V2 Mi WOBBffiBB F0 Toll Its own Mot v A liii m ofin 1 lii on n uoiiiuiiti flpi II lrln i tlir pun which is WMtiiiK nt tin- ncrvci Itm the eves luivo no jinl in the IhiikIi Their piiiple tinus sjhmIj of MiHViiii Tlicio iitelitu H too about lie mouth wiiirlt only piin onn jivc Many wniuon look for ward lo a week of such misery each month Tlure months of cneh veni me jiell uji to sufTelilijj It weakens tliein It anes tliein U tolis them of social pleiwiiesiinil family joys dm llute be nnv excuse for such women who fail to liy Or PieiceM fa voiite rieMiilinti It has cured thin siimls ol such Mif fetors Cm ol them jieifectlv imil per maneiitly II ctm nitielyeijlil out of ovorylitituireil who uive it a fail anil faithful tiial i suir lo lift ft IIh nlmosl sine to cute Kavoiile IMo KCtiplioti is not u Iliie all It Is n lueiliciiK specially niliiplcil to onto lie nilmeiitsof weak ami sickly women lentil lies the jieiiods diics the ihaius which uuileiiiimc he health heals in lliimmatlou anil ulceiatiim anil euies fe male weakuesi Its tonic effects aie marvelous It uiels the neivcs jtroiictliotiM the entile body ami in duces icficslliui Meeep There is nn iilcohol in Ifnvorite Iie KCtiplion and it contains neither opium cocaine not any olhei nut colic HAD TO 10 TO mm 1 limt ftlliiiK of internal oitjiuii ami had to no to IkmI cc I iiiiiutli 1 tn il intKlilu tilimllllv piMnili wlilrli would tnmitiiitri li t ti n m twelve 1 ivs Willi Mm A tire I 1 1 lines of liiiiitlnK StK rt tllloil town Ii Mill nlmi ItiltK tlll so bail tllnt I rmilil iinl rat titiMlmin limlly It IMi tn luviitllr Itr nip iinti imil Golden Mi ilu ill IlinrnUiy eined me HAD IOS1 IIOIU Tlir uiejit in v liotiMf ami cotitriiti liuttiiil up Mcriil yeam at I was tnkni Willi a ilitiilnrst of litcalli and palpitation nl tlir liiint wiltrs Mm Siisnn C Tulloll nt Sitlpliui Milien louisa Co Vii Tlieio THE NORFOLK NKWS THURSDAY KKPTKMBNR 1H 1890 Hfew wot hi- nil lite tlttii until a few niiititlii iiijo when I iiiiiimiiiicd the line of t Ilpues niediiinrn Ilefoie tlinl I could ncatcelv i nt nivlliliiu ami if I dlil I could mil test imvvv v WiMW a u11 nt F fU TWvrlVrS V all liult UtttJ ffSiWvAtfM Was not alle to do ivnmiiKi i x k lWViAWT i ii I f any woik ami ennui iicaicely gvi arniltiil even in the house I had eivrii up all holif of eve hehlK well iikiIii hut wni advimd hy sevetnl who had used your tiliiucliics to try these I did so and now is fat us my dis ease is emiceiueil I am as well as I evet was I uive Ir Pieiees medicines all the clrdll all the piaise for the hi tie fit of my health ami many thanks foi your trouble and mKiee 1 have taken ahoul two dozen hottles ot iimie ol the lavorite Iresctip tiou ami lohleu Medical Discovery ami Hcvitiit hottles of the Pellets Dr lieiccs rieasint IVllets em e sick licadachc Women who aie specially suhject to this complaint will hml the IVllets aie not a palliative 1ml u teniedy for their ailments Dr Pacrcns Favorite PtasGBSptSon makes Weak Women Sdsemsj and Sick Women WeHS bbwj a i apyaaMm z i a Wmms Kfflw Wmsvaiim anucil Ivan Jan 11 I imeil Whio of Cirilul fur nor oiiimcsh nnil weiiknisH III tliu imil After liillne nun linltle I was well nKrtln I am a nililwlfo mil uUviiyn