The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 28, 1899, Page 9, Image 9

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w n
A doctors
might show
Construction on the Line May
Soon Begin
Tin- lrcimolrrd Said to IImii Itiiiril Tliolr
lloncln ltrinrtcl Prnct of lint Nortli
xtculcrn Kolka Should tlm Ymiktoii itml
Norfolk Knil HMir to Itullit
A roport front Ottialia is to tlto effect
thnt work on the Yuiklon Norfolk and
Southwestern rntlrontl will bo coin
niPticed witltiti about JO days nml states
thnt ho promoters J S Modeling of
Chicago and V V Grnlintii of Nor
walk O Itnvc placed tlio bonds Tho
Worll Herald published tho following
Tho World lItruld can statoon what
is considered reliublo authorih that
work on the now road front Yankton to
Omaha will bo commenced within the
next JO days and that tlto section of tlto
road between Yankton and Norfolk will
bo pushed rapidly to unnpleioii to bo
followed by tho building ot a second sec
tion front Norfolk to Omnhii by wav of
Fremont Tho new road will net how
ever parallel the Klkhorn rotd except
for it very short distance but will open
up a now territoty
Tin securing by Mr Orahani tho
chief promoter of tho now toad of tho
right of way between Yankton and Nor
folkin securing which and grading
and bridges mer t00000 was expended
several years ago was noted several
mouths ago Since then considerable
preliminary work has been done and
Messrs Graham and Meckling announce
that they have now closed a deal for tho
bonds to build tho road
Tltp now road will havo easy grades
and a run through a rich agricultural
and stock territory in addition to which
it will form a connecting link between
Omaha and tho Jim river valley the
richest portion of South Dakota
The Sioux City Journal which is nat
urally strongly opposed to tho construc
tion of tho proposed road last Wedues
clay published the following concerning
the situutiou the World Herald roport
does not however bear out the Journals
belief that tho bonds would not sell
Tho Chicago Milwaukee aud St
Paul road which lias been temporarily
blocked in tho construction of its Charles
Mix county line by Jim Hill president
of the Gt eat Northern who unexectedly
has bobbed up iu pos ession of the Da
kota Southerns grant through the
Yankton Indian reservation is not alone
in its grief Tho Yankton Nt rlolk nnd
Southeastern is having a touch of it
It appears that if J S Meckling of
Chicago and W W Graham of Nor
walk O promoters of this Yankton
road who have been in Sioux City many
times in the last two months imagined
they were going to be permitted unin
terruptedly to bultl cross lots they reck
oncl without the Chicago St Paul
Minneapolis and Omaha which has four
branch lines running uorthwnrd from its
main line from Sioux City to Norfolk
These are shoit roads running to New
castle Ilartmgtou Bloomfleld and Vor
digre Tho Meckling road could not
very well get from Yankton to Norfolk
Without cronsiug at least two of
these branches and it might cross three
of them The Omaha does not intend
to sit still with its hands folded while
tho Yankton Norfolk and Southeastern
people cut into their territory It has
pbiced a party of surveyors iu the Held
and is running a line from Ilartington
to Crofton a small inland town twelve
miles south of Yankton on the Meckling
survey There it has stopped threaten
ingly The move is taken to mean that
if Mr Meckling and his associates be
gin building operations on their line
the Omaha immediately will extend its
Hartington branch to Yankton and
freeze tho now Hue off the map It is
believed that if thin is tho intention of
tho Northwestern people their scheme
will worki fw buyers of bonds instantly
recognize how useless it would be to
enter the fiold against such competition
Every Well Man
Hath His 11 Day
that kidneys
liver and stomach are norrnal
bil the doctor carinot analyze
the blood upon rthich these
organs depend
Hoods Saraaparilla puriAea vitalitei
and enriches the blood It cures jou
when a bit off or when seriously
afflicted It never disapjiotnti
Dyspepsia- My husband hM dyper
