r be Norfolk Heuis V N HUHIC PuullKhnr lA1l ItVlnlillnliiil IvJ tocrt ln njript Siiniln H run Id ir pnV iSronlB II mall r jiitHllOO WKICHIY IftllltllfllfHl 11 litm Tlmrniliij Hy imill lf Jar 1 jilon l nt tlic IWnlllro ill Nurfiill Nell n nniil rlnm ninllir Telephone 1 HUPUULICAN TICKIIT HIhIo Wor Supreme twltrn M II Hlii For Ki HiMiUof dm Hint UiilvcMly V U MidiuiN Dm Wnii m II Ii i Judicial Vuf IniliriMf llji Mnlli ItiMtlrl A I it M llnroln OiiiiiIiii MhMMirlh Wn jni tmiiil Cleik 1ifliirl Imirl I int Sdllli Mt Hiiilnlj lurk Ilillir Hmi ll Treasurer It Mil i h 3lnrilT S I Umiiini it Vnut Indue S Mmt Superintendent Iuhlle llihlniillnii lllllilll V NIIH 11 Coroner Knw iiiTnii 11 Nimejot W II Inwi ituiuitjr I oiiiihishIiiiimi IiikI Plidrlrl IIIIIH Smiiii S L Oartlnor 1m n itiun lit pooplo boliovo Will ninko n good shot ill and I hoy aro going to olort him to Unit posi tion not month Young CornolltiN Vnutlrihilt who of fended his futhor hy nun lying against his will has boon out oil with tho paltry auniJIOOOOOOO Lot thin ho n warning o headstrong young mou Mexico iillowoil Ilisldunt Din l 00000 to spend on Ini trip to Ohlongo ll would moiii to thn average newspaper man thai hy pnuMiiiiiK oionomy ho might got Ihioiili on tlmt and luivo onough left for candy for tho children If homo of tho pooplo who mo criti cising tho foreign pohoy of tho govor iiiout and unlly know voiy lit t lu about it anyway would turn llioir attoution to much needed lofoims in thoirown lo caliy hero would ho much moio good lUTOiuphsod A T Wittor fonnoily in hiiMiioss in this city i candidate for cloil of tho lhtnot court 111 Wiyno county on tho lopuhhciin ticket TIiomi Way no county republicans know u kocmI man when thoy mo him and Mr Wittor will mi tloubtodly ho elected Tho Hoots doiuaud absolute fioin Great Itntniii If it is not granted thoy intond to tight for it Tho hit est lopoi ts aro Unit tho Transvaal gov ernment will conoodo all Unit was do jnandod by Alfred Miluur at tho Hioom foutstin conforonoo last May on condi tion that England shall reliniiish hor olnini of suzerainty ovor tlio TruiiMiial and grant th t o uutry indopndeneo Wlulo Ainorici is tingling with vxcltoiuoiit and nomly wild with doiu oiMittions of j y and pudi ovor tho return of tho nations hoto fioin Manila liny across tho water tho Spanish poo plo am witnessing tho rovorso sulo of tho colouration Admiral Montojo who ooinanded tho Spanish fleet in Manila liny has boon condemned to retirement not because ho larked bravery nor bo anso of any lack of judgement hut bo iuso tho hoinu government failed to provide proper equipments anil it was onvoniout to main him tho scapegoat for their neglect The neronaut who descended with force mul his paiacluito on tho top of Chicago stioet car resulting lu dam Jigo both to himself mid tho passen gers should ho warned that such pro ceedings me not to be tolerated Kven street car companies and much more xhelr passengers have their rights The transit by local railways has dinw bacUb enough as it is and if the pub lie Is to lie subjected to a rain of aeronauts fuun the aerial heights the bltuation will become Impossible Par achute diveis must lie uirnod to re spect tho street cars as well as other vested rights The automobile seems likely to travel lu triumphant progress over the coun try as has the bicycle It is therefoie H interesting to learn from a Kicneh ob server some of the effects which the introduction of these vehicles lias hail In that eountrj where they aie coming Into quite geneial use The MaiQiils le Cliasseloup Iaubet in a recent pub lication notes a few of the Intlueiiu - which he belieies to bo already dis ccrnible in Trance First