The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, October 05, 1899, Image 1

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    V pv A
The Norfolk Weekly News
More Vessels Will Be Sent to
the Philippines at Once
tiiinliiiuts Mmtrttii mill Miuhlni liulmloil
In ThtitK tolni tin ICcoimi iiifiiiliil Ion
of Ailmlriil lfcj llir IrrnliUiit lnlic
lIiMi itrttr MoumiroK
Wamunoton Oct r Tim president
lias tliitctctl tho iniinctliiito dispatch to
t lit Philippines of u number of vessels
of the limy litcltitliiiKtliucrniscr Hrook
lyn mill tliu gunboats Marietta and
MiicliiiiK The action is the result of
Atlniiial Deweys interiev yesterday
in winch he went over the Philippine
feituation with the president
Tho cssc1h ordered nro in line with
tlio president m determination to furnish
the army and navy ucry resource for
stumping out the insuricction at the
earliest possible date At Admiral
Deweys extended interview with this
picsident tho former vent into the
Philippine situation at KMt KHRtli ex
plaining tho exact condition and his
views ot the outlook concluding with
nu earnest rocominondntion that tho
Brooklyn and some other vessels bo sent
at onco to tho Philippines This lein
forccinuit of the prcsont fleet of the
Asiatic squadron ho urged as necessary
nud said their dispatch should bo di
rected as early as possible Tho presi
dent iminodiatoly instructed tho socie
tury of tho navy to issue an order car
rying out tho admirals lecommenda
tion and to see that they bo got in read
iness at once Tho Marietta and
Mnchias besides the Brooklyn will bo
desiguuted by tho navy department
along with several other vessels which
Lave not yet bcon selected
Tho Brooklyn is now with the other
vessels of the North Atlantic squadron
off Tompkinsvillc Tho Mnchias and
the Marietta aro at presont lying at the
wharves m this city on waiting orders
having been brought hero to participate
in this weeks celebration in honor of
Admiral Dewey These lcinforco
ments will add considerable strength to
tho Asiatic squadron and the adminis
tration believes their presence will have
h material oifcet in expediting tho end
ing of hostilities It is not known how
soon these vessels can bo made ready
but their orders are to get away as
early as psssiblo and no delay is antici
pated Their commanders will report
to the department wbou they are ready
to pioceed and on arriving at Manila
will leport without delay to the ad
miral commanding tho Asiatic station
for order p
IIiir of tiiu Ailiiiiril lv Hit Ouhir No
Lunger I IoiiIh Oiur the CiuImm
WAsiiiNOTON Oct 5 Arlmuil Downy
went to see Secretary Long and talk
over his plans for the immediate futuie
and as to these Seiretary Long promptly
givo notice that the rlepirtment wis
willing to give him perfect liberty to do
us he pleased The udmiiil was how
ever at his instance detached formally
from the Olympia He telegraphed tho
executive ofllcer of tho ship at Tonip
Idusville to haul down his flag thns
terminating his connection with tho
cruiser which for 111010 than two years
has been his homo
In accordance with projects already
planned the admiral will go to Vermont
Monday as the guest of W Seward
Webb of Shelburno farms near Bur
lington After reception nfc the stato
capital he will go to Boston to attend
the reception thcro in his honor Oct 1 I
Tho Olympia will meanwhile have ar
rived at that place for her orders issued
toduy which aro to proceed at once
from Now York to Boston to bo put
out of commission and bo extensively
Soliley Itirttulled hk Coiiiinnnilei
Nkw York Oct 5 Rear Admiral
Schley wns installed ns commander of
the Loyal Legion at tho meeting of tho
order held at Delmonicos last night
As ho entered the dining room where
tho members had already gathered at
tho tables ho was greeted with npplauso
and n round of cheers Tho flag was
duly presented and tho oath of olllcu
was then administered to tho now com
mander by the senior vico commander
Geneiil Homy L Juinett
Ill tiluiitH W klin ii Trip
Wamhmiov Oct r Picsident and
Mrs McKuuoy and party including
the entire cabinet left Washington at
il oclock for a half mouths tup to
Chicago uud tho northwest The
dent arrived a few moments bcfoio time
lor departure and with Mrs McKuiley
leaning on his arm walked briskly down
