The Norfolk Ntus Tlio Kuiisns populists cannot lull ac knowledge t In corn Over 1000 ohihTron will bo cvcludod from flic New York schools Mils ycur because of luck of room In Hnssin in n population of PWOW 000 tlicro nro only 7 lit newspapers This Is only mm for every 170000 people Mr Urynn siijm llul prosperity ennnot last That depends With William Jennings Bryan piosidont it crlnlnly would not With llniininnd McLiin both riiHn ilig Mm iinti trust program in the Ohio campaign whnl chance is tlicro for ordinary mon Amos Allen is I ho man who is likly to succeed Tom Hoed in congress Mr Allen in unfortunate in having u very big place to 1111 Since ho ran up against Mint ilOOOOOOOO bushel corn crop in his trip thinngh Nebraska last week it is no wonder that Hoi Bryan looks worried To olVset many of liin hotter girts An ilrow Carnegie has given fJHM to tho Anti imperialistic league Why not give it diroutly to Agulnnldo lohii H McLean may not favor re taining tho 1hilippineH lint when it comes lo personal ambitions Mr McLean is n thoroughbred expansionist Tho Honorable limn lay Lent mis representative from Ohio likens Agiiin aldo to Patrick Henry Mr Kent also likens Altgeld to Washington Jefferson Tiioksnn and Lincoln Li Hunt Cluing siys Aguiimldo could 1m bought Wont someone buy him thou and brine him to this country and furnish his services to the democratic national committee next year Tho imports of manufactures in the fiscal year IS11 were nearly 100000000 less than in lKIO while oxportsof maim fiottuos wrro nearly fOOOOOOOO more in ISPS than they were in 1800 A Kansas editor circulation upwards of 500 subscribers announces that he will henceforth spell republican with a small r Patty loadt rs should at once adopt some menus of overcoming this influence Tho London Tunes which likeall Knglisluuon would like to see free trade in America fears Mint our protootivo tariff has been found to bu too good n thine to fongo This fear is well grounded Well does S enter Forakor say As long as the Filipino war continues there can be but two sides to ir anil only one is the American side Wliere our Hue and our soldiers are theie must stand tho whole American people it was not many months ago that it was vehemently asserted that Americans could not live in the Philippines Yet the rehiring volunteers for the larger putt come back in splendid health and give the Ho to such btatoinents The shrieks for Dewey to become their presidential candidate by tho lending democratic journals of tho coun try is a frank ndinissiou that their out look for sueoss uiilo s they can get a war hero next year itjn very slim one Thoy may como along palming them selves off us nnti imperialists but they will bo found to bo tho same old free trade objectors not satisfied with the present prosperous condition of tho country but doubtless wanting a return to tho dflectado period under Cleveland and tho beautiful Wilson low tariff law lorry Simpson of sockless famosaid at a Ci A H reunion in Kansas Mm other day I believe John Browns soul is marching with Aguinaldo whereupon the soldiors rose euinasso and hooted him off tho platform Jerry has found that Americanism is very much alive in tho sunllowor state Ho has probably joined tho permanent ranks of states men out of n jb Tho Now York Journal an ardent expansionist fully supports Coloiol Bryan It says however that all den i crats aro uuited for expansion and then makes the surprising auununcomout that Mr Bryan will before tho noxt nomination learn tho difference betweou expansion and imperialism This is tho Journals first admission miuio 1801 that Mr Bryan coud leru anything Nebraska fusionists express consider able uuuecessnry solcicitudo concerning tho situation in Ohio hoping that Presi dent MoKinleys home state iiiav not R ipareiitly endorse his adminstratiou at tho polls The tl iug for those sumo fusionists to worry ub n is the situation in Nebraska where Hryauo on state shows evidences of kiokiug over the traces nud defeating for supremo judge the gontloinau who a few years ugo carried the state by i0000 umjority for governor That 6uow storm in the Hod river valley this week reminds tho writer that when ho was at Winnipeg whloh is mi the Ked river during