The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 05, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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John Elbert who died In Chicago
i laBt week was the Aral engineer to
take a locomotive west out of Chicago
In 1SI2 he went to that city taking the
flist engine from the east It wuh
named Pioneer and Is now on exhibi
tion In the lurid Columbian inufceuui
Thomas A udlson who him pur
chased the Ortiz gold mines In New
Mexico paying something like 30U0
000 will trent the ore by hla new elec
trical process and for this purpose ho
will build a large reduction plant at
The Prudent Man Settdh
His House in Order9
Your human tenement should be given
even more careful Attention tluin the
house you live in Set it bx order by
thoroughly renovating your whole system
through blood made pure by taking
Hoods SArsApArttfo Then every organ
uill Ad promptly And regulArly
3jQcdS SaUat
M A Co Oitmlm W N I No 3t 1HMB
The same Are that makes the dross
evidently purges the gold
Are Ton Ualnjr Allens Koot HamT
It Is the only cure for Swollen
Smarting Burning Sweating Kcet
Coins and nunlons Ask for Allens
Foot Kase a powder to be shaken Into
the shoos At all DrugglstB and Shoo
Storos 25c Sample sent FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted Lelloy N Y
Character Is the only iellablc certi
ficate Issued by the school of life
What will the Inventive brain of
man do next This Is a question some
one asks almost dally There Is one
though who leads all others who for
a quarter of a century has been making
fine laundry starch and to day Is of
fering the public the finest starch over
placed on the market
Ask your grocer for a coupon book
which will enable you to got the first
two packages of this new starch RED
CROSS trade mark brand also two
childrens Shakespeare pictures paint
ed in twelve beautiful colois natural as
life or the Twentieth Century Girl Cal
endar all absolutely freo All gro
cere are authorized to give ten large
packages of RED CROSS STARCH
with twenty of the Shakespeare pic
tures of ten of the Twentieth Century
Girl Calendars to the Hist Hve purchas
ers of the ENDLESS CHAIN
8TARCH BOOK This is one of the
greatest offers ever made to introduce
RED CROSS laundry starch J C
Hubingers latest invention
To those who are accustomed to
sending away from home for their
goods It is of the greatest Importance
to know the character and reliability
of the establishments selling goods to
families fiom catalogues The great
emporium of the John M Smyth Co
located at 150 to ICG West Madison
street Chicago has been established
for a third of a century and has fur
nished over a half a million homes in
Chicago and vicinity alone This firm
enjoys the confidence of the public by
its many years of fair dealing It is
sues an immense illustrated catalogue
that should be In every family aB It
describes and gives the price of every
article required for household use A
ample of the extraordinary values of
fered by this firm Is shown In the Illus
tration of the ladys ulster in another
column of this paper These garments
are Indeed wonderful values and yet
they arc but a sample of the thousand
and one useful articles Illustrated and
described In the beautiful catalogue of
the John M Smyth Company
The average number of horses killed
In Spanish bull fights every year ex
ceeds 5000 while from 1000 to 12C0
bulls are sacrificed
Acts gently on the
Kidneys Liver
and Bowels
the ystem
roe iw i mi tmu Ma rw una
44SSS f tK
1 o
The nlr Aim crisp outside hut the
roomy kitchen wns warm nml sunny
Mingled with the grateful heat wns
the odor of spi inkled linen Hteainlng
tinder the lion Linen hung on olothes
hoises nml on the bucks of chillis mid
mill the wicker bushel underneath the
turning lioaul groaned with Hheets pll
low slips tablecloths nml napkins neat
ly piled In soft lamp rolls