klu and Hoods Sarsuparllln cured hlnv
OUr little boy was nervous and the baby
bad ulcerous sores It cured both Whs
Kmma Heue Portage Pa
Indigestion- I conld not 1st for aom
rnontlis on account otuhtresn nd Indiges
tion Hoods Sarsapurllla cured me so that
1 can est and sleep well Mtis G A Gontz
Taylor and Walnut Sts Wilmington Del
ZfiodA Sauat
llondt Jlllt cjirt liter ills Hie nnn initatlrf and
only cathartic tj lako with Hnmlt haraatartllal
Clean auil Uauurtri the hair
lroiuulti a luiuj taiit growth
Never FtUU to llfttore Ory
ltatr to Ita Youthful Color
Ouxti Klp d nun k hair tailing
jcudluuu DrurfUu
F M Hoyer went duck hunting yes
W G Kcks of Sioux Falls S 1 is a
city visitor
Miss Nellie Seymour is visiting Lin
coln friouds
Mrs Olios Smith was a visitor yester
day from Hat Ho Creek
Tho postmasters salary at Plainviow
hnit boon raised to 1100
H Stitt and son Curtis wont to
Stanton at noon to attend tho fair
I apt Alfred Gorocko witnessed tho
raceRttt the Stanton fair yesterday
Mr and Mrs Win Shlvely wero pas
sengors for Oniiiha on tlto noon train
Mrs J G Trout man and Opal Mad
sen tiro visitors at the Stanton fair to
Geo Williams
with sonio of his
for sale
Mr and Mrs S
day from thoir
homo in 1 cutler
Mrs Mo es Kidder who has been
very sick is much improved and able to
get out of doors
I T Slieolinn of Hongis Wyoming
is isiting at the home of his father-in-
law Geo Williams
Mrs M I riiillson is a guest at the
homo of S Hayes enrotito from Lin
coln to her home in Randolph
M 1 iendeison returned yesterday from
ti trip west wheio ho repot ts good sales
having disposed of four organs
Ma Lonser has gone to Tildon
whero ho will have charge of tho
wards tSz Bradford lumbor yards
Arthur Ahltnan won tho bicycle race
at Stanton yesterday a trick he has of
doing in almost every rncc he enters
Dr Stevenson physician at tho hos
pital for insane has returned from a
fow days recreation at bis homo in Go
Mr and Mrs Goo Davenport drove to
tho fair at Stanton yesterday nnd wero
very much pleased with tho display
there made
W O Halls horse Birchwood
won tho 2 10 trotting race at the Stanton
fair yesterday Tho horso is entered
for another race today
A little daughter arrived this morning
at tho homo of Mr and Mrs Jack
Koeuigsteiu aud is likely to make that
her homo for many years to come
Miss Van Ness of Lincoln was tho
guest of Mrs E C Connor over night
She was on her wny to Wayne to attend
a stssiou of the Baptist association
Mr and Mrs C C Gow Wm Hamli
tou Knox Tipple Dr A B Tashjeau
aue Dallas Bruusou wero among tho
Norfolk visitors to tho Stanton fair to
A II Bohnert of Neligh has rented
tho room in tho Koenigstein block next
door east of the postollico aud will open
up therein a grocery store on the lirst of
the month
A drawing representing tho appearance
of t ho proposed new auditorium aud a
plan of its seating capacity is now dis
played on the walls of tho postollico
where it attracts much attention
Wm Schwertferger whose ankle
was injured some time ago while load
ing his engine tender with coal will
return to work tomorrow ho having
recovered sulllcieutly from his injury
Messrs A K Leonard S L Gnrdner
George Christoph and J L HershiBer
drove to Stanton this afternoon to attend
the races It is said they will take to
that city and enter in tho raco Mr
Leonards famous pacer Billy
The Times Tribune prerS whi h has
been used in tho Star ofllco nt Madison
arrived last night but the force was un
able to got it in working order iu time for
this mornings issue It is promised
however that a paper will be it 6ued to
morrow morning
Tho Saturday NkWs k rapidly being
recognized an a lino advertising medium
and in a readable paper is considered a
grnnil success Advertisements or iio
Hcei for tho Satnrday issuo should be
handed in before tho tbiy of issue if
possible and at latest tho first thing in
tho morning
A sttrprUa party wiV3 perpetrated on
Miss Minnie Verges last night at her
homo on North Tenth street tho occas
ion being her 20th birthday A largo
number of friends participated in tho
festivities which were very enjoyable