the hitter liart of July in the ptesent year it was appncntly tho hottest place on earth the thermomeiiter standing 100 in tho shade and it can hardly ho realized that in such a short time the ntmosphetc has been chilled by the frosts of a hud winter There Is one consolation uboul it however and that is that the hordes of moMiiitoes which made lilo a bunion in that loctlily by their vicious attacks have probably been buried under tho snow The fact that ho American Hag onco more waves over slaves in Stilti does not piovo that Mils government accepts tho pi incipleof slavery intho Philippine islands lis attitude is one of protection lo Ihe ptoplo of tho Stilu islands and every ellort will be made to educate those people along lines of frcedou for all No one can doubt that if Iho is lands remain under the stars iiud stripes slavery will disappear At present they are by tho very necessity of the case merely under the military power of this government It is for congress to say what shall bo done with thoiu This congress will doat tho noxt session The reply of Gen Simon Buokiier who was the sound iiioney deinncratio candidate for vice president in isilli to Colonel Bryans in vital ion to come back into the fold and the hitters plea for harmony cannot bo very encouraging or gratifying to the young man Tho general says Not until they shall ceise to distinguish between principle and temporary expediency between national faith ami national dishonor between the welfare of tho people and tho exaltation of aspiring political charlatans between patriotism mid parly servility will tho national democ racy consent to be merged with tho motley supporteis of Mint mosaic of populism anarchy and public dishonor known as thoChicugo platform of lSlKi The worst charge that the World Herald has been able to bring against Judge Keese is that at one time ho was not liked by the Bee That must I n w that this is untiling nguinsf the republican candidate for supremo judge as the Bee in times past has been op posed to many good men who have in soino iimniior incurred its enmity Tim fact that tho Bee is now supporting Judge Heese should bo taken by the World- Herald to mean Mint Hosowator is endeavoring to retrieve past orrors If this is tho worst tho World Herald has against tho republican candidate it had best subsido and not disgust its renders by serving up to tliom u rehash of Uosewaters runtiiigs when in a sulky mood llosowiilors opposition to Ilocso hurt him as much as anyone and it will not strengthen Mr llolcoiubs chances of election to dig it up ngaiu whon as a matter of faot all political parties agree that Mr Koese is a good mini for the position Irynns grand triumphal tour of Nibriska last week resulted in a Hat failure At none of the places he visited win he received with anything nkin to enthusiasm and ho did not draw as big crowdsj as an ordinary 10 cent show A gontloinau from this placo who was at Laurel the day he was there savs it was positively pitifnl to seo how lone some the town was during his visit A few pooplo wont to tho train upon which ho arrived attractod by curiosity hut there was not ovon a singlo cheer to welcome him Ho pnradod abont tho streets awhilo in a buggy but only si lence awaitod him nt evory corner When he loft town a fow woaknttonipts wero niiido to enthuso but thoy fell Hat and woro soon givou up Similar re ports como from other points nt somo places tho people going so far in show ing their disapproval of tho candidate ns t follow him with oheors for Mo Kiuloy That was a sad tour for Mr Bryan and It has probably opened his eyes to tho fact that tho cause of 11 to 1 has boon rolegatod to tho rear in his homo state Tho editor of the Quinoy III Journal who took tho trip to tho Pacific coast with the National Editorial association has this to sny concerning Nebraska Let mo say right here and onco for nil and us plain as I cau say it that I am writing only of what I saw and not of what lay beyond my vision It is fair for me to assume however that what I saw iB a fair sample of what I did not seo Nor am I speaking of tho mines or of tho milling possibilities of tho coun try through which wo passed Yet I know that all the miners in the moun tains lying hetweon