The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 12, 1899, Image 1

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h v
Now Menaced by Four Thous
and Boers
Word Hicolvril That llnnra llnvn Altiirhrd
Mini Cniluril it Nntul Train nnlllrt
liiK Humor Iluci lnrl Slntn of Alliill
In Doulit
London Oct la Inti nso oxcitoniont
prevails in expectation of an inline Hate
umrressivv move by tho Uoers Much
anxiety is felt at the war oftleo concern
in the British position at 11
frontier station on the Hechnanaland
border whence the Jameson raid started
Its defense is committed to a force of
men specially raised and com
manded bv Colonel UadenPowell This
corps is menaced by 1000 loers under
Commandant Cronje who defeated
Jameson at Krunersdorp
London Oct lJ A dispatch to tho
Daily Telegraph from Ladystnith dated
Wednesday declares that war has been
begun by the Moors in Natal The cor
respondent says Freo State bnifjh
ers have seized a train at Harrismith
which was the property of the Natal
government Lust night a mounted
patrol was stoned by Boers The mens
orders were not to lire until they were
fired on
A dispatch from Glencoe wimp dated
Wednesday noon says the Boers are re
ported to he beyond the presidents con
trol and hostilities arc expected at any
A dispatch to Tho Times from Sand
Fpruit dated Wednesday reports that
parades were held there in honor of
tho anniversary of President Krugers
birth The correspondent says The
Boers are pleased with tho heavy rain
full which will improve the grass By
General Joubcrts kindness I have been
in tho Boer camp four days Nothing
noteworthy has occurred General
Joubcrts headquarters and the artillery
camp aro about 10 miles from the bor
der He carefully patrols tho frontier
but forbids large armed bodies to cross
tho border or to show themselves near
the border
London Oct IS Great preparations
are being made at Southampton for the
departure Saturday of General Sir
Kedvers Buller It is announced that
the fleet of transports conveying Sir
Redvers Bullers corps will be escorted
by warships while further dispatch
boats and gunboats will bo sent to South
t f Afi m waters
The outbreak of war has sent up tho
price of English wheat and on various
country markets the farmers have re
fused to sell wheat under i0 shillings
per quarter in some cases even holding
out for a still higher price
A flood of oratory on tho Transvaal
fituation burst out last night A J
Balfour first lord of the treasury Sir
Herbert Asquith and others spoko in
various parts of the country
Kiiiniir of AHsuslniittiHi
CAfK Town Oct 12 A dispatch
from Sandspruit dated Oct 10 says a
council of war has been hold and devel
opments are expected on Thursday No
further council will bo held as all plans
are matured Tho dragging of tho enor
mous siege gun which has been placed
on the Free State Natal border to aid
Wakkerstrom up to the point whore it
is to bo placed is a splendid piece of
work Four teams of oxen failed to
move the gun whereupon a body of
men built a road and dragged tho gun
up tho declivity in six hours
It is rumored that Conyngham
Greene tho British diplomatic agent
at Pretoria has been assassinated there
The report however is unconfirmed and
is discredited at tho colonial office
Unite Kllitlnff Down II II 1
Butte Mont Oct 12 Tho start
ling fact has becomo evident that for
Miveral weoks a largo portion of tho
city of Butte has been sliding down
hill The evidence of it is seen on a
number of largo buildings and resi
dences including tho county court
house and theresidencoof United States
Senator W A Clark which have been
cracked and Assured Geologists ex
press tho opinion that tho buildings
damaged aro located on a seam of rock
or earth along which a cleavage is tak
ing place
Wnmrnii IiiIin lit York
Yohk Neb Oct 12 Yorks now
auditorium was tilled yesterday with
members of Womans Federation of
Clubs and visitors Tho address of
welcome was delivered by Mrs Carscad
den of York Tho response was by
Anna Apperson of Tocumseh Tho
presidents address by Mrs S C Lang
worthy of Seward traced tho growth of
tho federation and its work Mrs
Sacket of Weeping Water reported 7r
clubs A gift of f cents to bo paid by
tach woman was voted
Nil Aliil StttlfiiHiil Yit
London Oct 12 Sir Louis Davies
Canadian minister of fisheries will con
ier again today regarding tho Alaskan
