The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 28, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Nebraska Republicans Nomi
nate a State Ticket
Mior Kllliinnuil Cliuilnlii Mnillry Lately
Unturned Kiiiin Hip riiltlipliii Mir t
the UrlrRiittoi Umolutluuii Altiitml by
ho Cun vcnl Inn
For Supremo TiiiIku
M H Kkkhk Lincoln
Vor UcfcntM of tho Htnto University
K I McUllioN Oinnlia
Dlt Whjiam It Kiv Alnswortli
Omaha Sept S3 Chairman
was ubout lmlf nti hour Into calling
the Republican convent ion to oritur ut
tho auditorium yesUiuluy afternoon
but in tho interim Adk iuunu band filed
onto the platform and played a combi
nation of tho Star Spangled Banner
and America that utirred up consid
erable enthusiasm The entire audi
meo rose us tho Hist strain welled out
nud toward the oloso as a largo silken
banner was borne on tho stwgo tho
doljgates broke out in vociferous cheers
bchneider then introduced as temporary
chairman Frank O Iteayis of Falls
City Mr Reavis eaught tho conven
tion with the opening statement that
lie saw in Omaha ono of tho most no
table examples of expansion with which
wo aro confronted and the sentences
in which he discussed the trust pies
tion and anti imperialism were fre
quently applauded
Tho temporary organisation was
inado permanent and tho convention
thou proceeded to nominate a candidate
for bupreme judgo and nominating
speeches were limited to five minutes
Adams county presented tho name of
lioronzo Crounse Buffalo county named
E O Calkins of Kearney Johnson
county nominated S B Davidson of
Tecumseh and tho name of Judgo S
II Sedgwick of York was presented by
York county Judge M B Reese was
presouted by Nanco county
The roll call not counting tho coun
ties that wero passed gavo Reeso 287
Sedgwick 208 Davidson 201 Calkins
174 Crounse 100 Before the secre
tary complete tho call tho Douglas del
egation inaugurated a landslide to
Iteese and he was nominated by accla
It required only one ballot to select
tho nominees for regent Tho candi
dates wero E G McGilton of Douglas
county Dr William B Ely of Brown
J B Barnes of Madison and J E
Lyne of Furnas On motion of W E
Peebles Mr McGilton was named by
acclamation and tho ballot for the re
maining place resulted Ely C57
Barnes 163 Lyue 37 Tho nomina
tion of Dr Ely was made unanimous
Major Kiliau and Chaplain Mailley
stirred up tho convention by patriotic
addresses Senator Thurston also made
u brief sueech
The Platform
The platform in part is as follows
While we iluploru the insurrection In
the Philippine Islands yet wo recognize
the duties and obligations Imposed upon
our nation by the victory of our navy and
the matchless valor of our arms result
ing in the treaty of Pari which impo ed
upon the president the duty of maintain
ing the authority of the United Status
over the territory acquirer thereby and so
loan as there s one gun pointed at an
American soldier so long as there is an
armed eneinv assaulting our Hag so long
must patriotic and loyal Americans up
hold our president in effecting protection
tranquillity and pearctoall who recognize
our lawful occupation
We adhere unequivocally to the gold
Ftaudard anil are unalterably opposed to
tho free coinage of silver Gold has been
our htandard since 18ll and is now the
standard of every civilied and Important
country in the world
After more than 20 years of harmful
Hgitarion and a campaign of extraordi
nary earnestness and full disoiission tho
people of the United States by a majority
of t iore than 100000 decided in favor of
that standaid Our experience and pres
ent prosperity in tho amplest anil fullest
iiieaMiro demonstrate the wisdom of that
We denounce the attempt now desper
ately being made toagalu array labor and
capital in hostile camps The Republican
party now iir always opposes trusts and
combinations having for their purpose the
titling of competition and arbitrarily
controlling production or fixing prices
but we also recognie that legitimate
business interests fairly capitalized and
honestly managed have built up our in
