The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 05, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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t RNBXT mrnmi
Norfolk Chosen by Methodists
as Meeting Place in 1900
Dr Win lort ririnpilj nf till City
ClitMii iin Ono of tliii ItcprcmiitiitWr S
K Wiirrlrk nriliilllii Clfiik IriiliUi ill
Hie luy DitiKiit lilt rtlcin
From HnturdHjB Dully
At yiwtunlnys HC8ion of tho North
Nebraska auininl eonferenco now licinj
hold in Oiimlm Norfolk was
chosen ns tho plneo for holding
tho session of 1000 The Heo snyH of tho
trimwi tion Norfolk will lmvo tho
honor of entertainiti tho next aiiinml
eonlorenoo of tho North Nobraska eon
fureuei The proizreHsivo littlo city in
tho central part of the Htato was selected
by a uuaniinmiM vote
In tho election of delegates to tho
Kimoral conference to bo held at Chicago
noxt May as was anticipated tho thruu
prusiilinir oldt rs and Dr Shenk editor of
tho Omaha Christian Advocste woro tho
leading candidates There wero 101
votes in tho conference and Til woro
necossary to a choico On tho tlrst bill
lot Dr Tyndall of tho irand Island dis
trict was elected and on the fourth Dr
Win Gorst was chosen Of Dr jurat
who was formerly pastor of tho church
hero tho Hue says Dr Gotst is an
ablo minister possessing a judicial
mind and has versed himsilf after long
years of careful study in tho most in
tricate problems of Methodism Ho is
a pioneer minister in Nebraska and is
now presiding elder of the Neligh dis
At tho conforenco of delegates S K
Warrick of Battle Creek wub chosen as
chairman of tho meeting Only one
ballot was necessary to choose tho dele
gates which resulted in tho election of
Charols Goss of Omaha and J W
Balson of Cedar Rapids M O Hazen of
this city was secretary of the lay dole
gate conference
TIuirHiliiyM lrMlliiKK
Rev J W Jennings formerly pas
tor of tho M E church of this city is
again given the position of secretary of
the annual conference now in session
at Omaha Ho has held this position
for threo cousecntivo sossious which
well attests his ability to attend to the
duties involved At Thursdays seision
Dr A Aodgetts presiding elder of this
district presented a report of the work
carried on the past year which has been
marked by the many church debts paid
quickened activity iu church work acces
sions of members to the church and con
versions to the cause of Christ The re
port of Dr Hodgetts was the last ouo
that he could hopo to present to tho con
ference as the elder of the Norfolk dis
trict as ho has served the limit of time
six years and in closing his report ho
bade farewell to the ministers of his
district He was hnppily surprised
when at its oonpletion Pev J M
Uothwell of Lyons presented him with
a haudsome dictionary and stand as a
tokn of esteem from tho ministers of
tho Norfolk district Dr Hodgetts re
plied briefly and expressed his gratitude
for tho remembrance He stated how
ever that it might have been of more
use to him had a Spanish dictionary
been presented to him From this it
was inferred by the conference that the
doctor has been assured of an appoint
ment to tho head of the Porto Hicau
missions in accordance with a rumor
which has been current for some timo
Kftul Kmmh TrHiiHtem
The following transfers of real estate
are reported by Chester A Fuller man
ager of the Madison county abstract
office at Norfolk
Honrietto Lehmaun to Frank
Lehmanu wd wn sej and
s no4 1-23-1 2000 00
Klmira L McElhoes and hus
band to Samuel I McElhoes
wd part of block 21 F W
Fritz addition to Madison
Honry Oauseu and wife to H
Kroblen wd lot 17 block 1
Clausens cemetery
Singleton B Cain and wife to
E A Grimso wd traok in A
O Johnsons addition to
Newman Grove
S II Grant unmarried to G
W Randall wd lot i0 and
