The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 05, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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Time Limit Bars Out Sham
rock and Columbia
Marl rromUnl Well but Aftir the Line
Wn Ci oskmI the Wind Turnril Kluker
i Hhnnirorti Qunrtitr Mile Ahrnil When
i llnre li Drclmril OIT
Krw Yohk Oft 4 As tho mm set a
grout ball of llro behind tho NnveHink
hills mid thu sparkling Hturs nil no into
tho flawloKS hoiivoiiH tho bitfgoBt crowd
of sighthoors and vachtmnou who over
Hiiilod down Sandy Hook to witnoHS the
Attempt of a foreign miiR luiuler to
wrest from America tho yachting
of tho world rotnrncd to Now
York orcHtfallon and disajipointod Tho
winds from tho wivus of old ocean had
proven too light and shifty and tho first
of tho international herios of 1899 bo
tweon tho two greatest racing machines
ever produced by England ami America
degenerated into a drifting match and
had to lo declared off because neither
could reach the finish lino in tho time
allotted by tho rules
To avoid just such winds as occurred
yesterday in which luck and not tho
crow and yachts win tho rules provide
that if one of t lie boats docs not finish
within five and a half hours tho raco is
declared off so at tho end of the timo
last evening when tho yachts were still
four miles from homo with tho Sham
rock leading by something nioro than a
quarter of a milo tho ooinmittoo ofll
chilly declared that thoro had been no
race Tho yachts were then takon in
tow by their respective tugs and brought
buck to their nuehorago inside Sandy
Hook Tho clean limbod racers had
Bailed out yesterday morning fresh for
battle but tho sea had rofused them a
Held of conflict Under the rules the
ilrst race is now postponed until tomor
Flzrle From the Stnrt
The day promised well at first The
sky was smirched with a fow dirty
clouds but clear enough to permit tho
thousands of spectators who lined the
Jersey shore to see almost every foot of
the course Tho wnvos wero crested
with white caps here and there and a
fairly fresh breeze blow out of the north
northeast but after tho Shamrock had
crossed tho line tho wind turned flukey
and variable uud tho raco was a fizzle
from the start But tho fluko gave the
yachting sharps and the spectators
much to think about and some surprises
The Columbia is undoubtedly tho
prettiest boat She is tall and stately
with graceful lines and towering masts
Tho Irish boatwith her broader beam
and longer base line looked slower and
heavier Perhaps her green color
makes her look clumsier as if she wero
forced through tho water while tho
slim Columbia pierces it like a rapier
Though iudecisivo in every respect as
to tho abilities of the great rival single
stickers yesterdays raco indicates that
the Irish boat with her English skip
per and her Scotch crew is the ablest
sloop ever sent across tho Atlantic in
the hope of lifting the 100 guinea cup
which the America brought back 48
years ago and which has since been suc
cessfully defended against the world
lloth Alternated In the Lead
During tho live and a half hours sail
ing the Shamrock was thrice ahead and
twice the Yankee boat showed tho way
For the first 10 minutes the Shumrock
led thou for five the Columbias grace
ful bow showed ahead of tho green boat
for 45 minutos following the Shamrock
then for three hours the Columbia and
for tho last hour and a half it was the
Shamrock that led the way The breeze
blew as high as 12 knots an hour and ai
low as three and shifted about through
eight points of the compass
Bach in turn beat the other running
before the wind and was in turn beaten
beating against the wind at various
stages of tho race so that many of the
experts who saw the two boats sail are
disinclined to believe that there is a
pin to choose between them but when
tho race is closely analyzed it is abso
lutely proven that tho Columbia showed
her superiority at every point of run
ning sailing reaching and boating
whenever tho wind freshened and that
it was only in the lightest air that the
Shamrock could make headway against
her Both had their share of good and
bad luck The Columbia had the bet
tor of the shifting winds on the run
down to the mark and beat the Sham
rock 3 minutes and 44 seconds while
on the boat home after increasing her
lead to over a mile at one time the
Shamrock overhauled the Yankee and
was a quarter of a milo ahead when the
