The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 05, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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Aimioi of theleavenvaortm cajt
DtHiNb aoriv fcoKf niAr vitaic nlxt ccoa
A SOMIirlt itnino
Tho ovcniiiK liliu tho iifternoon was
spent in tho hitting room with ono of
thu sisters Oiu ovent alono is worth
recording 1 hud hecoino oxcossivoly
tired of a conversation that alwaVH Inn
Huislied no matter on what tojiio it
was btarted and nliMUviiif an old pinno
in 0110 corner 1 onco played very well
1 sat down before it and impulsively
struck u few chords from tho yellow
hoys Instantly Lucetta it was Lucet
ta who was with mo then hounded to
my side with a look of horror on her
Dont do that sho cried laying
her hand on mine to stop mo Then see
ing my look of dignilied astonishment
sho added with an appealing smile I
beg pardon hut every sound goes
through mo tonight
Aro you not well I asked
I am novor very well sho return
ed and wo wont back to tho sofa and
renowod our forced and pitiful attempts
at conversation
Promptly at oclock Miss Knollys
canio in She was very palo and cast as
usual a sad and uneasy look at her sis
tor before sho spoko to mo Immediate
ly Lucetta rose and becoming very palo
hersolf was hurrying toward tho door
when her sister stopped her
You havo forgotten sho said to
say good night to our guest
Instantly Lucetta turned and with
n sudden uncontrollablo impulso seized
my hand and pressed it convulsively
Good night sho cried 1 hopo
you will sloop well and was gono bo
foro I could bay a word in rcsponso
Why does Lucetta go out of tho
room when you como inV I asked de
termined to laiow tho reason for this
peculiar conduct Havo you any other
guests in tho bouso
Tho reply canio with unexpected vo
hemenco No sho cried why
should you think so Thero is no ono
hero but tho family And she turned
away with a dignity sho must havo in
herited f loni her father for Althea Bur
roughs had every other interesting
quality but that You must bo very
tired bho said If you pleaso wo
will go now to your room
I roso at once glad of tho prospect of
seeing tho upper portion of tho house
She took my wraps on her arm and wo
passed immediately into tho hall As
wo did so I heard voices ono of them
shrill and full of distress but tho sound
was so quickly smothered by a closing
door that I failed to discover whether
that tono of suffering proceeded from a
man or a woman
Miss Knollys who was preceding mo
glanced back in somo alarm but as I
gave no toKen ot Having noticed any
thing out of tho orilin
resumed her way up
sounds I had heard had proceeded from
above I followed her with alacrity hut
felt my enthusiasm diminish somewhat
when I found myself passing door after
door down a long hall to a room as re
moto as possible from what seumed to
bo tho living portion of tho house
Is it necessary to put mo oft quito so
far I asked us my young hostess paused
and waited for mo to join hor on tho
threshold of tho most forbidding room
it had over been my fortune to ontor
Tho blush which mounted to hor brow
showed that sho felt tho situation keen
I am sure sho said that it is a
matter of great regret to mo to bo obliged
to offer you so mean a lodging but all
our other rooms are aro out of order
bho explained firmly and I cauuot do
othorwiso tonight
But isnt thero somo spot nearer
you I urged A couch in tho sanio
room with you would bo moro accopt
ablo to mo than this distant room
I I hopo you aro not timid sho
began but I hastened to disabuso hor
mind of this at onco
I am not afraid said I of any
earthly thing but dogs but I do not liko
6olitudo I canio here for companion
ship my dear I really would liko to
sleep with ono of you
This to see how sho would meet such
urgency Sho mot it as I might havo
known sho would by a rebuff
I am very sorry sho again repeated
but it is quito impossible If 1 could
givo you tho comforts you aro accus
tomed to I should bo glad but wo aro
uufortunato wo girls ami Sho said
no moro but began to busy herself about
tho room which hold but ono object that
had tho least look of comfort in it That
was my trunk which had been neatly
placed in ono cornor
I supposo you aro not used to can
dles sho remarked lighting what
struck mo as n very short end from tho
ono sho hold in her hand
My dear said I I can accommo
dato myself to much that I am not used