recniiuniinl Wine of Ciinliil l my liuly rinnilx ilurlii iiriKiumev Htnliiftiir liirtli nun ton lo Ivnry liuly who taken It IIiiiIh I hut it iloes mou morn than Ih oIuIuiimI for 11 MK8 V St IIOIHVHUT S A ill W EtnrEV sis LADIES ADVISORY DEPARTMENT KiirnaUoliiiiiiiHriitiailn npi iIhI I iltiiilloim nililn mi Klvlim ny iiiiiIhiiih Ullr tl rj lU il I lir III I I IIMIIKU i IIKIIKIM II 1liiU iiiiHiKil Tillll Mmw Nobody knows wonun like wonun Men o lo medicil colleges study hooks and listen to lectures They leun iiuliiectly of the iliveises of women Imt Ihey ire men and can never fully uiulei stand the ailments the suilerings the ironies of inolheis wives and sisleis A woman Uiioun Mrs Uoisveit Knows she has passed tliiough the ttials and tiilmlalious of her sex She has been near by when her sisteis suf fered Slic has seen tliein relieved and cm ed witli Wine ol Cardui Is it any wonder she lecoiuinends it Is it any wonder that thousands ot other women leconunend it Iliry linmr They have ac tual experience to pioiupt them They spiead the tidings from nioulli to mouth telling how Wine nl Cardui helps voiine Kirls Itlos the weak of ill ages helps and cuies all womanly ills Druggists Sell Large Uolilcs for 100 IBVS vj Q MA I H SSMSBIallSS5ISaMlM Boars tho yltio Kind You Hayi Always Bought Mini can Ihi outwd privately und jmsi tively nt honiii of all woultncris uud dis oase Writo fir now free book Dr J N Hathaway yi Ooiiunerrial lllock Sioux Oily In o j s jr o xi I a Hid Kind You Have Always Bought Bri the f 8lT Zjff2Bii Doiil Toliarra Sil unit HinoliK lour I Ifr Aimr To quit tutiuoea ouslly and fuiatnr ho uiug tiitlc full of llfo iiorvoiiml lor tuUo No-To-Hue tliu uoiiiUrwoi her IhiilnmUes uouli mull stroni All liuitRlstscUouid CuiuKininm tccd lloolilet mi a iuuplo fruo Address Stcrlliiu licmcMy Co Clileuko or Now York CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature orWS Stop thnt barkiiiK by tlm uso of Hal birds llondiouml Syrup It unesfs tlio eolith allays irritalion of tlm throat nnd relieves connohlioii of tho luiifs in a day It is safe uud nlcasuut to tako and novor disiippointw 25 mid 50 cents ro IJ Ohuistoimi OASTOHI A Itie Kind You Hare Always BoogM 3eatn the J flollro Notica is horoby given thut by virtue of a chattel inortKiigo Hated on tho 1 Jth day of April IffiW uud duly tilod in tho ollloj of tho county olerk of Madison county NehraJt on tlm Ifith day of April 1MW mid executed by Sojilnu Zsviilit to II II Iattursnu ami asstgued to K A Bullotlc toKecuro thnjmyimnt of tho sum of 75 4ft ami upon which there is now duo tho sum of ii7lr de fault lmvini hinii made in rhe piivmeut of said sum tlierulnro I will nell the jiroperty tlmroin dosctiUd unuiely ouo Muiluid piuuo nt public auction at tho iuuhii studio of LudwiK Koeiiig htein in the ICMtiistnui blok in the city of Norfolk Mulison county No braska on tho 23rd day of September 800 at 2 oclock p in of naid day Dated September d 189U 13 A Burxocic Assigueo lliillil Tint ii Uliiil Out Spiiai1a Alo Sept 28 Fire is ro ported to have wiped out practically all the bustnexs of the little town of Syra cuse Morgan county The general Htores of CI W Cook and II M ICeevill W 0 druj storo William Carpenters