Ann Qulglcy stood at the bonul Iron
ing As she lioncd she chatted with
her neighbor Susan Stephens who had
conic in with her Knitting from across
the way
You dont mind my going l ight
along with my woik do ou she ask
ed Susan sIiook her head her lips
being occupied with counting luaitlcu
late stitches Todnys Tuesday you
Know and the boilings got to lie fin
ished It goes against gialu to leave
It oer till Wednesday for Wednes
days I bake Besides 1 can woik and
talk at the same time
She straightened out a sheet tested
an iron with the tip of a wet linger and
passed It acioss back and fotth tills
way and that sldewise
You are a good housekeeper Ann
said Susan admit Ingly You are gl
en up to be the best housekeeper in
tills town John Qulglcy got a pilau
when lie got you Everybody says so
Ann Mopped Miort icsting her hot
iron on the sheet so long that when
she suddenly remembered and took it
off there was the print of It In a line
light brown
See what you made me do she
died and snatching up the sheet she
took a shining pull from a shelf Oiled
It at the sink and soused the linen Into
the water Maybe It will come out
she muttered but I dont know Im
nfrald not
I am awfully sony apologized Su
san contiltely
Noer mind Ill leave It to soak 1
guess It will come out She folded nn
other sheet acioss the bonrd It was
my fault she said You surpilsed
me so And they talk like that do they
Im a good housekeeper and John got
a prize when he got me oil V
Thats what they buy usseited Su
Ann Ironed awhile In silence
And they say youio u splendid
cook too added Susan anloiib to
atono lor the scoiched sheet
Ann smiled well pleased Then she
It dont make much diffeicnce how
good a housekeeper you nie Susan
she said reflectively or how good a
cook Things like that dont make a
man caie anything moie for jou He
kinder expects It of you All the cook
ing In the world wont keep a man
from thinking about somebody else If
hes a niluil to It wont make him for
I What do you mean nsked Susan
You dont mean John
Yes John Do jou remember his
llrst wife
Imph hum But sho wasnt a
patching to you when It comes to
I Mujbe not mused Ann wistfully
but theie must have been something
mighty lovable about her Shes been
dead the jcais now this coming June
and John hasnt foi gotten her yet And
whats more I dont believe ho eer
will foiget her
Shu lolded the sheet Into squares
piessed It Iolngly bptweeu her palms
It was so clean and white and smooth
and Anns soul rejoiced in cleanliness
and whiteness and smoothness and
laid It ou a chair Then taking a towel
r t J V Xrt
o o
Copyright 1809 by Zoo A Norris
0 O
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f loin the basket she shook out the
fiiugc and spiontl It on the bontd
She wis u pi city woman she con
tinued InsUy honing i lie hilght icd
bonier and hen tit goes a long way
with a mail Nohody would cei accuse
me of being pietty she added with a
eonsttnlned laugh and Susan looking
up was foiccd mentally to confess the
Until of liei lematk Hei pm pie calico
Matched and bilstliug with cleanliness
Mi oil a fulily good tlguic but aside
f i oiu that little could be said In her la
Youe got pretty hull Ann she
veil t ui ed encouiaglngly
Ann sighed again Yes le got
pietty lmb she acknowledged but
hulr dont count much when youi fine
Is plain
Her face was plain Thcie was no
galnsalng It Its plainness was ac
ccntuatcd b the halo of icddlsh luown
Beauty aint but skin deep said
Susan soiitontlously
Yes but ugliness Is to the bone
finished Ann
Tlicie followed a peilod of eneigctle
silence fieightcd with thought
Johns Hi st wife was pietty 10
peatcd Ann by and by mighty piet
ty She was young and ficsh and
bloomy like a llower She was one of
them southern women what dont
know any moie about housekeeping
than a lly but they know how to make
the men caie for them and Hints half
the battle Its moie than half They
say the way to a mans heart Is