question with Mr Chamberlain Sir
Louis informed tho Associated Press
that the temporary line upon which it
is expected an agreement will bo
reached will be a mere teniaivo meas
ure for the purposo of preventing local
iriiVrn while tho negotiations on the
mum question are in progress
Tort Mi nilc I iiiiii nl Hot llni
Hot SiKlMiS S D Oct 12 Troop
H of Fort Mi ade has reached here on
the annua practice march and will be
drilled in various maneuvers here fi
Jour days before proceeding
tMlllllU SfHllllll at ll Mltlltl 4 ItllMltfl
to AiIiIiixsih mi Miiiiilil Oh iiki IiIi
1KsMoints Oct 12 -The U ague of
Iowa Muniwqialities began its annual
session hero yesterday The opening
session was devoted to addresses on
various phases of the municipal owner
ship question addresses being made by
Mayor John MacVicar of Des Moines
Mayor John H Uodmontl of Cedar
Bapids and President George A Gages
of Iowa college Grinuell
Twelve bills will be presented to tho
legislature this winter with the recom
mendation of the league simplifying
and bettering existing municipal laws
and conditions These relate to paid
lire departments bridge levies in cities
of 7000 or over loaning waterworks
funds abolishing separate treasurers
for park and public works buildings
prohibiting levying of tax in cities for
country roads relating to sidewalks
prohibiting licensing of clairvoyants
palmists mind readers fortune tellers
and other fakirs regulation of city rail
ways etc The convention is largely
Itiil Mll IliTt lllcrr
Dis Mdini Oct 12 The Grand
Council of Iowa Red Men elected offic
ers for the year as follows Great sa
chem C P Orcntt Maquoketa great
senior sagamore William Knott Furin
ington great junior sagamore F A
Day Des Moines great keeper of wam
pum F K Lambkin Fort Dodge
great keeper of records Fred Nave
Davenport great prophet J TSmith
Burlington Next years meeting will
be hold at Des Moines
Illwitril AiUMilntiil ItiMrlvnr
Dies MoiNrs Oct 12 A K Edwards
of Waterloo was on motion of tho at
torney general appointed receiver of
the Equitable Mutual Lifo association
of that city and has taken possession
Three other companies recently consoli
dated with the Equitable are affect oil
by the action They are St Stephens
Brotherhood 108000 insurance 111
force Canton Masonic i02000 insur
ance in force Iowa Masonic Benevolent
1JOS000 insurance in force
IiiiUiHt For 11 SrlcntUt disc
Clinton la Oct 12 Frank Koepp
aged 10 died hero after a months ill
ness with what was supposed to be
typhoid fever Young Koepp was treat
ed by Christian Scientists and Dr O
F Kellogg city health physician has
issued an order to tho city clerk not to
issue a burial certificate until there has
been an investigation by a regular phy
Mvnsmlly Ciuii iliitcs
Dns Moivrs Oct 12 The filing of
nominations for members of tho legisla
ture shows there will be five tickets in
the field in Iowa including the Repub
lican Democratic Peoples Party Pro
hibition and Socialist Labor The last
party made nominations in only two
counties Scott and Clinton
ISimih to Occupy Newcastle
DritMAN Oct 12 Authentic infor
mation from Ludysmith confirms the
report that it is the intention of tho
Boers to occupy Newcastle immediately
The synod of Wisconsin a deeisivo
vote rejected the proposition to combine
the Wisconsin college with tho Lake
Forest university
D C OMalley and Harrison Parker
who were wounded Thursday in a street
duel at Now Orleans are declared to
have a chance of life
Tuberculosis and Texas fever in cattle
was discussed at the third annual con
vention of tho interstate live stock sani
tary board at Chicago Wednesday
At Cincinnati Edgar Robinson ex
lieutenant of police was killed by Al
fred Reynolds a barkeeper Wednesday
night as the result of a quarrel over a
The Womans National Industrial
leaguo Wednesday took tho initial steps
to raise a fund with which to purchase
a homo in Washington for Admiral
Miss Vesta It Liudbloin daughter of
Robort B Lindblom was married at
Chicago Wednesday night to Lieuten
ant Pauli of tho Skarosku dragoons
Tho Mohilo line steamer Flundriu ar
rived at Santiago Wednesday with her
first officer and chief engineer ill with
yellow fever which they hud con
tracted at Havana
James K Stratton the noted mail
box robber and larger has escaped from
the penitentiary at Canon City Co