During the evoniug delicate refresh
inents were served
L L Iidmbo has returned from a
visit to Holt county He StateB that tho
political situatiou up tfcero has changed
vcty much iu the past year This conn
ty has been a populist stronghold but
niauv of the party are disgusted with
their leaders and will vote tho republi
can ticket this fall Ho believers thut
the election returns will show a great
change of Bcntimeut
The social given by the Ladies Aid
society of the M E church at tho homo
of Mrs nanuah Goodrich last ovening
was a very successful affair with at-
ended by a largo ttumber of people and
netted tho ladies about fW The recital
by 2b of tho ladies us to how thoy made
a dollar onfof - cents loaned them My
the society proved very intcrefitfng
Some of thorn weio written veryhieely
in poetry
A larg uuiuber of auiusemgrit loving
has gone to Wisnor
cattle which he has
W True return to
visit to their former
peoplo from tho city attended tho weekly
entertainment at tho hospital for the in
sane last night and report a most enjoy
nblo time Tho grounds nt tho hospital
hao recently had some improvements
iu tho matter of illumination Tho
driveway from tho street to the build
iugs has been nicely illuminated while
the archway over tho entrance has also
received the addition of some lamps
A Greek carnival by homo talent will
be given in Maniuardtfl hall next Tues
day evening September ail under tho
aunpices of the Ladies Aid society of tho
Congregational ohurch The entertain
ment promises to be of an exceedingly
interesting nattiro nnd will no
doubt bo liberally patronleil Re
member tho date Prices of admission
15 and 25 cents reserved seats li
A company of eight or ten of the
members of Mttthowson post S A It
sonio of them accompanied by their
wises went to Warnervillo last night
ami with tho assistance of several old
soldiers fiom Madison held a camp lite
in Warners hall which proved very en
joyable A nice supper was sonetl tlur
ing tho evening and the enjoyment was
continued until lute the Norfolk dele
gation hiving home in tho morning
Tho sonior chts of the High school
nas arranged for a course f lectures to
lie gion luring the mining winter
Tho sums will consist of tour lectures
by prominent platform orators on live
topics of tho tiny The young folks com
posing the class are to be congratulated
on giving this evidence of their onter
pnso and it is to be hoped that tho It c
tiires will not aloiio result in pecuiiiaiy
prolit but will bo a fund of intellect uu
gain that will materially aid them in
their last fow monthsof public school
woi k
N Hill the real estate agent has on
display in his window hiuiu mammoth
vegetables raised by T O Van Horn on
his farm south of tho city Tho col
lection is as follows Six onions grown
from tho beed tho weight of tho six
being six and one half pounds two
tiblo beets Northrup King iVs Gos
Market Gardon varioty weight lilj
louuds ouo Mangel wurtol of Improved
Long Red variety weight lia pounds
length 28 iuches circumference
Inches Mr Van Horn has sonio way
of raising monstrous vegtables that may
well bo tho envy of gnrdeners and
Miss Emma Mueller is on the sick list
Tho Missos Kilpatrick of Foster aro
city visitors
Mrs C F Rosburg of Randolph was
in tho city yesterday
G It Soilor has returned from a visit
to tho exposition at Omaha
J W Shiploy of Randolph was a
Sugar City visitor yesterday
J Henderson of Clearwater was in
tho city on business yesterday
Miss Goorgia Harvey is clerking in
Boelor Bros btoro temporarily
F A Thompson of Sheldon Iowa is
visiting at tho homo of 7 H Oxnaiit
Mrs 7 Ryan mid daughter of Creigh
ton are visiting with Mrs Ed Murphy
Wm B Villis horso wou first money
in tho carriago race at Stanton yester
Mrs Josephine Hull returned last
night from her visit to friends in Mad
Richard Reua went to Battle Creole
yesterday to attend to telephone busi
Frank Thibot was brought to tho
hospital for iusauo yesterday from Burt
W O Halls horso won second money
in the trottiug nice at the Stanton fair
Misses Mattio and Lizzie Lichtenborg