of all will be tho now Incentive to the tiaieling pub lic to make Insistent demands for good loads In that particular the automo bile may be expected lo can out the jjood work begun by the bicycle lu ad dition however the Kicuch wiiter ex pects to see sevoirl social changes The study of practbal mechaulcs will become ilrtually a uXesslty with many automobile owners who expect to travel far from home and thus a fi loudly community of Interest will be established between the man of lelsuie and the artisan The automobile also as nn auulliilator of distance will In lug the country much closer to the city the gieat cities natuially reaching out Into the suburbaji districts farther for ifiesh ah and pleasanter liviug condi tions It Is not too much to say that the automobile Is destined to be a not Jnslgulllcaut ageut of progicss and civ ilization 5co W Snider The statement made hy an esteemed popociatio conteiuponuy that Oco W Sublet tho republican caiididalo for supeiiiiteitdout of sohools should attend Homo of our excellent high schools ho fotcuspliing lo the position of d heel ing the schools of tho countiy is made for I lie purpose of giving tho idea that ho is a young iiian who has little educa tion and no experience in ncIiooI work Tho ninth o behind such a statement Is only too nppuoiit and tho surpiising paitof it is that Mr Cruin would allow one of his hoiii huien to go into this class of politics knowing as ho diHs the fuels in tegaid to his opponent in this cam paigu That Mr Snider is a young man is admitted hut us ho was horn in this county and has alwnyn calhd it his homo pnoplo huo had a pretty good opportunity to llud out just what ho is While it Is Iruo that ho is hut lia ycais old ho is without doubt one of the hnghtcst and most up to dato school men in this whole county As thoto seems lo ho so much question as lo his ability in tho minds of Mr hums friends it nitty ho stated that loo W Snider attended tho schools ol Tildon until ho had received all that could ho given him theio and thou while hu eloiked in a store at Tildon ho studied tlneo years under a private instructor and equipped himself to enter tho state univoisity llefoio ho went there how ever ho took a yenrs course at tho Kro iiiout Normal school where ho lit ted himself for practical school worf then put it intonetho smvico by teaching llnoo years during a portion of that tinio nstracting a country tohool hi d or I ho tost had charge of tho grammar do pat tiuoiit of tho Tildon high school wIiomi lie guvo gonoial satisfaction I lo hud been a student at tho state univer sity a year and a half when I ho dents call for volunteeis eunio when ho diopped his books anil shouldered u tillo with company H Kirat Nebraska logi tuent Thus it will ho seen that by Ins own exertions Geo W Snidor lias se cured just what will no needed when ho is elected superintendent of tho public sohool system of tins county lie has had practical experience in both countiy and high school woilcnnd as ho is a young man with a largo amount of native ability ho has proilted by Ins ob servations und is nioro competent tod iv to stand at tho head of tho sohool sys tem than many a man who is ciedited with a greater number of yours lie is not only conversant with the theory of the wot It but ho knows what is needed from actual practice in the school room As to his army experience that is something that any man might xvoli fool proud of Ho was in Manila wih tho bravest regiment that ovor sailed front tho shores of tho United States and ono which is praised for its gallantry all ovor this country because of the fact that it was alsvays in the thickest of tho light and never shirked a