a state which Is at least something less than absolutely ttoverelgn The Transvaal Is then a KumlHovurolpn state Hut this may mean anything from almost absolute sovereignty to almost absolute depend ence From Mr WhltelyH statement It would seem that by the convention of Loudon the high contracting parties Intended to make thu Transvaal u send sovereign state limited in Its power of making treaties but free from Inter vention In Its domestic affairs Thus it does not appear that Hnglantl has a right to demand any change in the law of the franchise or In any other meas ure of domestic policy In the Trans vaal It Is estimated that something over a million dollars was spent by private Individuals and llrniHi In Now York In decorations for thu Dewey receptoii In that city aside from what was expend ed liy the municipal government for the same purpose While some portion of this In accordance with New Yorks frugal policy of always getting Its money back was expended for self glorillcatlou and advertising purposes particularly that expended by some of the newspapers no doubt a large por tion of the expenditure was prompted by patriotic artistic and uncommercial motives At all events It was not whol ly an unwise expenditure though there was no element of pemmuency In it Some of the New York uowspnnertj In sulf laudation and the great business bouses In advertising will doubtless get their money back but aside from this much benellt accrued to the bunt ing maker and the decorator and such a profuse display of the natloual colors 110 doubt Incited patriotic emotions In the Impressionable spectator of this blaze of glory Iu a paper on municipal ownership of public utilities which was read by lrofessor K V Hemls of the Now Col lege of Kcouoiulc Research at the con vent Ion of thu League of American Municipalities special stress was placed upon the necessity for nonpolltleal civil service iu the successful operation of Hiich utilities by municipal govern incuts Professor Hemls point Is well taken and cannot be too strongly em phasized It Is true that some who urge municipal ownership and operation are rather more anxious for the spoils than they are for the proper regulation of public utilities and no doubt many persons who desire the best possible public service are In clined to withhold their support of mu nicipal ownership through fear that the general adoption of the system would entail political evils Almost colucldcntally with Goldwiu Smiths remark that Admiral Deweys destruction of a few old Spanish tubs In Manila bay wasnt much of an achievement comes the announcement of the conviction at Madrid of Admiral Montljo of the crime of cowardice iu that he failed to smash the American commanders licet Instead of permit ting Dewey to smash his licet Hither the Canadian professor or the Spanish authorities must be In error As It Is said that Admiral Dewey loves a tight he may have been Interest ed In the various scraps over prece dence and other thluge among the New York cpmiulttveiuen who had In Jiarge the celebration In his honor though he evidently would have hud ua desire to participate In them Knllroni CouiiiilflfdonrrN Aroused The New York slate railroad com missioners have been aroused by the multiplication of trolley car accidents so called to the necessity of additional safely appliances The particular tie llclency to which they are directing their tit t fit t Ion Is the lack of a brake possessing siilllclent power tiud adapta bility to enable uiolormen to slop their cars tpilckly iu case of emergen cy and they are arranging a series of experiments for the purpose of de- tcriululug which of n dozen different patterns claiming superiority Is most elllclelit iu operation The New York commissioners are considering not only the subject of safety appliances but the iptestlon of the Illness of trolley road oniplotccH for their work The latter branch of their Inquiry In by no means the least Important It Is al leged that some companies Instead of raising the standard of quallllcutlnnH for their service are deliberately low ring It are putting boys In the place of men and substituting Ignorance and Incompetence for experience and elll rlcucy because the latter qualities cost more than the former Wherever and In whatever degree such a change Is going on It Is an outrage a menace to tlie public safely and a gross Injustice to the experienced and competent men who were superseded by the cheaper employees The standard of skill and elllelency oir trolley lines cannot be too high It Is beyond question that heav ily loaded trolley cars running swiftly through crowded streets over cheaply and Insecurely constructed tracks as compared to the road beds of steam railroads need for their safe opera tion at least as large a possession of Intelligence Judgment dexterity and care by those who control them iih do the trains on steam roads running for the most part on well protected tracks through the country No one we think will attempt to say that the average uiotormau can be compared In point of skill experience and intelligence to the steam