The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 28, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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look very strong Aro you quito well
my dear
Sho started looked at mo eagerly al
most anxiously for a moment then
straight ned herself and began to loso
bomo of her abstraction
I am not a strong person sho
smiled but neither am I so very weak
either I was always small So was my
mother you know
Sho seemed to think sho must talk of
her mother though I noticed that tho
word gavo her pain As forme no topic
could bo moro agreeablo savo one I
tbereforo answered her in a way to pro
long tho conversation
Yes your mother was small sai1
I but never thin or pallid Sho was
liko a fairy among us fohoolgirls Does
it seem odd to hear so old a woman as
I speak of herself as a schoolgirl
Oh no sho said but thoro was no
heart in hor voico
I had almost forgotten thoso days
I proceeded seeing I must keep up tho
conversation if wo wero not to sit in to
tal silence till I happened to hear tho
namo of Althea mentioned tho other
day Then my wholo early friendship
with your mother recurred to mo and
1 started uj as I always do when 1
come to any decision my dear audi
pent that telegram which I hope I havo
not followed by an unwelcomo pros-
Oh no Bho repeated but this tinio
with some feeling wo need friends
and if you will overlook our shortcom
ings But you havo not taken off your
hat What will Loroon say to mo
Ami with a sudden nervous action as
marked as her late liBtuessness sho
jumped up and began busying herself
Tlio linll into which 1 liml stuppcil
was o dull thai for a fow minutes I
could Ko HothiiiKbut tho iiitliMinct out
line of a voting woman with a very
whito face Sho had uttered u Milt of
murmur at my words but for sointi icu
Mm was htraiifjily Mlent and if I could
trust my eye sot tiled rather to bo look
ing hack and over her shoulder than in
to the fare of her advancing fluent This
wah odd but befoio 1 could mtito satis
fy myself ai to the cuummiI Iter abstrac
tion shu suddenly bethought hcisclf
and throwing open tho door of an ad
joining room she let in a stream of light
by which wo wens enabled to see each
other and exchange the greetings suit
able to the occasion
Miss Uutterworth my mothers old
friend she mummied with an almost
pitiful effort to bo cordial woaioso
glad to have you visit us Wont you
you sit down
What did it mean Sho had pointed
to a chair in the sitting room but her
faco was turned away again as if drawn
irresistibly toward sonio secret object of
fear Was there any one or anything at
tho top of tho dim staircaso I could
faintly seo in tho distance It would not
do for mo to ask nor was it wise for mo
to show that I thought this reception a
strangoono Stopping into tho room sho
pointed out to me I waited for her to
follow mo which sho did with mani
fest reluctance But when sho was once
out of tho atmospheroof tho hall or out
of reach of tho hiuht or sound of what
ever it was that frightened her her face
took on a smilo that ingratiated her
with mo at onco and gave to her very
delicate aspect which up to that mo
ment had not suggested tho remotest
likeness to her mother a piquant charm
and subtle fascination that were not un
worthy of tho daughter of Althea Bur
You you must not mind tho pover
ty of your welcome sho said with a
half piond half apologetic look around
her which I must say tho baieiKss and
shabby character of tho room wo wcro
in fully justified Wo havo not been
very well oil since hither died and
mother again that look this tinio
one of unmistakable fear but she soon
checked it and smiled again though
without any show of piquancy and
mother left us Had ou civon us a
chanco we would havo written yon that
our homo would not offer many induce
ments to you after your own but you
havo come unexpectedly and
There them I put in for I saw
that her embarrassment would sonn get
the better of her do not speak of it I
did not coinu to enjoy your home but
to sue you Are you the eldest my dear
and where is your sister and brother
Iain not tho eldest she said I
am Lucetta My sister hero her head
stole irresistibly back to its old position
of listening will will como soon
