The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 05, 1899, Page 14, Image 14

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i V I 1 I
Union Pacific Sets New Date at
October 15
MtUM fit lolilir urn Mtirli IIuUmI
ttr tlio ItwqirrtR lor ttirrtiinril Irnilti
mill lli UtiliiK iipofit al Niw Tnirl
tulj It M Colllnn H IIMIliW lutrc
Irmu WciIiiimIiijk 1hII
Tho Hlouv Oity Tiibuno Iiiih nl tin
other date for Mio losumptinii of Union
lnoillo tinflle over Mm lino of Mm V St
1 M AM Mind between tliiM place and
Sioux Oty Tim following i the Tri
bunes latest story us published last
October Ifi 1h tho Into decided upon
by tho Union PnolMo ruilioud for
Mm resumption of diieol connection
with Sioux City
For the present just 11 freight service
will Im jint mi but Mm contract with Mm
Chicago St I mil Minneapolis iintl
Onnihii nvllrmicl over wIioho lino Mm
Union lnoillo runs between hero and
Norfolk Neb preniits tlio oihtiiMoii or
just as ninny Mains dully into and out
of Sioux Oity us desired Hut us pas
sengers destined west can louvo Hioux
Oity at 5 lfi in Mm mortiiiiK cut oh
n Union Pacific train west in Omaha at
HMO a in or leave hero at 110 p m
and catch a Union lnoillo train went at
t p in Mmro is no doinand for a
liaasonger train but ween Imro and Col
umliuH tho connection with tho nialii
Sonm inonMiH ago Tho Trillium an
nounced Mint tho Union lneillo would
jroHiinm running traiiiH into Sioux Oity
President Hurt of Mm road haw been
lnc busily ongngod in getting tho de
tails nrrnngod and tho contracts were
Binned between tho Omaha and tho
Union lnoillo quite n tinm ago Yes
torday I M Collins general agent
hero for Mm Union Iaoitlo was sum
moned to Omaha to confor with ollloials
ubout tlm mattor and it was arranged
that tho frieght servico should start
October lfi Mr Collins returned last
evening and says the subject has been
definitely settlod
Today Mr Collins called on tho Sioux
City wholesalers and jobbers and they
wore all elated at tho news and all said
Mmy would send trnvoliug salesmen in
to tho territory at once to bid for Mm
business whioh lias boon drifting to
Omaha sinco Mm discontinuation of the
Union Pacifics train service hero
That this now nrrnugoniont will bo of
vast bonoflt to tho commercial interests
of this city all ngroo Tho road drains
tho greatest oxpnuso of stock country in
tho world and tho rate on shipments to
market will bo tho samo to Sioux City
as to Omaha and tlio growing inarkot
hero will got its share there is no doubt
Tho incoming freight will arrive
about ilf in tho afternoon and tho
outgoing train will leavo about a oclock
in tho afternoon D M Collins will
liiivo charge of tho Huo from Siou
City to Norfolk Nob
South Norfolk Num
J L Kennedy wont to Omaha Mon
Mr and Mrs Willard have gono to
Vttlliscn Iowa to viBit with her people
Miss Kennedy has accoptod a position
in tho Sliarpless Sisters millinery store
Mrs A Whito Buffered a Btroko of pa
ralysis last wook but is now improving
Mrs Davies aud Mrs Connor of Ew
iug havo boon guests of Mrs K D
Perry aud Mrs Ashman this week
Kugino 220 on tho Blaok Hills divis
ion of tho Klkhorn lost one of its drivers
Inst week but witli uo serious results
Conductor Dingmnn enmo home
Monday from Long Pino fooling very
ill and he is now suffering from a sovoro
attack of pnoumouin
P W Hull and wito who recently
arrivod horo in a covered wagon from
Kno this state expect to make Norfolk
their homo in tho future
Dan Fiuloy has just returned from
Jowa where hu wont to attoud tho fun
eral of his who was
killed in a recent railroad wreck
There ore between 100 and 000 car
loads of stock awaiting to bo loaded at
Hello Fourche S 1 ou the Klkhorn
lino and it is therefore expected that
tlio stock rim will extend late into tho
Miss Mamie Hoyt has jut received a
pet monkoy from a soldier recently re
turned from tho Philippines and the