grocery and restaurant the Seymour hotel the poitoftlco and other buildings were burned The loss is alxuit fcViOOO lIllMlnn Mrllie I llroUnn Havana Sept 2S In coitseiiuence of the pioihiniation of Uoneral Ludlow the bachbone of the strike is broken The men lost their bearings nwiiiK to their inubility to hold nteotiiiKs Some struck but others remain uncertain The military authorities arrested 21 leaders and held tliein in custody which largely assiMed in demoralizing the movement lliiiieiiii runner Tulu II In I Id CoiiMiHV Neb Sept 28 Martin Appirius u Cierinan farniir living near Puiicau comniitted suicide yesterday afternoon One of his neighbors Chris tian Sehupbach had appeared before County Attorney Olhieu and preferred a charge of forgery against Appirius DYSPEPSIA Kor lx yera I was vlrilm of Iifirlu In Its worst form 1 could eat nothing nit milk toast and at times my btomuch would Dot i tatti nnd dlkrst even that Last March l bogan wkhiB OASCAKKTS and Blnce then 1 nave steadily Improved until 1 am null i I ever wm Inuiy life Uaviu II Munrnr Newark o CANDY THADI UMM eieaiant Palatable Potent Taste Oood Do uoou nurer tckeu w raken or Urlpv IPC 2XSUC CURE CONSTIPATION KrlUf K4 CBpti blt Walrtl Ifi Ill HOTnRAn ld and guaranteed tr all drag nUl UDMIl uu to VVUK Tobacco UaUU Itrcitawltb ou wliethpr ynu rentlnue ibrMmm mtrnu MllliiK liuitki i o liulilt Ml I iiUAyiHH riiuoTv tUviltiiiri turtulici o wiltirfTaT MlbBiB outiitrvouUlouk eiiiclmiicuil E V SsSi lino puntin tliu bluuj le aJM I k LJTnoo Dtori luu niilihuud Tfil I iJAloni niikoi i ou Sty 1 8 i I ItPtold 400000 laUialtLiitrifadllWlTtcurJ I llVJy and pocktlrf Mttso TO II A C from Uu T2l lrJ own drupfl lio Ittlmm I i7ill oucb form Take 11 witu D U1wUIPKtliitlTierUtriitl One ba 9 Hxl uuallj curut J luip ft K rAfruiirantiudtacuri orwvrrfuoil lumirj imm UurlUfKuiill tkli u4l Urn lurk SPANISIIIIPS BARRED American Vessels Only Allowed at Philippine Ports GUN JAMAMILIO TURNED DOWN Only llipi of Siniilli IlNonnrit I Ion In NiiIIip riiillliK A linn limn Illlm Min in linlii li IhiKiiinii lllnr Iliilr Sin i Iron In OIU Main nil IIIit Mamix Sept aa The American iiillliiinlli4 have declined the reipmst of Uouiiiit ilamamillo the Spinisli ollleer who is seining Spains inilitiiry uliairi in tho Philippine islands lo send n ves sel under tlm Spanish IIhk lo colled Hid Spanish prisoners nt insurgent ports as Hlipulaled by I he Filipinos on the Kintiud that the jiorti are closed that Mich u step therefore would be unlaw ful und because they declined to accept tho Filipinos dictation Tlm authorities uro ready to send an American vessel Tho Spanish commit tee Iherefore will return to the insurg ent lines and endeavor to ellecl an ar rangement for the delivery of tho pris oners on boil d mi American vessel Afiiiiiulilo has issued a statement saying the wurliko activity of the Americans bus prevented ho concentra tion of the prisoners as intended hut they will be delivered up Oct lit The Tamils of the island of Mindanao have expressed I heir readiness to accept American sovereignty in exchange for protection against the harassing Moros A native ollleer bus otTered Major iimoral Otis 1000 Maeeabebe tribesmen to llghl Tugils