My brother is not in tho house
Well said I astonished that sho
did not ask mo to take off my things
you aro a pretty girl but you do not
dresses ami ttio total uhseneo ot any
thing liko adornment to her ersnn
could hide that lact It was in every
lino of her thin but graceful form anil
in every inflection of her musical but
constrained voice Had I seen her in
my own pat lor instead of between these
barn and nioldering walls 1 should liao
said the same thing She is such a lady
But this only passed through my niiud
at tho time 1 was not studying her
personality but trying to understand
why my piescnce in the house had so
visibly distm bed hi r Was it tho em
barrassment of poverty not knowing
how to meet tho call made so suddenly
upon it 1 hardly thought so Fear
would not enter into a sensation of this
kind and fear Mas what 1 had seen in
her face before the front door had closed
upon me But that fear was it dread of
mo or of something disconnected with
mo and threatening her from another
portion of tho house
1 could not but think tho latter Tho
way her ear was turned tho slight
starts sho gavo as sonic sound 1 could
not gather what camo from thu further
recesses of the house convinced mo that
her cause of dread lay elsewhere than
with myself and therefore was of a
character worthy of my deepest atten
tion Though I chatted and tried in a
way to arouso her confidence and set
her at ease in regard to myself at least
I could not help asking myself between
my sentences Is it her sister Would it
prove to bo her brother Was it any tiling
connected with tho dreadful matter that
had been tho first cause to draw mo
hero or was it tho sign of some habitu
al distemper which misunderstood by
Mr Gryeo had given rise to tho suspi
cions which it was my possible mission
hero to disp 1
Anxious to forco things a littlo I
said with a glance at the dismal branch
es that almost foiced their way into tho
Tho dignified reserve of her bearing
tho quiet way in which she approached
and above all tho even tones in which
sho uttered her welcome wero such as
to win my confidence and put mo at my
case in tho house of which she was tho
nominal inistiohs But that look With
tion to my wants amply made up for
the abstraction of her mistress 1 should
have fared ill at this meal good and
ampin as it was considering tho re
sourcis of those who provided it
Sho seemed to dread to havo him
peak almost to havo him move Sho
that in my memory 1 was enabled to see watched him with her lips half open
below tlin surface of this jilacid naluto ready as it appealed to stop anv iiuiil
- -
and in the very constraint sho nut on
herself detect tho presence of that same
secret uneasiness which had been so
openly if unconsciously manifested by
her sister
She was more beautiful than liUcetla
in fin in and feature and even moio
markidly elegant in her plain black
gown and fluo lawn initios but she
lacked tho evanescent chaini of tho
others smile and though admirable to
all appearance was less lovable on a
vcilent evpiessioii bo might nttei lu
his olloils to bo ugtccahlo Sim men
kept her left hand disengaged with tho
evident Intention of stretching it nut In
his diicciioii if In his Itimbeiing stu
pidity ho should utter a sentence calcu
lilcd in open my eyes In whal she so
passionately dcsticd to hao kepi secicl
I siw II alt as plainly as saw his
hiny indifference to her anxiety and
knowing li tint experience that it is in
lust sin h stolid louts as these that the
short acquaintance She bad not had as vvtnst passions aro often hidden 1 took
much sniveling as Imcella
But this delays my tale which is one
of action rather than lcflcctiou I bad
natuially expected that with tho ap
pearance of the elder Miss Knollys 1
would bo taken to my loom but on tho
contrary she sat down and with an
apologetic air informed mo that she was
sorry sho could not show mo the pioeiso
attentions sho wished Circumstances
sho said over which sho had no control
had made it impossible for tin in to offer
mo the guest chamber but if 1 would
bo so good as to accept another for this
one night sho would endeavor to pro
vide mo with better accommodations on
the morrow
Satisfied of tho almost painful nature