tho entire length of the trainshed fre
quently aikuowiedging tho salutes of a
small ciuwd of spectators I
Jnilust rliil m in iHnlou ICfiiiiiiicH tpnrliiK
Wamiimitov Oct 0 Tho indiistiml
commission resumed tho taking ot testi
mony today Tho flist lew days of tho
sitting will bo devoted to tho trunspoi ta 1
turn question and Cnmmissioucis Kuupp
und Piouty of the interstate ronuneico
roinmissioii will bo heird President
Callowav of the New Yoik Central rail
road has agued to be with tho
men on lie 11th lust I
lin I iiniiil Itiiuli M iniln I
WwtlMiros Oct fl Umeial Otis
has inf onned the war dep u tinent of the
ii rival at Manila of the transport St i
Paul with keveu troops ot the Thud
tauilry Tho Garonne carrying hoi sea
and mules hab also i cached Manila
llraliliMt til Vrnrrnil I Iriu lliiillj Ac
ktuivf liilit III Ditriil
Niw YdiiK Oct ft A cable dispatch
has been received in this city fiom Car
acas to the ellect that the picsident
Iguacio Audradc has engaged passage
for himself and family on the Hed 1
lino steamer Philadelphia which leaves
li tJuayra on tho Hth lor Ponce Poito
Uico and New Yoik It is generally
believed he will go to Ponce
If thlsdispateh is authentic it means
that President Andrade legaids himself
defeated by the insurgents under Gen
eral Cipriani Oastto and will lcue tho
country to save himself Latest ad
vices received here siy that General
Castro and his advance guard aro at
Klvullo which is only three miles from
Caracas General Castro however
has declared against enteiing the capi
tal as a battle there would entail the
loss of the lnes of many disinterested
persons He wishes therefore to en
gage tht government troops just out
side the city The latter however
show no disposition to meet the rebels
in u decisive battle
iinl iniH ti In a lliittniui
Ill itiis Oct fi Hugadier General
A W Gn ely honoraiy vico president
of the International Geogiaphical con
gress aecoinp lined by Major II T
Allen nnlitaiy attache of the United
States embassy in Berlin ascended at
Potsdam in a militaiy kite balloon tho
invention of Peicival Siegsfeld Em
peior William granted General Greely
a special pet mit to make the ascent
General Gicely has purchased a similar
balloon for tho United Slates govern
Inilitnt llj Iiir of Ooimiimitliin
San Funcisjo Oct 5 Captain
Bodlish of tho steam whaler Beluga
who has just retui ned from tho Aictic
district reports that some kind of a
disease like quick consumption is epi
demic among the Indians At Point
Barrow between Aug 1 1 and Sept 7
there were 19 deaths If the death
rate keeps up nt Point Barrow said
Captain Bodflsh thcro will be no In
dians left when tho whalers return there
next spring
Ieino tho Old Ilemlipy Ham Ii
Furuor Neb Oct 5 Tho Stand
ard Cattle company of Ames has leased
for a term of years tho old Ilershey
ranch The tract comprises over 15000
acres largely under cultivation and
with tho land owned by tho romp my
gives them about 0000 acres of the rich
est land in tho Platte valloy They
have about 2000 acres in beets this year
and it is understood that most of tho
land acquired by lcaso will be put into
beets next year
State Crnw Iteuiiml
St Johns N Oct C The IS men
bolongiug to tlm ii t Bay
State f i om Lherpool Sept i for Bos
ton which was wrecked near Cape
Race reported missing were rescued
yesteiday by the tug Greyhound They
had been adi lit all night in an open
boat It was hoped at first thit tho
Bay State might be saved but tho
weather has been too stormy for wreck
ing vessels to approach her except at
great risk
Flanagin and Leon fought a 20 round
draw at St LouiB Wednesday
Thursday Oct 10 will bo observed
as Thanksgiving day in tho Dominion
of Canada
Antlrow Carnegie has offered to build
a homo for tho Anderson library at
Emporia Knn
Jimmy Logue tho notorious bank
robber died in tho county almshouse at
Philadelphia Wednesday ugod S3
The fall trotting mooting at Cumber
land park Nashville has been declared
off on account ol tho scarcity of good
Sixteen missionaries sent by tho Bap
tist Missionary union sailed irom Bos
ton on tho steamer Victorian Wednes
day for posts in Asia v
The trial of Dr J W Smith on tho
charge of killing Henry Craig near
Carnngton Ivy 22 years ago resulted
Wednesday night in an acquittal