returned home from a visit to Stanton
Dr d ll Tayltr the Yankton eye
Rpecialist is in tho city attending to tho
needs of patients
W II Bniasoh was among tho Norfolk
crowd that witnessed tho races at the
Stanton fair yef tcrduy
1 W ICd wards has purchased a rm
douco lot on South Fourth street and
will probably build thereon
Mrs Hosiery Hollyfleld is enjoying h
visit from her mother aud grandmother
whose homos aro at Wnyuo
A number of Chinaman passed through
the city today enronto to Han Fraucisco
by way of tho Union Pacific
F 1 FrensntV i of tho Omaha Roe
representing that papers Century club
is iu the city attending to busiuess
James Nickle is having brick tmulod
onto a vacant lot near ttiu bome of W
J Gow whero ho will build u ressdeirod
Mr and Mrs O R Bishop of ew
Haven Conn - are in tho city Mr
Bishop is nftor hie brothers
property Uterests
Mr tCrul Mrs G F DurlrtUd who havo
been Visiting in tho city for tho post
few days returned to their homo at
Plniuviow yesterday
Miss Bessie Mills lift for Lincoln to
day on her way 1o 1ino Blutf Ark
after a pleasant visit at the home of
Mr and Mrs 1 U Hays
Mr and Mrs W M Robertbuu went
to lltiditttu today to mett Mr iuid JJrs
F M Smith of Dixon II who aro
relatives nnd will return with them for
a yisit
The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs
Frank Sehwedo died yesterday anil was
burled today tho funeral services being
condticted nt Christ Lttthetau church by
Rev J I Muollor
Wynit llnlnlMilt departed today for
Cantbiiilge Mass where ho will re
enter Harvard university to continue
his studies after having spent an enjoy
able vacation at home
Thomas Karluut a Madison cigar
maker Istoported to hne had an eye
blown out by tho explosion of a target
rtllo while attiiiiliug tho street fair at
Lincoln Wednesday The gun throw
theohatgo baikwatd with the ulmo
The Not folk people who hae been
attending tho fair at Statitou wete well
pleased with tho exhibit made hh well as
the treatment aecoi led them by Stanton
peoplo In oi Hilary but oxpicHsivo
slang parlance it is piniiotiucfd Out
o sight
Many little fi lends of Edwin Gow
suipiiMil him last evening at the home
of his patents Mr and Mis W J Gow
on Nebraska incline ami Twelfth stteet
the occasion being tho lllth aiiniversaiy
of his bill It A must enjoyable evening
was passed by the little folks
apt A O Logan of Ctelghton is
ited in the city over night with bis
sister Mis G F McCnimick Mi Lo
gan is one ot the lending tepiiblicaus ol
Knox county and is on his way home I loin
the state convention at Omaha His
patty has placed him in nomination foi
county judge and ho believes tho repub
licans stand a good show of carrying
Manager Spreoher has just reoieved
wotd ft oni tho superintendent of tele
phone exchanges stating that an oider
for eiiipinont has been placed mid while
part of it is now on hand they are com
pelled townit for other supplies from a
Chicago electrical house which they
expect to receive and forward m about
ten days Tho oxchango hero will then
boat onco equipped for two operators
Tiik Nkws was misinformed the other
day when it announced that P A Sliurl
had purchased tho Beetner property
lirst north of tho depot in South Norfolk
A deal was made yesterday wherby Ed
Grant of tho grocery firm of Colluinor
iV Grant camo into possession of tho
property The present owner docs not
3 ot know what it will bo used for but
it will probably bo united It is under
stood that the Fair store niitnagmenl is
ondeavoring to securo other pioperty iu
which to open a grocery at the Junction
Members of the senior class of tho
High school aro now canvassing tho
city in an endeavor to son bow their
proposed lecturo course next winter
will bo patronized Thoy calculate
that in order to meet the expense in
curred they will havo to dispose of nt
loiist 170 season tickets at 150 apiece
Tho amount this will bring will not pay
all expense items but thoy aro confident
that enough moio will bo taken in at tiio
door on the nights of entertainment to
clear them The series is a good one
consisting of high priced and well known