of their povoity and determined to sub
tnifc to privations if necessary rather
than depait before 1 had pcnotiatod the
mystery of this remarkable household
I hastened to say with what 1 hope
was sinceio good feeling that any room
would bo acceptable to mo and still ex
pecting to be taken upstairs 1 began to
gather up my wraps but Miss KnollyH
again surprised me by saying that my
room was not yet ready that they had
not been able to complete all thuir ar
rangements and would I make myself
at homo where I was till evening
As this was asking a good deal of a
woman of my years fresh fioni a rail
road journey and with natural habits
of great neatness and order 1 felt some
what disconcerted but hiding it for tho
reasons before given I laid down my
bundles again and endeavored to make
tho best of tho somewhat trying situa
Lauuchingut onco into conversation I
began as with her sister to talk about
her mother I had never known save in
the advantage of my years ami forced a
ciiuveisatiKii in which 1 hnpid some
lluh of his leal self would appear do
spue her wary watch iipmi him
Not liking to leucvv tho topic of the
lane itscll I asked with a veiy natural
show nl inmost how near was their
mirest neighbor It wiih ho who looked
up and ho who answered
Old Mother lane is the closest said
lie but shes no good Wo never think
oilier Mr Trohnis tho only neighbor
1 care for Hes some good Such peach
s as the old fellow raisi s Such grapes
Such melons lie gavo mo two of the
nicest you ever saw this morning My
lupiicr 1 taste them yet
Iuceltas lace whidi should havo
crimsoned with morlillcatiou tinned
most iiuaccoiiiitably pale Vol not so
pale as when ho began a few minutes
helm o to say lorecn wauls some of
I Ills soup saved for and stopped awk
waully conscious perhaps that Loreens
wauls should not lie mentioned hufoto
I thought you promised me that you
would never again ask Mr Troluu lor
any of his fruit
Oh 1 didnt able I 1 just stood at the
fence and looked over Mr Trohm and
1 aio good iriends Why shouldnt I eat
his fruit
The look sho gavo him might have
moved a stout but ho seemed poifeetly
impervious to it Seeing him so stolid
her head dumped ami sho did not an
swer a wortl Yet somehow I felt that
even while she was so manifestly a prey
to very natuial mortification her alien
tion was not wholly given over to this
mo emotion Thcio was something ovi r
and beyond all this that sho feared
1 lolling to relievo hor and lighten tho
open casementsof this sidoof tho house no vK St way why Mrs Knollys had situation 1 forced myself o smile on
What a scene for young eyes like
yours Do you never get tiled of these
pino boughs and clustering shadows
Would not a littlo cottago in the sum
mer part of tlio town be preferable to
all this dreary grandeur
She looked up with sudden wistful
ness that made her smilo piteous
Some of my happiest days havo been
passetl hero and some of my saddest I
do not think 1 should liko to leave it for
any sunny cottago We wero not matlo
for bonny homes said sho Tho
soinberness of this old house suits us
And of this road I ventured It
is tho darkest and most picturesque I
ever entered I thought 1 was entering
a wilderness
She for a moment forgot her cause of
anxiety beyond Sho looked at me quite
intently and a subtle shade of doubt
passed slowly over her features
It is a solitary one said she
quite solitary I do not wonder it
struck- you as dismal Have you heard
has any one ever told you that that
it was not considered as being quitt
Safe I repeated with God for
give me an expression of mild wonder
in my eyes
Yes it has not tho best of names
Strange things havo happened in it or
have been thought to which is just as
had I thought that some ono might
have been kind enough to tell you at
tho station
There was a gentle sort of sarcasm in
the tone only that or so I thought at
tho time I began to feel myself in a
Somebody I suppose it was tho sta
tion master did say something to mo
about a boy lost somewhere in this por
tion of tho woods Do you mean that
my dear
She nodded glancing again over her
shoulder and partly rising as if moved
by some instinct of flight
They aro dark enough I obsorved
with another look toward tho heavily
curtained windows for moro than ono
