The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 28, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Dcmocrnts and Populists Get
Together at Battle Creek
A VIrIiI liliPJ pr llm Nollillllll loll
fur Slim 111 lint All Iliicru wurn
IlHrd Willi Vri f llllln IHttlintly Im
Hrnl 1 IK it ill l ill NiiiiiIiihI m fur Nliiirirf
Vrnm Hnturiln Unity
rlnrV Ulclrlcl Coml
tmmt Cirri
toillltj luilcc
Illili Mi Idiinis
li iiiiut Hum iiii ii
1 1 ll i V IIIHIIY
Ill Mi ll Hl 1111
John It llnnMit
omits iiiniulviiimiM tlrnt Ulnlm I
Im li K Wl
Tim ftiHion formw woro in possession
of tlui bountiful Itttln oily iff Rattle
Crook today ami mioeoodod in ooiiiIiik
together in iv vory satisfactory niiiiinnr
to tliuniHulviiH ott a olinico of noiiiinuo
for every ollloo except tlmt of sheriff
For this ollloo a lively fight was de
veloped mid tho convention Hpont hoiiid
hourH in reaching nit agrooniont
Tim IomuIInU
Tho populists convened nt tho Howard
Mlllor hull shortly after 1 1 oolook thin
morning with A II Itoliiinnon of Mnd
iron iih Ilmirinmi nud OhoHtor A Fullor
of thin city us secretary
A connnltttm on credentials was ap
pointed consisting of O S Evans O
I Jenkins mill It Avory
On resolutions tho following com
mittee wiih named 111 Dunoviui O
T Mullloy nnil II F Harney
Tho convuntiou then adjourned for
dinner mill mot ivt 8 oolook
A conforonoo committee was ap
pointed consisting of K 1 Iltinck loo
Martin nnil 1 A Hhivoloy
The convention thou stood at oaso
while tho commit tco uiut with Unit
nppointutl by tho democrats
Tho conforonoe committeo mot in tho
roar room of tho ICntorpriso olllco ami
decided on a division of tho olllcos oh
follows Tho popnlistd woro givon tho
offices of dork superintendent of public
instruction ami clerk of tho district court
while tho democrats woro given tho
balance of positions
TJio convoiitiou thou named tho fol
lowing gentlemen for tho various posi
For dork 11 I tlarnoy of Madison
For superintendent of publio instruc
tion O W Grunt by acclamation
For clerk of tho district court Liou
teuuut MoElhoos of Madison by accla
Thn lloiiiocrntH
Tho domocrutio delegates mot iu tho
opera house with John S Hobuisou as
In tho absence of A l Ghilds I J
Koonigstcin was named for sociottiry
but declined to horvo wlieieupon his
brother A 1 ICoonigbtoiii was givon
tho position
Tho following delegates woro ap
pointed ns a con fern not connnittoo M
IJ Foster F 1 II ilo and A 1 Dunlovy
The ropoit of tho couforenco com
lintteo being satisfactory tho convention
proceoded to tho nomination iff all can
didates except tho three accorded tho
For treasurer Quo Hrechlor was nom
inated by iicclaniatiou
Dr Frank li Halter of this city wis
nominated for county coroner
Vor county jiulgo tho present incum
bent Win Hates was named
Tim fsurvoyorship was accorded to
lohuB Hoover
MJireo candidates for sheriff were pro
soiited to tho convention J 0 Osborne
his 11 Conloy and Cleo W Losoy tho
present oncunilwiit
An otlort was made to throw out all
proxies iu tho intorest of Xsborno iu
which they succeeded but it didnt hivo
tho desired ofloot
After tho iuforuial Imllot Couloy with
drew lenving tlin iight lie t ween Otborn
and Losey
Tho Losey men worn iu the majority
and ho received tho nomination on tho
first formal ballot
The nominees of both parties woro
endorsed by both conventions
Fred Kaul of Madison a harness
maker wus uiimol for commissioner of
the First dhitrM
Sioux City WhiiU h licet Sugar Iliilnn
Sioux City now tins hopes that the
Americau Hoet Sugar company will
build a factory tiioco iu tho iioar future
The rottlestate board has boon in eorres
pondbncewith Heury T Oxuard prosi
dent orthi company for somo time and
be has afloat promised to send a repre
sentative to tlmt city who will look