dustriesat homo given tho largest em
ployment to labor at tho highest wage
and have enabled us to successfully com
pete with foreign countries in the markets
of tho world Such industries must not
be struck down by legislation aimed at
diohonostly organized institutions which
destroy legitimate enterprise and the op
portuuities of labor and plunder the pub
lic We favor the creation by act of con
gress of a bureau of supervision and con
trol of corporations engaged in interstate
business with powers similar to those ex
ercised over national banks by t lie comp
troller of the currency enforcing such
publicity and regulations as shall effectu
ally prevent dishonest methods and prac
tices and generally such legislation statu
and national us from time to time may
be required for the correction of abuses
Wo arraign t lie fusion forces for their
failure to redeem the promises made to
tho people of this state of an honest and
economical administration of state af
fairs We especially condemn the mis
appropriation of public funds in the dis
charge of private debts by a fusion ox
governor and we denounce as subversive
of good government the conduct of the
auditors oilice by the fusion incumbent
Tho unseemly squabble now existing be
tween the two executive ofllce as to tho in
surance department bus scandalized our
btate and demonstrates the unfitness of
the present ollclals to conduct the public
affuirs of tlit state
Huy Fever Autumn Grip
The symptoms of hay fever and la
grippe are identical prostration sneez
ing inflammation of the mucous mem
brane Dr Humphreys epeciflo 77
cures both 25 ceuts at all druggists
Cnrtrr at n Wrtl Kaotvn
Wtiltra Cnpltnllat Manufact
urer and Ihllnnthruplat
Among the leaders of the progreRiive
lletnent for which the mldle trrnt ii
turnout Mr John C Ilubliifrcr of Keo
kuk la reigtit without a potr At
manufacturer n nu cnttrprltlng cap
itnlitt and rm a philniithroplit hit nine
tint nprend over mnuy atutn and hit
financial enterprlir lime developed
ninny obscure towns Into progrestlve
thrifty nnd wldc awnke citlet Mr
llublnger although but 47 yoart of
ngr can look back upon secret of com
mercial victories each one of which hat
benefited mankind for hit liberality In
lis bountiful as his business gugaclty It
iiiiirvtlnuH He wn born in New Or
leans La his pnrentt being of French
Htid German origin When be vm four
yean old hit family removed to Ken
tucky in whluh ttate young Hubinger
received a public tcliool education Al
most before reaching mant estate he
tecured patents on a number of ral
uable mechanical ItiTcntloiu thereby
laying the foundation of his pretent
By inclination nnd force of clreum
trances his ntteution wat early direct
ed to thn lnanufactuie of Rturch by im
proved processes and in the course of
time he became the head of a concern
having nu annual business of millions
of dollars Hut genuine ambition
never quite satisfied with existing con
dltiont works ever toward perfection
and after cars of painstaking ntudy
and research Mr llublnger bus made
discovery which he considers th
crowning event of hit wonderful
career and which is embodied in a
new article of commerce known as
Red Cross Starch Red Grots trade
mark lie it planning to distribute
million of packages of this ttarch to
the housewives of America at a merely
nominal price to the consumer in order
to make its merits known wltbout de
lay Thus for but 5 cents two large
10c packages of Ked Cross Starch may
be had together with two magnificent
Shakespearean views printed In 12
beautiful colors or a Twentieth Cen
tury Girl Calendar or for only 20
cents 10 packages of the starch and
the entire series of eight Shakespearean
views and one Twentieth Century Girl
Calendar views alone easily worth
100 Watch this paper for future
premium announcements of which
every lady will certainly want to take
While Mr Hubinger will devote his
best energies to the manufacture of
this new an 1 wonderful starch he will
not retire from the varioiib financial
enterprises In which lie is inteiested -street