ni lot 111 book 7 R R addi
tion to Newman Grove
Dolila J Simson toL S Simson
wdmU 2- S i
100 00
15 00
75 00
125 00
800 00
Waltor P Powell to Martin
B umker wd wa bw sof
17-21-1 1000 0
lohu O Tohansen and wifo to
Peter Mi haelson wd sa4
1 4500 00
Walter M Palmer to Fred
Brcchler wd nwr 83 242 2600 00
From Frank Tufix Former lliiimi
The following is from the Reformer
of Brattleboro Yt dated September 20
A telegram received hi re yesterday con
tained the announcement of tho death of
Frauk Taft which occurred at Norfolk
Nob Suuday night at the homo of his
sister Mrs Alvin Pratt He was a
native of Brattleboro 12 years old and
tho sou of Isaao B aud Hairiet Cham
pion Tuft Ha was in tho employ of
the Bratto Gas Light Co for Bix or eight
yearq aud until Jan 1 lbU7 havii g
charge of their electrical department
He was a fine mechanic having learned
hlstradoof Pratt it Whitney of Hart
ford Ct Ho had a natural inclination
for electrical work and spent soino timo
nt Lyni Mass at tho works of Tho
General Kloctrie Co thus perfecting
himself in this branch Ho was a most
estimable and faithful man alwayR
doing his best accommodating and
popular with all who worked with him
Ho left tho Gas companys employe
much to their regret to become a mem
ber of tho linn of Goodell Hros at
Greenfield Mass Ilis health had already
begun to give way beforo tho insidious
disease which seemed to lmvo an
unrelenting hold upon him and despite
every ulTort for tho recovery of his
health ho wont steadily down His
pationco and pluck weio wonderful his
endurance remarkable Ho has left
many friends Tho world is always
poorer when men of his stamp and
worth are taken from it Ho is survived
by ono sister Noia tho wife of Alvin
Pratt at whoso homo ho died and by
threo brothers John at West Dummor
ston Guy nt homo nud Burr of Nor
folk Nob who will accompany tho
romains homo
Sho OWiH ii Mux lntiiriHlliiK la 111 on Out
Ihlllppln lit tho M K Olunili
Dr Frances Wood entertained a fair
audionco at the M K church last night
where sho lectured under tho auspices
of tho Womans Club on tho Philippines
iu which sho seived as a red cross nurso
during last years campaign Dr
Wood is a very pleasing speaker and her
subject is ouo that is of interest to
everybody She made a careful study
of tho country and its inhabitants while
thore nud her talk contained much
information glenned from personal ob
servation that was very instructive to
her hearers
Tho policy of tho goverment has been
thnt of conciliation tho consetiuonco
lias been tho insurrection From tho
first more men have been ncodod and
when tho need is supplied with a force
of 7r000 tho insurrection will bo ended
Gou Otis with tho means under his
control has accomplished a great deal
for present as well as future good The
food supply is of tho best quality that
money can purchase
From tho tone of tho lecture one
would gather that tho Philippine Islands
will prove a great acquisition to this
country not only on account of their
ncn internal resources out also trom n
stragotical standpoint
Dr Woods gave a vivid description of
a hospital scene of tho great battle of last
February During the day several
hundred wouuded men wero brought
into the hospital which at ouo time
hold 1400 men some of whoso wounds
were not dressed till midnight tho
physicians not oven stopping to take a
bite Not a groan was heard from the
wounded men nud these heroes thought
only of having another fellow soldiers
wounds drefsed
Artlclos of Incorporation
Know all men by those Presents
That the undersigned have associated
themselves together for tho purpose of
forming and becoming a corporation
under tho laws of Nebraska and for
that purpose have adopted articles of in
Tho namo of said corporation is The
Salter Coal and Grain company with