of the Laguna do Uiy district ill I II III lllll III UlltllllK H Ivans as City Sept JiS There is famine al the stock yards a short ige of nearly 800 cars being toported lhu unprecedented heavy movement of attle would probably be far greater if Mhi railroads could meet tliu demand for cars Every available car is in use Aiul still there are not enough Diiilll ol IIIiiiiii II Irr OntMiWA In Sept i8 Hiram TT Lee a prominent insurance man of Denver died here al the home of his sister Mrs 11 C Chambers yesterday The interment will take place at Des Moines Friday Mr Ijco was -Hi years of age Ill liil nl li s Mirt ill Ilrstitn Iltixiex la Sept S The state convention of Christian Endeavor con vened here yesterday and lasts till Fri day night It gives promise of a large attendance Fmlnil Cil llllintis mi Illi PirKiti S D Sept as Tho certili cates of nomination of the fusion nom inees for supremo bench were tiled with tho secretary of state yestorday VWlIlUrtlhlrt Itllllllllll lllUIMM Phllmlulhm I Halliinori 11 Second hiiis IlilliuliOiihia li Italtiiniiiii 0 Niiw York fi Itioiiklrii 7 Hiistmi II WiishliiKton S CIlleiiKo I IlltshuiK I Snooml iMtne ChlriiKu i 1ittilmri 7 WHEAT RULES FIRM inn Drrlliii n Ciiil imil ii Hull for 1 nil rnl IIiIImiii run mid Hiit -7 Wliint wns linn from liiiilinin to iiiiI toiliiv mill nt mi ml vieiii nt Agr Tlm IiiIIIiik otT ill riiiipls nt iiiiiity luiivj iiiiints iiltriiitiil n kooI iliiil of iitiiiiiinii anil tfitvo mi iniilcitiuiH of stiiimth to tt nihil nlldnj Corn ili ilhiuil ljO for Siiitniiilirr hul iiniliniiKeil tor ilifirrrl futitriH Oats iki for Siptoiiihir mid iiilvmuiil lor OiiiinlHT lrovisiniis woro llrni nnil Ilo cil atiWji hiulmr in tliu fiiturrn iiiost trinliil in IloMiiK prloos WiicAr Dif 7ili May 76s so CoilN 0HU Mav JIUji Oats Div May iJc rouK Oct rials IsiiuMJrrs IjAitn Oit jiI8 Dri 5 5n IlliM Oit riUiptlS liv S 07aft5IO Cash limitations No 2 rrd w hoiit 7UlJ5 741o Sii8 sprhiK wllinttV7Jj No 3 porn IHjo Xo imts li ViiiJIli CIiIihko ll Stork Cillinoo Sipt 7 Cnttln Hwelntt 1H000 SinalliT offiilinjs of rattle today oaliscil a stronger feiIliu and tho umiprul run f tilil at tlrin priois with iloslraliln lols n limit lOo IiIkIiii kihmI to Ihoiio cat tU wild nt 15110 WOal ooiiiiiiimir urailos at f440i9Afn stock nrs ami fiiih rs at a0iVtilK hulK cinvs and hoifiTs JlfHlitVJi Texns stours la10 rnliKirrt at i itill and ciilviwut f00g70 Hobs Kisiipts iHlHH thirn was n t airly act ive ihiimnd for lilies at easier prtcM mot sjiles l iii nt nilechiie of in heavy linns sold lit JllVCI Tij mixed lots at 440iM7V and HbIHh at II4IS pits hroiiKllt 4 Ui475 and culls flMliOMO Sheep Heccipts 31000 sheep and lambs were in fairly kihhI ileniand nt steady prices native sheep sold nt f i iVu4i western rangers at IViOlH yearluncs t IS iM0 lninlw sold at lVVAl lor iiiitiVM nnil liiiliV15 for etern ranucrs KillliilK tlty liie Stock KANSA CitV Sept 7 IattleUecclpt IfltKXl natives CVW Texans heavy supply mostly westerns choice aUitghturhii and feedhn stuff steady oilier slow to 10n lower choice native steers JlllWl 10 Unlit weichts fiAirii4l htockcrs and feeders l rtVtJ500 J Inilchers cows mid heifers lilOOcolilfl can ncrs J3 UYaUU western steers aiv400 