time allowance expired
Sale or Stoitx City and Northern
Sioux City Oct 4 Judge Shiras of
the federal court made an order yester
day afternoon for the sale of tho Sioux
City and Northern railway under fore
closure of first mortgage bonds These
bonds and accumulated interest now in
default amount to 3300OOO and are
hold in tho east The salo will take
place in about six weeks and H S
Baker of Sioux City has been named
kpocial master to conduct the sale
Yaqul Iudluu Wur
Ortiz Mex Oct 4 Tho Mexican
government is niuking strenuous offorts
to get all its forces in the field ut once
and bring the Yaqui Indian war to a
speedy termination If thoy do not do
to before next April when the three
months rainy season sots in it means
that the war will last all through next
summer which the Mexican govern
ment wunts to prevent if possible
Monroe Ind lu Flaunt
Washington Ind Oct 4 Monroe
City 16 milos from here is beiug swept
by fire and many families are already
homeless The fire department of this
dtjy has been sent to the scene Mon-
tor Qtt b poyuUtion of about 1300
targe Anemblaice at Dallas A ltlroMil by
Democratic leaders
Daihs Tex Oct 4 Tho third and
last day of tho convention in conjunc
tion with the state fair was most satis
factory All incoming trains woro
loaded with visitors and whon spunking
began at the fair grounds in tho morning
it was estimated that f0000 people woro
present There was a surging mass of
people on tho ground when tho notables
liegan to nrrivo Mr Bryan and a party
of friends arrived at 1035 a in and ho
was accorded a magnificent ovation
Judge James 1 Tarvin of Kentucky
was introduced us tho first speaker
When ho concluded thoro woro frequent
calls for Bryan Tho Nobraskan
stopped forward and was loudly grouted
Ho disclaimed being prcsont us a presi
dential candidate and spoke for an hour
on tho issues of tho day
Tho mooting thou adjourned until
evening when tho dollar dinner olosed
tho proceedings Tho principal speaker
was Hon Oliver II l Belmont of Now
Fvaturo of
the Diienlnir Day of the lei-
ltigtuii Trot
LnxiMiTON Oct 4 Tho feature of
tho opening day of tho trots was tho
10000 futurity for -year-old trotters
which was won by Boralma Extacy
and Idolitn wero tho only contestants
in tho last boat Idolitn was distanced
Boralma was bought Monday night by
Thomas W Lawson of Boston for 17
000 on condition of winning tho futur
ity Tho lirst money fiOOO goes to
Mr Lawson who won 11000 in pools
Ho presented 3000 to Ous Maher Bo
ralmas driver The Tennesson stake
value 4000 was won by Iiioln after
dropping tho first two heats to tho
strong favorite Hal B
Kiinii Delegation OfT for Trlflco
Topeka Oct 4 Tho eommittoo ap
pointed by Governor Stanloy to wel
come tho Twentieth Kansas back to tho
United States loft for San Francisco
yesterday in a special car attached to
tho Santa Fo California train Gov
ernor Stanley his wife and son Eugene
accompanied tho party T H Little of
Abilene father of Lieutenant Colonel
Little was appointed a member of tho
committee but announced nt the last
moment that he would bo uuablo to ac
company the pnrty
More of Cramp Men Strike
Piuladeiphia Oct 4 Seven hun
dred boLlennakers and iron shipbuilders
with about 200 helpers wont on a strike
at Cramps shipyard for a working day
of nine hours Tho shipbuilders in
clude riveters and caulkers and tho
strikers say tho action of those men and
tho boilennakers will practically tio up
the entire plant The machinists and
blacksmiths numbering nearly 200
have been on strike for several weeks
Veiled Prophet lu St Louln
St Louis Oct 4 Tho fall festivi
ties reached their height hist night
when the Veiled Prophet celebrated his
17th entry into tho city with a grand
parade and ball Thousands of strang
ers were in tho city to view tho parade
There woro 2i floats in lino portraying
tho Visions of Childhood with tho
aid of Fcenes from Mother Goose
melodies Tho ball wns ono of tho
grandest ever hold in St Louis
Klliott Shoots In Ioor Im k
Kansas City Oct 4 J A It El
liott of this city whoso remarkable
shooting during tho past six months
had won for him every championship
trophy open to compoting trapshooters
lost one of his championship prizes hore
yesterday in his matoh with W B
Crosby of Batavia N Y who won by
a score of 08 to 97 in the race for the
sportsmans review oup and a purse of
Pret of Pa I la Parade
Kansas City Oot 4 The Priests of