where he was serving a sentence of 21
years imprisonment
Judge Basil Ltplaco a prominent
planter and a member of the Louisiana
state senate was killed on his planta
tion near New Orleans by a UMr kcd
mob Wednesday night
Dispatches from Racine and Kenosha
Wis say what is thought to have been
an earthquake was felt in those places
Wednesday night In many housis
dishes ami furniture was shaken
General John A MeClernaud is again
in a serious condition at Springfield
Ills Ho is nearly StO years old and for
that reason there is much apprehension
of the result of the present illness
C KG Billings the Chicago million
aire owner of Humps 20tla has
bought from R W Harris for 7000
tho sensational race mare Lucille to
drive 011 the New York speedway this
Texas is at present having no little
trouble with labor organizations and
capital So serious is the situation
growing in some sections that tho state
officials have had to take cognizance of
the situations and place the rangers 111
The oectrical workers who are in tho
employ of the consolidated street car
mil electric light interests of San An
onio joined the sinking street car ein
doyes Wednesday Not a street car
ins been moved 111 San Antonio biucu
Saturday night
Hearty Reception Accorded
Them at San Francisco
March to the Iii kIiHo an IxcltliiK tine
for tlie Volunteers lend al Ilinnton
Declare Ulunrlr on Subject of rHin
rIoii SiijIhk He If Not Opposeil to It
San Fkancisco Oct 12 Tho Twen
tieth Kansas and the 100 discharged
soldiers who arrived hero on the trans
port Tartar were landed yesterday
The inarch to tho Presidio reservation
was an exciting one for tho soldiers
The welcome they received was second
only to that accorded the homo troops
on their return Both sides of Market
street and the other streets through
which the soldiers passed were thronged
with excited people all anxious to do
them homage Cheers upon cheers
passed up and down the lines of people
Cannon were fired at intervals bells
clanged and whistles and steam calli
opes added their respective noises to the
The throngs surged around General
Funston anil he had great dillloulty
muking progress through the crowds
Cheer after cheer greeted him but his
only acknowledgment was 11 military
salute and an occasional doffing of hi
cap A grout break in the para do oc
curred hen1 and an admiring mass of
people filled the interval The crowds
simply would not let the soldiers pass
in peace Breaks occurred every few
minutes Relatives and friends broke
into the ranks and marched with the
soldiers some smiling and laughing ami
others crying but all happy and glad
The regimental colors little tho worse
for wear in spite of the arduous campaign
through which they had passed called
forth a tremendous burst of applause
whenever they were sighted Taking
it all in all the soldiers looked to be in
fair health but of course there were
some who showed the effects of tho se
vere ordeal through which they have
The parade was reviewed on Van
Ness avenue by General Shaft er and
Governor Stanley
General Funston in an interview yes
terday said I have only this to say
of the campaign in the Philippines
everything is being done that could be
to carry the war to an early and suc
cessful conclusion The report that I
am an anti expansionist is ridiculous
and not worthy of serious consideration
I never intimated such a thing Tho
people must stop to consider when they
are passing judgment that there are
countless conditions to bo constantly
combat ted and overcome there before
headway can be made I fear the exact
difficulties of the situation are not fully
understood Some mistakes may have
been made but the campaign has been
conducted in a most able and conscien
tious manner and every man has done
his best No grave errors have occurred
but it isahvitys easy to look back and
comment upon what lias been done
even though that might have been ac
complished under trying ciivuin
Nebraska Knlnlits of IWIiIiih
Lincoln Oct 12 Tho t2d annual
conclave of tho Nebraska grand lodge of
tho Knights of Pythias closed here with
tho election of tho following officers
John H Bex ten Omaha grand chan
cellor R J Sloan Geneva vico chan
cellor Joseph Nickolls Madison pie
late John B Wright Lincoln master
of the exchequer Will II Love Lin
coln keeper of records and seals Georgo
Wolzo Fremont master of ceremonies