Moxico on the south aud the dominion of Canada on tho north tho Mississippi river ou tho east aud the Pacitlo ocean on tho west will uot this year tnko so niauy dollars iu gold from tho mountains ns tho farmers iu tho now stato of Nobraska will tnko from tho soil of that state nothing like it Why tho com crop alouo grown in Nebraska this yonr will bo worth 100 000000 iu Chicago Will all the miners iu all tho mountain country described get so much gold It is doubtful But this is just ouo crop iu u uew state Ne braska Besides this aro wheat oats rye barley hay nud potatoes sheep cattlo horses hogs nud fruits When we measure the gold and silver output of the niouutaius by tho agricultural output of the country it is but a trifle u mere trifle T11K NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY OUlOHER 5 J809 The Sultan of Sultt and Bryan each favor lo cent dollars though tho Sultan probably docs not know any bettor Mr John It McLean says there is u very bright pnnptct of his election Unfoi innately we loaned our telescope to a populist friend who wanted to look for cilamlty signs Last year fusionists woro confident that Ohio would go democratic and thereby rebuke the McKinly adminis tration but it stood by tho republicans to the tune of more than 10 MM Senator Fornkor denies that the larlll is the mother of trusts hut sententious lyndds lfil were tho tnrlll with its attendant prosperity and trusts is bettor than free trade and idleness want hunger soup homes and rags The opponents to President MoKin leys foreign policy aro raising u fund to send Congressman Lent of Ohio to the Philippines Now if they will raise another to keep him Micro thoy will really ho entitled to the thanks of their countrymen John K M Lean the doinocrutic can didate for governor in Ohio has wlsoly purchased for tho purpose of suppres sion Allen O Myors famous produc tion Bosses and Hoodie in which the dubious political methods of John IS aro interestingly described Speaking of ideas Mr Bryan says We never know when wo are going to get them Ho also sagely remarks that hoinotiinos wo get tliom whon we do not want to get thein A bright contemporary happily adds and that is also true of fleas and presidential can didates The republican party hasrdocoined its pledges it has maintained sound money and enacted a protective tan IV Its leaders told tho pooplo Mint this would restore confldinco nud it has Prosperity is visible on every hand The people will not forget They are not blind to their best interests Secrotary Hoot has promptly adopted one of tho recommendations of tho Porto Kicun commission by directing tho commissary general to buy Porto Hicau cotleo for use in tho nrmy A large part of tho product will bo im mediately purchased and tho nionoy for it will to to those badly in need of it Mark Twain is going to Princeton to live But before ho goes will Mr Oloin ons promiso not to niako fun of Grover Clovoland Whatovor wo think of thorn wo must not mnko light of our ox presidonts though ns n mat tor of fuct it might bo dillicult for oven Mark Twain to niako light of Mr Clevelands IHO jioniids avoirdupois Data received by the Now York bu reau of labor shows that tho percentage of labor unemployed in the state is less than one per cent and in some trades nono nt all is reported Since tho state bureau of statistics was first organized there never has boon a time -when the number of unemployed workniou was anything like as small ns at prcsont Tho rovolting Kentucky democrats wore willing to keep silent last year when Goobol was laying his plans for counting out republicans but now that ho has undertaken to count out opposing democrats as woll thoir virtuous indig nation breaks tho bonds of sileuco nud thoy nro making very interesting dis closures of Kentucky democratic methods If Groat Britain allows herself to go to war with tho Boors nll tho indica tions aro that she will find it no holiday procession Oom Paul has bohiud him S0000 mon armed to tho teeth who aro among tho bravest of fighters and will light with tho desperntiou that comes to mou when thoy arobnttling for homo and native land It is sincerely to bo hopod that conflict will yet be avoided It must heart ly disgust tho assailants