Pallas parade the big spectaoular event
of Kansas pitys fall carnival week oc
curred last night Great crowds lined
the streets through which passed the
19 glittering floats and the 20 brass
bands that enlivened tho pageant It is
estimated that 20000 visitors are in the
Stanley to Talk In Ohio
Topeka Oct 4 Governor Stanloy
owing to the persistent demand which
has been made upon him by tho Ohio
Republicans has consented to go to the
Buckeye state and assist the party in
tho state campaign The governpr will
speak Oct SG 27 and 28 at places yet to
be selected by tho state committee
ilottorfT Dip lu Jail
Blaib Neb Oct 4 Thomas Bot
torff who was convicted last week of as
sault on the ten-year-old child of Mitt
Allen died at tho couuty jail yesterday
morning Thoro is btrong suspicion of
Joe GauB got the decision over Spidor
Kelly in tho 25th round at Now York
Tho Western Window Glass Jobbers
association Tuesday docided to make a
ten per cent advance in prices
It is estimated that the Indian govern
ment must spend 0500000 rupees to
roliove famine in tho central provinces
Jack Boot was given the decision at
the end of six rounds with Frnnk Craig
the Harlem Ooff eo Coolor at Tattorsalls
Chicago Tuesday night
William Fife Jr designer of the
Shamrock is confined to his bed in tho
Fifth Avonuo hotel Now York by an
attack of inflammatory rhoumatiBin in
tho right foot
Minister Russell at Caracas has in
formod the state departmeu that tho
Venezuelan govoruineut has ordered
that for a period of 00 days corn and
beaus shall be admitted freo of duty
Tho Oauadiun government telegraph
lino was completed to Dawson Tuesday
Tho Dominion lino reaches from Ben
nett to Dawson and the wires of the
White Pass and Yukon railroad cover
the distance between Skagway and Ben
nett The first message was to the win
inter of public worka at QtUwa
Britons in Natil Feci Sure the
Transvaal Will Strike First
Umleinloori That l inline of Fuither
Troop Will tie lttarliit nit Cnil Itelll
hy fhe Timmvaal ilouhert Ntnit for
Nntnl Uuriler Trnaliin U I lifl mnltiK
IiONlKiN Oct I A dispatch from
Durban Natal announces that tho
Boors are expected to tako tho aggres
sive today Tho most alarming rumors
aro afloat there respecting their inten
Whilo all tho dispatches from South
Africa dwell upon tho condition of wild
excitoniont there and tho oipeoted im
minence of a Boer attack there is in
reality little ehnngo in tho situation al
though tho massing of tho Boors in all
directions inevitably increases tho ten
IxNi0v Oct 4 Tho Standards cor
respondent at Newcastle Natal says
Tho forward movement of the Boer
forces which throatouod tho Natal
frontier has boon suddenly arrested A
majority of tho burghors who had
gathered on tho heights northeast and
east of Newcastle huvo fallen back on
their original base near Sapudspruit
Tho motive can only bo conjectured
No New Development
London Oct 4 -There are no new
developments in tho Transvaal situa
tion Arrangements for tho dispatch of
wur stores and mint continues A pian
tity of balloon mnterial has been sent to
South Africa tho wur office considering
that military ballooning will prove of
the groatest value in tho kind of war
fare expoctod in South Africa Tho
chartering of transports is still going on
Five vessels of the Cunard lino are now
engaged One result of tho war scare is
tho advance of 18 pence in tho price asked
for wheat offered in tho Lynn market
A telegram from Paris announces that
M Arnaud president of tho Interna
tional Arbitration aud Peace league has
sent an appeal to Lord Salisbury en
treating him to chooso a power to act
with a power chosen by tho Transvaal
with the object of averting war
London Oct 4 A special dispatch
from Pretoria says that tho meeting of
tho rand adjourned at 11 oclock in tho
morning and that only a legal quorum
of members was present President
Krnger addressing tho members de
scribed war as unjust and unnecessary
and denied that the ontlandors wanted
the franchise Luis Meyer tho chair
man said tho real purpose of tho Brit
ish was solely to gain Nnboths vino
yard The Transviuil replyit is re
ported is now ready for dispatch and
only awaits tho receipt of tho British
note Continuing tho correspondent
says I understand that tho landing
of further troops will bo regarded as a
casus belli Commandant General Jou
bert started for tho Natal border today
with his staff
The Pietonnaritzburg correspondent
