The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 05, 1899, Page 13, Image 13

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I O Clchinil of Pierre is a city usitor
A L Mojer returned to CJreoloy
Col toiliiy
Mrs John R Hays was n passenger
for Omaha ycstordur
Attorney 1 J Kooiiigsteiu hurt legal
business in Stanton today
W II Rish lms purchased u choieo
lot in Horsey Plnco mUlition
C G tow left for Croighton on the
noon train on u business trip
l il Mudson is in tho city from Mis
souri Vnlloy Iowa to visit his mother
O S Fvnns of tho Tunes Tribune
lail a business visit to Sioux City today
F II Garret with llairle Haas A
Co of Council Bluffs is in the city to
O S Whitman is in tho oity visiting
his brother eo L while on his way
to Donvor
W M Mournef an Omaha ninehino
agent is nttonding to business m tho
Sugar City
Mrs 1 O Dugnn roturnod yesterday
fiom i threo weeks visit to frionds near
Mtitllo Creek
Doputy Hovcnuo Collector Seoloy of
Madison was nttonding to duties in
Norfolk yestordny
Mrs L P Huniniol loft yesterday to
join her husband at Sioux City whore
ho is now employed
J W Humphrey came in from Casper
Wyo yesterday and will visit a fow
days with his family
13d llartcr is ngaiu homo fiom Nnpor
xille 111 and will visit his parents and
recuperate for a time
Deputy Oil Inspector J C Sprecher
of Schuyler was attending to buhinobs
in this city yesteiduy
Mrs Rose Hillburu of Omaha is in
tho city for a fow days visit with rela
tives and acquaintances
J W Dion representing McCord
Brady A Co v ith a choice lino of cigus
is calling on customers today
Hoy Carter deputed yesterday for
MmueapolisMiuu where ho will enter
a school for tho study of pharmacy
W M Hubbard who has beou in tho
city looking after business interests
left today for Benton Harbor Mich
Mrs H Schniode and baby who have
been visiting at tho Mtttelstadt homo
returned today to her homo in Grand
Mrs Ed OKeofe who has been
v siting Norfolk relatives and friends
returned to her homo in Council Bluffs
Iowa today
A number of young people from
tho city wont out to tho hospital
for insane last night and enjoyed tho
regular wookly amusement evening at
tho institution
J McCnllum in charge of 11 boys and
one girl members of tho Chippewa
Indian tribe was in tho city today on
his way from Wlnto Earth Minn to
Genoa where tho children will be placed
in the Indian school at that place
Some very fine paper is being put up
in town today announcing tho appear
ance of Richards and Priuglos famous
Georgia minstiels in tho city next
Thursday October 5th Tho perform
ance will bo given in Marqnardts hall
Charles tho sou of Mr
and Mis C S Bridge who has been
suffering from typhoid fever for nearly
a month is still very ill It is now
hoped however that if no other com
plications set in he will soon begin to
show improvement
The Sugar City Cereal mills is just
completing the largest months business
since tho mill was built Not only is
this true in regard to receipts of grain
but tho sales of its products are the
largest over recordod The force em
ployed is kept busy night and day han
dling the business
Tho senior class of tho high school
has reluctantly beon compelled to give
up their proposed locturo course for
A Fair Outside Is
a Poor Substitute
For Inward Worth
Good health inwardly of
the kidneys liver and boiuels
is sure to come if Hoods Sar
saparilla is promptly used
This secures a fair outside and a
consequent vigor in the frame with the
glow of health on the cheek good
appetite perfect digestion pure blood
Catarrh I hate hou no return of tho
catarrh ttliih troubled me for j ears since
Hoods SarMinarlllu curid me Mrs Jog
Maktiv WusbliiKton St n leiisliirg N Y
Dyspepsia - Complicated with liver
nnd kidney trouble I stiffen il for jrars
with Ijspipalrt with sciiTf juius Hoods
hjrsaparlllu untile nit strun and licarl
J 1 Kmkhton Main strtU Auburn Me
3qGcC Soteajmdfa
Iloodi llll cure lmr U i the hoc irritating anil
uj catlmrtic to tak with llui d hjtiurlua