Tkxiiiis JJlift8a Hiiks Uecnipts 11000 KimxI deuiHinl for all ela sin price- averaged strong to shade lusher heavy 1 1 45 cpli mlxisl 440ltW Imlit 4Hipl70 piir 4tJiv4M Shiop Hoecipts 7AW Mipply mostly westerns diisirahlo lot s ste idy others closed tilftelmver lambs ii 40iVJS muttoin lhitllW stiHkers mid feeders 8lKVtfU80j culls 50iil0 South Oiiiitlin Ilvr Stork BniTll Ouaiia 8eit 27 Cnttle HecelpU 8000 steady lo ii jlV lower native boot steers 51Ufliil western steers II 35 00 Texas steers f i 70 jtllO cows mid heifera CIlVlitlH cauners 4 SJSipaAO stockera and fenders JJ7 Va4iXI calves 4 SOkWVI hulls sta etc 13 7H 00 Hiiks ItereipH lHX tlmili to 51 lower heavy fVIil 40 mixisl 4Uaipiitt liRht 4riji47S ims 4iy 4 4 bulk of saliw 4 ap4 40 Sheep Ke ecipts 4 600 steady yuarllntfs fjaOilfi wiisteni muttoin tltli6lUJ stm k sherp Jlri0 ijno Iannis l ii u Aliiniiiuc of the litis Thursilay Sun rises at io otu ut 5Ih Moon rises at inidnigrtt The Weather Iowa Fair cooler in eastern portions much cooler prob ably showers in western portions Thurs day Friday fatr except probably showers in eastern portion winds be coming northwesterly Nebraska Fair cooler in western probably showers much cooler in eastern portion Thurs day Friday fair northerly winds FIVE TRAINMEN KILLED Ilemlriiil iiIIMiiii mi llni real Null hum In MiihIiiiiii llrirNA Mont Sept JH KoportH have been received ill Helena of a bad wreck that occurred on thoOreat North ern roul today u short distance west of Glasgow Valley county Five men were killed and two others seriously in jured nil employes of the company A light engine westbound going ut a high rate of speed and a freight train eastbiiuml loaded with lumber hud a headend collision A conductor uud engineer on the light engine und the comluclor engineer nnd brakenian of the Ireighl were killed W C T I nl Dim Id Clt Paviii OliY Neb Sept UK Tlm stale convention of the Womens Ohris tiau Temperance union began here yes terday Slate President Mrs S M Walker of Lincoln presiding Last night Mrs Leonora Marry lnke of Mis souri known as the Friiiices Willurd of Ihe Onlholie church delivered an ad dress at the opera house lo tin audience of about oOO people About 100 dele gates are in attendance Inl nuixlcr cliiilis out sbiiil HtiiiAiti lu Si pi JS Pout muster Ioylan was accoinpinicd to Fort Dodgo hy the Luileil Stall s uiarshal yestcrdaj The iuspeetor found his accounts about I1SO0 short Kilurntn Your ltnwnla Willi Ciincnrntn Candy Cathartic cure cotisiipntloti forever lOcJrc If C O C fall driiRUlsls refund money Tiik Nkwb 301 oopartnient is com uloto in every partumlar low Art Ynur Itlilnpyi t Or UolitiVHiinrninislMllsciironllkliliicjr Ills Ham lilofrvo A 1 1 1 1 aturllnM ltLinudjrCoClilcaKOor N Y l tionsiiiiils uro Ti yln It In or 1 r to p nvn tu rent moril ot foils tea u lliliu the liioil eiluctiNO euro or itiiia nnd Cold in Head wo hivo prn mred a ichims Ird for 10 cents Gi I it of i if du I r send 10 i cnli to iir cx 1 u iy I miTerol f oin c frh of t mr t kind ever fcirco a i I I inr h pd f uro but Ijlsi nnil linlni tccim to u even thai Al riy i iiiedutnnci s hum list il with oxoiliut re nit Mhtar istrtun i vYirtuii Ao Clitig 111 rls Crentn Viabii is the