of the Administration to seo that most of tho now appointments of ofllcors aro thoso who served in Cuba or Porto Hico aud that according to Secrotary Roots report n largo mojurity of tho commis sioned olllcers who 6orved in tho Spanish wnr aro now applicants for these positions Thus is tho lie givou to the traitorous statements of tho Atkinal doihtstotheetVect that tho ndministra t ion is forcing a war to which tho bulk of tho people aro opposed Mr Havornioyer is tho personification of iniquity in trust inauagonieiit Un der tho democratic Wilson net he was enabled to niako more money than over before He has been the means of closing more sugar factories and throw ing more men out of employment than any other man so that now his hypocritical solicitude for the workiug men is entitled to about as nmoh con sideration ns his denunciation of tho republicau tariff which cut his earnings down to a reasonable basis of profit Mr Hrynu says that wheii a new baby is born into a household tho pnreuts do not expel- tho other children Tho democracyJhe says should gather all tho now babies imperialism niili fraryism and trusts as well as free silver into Its arms and fight for thorn But still as wo hear the first sounds of the wick d onslaught wo fear that one child 1 as boon forgotten mid loft out in tho cold hard world too weak to oven cry for help Forgotten Forgotten Mr Bryans poor little first born Freo Trade Idgar Howard of tho PnpiUion Times says ho never did and cannot now re gard Judge Heese the republican noin inco for supremo judge as dishonest It is safe to siy this Is not alono the opinion of the Times oditor hut of every editor iu tho state regardless of political alllliation Thoy nro compelled by n losing cause to assiiino that ho might be dishonest and cast slurs and Insinuations at him but thoy aro tinablo to bring a di rect chnrgo against him nor evou trump up one that will stand the test of inves tigation Judge Heeso iH u clean man and there- is no gainsaying it Tho fusionists have abandoned tho wheat -silver proposition and all cal culations concerning prosperity aro now based on the value of corn vs lumber and nails Strings of figures aro now published to show the farmer how ho is being ground into the dust by the iron heel of oppression meaning of course tho republican administration These figures go to show how many bushels of corn it took several yours npo to buy so much lumber or nails and how niaiij it now takes believing tho com parison to bo convincing proof that tlure is and has been no such thing as prosperity It is undoubtedly an awful condition of circuniBtancos aud those who aro charitably inclined will do well to emulate tho example sot during tho famous Clovoland administration and establish freo soup houses setting forth as the menu lumber with nail dressi g with wire fence mid staples as u relish The campaign cry next year should be not freo silver but freo lumber and freo nails or most anything so it has freo in it Tho Last Hope of tho Kopublio is the name of tho straight populist paper of Lincoln which however is not able to stand tho combination put up by tho fu sion forces at Omaha As indicating tho way it feels about tho hnad of tho ticket tho following clippiugs will show Silas A Holconib has twice been elected to ollico on anti pass platforms and each time ho proved to be tho worst pass grabber on record Thats tho kind of business that discredits a reform party and a good turning dowu is what tho traitors need Silas A Holconib has been falso to every plank iu tho Omaha platform The chief of his sins is tho sell out on tho freo pass question Noxt comes his connection with Bartloy Aud think of tho sizo of a man who would swear to vouchers drawing 50 per month house rent whon ho was paying 10 a month for the house You may say this is a small matter but it amounted to a steal of 150 Would a man of this sort respect tho oath of olli c as supreme judge Would it be safo to allow him to pas on questions of property or money If the populists of Nebraska cannot meet and nominate a hotter man than Si Holconib for su premo judge they had bettor tnko to tho woods If the honest populists of tho state desiro to perpetuate their party thoy will call a