CleWMi anil bcautificj the hill
lrumotei a laiuiltnt erowlk
Never 1alU to llctore Ory
xiair vu urn iwuiuiui vuior
Cunl Klp duriKi hsir UUlcg
tOcmHIUU nnigUu
tho coining w inter nionths bocnuo of
their inability to disposo of enough
tickets to warrant tlioni in pioceodlng
Tho courso otlered was a good one and
it is to bo regretted that it will not bo
Police ludgo Hayes Huds time drag
ging heavily on his hands with nothing
to do Ho thinks that people aro too
busy to get drunk and disordeily or tho
reason of his quiet com t may booxttiietcd
from the following bit of rhyme dashed
oVwhilo the repoiter waited Tho
autumn days have eoino at last Tho
saddest of the year A little win m for
whisky punch And too blame cold for
The government thermometer indi
catcd that the tomporturo last night
was down to S0 degrees This is pretty
near low enough for winter weit her
and togetnhon today looks as though
it hud been properly cooked Tho
leaves on the trees are shriveled tinn
ing brown and hate been hopping oil
rapidly nil day A fow nuue nights
like that just passed and thciowill be
but little of natuiosgieon left to remind
one of summer
Tho prospects that Not folk will soon
luivo an opera house that will bo sulll
ciont for hor needs tor some time to
como and a ciedit to her standing as a
metropolis of a huge section of country
aro very oncouruging Architect Stitl
is busy drawing up tho plans while Mr
Wurunt is canvassing for tho sale of
seats for tho opening night Ho has
but started on this part of tho work this
morning and appears to be very much
pleased with tho encouragomont ho is
receiving Tho seats aro being sold on
an ngrcoment to pay foi them on or bo
for tho completion of tho side walls oi
tho building Tho nionoy is to bo paid
to i A Luikurt and in caso tho opera
houso is not elected it will bo refunded
to tho purchaser of tho seats It is
promised that tho best entoitainmont to
bo had will bo given on the opening
night which is expected to take place
about the holiday season
Henry Boveo writes from Detroit
Mich requesting Tin Nis to keep
him informed of homo doings At the
tune oi writing ho was locatod in tho
general office of tho Detioit Hoot Sugar
company and has been going through
tho prelinnnaiy work of constructing
tho books of the company for this falls
campaign but expects to bo at Roch
ester tho samo state whoro tho factory
is located after this week It is ex
pected that tho factory which has a ca
pacity of 500 tons of beets per day will
bo comploted about tho 20th of October
Mr Boveo will have charge of thoolfico
in which besido himself there will bo a
cashior and threo bookkeepers omployed
Ho states that he saw Messrs Vaupre
Wittiok Stiert and Carrick formerly
connected with the factory at this place
tho morning before ho wroto and stated
that they wore getting along finoly Mr
Stiert who has been sick is up and
around again
Mrs Lindsay of Pierco was sboppiug
in Noifolk today
F L Culver returned this morning
from a business trip to Omaha
Two now arc lights have been placed
in tho Wido Awake clothing storo
E B Ovolinan icturned yesterday
from a hunting trip to Wood Lake
It L Cocherouo of Sioux City was
attending to business in Norfolk today
Miss Beulah Adams of Blair is visiting
her aunt Mrs 13 B Keuyon in this
Misses Ruth Mat ran and Lyda Pheas
ant wero passengers for Omaha this
Dick Richards camo in on tho 1010
train from Sioux City to spend Sunday
with Norfolk friends
Local tailors report thoir fall business
very lively and aro making uso of all
tho men they can got
The machinery has arrived for tho
Salter grain elevator and will bo placed
in position to uaudlo grain
Mr Whalon and sister Mrs Ted
Ackormau of Stanton wero in tho city
this morning ouroute to Pierco
Mrs S R McFarlnud camo homo to
doy from Stanton where she has boon
caring for her father who is very sick
Carl Zuelow returned from Omaha
last night leaving his little daughter
who is in a hospital in that city doing
A number of Miss Etta Hodgotts