to I have very few old maids ways or
notions You shall sco that I am far
from being a difficult guest
Sho heaved a sigh and then seeing
my eyo traveling slowly over tho gray
discolored walls which wero not reliev
ed by so much as a solitary print sho
pointed to a hell ropo near tho haul of
tho bed and considerately remarked
If you wish anything in tho night
or aro disturbed in any way pull that
It communicates with my room and I
will bo only too glad to como to you
I glanced up at tho ropo ran my oyo
along tho wire commuuicating with it
aud saw that it was broken sheer off be
fore it even entered into tho wjdj
I am afraid you will not hear mo
I answered pointing to tho break
Sho Hushed a deep scarlet and for i
moment looked as embarrassed as ever
hor sister had done
1 dill not know sho murmured
The house is so old everything in
more or los out of repair And sho
made haste to quit the room
1 stepped after her in grim determi
But thero is no key to tho door I
Sho canio back with a look that was
as nearly desperate as her placid fea
tures wore capable of
I know sho said I know Wo
have nothing But if you are not afraid
and of what could you he afraid in this
house under our protection and with a
good dog outside you will bear witli
things tonight and Good God sho
murmured but not so low but that my
excited sense caught every syllable
can sho havo heard Has the reputa
tion of this place gone abroad Miss
Butterworth sho repeated earnestly
the house contains no cause of terror
for ytu Nothing threatons our guest
nor need yon havo thu least concern for
yourself or us whether tho night pass
es in quiot or whether it is broken by
unaccountable sounds They will have
no reference to anything in which you
aro intercsfed
Ah ha thought I wont they
You givo mo credit for much iudiller
ence my dear But 1 said nothing be
yond a few soothing phrases which I
nnulo purposely short seeing that every
moment I kept her thero was just so
much torture Then 1 went back to my
room and carefully closed tho door My
first night in this dismal and strangely
ordered house had opened anything but
I spoko with a duo regard to truth
when I told Miss Knollys that I enter
tained no fears at tho prospect of sleep
ing apart from the rest of tho family
I am a woman of courago or so I have
always believed and at homo occupy
my second floor alono without tho least
apprehension But thero is a difiereiico
in theso two abiding places as I think
you aro ready by this timo to acknowl
edgo aud though I felt littlo of what
is called fear I certainly did not experi
ence my usual satisfaction in tho mi
nuto preparations with which I am ac
customed to mako myself eomfortablo
for tho night Thero was a gloom both
within and without the four hare walls
between which I now found myself shut
which I would havo been something
less than human not to feel aud though
I had no dread of being overcome by it
arv sho sneedilv h111 to unci somciimig 10 mo
stairs As tho c1Ltr f ho spot by opening my trunk
and talcing out a lewot tliose little mat
ters of personal equipment without
which tho brightest room looks barren
and a den like this too desolate for
Then I took a good look about mo to
seo how I could obtain for myself some
senso of security for the night without
which it would bo impossible to get
oven a modicum of rest Tho bed was
light and could bo pulled in front of tho
door This was somothing Tho win
dows but thero was but ono and that
was heavily draped with somo thick
dark stuff very funeroal in its appear
nnco Going to it I pullod asido tho
heavy folds and looked out A mass of
heavy foliage at onco met my oyo ob
structing tho view of tho sky and add
ing much to the lonesomenoss of tho
situation I lot tho curtain fall again
and sat down in a chair to think
Tho shortness of tho candle end with
which I had hoen provided had struck
mo as significant so significant that I
had not ullowed it to burn long aftor
Miss Knollys had left mo If theso girls
charming no doubt hut sly had
thought to shorten my watch by short
ening my candlo I would givo thorn no
causo to think but that their ruso had
been successful Tho foresight which
causes mo to add a winter wrap to my
stock of clothing oven when tho weath
or is at tho hottest leads mo to placo a
half dozen or so of candles in my trunk
and so I had only to open a littlo oblong
box in my upper tray to havo tho moans
at my disposal of keeping a light all
