8 ttEm OUR WELCOME TO I rirai ft bL L r H il fm DEWEY How tho Nation Will Rocolvo tho Homo Coming Horo of Manila Day BY SEWELL FORD For nearly 18 months Iho people of this tuitiiiii have linen twittling tip tin lenthusinsm distilled liy lieir unbound ktl ndiniintion for tlio iiiim who Hininhtil KhiiiKH so heroically on thnl ineiunrrblo tMny morning l Mutiilii liny Now that man 1h coining homo nml wo lmvo ar ranged lo uneorlt h till entliiiHiuHin Wo nro going to ilo it in our own peculiar way By light of geogiapliical Hit nation kind precedence dun to Hio tho totalis HC BKfl of llio nation h lirtst giooting to Admiral Dowoy on Iiih hiiine com ing lmvo hoen left to I not rep iccntntivn fit 1- eiiH of our big gest city Thesti N o w Yorkers know at least tlieyoitghl that each iinlividiial Anioricaii would like to take an iiclivo and per sonnl pail in c tending thin wel conio Hut it is a practical ini tiossibility for 70000000 people to stand at any ouo spot on tho Atlautio seaboard ovon on Hiich an occasion an thin So a favored fow comparatively speaking will ho thero to oxpi ess what tho i est of iih feel Thin expression of admiration toward nnd esteem will ho inado in tho good old American way Thoro will he pa rades on land and sea Thero will ho Jirowoiks and tho Ihuttdor of big guns Thero will ho decorations and illumina tions As this is an unusual occasion in fact tho most unusual occasion of tho kind which has over confronted us everything will ho on an unusual scale Tho parades will ho unusually big and magnificent tho fireworks will lo mi usually elaborate Iho guns will thunder unusually loud and long tho decora tions will ho unusually elaborate and tho illuminations unusually extensive nml brilliant tiii itnrnrTioN imkmiiammi The programme for tho reception of our homo coming admiral contemplates two days and three nights of festival Tho fun will begin on tho evening of Thursday Sept 28 lust before sun down of that day it is expected that tho whito nose of tho Olynipia will bo seen plowing through tho waves oil Handy Hook The flagship will anchor off tho Hook and wait for morning accom panied by a tleet of excursion stoaineis mid tugs Before Admiral Dowoy loft tho Medi terranean ho found out just exactly l1 Miftv i - fc T j hi II 1 i 1 11 H M r i i hi ifPI wide linns will nwnit her You may imagine the cheers of tho jackies as they man tho sides and watch tho Hag ship stonm between tho big battleships nml cruisers When the head of tho lino is reached the Oljnipin will anchor again Then Hear Admiral Sampson will go on board and extend tho ollicial welcome of tho navy and Iho government Thero will bo little time for chatting between the two olllcers for nt an early hour tho Meet will got under way for tho naval pal ado In this the Olyinpin will have as an escort tho wholo uoith Atlantic squad ion The course will bo up tho Hudson to Grants tomb Tho Olynipia will tiro the prescribed salute and anchor a nhoit distance below tho great white maihlo mausoleum The tinning of all these big waishiw in the narrow liver led by the gallant Olyinpin will bo a very pretty naval evolution In the evening tho tleet will ho il luminated stiings of colored electric lights being hung all about the grim waiships The next morning Hatuiday Sept 10 Admiral Dewey and his otlicers with olllcers from the other ships will laud and go to the Hotel Clnicmnnt at tho head of ltivetsido drive whom an olib oiuto breakfast will bo served tho mayor of New York and his ofllcial satellites acting as hosts Then will come tho big land parade Then Admiral Dewey will tiavo a chance to see close at hand some of tho v iii iinhfi - iii kx wiii wyvii w THK NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23 1800 b jrf msffiBttt Tilt- I llllll M llllll Vlllllltlll lllHIJ Ollttl III ClltlM mill- Inu up III Hii Ui iil iMiitcin unliMil r I lie tuition l lie liluu Ililnuof In- I Iiil out iiIiiiiikiI r illii mi- unluu In uUc Mm ltn Iiin I m Iconic IIiii liinnv lint- In - li inl ntiil imii i V miiI Iimui ll Well lin run lift llirri it 1 1 1 In- mi Ininil In mci mill mIiiiiiI IiIn iippm ill Imiii 1 1 II ml In ilflnlU iif lie Hllnlr liilon iir l 1 1 millions of good Americans whom he will lmvo ob served tho day before merely as black masses of bodies fringing the wharfs and buildings of tho river front Escorted by something liko tit 000 soldiers and a great naval brigade from tho squadron tho ad miral will drive for miles through solid masses of cheering hand kerchief wav ing hand clap ping humanity Above him and on all sides ho TIIKAIIMIIIAI lNSHOHKwill w umM rouri of waving Hags Then he will go through tho great arches which lmvo been erected in his honor Of course thero will bo a banquet to wind things up with an entertainment for tho men behind tho guns In honor of tho home coming of tho hero of Manila the city of New York is MSOil sfcr ii I ill L7I THi TId I 1 MmrVItTiiU II W IL iKN X A i U P i