locomotive engineer The activity evinced by the New York state railroad commissioners In the direction of protecting the public from such disasters as are of frequent oc currence may well be followed by thu railroad commissioners of other com monwealths The Hon lohn Coughlln a Chicago statesman known more widely to fame as Hathhouse John who recently took Saratogas swell society by storm with his green dress spit has thrown another llutter Into the camp of fashion by announcing that pink shirts are not suitable for evening dress After Mr Coughllns pronuuclatuento any one appearing at an evening function In a claw hammer coat and a pink shirt will have only himself to blame If lie loses social prestige thereby Tills Chi cago sartorial director should now give the waiting world of fashion a ruling on the propriety of wearing tan shoes and a red necktie with full evening togs There Is an Impression In some quarters that such a combination would not be In good form It only needs the dictum of lathhouse John to settle the matter A protlt sharing scheme has been Inaugurated at Pittsburg It Is In con nection with an extensive laundry en terprise Hach driver on entering Its employ has stock to the value of 1000 placed to bis credit At the end of ten years he becomes the proprietor of this In the meantime thu pro Its arc placed iu an Insurance fund for Ills bcrjefit The girls are Included In the scheme being cared for when sick glvpn u dowry if they marry or burled If they die The guardians of a London work house have adopted a commendable plan for thu classification of paupers About four years ago thu Inmates wuru subdivided with reference to their moral character their behavior and their previous habits Now a further fctep has been taken by providing two comfortable ami well furnished wards for those above K who have become charges on the statu through thu In capacity of old age As in the case of a considerable num ber of gentlemen who had ships to sell when the government needed ships at the opening of the war with Spain there aru now somu gentlemen with ships to offer for transporting troops to the Philippines who are not allow ing their patriotism to get the better of their reputations as men of busi ness A preacher In Minneapolis Sunday told the cougregatlou that not more than 7 out of 100 church members were real Christians It made no trou ble Hvery man who heard him felt that he was one of the seven If some progressive school would drop from Its curriculum dead lan guages ami take up the live golf lan guage it might extend the sphere of Its usefulness The urgent need of the hour Is more knowledge of the golf language Thors seems to be considerable delay In London iu arranging for the brass band ami pyrotechnics to welcome Mr W W Astor A 50 mfle dash on snowshoes would be a good way for John Hull and Uu cle Sam to nettle the Aluskuu boundary rilsnute THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY OCTOBER 12 18i9 Deweys Welcome to New York Ocorgc Dewey has a wny of smash ing things quite peculiar to himself and It Is altogether a way which quite suits his fellow countrymen lie en tered Manila bay and smashed that Spanish Meet a couple of days before he was expected to reach there and now ke enters New York harbor two days ahead of time captures the city and hiiiiihIich some esccedlngly formal and elaborate ceremonies at the harbor irate which we may well Imagine the modest admiral was willing enough to rscape Possibly lie thought that by pushing the nose of the Olympla Inside Sandy Hook a couple of days before he was expected he might forestall those frequently somewhat tiresome panegyrics that an usually II red at a returning hero before he Is olllclally recognized to be at home It Is known that Admiral Dewey Is a modest and retiring man except when there Is lighting on hand and he doubtless dreaded more the volley of rhetoric which was In store for him than he had feared the guns of thu Spaniards The llagshlp Olympla with Admiral Dewey and his men entered New York bay and anchored Inside the Hook early on Tuesday morning Sept J though he was not expected to put In an appearance until Thursday evening when with much formality and many rounded phrases lie was to have been olllclally welcomed and presented with the freedom of the city The llrst wel come home however came In another less formal and quite unique way and we Imagine was not displeasing to the admiral While the city olllclals and distin guished citizens designated to receive Admiral Dewey were enjoying their morning sleep the Highlands tiler San dy Hook was on her way from Atlan tic Highlands to the city and encoun tered thu Olympla In the Horseshou with Admiral Dewey on deck tlood morning Admiral Dewey shouted the captain of the Sandy Hook C ood morning replied the admiral Mighty glad to see you home said the cap tain Mighty glad to get homo shout ed brck the hero of Manila Hay Hv ery body welcomes you back admiral The city of New York and the wholo country are yours continued the San dy Hooks captain with as much cour tesy If somewhat less formality as