its principal place of business at Norfolk
The general nature of tho business to
bo transacted is tho purchase and soiling
of lumber grain coal and livo stock
tho building owning buying selling
leasing and operating elevators coal
and lumber yard and tho doing of all
tilings moment aud necessary in connec
tion therewith nud the borrowing and
lending money necessary to the carry
ing on of said business
The amount of tho capital stock is
five thousand dollars divided into
shares of ono hundred dollars each
The timo of tho commencement of tho
business of the corporation is Soptember
20th 18i and to continue for twenty
five years
Tho highest amount of indebtedness
to which this corporation may at any
one time subject itself shall be not to ex
ceed two thirds of its capital stock
Tho business of the corporation shall
bo conducted by a board of threo di
rectors who shall choose tho president
vice president secretary and treasurer
aud may select tho samo person for any
two of said ollices Such ofllcors may
or may not bo stockholders
Until their succeFsors are elected aud
qualified tho following named persons
towit G B Salter O B Salter and
l ft Salter shall constitute tho board
of directors G B Saitkk
O B Sajtkk
J G Saitku
Letter Ilt
List of lettors remaining uncalled
at tho postoflico Octobor 2 180
M A Barkor Harry Do Haven Ar
thur Bowman A L Bryan C V
Crooks Mrs A 1 Cropper J H Wltoh
Geo Fulton J Heckman Rose Lane
Egyptian Medical company 2 W S
Moro GeogaMoormno Eliot Peterson
O W Potitt1MarihiiProuss Wm Rotz
luff F Rogo Gmt Schul John H
Sharoy M L Smith Emil Lohauer II
II Wulf J P Wolverton J B Wil
If not called for in 10 days will bo
send to tho dead letter ollieo
Parties calling for nuy of tho abovo
ploaoetay advertised
P F Spiuciii P M
T rvnUMYoucnn hnve
your old iu
i LMiiin limn
i ells velvet or moquetto carpets made
into beautiful rugs at the Omaha Rug
Factory 1521 Leavenworth St Price
list frod First cIiisb references
Jas TkSKYCKK Pronrietor
Befit city reference
Important Work of oiifrrnnoo Com-
pltti il mill Adjourn
1rnm Tiioilny llnllv
Bishop Warren who presided over
tho North Nobraska M 15 eonferonco
which has just concluded Its session in
Omaha has made his appointments for
tho ensuing year and read them just be
fore tho close of yesterdays mornings
Dr Fletcher M Sissou of llansconi
Paik church Omaha for tlvo years pas
tor of tho ohurch at Fremont has been
appointed to succeed Dr A Hodgetts as
presiding older of tho Norfolk district
while Dr Hodgetts was appointed to tho
pastorate of Trinity church at Grand
Island to which city ho will remove
his family Dr Sission will probably
make Norfolk his homo as It is central
to his district
Dr 1 W Jennings formerly pastor
of tho church hero was appointed pro
siding elder of the Omaha district to
succeed Dr 1 B Maxfield
Dr Wm Gorst also formerly pastor
of tho church here continues as presid
ing older of tho Neligh district
Tho following is tho list of appoint
ments iu this district F M Sissun
presiding elder Norfolk Allen R N
Throckmorton Bancroft 1 A
Floharty Reenter F A High Bloom
Fiold W 1 Brient Can oil O W
Davidson Coloridgo and Hartington
C P Cheeseinan Decatur L K Mc
Neil Dakota City F M Clark Hum
phrey and Plntto Center 1111 St Louis
Laurel J H I raor Lyons A L
Gray Madison J 15 Fowlor Norfolk
G II Main Pender C M Gnflith
Pilger C F Kruso Randolph Wil
liam Ksplin Scribner William
baugh Stanton D Mnrquuttn Wake
field J H Johnson Wausa W H
Carter Wayne T Bithel West Point
supplied Winsido C P Mueller Wis
uer J L Phillips
Charges to bo supplied Etnorson
Homer Hoskius Leigh and Creston
Ponca St James South Sioux City
West Point
W K Gray member Dikota City
quarterly oonfercuc loft without ap
pointment to attend school