person to bo lost in their recesses
Yes she murmured rosoating her
self aud eying mo nervously whilo sho
spoko Wo aro used to the terrors thoy
iuspiro iu strangers but if you sho
leaped to her feet iu manifest eager
ness and her wholo faco changed in a
way sho littlo realized herself if you
havo any fear of sleeping amid such
taken that journey abroid which hail
ended in her death and burial in a for
eign land I had heard sho had gone
abroad for her health which hail begun
gloomy surroundings wo can uroeuro t0 aHsiHt tho preparation of the meal
1 in mill vnnr lirntlu
uu a juuiii iii uio viuago wnere you w
will bo moro coinfortublo and whero wo I wlH tno lirst tuno o hud hoon
wo can visit you almost as well as mentioned by any of us I had shrunk
horo Shall I do it Shall I call from tl venturo out of a motive of
My faco must have assumed a very luro compassion I think and they had
grim look for her words tripped at that ot Been t0 Introduco Iuh namo into
point and a flush tho first I had seen of our conversations Consequently
on her cheek roso up to her forehead waited hor response with some anx
giving her au appearanco of groat lat having n secret premonition that
tress in sonio way he was at tho bottom of
Oh I wish Loreeu would como I y strange reception
am not atall hannvin liivsiiL trnfcfinnH Her hasty answer given however
tho young man as I said
Why dont you raise
sell I thm I should
raise everything possible
melons your
in anxious to
it I hail so
to fail after the bit th of Imcctta but as much ground as you possess
site had gone unaccompanied by her I Oh yonio a woman he answered
husband or children there was much almost roughly Its a gooil business
that it would bo interesting for mi to lor women and for men too perhaps
know concerning these events which I who love to see fruit hang but I only
telt that these girls might be willing to care to eat it
tell mo but Miss Knollys intentionally
orunintentioiially assumed an air so
cold at these xvoll meant questions on
my part that I desisted from pressing
her and began to talk about mvself in a
way which 1 hoped would establish
really friendly relations between us and
make it possible for her to tell mo later
if not at tho present moment what it
was that weighed so heavily upon tho
household that no ono could enter into
it without feeling the shadow of the
secret terror that enveloped it
But Miss Knollys whilo moro atten
tive to my remarks than her sister had
been showed still by certain unmistak
ublo signs that her heart and interest
wero anywhere but in that room and
while I could not regard this as throw
ing any discredit upon my powers of
pleasing which havo rarely failed
when I havo exerted them to their ut
most I still could not but experience
tho dampening effect of her manner I
over me uutying my bonnet and laying sho said with a deprocatory twitch of wtnout any increase of embarrassment
aside my bundles which up to this mo
mt nt I hud hold in my hands
I I am so absontmindod sho
murmured I I did not think I hopo
you will excuse mo Lorocn would havo
given you a much bettor welcome
Then Loreon should havo been
hero I said with a smilo I could not
restrain that Blight robuko yet I liked
tho girl notwithstanding everything I
had heard and her own odd and unao
countable behavior there was a sweet
ness in her faco when sho choso to
uoiilo that provod an irresistible attrac
tion And then for all her
went on chatting but in a desultory
way noting all that was odd in her un
accountable reception of mo but giving
as I firmly beliovo no evidence of my
concern and rapidly increasing curiosity
The peculiarities observable iu this
my first interview with thoso interet
ing but by no means easily to bo under
stood sisters continued all day When
ono sister came in the other stopped
out and when dinner time came and I
was ushered down tho buro and dismal
hall into an equally bare and unattract
ive dining room it was to find tho seats
laid for four and Lucetta only seated at
the head of tho board
Whero is Loreon I asked wonder
ingly as I took tho seat sho pointed out
to mo with one of her faint and quick
ly vanishing smilos
Sho sho cannot como at present
my young hortes stammered with tho