though he had boon specially deputized to present the keys of a city nnd the thanks of a nation The gallant ad miral to whom the plaudits of nations aru quite common things doffed Ills cap nnd said Thank you with as pleased a smile and as gracious a man ner as though receiving these trlbu os from the most distinguished and dlgnl llcd sources Thus simple but sincere was the tirst word of welcome to the returning hero at the nations great eastern gateway and as it voiced the sentiments of all the admirals proud countrymen was perhaps quite in keeping with his democratic and mod est notions Hut of course the formal reception came later with such eloquent speech es of welcome nnd encomium such magnlllcent parades on laud and sea such booming of cannon pyrotechnics Illuminations decorations and general gayety as have never before been seen In this couu try The annual message of President Diaz to the Mexican congress seems to Indicate that the country Is In a very prosperous condition and making re markable progress President Diaz notes In this Interesting document that there has beeti a large Increase in the federal telegraph and postolllce serv ices which Is Itself an evidence of In creased Intelligence and business activ ity that manufacturing Is growing rap Idly and that the exports for the year especially of mineral products were phenomenally large As the revenues have swelled to more than four times the amount they reached In 1S72 S so wealth is multiplying iu all lines of trade and industry With a population of llf000000 or KlOOOOOo a land of marvelous resources growing Indus tries a strong treasury a llrin and skillful administration Mexico Is forg ing to the front among nations How much danger the French repub lic ran of being overturned by the re cent inonarchlal conspiracy may be Im agined by considering the Instructions sent by the pretender Due dOtienus to his contldeutlal agent Iu France limiting the expense of the attempt to bring on a coup detat to 500000 The dukes estimate of the value of thu French crown Is not at nil excessive hnrdly as much as the aggregate price of three crack race horses or a pleasure yacht As a matter of fact however his chances of getting It were never worth ilO cents It Is Intimated that the Hollanders In this country and elsewhere who are protesting against the attitude of Great Hrltalu toward thu Transvaal should follow their resolutions etc in favor of thu Hoers with a rider thanking Huglnud for her guardianship over lit tle Holland preventing certain powers from gobbling her up long ago One of the advantages which the girl who lives In a small town has over her cousin Iu the lurge city Is that the lat ter bus few chances of being the queen of a carnival A Nebraska preacher lias como to grief he permitted a member of his coiigrcjiition to treat him In a fa loin He 1 li1 resourcefulness and discretion lie should have contrived to have himself coaxed behind thulium by the own r of a gallon jug IIiiIikiih lorti 111- mlrr Nrw YoitK Oct i Judge H Henry Lucotnbo of the United Slates circuit court yesterday granted the application for a writ of habeas corpus made by counsel In behalf of former Captain Oherlin M Carter convicted by court martial of conspiring to defraud the government out of about 1700000 while in charge of harbor improvement work at Hsmnnah Cla Curt r rut CiiMlit Wllllnm Niw YoitK Oct i Hx Captain Oherlin M Carter who is confined in a cell in Castle William Governors isl and will probably bo taken to prison ut Fort Leavenworth Kan tomorrow Oeneral Merritt has been notified that thu ofllcial papers will reach him from Washington by mail today As soon as possible thereafter Captain Carter will bo removed from CJovurnors island Murker Ioch In Norfolk Wahiiinuton Oct Captain Albert S Barker has been assigned to com mand tho Norfolk navy yard relieving Admiral Furquhur who takes command of tho North Atlantic station Captain Uarlcer will become a full rear admiral within a month At present ho is on waiting orders Captain Barker com manded the battleship Oregon on its memorable cruise It Is reported that u contract for 500 000000 feet of yellow pine has been made In the United States by the British government If there existed here an elllclent forestry system this transaction might be regarded as a very good thing but tho loss of so many trees with no prospect of their ever being replaced Is not a matter for congratulation In somu suctions there has been a commendable start in the direction of protecting the for ests and providing for future gener tlous It should become general It Crnil H Dunn When a girls engagement to an out of town man Is reported It is tlrst said that she is to marry a king As time progresses the girls mother con fesses that the young man Is a prince It leaks out later that he works on a salary and has to work Saturday nights and later just before tho wed ding no one Is surprised at learning that he Is a clerk and gives dancing lessons on the sldu to make a living Atchison Globe Illrlhuiiirk In the Jesse Leu of Atlanta has the letters of thu alphabet clearly