At Tucson A T George II Sisson
and wifo sold to the Oxido Copper com
pany of Now Jet soy ir copper claims in
the Silver Bell district for WOOOOOO
Jack Hoot and Frank Craig tho
Harlem Cotleo Cooler aro matched
to meet in a 20 rouiid contest at catch
weights before tho club ofTeiing tho
best inducements
The fourth annual conwntion ot the
National Hinbalniers association con
vened in Chicago Wednesday witn
nearly 1200 delegates present from all
parts of tho United States
Tho Illinois Federation of Labor has
adopted resolutions pledging itself to
try to compel the coutractois nt tho
National Soldiers homo in Danwllo to
givo omployos an eight hour day
An incendiary started two fires in
tho suowshetls between Cisco autl Knn
grant Gap Cal Sixty four hundred
feet of suowshetls burned and the total
loss to the iiulroatl will not bo less than
Cutis hao In en issued for the mar
nugo ol Miss Viola Deetrick and Will
iam McKuiley Duncan of Cleveland a
nephew of President McKuiley Tho
wedding is to oct ur Oct lb mid Presi
dent McKuiley will attend
Mis Margin et Babcoek her daughter
Mrs A S Fav and Mis Fays six
year old daughter were found dead in
bid at their homo in Rochester Wed
nesday Death was duo to accidental
asphyxiation by coal gas that escaped
liom a stove
General Davis at Porto Hico has ui
foinied tho war depaitmeiit of the tleath
bv di owning on Oct 1 of Ltl McDonald
Ho also states that Cornelius Lynch
who was shot by a policeman on Mon
day has died Both men were quarter
musters employes
British thnnccllor Sanctions
Expenditure of 3000000
Witr llllli Ini 1 nxii Cuii4 Im Si mIii
In South All It 11 Si 1111 l Mini
init It Sillng II1IIUI1 tlnlil Itiiiniii
lit HlHl I II lllllll inn
IINDUS Oct 5 The most interest
ing aiiuoitnt emtiit in connection with
the TiansMial allair todnv is that the
chancellorof tho exelicquei Right Hon
Sir Michael Hicks Beach has already
sanctioned the provisional expenditure
of JUItOOOOOO and that the government
Will not exceed that limit without an
thority fiom pailianient which will be
asked to vote a sum not exceeding XS
A meeting of the war btuid discussed
ami diew up auaugemeiits to insure
the route liom Duihm to Lungs Nek
so that largo bodies of t mops may on
disembai kut 1011 be lapidly forwaitled
up the Iouutiy to the fiont without
confusion or ciowtling at the base It
is statetl that the war olllce has decided
that theaimy coips forseiueo 111 South
All ica shall lc much linger than 01 lgi
nally estimated and that it now consists
of over 10000 men The prepuutions
for tho dispatch ot this foiee including
tho dispatching of British lineis is
steadily anil sutislaetonly pint ceding
I ltlniit inn In KiikIhiiiI
The press association leai ns that the
dispatch tli awn up by tho cabinet on
Fiiduy is still unseat On the othei
hand a telegiam liom Miussels gives
fiom a well infoimt d sotuce the news
that Dr Leytls the representative 111
Buropo of the South African republic
has received continuation of the repoit
that Picsident Ivruger has addressed an
ultimatum to G1c1t Drituin demand
ing the withdiiiwal ol tho British forecs
fiom the fiontier within 48 hours ami
that it was delivered on Monday This
report still lacks olllciul continuation
The confidence of the military author
Hies at the Capo is shown by a dispatch
received fiom Cae Town which states
that at a conference between the null
tury authorities there and Gcncril Sir
Stewut White C who will coin
maud the Bntish toices 111 Natal and
Lieutenant Geueial Sir Fietlenck
Walker held to consider the situation
General Wlnto expressed lnmsolt iu
confident that the British would bo able
to present a iorce sufficient to repel any
A lino steamer loft LouicuxoMaiquu
Dclagou bay yesteiday with 1200 Rand
refugees Lugo numbers were left
behind nud all tiiuiH aro crowded with
those taking pait in tho exodus lrom
the Transvaal
A dispatch fiom Volksrust says tho
Boer camp on the Natal bolder now
comprises 8000 men and is gi owing
daily The cam breathes a religious
lervoi The commissariat aiiaiigeiiients
the dispatch says are dofectne One
of the lugest corps lay in the veldt
without shelter during a heavy thumb r
btorm Commandant Gcneial Joubeit
is momoutawly expected to assume
command of the Boor forces