duty whoro tho honor of old glory was at stake Ho enlisted as a private hut fore his company loft S in Francisco ho was appointed a corporal and after i reaching tho islands ho was raised to the t link of a sergeant and he was elected by his comrades us cleric which positions lie hold until Ins company was mustered out Geo W Snidor has an honorable record and every olTort to bolittlo him in tho oyes of tho pooplo will surely react on thoo attempting it It Is authoritatively stated that when Georgo Dewey was a commander lu tho United States navy at the time of tho VirgluiiiH massticie he in common with almost everybody else thought that war with Spain was Inevitable lie requested that lu the event of hos tilities tho duty of captuilng tho city of Manila should he assigned to him There was no war at that time and Dewey was compelled to wait ninny ears for an opportunity to demon stiato that his opinion of the vulner ability of tho Queen City of the Philip pines was conect Hut when the time came ho was on hand to make history and a na al heio lu a few bonis There was not half so much luck lu the de struction of the Spanish fleet hy Dewey as many persons are wont to asseit and the caieful historian will be moral ly certain to admit that fact when the events of that nieuioiablo May day come to be written dispassionately Sir Thomas llptou possesses many of the cliaraeteilstlcs of the hue spoil lug man lie dochues that if the Sham took is beaten he will not have a woiil f complaint to make and the litst thing he will think of in that ccui will be the best plan for building an other unooI sulllclently faster to win Hie cup next year The matter of fair phi lie does not consider for a mo ment siviug that that is something which Is taken for gianted and which he is just as ccitalu to get in this conn try as he would bo lu Ills own If Dunnnen hud exhibited tho same spliit when lie was last hero theio would not hao been the disgraceful fiasco which nun Led the Defender ValLyrie III contests Said one of the witnesses against Dieyfus If ail the otlicets having inlsti esses wete drhon out of the army theio would scarcely leinaln an oltlcer on the general stall A pleas ant statement for the fellows who perjuie themselves so guyly for the honor of the army and the welfme of France T1IK NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY OCTOBNk r 1890 m i in ty urn lie Knnmri itrn Siiiiip of IIip Dllllcul tli Tlinl tin Hiiro in Infcrniii nliun Hum In tin riiion Irlnit DIITrreiiii n nf Opinion HlltO VV INITIIMAHIMTN Wasiiinuion I J Tu the This esliilillshtiieiit 1 ciiiupanitiiely linn hut I hev si en elinfT iilrcihly to mi llise me lliel thine nil scwril iliffei tut kinds ll v liuhhlc iihed uv me Uv eijlillililj wnnH tu he Iiohs III the Insll tniishuu Must uv the Dlmlcmts hno hev bin elected tu the next Kougiess hev slg uilleil theii williuucMs lu talk charge uv it und slm me hnu It nil tu he tun Sum uv the Tiiniliiiili heelers ill Nun Ynik he Milutilceieil tu cum on und hling a dchgnhuii uv shnuhler hitters tu iiittn dnixe the pine luethnils in Nnn Vmk City pnllitix iv piiicllst hi them under the illiccslum in Dick Crnker The w list truhhle hnweier Iz goiu lu be with our Dhnlei ntle Ktiillsineii hno air nut uv a Job Tha all want lu he at the lied uv cmii thing that will keep them befoie the puhllck and dehi lie nliseipiles Tha cant lie uinile tu beleeve that tha air led and Iniiilil anil thet thine aint ii gniu lu lie tin Dhuiciatlc Catulcl tu bin Hie tllliilpil fer their tessiurecsliun Ileiiu bin SeiiMtms or KoiigicHsinen or hl nlllHholdeis dnoilii Mr Clel elands nd luliilstiashun tha air all wnlehi fer suiii thla tu tin n up The mnst