ncnowledgeil ruivlor cuilih and conlnins no cornice iiHiniey nor nnv lujiirious dr 1rico CO ccnlH At dmi sts or bv iiunL Ilciiuty In Illood Deep Clean blood menus a clean skin No beauty without it Ciscnrots Cindy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean bj btiniiin up the lazy liver and driving all hu milities from the bodv llcgm to day to banish pimples boils blotches blackheads nnd that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cnscmets beauty for ten cents All ding gists satibfOjCliun guaranteed 10c 2jc50c le tlm Cllllllrellll lllilllt called Criiiin O It is a delicious appe tizing nourishing food drink to take the place of coffee Sold by all grocers mil liked by all who have used it be cause when proporly prepared it tastes like tho finest coffee but is free from all its injurious properties Griiin O aids digestion and strengthens the nerves It is not a stimulant but a health builder and children as well as adults an drink it with great benefit Costs ibout one fourth us much as coffee IT and 2o cents Io Cure Const Ipiitioti 1rntovcr Tilo CiM muls Ctuiilv Cathartic ldc nrJoc If U C C lull to cure ilruntnsts lufuinl inoiiuy WHY rra fls tt q a bp7 rx vr i BatfrUm EL i tr f K v x c -x t CURES Iicasuns lor Ihs 3Iir clous Success His New Free Hook Dr Matliiivnys iiictlim ol ticaiineiitlsuoesperi incut It Is tlieicMilt oi twenty jens of exper CI o ill tie it v el I MM p Ill el lee ot nil speclall t ill ins hue III thewoild Ilewiisurail anted fioni ouo of tin best medical colleges In thocoiiiitiy and peileet ed Ills nieillcnl nnd stirn cll eihieallon b eteii site ho illil iiii lu i Karl in lh in in- -ion il ciifcr le c ide d -cm eilis which p iced linn at lliolnvid of Ins prefer slon as a spiv ihst In Itcitlimwliat arogenernll known us piivite dlsea csof men nadwumen This steia oi ircitmeul he has mine mid moii perfected i nil eir until to lay his cir s urn luinnnble n to be the maiMl of the an dicnl prufesion rnjojin the lnuest piaiticnof any spei alM 111 the world he Mill maintains a Weni of uoiiii nnlfees which makes it possible for all in obtain Ills sen Ices Dr IlathaniytioiUniidciiros Loss of Vltnlltj Varicocele Ktili tiue Mood Pol oulni In II- dif ferent stnKts liheumnlNiii Weak Ha 1 Nen oiisiiess all maimer of 1 rlnary IliersNiiesiiiil SHIn DNen ev lliluhts Disease and all forms of KliliieyTnaibles Ulslrentnieiit for iiiidci toned men restores lot Itillty and makes the patient a tiium well Mirorotts mnn Dr liathawixs Miceets In the tieatment of Yarlroceloaiid Mllcture without the aid of knlie or can cry is pin uoiaeiial The p itlnnlK treated by this iin thud nt hl own huiun without pain or lo sof llmefroii Inisiness I hlsU po itliely the only ticitiiifiil which cities wltlioutaii operation Dr liiithawa calls Im partlcitlir intention of suirereis fiom aricoccleainl Stricture to panes -7 is w and tl ut ls new hook rntltled Maiiluies - YiKor Health a copy of which will lit sent fit o on application Write todn fir feo hook and uiptoiii blank nieutloniim oar i omplalut J M WTOS HATHAWAY M D 11 Iiittinwu A Co t3 Caiiiicieiut Itlink MoiixClljlouu H lOiftrTrwlrTilrtrTrrtrylrirW ft jlitaiirmiiTni1tTttititittliTiut w fL i ji fttf Sfi iSVl