ff dT Y i r ba -- i in ipH die ii n -a r ik i t h h w n rtM atr i IB rt -S t rt M i Flt il J i wn h tfmm - jx N1CW YOKKS TltlbMIMIAI A UGH when he was wanted to appear and then he instructed hu navigating officer accordingly It is possible Mint the Olynipia may bo obliged to cruibo back and forth out thoro in tho ocean for beveral days in order not to appear be fore the scheduled dato It all depends on tho weather hut there is little chance that she will be behind hand When the Olynipia drops hor anchor in lower New York bay tho admiral will get his first siu prise It is extreme ly unlikely that the inodost son fighter lias any idea of the extent of the dem onstration which is to be made in his honor Hut when ho ees acres of water craft blazing with electric lights miles of shore line bathed in red tire is al most deafened by the shrieks of whistles and sees the very sky itself turned into a playground for thousands of hissing buibting rockets he will liegin to realize that a whole lot of euMiusiiihtic Aineri cans ate glad to see him hack Kurly Friday morning the Olynipia will get up her anchor and steam in through the Narrows under the wel conio bellowing guns of Forts Wads worth and Hamiltoui up to a point off Tompkins villo whore tho ships of the north Atlantic uquadron ranged in two putting on such a gala dross as it has never worn before Tho municipal gov ornmeut has appropriated 150000 to meet tho expenses of tho reception and this is being spent with a more or less judicious hand ISrW lOUKS IAIV UHKHS One of tho principal features of the wolconio will ho tho triumphal arch which is being built on Madison square at the intersection of Fifth avenue and Twenty fourth street This spot is in tho very heart of tho metropolis Tho situation of tho arch will bo such that it can bo seen for long distances from almost every direction A very fine arch it is to bo too The actual cost will be but f 20 500 but it must be leinnnbered that J7 of the liost 6culptois in tho country aro giving their services and are working liko leavers at its construction If Gotham had to pay these patriotic artists of tho mallet and chisel tho bill would foot up some thing like 1200000 for each sculptor has a national reputation Tho arch will resemble tho arch of Titus hi Rome but it will bo bigger and rlnor to look at thun that historic tit mmmm h u r affair although not of such lasting ma terial Staff which glistens whitor than any marble and looks just as substan tial as granite will bo used A double lino of ornato columns ex tending on either side of tho arch will make a magnificent and imposing ap proach to tlio stately pilo Tho arch is to be adorned with sculp ture symbolizing tho ixiwor of tho United States as a maritime nation Tho main idea of tho sculptural adorn ment will bo to have tho four great piers ono continuous series personify ing tho four subjects of Patriotism or tho call to arms war tho light tho return tho victors re turning to their nativo land peace the volunteers again taking up their peace ful occupations Theso subjects aro being treated in an nllegorical way with realistic groups in tho immedi ate foreground Above these act ing as ihiials to thu four col umns on each side of tho great group will bo portrait figures of admirals and representatives of tho navy such as lnul Jones Decatur Perry Farragut FXto Hull McDon ough Gushing and Porter Each of theso pieces will bo 12 feot high There will bo medallions of other naval he roes Tho four span drels over tho main entrance will bo filled with figures sym bolizing the At lantic ocean and Pacific ocean on ouo side mid tho North river and East river on the other thus em phasizing New Vnrlrn Tinaitimi m b ok tiik couniNa as tho most im portant commercial city of tho country Tho keystono of tho arch on either sido will bo Hiirmonnted by n great eagle Tho apex of tho arch will bo sur mounted by a quadriga of sea horses drawing n ship at whoso prow with uplifted wings will stand a triumphal figuro suggestive of victory This quad riga is being made by J Q A Ward president of tho National Sculpture society Other noted sculptors have various parts of the work in hand lu addition to this grand arch two large columns will be erected in Mou tague terrace Brooklyn This site is l fntnti1 1S HI BY JOE LINCOLN if What t here at last Come in come in Well Admiral how bs ycr 1 Ycrrc welcome home from cross the foam Were miphtv clad tcr see vcr It docs seem good tcr Ik vc ycr back With us vcr blood relations Ycrvc been away so long tcr stay Amongst them furrcn nations Weve heard from yer quite frequent since Ycr took our Eastern tiller j We read it yit that note ycr writ J So plain upon Manila X c liked that message that ycr sent Them folks -who riz ycr dander It showed direct wed git respect Where you as our commander I L I V X I- VI We sent ycr off a commodore Few knowed or cared about it j But now ycr name is bright with