young folks are having groat fuu watch
ing and playing with tho cunning little
Jos Chaso has been a guest at the
homo of K D Ptrry while on his way to
Clearwater from Denver where ho
nas beou for soino time with his daugh
ter whom betook to improve her health
which has been quite poorly While
horo ho read in Tin Nkws about his
store beiug robbed of a considerable sum
of money tho loss of which hu exceed
ingly regretted us Ins linn could ill af
ford tho los
Is Ot lecommendedfor
everything but if you
KvJU I havo kidney liver or
bladder trouble it will bo found just the
remedy you iiotd At druggibts in fit
cent uud 1 sizes You may havo a
usuiple bottle of this woi derful new dis
covery by mail frto usou pamphlet tell
ing all about it
Address Dr Kilmer Co Bingham
on N Y
Mrs 1 Troiitninu visited in Win
side Saturday
Rev II Shnlto of Tildnn was in the
city over night
Id Huelilow of Itorce was a Norfolk
visitor yesterday
II Howell went to Winside today
on optical business
F 1 Kstubrook wont to Madison on
IiuhIiicsh this morning
Attorney I 1 Koonigsjoln had busi
ness ill M idisoii today
Mrs C W Kingslcy of Stanton was
a oity visitor yesterday
Mr and Mrs II Ilockelauii of Pirco
wore city visitors today
Mm V 11 Dexter rot u mod yester
day from a visit to Wakolleld
Mr and Mrs II C Miller wore in
this inctiopolls fiotn Pierce today
0 S Hayes has received a now en
graving machiiio of tho latest make
Miss Mattle MoNlsh is expected homo
this wook from Missouri Valley Iowa
County Attornry M 1 Tylor wont to
Madison this morning on legal business
Geo Hart wife and children of
Hiock are visitingat Mm homo of Dan
Mr and Mrs W M Robertson loft
today for Lindsay to look after property
J W Miokles from near Stanton
was transacting business in the Sugar
City yesterday
Miss Ada Hutterflold returned lost
evening from a visit to Columbus Wis
and Chicago 111
A N Yost representing tho Omaha
Hoe is attending to business in tho oity
and grouting friends
Mrs S Strut ton left today for Knox
county and will spend tho wook with
her husband on tho farm
Miss Nora Couray of Niobrara has
boon installed as cl rk in tho store
of tho Johnson Dry Hoods company
Mrs Q H Connor and sons aud Mrs
M 15 Allen of Superior Nob are guests
at tho homo of Mr and Mrs E O
Mr and Mrs A 1 Uurlaud arrived
homo today from their visit to
Mm east They have boon absent about
four months
Ceo Koeuhig formerly an nttuudaut
at tho hospitaL for tho insane has ac
coptod a position as brakeinan on tho
1 K M V
Hurt wood W O Halls fast horso
paced an exhibition hoat of ouo half
nnltvou tho Wayno track tho other day
and mado tho exceedingly good timo of
I 03
Will Hnzol who doparted for Mound
City Mo Sunday night will onjoy a
two weeks vacation during which
time ho will bo joined in the bonds of
holy wedlock to a fair member of tho
gentler sex
1 P Wright who has boon building
fences for Mm lailroad company has
boon homo several days Ho lluds it a
hard mattor to secure mon to help in tho
woik and is tempted to abandon the job
on that account
A blind man with several children
and a band organ was on the streot
today Tho man turned tho crank the
organ furnished tho music tho children
did the soliciting aud genorous hoartod
individuals did tne rest
Mrs E W Scott sister of Mrs Ohaa
II Johnson who viBited her recently
and doparted for her homo in Washing
ton D C last week writes that herself
aud companions barely missed gottiug
caught in two wrecks while eurouto
A Woodward formerly of this city
but now manager of Edwards ift Brad
fords yard at Madison passed through
tho city this morning ou his way homo
from Wiusido whore ho has boon looking
after his farms Ho has somo tine
sain plea of com grown on thorn
K II Reynolds received a telegram
this morning from Salem S 1 request
ing him to come up there without delay
as there was a fti per day job awaiting
him Ho was also requested to bring