loclurerswhilr onoof tho entertainnients
will bo of a uiuHiRil nature Tho dates
havo not yet been sot but it is probable
that tho first entertainment xvill bo given
either the latter part of November or
the first of December Tho following
aro the attractions that compose tho
course The Lyric Ladies of Chicago
a mimical organization of wide renown
Col Ij F Copcland a humorous orator
who has a lino reputation as a choice en
turtuiuei Benjamin Chopin a dramatic
reciter who carries out a play assum
ing all tho parts in a very interesting
manner and John Temple Graves a
southern orator who has achieved dis
tinction as a platform speaker and who
Osmond visiting friends
GvWhP A lju
Miss Luella llarlmau catun up fiom
Lincoln Sat utility night tovisil alow
days at home
G E Htitton manager of tho Pierce
roller nulls passed through the city this
morning on his way to Omaha
Robert Johnson will depart for Chi
cago tomorrow to resume his ciiurHo in
medieineat Hush Medical college
Mis N A Haiitbolt and Mrs G K
Keiper will go to Omaha tomrrow mom
ing to see the puradi s tins
Wholesale jowelety houses aro very
well ropiosunted in Norfolk today thorn
being five traveling men calling on local
Mrs C J Stock well departed this
morning for a visit to bet old homo in
Ames Iowa Sho will also visit iu
Council Blutls
II Roynoldh came in last night
fiom Chicago whero ho had been with
Mrs Reynolds and Mrs M Bride on
their way cast
Mis W W Oinvoy and daughter
Zoo ol Pierce returned homo jesteidaj
alter a pleasant visit with Mrs G F
Keiper and other lreiiids
Tho Suiter grant elevator is now
enclosed ami ready for tho machineiy
whirl will probably in nv o and bo placed
iu position during the next few days
Mr and MrH C R Bishop of New
Haven Conn who havo been here for
heverul days went to Pierce to visit
relatives and look utter business niteiest
Mrs A IS Ellis came in tioin Omaha
laht nsghl and with her husband will
soon go to housekeeping in tho residence
on South Seventh street vacated by
Mrs Mary E Ellis
Misses Abbio Hodgetts and Johanna
Hagey will leave Wednesday for Sa
vannah Ga where they will teach in
tho school in which Miss Hodgetts in
1 structed last year Tho best wishes of
their friends will accompany them
In a recent shoot between Glissmnn
Nethaway aud Bailey tho following
score was made Glissman killed M out
of a possible and Nethaway 18
can bo relied upon to ufTord an ovening i RHny got Hi out of 20 ami withdrew
of pleasure and instruction to those who
attend his lectures The entire soiieK is
Well worthy of patronage ntid those
who appreciate a high claha tintertaiu
mosit and instruction will niako no
mistake in assisting tho class by the pur
chase of tickets
Julius llultr wont to Omaha today for
a foV days visit
Mrs P A Shurtz is tery ill at her
homo ou Park avenno
Mrs Van Horn is in the city from
from tho contest
A letter ban been received from Rev J
J Parkor in which ho states that ho
will not sail until October -I from Eng-
land and will probably not reach homo
before the middle of tho mouth Ho
expected to sail on September 10th but
did not feel well enough to undertake
the trip therefore the delay
Sheriff Will Davenport of Sioux City
returned yesterday from tho Black Hills
aud stopped long enough to eat dinner
with his parents Ho went to the hills
to arrest a train robbr rxvhohosupporfd
I was there When bo arrived ho found
Rev and Mrs F P Wigton left today I 0t the person he wanted
for thoir homo in Osmond
H J Folbur ot Wayne vitited
Norfolk frionda yesterday
but vnvB tv brother to tho robber
F J Hoydar has Ttsigned hiteStosition
w operator at the union depot and has
M D Foster and W E Reid ot j accepted a position as brnkoman on the
Mftrtison Sumtayed in Norfolk O St P M O trains No 9 and 10
Ho will remove hiB family this week to
nn w GhVitrrirVi will w to Omaha I
tomorrow to sto ho exposition i
Miss Notlfo -Seymour returned from
her visit to Uncoln last evfcing I
ThonifMit child of Mr and Mis L i
M Beoler was very sick yesterday
Mrs S E Bracket has roturued from
a visit to Omaha and tho exposition j