over the territory and investigate its
ndaptibility to the beot sugar industry
The buBinesVtneu promise to moet Mr
Oxnards representative more thau half
wayih auypropoaitiou he may make
Regarding tho adaptability of the laud
for growing boete tho Journal says
There eouis to be no doubt in the
minds of men who Itave given any atten
tion to the matter that tho desired grade
of sugar beets can be raised in any quan
tity around Sioux Oity and iu the terri
tory across the Missouri rivorinNt
braska lb fact before tho Oxuards es
tablishedthelr factory at Norfolk Neb
a test vraM made upon the grounds of the
old Sioux City Nureery and Seed com
pany with moat satisfactory results The
soil wns found to lm almost perfectly
adapt ell to the growth ol tho sugar beet
and their milium it wiw said would bo
attended with loss bnthnr than in the
licet fields of France Husinoss men
who are familiar with tho overtures
which at that time wem mndo by tho
Oxuard people say that if proper stops
had been taken tho factory which now
is at Norfolk would have been at Sioux
The presumption of meinbors of tho
real estate board is that if tho Oxiiards
built a factory in Sioux City it would
at least bo us largo as tho one at Nor
folk Tho probability is that because of
Sioux Oitys advantageous location ns a
distributing point tho plant would bo
larger thau the Norfolk Institution It
likely would cost several hundred thous
and dollars
Woods Cones is a city visitor today
fioin 1iorco
Sam Marty of Grcighton was a city
visitor today
Mrs A II Iiunowusn passongor for
maha today
O F Kisoloy made a business trip to
Madison yesterday
F II Kennedy is suffering with an
attack of rheumatism
Col H I Scott was iu town from
ltattlo Creek yesterday
Mrs S U Miller and daughter went
to Omaha today to visit
Hd Hraasoh was down from Tildcn
yesterday visiting his parents
1j Ij MclCini has accepted a position
iu the drugstore of A II Kiosau
Sovoral cases of diphthoria nro re
ported in the vicinity of llainvlow
M F Hubbard a real estate agent of
Hay City Mich is hero on business
S V True went to Omaha this
morning for a few days visit with his
Miss Jones of Mimvoll Iowa is visit
ing her aunt Mrs Fred Liiuerodo of
South Norfolk
Tho South Norfolk grocery storo is
being enlarged by tho building of an
addition thereto
Mrs II K Owen wont to Omaha
this morning to onjoy tho
festivities this week
jtlt is said that tho F 10 AM V Is
experiencing a scarcity of brakomeu
during tho stock run
Tho democratic precinct caucus has
boon culled to meet at tho oity hall
Wednesday October 4
S L Ciardnor startod this morning on
u trip to Battle Crook Meadow Grove
and Tlldeu on matters political
Miss Maggio Myor returned to her
homo at West Point yesterday after u
fow days visit at tho Nouow homo
Born this morning to Mr and Mrs
Guy Cooloy at their homo comor Philip
avenue and Sixth street a daughter
Alderman Bullock returned last night
from Omaha where ho wont as a dole
gate to the republican stato convention
C F Moiitross postmaster and editor
of tho Republican at Battle Creek was
calling on Norfolk friends yesterday
Key Fred Walters of Muscada Wis
arrived this morning and will visit lit
the homo of Mr and Mrs A II ICiesau
Mrs Myrtle lliggonbothani of Km
niursou is visiting hor parents Mr
and Mr 15 1 Perry at tho 1 unction
Mrs Mittolstndt and daughter of
Grand Island arrived in tho city lust
evening and will visit relatives a fow
Postmaster P F Spreoher roturned
last night from Schuyler Ho reports
his father as somewhat improved in
Miss Conray of Niobrara who has
been visiting Mrs Terry Moolick re
mained over to attend tho cuairity ball
bust night
Philip Bauch of Madison the republi
can noiniiieo for county clork was
loiking after his interests iu Norfolk
H 0 Miles of Kmeriek candidato for