So far so good I had a light but
had I anything olso in casothat William
Knollys but hero Miss Knollys look
and reassuring words recurred to mo
Whatoveryou may hear if you hear
anythiug will havo no refcreuco to
yourself and need not disturb you I
was in no danger myself but others
Why did I think thero might bo others
to whom that reassuranco would not
quito apply
Not knowing how to answer theso
thoughts and fully conscious that sleep
would not visit mo at onco under exist
ing cirouinstanoos I finally mado up
my mind that I would not attempt to
lio down till my mind had becomo bet
tor satisfied thatsleop on my part would
bo desirable So after making tho vari
ous littlo arrangements already alluded
to I drew over my shoulders a comfort
able shawl and sot myself to listen for
what I feared would bo moro than ono
dreary hour of this not to bo em ied
And hero just lot mo stop to mention
that carefully considered as all my pro
cautions wore I had forgotten ono thing
upou leaving homo that at this miuuto
made mo very nearly miserable 1 Intl
not included among my effects tho alco
holic lamp and all theother privutoiinil
particular conveniences which 1 have
for making tea in my own apartment
Had 1 had them with mo and had I hut
been able to make and sip a cup of my
own delicious tea through tho ordeal of
listening for whatever Hounds might
como to disturb tlto midnight stillness
of this house what relief it would havo
been to my spirits ami in what a differ
ent light I might have regarded Mr
Gryco and tho errand into which his
suspicions had driven mo But I not
only lacked this element of comfort hut
tho satisfaction of thinking tliat it was
any ones fault but my own Lola hail
laid her hand on that teapot but I had
shaken my head fearing that tho sight
caused by ntv now rapldlv waiting can
Miss Hulteiworlh what is the mat
ter she asked making as if sho would
draw mo into my room a pioccoiliug
which 1 took good euro she should lint
Miccccil in however Giving a glanro
at hor dress which was tho sanio she
had wont at the supper taldo 1 laugh
ingly said
Isnt that a question 1 should rather
ask you It is U oclock by my watch
and you for all your very evident doli
caey and fatigue mo hIIII up What
dors it mean my dear Havo I put you
out so completely by my coming that
none of you can sleep
Her eyes which had fallen before
mine quickly looked up
I am sorry sho began Hushing
iniirfilnlVoiul tlvillg to lllkoa into HIV room
of it tho iviw if inv vniinif peep
hostesses But I had not calculated in Psibly to see if 1 hud been to bed my
being put in a remote corner like this Wo did not mean to distuib
nf lions bnmiimuli In ml Miiiiiindntit hilt bl Oil M Iss Milt telWilllll
a dozen families and if over 1 travel
But this is a matter personalto Ame
lia Butterworth yon say and of no in
terest to us And you aio right 1 will
not indict my little foibles upon you
Eleven oclock came and went 1 hud
heard no sound Twelve and 1 began
to think that all was not quito so still
as before that I certainly could hear
now and then faint noises as of a door
creaking on it hinges or the smothered
sound of stealthily moving feet Yet all
was so far from being distinct that for
some time I hesitated to acknowledge
to myself that something was going on
in the house which was not to he looked
for in a homo professing to bo simply
the abode of a decent young man and
two very quiet appearing young ladies
aud even after the noises and whisper
ing had increased to such an extent that
1 could even distinguish thosullou tones
of the brother from ho softer and more
carefully modulated accents of Lucetta
and hor sister I found myself ready to
explain the mutter by any conjecture
short of that which involved these deli
cate young ladies in any scheme of se
cret wickedness
But when I found there was likely to
be no diminution in the various noises
aud movement that was talcing place in
pray cnciiso our makeshifts and our
poverty Wo wished to Ik up another
loom for you und weio ashamed to havo
you see how littlo wo had to do it with
so we wero moving some things out of
our own room tonight and
Hero her voice broke aud she hurst
into an ulmost iiticontiollablo Hood of
Dont sho murmured dont
us quite thoroughly ushiimed I begun
to utter somo oMiisns 1 shall bo all
light in a moment I am used to hu
miliations Only and her whole body
seemed to join iii tho plea it Mom