uv cm think tha air big eiiuff tu lie Piesiilent anil dont iiiiileisliinil huw tha weie Inst hi the hIiiiIIIc If we only lied about two linn died and llfly piesldcnts tu nominate we oood iiiauiige em nil the but wen we hev only wuii kiindliliite tu select I klu fore nee a hoop uv tiuhhle fer overybuilil lion cuius in contact with em The deslte tu stay lu nllis III a Dlinlcrat hno lie been elected nt nppiiited tu one i so ln ginlneil In hi slstein It 1 haul tu git him nut uv the noshiiti thet lie Is lixtuiu thet oit nnt tu he dlst in bed Mr low land tells mo he bed lots nf tiulililo with slih men doonn I1I7 second aihuhdsliii hIiuii Tim all wanted their old places back agin or wanted better ones and he wii7 handicapped about blow in em up fer ho wu 111 the same class hiself lie enod not put go hi sisteni uv the unholy deshe tu hold ollis Dven now so he tells me he he siiuitums uv the thud term rover wich i liable to brake out in an aggiavaled fotui at eniiy time if the coiidishuns air fawn able Oh thet we lied a teglment uv Dhnioriitic iniinunes who ennd cum In sight uv a Presideuslial cauipane mid not ketch the fiier It wood in ace us up before the Louutry if we cood find wuii man lion didnt hev it or lion ex peeks lu hev it I lev we sieh a mini Alas Im all ado lie haint yit bin born Speokin of tmlilile it i cummin fitiiii eieiy ipuiiler 011 account u the 1100 tnerus candiihites lion think thet Mr Hiyan Klu be switched off onto a side track and Lop thine Im afrade tha dont Knu the man Wen it cuius to gn tin mound In all parts uv the Lountry at the same time and sliakin hands with all tho Diuiiciats lion Lin stand up Mr lliyun I faster than gieast litenln onto an automobile curiige None uv the other felleiH hoo want tu 11111 him off the tiack Liu hold a Lauille tu lilm in that line Tha want tu set down and make belceie Ilia ah mote dignitide and hev sumbuddy cum mid tliietten tu hosswliqi em if tha dont accept a uoniinaslnui Ur the piesiilencj Mr Itrynii aint hilt thet wn He knows what he wants and if he km hei a few weeks time lie will tell eioiy Dhulciat in the Yooniled Stmts all about it Sum uv our tied men hoo air settin mound on their tombstones wood du well tu imitate lilm or else git I11L Into their holes and tn tlime It iz had eiiuff fer the Dimieiatic party lu be tied tu olistitoot idees without liein obliged tu hev the piocessliuu led hi a coipso in tlio next rampant I icgiet til Mil though thet tluire iz a grate dlffei euce uv opinion upon that pint While our young men air dazzled with the lire works talk uv Mr Hryan we hev a lot uv old mummies in every town hoo dont kno thet ennythlng hez happened dooria Uie last thirty jeeis The oldest uv em hev bin lotln for Androo Jackson litu along and sum uv the younger wuii9 hev voted fer him because their fathers and grandfathers did These air the men hoo think tha hev the first claim on all the nlllses wen the party hez enny tu divide mid tha nil want tu see Mr Cleveland nominated agin for lie win their idol wen he wu Piesiilent ami found places fer all uv eni thet ho oood They air quietly oiganiiu and holdin tlienisehes in leddiness tu boom Mr Clowlnnd but tha will support enny buddy hoo i over seventy jeers old if Mr Clewdand Kliiuot git the noininnshun Tho most of tliein air Gold Hugs mid tha want into fer Mr Hryans idees upon free silver- et leest tha hi tha want Hut if the conveiisliun next jeer 0011 cluods tu whoop or iqi fer fieu silver ngiu we shell set the whole force uv this Hiiro at woik and send em nut ez inis shumiries tu conveit em Whut dins it matter tu the awiigo Diinicrat what Kind uv a phitfoim we stand upon or hoo wo vote fer if we kin onlj elect