county treasurer ou the republican
ticket was interviewing Norfolk politi
cians today
Miss Ora Cruin camo down from
Croightou yesterday to take tho position
of bookkeopor and stenographer with J
I Sturgeon
Mrs Henry Kruuipa who bus been
visiting her sister Mrs A II Kiesau
dopartod this morning for hor homo iu
Baxter Iowa
Miss Klla Barrott of South Norfolk
who has boeu suffering from a severe
attack of typhoid fever is gaining in
heulth contiuually
Mr and Mrs Anderson have gone to
housekeeping with Mr and Mrs Lewis
Willard in the house at the Junction
formerly occupied by the Freo Metho
dist miuuister
O J linger ami brido from Waukon
Iowa are here ou their weddicg trip
Mr Hager is a brother of Mrs A 11
Kiesau He is cashier of the First
Nutiouul bank of Waukon
M Sohatler the South Norfolk
butcher has recently received from
Swift a 0H pound steer which heolaims
is tho lurgest that has been shipped iuto
Norfolk this year
Mr and Mrs F L Estabrook de
parted this morning for a weeks visit
to the exposition at Omaha Mrs
Nstubrook will go from thoro to Villisca
Iowa to vif it friends for a short time
W J Gow leaves today for Now
York city to attend tho Dowoy celebra
tion After tho rocoption he will visit
his parontfl 111 Cambridge N Y Ho
expects to bo absont two or throo wooks
Miss Harriot Wood has ordorod n tole
phono placed In her home and other in
struments have also boon ordered
placed indicating Unit tho addition to
tho switch iHiard can nrrivo nono too
soon to meet the demand
Ho gave his minions Frank Whit myer
this morning when ho became sober
enough to toll who ho was Ho was
taken in by tho marshal last night iu a
maudlin statu of intoxication mid given
lodging iu tho quay until morning
A special train consisting of ll car
loads of cattle camo iu over the M Si O
roadfroinBello Fourcho S IX yester
day and was transferred to tho U P
road over which it was taken to Ames
A cattle train was also Rhippetl from
this plnco to Sioux City last night
Tho High school athletic association
today received n smnll shipment of
goods which have been placed iu the
gymnasium ready for nso Thoro is
nothing tho high school neods more
than it does n good gymnasium and
tho boys should bo congratulated upon
thoir start
Miss Dawson who has boon tho guost
at tho homo of Mr and Mrs Clnw H
Johnson for somo time past has entire
ly rocovorod from the fall recently sus
tained by hor at Taf ts grovo and de
parted today for Burlington Iowa Hor
aunt Mrs T W Soott will follow ou
Tho elocutionary ontortaiuinont givon
by S S Ilamil aud his daughter Miu
nio at tho High school building last
night was well patronized and proved
most ploasiug to all who attend
ed Mr Hamil aud his daughter are
thoroughly at homo boforo an audicuco
and their mauncr improssed ono with
tho fact that they have made a thor
ough study of tho art they represent
It is understood that they hope to con
duct a class in elocution horo for a time
Brakomau B L Darting
of Conductor Jacobs of South Nor
folk rocoived injuries at Tilden yostor
day which will lay him up some days
and will probably rehult in the loss of
at least one of his toes Ho was work
ing with his crow at switching in tho
Tilden yards when ho was in somo
manner knocked off tho car and fell in
such a position that one truck of the car
p issed over both foot One foot was
quite badly crushed but it is hopod that
it will bo saved with perhaps tho excep
tion of tho groat too Tho other foot
received slight injuries Tho injured
man wus brought to Norfolk aud is now
at his home which ho makes with his
brother-in-law Dr P II Salter was
allied and gavo him attention
Tho charity ball givon by tho Degree
of Honor A O U W at Railway hall
South Norfolk last night was a vory
successful affair a largo crowd being