four mon with him Mr Reynolds and
Miller Mather departed today for that
Rattle Creek Enterprise There was
a man in Battle Creek the first part of
tho week from Illinois looking for a
farm aud wo are informed upon good
authority that ho offered Charles Feusko
jf 11 000 in cash for his Kit acre farm
one mile east of this place and Mr
Fonsko refused the oiler
Rev II Main returned last even
ing from Omaha where lie had been at
tending conference Norfolk people of
all denominations will be pleased to
know that the reverend gentleman has
been ro appointed as pastor of tho
church hero aud will remain a resident
of tho city for another year
Tlio KuimM Iowa Union says n boy
iu that town climbed a greased pole tit
a Fourth of July celebration aud when
he was reaching for the biscuit ho lost
his hold and blid down tin polo and
nine fed into the ground When thoy
dug him out of the ground ho was six
feet wide and eleven inches tall
Ir Frank Salter and Alf ierecho
niPt with quite ai accident lof t
night while on tlio way homo from War
uerville When driving up South
Fourth street they collided with a rig
driven by James Nichols Ono of tho
shafts of Mr Nichols vehtclo pierced tho
breast of one of tho doctors horses and
nearly resulted iu its death Tho animal
is still alive however
Rov John loffiios writes under dato
of September 28 from Boston Mass
whore ho has been attending tho second
International Congregational Council
stating that he would leave Mm follow
ing day for Michigan there to visit old
friends and tho next week ho would
leavo for homo which he hopos to reach
by the end of this week Ho says that
ho has had and is still having a glorious
tinm Hut groat as Boston is and it
is great there is no place like homo
Tho lustava Male Quartet will give
an entertainment in tho M K church
next Saturday evening under Mm auspices
of tho Ladies Aid society Tho quartet
comes highly recommended as an
organization and thoy
will undoubtedly bo greeted by n large
audience Mr Stowart ono of tho mom
lers of tlio company is an excellent im
personator ami will employ his ability
iu entertaining those who attend Tho
price of admission will bo but T cents
Tickets now on sale at O S Ilnyes
juwolry store and M Thompsons
Tho tiro department hold a meeting
last night and decided to accept the
proposition of Mr Warrant promoter of
tho now opera houso scheme His oilor
was providing Mm members of tho fire
department disposed of 100 soats for tho
opening night they should havo tho uso
of tho house free for tho mooting of tho
state association in January Tho flro
boys aro therefore interested in tho snle
of seats and havo already oonimoucod
thoir canvass in which they havo boon
very successful thuB far and disposod of
a largo porcoutago of tho stipulated
number of seats Prosidont Hartford
desires that all mombors of tho dopart
ment contemplating tho purchase of
tickots should do bo through tho depart
Tho exposition pooplo at Omaha aro a
very much discouraged sot of individuals
Thoir show has not paid from tho start
nor is it paying now when tho atten
dance and gate receipts should bo at
their best A mooting of the directors
was to hnvo boon hold yestorday to de
termine whether or not tho gates should
bo closed It is of course vory dis
hoartoiiiug in this season of good times
to havo such n condition exist but the
results wore foretold when tho manage
ment against tho advico and wishes of
tho pooplo throughout tho state decided
to go nhoad with thoir ontorpriso Thoy
woro bogged entreated aud throatonod
but tho fow prevailed against the many
and tlio disastrous result is now iu ovi
denco Tho pooplo of tho state gavo
their hearty endorsement and support to
tho exposition of last year and tho re
sult was an unqualified success This
year tho management decided that tho
support of the pooplo was not uooossary