WrWS wrrrmnm wsmmsmfGEmm3mEWmis imrTi i ifltl I It id i Ullll V HTTif J t IH lHifiJwsrkMJ rJ iM jX rt Sft PLfl V r V V naBrtw simiiiuifu mc rood ou ucv liiiJ llic Slomadis nnil Uowcl MMfJOT lromolcs DiccslionClKcTrul ncss and ItcstConlnlns ncillicr 0iuinMorpliiiU nor liiicial 1VOTIA1C0710 Jixve ofOMnrSMWELPlIVlim jlhcSeimit JtAttr SJu Stt Jipptnytuii ill CiiriimnUSLi IlkrmScrii Sueur lliijftpw tlanr Apcrfccl Tlcmcily forConslipn lion Sour Stomach DiniTboca Worms Convulsionsrc vcrisli css and Loss OF SLEEP TacSitnile Signature of NEW YORK CXACTC0PVOF WRAPPER Not ire to Non U sliitiit DiTillilllllt Kate Lyons will tako notice that on tho SIMi day of yetomber 18119 Chestfir A Fuller u justice of the peace of Nor folk precinct Madison county Nebraska issued an order of attachment for tho sum of 10 in an action pending be fore him whorein Louis C Mittelstadt is plaintiff and Kito Lyous detondaut that property of the defendant consist ing of money dne tho said defendant nnd in the hands of 13 F Taylor has been attached under said order Said cause was continued to the iilst day of October I8u at 2 oclock p in Dated this 21st day of September lhOi Lons C MlTTKLSTADT Plaintiff WIIHN Y01 WANT A iOOI SHAVE or BATH J0 TO- W 0 Halls Barber Shop MAI -T Tlllltl 10011 ICAHT OF FOUUTU ED WEGENER Livery Feed and Sale Stable Hack Line in Connection I Tel t phone 68 lr f JtK UllTJ4ilhrfl Mil n mi ii TOO KILLa 1 2S CTS msm PJBIfS l HI Q M For Jufouts nnd OhiMrori litis ICinir Xm lavo i Always Poisgli Bears the Signature of AW f Kind tfou Have ftlways Bought mmu ii- TMT CtHTAllO COMPANY lltW YOUK CITY JV30TTS PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome Weak uess irregularity and omissions increase vi or and banish pains of menstruation They arc LIFH SAVEUS to girls at womanhood aiding development of organs and body No known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure 1U JM3R IOX BY MAIL Sold by druggists DU MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio For Sale at KKONIGSTEINS PHARMACY A Soiiml Ilver 31 lilies n Well Mini Are you bilious constipated or troubled with jaundice sick head iclm bad tiihto in nioutli foul breath contid tongue dyspepsia indigestion hot dry skin pain in back nnd between the shoulders chills nnd fever etc If you have any of these symptoms your liver is out of order and your blood is slowly being poisoned because- your liver docs not act promptly Heroine will euro any disorder of tho liver stomach or bowels It has no equal as a livei medicine Price 75 cents Froo trial bottle at G 1 Christophs If your child has thin pnlo checks uncertain appotito and uurestful sleep it has worms und curing with strong medicine only makes conditions worse by irritating its delicate stomach SVhites Cream Vermifuiro is mild but certain in effect and is a superior tonic as well as a positive worm destroyer GnO K CllltlsTOIIl Tablors Buckeye Pile Ointment gives instant roliof It allnys inllnminntion and heals It is oromot in its action uud positive in its effect It is the kind that cures without pain or discomfort It is for piles only f0 cents Tubes 75 cents Gko B Chkistopii Are you lacking in strength und en ergy Are you nervous despondent