iu attoudonco and a good tiuio resulting
Good music was rendered by a picked
orchestra of local plnyors and an excel
lent supper was served One of the
leading features of the evening was a
walk iu which Mrs Schwartz and
Sylvestor Burnett were tho Miccos sful
contestants and of course took the
oako Fred Koorbor aud O A Harsh
man were tho tloor managers aud at
tended to thoir duties vory satisfactorily
Dan Metcalf did tho prompting in his
customary ploasiug way Tho money
clonrod to tho ordor was about 7o
which it is understood will bo used to
assist a sick member Tho members
are well pleased with tho patrouago
accorded their eutortniumout while the
entertained woro well pleased with tho
ovenings pleasures
Is boundless Yet it is utterly helpless
to give strength to the child born with a
low vitality The time to give strength
to the child is before birth and to impart
this gift the mother herself must be
strong When the mother is weak and
nervous dreading the coining time of
her trial she impresses her feelings on
the little life linked to her own When
the baby comes it is fretful and nervous
marring all the joy of motherhood by ks
restlessness and wailing
Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription gives
strength to mothers It preserves tliem
iu robust health in the mouths before
baby comes It practically does awav
W It Braasoh was a passongor to
Omaha yostorday
Frank Ilirsoh was a passenger for
Way no thiH ufterioon
Mrs W F Norris of Ponca was in
tho city yostorday
Mrs Sears of Pilgor is visiting at tho
homo of Ij M Boolor
Tho sugar factory turned out 400 bags
of tine white sugar yostorday
Mr and Mrs F L Culvor have gono
to Omaha for a visit of sovoral days
Mrs Hodgottos loft today for Omaha
to attend tho Methodist conference
Mrs Mary Hills roturnod on tho noon
train from her visit to tho Black Hills
Miss Agnes Thompson went to Omaha
this morning to visit a week or ton days
J B Donovan of tho Madison Star
was a visitor yesterday iu this metropolis
Mrs M A Hills and daughter
Hlanoho wont to Omaha ou tho noon
Miss McKvou who has been visiting
Mrs O G Gow loft today for hor homo
iu Kearuoy
Joo Phoasaut is rapidly rocovoriug
from tho burns ho rocoived at tho sugar
fnctory Sunday
Herman Barnoy candidate for county
clork ou tho fusion ticket was iu the
city yostorday
Mrs Fred Sholly aud Dr Bortha
Ahlmaii wont to Omaha yesterday to
view the exposition
Fred Volff of Wayuo candiduto for
county treasuror of that county was n
city visitor yostorday
Mrs Davis nud hor daughters Mrs
Dunn aud Mrs Suter woro passengers
for Omaha this morning
Mrs Houry Holyflold and baby ro
turned with hor mothor Mrs Goodule
to Wayno for a wooks visit
Miss Maud Lindoll has returned to
Norfolk and is visiting at tho home of
hor sister Mrs L E Wallerstadt
Mauagcr F W Wiotzer of tho sugar
fuotory is out ou a trip of iuspectiou of
beet fields Ho is expected home Friday
Charles Hagoy has gone to Pooria
111 to ro onter school and perfect him
solf iu tho watchmakers art
W O Hall wont to Wayuo to attend
tho fair this afternoon His horse
Burtwood will enter a race thoro to
Mr and Mrs Carl Zuolow wont to
Omaha this morning with their little
daughtor whom they will place in a
hospital for treatment
Goorgo Brechler of Madison fusion
candidate for county treasurer was
looking after political interests in the
Sugar City yesterday
Mrs G H Main Mr and Mrs C S
Hayes aud M C Huzen will go to
Omaha tomorrow to attend the M E
conference iu session there
At tho prayer service at tho Baptist
church tonight there will be read the
opening chapter of Rev Chas M Shel
dons popular book entitled In His
Members of the Trinity church guild
are requested to moot at tho rectory to
morrow aftoruoou at Jl oclock us