but hiio Uncovered and freelv admit
their error
J St irk of Madison was in tho city
over night
O F W Marquardt returned from
Omaha last evening
W P Powoll wont to Wornerville on
business this morning
Dr Stovonson of Emerson Iowa is
in tho city ou business
C S Bridgo returned yesterday from
a business trip to Omaha
Dr P H Salter wont to Omaha to
day on professional business
W A Siieucer aud A N Hitchcock
of Pierco wero city visitors today
J 11 House is building a residence on
Sri sfesSaSii
tho corner of Ninth streot and Nebraska
Mrs 14 14 Adams is in Omaha attend
ing tho Baptist stato coiivoiitlnu
Mrs H J Fricko of Madison is
visiting with her mother Mrs Curricle
Born yesterday evening to Mr and
Mrs John Dixon on Philip avonuo a
loo L Whitham is building a barn
on his residence property in tho western
pirt of the city
John Shannon tho Hoskins cattle
feeder was attending to business iu tho
Sugar City today
Mrs W II Smith formerly of this
oity but now of Denver iB visiting with
Mrs W 14 Spencor
Miss Anna Htreichor returned yester
day from Omaha whore she visited
friends and tho exposition
Mrs L 0 Washburn and her daugh
ter Mrs Kdon of Vordigro aro in tho
oity today visiting friends
Mr and Mrs W O Hall went to
Noligh last evening to attend tho wed
ding of Mr IIiuTh brother
Editor U D Scott of tho Battle
Creek Entorpriso was transacting
business iu Norfolk yestorday
Tho guild of Trinity church is re
quested to meet at Mrs McKinis tomor
row aftornoon at three oclock
A A Welch of Wayne republican
candidate for judgo of tho Ninth dis
trict was in tho city today ou political
L 15 Webster of Grand Island is
lllling tho vnoiucy at W O Halls
barber shop caused by tho absouco of
Will Hazel
A real estato firm in Wiusido Bold
six farms last wook North Nebraska
roal estato is surely attracting atten
tion and buyers
A W Tronholm superintendent of
tho Nebraska division of tho C St P
M O was in tho city yesterday
attending to oflioial business
This is ponsion day and tho oflico of
W II Lowo iu tho city building has
boon pretty woll occupied by old soldiers
aud widows getting thoir papers made
Dr A Hodgotts returned from Omaha
yesterday aud is making preparations to
romovo his family to Grand Island
where thoy will nniko thoir homo for
tho coming year
Mrs Harry Hammond wife of tho
editor of tho Randolph Reporter is iu
tho city visiting hor sistor Mrs Chas
Chamberlain Mr Hammond has gone
ou a trip to tho coast
Tho James Nichols roforrod to iu tho
item concerning Dr Salters collision on
South Fourth streot published yester
day was not Attoruey Nichols of Madi
son as somo assumo to beliovo
Charles tho sou of Mr
and Mrs C S Bridgo who has beou
sufFeriug from a serious attack of ty
phoid is improving and it is bolioved
ho will speedily recover his health
Kingsloy McCaslin son of C S Mo
Cuhlin of this city who has made his
homo iu Fremont for a number of years
has accepted a posit iou as brakemau on
tho Elkhorn lino with Norfolk for head
A number of Norfolks society ladies
are eugaged iu organizing a dancing
society for tho winter which will be
known as tlio Early Hourclub Thoy
expect to hold thoir first meeting uud
enjoy their first dance Friday night of
this week
Mrs Grace Parnoy of Tongenoxia
Kansas who has been visiting with hor
sister Mrs J E Simpson for the post
two weeks doparted today in company
with Mrs Simpson for Omaha whero
Just a chance meeting in the
rain and so many things to
talk about That means wet
feet and a neglected cold
Then comes the hacking lin
gering cough and the doctor
looks serious and talks of pine
woods or mountain air
That is the time when Dr Pierces Golden Med
ical Discovery proves its value It has cured hun
dreds of cases of weak lungs obstinate lingering
cough bronchitis spitting of blood and other forms of disease
which if neglected or unskillfully treated lead to consumption