Southern lltorattiro
Interesting literature regarding tho
South is now being distributed by the
Southern Railway Southern Homes
folders largo map folders Land of tho
Sky Imoklets Southern Fields Min
erals and Mines books etc mailed freo
to any address Tho Empire of tho
South a very handsome volunio of
about 200 pages profusely illustrated
also issued by tho Southern Railway and
sent to any address upon receipt of 25
conts which amount approximates cost
of delivery Address
Wm II Taylok
Asst Geul Pass Agent Southern Ry
Xoliro to IhikI l nor
To all whom it may concern
The county commissioners of Madison
county Nebraska having viewed the
section lino road petitioned for by
Hoepfinger and others commencing at
the northwest corner of the southwest
quarter of tho northwest quarter of sec
tion nine 9 in township twenty four
21noith range fourl west of tho
ih principal meridian in Madison
county Nebraska running t bunco north
to tho northwest corner of section lour
I iiforOiitid township and range and
terminating at tho intersection with tho
south lino of Pierce county has reported
in favor of tho establishment thereof
and all objections thereto or claims for
damages must bo filed in the county
cloiks ollieo on or before noon of tho 7th
day of November A D IS or said
road will bo opened without roferonce
thereto E G Hkiiman
County Clerk
Attiiul CollrBoTlilH Yur
Never in tho history of our country
was thore a grander opportunity than
the present for educated young men aud
women What an auspicious moment
for those who are just now on the
threshold of lifo
Grand Island Business and Normal
collego has for fourteen years been tho
leading institution of its kind in the
western states and last year moro than
twice as many calls were received for
its graduates as could bo suppliod
Everything necessary for a successful
start in lifo is taught business normal
and shorthand courses Exposes low
Board only 150 per week Ouo years
time given on tuition if desired Col
lego record sent free or for six cents will
send elegant catalogue
A M Harkos President
Grand Island Nub
Itoinl Nolle to I mill Oumim
To all whom it may concern
Tho commissioner appointed to viow
nud locate a road commeuoing at tho
northeast corner of the northwest quur
ter of tho northwest quarter of section
15 in township 21 north rango 1 wost of
the ith principal meridian iu Madison
county Nebraska running theuco east
on section lino between sections 21 and
5 and 25 aud Ji a distanco of ono milo
and fill rods and terminating at tho in
tersection of said section line with tho
public highway running from the oity
of Norfolk to tho town of Stanton has
loported in favor of the establishment
thereof and all objections thereto or
claims for damages must bo filed in tho
county clerks olllce on or before noon
of tho 7th day of October A I I99 or
said road will bo established without
reforonco thereto
Dated at Madison Nebraska this 7th
day of August 18
E G Hkiiman
County Clerk
Wastkd Sovoral bright and honest
peinons to ropresont us as malingers in
this and cloo counties Salary 0l a
year aud expenses Straight bona fido
no more no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bank iu I
any town It is mainly ollieo woik cou
duotedat homo References Enclosed
self- addressod stamped envelojie Tub
Dovixion Company Dept i Chicago
Through tho big telescope of
Lick Observatory It hns been discov
ered that 1olnrls or lie North star Is
innlly a system of tlnee stats which
revolve a ri mil each oilier Those
Mute bodies lautiot he seen een with
the Lick telescope Their evlHtcnee In
Intel mined by observations made with
tho nio inhcnpe
A Snlltwin Itul man has leftmeil
to pay a note for JIMI which he gave
to a chinch some years ago on the
grounds that the paper was drawn on