our candidate once nunc and git liold uv the ollises Thet 1 the practikle Kwestinn wo hev got tu deel with and how tu riissi with it so e tu harinuiiie the old fogies and the juug fogies and git 0111 tu woik in dublilo harness titgether it whut will icqiuro gieat stailsinansliip and jondiciniis inaulgeuieut upon ml pint wen tha cuni beer tu talk things over and ciithnoMi theuiselies with applejack Thine is goiu tu lie a tegular monkey and part ut tune wen KniiKross meets and we git our sew iil ditleieut kinds uv TJiiniciats on exhibishun I hope fer har iniiii but I expeekt litia mid a pro inisciis entaiiKleinent in idees wicli will tcech the bileiu pint weucwr ennj in em meet 111 council 1 lii stroiiK hopes thet Niuiithuig will tin n up tu help us thru the meiiiiy dilhkillies that beset us on cwij hand but jest et piescnt tluire dont ceoiii tu lie 01111 thing tu lite up the horizon uv oar expeelashuiis We seem lu lie like a niKger gtopehi in a ilarL col htr huiitin iu a black cat ffifcxooi taiW Truiu Applejack rami wich iz next tu Grover ClevilunJb iu the stiit uv Noo Oersey FARMERS CONGRESS iirillllr niniiihli i In Srlill Nrt Ilncn il Mii tlni HosTiis Oct fi -The Fariners Na tional oongioss yesloiday amended tho constitution placing tlio selection of the place of meeting iu tho hands of tho executive committee instead of by iigieenieiit of the oongioss W 11 lowoll of Slindoland Ia gavo tho list aildtess of tho uioriiing on In eiit ions for Km mors und the discus sions which followed was hugely on tho needs of belter methods so as to save tho cost of 111 tillcinl feitilicrs A I tlio aft 01 noon session several 1 so lutions weio adopted W S Delano of lice Iuk Neb toad 11 paper oil Irob lotus Confronting Farm Life ImiIkih Im a Itnwnll KwsvhCiiv Oct fi Tho judges of thohickson county court sitting in this city have iccognied tho boycott inau gurated by I ho business men of Kansas Ultv imainst tho lhirliiiLtoii 1ail10ul I The judges instiueted the sheriff that so long as tlio boycott is in force ho must not travel over Unit road iu talcing 1 insano palit nts to the state asylum nt I St Joseph Tho light on tho Hurling- ton which was begun Saturday last 111 iiiesult of tlio Omaha dilleuiitial la being pushed hy local merchants I Hlrliiiri kiiiiiII Noii IiiIoii Miner I Droiru Ills Oct fi A crowd of I 200 striking minora gathered at tho New shaft hero yesterday morning to prevent non union miners fioin entering tlio shaft This thoy were successful 111 do ing but only after thoy had assaulted four nogro and two white minors who weie on their xvuy to work in the mines Tho police loseiicd tlio non union minors and took them to pohco hciuhpiaiters for piotection but did npt make any ur lests All tlio coal dealers together have but eight carloads of coal niiiniliMH Ainiiiif liiiii niiiiiil Mod Iimmios Ciiv Kan Oct fi Glim ncra has liiokon out among tho govern ment stock ut Fort Uilcy Seventeen horses weie Killed yesterday Twenty live cords of wood hio boon hauled out to use in hurtling tlio carcasses Kivu vctct minimis are busy exaiiiming tlio stock and vaccinating all not con demned Tho disease is supposed to have boon brought by mules shipped 111 from the south last summer to pasture on tlio reservation N111 McGinn Iliiuiiii s limit ill Dim niali Ducoiuii hi Oct fi Tlio Norwe gian Pioneer Association of America hold its second triennial meeting in Do conih yestoiday on Luther college campus Hon Rasmus B Anderson of Madison was tho priiicipil speaker but there were 11 number of short addresses Last night tho delegates and their lriunds paittcipated 111 11 banquet A number ot well known Norwegians wero present liotu various points iu