young triends gave her a surprise party
last oveniug and onjoyed a very pleas
ant timo
David Barnott clerk at tho Star cloth
ing store will move his family into tho
houso on South Eighth streot recently
vacated by F J Hoydar
Burglars have beon endeavoring to
break into tho stores at Nowniau Grove
but a vigilant night watch has pro
touted thorn from sut ceodug
Geo Reckard 13 just completing a
bar for tho Eblo saloon building which
is a beauty It will have marblo top
and base and will bo first class in every
Mrs O F V Marquardt returned
last evening from Omaha Her bus
baud who had on operation pei formed
on his eye by an Omaha oculist tt ill
remain auothor week
G W Speucor of Clay Center Kan
gas was in town a short time today
He was on his way homo oterland
from the Fort Randolph reservation
where ho has some cattle
C H K nihil has traded his residence
property on North Tenth sheet for tho
Homy Soininlor hotiNonn Madison av
en mi The change of residence by the
ttto families ttill bo ellccted next tteek
John Hooper express messenger on
the Union Pucille t ho has been run
ning between this place and Columbus
is to be transfer ml to tho main line
and will make his lust mil into Noifolk
V R 1 loll man and son mo expected
home this etening form uu extended
eastern hip including a tisit to Mr
lloll mans oltl homo in New Jersey
besides Washington New Yoik and
other points of interest
Misses Antonio and Bessie lobnow
returned last evening fiom their tisit to
Oniiilm At that city they met Mr and
Mis W C hlman who came fiom
Knksvillo Mo and will make tins city
their home in the future
Dr t J Johnson has returned fiom
Ooloiitlgo where ho had been to assist
his son Frank in opening up his new
general ineiehandise stoie Mr John
son had some eonteisitiou with fauneis
in that neighboihood who ate tery
much encouraged otor present ciops
and prices and the outlook tor fuluie
A nuiubor of the fiiendsof Mr ami
Mrs W C Ahliniin who returned
fiom lurksvillo gathered at the homo
of W K Alilman last evening and gate
thotu a cordial welcome back Tho
etening was oujoynbly spent by all
The sale of seats for tho proposed
now opeia house is progreseing llnely
nnd tho prospects are tery encouraging
that the building will be put up
Persons solicited are taking all the way
from U 00 to i50 00 tvoith of seats
although only ono order lor tho last
amount has beon given and that ttns
by S L Gardner republican candidate
for sheriff
Tho Harding Cioainory company is
in ranging for its rapidly inci easing
business by the erection of an addition
20 b 20 feet and two stories high Tho
now portion of tho creamery is now
about enclosed and will bo completed as
soon as possible as the room is needed
Tho product of this institution is of tho
lirst quality and is given a high placo
on tho market by prominent buyers
Another caso of tho small boy and
some matches getting togothor resulted
in n clo ocall for a barn in the neighbor
hood of tho former J M Collamor
property on South Elovcuth street yes
teruay afternoon Lewis Johnson who
was laying carpet in tho Collamer
houso was apprised of tho facts and
by prompt and vigorous action succeeded
m extinguishing tho bluo and saving
tho property
An uufortunato accident occurred on
thoF E As M V at Stanton testciday
said to have been caused by tho luls
spreading Tho east bound local froiget
was switching in tho ynids at that place
when the engine and sovoral cars left
tho track The engine was ovei turned
and damaged considerably
ly none of tho crow was injured Tho
ongino duo to tho work it was perform
ing was not moving very fast or tho dis
aster would have boon much worso
Tho city caucuses of tho fusion pnrty
wore hold last oveniug in fiovornl of tho
wards In tho First ward Fred Degnor
was placod in nomination for assessor
and tho following gentlemen namod as
delegates to the precinct convention to
bo hold here next Tuesday A P Ohilds
L Witzol R Peters Geo Thiolo H C
Truman J L Daniel John Osterhug