a Sunday and wan therefore of no
tho A tea imrtv was hold at nnnn Point
Mis Pinkhains address is Lynn
Mas Ma net Good Coircctionvillc
In tells how Mrs Pinkliani saved
hot life She says
1 cannot t hunk yon enough foi
what vottr medicine has done for me
1 can reconimen 1 it as one of the best
medicines on earth for all womens
lln me enmity In a few nyn miii at
which the combined ages of the llm
ladles picRent were lln yearn ilrunil
ma lioiiKiiiau aged Nil was the oldest
Irnuilma Kllneilnh second In point of
age Is S7 Uraiiilnw Imbelman hi
S2 Craudma Swller Is M nud Uniiul
imi Heiiuell 71 All ale widows They
have been h lends for hair a centutv
and ftcHciilly meet til these Utile tea
Kim in
new umhiella and the unloaded
e liable to go of without wain
ills of women oviMhaimw i n wnnic lives
Sonic women are constantly getting medical treat
ment and are never well A wointn best mulct ttumta
womens ills and the women who consult Mrs Pinkliittn lintl
in her counsel praitical assistance
ills I suffered for two years with roninlc wenkness and at
last became bedfast Three of
our bent doclois did tne no
good so I concluded to try Lyilla K Pinkhatns Vegetable
Compound Aftor taking a few bottles of your medicine I was
TOR n - um
WXXKMtZi1 Vfia
BBiM3mxr mm
wrm v- l
4L T
5fcfe A
vf Ntf
f V v
The stage prompter might be appro
priately termed a theatrical poster
- Uoith Tlill
WoofTnrOnn Humlrfil Dollars rnwiint formiy
qthoor Oitnirli tlnil cminut bo t uruil by Hulls
Lulurrh Cuio
I1 J CHf NKY i CO Props Toledo O
We tho timluriilitiinil lmvo known P r
Chenuy for tho last 15 you unit Ixtllevo him
ixirfuctly hoiiiillo In nil huilni HH transactions
mid Uimncliilly uble to curry out liny obliga
tions Hindu by thulr firm
vvLsidfi ruux wnoiunalo DnuftfUtH Toledo
Waldlnu ICIniinn Mnrvin WhnlnKiilii
UrtiTOlBts Toledo Ohio
Halls Cutarili Cure In tulien Inlnrnally nct
liiK directly upon tho blood mid mucous mirfaces
of tho HVMoin Testimonials win 1rlco
ifto per boltlu Sold by all iIiiikkImIs
Hull s Kunlly Iillsuro tho bust
It is effort rather than achievement
that counts with God
M A Onmlm WN t No at I Hilt
GET shot
nblc to do all my house
work 1 know that your
uterinum raihcri me fiom
a bcri of niekness and
pet haps death and am
very thankful for what it
has done for inc I hope
that every suffciint
woman mny be per-
VKn auurieri to ttv vour merii ine
vr Afiiri Get MtS Pinl linmy Mikirn
I1 Mw JW IM ll W lU
puzzicu I lie sick headaches
and dragging sensation coma
from u cut able cause Wiito
for help as soon as they ap
pear i
i Mas Dotn Sianixy
1 Camp bo llsburg luri
ftJ writes Diak Mas
UB i t ii 1
i iwmiui i was iionuiuu
with sick headache and
was so weak and nervous
I could harrilv iro A
friend called upon me ono
evening niul recommended Lyriia 15 PinUhams Vegetable
Compound saying that she knew that it would cure inc I then
sent for your medicine and after taking five bottles of it I was
entirely cured 1 cmnot nrniso it cnotip i
A policeman Is supposed to be al
ways limiting for trouble
Noi it llrlp Nor drip-
linn I up ii a limn ultli mi u in- ii ki Hi nt
llHMl lllll lillUI Ii- III II 1 1 lllllll pill i IkiiII IS
iinriiirtn I unity I niliarili lid i Mle
If all IIchIi is griiss a
be a IiiiiiI of hay
mummy must
lln Vour rent Artm unit ltiirnT
Shako Into your shoes Allens Foot
Kiise a powder for tho feet It ma ken
tight or New Shoes feel ICasy Cures
Corns HiinloiiH Swollen Hot and
Sweating Feet At nil Druggists and
Shoe Stotes 2ic Sample sent r KHH
Address Allen S Olmsted Ieltoy N Y
A mans llery lesolutions are apt to
go up in smoke
liverybmly Uiii I niv nill I 1111 ic iiiiIiiihik 11 p his 1
til2h inrlics will In- scut pislrfyr pjid ill lid ipt ol tin re iihh
to iiiy one ritntimii tliMml iind iiiiiituiiln tins paper Uo lio