bled mi do not I puy speak quite so
loud My hrnther is more sensitive than
even Loreeli mid myself about these
things ami if ho should hear
Hero a suppressed oath from way
down the ball assured me that ho did
hear but I gave no sign of my recogni
lion of Ins fuel and Lucetta added
quickly lie would not forgive us for
our earelessiiess in wiikin you lie is
rough sometimes but so good at brail
so good
This with theother snall matter I
hud just mentioned ciesed in mo a
slight reaction lie good I did not be
lieve it Yet her eyes showed no waver
mg whin I looked at her fixedly mid
feeling that 1 had perhaps ben doing
injustice to them all aud that all I hail
seen which was odd and difficult to e
tho front of tho houso and that only
something much out of tho ordinary
could account for all this stir so long
after midnight in a country houso I de
cided that only a person insensiblo to
nil sight and sound could be expected to
remain nsleop under such cirouiiHtaiicos
and that I would seem perfectly justi
fied in tho eyes of these young peoplo
themselves for opening my door and
taking a poop down the corridor So
without furthor ado Idrowmy bed asido
and glanced out
All was porfectly dark and silent in
tho great houso Tho only light visiblo
camo from tho candlo burning in tho
room behind mo and as for sound it
was almost too still it was tho still
ness of intent rather thau that of natural
This was so unexpected that for an
instant I stood hallled and wondering
Then my noso wont up and I laughed
quietly to myself I could seo nothing
and I could hoar uothing but Amelia
Butterworth liko most of her kind
boasts of moro than two senses and hap
pily thero was something to smell A
quickly blown out candlo leaves a wit
ness lwhind it to sensitivo nostrils liko
miiio and this witness assured mo that
thu darkness was decoptivo Homo ono
had just passed the head of my corridor
with a light and hecauso tho light was
extinguished it did not follow that tho
person who had hold it was far away
Indeed I thought that now I heard a
palpitating breath
Humph I cried out loud hut as if
in unconscious communion with myself
it is not often I have so vivid a dream
I was sure that I heard stops in tho hall
Im afraid Im growing nervous
Nothing moved No ono answered
Miss Knollys I called firmly
No reply
Lucetta dear
I thought this appeal would go unan
swered also hut when I raised my
voico for tho third timo a sudden rush
ing sound took placo down tho corridor
and Lucottasoxoitod figuro fully dress
ed appeared iu tho faint circlo of light
plain in their conduct was as sho evi
dently meant to intimate duo to their
ofTorts to mako a sudden guost eom
fortablo amid their poverty I put tho
host faco I could on tho matter and gavo
tho poor pitiful pleading faco a kiss
I was startled to feel how cold her foro
head was and more aud more concerned
loaded her down with such assurances of
appreciation as came to my lips and sent
her buck fo her own room with the ad
vico that sho would trouble herself no
moro about fixing up any other room
for me that I had emptied my trunk
out here and did not propose to movo
again for tho fow days I intended to re
main with thoin Only said I as
her whole faco showed relief wo will
go to tho locksmith tomorrow and get a
koy and you shall seo that after tonight
I havo a cup of tea brought to my room
just boforo I retire I am no good with
out my cup of tea my dear What
keeps other peoplo awako makes mo
Oh you shall have that sho cried
with an eagerness that was almost un
natural and then slipping from my
grasp sho uttered another hasty apology
for having roused mo from my sleep
aud ran hastily back
I stretched out my arm for thu candlo
guttering iu my room and held it up to
light her She seemed to shrink at sight
of its rays and the last vision I had of
her speeding Jlguru showed mo that
sanio look of dread on her pallid fea
tures which had aroused my interest in
our first interview
She may havo oxplained why thu
three of them are up this time of night
I muttered hut she has not explained
why her every con verbal ion is seasoned
by an expression of fear
And brooding over this I went back
to my room and pushing thu bed again
against tho door lay down upon it ami
out of bheer chagrin I think fell fast
i To lio I niitiiinoil Next Weill
Tis worth a bag of gold This
applies with spocial forco to Hoods Sar