through his stomach but It aint Its
thiough his eyes
You know I lived next door to
them I could see Into her kitchen
And of all the kitchens it was a sight
She hadnt any system nbout her woik
She would put things away and spend
half her time looking for them And
cook She couldnt any moie took
than she could fly to the moon She
would have her potatoes mnshed and
ready for the table a cooling off and
her chicken only half done I dont
believe she eor got eeiything done
at once In her life She couldnt cook
nnd she couldnt learn to cook It
wasnt In her
She sluugged her shoulders with a
Its the gieatest wonder she went
on that John didnt get cinonlc dys
pepsia eating the things sho set befoie
him Rut he didnt lie seemed to
tin h e Wliatev or she cooked w as good
enough for him He would come home
cnily and help her stewing ocr the
Move doing all kinds of womans woik
tiylng to make things easy lor her Ic
seen him tun along the walk and up
tho stcps tlneo steps at u time he
was so glad to get home then woik
like a nigger when ho got theie
She hung the towel on the back of a
chulr and shook out the fiiuge of an
Ho has neor done n llik of woik
blnco wo haw been niiiiiied she said
her mouth twitching Ho has never
had to help me in the kitchen or In tho
garden or even in the llower beds in the
fiont aid but he never comes hiiiiy
lug homo ho never inns up the steps
tin eo steps at a time and he never
smiles when lie meets me ut tho dooi
Majbe he Is won led about busi
ness suggested Susan measuilng Hie
thumb of the glove sho was knitting
by her own Men have lots of things
to woiry them that they dont tell t licit
No It aint that Its remenibeilng
her He tont forget her aud I umt
make him forget her
Sometimes I wish I didnt live In
the same house whom they lived to
gether That makes It woise Thoie
the little flout potch whcie thev used
to sit of evenings When he ami I sll
thcio In the siimmei time and I see his
eyes wav oil voiulei I know hes
thinking of hei
She lioiied slowlv staling liioiu
ho window hei own eves moist I
know she lelteiated soltlv Ihat In
Is thinking how he used to sit Hide
with hei and he Is wishing It was him
and hei again Instead of him and me
She took lo Inmliig faster
Ill nevei foigei the dav she died
she continued She died tin oo days
after the bubv was bom She novel
liked mo somehow but I didnt let that
Intel fete with doing tuv uelghboi lv
dtitv bv hei 1 wont over ami helped
take caie ol her
The baby was hum dead but she
gi loved nftei It the same as If It had
boon a living t lilld She would lie theie
Mining up ill the celling and gilevlng
until It was pitiful to see hoi I bo
Hove It was that that killed her She
didnt want to live and it dead One
day she iniule mo In lug out Its little
clothes and lav them ou the bed all
flioiuid hoi She llugcicd the sleeves
the toais lolling down her i hooks
Ihoicil never bo any little aims In
litem she said and tinned her face to
ttio wall
1 put the things back In the diawci
whole she toulilnt see them anv nunc
That last dav she was binning up
with lovoi llor little feet woio hot as
Hie So woio her hands She talked
Highly about the baby about how she
waiitMl to see It and they wouldnt lot
her How could they and It dead I
sat on the edge of the bed stinking hei
poor hot foot when suddenly they bo
gau to get cold and nIio stopped talk
I sent I or John In a hiiiiy When he
came ho was like a inadiiian He
knell down by hei bed and bogged hei
lo listen to him Dont go away with
out telling me goodby sweothcait he
said a sobbing between the woids
Dont leave mo like this Say goodby
to mo sweclheai t
I put my hand on his shoulder 1
wanted lo tell him that sho was past
upeaklng and past healing for that
matter but he Mined up at mens If he
had novel seen me befoie Go away
he said Leave mo alone with hot
ant you Go away And ho gave nu
ll push
I went out and shut the door
She leaned hot elbows on the boaid
