The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 28, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Republicans of Norfolk and En
tire State Pleased
Cnuilliliittot Will Not Mono llriiw Their
Inrlv StroiiRlli Hut Will 1Ihp Support
From Mmulium of tlm Opposition lnrl
Iph IliKtrM Ihiltcil
From BntnnlnyH lMl
Tho result of the Btato convonlion at
Oniiihn is very witlpfuctory to tho repub
licans of this vicinity while monitors
of tho opposing party have nothing but
good words for tho nominees
Judge M H ltcuso tho nomiuee for
Mtpromc judge is conceded by all to to a
strong man and ouo who will not only
carry his party strength but draw from
tho opposition many who aro far from
considering Holcomb tho propor man to
fill tho position to which ho aspires
Tho nominees for regents of tho
university aro both considored capable
moil who will well serve tho bot in
terests of tho school and state Tho
many admirers of ludgo Humes would
havo been pleased to support him for
one of tho regents and aro vory muoh
gratified at tho strong showing ho mudo
iu the convention but that he did not
Hecuro tho nomination will not deter
them from giving hearty support to tho
successful candidates
The delegates from Knox county who
stopped hoie on their way home aro
enthusiastic for Heeso and tho balauco
of tho ticket Tliey state that tho re
publican ticket will show largo gains in
their county when tho votes are counted
this fall
A dispatch from Lincoln received by
Tin Nrws today states that theio is
much enthusiasm in his homo town over
tho nomination of Keeso and that
ratification meetings will bo held there
as well ns in other parts oi tho btato at
once At theho meetings tho oldtinioon
thusiasm of tho party adherents will
undoubtedly bo fully aroused
It is generally considered that tho
outlook for a republican victory in Ne
braska this fall is exceedingly bright
and that while no republican has an
excuse for not supporting tho ticket
there aro ample and sullicient reasons
why members of the opposing paity
should accord its support
The reports from tho convention city
indicate the same unanimity of opinion
and purpose Tho Omaha Bee says
It is noticeable that tho convention
has left behind it an atmosphore of con
fidence seldom born of political contests
There are no sore spots to heal and not
a voice is raised except in the most loyal
commendation of the candidates who
have been placed at tho head of the
army that purposes to storm the popo
cratic battlements The Bcenes that
accompanied the leave takings of tho
delegates were scarcely second ill sigui
liceuce to those which made tho conven
tion notnblo Every one was jubilant
and every delegute wont home to voice
tho confidence with which his days
work inspired him Tho effect was
juht as though every man in tho con
vention had come with an earnest wish
te secure the nomination of tho very
candidates who wero named and gone
away feeling that everything had gone
his way It was tho unanimity of opin
ion that the party has put up tho vory
strongest ticket that could be named
and that it can now enter tho campaign
in a condition that assures success
lione Miller New Venture With the IIr
G rami Hotel
The Omaha Hotel Reporter of Sep
tember 8 contains the following This
morning Her Grand hotel at Sixteenth
aud Howard streets built by Peter K
Her the distiller and formally opened
by him last Febuary under the manage
ment of Mr Milton Powell pasqs into
the proprietory control of Mr itonie
Miller who last evening purchased tho
hotels furniture aud leased tho build
ing for three years with the privilego
of five
Since his recent sudden illness Mr
Her now in his bixtieth year has felt a
desire to relieve himself of some of his
manifold business interests aud last
evenings transaction is to bo partly at
tributed to that fact and partly to tho
othor fact that Mr Miller wishes to
transfer to Omaha the headquarters of
his P K As M V R R eating house
eystem aud also to have opportunity to
exercise iu this metropolis his proven
ability as hotel man It was when he