tho north vost Ilrtm Minors to Ann LnAvrNwoitTii Kan Oct 5 A few coal miners went to work yesterday At n large mooting of miners at Grand Auny hull J P Reese ot tho National Mine Workers union ndvocated driv ing capitalists into the ocean mid said among other things I say a miners kit is not complete unless it contains a riilo Reese said tho operators had offered 72 cents a ton but ho urged thu milters to hold out for 7S laiiiiliuto Iiilcil tit Open Dis Moivrs Oct fi Marza Town send of Doeorah In about 20 years old was killed on tho carnival circus grounds about fi oclock last evening wliilo at tempting 11 parachute leap Ho was tired from a wooden cannon while up 1000 feet in tlio air Tlio parachuto failed to open and ho fell to tho earth liko a stone and xvas picked up dead and terribly mangled A largo crowd saw tho terrible accident limn Kuiinlmi Makwiaiiviowx Oct S Survivon of tho Second Iowa cavalry yesterday began a two days reunion horo About lfiO members have arrived Addresses by Congressman Ilopburn former com mander of the rogiment Colonel Honry Egbert of Davonport Mayor Pierco of Marshalltown and Commandant Horton of tho Iowa soldiers homo are among tho features of the meeting ltlcli Cui lllllll of Old Deauwood Oct 5 Otto Grant the owner of the groat gold niino southwest of this city shipped a carload of ore to Denver yesterday which will givo a re turn of about Sfi000 the richest car load of ore over shipped from tlio Black Hills Two armed guards accompanied tlio car to its destination Mr Gmntz left on the passenger train to oversee tlio smelting of his treasure CucHrim to Itillrc Lila Peru Oct fi It is roported that General Caceras will today publish a manifesto announcing his retirement from participation in tho revolution in progress This stop it is asserted will menu tho conrplete collapse of tho in surgent movement Cox Wins Iioiii 11 ulmui Dkh Moines Oct fi Jim Graham Iowas champion pugilist was defeated last night in the third round by Tom Cox n local celebrity Young Corbett was present and hosted a local uegro tighter in tho preliminary contest Taiidfin Krcoril Ilinken Brockton Mass Oct 1 Hon Mon roe of Momphis mid Charles McCarthy of St Louis broke I ho national profes sional tandem pacing record for a niilo ill 137 l fi Previous record hold by Butler Brothors l4fi Staler 1110 Till own Out of Court Butte Nob Oct fi Tho final chap ter in tho case of Nicholas Sioler ex county treiisuier was reached yester day when Judge Westover dismissed the caso and discharged tho defendant 1 Flnl ulrlir rlM Cinp Iowx Kaii la Oct fi Tlio early host this fall entailed 11 total loss to Farwoll Westguto of thin city iu tho Joatructiou of theireutirocropof celery QlllfUftlllliln lllltllen I iiiIit Clliy Curious buf dangeroiiH ficnks of un true ricquctitly found lu the deseits of Aiioiin arc tiled sitiulderos b tho Mexlriins and Indians The are musk oil pitfalls of quicksand that occur lu the dry plains ami aie covoiod with 11 ticaclierous ciust of clay that has been spiead over them In Hue pat tides by tho wind and baked dry b the sun The peculiar propeitlos of the soil retain all tho molstiiru dinlned Into them after the Infrequent laius and al low It to he lllteied to unknown depths so thai a man or a horse or a cow or a sheep that once steps upon that do repthe iiiit Instantl sinks out of sight be ond hope of icscilo The HUiiildenis aie on a level with the sur face of tho deseit Theio Is 110 dan ger signal to mink them and their Hiirfnee cannot bo distinguished bj the 01 dinar ow fioin the hind chi that sun omuls them The occur most fre quently In the alkali covered Mats and 1110 often Ifi or J0 feel In diameter Sometimes