irritable billious constipated nnd rjouorally run down in health If so your liver is torpid and n few doses of Herbine will euro you Herbino has no equal ns a health restorer Gko B Ciiiusroiic Ask your Druggist for a gencrouu IO CENT TniAL GJZE Elys Grcei Cni intnins no ceci nc niiTunry nor any oilier j mjiioiifnirtij It ib imickly Absorbed Itvet Itilicf atoncc J1 opens nnd clonuses tio ctiiiycs AIImvm Inlliiiiinllnn rbotogmptcd rrom uro w CATARRH KMBALy ifk fc Wyl kirns rW9 iAsr n c tizji COLD N HEAD lies and Pltuits tlio Jlembrnnc Kcptores the Sen cs of Ta U and Mncll Full SizcOOu Trial Kie loc nt sN or by niall lLV15HCUis r 0 Wurn U Street New YorW REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Mi trvxs dfifM tvy Made a Well Man the i5 of Me Gctt3lJS2 SEt3533NlOI3r 2Sa33VCIaIS produciB tlio abovo results ln30 days It acta powerfully and quickly Cures when all others fail YounK men will regain their lost manhood nDd old men will recover their youthful vigor by using ItliVlVO It quickly and purely restoreB Nervous cess Lost Vitality Impotency NiRhtly Emissions Lost Power Failing Memory Wostlun Diseases and all effects of eolf abuso orcxccFHand indlscretioa which unfits ono f or ntudy business or marriage Il not only cures by rtartlriB at tho scat of disease but is o groat nerve tonio and blood builder bring ing back tho pink plow to pale eticcks and re storing the flro of yonth It wards off Insanity and Consumption InslRt on having REVIVOno other It can bo carried in vest pocket By mall VlOO per package or six for SCOO with posi tive written gnaranteo to euro or refund thomunoy Circular free Address Royal Medicine Co SffiTl For Halo In Norfolk by Geo B Cbriwin LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I CURES Biliousness Constipation I Dyspopsia and Liver Complaint SUGAR COflTlD Sola by all drucirtsta or Hent by mail NerilU Medical Co Cblcif Vov Bale by Geo B Ohribtopli Norfolk Money to Loan ON Real Estate Elkhom B S Associatioo MffiEflfl Rev D C Hopson Pastor M E Church Waunetn Nob writes After CS years of rontitipatiou uml stomach disorder Dr Kays Renovator hus removed jfjj me constiputiou ami maue my etomaun almost new i couiu not near a wutoli tick with it closo to my ono 1 can now near right ear and but a very short distance from my left ouo quite a instance irom ray risnt ear ami a ionsr distance from my left one and the thick heavy feeling between ny eyes to my Dr Kays Renovator joy is pone Dr Kays Catarrh Cure did it It is the best thing I over tried weplio FREE ADVICE and bund free Dr Kuys liome Treatment an Illustrated b ok ot HI paKi3 iriuf iik nil ulluients common to tho human family Wrlto us all uUiut jourcaMi ll nruttKiBiH no not navo our n meuius Hon v lane any nuDstitutes lliry buy aro Just as kihhI w for I hoy have Ho Equnl They can bo had prepaid by return mall by eiiclostiiij prli o to - lis ljr Kav s 1lUOuIi r lTi ots nnd tWor Hi IX orlhforS 00 Catarrh iiniMcts Aliln Ks lr Dr 11 J Kay Medical Co Saratoga ijprlugs N Y ST riIiIIIIU3Xi3anixilijiiTTnuii3xrixzililxiiriirixiJiJiiiiTMiiirii TA TrlrirlrVTrirjrYJr irIryyirlrirTrw ryiririryTrKTrTrTrirTrTMir rTft zitfttti i ai3iixiaxniXtttirrtztiriiitt V il h A A X f It 0 I i m