was but a boy of thirteen summers that
Mr Mill r first became identified with
the hotel aud catering busiuess aud all
through tho intervening years he
lias continued in it working with dili
gence energy and ability displayed by
but few mon He started without a red
cent of capital but so ingeniously bus
he worked aud so carefully has ho man
aged that none of his ventures not even
the opening of tho resturunt in tho Con
tinental block on Douglas street which
so many said was a mistake has proven
unprofitable aud today he has himself
established iu public favor and public
confidence with a firmness that will
aid him materially iu this hut under
In au iuterview last evening he
assured the Reporter that the Her Grand
will continue to be conducted as admir
ably as it has been heretofore and that
thoro will bo no changes in tho person
nel of tho staff and force unless for
cause tlioro being ono addition however
iu tho porson of Mr Kliuo his exper
ienced stoward who will assist in main
taining in the hotel that high standard
of catering that has mado tho Miller
name so popular olsowhcro
Mr Powell who has so ably tnnii
aged tho hoiiso for Mr Her over since
its construction flrht begun and who
t hero as elsewhere has shown excep
tional ability as a manager aud made
many friends has not as yet ho Informs
the Reportor any definite plans for tho
future though tempting oilers havo
been mado him at various times during
tho past year For tho pieseut ho and
his family will remain in tho hotel as
gnosis of Mr Miller Tho latter gentle
man will inovo his own family to the
hotel as it is hereafter to bo his head
quarters aud will become a permanent
resident of tho Gate City where ho is
already so woll known and to which
his household will bo welcomed most
Article of I ait orporiitlou
Know all mon by these Presents
That the undersigned havo associated
thomsolvos together for tho pui pose of
forming and becoming a corporation
under tho laws of Nebriska and for
that purpose have adopted ai tides of in
Tho name of said corporation is The
Salter Coal and Grain company with
its principal place of business at Norfolk
The general nature of lie business to
bo transacted is tho purchase and belling
of lumber grain coal and lio stock
the building owning buying soiling
leasing ami operating elevatois coal
and lumber yard aud the doing of all
things incident and necessary m connec
tion therewith and tho borrowing and
lending money necessary to tho carry
ing on of said business
Tho amount of the capital stock is
flvo thousand dollars diwded into
shares of one liundrod dollars each
Tho tinio of tho commencement of the
business of tho corporation is Septomber
20th 18tt and to continue for twenty
live years
Tho highest amount of indebtedness
to which this corporation may at any
onetime subject itself shall be not to ex
ceed two thirds of its capital stock
The business of tho corporation shall
bo conducted by ft board of three di
rectors who shall choose tho president
vice president secretary and treasurer
and may select the same person for any
two of said olllces Such ollicers may
or may not bo stockholders
Until their successors are elected and
qualified the following named persons
towit G 13 Salter C U Salter and
V G Salter shall constituto tho board
of directors G 15 Saitkk
C B Saitkk
F G Salti ji
Itenl KMinie IruiiHtern
The following transfers of real estate
aro reported by Chester A Puller man
ager of the Madison couuty abstract
offlco at Norfolk
Harriot L Bakor aud husband
to Christian D Dauphin aud
Elizabeth Dauphin wd lots I
aud 4 and pia of swkf 00
George J Feasor to Daniel
Dieter wd uwi 4-21-2 1000 00
Sadie M Beymer and husband
to Edward Grant wd lot 7
block 1 Norfolk Junction 00 00
Clinton S Smith and wife to
Daisy J Lyons wd lots 5 aud
I block 21 north addition to
Madison 450 00
Jacob Kalnier unmarried to
Charles Komrath wd uj
ne4 GOO 00
Priedonch Kohl and wife to
Herman O Kohl wd neb 23
21 5 1000 00
Friederich Kohl and wife to
Charles F W Kohlwd seU
24213 1000 00
United States of America to
August Litke patont uwl2