D Ri es steward of the hospital re
turned Saturday from a trip to Liucoln
Miss Nina Walker was in from her
school visiting her parents over Sunday
Mr uuil Mrs Anil row Teal have gone
to Omaha and Missouri Valley on a
Mrs Sutherland aud daughter of
EtiiPrson which is better situated for his
work Hissiicessor is L P Hale who
was connected with the signal service
in Cub during the 1 ito conllict
The track laying gang of tho Union
Pacific is in towu putting in another
siding in tho Union Pacifio yards Tho
track will t put in on the vacant pluco
iKitween tho litniti ntid side track just
southwest of the depot and will bo used
for the passenger cars which havo here
tofore been placed on tho siding at the
cold storage
The rogular term of tho Stanton
dibtrict court convened at Stanton today
Judge R E Evan of Dakota City
rj I fc Riiif tSVs W
Hi1 sells rhtiin stun tin silt
once iniitlc
Blinds liigii pinfits foi to ilty
The soip wIkmi ustil tiflfiuls his tiitilc
Willi I ili ils luihifoith in oss tho viy
Both ptinIiisiM mil silk i lose
But luny Soip milus stiulfisl li lends
Tis Ivst to sell ind hesl to use
Ami hums lu sl pioiils in Hie end
A WOljn Ol WAKNINt tin n iri in in nlilli mh i icti irpirnlnt lt fcp Jmt m ivinj
is thr limy Ihi v Mm Mil I til IIUi ill iiiniti tli 111 lick tho iiiilln ill n in ukil iiiilllln 0
the iinullii Asli lur luu Sti ip itil Insist i m i II
I kit I lot look ait shopping in the city
paused tlnoiigli Noi folk on IiIh way to
that place topioHiilo Attorneys M 3
I Inen and I J KKinightein vvont down
to attend the opening of tho court
The most intvicsting case I o como I o
fore the session is I bo Anderson min
der trial
The Sioux City Journal contains IhiH
item of interest to Norfolk people who
remember Mr Caiiierou ami his disap
pearance The disappearance of Will
tlimeion from hishoineat Waterloo in
June 1807 was a nino days wonder
Mis Cameron visited Waterloo the other
day biiiiging to mind the fact that no
knowledge ol Mr Giuncrons whom
abouts has como to light since Ins un
ceremonious departure
Frank Taft who luw been ill at tilts
homo of his sister Mih A D Prutt
since the lirst of Jntio passed away at I
oclock this morning Tbo deceased
was about 115 years of ngoand iriiuirriod
Ho came hero iu Juno hoping that tho
climate might prove bem fiuial to bin
health but the chango was unavailing
and lie has gradually failed until diath
came to his relief Short services will
bo held at the tesidenco of Mr and Mrs
Pratt tomorrow morning at l anil
tho body will be tilcon to the old homo
of tho limily at Hrattleboro Vt for
it r nt Tho reinniiiH will leave on
Ihii I tram over the Eklinrii and
will be accomp lined to their dcMiuii
tion by Bun Tuft brothel of tho do
KIDNEY H u hfpiive diseaso
TUfriltll P HioiiHunds havo it
I KUUbLl and dout know it If
you want quick results you can make no
mistake by using Dr Kilmers Swamp-
Hoot the great kidney remedy At
druggists in 50 cent and ifl sizib
Sample bottle by mail free also
lft tolling you how to lind out if von
havo k ilnoy trouble
Address Dr Kilmer Co B nghain
ton N V
WAvrKi several bright and honest
porsons to represent iih as managers in
this and close by counHeu Salary 000
a year and exiieiiM s Straight bona lido
no more no less salary Position poi ma
nent Our references any biuk in any
town It is mainly olllco work con
ducted at homo Reference Enclose
self addressed stamped envelope Tin
Dominion Comiauv Dept i Chicago
How To
Gain Flesh
Persons have been known to
gain a pound a day by taking
an ounce of SCOTTS EMUL
SION It is strange but it often
Somehow the ounce produces
the pound it seems to start the
digestive machinery going prop
erlv so that the patient is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food which he ioW not do be
fore and thatis the way the gain
is made
A certain amount of flesh is
necessary for healtb M you have
not got H you can get it by
ftcoirs pulsion
You will find it just as useful in summer
as in winter and if you arc thriving upon
it dont stop because the weather is warm
yc and f i its altfruBt
SCOTT A JtOWKB Cliku New Yck