mutters of iniportauco require thoir at
Superintendent G F Keipor and
Steward D Roes of tho hospital for in
sane have gone to Lincoln to attoud a
meeting of tho board of purchase and
The fnouds of Rov E H Rusjel tho
popular Sunday school man will be
pleased to learn that he will preach iu
tho Baptist church next Suuday morn
ing nud evening
Mr aud Mrs King loft ever the
Union Pacific this morning for Omaha
with the pains of motherhood aud enables the mother to endow her child with
u healthy Inxly aud a happy disiiosition It gives strength to nursing mothers
and enables them to abundantly nourish the children tljey bear Favorite
Prescription contains no alcohol and is absolutely free from opium cocaine and
other narcotics
A Beautiful Baby
I consider Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription the best medicine made writes
Mrs Mary Munlock of 320 Taylor St Topeka Kansas I know it has no equal
I am the mother of ten children ami only one living the tenth one She is one
year old aud is as well aud hearty as can be She is a beauty Of my other babies
some were born at right time but dead others were premature births one lived to
be one year old but she was always feeble I tried different doctors but none of
them could tell what my trouble was I was examined by surgeons but they found
nothing wrong I did not know what to do so I thought this last time I would
try Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription I took it during the entire nine months
and now have a fine baby girl aud I cannot praise your medicine enough
A Great Gill to Mothers
Every mother ulionld iiokhphn a copy of Hit IIKKCFN
COMMON- NKNSK MiIAI ADVINIUt It is full or infor
mation 011 the qiimllon nud problems which confront the
mother ut eery turn II is a book written
in eomuiou Hciise Ntyle mill appeals directly to the com
mon iteuse of every reader This hook coiitniiiliit IOOH
lurire pnte ami over 700 illiiHlrnlloiiH is neiit IHDK ou
receipt of stamps to pay expense of iuhIIIuk ONIY NenU
J I oue vent stump for the pitpcr bound book or 31 tumps
fur the book bound lu cloth
Addkuss DB K V PIERCE BuSalo N T
4 mmK
where thoy will vision fow days after
which Mrs King will loavo for a visit
to frionds in Knnsas City and ho will
return homo
Miss Johanna Hagoy Btarted this
morning on her trip to Savannah n
whore sho will teach school tho coming
winter Sho will bo mot at Omaha by
Miss Hodgotts and thoy will travel to
gothor from that city
Dr Francos Woods who will lecture
on tho Philippines at tlu M E church
tomorrow night under tho auspices of
tho Womans club will bo entertained
during her stay hero by Mrs J W
Nick Kern a Stanton countoy farmer
has purchased a largo bill of
lumber iu Norfolk and will build n
largo houso on his farm east of tho city
Julius Heckman a farnior from Pierce
county has also purchased lumber aud
will build
Frank JolniBon who was forniorly
connectod with tho Johuson Dry Goods
company at this placo but lator moved
to I llinois has decidod to open up a
goneral morohnutliso Btoro in Coloridgo
Dr A J Johnson aud daughter Francos
havo gono ovor to asist at tho opening
and will remain ovor Saturday
Tho Pringlo company was in tho city
today onrouto from Albion to Wayuo
where they will play during tho fair
Last wook thoy opened a lino now
opera houso at Petersburg a small town
botweou Oakdalo and Albion Tho new
houso opened will seat about 800 people
aud would be an honor to a placo much
larger thau Petersburg
Tho New York Star schomo which
was so oxtonsivoly advertised in Nebras
ka papers a fow months ago turns out
to bo u bunco gauio of tho first magni
tude It is regretted that a number of
people in this vicinity were caught ly
tho schemo aud tho advico is offered to
any othors who coutemplato seuding