least glanco of distress at tho largo
hearty looking woman who had sum
moned mo to tho dining room
Ah I murmured thinking that
possibly Loreon had found it necessary
her lip that was ono of hor subtle wmowhat dispelled this supposition
charms Oh thoro sho is Now I may Oh ho will bo in presently said
go said sho and without tho least Bha William is never very punctual
pearanco of realizing that sho had said Hat wlon o did como in I could not
anything out of placo pho rushod from but b0 tmu cr manner instantly
tho room aluiOBt before her sister had changed and becamo almost painfully
entered it anxious Though it was my first meet-
But not boforo their eyes had met in iu8 with tho roal head of tho house sho
u look of unusual significance waitod for an interchange of looks with
Had I not caught that look I minht
uun ueioro giving mo ttio necessary in
troduction and when this duty passed
ho took his seat at tho tablo her
thoughts and attention remained so fix
havo received an improssion of Misa d npon him that she well nigh forgot
Knollys that would in a measure havo tuo ordinary civilities of a hostess Had
fdnees and abstracted wayb she was counteracted that made by the moro l not wen lor the woman I havo spo
euch a lady 1 Not oven tho plainest of nervous and leua restrained Lucetta kea of who in her jrood natnred
Dont Lucetta put in but not
with tho vigor 1 hail expected
1 liko to hunt train dogs and enjoy
other peoples fruit ho laughed with
a nod at the blushing Lueelta I dortt
see any use in a mans putting himself
out for things he can get lor the asking
Lifes too short for such lolly I nil au
to havo a good Inno whilo Im on this
blessed spliete
William The cry was iinsislible
yet it was not the cry I bail been look
ing lor Painful as this exhibition was
of his stupidity and utter want of feel
ing it was not tho thing shu di ended or
why was her protest so much weaker
than her appearance had given token of
Oh he shouted whilo she shrunk
with a horrified look Lucetta dont
liko that Sho thinks a man ought to
wotk plow harrow dig make a slave
of himself to keep up n place thats no
good anyway But I tell her that work
is something shell never got out of me
I was born a gentleman aud a gentle
man I will live it the placo tumbles
down over our heads Perhaps it would
be the best way to get rid of it Then
I could go live with Mr Trohm and
havo melons from early morn till late
at night And again his coarso laugh
rang out
This or was it his words seemed to
rouse her as nothing had done before
Thrusting out her hand sho laid it on
his mouth with a look of almost frenied
appeal at tho woman who was standing
at his back
Mr William how can you that
woman cried and when ho would
have turned upon her angrily sho lean
ed over aud whispered in his ear a fow
words that seamed to cow him for ho
gave a short grunt through his sisters
trembling fingers and with a shrug of
his heavy shoulders subsided into si
To all this I was a simple spectator
but I did not soon forget a single feature
of this scene
Tho remainder of tho dinner passed
quietly William and myself eating with
more or less heartiness Lucetta tasting
nothing at all Iu mercy to her 1 de
clined coffee and as soon as William
gavo token of being satisfied we hur
riedly roso It was tho most uncomfoit
ablo meal 1 ever ato iu my life
To Ixi toiitiiiiifxl Suit Wiil i
Men and Shorn
Mew much ii man in liko old tlii
For iiibtiinrii llotli n null mit lute
Iiiilhluuii lifon tanned Ixith aro miulo UkIiI
H ctihlilitrti Ixiili Kel left anil risht
llotli nerd n main to w complete
Anil Ixilh are Hindu to ko on rot
Thoy both need ht ilins ofl urn toled
And iMith in time lorn nil to mold
With bhoeb tho Intt in tirtt with men
The first tdiull ho Ihu luM and when
Tho bhoeb wear out lheru mended now
When men u our mil therii men deud ton
They lxith am I rod iiuni and Ixitli
Will trend on otlierb nolhlni loath
Iloth havo thoir titb ami lxith incline
When iKilibhed in tho world to thine
Anil both iick out And would ou cIkmimi
To ho u man or li hit- hoei T
An Old KiMinte
KreelM il Illllillll Itnriifi In Holler Koolii
nl Urn Silent- Kiii tnrv
Ituin MiiiiiIiuh Pnll
line Pheasant was the victim of an