nnd looked hard at Summ who had
diopped hei knitting in her lap
I think the only reason he man led
me she said sadly was because 1
took good eaio of her Rut sometimes I
wish ho hadnt Hell never foigol her
ami I ian1 make him I do eveiythlng
I can to please him I keep this place
like wax fiom gimot to collar but It
might be heller skelter from one weeks
end to the other for all Hie notice he
lakes of It I stand In this kitchen for
bonis cooking things to please him
ffuid he hardly tastes them He sits and
Mates acioss the table at mo and 1
know ho doesnt see me He sees hot
there opposite him In her old place
that I have taken The look in his eyes
hurts me Susan
Susan heaved a sigh and again took
up the glove May be you Imagine K
she said
Ann stood erect Sho icplaced Hie
cold lion vv it a hot one
I wish 1 did she said I only
wish I did I dont complain luu
mustnt think that He Is kind lo me
Jiieie couldnt he a kinder man but
kindness aint all a woman wants She
wants a little love mixed up with It
sometimes- Just a little bit of love
Listen Last night I was lying by
his side wide awake and he asleep and
dreaming After awhile he thievv his
nrm aiouud my neck and kissed mo In
his sleep Sw eel heart he said iny
sweetheart Youd have felt soiry foi
me then If you could have seen how
still 1 lay baldly daring to breathe for
fear ho would wake and find that it
was me theie by his side aud not his
Maybe he meant you said Susan
Dont he evei call you sweetheart
No and he never called her any
thing else
The basket was empty Not a single
towel sheet napkin or pillowslip re
malned to Intcifeio with Anns woik
on Wednesday -her baking day She
was Ironing Hie last piece a damask
tablecloth her best cloth which she
loserved for rnmpauy Tiaccd upon 11
was n pattern of Ivy leaves Inder
the manipulation of her Iron this pat
tern shone inlscd Into billliaucy by
the heat and the piessuio of hei stiong
light hand
A tear diopped Shoipihkly lioiied
It out and passing her sloovo acioss
her eyes caught two other tears
Then the slow soft sweep of the Iron
over the steaming linen back and
forth this way and that ami side wise
made ihythmlcal music In the silent
loom while Susans noodles clicked in
silent sympathy
IiihIiIiiiiu In a inly
Tho eonfocdoncij undo Is a Hade
of topy tuivydoiu ilioie Is as much
fashion In It as In the ciaft of ovolv
lug those cicatlons of fallals flowois
and feat hois whoso ultimate destina
tion Is the adornment of ladles heads
Time was when the hardpan goods
wore the one thing needful these
woio ousted fiom public lav or by the
Auioticnn Invention of soft ceuteied
pan goods Jelly beans and so ou Jap
nuggets had a reign and a long one and
might IIHy bo btyied the Vlctoiian
iclgn of this era so fai as candy Is
Oiiceiucd Hanky panky slapjack
ami a thousand otheis of like kind had
a biiof populaiity to give way in
lui u to some other cunning foi in of
candy weaving It Is to Uils over
changing fnmy that the iitudy Hade
owes Its vljnlity and so long as theie
aie Inventive brains leady to devise
new foi ins so long will the trade be
A ln lllnln n nil II eel tira Ilir Aiilrs
U iilneiM Ifiiri Kit
The Hi Ml coming of fiosl iiiiiiIh the
pteseivlug season for iiiiiuy liousokeep
eiH pailly because giecn toiualoi s
pcam apples and quinces ij likely to
be low ei In pi Ice thou than iinlv In tho
onsoti and nlso ho atmo the woik Is
moie plcntatit with the less anient
teiiipeintuio of autumn luoiiilngs
It Is haidly lleeessmy to nay hilt
pteseivlug does not change tho tpiallly
of r t till A poor lln voi less npplo oi
pear will make an liwlpld ptoseivo
Illllt should bo well llpeued bill Hot
mellow as limine Is essential In pto
set vos
Pen in and quinces nie lisinillv best
for the put pose w hen pit keil soinew hat
gleoii and llpeued In a cool diy pliuc
III the house
Inless vou piefer leathoiy pieseives
do not spiliiklo the siigai ovoi the fiult