Carl Lierinauii and Chas Rico In tho
Second ward W F Ahhnan received
the nomination for assessor and tho
delegates to tho county convention wero
ro olectod as dolegates to tho city con
vention Tho same courso was taken in
tho Third ward in regard to dolegates
No nomination was made however tor
assessor and nnother caucus will beheld
later for tho purpose of naming that
Miss Mary Mack daughter of Mrs
George Deckert of Nowmnn Grove was
severely gorod by a cow last Tuesday
noon According to tho Hornld she
wont to drive some cattle bolonging to
a neighbor out of her stop fathers hog
lot wheu a vicious cow turned on hor
and knocked hor in tho abdomen The
animals hoiu entered to tho left and
slightly below tho nutal piercing the
abdominal cavity and disclosing the
intestines Tho young womans mother
ran to her assistance but tho vicious
beast turned on her and chased her out
of the lot nnd into tho houso The
wounded girl was earned to tho houso
and medical attendance summoned
Sovoral stitches wero required to closo
the wound and tho young woman is in
a fair way to recover unless inflammation
sets in
Tho transfers of real estate during
the past week or more indicate un
wonted activity m tho sales of Madison
county property Tho deals aio pretty
equally divided between town and farm
propei ty While m some instances it is
foreign buyers who aro acquiung the
property in tho majority of cases tho
purchasers are arouud homo tho evi
dent intention beiug to prepare to make
this most favored spot a pornianout
residouco It is uudoubted in minds
of many that this nativity is but the
precursor of a lltelysaleof Madison
county piopeity within the nest jour
oi ttto While the home people are
loulling that this is a pleasant spot in
tt Inch to make a peunanent home at
tention is being called to lis desirability
among people of othet states and a
lingo tnllux of netvcoineis may w ex
pected about next spiing
Col S W Hayes who Is prominent
in the state councils of Masonic older
has leceitetl a circular letter announcing
the death of Muis llattmaii of Omaha
giaud treasurer of the Masonic gtiiud
lodge of Nebiaskii The funeial will
take pliu e toiuoi tow at I I0 in Omaha
mid ttill be conducted lit the giaud
ledge olllceis Mr llailmau has been
giaud troiiNuior of tho oidei for main
touis and was usually elected to the
position by acclamation He ttns still
in the piimoof lifeaud his many titonds
hud hoped for his companionship lor
many tcnis but their hopes wet n not
regarded by the rude hand of death and
his loss to the Masonic ordeiliko that
ot tho late Giaud Secretary Mott en ttill
be keenly loll by all membeis of that
body It is ptobable thai some of tho
membeis of the oitler ttill go from hero
to Omaha to attend the liinoiul al
though the notice has been very shoit
and I hey will be hurried to make in
I 1 Koenigsleiu had business in
Madison today
Judge and Mrs Powers drove to
Pieice t estoulay
Mis B O Getter and daughter dutte
over from Miidison today
Mis H ripenring of South Noifolk is
very low with stomach trouble
Mi and Mrs S F Teal will ret tun
from Misouu Valley tonioiiotv
Miss Peail Reese ttas in fiom her
school in tho Rnasch district otor Sun
Muses Lottie Sidler and Pearl Kelh
ledge were visitois to Stanton yeslei
O I Jenkins of tho Fair stoic will
make a business tup to Omaha tomor
13 A rum the Oreighton real estate
man was greeting Norfolk friends
Julius Hiiaso was down from Bittlo
Creek yestordny visiting relatives and
Miss Bacliolor and Miss Humor wont
to Way no Saturday and returned last
Mrs John Swartout of Columbus
Wis is a guest at tho homo of Mrs W
H Buttorllold
Miss Onolo Adams who is teaching
in tho Warnurvillo district spoilt Sun
day in Norfolk
Misses Hortha Scholino and Amelia
Anders of Croighton weio Sunday vis
itors in Norfolk
Sot oral negio minstrels wero on tho
streets this morning entertaining the
people with music
Mr and Mis S W True are homo
fiom Omaha whtro they have been
t lsiting sovoral days