A special dispatch from Newcastle
Natal sajs Tho Boers lutvo left the
kuigcr at Volksrust and are moving
toward tho frontier Tho situation is
most critical The magistrates ami
municipal officers hao assembled 111
the town hall to concoct measures for
the dofeuBO of the town against an ex
pected attack All tho women ami
children huvo been ordered to leave for
tho interior of Natal
Mllner Aguiiiiii War
It is understood that Sir Alfred Mil
ner has not abandoned hope that tho
powerful interests now at work in Pre
toria and Blooinfontein may lead to tho
arrest of mobilization of troops on both
sides and opon tho door to a peaceful
Other telegrams indicate that a Boer
attack on Natal is expected at any time
but ubsert that Commandant General
Joubert has threatened to shoot any
man who moves without oideis
Tho London morning papers are in
clined to regard tho smuro of gold by
the T1111iRvail as an act of war
No confirmation is obtaiiiablu that a
Boer ultimatum has been pn send d but
tho news comes from what is usually
a good Boer source
A dispatch from Johannesburg says
that Stato Secretary Roit of the Tiaiin
vuul informed a correspondent of tho
Standard ami Diggers News that tho
proclamation of martial law is Doing
deliijed In Capo Town the opinion
prevails that the delay of tho Boers 111
assuming the offensive points to a will
ingness on thp part of tho Transvaal
government to allow political counsel
to override military anlor
Iml James of Hereford wilting to a
correspondent expre ses a fear tint tho
maintenance of jieice is now impossible
Sir I2dgtr Vincent speaking at Hu
nt yesterday said lie uuderntoxl that
Sir Retlvers JJuller did not expect the
war to be a shoit one
linen s in- tin tiniii
loMHv Oct fi spu ial dispatch
fiom Pretouu sivs the Tiiiusviinl guv
eilimeilt has seied gold In the value of
t S00 IMIl wlii Ii is now lodged in the
state mini The government the tits
patch atlils will indemnify the binks
to which the gold is consigned
Bltn viroMUts Ofl a The govern
incut publishes a telegiam fiom Boshof
slating that the British foiees have
crossed the hnidci and that lighting has
1 ommenceil Aiiollut telegiam says
the lioops have ciosseil the bonier but
that 110 lighting hits oivuired
The govei union iisi 1 edits tho tepoi I
Irnlllliil ill Dm Sphll r Iuli IMuv MhiiI
ll III till Itm
Iimion Oct e The momenta v tlis
appointment that the III st ilnv s conlesl
for the Ameiicas cup should have 10
suited in no nice has boon billowed by
a feeling of satisfaction that the Sham
rot k has shown itself a woithy chill
longer and hope 1 tins high that il will
wipe out 11 long ueoul of defeat
Among vaelitKiiten great iitlmiiiilion is
expressed for I ho way nt which Caplain
llogiiilh isicpnitcd to have handled llm
The afternoon pnpets comment 111
much the same terms us the mm mug
papeis All think that the chances of
the Shamrock ami the Columbia me
about equal uud all are giatillcd at the
extreme fiieiidliiiess tlisplitvcd b the
The Pall Mall Gaolto savs Nevci
have the qualities mi peculiar to Anglo
Saxons chivuhous dotei munition to
fight 11 contest to the t ml on a fair Hold
and without favor boon moie coiispicu
ous than they weie in Mondaj s nice
A I 1MIIIOIlt III till 4 ihiiIiiiiiiiimI Aiiii ln
KllKKlft lllllllll Itrfoi II lliilii Illl lllllllO
Nrvv YniiK Oct fi Obeilin M Car
tel the fonnei eiigineci ing caption
who is under sentence of live yeais
imprisonment aflt r conviction on a
cliaigo of coiispuucy to deli and the
government was taken from Gover
1101 s island to the United Slates circuit
com t today on a xvnt ot habeas cot pus
111 his behalf obtained last Monday
Judge Lacombe was tin the bench
Counsel submitted briefs Judge In
combe resolved decision on the wilt
ami oitlcicd Captain Cniti 1 biclt to the
custody ol Captain Robuls of Govei
uors island
llr 4 1 1111111 N I Mmr Miiik
DesMoim s Oct 1Di J 1 Gib
son state vetciiiiaiian of Iowa 111 his
biennial 1 epoit ttoitls pi ogress 111 his
work ol suppressing fubeiculosis among
animals and asks tor tin increased nppio
pimtion to meet demands
Tho Dewey homo land to data
lunonnts to flSSl
The training ship Kssox in lived at
Algiers Wednesday
It is announced that lyntl autl Lady
Abei Icon will soon go to Canada