now couvonMou And thoy will mime their party tho populist party The term pooplos independ ent as used by the fusionists is a fraud - If ouo wants to gaiu an idea of tho immensity of this country he can do it iu no way so quickly ns by dwelling briefly on the railroad figures compiled by Poors Manual which is accepted everywhere as authority on statistics of this kind These for 1608 have just been mado public They show that on December ill 1898 tho number of miles of rnilronds in tho United States was 18080 Tho total value of these roads with their stook and equipment reached tho enormous sum of more than twolvo billion dollars Duriug tho year more Minn 500000000 passengers wero car ried aud S00000000 tons of freight This tremendous business is tho out growth of loss than threo qunrters of a century Tho first railroad in tho coun try wns the Baltimore and Ohio begun iu 18Jtl Siuco 1805 moro than 4500 miles of now railroads have been built evory year As nn addonduui to tho figures given Poors Manual for 1898 conies tho startling fact that tho railroads aro at tho present timo suffering from a car fain ino Thoro nre owned by all tho roads in the United States something over 1800000 freight cars and yet with this great number at their command tho roads cannot handle the traillo that is crowdiug upou them This shortage of equipment is nffecting tho western roads more thau tho oastorn lines but every road is suffering more or less Not ouly are cars being rushed east with tho great crops of tho prosperous farm ers of tho west but they aro returning filled with inorclmuiliito supplied fiotn factories that are working overtiuu Some of tho trunk Hues say that they could use 10000 more cais if thoy could get them Tho lack of cars for passen ger service i nronortiouatolv as creat but is not so severely felt The railroad is a vital part of modern commerciiil lifoniid the fact that they are prospering is an I uuorriug iudex of the countrys condi tion Tho political pot will soon havo to bo lifted from tho fire In order to prevent it from boiling over Tho republicans of Madison county havo n splendid ticket to present to tho voters this fall nud Microvilli bo no mis tnko made In voting it There Is no quostibujas to tho fitness and ability of Judgo Heese for tho supremo judgeship and there should bo noqiiestion with the voter us to whom ho should cast his ballot for Tho republic of Columbia has adopt cd tho gold standard Again has a crimo bon coiiniittd Wo wonder who hns bought nud piid for this Why not blamo Mark II mini Ho is responsible for everything What an incongruous spoctaolo is pre sented by tho Ohio democrats with thoir platform nppoaling to the masses against capitalists and trusts and John H McLean millionaire banker and corporation president heading tho stato ticket Consistency thou art a stem winder set with diamonds Tho now condition that confronts can didates iu regard to sponding nionoy and treating in Nebraska will no doubt result in less hilarity and corruption than that which has marked preceding campaigns No doubt tho canvass for votes will Seoul rather tamo both to can didate and voter but that it is a step iu the right diroctiou all will concede No elVort should bo mado to evade tho law oven if such an elVort wcio possible To rid campaigns of corrup tion should bo tho desire of all and tho law passed by tho recent legislature should bo strictly adhered to General Otis has been much criticised for his conduct of tlie campaign in tho Philippines but when compared with that of the Spanish General Hivore who coininnnded iu tho islands there does not seem to bo much causo for com plaint Tho first year of his campaign Hivera lost 8000 prisoners 1000 killed or mortdly wounded and 12000 disabled by disease a total of llliOO or -Hi per cent of his entire command Gen Oris iu tho eight months of his campaign has lost 221 mou killed 2 deaths from j wounds 170 incapacitated from diseu o and no prisoners a tot il of 875 or about 2o percent of his command It Is Interesting to speculate as to whnt the horse really thought of the bicycle If be thinks at all and how he regards the 11111011101110 which Is relegating him to the state of in nocuous desuetude Some light has been