Peter Campbell Weston inner guard
Robert Lynn Wausa outer guard
Richard ONeill Lincoln supremo rep
resentative David Rees Norfolk grand
trustee Tho next annual meeting of
tho grand lodge will bo held in this city
Volunteer Killed by 11 Train
FoktCuooic Nob Oct IS A Thirty
ninth volunteer infantry soldier was
run over and killed by a Missouri Pacific
train last evening Tho engineer of
tho train a southbound through freight
saw the body lying across tho track but
could not stop his train Iwfore it had
dragged tho body some distance and
ground tho head and shoulders beyond
ISllltle Due In Vcnciielii
Washington Oct 12 The navy de
partment yesterday received a dispatch
from Commander Hemphill of tho De
troit at Puerto Cabello which confirmed
the report that all hope of an under
standing between tho government and
tho insurgents in Venezuela had been
abandoned and that a dcciMvo battle
might bo expected at almost any time
Nebraska SjiiimI Meets ill Wayim
WaYNK Neb Oct 12 The No
braska synod of the Presbyterian church
is holding its annual session in tho
handsome Presbyterian church build
ing in this city ami about 1UU ministers
aro in attendance Rev A W Holsey
and Rev John Dixon of New York
among the number
Delensn Creales a eiisiilloti lit Admitting
Hie Ideiillti ol Hie PiImiiici
Paiiis Mo Oct 12 The case of
Alexander Jester charged with the
murder of Gilbert Jutes in 1ST 1 was
called here yesterday After Prosecut
ing Attorney Rhodes had stated that
the state was ready for trial Attorney
Patrick Culleti tounsel for Jester cre
ated a sensation by saying The de
fense in order to expedite business and
dispel useless theories desires towiswer
that it is ready for trial and to state that
the prisoner at the bar is Alexander
Jester the same Alexander Jester who
passed through Monroe county in 1K7I
and who was indicted in that year on
the charge of murdering Gilbert Gates
We also plead not guilty
Up to this time the defense husdenied
the prisoners identity
A A Gates father of Jesters alleged
victim was tho only witness introduced
by the prosecution He was still on the
Maud at noon
Appellate Court Holds That Oiiieinor
Stultify Illegally Itciniiwil I liclu
CnMltiiDlA Kan Oct 12 The ap
pellate court yesterday handed down an
pillion in thecaseof limbocker ugiiinsl
McDowell and llolVmau against Yoe as
regents of the state agricultural college
holding that Governor Stanley illegally
removed Limboeker mid llollman from
olllce as regents and a writ of ouster
was issued against Yoe and McDowell
the present regents and an order rein
stating Limboeker and llolnniin Gov
ernor Stanley removed the Populist
regents soon after his inauguration and
this action was followed by the dismissal
of the Populist members of the faculty
ami the installation of Republican
Congress Will lie icd to Take Ip Hie
Deep Waterway Irojeet
PioitlA Oct 12 Congress will be
petitioned this winter to consider the
deep waterway or ship canal project
I The deep waterway convention wineii
closed at noon passed strong result -
tions favoring the ship canal enterprise
and a committee ol prominent workers
in the state was named to take the mat
ter in charge In a few weeks they ex
pect to outline the plan of campaign
They hope to have liberal support of
many lending men in congress Sena
tor Cullom in his speech before the con
vention pledged his hearty support to
the work
llttle 1rospect ol Yacht ICoce
Niw YoitK Oct 12 The outlook- for
11 race between Shamrock and Colum
bia today is none of the best Even the
hitherto optimistic weather bureau diil
not promise a breeze Tho revised
agreement calls for a start every week
day from this on so there is a possibil
ity of the fato of the cup being decided
this week
Conductor Killed III Iiiivh
Foin DoDiir Oct 12 The regular
local eastliound freight train on the llli
Central road out of Cherokee was
wrecked on the Storm Lake hill shortly
utter noon yesterday Conduct or Charles
A Deiismore was killed
The campaign against the Maya In
dians in revolt in Yucatan will be en
ergetically pushed
The British government has char
tered five more largo steamers for the
South African service
Two Frenchmen Eticnuo Coiirmont
nud Edupin have been murdered by
the Indians in the state of Morelos
Tho seamens striko of Liverpool
which began some time ago but never