20 21 1 Ctf
State of Nebraska to Joseph
Fiukral deed sw nej 28
22 i 280 00
United States of America to
David Rowlett patent se
nwK nud uojcf swH 20 28 1 Ctf
Cora E Harvey aud husband to
Wilhelin Hartwick wd lots
1 aud block 2 4 R R addition
to Newman Grove 130 00
Nannie V Hale and husband
to Chas Feubke wd e1 aaiA
i 28 2 2800 00
Frediuand Verges to the city of
Norfolk wd strip for street 100 00
Pioneer Town Site Co to Jessa
Fields wd out lot E Bur
nett 200 00
Pioneer Town Site Co to James
Dorsoy wd lots 7 and 8 block
8 Kimball Blairs additiou
Burnett 80 00
Pioneer Town Site Co to Hor
ace Marshall wd lots 4 5 and
I block 8 Kimball Blairs
addition Burnett 120 00
Pioneer Town Site Co to Isaiah
Ives wd lots 2 and If block 8
Kimball Blairs additiou to
Burnett 80 00
Southern Lite rut lire
Interesting literature regarding the
South is now being distributed by tho
Southern Railway Southern Homes
folders large map folders Laud of tho
Sky booklets Southern Fields Min
erals and Mines books etc mailed free
to any addroos The Empire of tho
South a very handsome volume of
about 200 pages profusely illustrated
also issued by the Southern Railway aud
sent to any address upon receipt of 25
cents which amount approximates cost
of delivery Address
Wm H Taylok
ABat Genl Pass Agent Southern Ry
Louisville Ky
His Nomination Came by Ac
clamation this Afternoon
Tho Iciitlnmnn Kroni Wntin Arrnptn the
Ciiiulliliii fur tho IiiiIkcaIiIp of the
Ntlllll Dlntlllt In n NMit Speriih Cell
tntl Committer SnliMlKtl
From Mtmtliijn Dull
The lopublican convention of the
Ninth judicial distiiet met at tho city
hall this afternoon and nominated lion
A A Welch of Wayne as candidate for
The con vontion met at I oclock and
was oiganied by tho election of John
T BriMlor of Wayne as chairman and
W A M Observe of Creighton as secro
Tho appointment of a eommlttoo on
ciedontlnls was dispensed with nnd the
list of delegates made up by tho secro
tary was adopted showing tho counties
of tho district represented in the con
MUitinu as follows
Wayne II V McKeon J R Man
ning F M Northup W 11 McNoul
L Zuimor Cheney Chare I King
1 T Brcsslor Goo Lewis
Knox W A Meserve A V Logan
Solomon Drapor H A Houston W 1
Funk Kobt LynnOalvin Keller G W
Ira Slom Leigh K L Brooks 10
llass Geo Billontyno S O Fo Era
Antelope 1 F Boyd Olios Kelsey
Allen Hopkins Judhou Graves Sidney
Thornton W T Wattles J l Curtis
Morris Murphy John Malacher G II
Pierce Benjamin Lindsey Cliailes
Whorton F II Giunwaldt W W
Ojtnvoy 15 S Leedom
Madison Bint Mapos Wm Parkin
son A O Johnson H II Kilburu
ieo N Beels T A Shafer las Clink
T L Curas las Nichols Geo I
Smith S N Johnson W II Kish
Wm Lowe Geo E Riohaidson J S
On motion tho rules wero suspended
and A A Welsh of Wayne was de
clared tho unanimous nominee of the
convention for candidate for district
judge of tho Ninth district for the full
term begining January 1K0
In response to an invitation Mr
Welsh accepted tho nomination in a
short but well worded speech
Motion prevailed that tho convention
do not nominato a enndidato to fill vacan
cy caused by tho resignation of J S
A central committee was selected con
sisting of ouo momber from a county as
Autolopo Chas II Kolsey
Kuox W A Mesorvo
Madison John R Hays
Pierco W W Quivoy
Wayne W H McNeill
Tho central committeo was authorized
to fill any vacancy that may occur on
tho ticket as woll ilb mi the committee
After tho adjournment of tho con
vention the central committee held a
meeting at tho ollico of John R Hays
and elected John R Hays chairman nnd
Jack Koouigstein secretary
Atkuml ColleKeTlilH Year
Never in tho history of our country
was there a graudor opportunity than
the present for educated young men and
women What an auspicious moment
for those who are just now on tho
threshold of life
Grand Island Business and Normal
college has for fourteen yoarB been the
loading institution of its kind in tho
western states and last year more than
twice as many calls were received for
its graduates as could bo supplied
Everything necessary for a successful
start in lifo is taught business normal