of tho Daily Mail says ho believes mar
tial law will bo declared in Natal with
a view of preventing tho Natal Dutch
from joining the Boers
Since llobber Surrounded
Denver Oct 4 A special from
Montrose says tho two Snoffels bandits
are surrouudod and that a battlo is mo
mentarily looked for It is estimated
that 25 armed men huvo surrouudod the
hiding placo of tho bandits Tho stage
driver states that be positively identi
fied one of the hold ups us Kid Adams
Tho officers believe the other mans
name is Berry
Cannetl Good Men Meat
Chicago Oct 4 Representatives of
a dozen of tho largest canued goods
manufacturers in Illinois and Iowa met
here yesterday No attempt was made
to arrive at a specific agreement as to
the scale of prices but it was considered
probable that at tho joint meeting in
February an advance in prices of all
canned goods will he decided upon
Wolve Raiding Chicken Yard
Winsidk Neb Oct 4 Wolves are
numerous aud very daring in tho coun
try surrounding Winside They roam
about in bands of flvo or six and attack
poultry with impunity oven catohing
chickens bofora the very eyes of their
owners and in spito of attempts to drive
them off In one instance the wolves
stole 300 chickens from ono farm
Death Come to Schantre
Columbus Neb Oct 4 FrodSohau
tre who had his back broken by acci
dentally falling from his wagon died
at St Marys hospital yesterday after
living five days with tho lower part of
his body in a plaster cast Every muscle
bolow tho heart was completely para
lyzed and his recovery was regarded as
ulmost impossible from tho first
All the WaUou Count tand
Nubuaska City Oct 4 In the case
of tho stato against John O Watson
iharged with forgery the dofenso filed
i motion to stnko four counts from the
udictment but after three or four
aourH of argument tho judge overruled
tho motion The taking of evidence on
the part of tho state will be resumed
WebWr Open the Fight
Auhukn Neb Oct 4 Tho first gun
f tho Republican campaign in Ne
braska was firod hero lust evening by
Hou Johu L Webster of Omaha Ho
declared strongly for expansion uud
maintaining of our rule in the Philip
I awton Again in the Field
Bacooh Luzon Oct 4 General
Law ton came to Baooor this morning
and organized a general movement to
clear up the country between Imni and
Baooor taking yntooaJ command
anion rlc them to he Wmlwurd
front ttnroor nml linn
Ivis lnvin Oct 4 General 1 nw
ton hns i i porsed tho insurgents ut
lnnts driving them to tho westward
Another illustration of tho insurgent
policy of evading meeting tho Amer
icans In force wns shown by tho fact
that our linos swept across seveial miles
I of country tiring by volley and cheer
ing the Filipinos melting lmfore them
only occasional glimpses of the enemy
could be had ns they ran from their
trenches anil dodged through the bushes
like rabbits One body of tho oneniy
under a former mayor of Inuisretrented
towards Pore Das Marinas and another
in tho direction of San Francisco do
Lieutenant Knabonshuo with u pnrty
of scouts crossed tho river lust night
nml found U8 dead Filipinos in tho
tronehoH 15 of whom had boon killed
by one shell
Tho Ilrst wagon train with provision
to reach Iiiiuh in three days has arrived
aud two companies of tho Fourteenth
regiment from towns along the bay
niarohed in today to rellovo the Fourth
regiment whoso members have boon
kept uwulie In tho trundles day and
night for a wool under tho annoying
intermittent tire from tho insurgents
Oi imiI llilliiln Ciilti Ahoiil All She Kl
hm teil liv the lleclnlon
London Oct 4 Although a rapid
bcanning or lie decision of the Anglo
Venezuelan boundary tribunal decision
bus not afforded nu yet n thorough un
derstanding of all of its details thoro is
a general feeling of satisfaet ion in offi
cial circles based on tho belief that
Groat Britain has gained all shu ex
Ono of the counsel for Great Britain
imido tho following statement Tho
award practically endorses the judgment
of Sir Robert Schomborgk wlioho line it
follows except in a few particulars
Great Britain acquires the whole of tho
rivor Cuini including n site which Ven
ezuela alleged to be a fort The Barima
district has boon awarded to Venezuela
possibly on the principle of nationul se
curity but with the condition that tho
Orinoco shall be a freo watorwuv to all
nations All the valuable plantations
and gold fields aro indisputably sultlod
within British territory
Keioinl lluy of Sutton Keunlon