thrown ou the question which Indicates that the horse is not an in different spectator of bis dethrone ment but experiences nil the varying emotions of rage hate grief and de spair Iteceutly a festive cyclist In a western town amused himself by rid ing In circles around a slowly ambling j horse The animal lured the wheel man on by pretended Indifference un til at Inst the hated machine wns within reach of its heels and then It lashed out with nil the force of pent up rage and hate landing heavily on both wheelman and wheel As an Isolated case this Is perhaps not alarming but what If tho Incident marks a new at titude of the equine family all over the land it may be that they propose to adopt this plan of getting even and Inaugurate nu nggresslvo campaign of demolltlou against the bicycle und the automobile It is straugo with what persistence tho supporters of free trade theoiles work It would seem that tho experience of the country with the recent low tar iff Wilson law bringing with it distress aud desolation and tho imnipdiato sub sequent improvement in conditions up on tho ouactinont of a protoctive meas ure should bo convincing proof for any man who is honest iu having the welfaro of the nation at heart and not a drivel liug idiot und yet fieo t radors are just ns roady to assail tho tariff aud foist an othor freo trado era upon the couutry as over Tho attempts to saddle tho trust evil on tho protective tarill nud thus demaud a return to freo trade show this But the Wihon freo trado law aud tho corresponding depression and distress iu manufacturing aud the fields of industry generally are uot tho first experience of this couutry with low tariffs nor will it probnbly bo the la t The tariff history of the United States shows tho untiring peristonco of free traders By constant pounding overy certain period thoy havo worked tho countrV up to adopting a low tariff law and then as cortaiuly ns clockwork has followed a period of depression and strikes aud starvntion until a change again in tho tariff A mero glanco nt tho pages of tariff history throws into confusion nil tho specious nrgumouts of free trade for thoro nre facts But people forget and new generations will not believe and each time tho democrats have come forward with demands for freo trade legislation they have urgtd soino peculiar couditiou of the country some great change in tho commercial affairs which placed tho country iu a different position entirely different from any previous time and so they have always brought the old issue of freo trade forward each time redressed slightly as a new policy and a remedy for any supposed existing evils HRBPIZflOTlVILKINS lip Itrnrn till- OiiHPlnimr Xiictic Tlinl Uip lfiliorliiH Mrti Vrr Pritirl Iiik I lie IlciniHrnlli Inrt itml n Vlfilt In rillnliurK Ctiiillritix II IllllO IV lMKUMASIUN WASlllMlloN D C Tu the lMltnr The onweleoine noee Mint the Inherit men uv the kmintry air ilescrtln the Pini Icrntlc party her bin cumin Into theno hcdqtinttcrB ez fast er the malls cood bring It Frutn nil the grate mnieofne turin cities uv the Yoonited Stnlts we hev bin idttln letters friim leedin Dhnlcrnts tellln us uv the sitooiishun and heggln fer help tu sta the tide It wuz finally deslded Hint 1 shood innik n tower uv sum uv the iniinoofiicturlii establish ments and see whnt the matter wuz I cotielooded tu visit the Iron mills uv Pennsylvania fust and eonstltooted nil self a wnlkiii delegate to tell the men emplojed what their ilooty wuz 1 went tu Pittsburg wluiro everything mid ev erybuddy wuz blnek hi belli bret in con tuck with ho mutch smoke and I nst n polceeciiiiin how it wuz that nil the smoke in the kountry lied bin collected and hrot tu Pittsburg It iz the result uv belter times sed he We air innkiii mere smoke hi burnin more coal and that nieens more iron belli made intu steel and more men employed tu tin the work We hev more men cm plowed Minn ever before and nil uv em put tugether workin nito nnd da cant supply the demand fer structural steel nud rnlerode innleerial Du yu ineen tu tell me sed I Mint prosperity hez hit ju It hez sed he and hit us hnrd Three or four years ago doorin the Cleve land adiiiiuistriishim we laid thousaus uv men out uv employment their families