Tho new side track in the Union yards
is comploto and the passongor cars now
occupy it over night
Mr aud Mrs O S Hayes returned
Satuiduy evening from Omaha whoro
thoy attended conference
Couuty Judge Win Bates and candi
date for ro eloction was calling upon
Norfolk voters yesterday
Tho commissioners will nteot in reg
ular sessioii at Madison tomorrow to
transact tho couuty business
J D Morwin of Wisnor has accepted
a position as solicitor with tho Singer
Manufacturing company hero
R II RoynoldB camo homo Saturday
from Wiusido whoro ho has just com
pleted two brick storo buildings
J Ariioldi has resigned his position
as jeweler ut W B Vails and departed
on tho noon train for his home in Omuha
Mr and Mrs P Hull of Gohring
this state aro visiting at the home of
his brother II H Hull of South Nor
O F W Maniuarlt will return to
day from Oniuhu whoro ho has beou
taking treatment from an experienced
W R Holnnnn and son Clarenco ro
turnod last night from their visit to
Ocean Grovo Now Jersey and other
points east
John Flynn went to Meadow Grovo
where ho bus tho contract lor putting
in tho gravol road bed for tho county
this morning
Robert Utter is homo from Jniaha
where ho has boon for some time
While there ho purchased a largo stock
of holidayigoods
Work on the Thirteenth street bndgo
is progressing tery satisfactorily aud it
is hoped to have it complotod and ready
for uso this week
Thos Clulveis of made a lying
tup to the city this morning arriving
on the il oclock train aud returning on
tho i oclock freight
Judgo aud Mrs 15urno went toOmnha
Saturday Mrs Barnes returned today
but tho judge does not expect to got
homo loforo Thursday
Miss Eliaboth Davonport left today
for Spoukune Washinton whore she
d n II
1 1 W
L inv1 1 L
j r vj 0
The bilh can Iv mnuV m exhibit uling pleasure by
the use of Ivory Soap II cleanses the pores of all
impuiities leaving the skin soil smooth ruddy and
healthy Ivory Soap is made of pine vegetable oils
The lather forms readily and abundantly
copvmciHr moo u mi iiiocti 11 n oamiill co Cincinnati
will remain dining the ttiulei with her
slstei Mrs ieo Latimer
A paitynl hupp cliildion helped Miss
Doiolhy Kiidut obseivo bet Imlhiliv at
tho home ol her motliei on Koeiiigsti in
avenue Satuiduy afternoon
Ilotve genenil malinger of the
Ameueitu Meet Sugar compiint went
to Omaha Satuiduy afternoon lie
will probably bo bin k Thuisdny
Mis N A Kamboli and Mis G F
Kiepei returned tiom Omaha Sittmtlay
night They attended the
ball Friday etening and icpoit a pleas
ant time
Janus Nichols chaiiman of the re
publican couuty central committee and
Chris Schavland cleik of the disttict
com I diote over from Madison Sitiu
day ot ening
Wittiek who has for some time
held the position of bookkeeper in tho
Citious National bank departed yester
day noon foi Chicago where he has se
cured a position
Saturday was the fifth birthday of
Lyman Winter an event which was
oolobiutcd by a number of his oung
companions at the home of his parents
on North Twelfth street
Manager Sprechoi has taken an rirdei
and will soon place telephones in the
book ston ami residence of Robeit Utter
Tho storo phono will bo No loll and the
one at the residence No Til
Glissman and Nethaway were the
contestants m a recent shoot Their
target was fifty birds and the shoot re
suited in a tie of 1 dead birds apiece
Tho tie will be shot oil at some future
A dance at the homo of August Mati
con four miles west of tho city Satur
day night was attended by a large
number of people who onjoyed a good
timo A number from the oity were in
Sol Mayor has docided not to build
the now houso planned by him this
soason owing to tho fact that tho bids
received wore considerably higher than
tho estimato aud he felt that he could
not at present nllord to pay the price
Tho sum of lli disappeared from
the safe of Stockwoll As Chase of Cloar
water while the members of the fhm
wero at dinner the other day John
Green a trusted employe disappeared
at the samo timo No trace of either