There is no alcohol in Golden Medical Discovery and it is
entirely free from opium cocaine and all other narcotics When
you ask your dealer for Golden Medical Discovery do not be
deluded into accepting a substitute The dealers just as good
carries no weight beside the thousands of cures performed by Dr
Pierces Golden Medical Discovery Accept nothing in its place
A Dreadful Cough
About eight years ago 1 had a dreadful cough and hoarseness writes Mrs
Ida V Edwards of Sterling Sanete Co Utah I tried several kinds of
medicine but without any effect at last I tried Dr Pierces Golden Medical
Discovery of which I have taken four Ixittles and my cough is entirely
Ten Hemorrhages
My wife had ten hemorrhages of
the lungs writes W A Sanders
of Hern Macon Co W Va and
the people all around here said she
would never be well again Hut she
began to take Dr Pierces Golden
Medical Discovery and -he boon
began to guin strength and flesh
After taking ten bottles she was
entirely well
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets
cure constipation They do
not re act on the system nor
do they beget the pill habit
thoy will visit tho hitters daughter Mrs
T W Whoaton
A hay famino is roportod from Sioux
City and it is Fftid that dealers mid
feodors of that plnco wero tologrnphing
to different points yesterday in order to
secure a supply to roliovo tho present
pressing doniands Hay is now worth
there from 5 f0 to 7 per ton
Gcorgo W Snyder of Tildencandidato
for county superintendent on tho re
publican ticket is in tho city making
tho acquaintance ot Norfolk pooplo
Ho rolatos somo chnrmitig stories of tho
cxiierioncos of a soldier in tho Philip
pines whero ho served his country with
tho First Nebraska
Tho stato board of purchaso and sup
plies has awardod coutraots for Mm fur
nishing of supplies to tho hospital for
iusano for tho quarter onding December
M as followa Coal Olon Rock Coal
company staple and fancy groceries
Raymond Bros flour Sugar City Cer
eal mills dry goods Johnson Dry
Goods company hats Mayer Brothers
clothing 15 B Kenyon
P A Shnrtz is another individual
who has boon Bomowhat tempted to vote
for a return of tho famous brand of dem
ocratic prosperity Yesterday ho was
very desirous of obtaining sovoral teams
and wagons to haul apples into tho couu
try aud offered iib high nsfiliiday for
teams and mon but without success
Ho thinks that with a return of tho
times of 4 t5 teams would depre
ciate in value about 100 por cent
Windsido Tribune Mrs Stella Cherry
who has been at tho Norfolk sauitarium
underwent a surgical operation for ap
pendicitis on Monday morning at tho
hands of Dr Salter assisted by Dr
Muirhoad A largo obscoss was dis
covered tho nppendix having suppurated
and sloughed off Tho cavity was
washed and drained a largo amount of
pus boing takou away Tho patient
rallied woll aud at last accounts was
doing nicely
Dr Fletcher M Sisson who succeeds
Dr A Hodgetts as presidiug elder of
tho Norfolk district arrived in the city
yesterday and is arranging for the re
moval of his family hero from Omaha
Thoy will arrivo next week and will
probably occupy tho homo to bo vacated
by Dr Hodgotts on South Fourth street
Mrs SiFBon will bo remembered by
mauy as the author of n work published
by tho Fremont Tribune during their
rosidence in that city which met with
considerable favor iu Nebraska nud
throughout tho west
Tho harvest festival of tho Salvation
Army has beou quite successful and
their charity fund has beou considerably
increased thereby People were very
generous with their coutributious aud
at tho time tho meeting was held last
night the platform was piled full of a
miscellaneous collection of articles and
products of the field Pumpkins shoos
blankets ond chickens were among tho
lot which servo to iudicate the variety
on baud Dr A J Johnson was tho
auctioneer and sold tho offerings which