they aie only little pockets or wells that a man can leap across but the longest pole has iioier found their bottom A stone thrown thiough the ci 11st sinks to unknown depths and in 1111111 who over fell Into one of tliein was leseiied Thoy account for the uiysteilous disnppeninnoe of ninny ineu and cattle Chicago Uecoid Shnl Hi liln anil Hi liliRroniii MOMdOMKKY Mo Ott fi NoWS has been leceived of tlio murder of Flunk Walker and his bride by Charles Rankin a disappointed lover who then killed himself A child was seriously wounded by the shots that killed tho couple All concerned 111 tlio tragedy aro prominent residents of Montgomery county rllloll DitVulH Crosbr Kansas Citv Pet fi At Imposition park yesterday 1 A R Elliott defeated W R Ciosby of Biitavia N Y in n race for tlio St Louis Republic cup killing 100 birds straight to Crosbys 17 Wrtlnrsilitjs IIimImiII tallica NAIIONAI IUAIIOK St I1111U I rittslmru S Pliilitilelplili T Hnltimme 5 Chli iiKo 1 Louisville Wiislilntnii 1 HinoUlyn 5 Uiistmi I New Yoib t Cutarrli Cannot lie Curol with lend applications as thoy cannot reach tho sent of tho disease Catarrh is a blood or constitntioiril disease and in order to euro it you must take inter nal remedies Halls Catarrh Curo is taken internally and acts dinctly 011 tlio blood and mucous surfaces Hills Catanh Curo is not a q 1 wk uidieiuo It xvas prescribed by one of tho best physicians in this country for years and is 11 regular prescription It is composed of the best tonics known combined with tho host blood purifiers acting directly c 11 tho mucous surfaces The perfect combination of the two ingre dients is what produces such wonderful results in cuiiug catarrh Send for testimonials free F J Cheniv Co Props Toledo O Sold by druggists price 7c Hulls Family Pillh are tlio best Tlio Loss of Colli Is Great Tho loss of health is more Henlth is lost by neghctiiig to keep tho bljod paie but it is regained hy purifyiup en riching and vitalising tho blood with tho grett health restorer Hoods Sarsa parilla Thousands who thought health had boon permanently lost have boon made perfectly well by takiug this great medicine Your experience may be tho samo Hoods Pills aro gentle yet always effective Wanted Local or traveling sales man salary or commission to handle our oils greases petrolatum and a good side line Goods guaranteed Prices low No freight and prompt delivery Address Pemi Petrolatum Company Main Office nud Refinery Coraopohs Pa Wo wish a live traveling manager in your territory at once man or woman liberal cash and commission first year more secoud year if deserved some for local work also good references required those out of omploymont or wishing to bettor themselves address Factory Cor Perkins and Union streets Akron Ohio Drink iniln O after you havo concluded that you ought not to drink coffee It is not a mediciuo but doctors order it bocauso it is healthful invigorating and appetizing It is made from pure grains and has that rich seal brown color and tastes liko the finest grades of coffeo and costs about us much Children like it and thrivo on it because it is a genuine food drink containing nothing hut nourish niout Ask your grocer for Gruin O tho now food drink 15 and ifi cents Headache Is often a warning that tlio liver Is torpid or Inactive More serious troubles may follow Tor a prompt Itllclcnt cure of Headadiu and all liver troubles tuku Hoods Pills Whllo hey rousts tlio liver restore full regular action of thu bowels they do not grlfte or iain do not irrltateor Inflamotho Internal organs but have a positive tonic effort 4J5o at all ilniLLists or hy malt of 0 1 Hood tl oM I3ell Mass Uroiti with you whether you