fame And all the world can shout it Ycr went away an unknown man Ycr public praise was zero But now its flung from every tongue Youre back agin a hero v ft Ycr actions show us what yer be A plain man though a bold one j They show us that ycr wear a hat No bigger than yer old one We love ycr not alone because Ycr fought a fight and won it It seems ter me lots more tcr be The manly way yer done it No use we Yankees like a man Whos there all kinds cr weathers Who doesnt shirk but does his work Without the fuss and feathers Thats why George Dewey were here terday Tcr clasp ycr hand and shake it With this address The hull U S Is yourn step in and take it fowP 7 on tho hoights abovo Wall streot ferry terminal and tho columns which will bo 150 foot high can bo seen from all parts of tho harbor THE BIGCTHICAI ILLUMINA TIONS But tho most prominent featuro of tho decorations will bo tho electrical wolconio which will bhizoouton Brook lyn bridge Tho words Welcome Dowoy will shino in letters 510 feet high nnd when first lighted Thursday night tho returning admiral can easily read them from tho deck of tho Olyinpin oven should ho decide to anchor ten miles outsido of Sandy Hook Tho legend will bo 800 feet long nnd moro than 8000 olectric lamps of high candle power will bo nsed to form this midair signal of welcomo to tho ad miral The device will be strung on tho central part of tho span betweon tho towers and abovo tho railroad tracks so that it can bo seen and read up and down tho East river as well as for miles down the bay Tho lights forming tho letters will he puro white and at each end of the de sign will bo appropriate embellish nionta Tho reflected light from this display which Warren W Foster sec rotary of the committeo says will bo tho greatest display of electrical illu mination tho world over has feon can bo seen in every direction within CO miles Tho bridge will bo decorated by day with bunting and flags its entiro length but its greatest glory will bo seen by night In addition to tho great central illumination there will bo many other lights and from tho towew four great searchlights will play their piercing rays iu every direction Tho legend which tho big bridgo is to bear will bo repeated dozens of times in letters from 6 to 20 foot high all along tho wator fronts of tho two rivers All tho steamship companies big and little from the ocean liners to tho craft that ply between ports on tho sound and tho Hudson have made prepara tions for illuminating their ships to an extent never before dreamed of except by the practical mon whoso life study is tho possibilities of olectricity Tho effect of theso on tho wator nt night will bo on a largo scale what tho illuminated trolley cars show when they dash through the dimly lighted suburbs liko blazing moteora Every hhip that carries ono or moro search lights will go down the bay on Thurs day night and focus tho brilliant rays of tho lamps on the deck of Deweys ship Electricity which will play so prom inent a part iu tho public und private decoratiou and illumination of thot T and tho water will have its first innings on that Thursday uight Never before probably have been seen so many craft blazing with lights from stem to stern as will take a cruise down tho bay that night to catch tho first gllmpso of tho admirals ilagahip and to carry tholr monsngo of wolconio to port to tho returning sea fighter who hns made glorious his country and his countrys flag on tho other side of tho world Every ono of tho oxenrsion craft ov ory private yacht every tug and lighter will make its showing moro or leas brilliant In tho white lights of tho elec tric lamp And on tho private yachts especially tho Illumination will bo dec orative with flag designs in red whito and bluo lamps and messages of wol conio In largo letters strung between the masts Tho ferry companies slips nnd tho steamship and railroad piers along the East river will ho lighted and their electric designs will bo varied accord ing to tho tasto of their designers and tho plans of the chief engineers On the North river whero the larger rnllioad and steamship lines have their termi nals tho display will be oven moro bril liant Tho Pennsylvania railroad was tho first to submit a plan of its illumi nation of tho Jersey City terminal to the committee On tho great train sheds facing tho water will bo tho words Wolconio Dewey in enormous lot tors of electric lamps with tho facado of tho station picked out in electricity Tho Delaware Lackawanna and Western railroad also has reported its plans to tho committeo They wero de signed by Paul II linings tho com panys chief olectiiohin nnd they show an elaborate display All the other railroad companies lmvo made plans as elaborate and complete as theso two Private and corporate owners of piorson lxith rivers have been seen individually and linvo given their plans confidentially to General Ilowaid Carroll who is chairman of a subcom