brought good prices The hall was
crowded with members and friends of
tho Army
A Hoskins correspondent sends au
interesting and highly ssusational no
couut of a neighborhood row in which
two women of the towu were the chief
participants One of the women ap
proached tho other with a horse whip
aud after a bandy of words a genuine
streot fight was developed in which the
woman with the horse whip is said to
have got the worst ond of the bargain
There lifts been considerable trouble
botween tho women and other residents
of the town for somo time and tho above
was the result Tho correspondent
olosos with the statement that Jef
feries and Fitzsimuions couldnt put up
a better fight and make the timo the
ladies did
Wakted several bright and houeBt
persons to represent us aa managers in
this and close by comities Snlary 900
a yoar nud expenses Straight bona fide
no more no less salary Position perma
nent Our references any bank in any
towu It is mninly oflie work con
ducted at homo Rofereuco Eucloso
holf addressed stamped envelope Tub
Dominion Company Dept it Chicago
Horace Huntington Loraino Hunt
ington Delia Sessions Melissa Posten
James Cutter William F Huntington
Daniel C Huntingt n Lottio J Huut
ington Vela Olmstoad Clyde V Olm
stead Homer Cutter and Hattio Cutter
defendants will tako notco that on
tho 27th day of Soptoinber ISO Mary
A Smith plaintiff heroin filed her
petition in tho district court of Madison
county isehrnsKn against said defend
ants with others tho object nud prayer
of which aro to cancel n mortgage ap
pearing of record in book 11 page 277
of tho mortgago records of Madison
county Nebraska ou the southwest
quarter of the northeast quarter mid
the uorthwpst quarter of tho southeast
quarter aud the south half of tho south
east quarter of section 15 iu town
ship till north of rsnge i west of tho
fith p m Nebraska made by said
plaintiff to Susan O Rudes and dated
October 1st IblM to soouro the payiiiont
of a promissory note of 000 of tho samo
dato for the reason that on or about
the day of Ibll plum tiff settled
with the said Susan C Rudes who was
thou the holder iud owner of suitl unto
and mortgage and paid sitisfied aud
discharged said debt and plaintiff prays
that M apparent lion of said mortgago
of record niny by the court be ordored
ouicrled satisfied and lis bwged and
tho slid debt doctored paid
You aro required to niiBwer said peti
tion on or before the 6th day of Novem
ber 1891 Mauy A Kmitu
A woman named Annie WInnlngton
was buried on July 21 at Northwltch
She died at the ngc of 44 years and
hnil been the mothor of twonty ttvt
children of whom It was stated that
three nrc living aged 20 IS and S
years so thnt twenty two of this num
ber have died She was inarrlod at 21
yeais and had twins three times
A platform car recently comploted at
tb Boston Maine railroad shops in
Salem Mass has a carrying capacity
of 100000 pounds 40000 pounds moro
Minn any other car on the road It is
thirty two feet long
iOO000lIO ltuliH I the hllinatr uml
It May It More
A conservative estimate of NobmB
kafl corn crop which Is now safa from
frost Is 101000000 bushels It is hard
for tho mind to grasp what tbsse fig
ures mean
Counting 60 bushels of tholled corn
to tho load It would take five million
teams to haul the crop to market a
caravan that would reach around tho
world It will take an army of 80000
men over two months to hunk It If they
hiiBk CO bushels a day each If loaded
into cars of 30000 capacity It would
take 600000 cars to haul the crop a
train over 4000 miles long At no
time within the pant ten years has
there been such a tondeney on the part
of farmers to look for new locations
either to bettor themselves or to pro
vide homes for their children Many
sections In the East are overcrowded
while thousands of acrfs of rich wel
watered lauds can still be had lj Ne
braska and Northern Kansas at com