continue tbe ncrve tilling loitattounui nu a tr a reuiuTva iuu utmrtiur luuaocu 1 outmrvuumirc esilitlcu line purine mo uiood iiorra iut uimuuuu mikes tou ktrung inneaiinnc anu vocke iM lfli uuut rw m r va rnr vn I kyn dH H k V m1 wmt il i m I mMiw w - vw uo m a m mmn xei 400000 asri cured 11 ur TU UACHrom ur own druetflst who 111 vouch forusTakA It with wlllDtlrutlTDeraiitpntlT Una xil utually eureai 3 Uoxt iit 0 ftratltfieJ toriir or w refund mnnv rlUf UttdC t Htam Maw I rl T ft V GoodlBloodI Does your heart pond pood or bid blood to your liraia if bail lm puro lilood then our brain achei You aro troubled with drowsiness yot cannot sleep You aro ni tired In tho morning ai at nipht Yon havo no neno jiower lour food does you but httlo K0h Stimulants tonics headache pow ders cannot curo you J but viiefs MtIA raa nan I lm XBWfifl WH pi I IQ will It removes nil impurio from tho blood And it makes tlio blood rich in ts life giving properties FI 00 a tmttlo Al ilniRRhU Porrcct biijt tpmlenoy to rniKtlpntlon with laiulUo lines of Ajoti Till each nlKht lrlco Mc n box Wrtlo to our Doctors Vi tlto frrolynll tlio tmrtlruliri In yonr Norfolk AIIUIVS3 Itil ilUAl iU Ioncii iia9 BARNES TYLKR I J H IMmos I M D Tiler Attorneys at Lav Nebraska ER n T IIOLDEN lloincopathic Musician ami Surgpon OIHoo ovor CitlzutiB National Hank Ollloe tionrs 10 -00 to ll -00 11 m mul 2 00 to ft CO pm ivcuuiRB HcBulotico Tolopliono No 9 OlHco No 101 Vorfolk Nobraska DR C S PARKER DENTIST At Pierce Kprj MudiIiij Mast lilock - - Norfolk Neb JJ J COLK DENTIST OHoo over CltlrnDB Natl Hank U6lliuioi odc blook nortb of Congregational olinrcb Norfolk JVJISh MARY SHELLEY Nebraska FaHliIonuhlo Dressuiakor Op tlm In Cotton nlnok opr Baami tor Kirst alhee work gnarantned Norfolk - Nebraska pOWER8 HAYS AttornejH at Law Room 10 11 and 12 Matt Hlook Norfolk - - Nebraska gKSSIONS BELL Undertakers and Emhalumra BeiMoQB Blk Norfolk Avr Norfolk Nebrfi ika W M ROBERTSON Attorney ai Law Roouw I iind 2 Robertson Wilton lilock Norfolk ED WEGENER Livery Feed and Sale Stable Hack Line In Connection Telephone 68 MRS MARY L STANTON DRESSMAKING Piriees Reasonable Up stairs oyer Wnrelmms Millinery Norfolk Myrtle Hive No 30 Ladies of the Maccabees of the World Mectnovery Iln Umil third Tnosdajb of nuch mouth nt 2 o clock in tho afternoon Vii tint muinlioisaro cordially imitinl ilrp lilaClarl I ml onunniidur Alrt Katio lilbh ItocorJ Koupor Mrs Klla Iiobinbauni Kiuaiico Koopor Notice to Koii llealdent Dcfcsiidanl Kuto Lyous will take notice that on tho Hth day of September 1809 Chester A Fuller a justico of the peaco of Nor tolk preoiuct Madison county Nebraska issued an order of attiiohmeut for tho hiiin of r0 id in an action pending be fore him wherein Louis C Mittelstudt is plaintiff and Kuto Lyons defendant that property of tho dofendaut consist ing of mouey duo the said defendant and in tho hands of 13 V Taylor has been attached uuder said order Said cause was continued to the Jllst day of Octohor 161W at 2 oclock p in Dated this 21st day of September ISO IOLlS C MlTTKLSTADT Plaintiff Till la Your Opportunity On receipt of ton cents cash or stampa a generous bumplo will he mailed of the most popular Catarrh ond Hay Fover Cure Elys Urcam llihn snftlcicut to demon fatrato tho great nioiits of tho remedy ELY HROTIirHR CO Warren bt New York City Ror John Held Jr of Oreat Falls Mont recommended Kljs Cream lialm to mo I can euiplmsizo his stntement It is a posh tive cure for catarrh if u ed as directed Hev Franci1 W Joole Pastor Central Irea Church Helena Mout Elys Cream Halm is tho acknowledged cure for catarrh and coutnins no mercury nor any injurious dru Price GO cento - A- A tm n A V