accident nt the sugar factory yestenlav
ami is now sniveling fioni some very
srveie ami painful luitiiH
lie was employed iu the btilbr room of
the institution mid was ycsteiilny sent
Into the llrcbov under one of the lioileis
fioni which the lite had been dinvli In
leniove some buck so that the boiler
which laid been leaking could be re
Wliile In was engaged in this wink
the mil it hole of the holler wiih iciuovctl
allowing soveial ImicIioIh ol hoi water
n continued nut ut w iitcii it was
p seil it had been emptied escape
Pheasant was liigheuiil ami
piompted bv hit 111 Mf impulse not out ol
the lllcbo as inpiilly as potsihtc gi t
ting diieelly under the falling wnci
which Hcatled him si veiely on his back
ami itll arm
Mr Prank Siller was at onco silm
moiled and gave Hie young man
lessional attt iition
Ho is now getting along quite nicelv
at lie home ol his mother on Philip
avenue and it is thought lie will be able
to be about again within a lew iIiijh
WiMiii Several blight and himcHt
persons to roptcsout us as mauageis in
this and close counties Salaiy ihlKi a
year ami expenses SHaiglil bona lltlo
no mote no less salary Position per
maueiit Our references any bank iu
any town It is mainly olllcevvoik con
filleted al home Itoltionccs Kncltmcd
self- atldiesseil stamped t nvelope Tnr
Dominion Covtrvsv Depl i Chicago
S For all coughs
and colds
tnerry peciorai
The medicine tried i
j for 60 years is the I
medicine you can
afford to try r
cjihFEVEU8 LunPoer Milk F rr
jJKPUAIVH LanieniM HbeutiiatUin
cuiush j KIia500TIC niteinper
Smiaij WOIIMH Hull arufaa
TOiutjcoaHK Cold influmxa
cniuMoc DfHvachp Dlnrrlira
cuiianAD conITIOV filarlng Coab
80c each j Blablo Caw Ten Brrinc nook Ac t7
At druKKllaor writ priimlil on rurolnt of iirlcJ
HumiiliroyH Mdllctna Co Cur William A John
Bt Nuw York Veteicinaiit jUwiul Bent Kuee
find Prostration from Over
work or other causes
Humphreys Homoopnthio Spoolflo
No 28 In uao over 40 years tlio only
uuocetjaful rumedy
1 1 per vfalor S viala and large vial powderfor ts
Hold hj Ilrtif flat br wot ut 114 on receipt cil price
BCSrUUU li UUI CO Cor MIUl4a JU bu kw Tark
Wr hivf four clnlilrrn With the firit
tlircr I Milfcrrd almost unlxMrAblc pains from
12 to II hours mid hul to he placed under
Ihr inllticiicf of chloroform I used three
bottles el Mothers Friend before our litl
child cimr which
Is a slroni fat and
healthy boy doint
my hoiisrvvork up
lo within two hours
ol birth and Mif
pains Thin lini
incut is the grand
est remedy ever
will do for every woman what il did for the
Miniifstili mother who writes Ihc above let
ter Not to use it during pregnancy i a
mistake to be paid for In pain and sulferui
Mothers Fruiut equips the patient Willi a
slroiii body and clear intellect which in
turn are imparled to the child It relaxes
Ihc muscles and allows Ihem to expand It
relieves inominj sickness and nervousncis
Il puts all the organs concerned in perfect
condition lor Hie final hour mi that tlicaclual
labor is short and practically painless Dan
ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether
avoided and recovery Is merely a matter of
a few days
DniKijIiitii nrll MotlinH Ilrml lor 1 n bottle
The KraJllclJ Regulator Co Atlanta Ga
bend lor 0111 ipclllnntratcil book
Frazsr AxSo Grease
- tJillllHDI
TtiH B JVs AtUfftu in V
Not affected by Heat or Cold
Highest Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
Mnubcurod Frazer LjBRCATR Jfl
Factories Chclayo St Louis New York
A full lino
l rull Treen
nf HeM Vnrlcllcs nl Kuril Times Prices Hmiill
fruit in I hi ki niipl MilllmiH of Htiiiwhiirry
IiIiiiiIm viTi thrifty nml unll rntitcil iiilllin
in hi niiu huiiiii nml hiivii fnilnht or iniirii
Hi ml fur iuicii liht to
North Bend Nurseries
North he ml jdc Count Nch
Free Reclining Chair Cars en all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct roiincelions to all South 1
cm and Kastern jxiiiitp
LiioiciIIkI tinio mill ncroiiHiioilntions
to till
Famous Hot Sorines of Arkansas
Knr mtiro ctiniiilntn Information uWrintive
iHiiiililtn ntc iiclilrnbu
SiiuUicatt Utir Mtli ami DmiKlaHSte
From loc a Double Roll up
Window Shades Rcom rYouldinos Faints Oils Glass
m n tist Brushes Etc Etc
Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Prices