Sutton Nob Oct 4 Yesterday
was tho second day of the central No
brasku Grand Army of tho Republic re
union and 1 C Merrill called tho vet
erans to order in tho city park and tho
invocation was delivered by Rov Smith
of tho Methodist Episcopal church At
tho conclusion of prayer Mrs Moyors
and a quartet of singers sang Mayor
Jacob Bonder then mado tho welcoming
address Colonel M V Colo com
mandant of tho camp delivered ono of
his pleasant talks aud was followed by
Colouol Gage
IHlve IBt Spike
Omaiia Oct 4 Tho last spikes of the
extension of tho Omaha Bridge and
Terminal Railroad company to its now
freight depot at Eleventh and Chicago
streets have been driven and everything
will bo ready to carry freight trains to
morrow It will probably however bo
several days before tho now piece of
road and tho depot aro in actual uso
New lleet Sugar Plant
Four Dodue Oot 4 A beet sugar
company has boon organized here by
local capitalists with a capital of 450
000 Farmers hore aro already con
tracting beet acreago the company
agreeing to pay 4 per ton for tho beots
delivered at tho factor
Former Senator Harlan Hetter
Mt Pikasant la Oct 4 The con
dition of ex Bonator Harlan is slightly
for thq better today and it is bclievod
he will recover Mrs Lincoln will not
come from Now Jersoy as she is being
constantly informed of tho condition of
her futber
Chief Engineer OMelveney Murdered
Salt Lakk Oct 4 F J Mills ex
lieutenant in the volunteer engineer
service and ex lioutonant governor of
Idaho shot arid instantly killed Chjef
Engineer OMelveney of tho Oregon
Short Line in tho hitters olfico in this
Bloving Inian Patient
OiAitiNDA la Oct 4 Attendants
with 30 patients arrived hero Sunday
Thoy wero transferred from tho hospital
for insane at Independence to the one
hore There are now about 700 in the
hospital hero
The Lutheran general counoil has de
tided to send missionaries to Porto Rico
It is now estimated that 1600 persons
iicrished in the earthquakes in Asia
Minor around Aiden
Dr E Y Mullins was installed as
resident of tho Southern Baptist Theo
logical seminary of Louisville Tuesday
The Hotel Communal in Port au
Prince Hayti was destroyed Tuesduy
night by an incendiary firo Ten other
buildings wero burned
As tho result of Emperor Williams
advice the University of Strasbnrg will
roceive a Catholic faculty thus ending
a long and bitter controversy
Whoeler Dusonborrys lumber
yards at Eudeavor Pa were burned
out Tuesday Over 6000000 foot of
lumber was dobtroyed Loss f500000
Tho staff of Gonoral Sir Rodvers Dul
ler who is to command the British
forces in South Africa has boon offic
ially gazottod It is tho largest since
tho Crimean war
Judge William R Day ex secretary
of 6tato began his official dutios at Cin
cinnati Tuesday ns u judgoof tho Uuited
States oourt by sittiug with Taft and
Lurtoii of tho circuit oourt of appeals
Smco the organization of tha Conti
nental Tobacco company the number of
small factories hus in created wonder
fully all over tho oouutry aud the great
t i i
W V Ji
i ar K
arc the long tlmt ur ol
Smith Prrmlrrs The more
hard work turned out the
more apparent Is Smith
Premier durability Repair
bills reduced lo a minimum
Smith Premier rapacity for
good work all the time Is
Catalogue Prcc
Aitk for II
I dr
Smith Premier
Typewriter Co
r illlsl Mi
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A blintlnrss onics to me now wwl then I have it
now It is qnrer I can sec y uTcyc bill not your nose
I cant read because some of th letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPLPS A Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
i 1 tt 1
YV OnnnlM rillf Nut IIji wcinl It I
10 rur 3 n or Iwi i
n tftlliiiimlulH wll
10 HuruceHl Now York
A 0110 of linrt hcftlth flmt Ki P A N I will not lirnrlll Thfj Imnluli fain and prolong IIU
N Hon iiiriMii kuuinnn mc m noammuiui iririnn
Ivc paikrlnfur 4HinU mnj da liuil ut itny clriitf tr Toll numplc n1 one
Ihi mulliHl Uiuiij uaurmnior 3 lam rarwiiura hi mm juimui umuiou uo n
Daily News Job Department
Union Pacific Through Trains
Direct Line
the West
JA alfl aH Ha- aH aWaSk
Palace Sleeping Cars Dining Cars
Free Reclining Chair Cars
Ordinary Sleeping Cars Pintsch Lighted
Vny Trtno TVKIa VaUa Tl1nv A J ri - - -
vw ieu r ampnieia cittcnpnve ox ttio
fight they ore putting with tAitZ
up aprm
uuida teit07 Averted call
sucoe5 hkA it mtW unjKut on
rortutmi J P W JUNKMAN Aent