aud shorthand courses Expenses low
Board only lr0 per week One years
time givou on tuition if desired Col
lego record sent free or for six cents will
send elegant catalogue
A M ILutiCis President
Grand Island Neb
ICouil NotUe to I Hint Owner
To all whom it may concern
Tho commissioner appointed to view
aud locate a road commencing at tho
northeast corner of the northwest quar
ter of tho northwest quarter of soction
15 in township 24 north range 1 west of
the flth principal meridian in Madison
county Nebraska runniug theuco east
on section lino between sections 20 and
T and 25 aud Jti a distance of one mile
and 30 rods and terminating at the in
tersection of said soction lino with the
public highway running from the city
of Norfolk to tho town of Stantou has
reported in favor of the establishment
thereof nnd all objections thereto or
claims for damages must be filed in the
couuty clerks office on or before noon
of the 7th day of October A D 1809 or
said road will be established without
reference thereto
Dated at Madison Nebraska this 7th
day of August 18
E G Hkiiman
County Olerk
lrtln t tiring Keller
to the cofTeo drinker OofTco drinking
is a habit that is universally indulged in
and almost ah universally injurious
Have you tried Graiu O It is almost
like coilee but tho effects aro just the
opposite Coffee upsets tho stomach
ruins tho digestion effects tho heart
and disturbs tho whole nervous system
Graiu O touou up tho stomach aids
digestion and strengthens the nerves
There is nothing but nourishment in
Grain O It cant be otherwise 15
aud 2o oents per package
It wan In n Philadelphia Sunday
school not Ioiik nRO that n tenrltnr
asked the question What Is a lie
Of course thtuo una a small boy who
thought he know and this was his
definition A He Ih nn abomination
unto thn Ionl and an ever present
help In time of trouble - llilliulel
phln nultotu
Over 1000 houses In London are
tomintleim icrnimo thny are supposed
to be hnuntpri Herrtity otio of ttirtii
MlhH Ida M luliell Hid well known
auttioruHH did her first Ilteiny woi k
on the Ctiautniuiuuu
With tlmo comes progress nnd nd
vancoment in all lines of successfully
conducted enterprises Success comes
to those only who have goods with
superior merit and a reputation In
the manufacture of laundry starch for
tho last quarter of a century J C
Hublngcr has been the peer of all
others and today Is plnclng on the
market the finest laundry starrh ever
offered the public undor our new and
original method
Ask your grocer for a coupon book
which will enable you to got the first
two large 10 cent packages of his new
brand also two of the childrens
Shnkespoarc pictures painted In iwolru
beautiful colors as natural as life or
tho Twontloth Century Jlrl Calendar
all absolutely free
All grocers are authorized to gie
ten large packages of RED CROSS
Sl RCH with twenty of tho Shakus
peare pictures or ton of tho Twentieth
Century Gtrl Calendars to the first Ave
purchasers of the Endless Starch Chain
Book Tills Is one of the grandest of
fers ever made to Introduce the RED
CROSS laundry starch J C Hubingers
Utast Invention
Congressman Norton of Ohio aban
doned modlcine twonty years ago for
Dont On Brok When Yon IteU
Rend for mv iuvnluuble miUiii Geo IL
lUnbmond Ob Dearborn ht Chcoco
A practicing physician Is one who
practices on peoplo who cant help
Wanted Women to Hlnil DrM NhlelrU
at homo Ktetidy work illntonco no din
advnntngd ask your dualvr to Miow you
Kuril ShloldK Korn Hblsldn annp on wulst
without sowing Hand 10ij for cittalogiin of
work The Kora Shield Co Viit Hroomo
St Now York
Abdul Hamld sultan of Turkey Is
a skilful aud indefatigable chesa
playor player
Plsot Cure for Consumption is th only
oough medicine used iu my home D J
Albright Miminhurg Pa Duo 11 06
Two thirds of the people who com
plain that the world doesnt under
stand them ought to be thankful It
Mn WlntlowH Noolhlnt Hyrnp
Forrhllilren tetlilnit totir at the jfunu rertueri lir
fliiDUiatlun illaji palBcurea wluJ colic Va a Ixjttla
The owls reputation for wisdom Is
probably founded upon the fact that