Flint glass w 01 i rs ol Pennsylvania
ate demanding a inisc nt 10 pi 1 cent 111
I Vj Con wise foumlei of Convciso
colli go tiled at Spaitaiibuig S C
The boaitl ol health icpoitH live now
t asos ol yellow fever and one ileal h at
New Ol leans
Fully J 100 iiiarryiucu employed at
and aioiind Hillsville Caihou ami Low
ellville Pa have stiuck
Ktlward OConnor has died from tho
effects of a bullet wound received Sun
day at tho hands ot an Americanized
Mexican at Kl Paso Tex
Dr II N Merctu of Chicago was re
elected by the Mississippi Valley Medi
cal association committee as tho next
picsident ot the association
The Kentucky whisky tmst has miido
a complete list of its distilleries and tho
whisky that is lo be made at each of
them during the coming distilling sea
son The tilal number of gallons to bo
miido is fl000
Tho state department has received a
report from United States Minister
Merry at San Tumi Costa Rum which
says that the yellow fever in tho town
of Alajuola is under control and no new
cases huvo developed
Tho Marblehcatl now at San Fian
cisro has been designated to proceed
south along tho South American coast
and if possible locate the dangerous un
chiii letl 1 eel on which a Bntish merch
ant slop ictontly struck
Louis Wostormuii hghttd his own
fuiioiil pvreit tho county iiifhmaiy at
Toledo O Wednesday by Mailing a
blne in a haystack with his pipo As
soon is tho lianas spread he jumped in
and was limned to tleath
The First Baptist church at San
raiicisco was desttojetl by firo
vVi tlnesday A llreiuan was stiuck by
ijoitionsot a falling wall autl fatally
ujiircd The church was one of tho
iltlcst 111 the city Loss f100J0
Thepiojttt of tho striking French
Mineis to march m 11 body to Paris mi
1 ss tiieii demands aio coutodetl which
nlkipscd some days ago is revived autl
I ommiltie is cDusidcimgcoiumissuiiat
iiiaiigemeiits for the II 1st dav s trip
Tho enlistments Wednt stluy were 772
making a total ot iifi Two 111010
-1 gimeutsuici omplitcd the Foity fifth
utoiiel Dorst at loit Siiolling ami
iiiicouvor buiaiks and the Foitj
ixth Colonel Sihuvlcr at South Fiam
ugliain Mass
I - Ttmm
fc Sd wWK f
Ansoum ely Pure
Makes tfie food more delicious and w holesome
mm wai im
liaicfiil lns and Long Wenrlnt
Till I AMOUx
015a Ncthcrsole 250 Shoe
ViisfiMMtq tlm mntllrif iirtfoi t sljrln 111 ruiiifotl mill i
No I a i nl Ini hi tiiTniiKiirj nimln In iiiiifiiini to I lie llmm n
MliMiiy lletllilc liHiine Kid hIikI tlml Ih null mh n
wiii in like linn lii iIh nay 1 MhIhiii for wnnr iiiiiI omfi
Nu Inn t Iitidiio Kill mill Uiinflliii knino mi illiiin i litli1
lniMiiiMtiiitii in iimiii i nut iloiiu imv lici I mill Mull
V hi Mill II i il llm Hum i imiiliiii iIiiiii iithl In iiiui i inn lull
fluntiliHMiiil li Die Umk Inlnnil MnirCiiliick Ulnnil
mit uli tcliMhrl in thM illy tiy
I he Only Direct Woulc
The Pastcst Route
Practical Plumber
andLSteam Fitter
Agency for the Mers Totcc and
AVIrul Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Oiiiirintecd on all Wmk
Fjiht lo jr West of Post Olllce
Oil and Gasoline
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold or
I yv l
Inrnlilllly Crtf WU iW
Kim t XWFfoVAil J
i Mil fnitJ k J
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The Popular Route
Salt Lake
San Francisco
I he Best Hqulppcd Route
I lie Safest koiitc
lor Time Tables Kohleis Illustrated Motilts PiimphletH tit hciiitivo of the
temtory raveised call on
Daily News Job Department
For Plumbing Steam Flttlrg Pump
Tanks Wind Mills
Anil nil ropnlr work In tills linn en
HHtUraoticm tinnraiiUinn
Mrt donr nmtli of Until Nw oIHuk
Jeweler and Optician
All of r friu lion iiiixiI iinriitiil
I inn wili Ii iiipiiiriin
Mrs H H Hull
Facial Trtatmect Mtcifiiritg jsid Shampo
Wlllgladlx call at yonr lionioi and dn an of ths
work Urdnra tuken for fine lialr ewltoliei
Pnifeat match fpiarantMid Ueiidenon on Flrtl
ntreet Junction OnWi may bs left at tin
Jnnotlon DrncHtorn Telephone 16
Braascb Avenue
and Tnlril it
mm Fi
Everybody wants tho b wi of
meats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Our Simp Ih Uw NoatcRt
in the City
Always Fresh
and Just as
Hitfliost Miirkot Price Paid tor
lJuttcr mid Kkks
North -Western
F E M V R R is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
J0 TO-
W 0 Halls Barber Shop