were neerly stnrvin and strikes nnd riot In wuz goin on everywhere Now nil tho men who niiit tu lazy tu work kin git all the work tha want at good wages nobuddy hez tu go hungry anil pecce und contentment seems tu be the lot uv the label iu men iu this vicinity nt leest It iz a gosh durned lie sed I Thnre aint no real prosperity Its uothln but n tietishus delunshiin We air nil uv us nt the mercy uv the robber barons hoo air ridin ruff shod over us and deprivln us in liberty tu du ez we durn please hi high handed nnd oiiconstilooshimal meth ods uv oiipreslnin Yu lied better uo and talk with sum u v the men hoo air employed in the rollin inilla sed the poleeceiiuui grinnln like a mil ti duz wen he iz gittin the best uv an nrgyiiienl Thats jest whut Ive cum heer fer sed I I hev cum tu this durued Kcpuh likiu city tu see nnd talk with the vic tims uv the Trust the tariff robbers and the milkers tu toll em how they air bein plundered nnd whut oppressive leg islnshun hez been enacted hi a llepub likiu Kongress tu grind em down tu htarviisliim wages That nito I met n big crowd uv the workmen at a hall whare tha wuz hevin a meet iu tu perfect an organizashun fer glttiu up an exhibit uv their work fer the Philadelphia Industrial Xposishun next fall I conelooded I shood be a welcum guest and invited miself tu tnko part in the proeeedins After the business part uv the nieetin bed been finished I got up nml sed Mr Cheoniinn I am n Dimiernt fnim the Stnit uv Noo Jersey I nm a 4per ninbonlnfin iiiissliumiry sent hi Grover Cleveland Intu fun in territory tu spy out the politikal sitoonshun I am the nulling u v the Buro uv InfermutJiiiii recently established at Washington and in putsonunrc uv nn organized plan I hev consented tu cum before yu ez a wnlkiu delegate uv the Diinieratic party tu help reorganize the lnheriti men fer the next prcsidciisluil cnnipanc Steh n statement ez that uv mi high posishuu I conelooded wood set me all right and I wuz expectin tu have a very enthoosinstic recepshun I wuz thare fore tcetotally dunifoiindered wen I wuz roodly interrupted hi insultin remarks and greeted with coursu am vosiferuu Infter Hoo is he sed one big fisted feller Whut duz the old jny want sed nn uther Noo Gerscy hez taken nn emetic sed a yung man hoo looked like a clerk One after iimither uv em kept on ninkin sich depraved remarks amid tooinultuous nnd onrestrieted hilarity ontil I wuz inflamed and exsited beyond endoonmco I hev tu sii shouted I in defiance uv their exnsperntin insults that yu air a nice set u v fullers hoo dont kno wen yu nir troil ontu hi the monster coiiihina hiiuns uv kapital that air belli organized tu crush us all Intu the earth It lz yure dooty tu organize agin em and I am here tu help yu du it Kz laburlu men yu shood hnng tugether and vote the Dimi cratic ticket next yeer restonr order and prosperity tu the kountry and bring tho guverment back tu the principles uv our foiirfnthers Oh cheese it old man sed a feller agin Interrupt me Weve heard all that before fer the last diizen ycers Wevo lied a sample uv Diinieratic pros perity doorin Old Clevelands time wen half tho bhops in Pittsburg wuz closed nnd wen our wives and children wuz half clothed und half fed and thnre wuz no work fer us tu du It wuz the same nil over tho kountry Now wo air all at work gittin good wages feudin nnd clothin our families nud layln up sum thin besides A good liienny uv us were DlinUiiits but wu air now Hepublikiiis and likely tu rename so under the inlloo enee uv better times A wnlkiu delegate uv the Diinieratic persuiisliiui iz out uv place in a beehive uv industry sieli ez Plttbbiirg iz at the present time and I wood ndviho yu tu go hack tu the men hoo sent yu heer ami tell cm that it iz a jioor plaee fur Diinieratic agitaters hoo wmit tu upset things and bring u back tu n eoiidishun uv affares that we dont want tu see restored 1 left the plaee iu disgust at sich plain talk and sieh hoomiliatlu treetmeut I nm nil torn up hi sieh a levelnshun If It iz the general sentineiit uv the laherin men thioout the kountry our sheet an chor is gone Our balloon iz busted m xooirtatlns Frmn Applejack Farm wich iz uextHu Grover Clevelands iu the Btalt uv Noo j uerscy t Jrf y Jr i H n 4 H