mittee on river and harbor decorations and tho promise of a continuous blaze of electric light for miles along each bank of tho two rivers may bo expected confidently to bo fulfilled rnsTooxs or light The New York City Hall park and tho hall itself as well as tho borough hall in Brooklyn will bo illuminated under tho directim of tho subcommittee of which Lewis Nixon is chairman Mr Nixon has received a design from tho Edison Electric company calling for tho greatest illumination that old City Hall park ever has seen Strings of electiio TITK ADMIKALB LAUNCH lamps aro to bo festooned nmong tho trees across tho walks around tho foun tain and everywhere that thero is a peg or a brunch to hang a lamp upon Theso lights will be colored as well as whito and tho big arc lights which will bo hung in arches at a greater height also will show a variety of colors Tho park will look liko tho bceno of a bo In Now York to welcomo tho ad miral It is estimated that no lens than 0000000 visitors will swoop down on Now York during tho two Dowoy dnya This will bo an unprecedented Incur sion even for tho metropolis AN IMSirNSR cnown Tho cities and towns within 100 miles of Gotham will empty n largo portion of their people into tho metrop olis by day excursions while from iWv If W ffii 4ri i tfoSi wJirs3i Ii t 5VL5 1 lit1 in - GJSSlT gfaTy i j 1 i iTl 1 t AV t I fftlWT II i I II li 7 I xri ff A uii i w i i ii i I in Vy 1 i f l l i Ml lit I II I l 11 I 9 M 1 I i I T It lilt Jl i K 1 m tt i r IIIKjOK lVNb TKIUMlHAL COLUMNS greater distances will coma thousands of others Even in tho far west Dewey clubs are being formed Theso clubs are made up of people who nro bonnu to bo in New York when Dewey gets thero Agents nro sent ahead to arrange for accommodations and special trains aro to bo chartered The Now Yorkers think tho big crowd can bo accommodated somehow or oth er During tho Columbian celebration of several years ago New York took caro of at least 1000000 visitors and since then her facilities have been greatly in creased During the Columbian celebration tho New York hotel men worked to gether and handled tho emergency with out difficulty Weeks before tho event thoy had through advertisements com piled n list of housoholdors iu tho vicin ities close to tho various hotels who wibhed to rent rooms without board and thoy comniunicatod with theso housoholdeis Then to save hotel clerks tho bother of looking after outsido details they opened n central bureau in Union square whero persons crowded out of tho hotels wero sent and quarters se lected for them according to their ideas of economy and convenience Tho samo plan is to bo carried out at tho Dowey celebration It is the opin ion of James H Breslin that if 1000 000 persons havo to remain in New York overnight during tho Dewey fes tivities Now York can take care of them Thero would necessarily be a good deal of doubling up but Mr PIJLX FOtt UBOOBATLNO BBOOKLrN BUIDGH garden party or a lawn festival on an immense Bcalo Tho hall itself will bo ablazo with lights which will show its decorations of flags and bunting by night ns well as by day Similar illu minations aro projected for tho borough hall in Brooklyn It is impossible to tell all the wonders that will bo accomplished in the way of electrical illumination by private in dividuals Every electrician in tho city is workiug on plans for ono or moro buildings and all tho electrical shops aro crowded with ordors which must bo turned out beforo Dowey day On land thero will bo a daylight dis play which has nover been equaled in Now York or any other city The great metropolis will bo fairly swathed in rod whito nnd bluo bunting From ev ery point where n staff can bebtuck out a flag will bo flung to tho breeze Each of tho big mercantile houses is planning its own scheme of decoration and the smaller ones as well Peoplo who visited New York boon after the battlo of San tiago wero astonished at the lavish dis play of bunting but this display is to bo eclipsed when Dowey comes home A word as to the crowds which will Breslin thinks tho city hotels re en forcod by apartment houses aud board ing houses that would bo temporarily pressed into service under hotel general ship could handle such a multitude It must bo remembered that every day in tho year 100000 peoplo arrive in and loavo New York without creating a ruffle on tho surfaco of things But tho visitor to Gotham must ex pect to bo bomowhat crowded on tho Dowey days Ho must not look for elbow room on the streets and must bo prepared to hang on to cable cars by his eyelids Ho will see sights worth looking at however and when ha finds himself in tho center of acres of densely packed humanity two blocks from the lino of parade he may console himself by tho reflection that ho is doing his part toward making Dowoys welcome home tho inojt impressive spectacle with which the nation has ever hon ored ono of its citizens - - Tl Ik iHfiBii V1