ho nover expresses his thoughts In
All IntralliiMl Troiiltle IroTmitrd
Ten rcm worth of fi iiitl111 ini i furlnni t In
dottcir hllli nl funiral i nFi Ilk huyanbu of
Catt arrtt I ami I kltiarlti UrtiKKlala lu lie Uh-
Man proposes but he uaunlly
needs a lot of encouraging
A newly married couple in Portland
Me who are both deaf and are trlng
housekeeping without a servant have
delsed an Ingenious biiistitute for a
door bell When a caller presses ttin
electric button all the lights in the
hoiibe tUbh up fml his present e is
made known
Mrs Tulr Heynnl of New YorV
sumuicilttK at liar Harbor paid 5 n
piece for imrtrldKen nnd thought It wan
enough but liuno Wnidrn New had
other Idrns wlmn ho explalnod that
parti I1k woto out of nrniion nnd luut
even n purrhnnor of them wnn liable to
rilmlnal nation Mrs Unrmtl mil tied
for UiO nnd renin
Says n rural pnnnr A savage dog
on the outnklitH of town bit off a iiuuill
boy a miner nnd nwnllowrd It Any
Have linen the icpiiph of murder uud i nv the ilo slioued hoiiic roiinldeia
from some r f tho remaludni occupants
have niyslerloimly disappeared
Lydia E Pinkhatns Vetotnbk
pound enough I now find
pregnant and have begun its
use again I cannot prniso it
Mks Piuilky MouiroN
Tht tford Vt writes
Dkak Mts Pinmiam
I llrnk Lydia E Pinklmms
Vegetable Compound is an
et ilent medicine I took
several bottles of it before
the birth of my baby and
got along nicely I had no
nftci -pains nnd am now
otrong and enjoying good
health Baby is also fat and
Mks Chab Grume 304
South Monroe St Balti
more Md writes Diak
Mrs Pinkiiam Before tak
ing Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound I was
Hon In not tmnllmvliiK the hoyn linger
before biting It off
CAPABLE mother must bo n healthy mother
A Thcioxporioucoof mntoruity hhotililuot benppronrlied
without cat cf ut physical preparation
Correct aud practtrnl cotttucl is what tho oxpoctnnt and would
bo mother needs and tills counsel alio can secure without cost by
wilting to Alia Pinkhnni nt Lynn Alnsn
Mm Coua CiIlsun Yates Munistco
Co Mich writes
Diah Mrs Pinkiiam Two ycar ngo
I began having iuch dull hdnvy tit eg
ging pains in my back mouses were pro
fuse nnd painful nnd was troubled with
leucorrlimn I took natont incdiciiid
nnd conaultcd n physician but received no benefit uud could
not become pregnnut
Seemo one of your book
my troubles and asking for nd
Bwcred my lottor promptly
the directions faithfully am
much benefit that I cannot
I wrote to vou tclHnu vou v WX
Mco You an- tA
and I followed jf 5a
1 derived so SJatM fLAvV
praise OKi iJl 7j2a
Com- T7 m JmsH
niyseii v yV c2L 7ztt
1 -- m w
KfyMR Ei
I rwiBr r
tumble to become ptcgnant but sinco I hnvc used it my
health is much improved nnd I have n big baby boy the joy
md nriflr of m
Its wonderful renoiireoN nnd Mipctior
lulvnutagen to homeneekcrs are Mit
forth in a IiiumIhoiiii illuutrnted pim
phlot jiint ihhiuxl by tho ITrisco 1 1110
lansenger Department Copy will ho
mailed free on application to ltrm
Snyder General Pubseugur Agent SL
Louih Mo
Lots of valuable time Is wasted In
arguing matters that are of no ImpoU
Mjrunlf Cured After Itvpiii tril rullaren
1 Vflll Inriirm alillrtcil In lorihtiii I 11 ln 1
Opium 01 m I h - if 111 ur lillhiK Imrinli li in
hid Mr M II tlulilw In Mm liU hi iw ill
Taking a vacation and cnjoyliic a
rest am two widely different pioimal
We will M a Milnrv of 111 V jmr wwU nn 1
Ciiiik for mnn with ttij to liurnlii r
loultrj iiiiiiiiiinil anil I Id Killer In 111 1 1
try Itff rejiilnl AiMkhr nllhRlump ma
Mf Co 1411 lLH MolllUS lOHU
If Solomon were anve today lots of
men wouldnt onslder him no vi y
FITS PrmaniHlj url Nofll ornrToiiiTiftr
flrvt Aj nn rf Ilr Kllnr a llmal Narvn lutui r
Baud fnr FltFK SSOO trial Imttla and In Ml 11
Im a II Kuan lui trjl Arch St I hllclalpliU Io
A man with more money than brains
very often succeeds in getting mai
Hull Catarrh Cure
In a coimtltutioiml euro 1rico 7rc
Tho mnn who never borrows trouble
sometimes gives a lot of it to people
of whom he borrows other things
Iowa Invention
Fifteen patents were issued to Iowa