railways electric lighting plants
and the Missiisppi Valley Telephone
Co with 10000 telephone biibicribers
in Minneapolis nnd St Paul nor will
his augmented activity interfere with
his social obligations and exercise of
the splendid hospitality which he dis
penses at his palatial Keokuk home
Mr Hubingers family consisting of
himself wife nnd four children is the
pivot around which his activity re
volves and while fond of promoting
great enterprises he is still fonder of
his home circle where he spends every
moment of time not taken up by busi
ness or public cares
Dtiih in it it Iiiiih for riiillpplura
Dynamite guns aro to be employed
by the army ii tho coming campaign
in the Philippines While the use of
these guns 1b yet regarded as in its
experimental utage sufllclent progress
in their development has been made to
warrant the army ofllclnls in includ
ing them as a part of tno equipment
in the field Recently Lieutenant M
C Buckey 1 bird artillery was or
dered to New York to aid in loading
tne twelve two and one hair inch
Simms Dudlpy dynamite guns accesso
ries and ammunition on board a mer
chant ship is to transport them
to Manila by the Suez canul From
New York Lieutenant Buckey vlll pro
ceed to the Woolwich arsenal Eng
land Paris France and Amsterdam
for the purpose of examining the or
ganlxatlon and material of mountain
guns and hotwltzer batteries used in
India and Africa and other countries
where service is similar to that in the
Philippines After performing this
duty Lieutenant Buckey will procor
to Munila for dutv
Marietta to the Marietta
Governor Bushnell of Ohio recently
conveyed a silver service to Boston
and presented it to the gunboat Mari
etta in honor of her second birthday
It was the gift of the Ohio town whose
name the gunboat bears
M A Co Oinulm3 WNlJNodH 18U0
Go on says tho New York sub
committee to Captain Evans What
do you know about running a naval
show anyway
Mr C A Plllsbury has Just complet
ed his thirtieth year in the milling
business in Minneapolis Minn prob
ably a longer term than that of any
other man engaged In the business in
the northwest His business has
grown In twenty years from less thus
1000000 barrels of flour a year to
nearly 5500000 barrels
Convenes in Omaha This Week
in Annual Session
MlnUter nnil Printline Kltlnr to lir
Aljiitl Iliirna Srupn of tlm Confer
Mien llUlrlcl lie A lliiitKitt l
1 II Mil I n to AIIkihI
Kroin Tanwlars Diillv
lr A llodgotts presiding Joaler of
tho Norfolk district and Rov G 11
Main pastor of tho Methodist church
hero loft today for Oninhii lo
torn tho luinunl conference of thoNorth
Nebraska district which I moots this
week in llaiihconi Park ohurch This
conference iH composed of ministers
and lay delegates from I an charges in
tho district bounded by tho Missouri
river on tho east the state lino on the
north Grand Island and ONeill on tho
west and tho Platte river on the south
Besides tho business of supplying
charges with ministers and districts
with presiding olders an important
matter will bo tho selection of n lay and
ministerial dolegato to tho gonorn1
conference which will meet in quadren
nial session in Chicago next May For
tho mlnnisteiial delegate hero aro four
leading candidates Or J W Slienk
editor of tho Omaha Ohiistian Advo
cate Or A Modgettsof this city Or
O K Tyndall presiding older of tho
Grand Island district and Dr Win
Gorst presiding older of tho Nolitjh
district It is probable that among tho
lay delegates there will bo ivlarger num
ber of candidates
Besides tho honor of boing a dolegato
to tho lawmaking body of tho Metho
dist church there aro cortain emolu
ments which also make it desirnblo
The delegates aro provided with trans
portation and sleeping car privileges
uud entertainment for tho entire months
sossion of tho confereuco at tho leading
hotel in tho city where tho conference
convenes Tho expense iH provided for
by tho church
Dr Ilodgetts term its presiding elder
of tho Norfolk district having expired
with tliis year another will JIkj mimed