Green or tho money has since been
John Oesterlmgs horso becamo
frightened and proceeded to kick tho
cart to which it was attached into
kindling wood this morning It ns
very successful in its efforts and Mr
Oestorlihg will now bo compelled to
ride a foot back or roplaco the do
molished vehicle
Tho schools at Walnut Giovo lb
miles west of Oreighton havo been
closed on account of an outbrenk of
black diphthoria Threo deaths from
tho disoase havo occurred und sovoral
now cases are reported Tho doctors
aro using overy precaution to prevent
the scourge from spreading one of tho
victims having boeu buried at tho mid
night hour
While in Omaha Robert Uttor placed
the largest ordor of any book storo in
tho state for tho works Riohard Cartel
ami David Harm Mr Utter has
been in Norfolk long enough to realio
that its citiens demand the latest and
best in the book lino which speaks
highly for them from a literary stand
point He bus no fears but that his
supply will Ik quickly exhausted
Sioux Citt Journal J S Mecklin
of Chicago and W W Graham of
Norwalk O promotors of tho Yankton
Norfolk and Southern railroad hnvo so-
cured 1 1 itti the seeretaty of win tho
put lb go loi meily held by the Dakata
Soul m i n Railroad i oinp my to oiistrucl
abiidgt in loss the Mishouu nver at
N million Tin Dakota Southern com
jmiiy leteived th light under a I tiling
ol I he win dcpiilmciit made September
Ul The put lieges previously hi Id by
the old Yiiiilctou Bridge t ompiny wuro
tnm feiied to tin Dakota Sotithei n com
pany Upon leceitiug the iinnclusoH
lite Dakota Southern company tinned it
otoi to the Yankton Union Hudge t oin
piuyiiK oi pointion organized bt Messrs
Met kling mid Giaham
Rtt A F Sieglei of St Pauls Lu
theran church has received and no
t eptt il a call to the pastorale of the Lu
theiau hiiich nt Watiwiiosa Wis a
suburb of Milwaukee where his son
I red now holds an important position
in the school Mr Kiegler will preach
his farewell sermon at St Pauls church
next Sunday and will leave the follow
ing week with his family for Wiscon
sin Ho has been the pastor of St
Pauls chinch for almost eight years
coming here fiom Two Ritcis Wis
He aud his family have a huge circle of
friends and acquaintances who will ro
giet their reinotid but will wish them
ovoiy success and comfort in their now
home The congregation of St Pauld
chitn h will meet and choose another
pistoi in xl Sunday
Mayor Simpson returned Saturday
from a live days tup to uorthttt stern
Antelope and eastern Holt Oiiuties
lie went ovei laud and had a good opjsir
tuiiity to obsei vo tho country As ho
i xpiesses it he found the crops good
times prosperous nnd people happy
Many of the farmers who were so heav
ily in debt a fow years ago havo either
paid all they owe or have enough crop
cattlo and hogs to do so The mayor
said he did not moot a grumbler in his
whole tmvols except on one question
all wero complaining hocauso they could
not get enough help to care for tho im
mense crop harvested this year Mr
Simpson bus been piying nu annual
trip to this section for several years to
inspect property in which ho is inter
ested and this is tho first timo ho has
found such favorable conditions ns this
year All which goes to corroborate
the statement that has frequently been
made lately that prosperity has come
to the farmer of Nebraska
I cant take plain cod liver
oil Doctor says try it He
might as well tell me to melti
lard or butter and try to take
them It is too rich and
will upset the stomach Butt
you can take milk or cream
so you can take
Scotts Emulsion
It is like cream but will
feed and nourish when cream
will not Babies and
dren will thrive and drowi
fat on it when their ordinary
food docs not nourish thcni
Persons have been known to sjat
a pound a tlay when tawni rn
ounce of Scotts Emulsion It gts
the digestive machinery in working
order so that the ordinary food bj
properly digested and assimilated
SOC inuri no iiiorufgmv
tCOTT IIOWNL C hcmistJ hew York