sale iii BIG dulUi nil inns Wntr m imri
9 09
fJ0b 7ft M Ann 150-132-154
- c - k
In Time of Sunshine
Prepare for Rain i
Our Facili
ties aro
such that
wo are
enabled to
prices that
always In
ical buyers
Our goods
are tho
that always
give satis
Our values
are the unapproachable
that never
can be
JVo 1IO Knclirb RoalCapo
MuLkuitoth C oat mmiIi of Inch
gmdr doulilu li itmr wool
caahmere In navy blue cr
lilick linril lliroiliout Willi
fjney pljiil fiillhwcrpdoubh
lili uMi i ripc v
fine in ail Imllons inlaid Ml
r I cull ji OIkj plait in bark
new tluipr kklrt V11I1 jiki out
iih pntkit and npininu 111
mile tin 111 to allow acrris to
1I11 K PolUi I liulloiiholrt aru
vvbikid will nlk and all
K mis liinely sewed llin
Inaniifai Ullil s uaiaiitri for
t lilllf llllklal lion Hand be k
of ii ry KMim nt tliik re upUd
nh thr wy down price w
naiiic tboiild ulllr all drubl riS
Ii tbt value A iood MxCMii
lotli jk a wine ImiMMir in
wliricaka pour one i nu 111 y
iIikiwii awi Our i K
peillllaii piattiral kin wlidu
nlipialil aiii Iiiijhh 111 laiK
piailtltlt at the lowl K Caill
pllClk lllli e UllalllaKCk Mil
rill id Ii 1 ui c letuiit it Ciiiu
of tin vi n ikitt LiswiMpro
Ii rt ou freiii nun and dan p
lit k and ki 1 bi kt of fiatifao
lion bui4 JO Jb 60 and 1 1
niches lonil no laiger Iricn
In which is listed at lowest wholesale prices everything to
eat wear and use is furnished on receipt of only 10c to
partly pay postage or expressage and as evidence of good
faith the 10c is allowed on first purchase amounting to
100 or above
Cut tlili out and hi nil to tin niul
will Mil Mm tin licM ipiahtv of
Binding Twine
Wholesale Prices
SihiiI or Slamlaiil lln
Manila pi
till nil I 111 III Ml 1
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Re
i lmi hitf Him k and ciiii iiik pimipl
HllipilMlilB tllllll Mill I 1H II Ull ni 1
tukr IlniiiiiH on niiilmit elm wliiii
uiiniiuilii llinl Ilm bull of 0111 li IB
dill ni pindliH williu tb IIMt
llllll ll llllH Slllllllv lNlHM
1 nun 1 uini luliii Inn Will ulnp 1 o
iilJi Ui rXMlilllliiliiiii if ibHiiiil Willi
1 in upon phmih11 f In p -
ilowii inl Inln f sIIIIB
kn Niiliiiiil Imiil
lint pnpit 1 imi f
in nKliiiHliiiniiHiif IMfi AiIiIiibh
The Western IVlercantile Co
in 1 1 1
illlllllll HIM lllllllllll
I Tin IIiiiim lluii Nmmh Nun Mini
Attollllon I IIUIM
Do ion iliNiin I m IhiiiiIciiIh of miihiiIi
nipl Hi 1 Muilnill 1 ml JoiminlH tiinunrli
inpwrH ImokN niliiii iiilniH of lln
Illll Ht llllplOMll fllllll tllipllltimlH mill lllllllllll
IT Mini III III p pimlodm lllipiOVIll hlKllH Mil I
HtlHk fill lUl 1My f Wl1
MMII niiiiii Willi tin rililH ImhIU mill wi will
1iN1l I 111H111111 lii i Ainnrlnih KnrniiiM Din
liinwlilrliHinHlihlin nil lur Hnlli1
HtllllHtlMlllblihbllH llllMlltH i IMIUIIlflll
1 niiH Ion will U 111111 K 1 rniilltiir innttii
IbiiiMiii iiiiiIiI ihiiiIimm for limn liimH tb
HiimlleoHl of l iiIh nMl ovrryfiinnnrH
lMlliilhillIHtn 111 v l
Dipiirtniiiit UK
IHiiiiIiikIiiiiii ii
let Away n Couple ol Months
and visit
Ashcvillc or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
01 I lie ninny
ToiiiNi tlckelson sale vin
Southern - Railaiay
liy all Tlrkel Aeiils
Kor mIiciIiiIch or luitlicr Infor
mal Inn wtlte or call on
Wm II Tamuk A A
Louisville Ky
1 O IIkam Jr N W A
Wl liiins HL Milcano
Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes
17 21 New York Ave
lllciiHliiblihliiil IMifl CliiirurHiiiiiilnrato Cor
riHponilcncn riin Mteil
Iociitiil on tlin IllinoiH Ciiilrnl It It 111
And iiIbd lurnlwl on Yiiio nud Mlmihnpp
Vnllcy It H n tin 1hmioiih
Of Min ifnippl SpoclHllly adniitiil to tho ra h
nor ol
Corn and nose
Soil Richestinthe World
Write for Iafnjililetsand Maps
1 11111I teiiiinlhhioiiir Wt IhikI Comr
111 Vnt It It I 11 Inrk How ItoomLM
Louisville Nashville
Vtrllt or Information to