uud allow it to Maud ami stick out the
ri tilt juiio
The quince as a pieseive has a veiy
uncommon and chauu loilsllc llnvoi of
Its own to leeeliinienil It besides Hie
beautiful rod color It takes when cook
oil long enough Ioi this piesoi vo pine
cote ami ipiaiter tin1 ipiliu es Iut them
In the pieseive pan with Just Hiiltlclout
watei to cover them I toll until begin
iilug to git tender and then caiefully
lift mil the fruit To em li pound allow
a half pound of sugar and foi eai h
Hnce pounds of sugiu allow olio pint
of watei Including what lemaliicd of
the wa i In which the fiult wan boll
oil When the sugar Is dlssohed and
the sli up Is boiling hot put In the fiult
and allow It to cook veiy slowly until
It Is quite tender though not biokoii
and the sliup will Jelly when a little Is
ponied on a plate Iut the fiult In
glass Jiiis and pour the sliup ovoi II
coveting In tho usual way It Is gcu
orally lousldeied belter to make up
this preset e with equal quanllllen of
quinces and apples In Which iiiho Hie
applet need not be previously boiled
but put In at the same lime Hie quinces
ure reiuovd to the hoi sliup The up
pies should be of a good film cooking
Mtilety and they will acquit c the
flavor and coloi of the quinces
Sweet pickled upplcu are almost as
delicious as pea is oi poaches Cut them
In halves cutting through tho stem
and leaving In tho skin and coio Iut
tin co cloves In each half Make a swim t
sliup allowing to six pounds of apples
three pounds of sugiu and a pint of
vinegar tiling the sliup to a boll put
the apples In aud cook until they can
be pleiced with a stiaw Take out with
a sklmiiioi pin k In cans or Jais cook
sliup a lltllo longer and pour over
Ior piesetviMl pears seleet half a
peck of nice fruit of medium slo Pare
and out In halves icinovc the eoie and
stem and dtop the fiult as you peel
It In cold water Koi h pounds of
peats allow foui pounds of sugar and
one qunit of water Place In a pre
serving kettle over the Hie As soon
as It bolls toniovo the scum put In as
many peats as will conveniently lie In
tho Mi up without clouding each other
and boll fiom 10 to lr minutes or until
a stiaw will pletce thiough them casl
ly Pom the hot fiult Into Jais 1111 up
with Hie sliup and seal tight
A very rich gicen tomato piesoi vo Is
madp as follows To one pound of ft nit
tine tltici quartets of a pound of gran
ulated sugar Allow the yellow liiid
shaved ililn and the Juice of one lemon
to two pounds of fruit Cut tho loiiin
toes mound in halves and lieu quaiter
the halves Put the sugar on with Just
water enough to melt It add the tomn
to and lemon and oolt gently until
the tomato Is tender aud transparent
For Tnnneil Ilnnda
Ilnndu which have become roughen
ed and tanned dining the summer out
ing may he greatly benefited by wash
ing them Iwo or three times n day In
I oatmeal water Take some good line
oatmeal and boll It In water for an
hour strain aud use tho liquid for the
hands It should be made fresh eveiy
day In summer as It soon becomes sour
nnd smells unpleasant
Jlrldnl Flowera
The bridal bouquet uowadays In
clines to long loose sprays ananged
nitlstlcally yet with a seeming care
lossuess the Hovvers varying according
to the season White oichids and lilies
of the valley ate a favorite comblna
Hon and the cut shows an ai range
iiieut of white lobes lilies of the al-
spW1 Msi
i iy h j isrMi
ley and foi us Hod with white ilbbon
Later will come vv hltc chrysanthemum
and Jasmine and In midwinter while
violets nml gaideulas
Rildesiuaids bouquets admit any col
or and pink roses aud oichids aie
much liked
The glooms boutouuleie should em
ploy the same kind of Hovvers as are In
he brides bouquet
Andrew innegle hnildoH declnrlni
he will not he n i iinilldate foi a snul
In the llrltlnh piiilhtmcnl niitiMUiiins
that his iiiiluialliitliiii impels as n
Itlrcn of the I nihil States al III Ills