attained serioiiMlimeusions bus entirely
Dr Mo Adams of the marine hospital
service is critically ill at Key West and
his attending physicians havolittlohopo
of his recovery
The war department has issued or
ders to the Forty fifth regiment at Fort
Snelling Minn to start for San Fran
cisco Oct 22 to embark there for the
At Wednesdays seshion of tho Evange
lical association at St Paul Bishop
Breyfogels plan of church extension
was adopted almost unanimously after
a spirited debate
Sheriff Edgar of Ouray Col Wed
nesday received a telegram from Deputy
Sheriff George Kineheii announcing
that he had killed John Carter alias
Kid Adams one of the outlaws who
held up the Sueffels stage
Count EglofiMcin a prominent mem
ber of the lub der ilurmlosoii the
trial of certain members of which on
charges of gambling was begun 011
Oct i is sentenced to nine months
imprisonment for cheating at cards
In November the rate on export corn
from Chicago to New York will bo
raised to IK cents per hundred pounds
and on domestic corn 20 cents On all
other articles of grain or grain products
the export rate will be 20 cents and tho
domestic rate 211 cents
Governor Smith Montana has re
ceived a letter of inquiry from Secre
tary Hay concerning the vagabond
Creek I nil a is who now overrun that
state whien leads him to belie vo the
government contemplates sending tin
Indians back to Canada where they bo
r Absolutely Pure
Makes the food more delicious ond wholesome
Graceful lnsy and Long Wunrln
1111 IAM0US
Ola Nethcrsolc 250 Shoe
IViMrMpR tliti lunrlliif pnrfrct nljto lit comfort nml iliirntilllly
No lirrnkliitfln iuritinry - inntlu to conform to the lines of the fool
Hole uiry llnxllilnj Cliroinn Kill Mock tlinl In Mift nit n kIiijp Jul
wciuh like Iruti Kxcoli tiny UjOkIioo for wnnr nml coin foil
St ltii f M tt l l tl 1 - I
i miiiih ivni m mi iiiiii um niiiiic iiicillillll mcikiii fine
V loiithiMMiltliot iiollier Inilt ilnlliii low lieel nml noil 1iiUwti
oii Mill llnl llilshhmu cimitilimtliin otctjloiiinl coin foil
rtiintiUrMiril hy 1 lie Nock tuliunl MiivcCn Kock Inlnnit III
nni nli culiisUel In tills city liy
Ottlch ovnrCltlronc Nntl llnnk Hoalilniicn ore
block north of oiiKniKntloiiitl olinrcli
Fashionable Dressmaker
Up alnlrs In Cotton olook ornr llanme hoi
Firtt olnts work Knariwiteml
Norfolk Nebraska
pOWElia HAYb
Attorneys at Law
Uoonu 10 11 and 12 Mail lllook
Norfolk Nebrankrt
Undertakers and Embalmcrs
Banlotulilk Norfolk Ave
Norfolk Nebraska
Attorney at Law
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wilton
Block Norfolk
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
Norfolk Myrtle Hive No 30
Ladies of the Maccabees
of the World
MeetK etei llrrt and third Tin nln of each
month lit io rlork in the afternoon Vintini
meinliert fire cordinllj invited Mi Ida Clark
Lady Coniiiiaiider Kntie Kn li Hicord
Keejier Mlf Klla HoMliliallln Ilnnncti Keeper
For Plumbing Steam Fitting Punpi
Tanks Wind Mills
Ami all rupnir work in thU Hue ca
Hatitfactinn OnnrantfMj
drat door Mintli of Dull t Nrw otHoa
Oil and Gasoline
NO 88
vh - s
ri 7
17 J
rN y
The Popular Route
Salt Lake
- y ill 1 jl
The Only Direct Houtc
The Pastes Route
Sun Francisco
intiJnjiniri Jin ft tk A
The Itest lqulppcd Route
The Safest Route
lir Time Tables Folders Illustrated Hooks Pamphlets dci eriptivu of tho
territory traversed call on
3A11NKS TYLKK i Jll Hmiio
Attorneys at Lai
Norfolk Nebraska
Homeopathic IIivnIcIuii nud Surgeon
Olllcii ovur CltizeiiH Niitioniil lllllrf
Iioiith - 10IKJ til 12HI a in utiil 2i0 to r 0Ulm
uiiinH 7 IKI toSMI
ltiwideiicn TiiIiiiIiiiiiii No il
Ollice No 111
Vorfolk - - Nebraska
At Jiiirn ICierv Moniliiy
Norfolk Neb
MastJUock - -
Everybody wants the boat of
moats Wo make a special
effort to please our trade
Our HIiAp is tho NcntCHt
In tho City
Always Fresh
and Just as
Highest Market Price Paid for
Butter nud Kkkm
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
Braasch Avenue
and Tnird St
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for tlic Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wink
First door West of Post Ofllco
Mrs H H Hull
Farial TrcttEtit Mtciroricg end Shampoo
Will gladly call at jroor ljornf irjd doanjrofthl
work Ordert taken for floe balr awltehM
Pet toot match guaranteed Heldecee on Firat
trtet Junction Order maj be latt at lha
miction DnxBtora TalatPhcn IS