Imprinted on the Iris of his eyes Ho Inherits this strange phenomenon from his father A F Lee who had the same markings nn his eyeballs The grandmother of Jesse Lee Is said to have pored Inces santly over the Bible previous to tho birth of her son and it is supposed that the birthmark Is due to her con stant application to the letters of the alphabet Iltli Trade Whenever a young wife proposes to bake her own bread In order to save Ji rents a week the man who has put or the market an Infallible cure for dys pepsia smiles like a cat that has just ruten the canary Nauvoo Bustler The Aueldent of Hntter It Is said Arabs first made butter They were carrying milk In skins on the backs of camels and the steady Jogging churned the fluid Into butter The figures of the United States treasury report 011 the output of iron ore and the manufacture and export of Iron and steel products for the pilst fiscal year tell a marvelous fBtbry of the triumphs of the American work shop The total exports of Iron and steel and manufactures thereof In the fiscal year ending June 30 1800 were 93715051 against 70400885 in 1808 57 J7t87 in 1897 and -11100877 In 1800 From these comparisons It will be seen that the exports In 1890 were more than double those of 1890 If Iron Is king In the industrial world the ultimate supremacy of America In manufacturing Is clearly foreshadow ed In these figures Dr Km lie Lnnrcnts a noted Frencn savant has discovered that lovesick ness may be cured by hypnotism This will doubtless fill a long felt void by those who fall In love and want to fall out of It again but most people atlliet ed this way seem to rather like It and dont want to be cured especially If it Is their first attack of this bitter sweet malady Think for Instnuce of Juliet wanting to be hypuotized out of hur love for Borneo The remedy appears to be of the slmllln siiullibus curantur type It having been proved by pathol ogists that love is no more nor less than hypnotic influence It must have been rather startling to the prehistoric man to have been suddenly confronted by one of those prehistoric reptiles 120 feet long whose bones have Just been unearthed In Wyomlug Word comes from Persia that the ehah has gone crazy because he has 800 wives The shah should have given the American divorce system u trial As an exponent of plain and varie gated bucking the automobile Is mak ing for Itself a record equal to that of the broncho SPECIAL OFFER Anyone subscribing now and sending us 150 in PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED casli will riMoivi The Norfolk Weekly News UNT JANUARY I 1901 and a FREE COPY of the J real Medical Work Kendalls Perfected Receipt Book To old subscribers who pay up io date and 150 in advance the same oiler is made Other county papers can be had for less money but when SIZE QUALITY and the amount of HOME and F0RE1UN NEWS given is considered you will find that THE NEWS is tho CHEAPEST PAPER PUBLISHED IN NORTH NE R HA SKA Kendalls Perfected Receipt Book The Best Ever Published STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE It is worth 10 a year in every family You eant afford to do without it It contains all the best features of all the old books be sides hundreds of new things never thought of before It haseceipts for everything and everybody Tho best receipts known for man and beast cooking toilet etc etc It has many receipts for preparing articles of general use which you nov buy at great cost Tt is by a popular author and published by the Kendall Publishing Co of Saratoga Springs N Y i i i What Others Say of the Book REV C W SAVIDQE Founder and pastor of the Peoples Church Omaha writes 1 have received u copy of tho Perfected Receipt Hook and am highly pleased with it It will be of great value to the public I wish it a large sale REV J C LEMON Founder of the ChristUn Home Orphanage Council mulls Iowa writes It is a very valuable book and I fail to sec how It could be improved upon a c hamhond A prominent stockman of Stockton Kansas writes 1 would not take 00 for one of the receipts In your Receipt Hook W R ROBERTS For many years cashier of the Citizens Hank of Omaha writes I received your Receipt Hook and liave examined it carefully and am more and more pleased with it It is the most complete woik I ever saw B F BERRY Of Irwin Iowa write Recently two of my hog took sick with hog chol era and one died within twenty four hour I hud your receipt for hog chol era tilled as given iu Kendalls Perfected Receipt Hook and I gave it imme diately It cured the other sick one and prevented the others from get ting sick I think it saved my herd of thlry one Your receipt book ought to be in every family for I think it Is worth twentv times tho price asked for it 25c I shall always believe that your receipt for hog cholera Is Just the medicine for hogs for It saved ray sick one and prevented the rest from get ting sick If my theory is correct as I believe it is it Bared me at least lf0 I wish all who are losing hogs weuld get a receipt book and try till remedy The book seems to be full ef other good things also 1 m J I ii t