ut this conforouco Ho has held tho
position for sx years and liiiiny of tho
church peoplo throughout tho district
nro sorry that tho general laws of tho
church uecessitato a chango as ho and
his family have won a largo circle of
friends While they know ho deserves
something better than tho district con
tains many solflshly hope that hiH re
moval will not bo required
Row Main has given excollont satis
faction during his pastorate hero and it
is hoped by a largo number of the mem
bers of tho church that ho may o
turued at least for another year to con
tinue his excellent wok
Kali way Ago Snys IIiiiuIh Hiivo llenn
Iliiccil int It mil Will hi It u lit
Tho Yankton Norfolk A Southern
has completed its organization and has
elected V W Graham of NorwalkO
president whoso ollicial address will be
Norfolk Nob 1 S Modeling vice
president 001 Washington boulevard
Chicago headquarters Yankton S I
S F Norton secretary nud treasurer
Dexter building Chieiigo rays tin
Railway Ago
The road is projected from Yunkton
S D via Norfolk Nob to Omaha a
distance of 181 miles and it is proposed
to begin work at onco on tho section
from Yankton to Norfolk seventy five
miles of which forty miles from Aten
opposite Yankton to Osmond Nob
wero graded a number of yoars ago
Tho old grade is in good condition and
will require little dressing up It is
expected to begin work by October I
and to complete this forty miles this
There will be a largo bridge across
the river at Yankton consisting of ono
draw span of 110 feet and four other
spans of 4H foot oach Tho plans for
the structure have beon completed anil
approved by tho secretary of war
Bonds of tho company to amount of
11800000 we aro informed have hern
practically sold of which 000000 are
to bo used in erecting the bridge nud
the remainder in building the road
Wo aro informed that this is an en
tirely independent company and that
the Great Northern is not interested
as has been reported
Council IroceilliiK
The regular meeting of the city
council was hold September 211890
There wero present Mayor Simpson
and Councilmeu Brummond Ruchok
Degner Uhle Yiele and Heckman
Absent Councilmen Bullock and
The minutes of tho meeting of Sep
tember 7 were read and approved
Councilmen Degner Bucholz and
Brummond wero appointed a special
committee with power to act in the
matter of exchanging tho present stove
in tho council room for ono adapted to
burning soft coal
Report of T A Ayerc collector
showing il dog tax collected ami 11
dogs killed was read and referred to tho
auditing committee
The committc o on streets and alleys
was instructed to purchase another car
of stone for crossings
There being no farther business the
council adjourned
tn apltc of Tlrltish rule India la till
virtually n soapless country Through
out the village of Hindustan soap I
ttidoad regarded as n natural curiosity
and It In ruroly if nvr kept In ntoon
by the native Htorokeaper In the
towns It li now sold to a certain extent
but how riiihII this In tuny be Ratbtrod
from the fnct that lha total yaaxly
consumption of noap tn India la about
100000 hundredweight that In to say
every SR00 persons uso an avorag only
of 112 poundH iff sonp between thatn or
In other words considerably leBH than
nu ounce Is the average consumption
a pel son
New t nvrtiit Iniu
Of the Inventors who obtained pat
I miai5
ents the past work
tl per cent were nblr
to sell the entire or
part of tholr Inven
tions Amongst tho
piomlueut conenrtiH
buying thcvi patents
were the following
l nlteil MaleB Manufacturing Co
Pond du Lac Wis
Duplex Printing Press Co Untile
Creek Mich
National Ticket Case Co CIiIcuro
ICagle Pencil Co of New York
JnfToiHon rtriiHs Works Watertown
llhtikors lCleclrlc Protective Co Chi
cago III
nukes Co Quitman On
Fisher Typewriter Co of Teniiessno
Vulcun Iron Works Han Francisco
Lamb Manufacturing Co Chlcopeo
Falls Mass
Hinder Manufacturing Co of Now
Williams Uleet lie Co Cleveland O
Parties desiring free Information an
to the law and practice of patents
should addreHs Suea ft Co rnglatered