paratively low prices Thousands will
visit that country this fall as tho
railroads have announced cheap rat
harvest excursions for Oct 3 and 17
V H 1utent Ofllee
In the list of 397 patents this wek
9 were for Iowa Inveutors 3 for Ne
braska 11 for Minnesota B for Kan
sas 1G for Missouri 37 for Illinois
50 for New York
Patents have been allowed our cli
ents but not yet issued as follows
To J M Callander of Des Moines
for a cabinet for holding and display
ing packages A hinged glass covered
front is provided with vertically ar
ranged compartmsntB for packages
such as spices The lower one of any
column of these packages may be re
moved without opening the cnbnet
To H Willis of Des Moines for a
separable collar button and necktie
holder specially adapted to facilitate
securing collars to shirts and main
taining neckties In proper position
relative thereto as required to prevent
the annoyances incident to necktlea
becoming loose and displaced on the
wearers neck
Consultation and advice for invent
ors free
Registered Attorneys
Des Moines Iowa Sept 16 99
The Improvements that are beins
made to the Baltimore and Ohio
South Western railroad between Park
ersburg and East St Louis are being
pushed rapidly to completion Sev
enteen thousand tons of 85 pound
steel rails have been placed in the
track and thero are still 25000 tons to
come delivery being delayed on ac
count of rush of orders at the mills
The company has also put In 125 miles
of gravel ballast and expects to get
out 200 miles more duimg the season
and it Is hoped by Fall that the track
will rank as the best In the west A
great many grade reductions and
changes In line are also being made
between Cincinnati and St Louis The
purpose Is to make a uniform one half
of one per cent grade between Cincin
nati and St Louis as well as to elimi
nate a Inrge amount of objectionable
curvature At one point for Instf nce
the line 1b to be shortened a mile and
a half 3ti0 degroes of curvature elimi
nated and ppven bridges abandoned
Its wonderful resources and superior
advantages to homesrekers are Mt
forth in a handsome illustrated pam
phlet Just issued by the Frisco Lin
Passenger Department Copy will be
mailed free on application to Bryan
Snyder General Passenger Agent St
Louis Mo
Theres probably no success so sweet
as that achieved by acting contrary
to the advice of our knowing friends
We will pj a Hnlary of V00 per work snd
eipeimen for miin with rlc to Introduce our
roiiltM Compound ami I o Killer In ihf coua
trv Hel requirtd Address wltnaump Acme
Mfy Co Ham Des Molnco Iowa
A woman to say the least but
then it Isnt a womans nature to say
the least
I believe my prompt use of Pinos Cure
reveuted quick consumption Mrs Lucy
Biiuue Jianiieiie ivmi wee 1J D
The father who wnlks Mil floor with
a crying boy baby is a sub male-carrier
Dont do nrok When Von Het
Send for m Imaluuble kvstem Jeo H
Iticliruond Sfi IhMborn St Ch caro
The North American Review for Sep
tember is in close toucn with the lead
ing interests of the day and in the
quality of its contents it more than
fulfills the promises made by the new
editor when he undertook the manage
ment of the Review which indeed
have been most generously redeemed
by eveiy Issue that has come from Ills
hands The number opens with the
late Colonel Ingersolls famous rply
late Colonel Ingersolls famous reply
was published originally in the Review
In November 1807 and which is re
published now in consideration of the
keen and widespread interest awaken
ed by Colon Ingorsolls death in IiIb
views on religion and religious dogma
This paper contains what Is In all prob
ability the fullest strongest and most
eloquent statement of his position
which the brilliant agnostic ever
M A Co Olhu 4 IV N V No 31 1HUU
The old man was rending the paper
on the front steps and little Reggie
I was playing around relates the Wash
ington Post