Bapurillu Americas Greatest Medioino
Iiiiitllini I Inn
Iroiu Hiiliiriliud Until
Mrs I W Soiiim is on the sick list
Mr Kennedy is improving tu health
Miss Mueller has been sick the past
w eek
Mrs A B I alio spent Wednesday in
John Trolly has sold his houso on
Thiid slieelto his hiother
Mrs A Klshlmck has gone lo Iowa to
visit her parents for a mouth
1 H lloishisor wont lo ONeill
Thuisduy evening lo visit friends
Mrs Clark of Oalidalo was vinitlug
Mis Burnett a fow days tills week
Mis L A Willaid spent a fow days
with hor husband at Oukdalo this weik
Miss lOmtiia Smith will leave Monday
morning for a few days visit tnOmulia
Diii Kiuloys brotlior iii law was killed
in tho heiid eiil collision that occiined
in Iowa this week
Kd Ewing one of the fliometi on the
1 E iV M V has gone lo South
Omaha for a rest and to visit fi lends
The railroad coinpiny is laboring
under the dlHiulvatilago of not having
enough men to handle the work now on
The I 10 iv M V Is evpeetiiig a
great stock rush over its lino of raihoud
t onion iw fiom the ranges to the eastern
Hrakeiuan Iarlon has resigned his
position with Ihn l 10 V M V und
returned to Long View Tonus to accept
his old position as conductor on the
Tcniis A Pacific railway
j the j
cVulsFEVEIlS LuD per Milk Fever
JSPIIAIVB Lnmene Hbciimauun
cuttolEPI7OOTC Dlemcr
gjwOUMS Hot Orul
j COIOIIS Coldi inOniinu
cuisi0IIC nellvachn Ilarrhia
tiU Prevent MIKCAIUtlAOI
MAV0E fikln lcn
cuiudnAD conTIOX BlnrlnBCflnl
COc each Btablo Caso Ten Bpncincs nook Ac t7
At druKKliW or mlit prepaid on rimilnt of jirlm
numriliriVn Moillclno Co Cor William John
Bin Now York Vetkhinahv Masuai Hewt Kiikh
ond Prostration from Over
work or other causes
Humphreys Homoopnthla Spooiflo
No S8 In UBO over 40 years tho only
Huocossful romedy
1 per vlalor fl vlali and largo vial powderfor 5
Hold Ly UmrClit or teut ct 4 oarcll at price
UClUUUKlhaKU CUCorVIUlkja JokabuiAtwIork
m i
We have three children Iicfnrc the
birth of he last line my wile used four hot
ties or MOIIII KS Mtll NI irymi hnl the
pictures id niir children you could scent
a glance that lie last one
Is healthiest picltlcst ami
fliicst lmkluiirihciii all
My wlfu thinks Molliei s
niciul Is the idlest
ami u rainiest
remedy In the
world l ur expccl
11 it t niullim
Wi llten by i Ken
tucky Attorney nt
ifi fsJHUfl
rs v3 nil A i
prevents nlnc tentlis or the
MUTcilni IncUleul lo child
birth IliccoinlniriuntlicrH
disposition and temper remain u n milled
lliuiiicjimit the ordeal because this rclux
Inc penetrating liniment relieves the
usual dlstiess A mother
Is pretty sure to have a oml naliueil child
1 lie patient Is kept In a slnine healthy
ciiinllllmi which the child also Inherits
Mothers IrlcnJ lakes a wife through the
ct Ms quickly and almost painlessly It
assists hi her rapid recovery and wards
oil the dangers that so often follow de
Sold liyilriiKKliln lnrl n buttle
Sen I Co i mil fur il liixt i ii lunik willlon
iXiltH ily for tuiiueliuit nmiluiu
Frazer Axle Srease
n v
WM Teveryvvh
WFArj t ir A
I I I 1 1 IIUVkfcl
y rTiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiii t rv
Not affected by Heat or Cold
Highest Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
Factories Chchgo St Louli New York
of ItcNl VarlcllcR lit llnrl Times ITIcch Hinull
finll in lingn Kiipply MilllmiH nf Hlrnwlinrry
jIiiiiIh very tlirifiy mill uell roolinl Clntllio
Muni iiimr fiiinn mill mivu fritiil or oxprw
HiiihI for prlcci IIhI to
North Bend Nurseries
North llcnil idtfe County Neh
Free Reclining Chair Cars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With lirccL connections to all South
crn and Kastorn point-
UiiuxcdIIihI timo imil Hceuiuiiioilutiona
to thu
Famous Hot Sorines of Arkansas
Ior moro complito information iloxcriptive
puinplilrlB iilc itililrotia
AO K imil I A TI A
rioutlioatit or lltli auil DoiikIhhSU
IMII n IITl Opium Motility inuniliitf r ept 3 Work lur llouril Wit furnish all
nn I mi will iiuci 1 1 work fol iMinnl Von i nn nttcnil tilts coIIi ku for Intlf tltu money
ri iii nil i MMvlieru m iiiI us - iiiiiniN iimi udilrehMvs of yutiin peoplo Inierisliil In
luiiiiMs iilUiiiliiiii mid net our Ciuli Kti Weekly ono yeur froe Our new ciiliiloi freo to
Buy Aihlress IIOHItllOl u Itllus tinuliu cb
From ioc a Double Roll up
Window Shades Room Mouldings Paints Oils Glass
04 n 4thsst Brushes Etc Etc
Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Prices
swssvwvVW s