patent solicitors lieu Building Omaha
IllSbiiysnow upright pinno Schraol
Icr Mueller 1313 Fnrnam St Omaha
The liar ilKsplscs those who liellevr him
nnd liuliH tlioH vrhn do not
1 HfnJE
at sMm
yourself Is
covered with pimples
your race
Your skin
rough and blotchy Its your liver I
Aycrs Pills are liver pills They
cure constipation biliousness and
dyspepsia dbc All druggists
Want jour niouilaclio or beard a beautiful
brown or rich Mack Then mo
BO CT OfPsttWtTt S n HfUl Ce NaNtia N M
Dont be fooltd with mackintosh
or rubttr coal If jnu ant cost
that will kerp you dry In Ihr hnrd
it ftorm buy 111 llli IlranJ
Sllcli i If not for tale In your
own wilte for catalogue to
A J TOWER Boton Man
gXfrvT gyAl peuE
Send your name and address on a
nncfal anH up uill cini1 unn rtnr i Y
v j v
rare illustrated catalozue free
174 Wlnchr r Avenus New Hin Conn
3 350 SHOE8 1
Worth 4 to 6 compared with
oiner minei
Inilorafil by over
1000000 vreurrra
Tin nil iie n u uftu
lai aae price Uare ee botlea
Take no lutntltutc elamed
tn he aa good ltriteO ieker
f 13 and 3J0 aboel In ttiu
woeld rourdetlereauuldkeep
Uiem If not we will tend yoa
a nalrnn raralDlnf ntlaa Riiia
I ad of leather die and width plain or cap toe
Catalogue Free
CANriv rAru adtis
Is aclentlllcully compounded of
the bast materials
ince oeedad W
Vafasla raraltorold eetab
tTIHIBQ rB1 Baler era a me
AeacMBtri Moarerloaaeiperl
UUBSluuu iiace oi rune ra
lllgriret rli Irlrr rnld for
Poultry Game Butter Eggs
Irnd for taja and priori
Katabllanre Hu
Itolirrt Purtle
liudnka tunirro and Iholo guepllr Cata
ctf frre llutriuu ISJj Ilouulai ttroM Omaha
U Atil Omulm 1 W S V Nu 3S 1810
Cm I
A 1130110 subscrihiiiL now nnd simkUiil us 150 in
nisli will rccoivt
The Norfolk Weekly News
iind a IMM COPY of tho Urcsil Medical Work
Kendalls Perfected Receipt Book
To old subscribers wbo pay up lo and 150 in
advance llie same offer is inado
Ollior county papers can bo bad for less money bud when
H I Z 10 QUALITY and dho amount of IIOMK and KORKKIN
NKWS L iven is considered you will iind dbad T1IK NMWS
Perfected Receipt Book
The Best Ever Published
It is month 10 a yean in every family
You cant afford to do without it
Id condains all dho besd feadures of all dhe old books bo
sides bundreds of now dliinjs never dhoughdof before
It hasjreceipts for everything and everybody
Tho besd receipts known for man and beast cooking
toiled ode ode Id has many receipts for preparing article
of tfenoraluse which you now buy at groat cost It is by a
popular author and published by the Kendall Publishing Co
of Saratoga Springs N Y
What Others Say of the Book
Founder and pastor of the Peoples Church Omaha writes I have received
a copy of tho Perfected Receipt Hook and am highly pleased with it It
will he of Kreat value to the puhlic 1 wish It a lare sale
Founder of the Christian Home Orphanage Council IllutTs Iowa write
It ia a very valuable book and I fall to see how It could be improved upon
A prominent stockman of Btockton Kansas writes I would not take 00
for one of the receipes lu yaur Receipt Hook
Tor many years cashier f tlie Citirens Hank of Omaha write I received
your Receipt Book and have examined it carefully and am more and more
pleased with it It Is the most complete work I ever saw
Of Irwin Iowa writes Recently two of my hogs took sick with hog chol
era and one died within twenty four hours I had your receipt for hog chol
era llllcd as given In Kendalls Perfected Receipt Hook and I gave it imme
diately It cured the other sick one and prevented tho others from get
ting sick I think It saved my herd of thirty one Your receipt book ought
to he In every family for I think It Is worth twenty times the price asked for
it 25o I shall always believe that your receipt for hog cholera is just tho
medicine for hogs for Jt saved my sick one and prevented tho rest from get
ting sick If my theory Is correct as I believe It Is it saved me at least 150
wish all who are losing hogs weuld get a receipt book and try till remedy
The book seems to be full fit other good things also