lnvontors this week as follows To
A W Lewis of Keotu for a vehh lo
nilnclimnnl tn J James of Atlantic
for a draft equalizer to W Loudon
of Kalrlleld for a hay carrier to J W
Macy of Searsboro for a mad grailer
I to A W and T 15 Morgan of Bur-
i llngton for a wire fence stay to 1 II
Morris of Mauiiokota for a cream sep
arator to C P Nelson of Exlra foi a
boot and shoe cleaner to C O JIaen
and P P Uhrlg of Fort Madison for
a harrow to II Phillips and W Hunt
of Ottumwa for a cnr loauer to ii u
Porter of Hartwick for a hat and
clothes rack to E L Rlgg of Clns
wold for a steam generating appli
ance to II Tuttle of Cedar Rapids
two for a blcyclo to C II Nan
Alstyne of Manchester for a barrel
heater and feed cooker and to S Vd
son of Sprlngwatcr for a collar churn
A copyright has been granted to
Rev A C Smith of Des Moines for a
now book entitled Gathered Gems of
Literature The work is iu the hamM
of a printer In Chicngo and will he
handsomely illustrated and sold upon
thn subscription plan
Consultation and advice about secur
ing property rights for inventions and
literary work gien free to Inquliera
Registered Attornes
Pes Moines Ii Sept 2 1893
The bullet of a highwayman llat
tened out on the bulging brow of a a
Indiana man Road agents in that
legion should carry nn ax
M A o lliiullutft N II No 38 1HII9
V U I I I ferybody Our lJine iun LLiiogue containing 96 pages size
Jrv n 1 I I jiuV indies Mill he sent postage lJui 011 receipt ol tbree ccnit
VlIU I 1 tnan one retrnm thii ad and mentioning thlt paper We can
1 n iie 1 1 DIG lo a uiiiunt WrMeatonce
Gut tills out and send to us anil we
will sell you the licst quality of
Binding Twine
Wholesale Prices
Hisul or Standard lie
Manila 1111-
Ilei nn rntH Onwilin
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Re
11lm1 Inu hIik k iinil fun itintn ioiiiI
hIiIiimiiiih I In iln iirilm Ih iih nucil koiIhii I
Into Ihiini im nn hiuiiIiiii iOhi uln rx Vc
iiiiiiiiiiiIio tlinl 1 wr I nil I if on 1 miiii Iniit
iiimiii 111111I1 1111 in u i in Mim wilhiti tin Iiml
llllllll llllH iiiiiim iiiimiiivhm Nn
Ilirnoil iimii luinn hole ill hlui I O I
Niihjiil Ininiiiiiinnlinii It iIikIiiiI Willi
hiiimi Iwino iiiin iii iiHHil nf 111 mr 1 imiI
ilown mill hliip lnlii lln fun nruM Snhriin
1 11 N ii I i 11 111 1 lunik IIiIh uiinr or 11I1 nun nf
ullr iiHtimiilxnf IHlni 1l1l11mn
The Western JVIercantile Co
Illlli mill I it 1 nn in NU tlimiliii
Thn llnilun Hull Siimih oii Mniin
Atli iitloii Im iihim
Diiuiii iliwirn In Mimii 11 IiiiiiiIiIiIh nf Hiwniln
iiiiliiB nf iiiirlfiillrnil Juiiriiiiln iiimkii7iih nWH
IHIlurH llllllllH I lllllluMIH II llllll Illl iiIiiih nf III
I11I111I IimiiiimiI rmin lniili 11 oiiIh mill innrliln
it 11111I Iik Inil iionIiiiI nn IiiiiiovimI bihiIm nml
hIimIi fm ln jijiih m ninin If hii hi nil tin
Mini 11111111 willi I I nlii IiihIImi Mini wn will
IiiwhI I In nun In tin Anmrliiui KiiriiimH lllrnr
Ini ulih li itnnn ulilrlllix nil uvir llm HiiIIikI
HIiiIon In piilillhliiiiH iiiliiIiiiiiIh mill liiiiuiifno
liiinrii nn will nil 1111110 1101 1 ii iiiIIiiu nuittiir
llnilljiitl 11111I1I iiiiirliiiim fnr niiin lllncH Hii
hiiiiiII nwl nf Ion iiIh Wo wnnl nvor fnrinitii
hiiimi In tint t mini iImIih in 0111 iliioilni nt
01110 I mimkiim UluitiiiiiitY Co
llilmrliiiiiit 1 IH
Illiiiiliiuliiun Mn
let Away a Couple of Mont lis
1111 Visit
Ashevillc or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
01 the in ui
Touiisl tickets tin sale via
Southern - Railway
by all Ticket Agents
For schedules or further Infor
mal Ion write or call on
Wm II Tawik A O I A
LouliVlllc Ky
1 O IIkam lr N W V A
HO dams St Oliicano
Solicitor and Attorney In Patent Causes
17JO New York Ave
lllcnoHtnhlhihnillViS ClinrKOHiiinilnnito for
riiHiionilnnro iihiiiiihIoiI
IocntiMi on thn Illinoirt Co n t nil It It in
inl nlm Incntixl on thn Yhzoo nml Mliwiip
Vallujr K It in tho Kunionn
Of Miiihiwiiiilii Sinciitlll ailiutiil to the ret
Corn and Moers
Soil Richestin the World
Write for Pamphlets and Mapa
Iuml Viinmliotlouer At Laud Comr
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