pilvale siifi In New Yoik ellv Moie
than this his fithei was iitilutiilled
when he wan i till miioi
A lliiplliil iiiIiiImk i was nsld d how
II vviih Hint he diHililnl In the linn
nl llllllOlitci lo a Ileshv
lei I ill Will in v ileal Muni lie
li i In il n lill in I have hei n nlili In
dim mi l Cupid iiim r Mudlcd tin
iiIokv Ohio Slati I mil
Trial Packages of Genuine
Zacucls Swedish Es
sence of Life
Known for Ovci a Hundred Years ns
the Greatest or All Ionic
Itemed les
iM llrmtrr nt I Ilia IHpri Sliimlil lin
Sur lit lrl One nf I In Trim
The pi cat blood pllllller nogel s
Swedish ICseili of Life Is to he k veil
nvvav lice to HihIoih of thbi pipor
This bullous nuied nines as nisil
being a liodllv lestntei an one Is evei
llkelv to ImI When taken Into the
Minimi h It in In ho pluiiuuith upon thn
digestion that a koisI healthy apielltu
lesiiltH iinl thn llvet bowels kid
uevs and liladilei all i nine In for u
nil a t o of Hie new HlrcugUi nml vloi
llheiiinalhiui Inn kaiiie and hernial he
tii IIiiiispIK hs ami all in ivoiis diseases
an- laphllv lined as well an dlseHuen
poi nihil to women Theie are limes
when a poison would give hIihoiiI any
thing to he ltd of a frightful headache
aegeln Swedish ICivsntiee will lollovo
It right u va v And tho hoiii stomach
roiiMlpnllon link of cueigy bin ka ho
and lite hundred or mine little Ills
with which we aie ntlnckrd no fro
nucntly will he ipih kly diieil by this
famous leineily No one need lioiihhi
thcuiHolvrn lo doubt whethfi this
remedy will do nil these things for
iilllioiigh the regulin price Is Hfi lenls
vou i an have a fien IiIhI package llrst
ainl sip wiiii I It iIoih fot you
levels Swedish ICssein e Is so well
known that pinhahly quite a number
of mil readeis aie alioady using It
hut this inn lies no illfforeiwo as a flee
1 1 In paikiiRc will he sent lo eviiy oiiii
who willes Do not neglect to net In
youi application al once The beM
wav Is to sit down this minute wilt
a lellei to M It Zncgel k Co llo 811
Sheboygan Wis and say thit you
want a tilil pin kngo of Swedish ICs
nonce of Life i Ills will ho sent you
by mail and Is kngo enough to con
vince you rif the met It of this cole
hiited household icmedy A Iicnt
stamp should he enclosed In youi let
trr to pay the postage ou this free
m a n oihhIiiiI vv n ti no m isimi
For the b
THRRB It only on way bv which
L any dlteaie can be cured and that
oy removing int cauie wnai
aver It may be The great medical
authorltln ot the day declare that near-
ly every uieue is cuuteti by
ucrancu n
To restore I
Kidneys or Liver vsV
these therefore Is Vs
vie v hv mlilrh hnlf h v- rr
can be secured Here U where jm
ho achieved Its great repu
tation It
and by placing them In a
healthy condition drives
disease and puln from the
Iarue Lottie or nnir style
msllor oiiii al Your driiciltti
1 Ha rnpltUllon Ttiiity yearn
v of aucueu In our lontlnmita
J VTarnsrs Hate Cnr Co lon
J don lluclmMor Kraukfort Mel-
bourne Toronto
Thr cruvlnif for drink U a dlraaaa u inarMllciua
lurr for wlilcli 1 ua licrli illscovrrnt rallnl Alitl
Jair wliicli iusUm Ibe Inrtirlate lotti all UMi fur
itroni ilriuk witliont knowlne wliy ua li lati
KlTrnarcretly In Ira roffre aonp anil tlic like
If Anti Jig lanotkupt I17 your itiuuvlrt nld
car nnhr in mu iirioiu unenocsi 10 u nriiaii
way New York and It will be ami iiHnld in
In wrannur wltli fall dlrrctluna liuw to
rcrrtty Infvrnintlan ninllnl tree
m lilubiiijiX I
UurtaitH J
tJj1i ftt W tUICIwff
v vciNcmpiiTiorn
V v u b yA r
W J 1
1 U
IIh Ills i tut umialurat
dlnrliargri Intlauuualloui
irnlatluui or ukr atious
of uiucoua luruibiauva
oiiiia falulen and nut
THeEvsHI OHCUICilCO ICUl or poiaououa
kola kly llruavlafa
or ut in plain wrapper
1 vira rnpalil fur
si m in j iMiitirt r 71
- tallVUII tut on riucit
IB lilt OMV
Waaknrt k IUaurdrr ot
rar Kipirliuce
1U Vrara lu Omaha
Hnokfrer 1 onaultailoa
and Lianitnallon rrea
14th Farnim Sis
arm j TAW M0a Kbalt MecaasMr