monoy to that concern not to do it
Tho Salvatiou army people are arrang
ing for a harvest festival which will
consist of a gathering iu of fruits grains
vpgetubles dry goods aud other articles
and wares which will bo sold at public
auction at the Army hall on tho evening
of October lid Tho proceeds of tl e
salo will be used for the charity work
of tho organization Tho officers of the
Army aro now out soliciting donations
for tho occasion Almost anything
from money to corn will bo acceptable
and will be disposed of at tho auction
Tho Greek carnival at Marquardt hall
last evening directed by Miss Pickeril
under tho auspices of tho Ladies society
of the Congregational church was a
neat and artistic entertainment worthy
of n much larger patronage than it re
ceived Tho costumes were beautiful
the young ladies taking part ditto and
tho little people who danced the minuet
captured tho house in their unique suits
aud dresses Miss Pickeril is a success
ful orgauizer or sho would nover havo
been able to present such a pleasing nud
perfect entortainuiout with local talon t
after so few rehearsals as she did last
Mitliirlii IVmr
If you feel tired apptftito is poor have
headache indigestion constipation aud
a goneral run down feeling do not delay
but attend to your case nt once before
malaria fover has fastened its grip upon
you Road what Rov II W Oies paE
tor of Christian Church Craig Mo
writes Wo havo used Dr Kays
Renovator in our family and believe it
is tho best mediciuo we ever used I
had a bilious attack borderiugon malaria
fover to which I am subject and feel
safe iu saying that I broke it up com
pletely with half a box of Dr Kays
Renovator Thousands have pre
vented a fever with the timely assistance
of Dr Kays Renovator thoroughly
cleansing their t luggish system fiom
all germs of disease and impure matti r
thus the blood is purified and overy
organ toned up to a vigorous action If
tukouuow it may preveut months of
illness Dr Kays Renovator is sold by
druggists or sent by mail ou receipt of
price Soceuts and 100 or six for 00
by Dr B H Kav Medical Co Saratoga
Springs N Y Send symptoms for freo
illustrated book
Horace Huntington Loraino Hunt
iugtou Delia Sessions Melissa Posten
James Cutter William F Huntingtou
Daniel O Huntington Lottie J Hunt
ington Vela Olmstead Clvde V Olm
stead Homer Cutter aud Hattie Cutter
defendants will take notice that ou
tho imb day of September 1819 Mary
A Smith pluintiff herein filed her
petition in the district court of Madison
county Nebraska against said defend
ants with others theobjoot aud prayer
of which are to cancel a mortgage ap
pearing of record in book 22 page 277
of the mortgage records of Madison
county Nebraska on the southwest
quarter of the northeast quarter and
the uorthwest quarter of the southeast
quarter and tho pouth half of the south
oast quarter of section In in town
ship 23 north of range a weBt of the
5th p m Nebraska made by said
plaintiff to Susan C Rudes and dated
October 1st 1891 to secure Hie payment
of a promissory note of 500 of the same
di to for the reason that on or about
the day of 181M plaintiff settled
with the said Snstn O Rudes who wa
then the holder ami owner of said n t
and mortgage and paid sitisfied and
discharged said debt uud plaintiff prays
that the apparent lien of said mortgngo
of n cord may by the court bo ordered
caucsled satisfied and discharged and
the siid debt declared paid
You are r quired to answer said petf
tion on or before the Gth day of Novem
ber 189D Mauv A Smith
It Is proposed that the souvenir
badgo to bo used at tho Washington re
ception of Admiral Dewey shall havo
upon it a reproduction of tho original
flag of freedom that was flown by
John Paul Jones when he sailed In
the Bon Homme Richard This flag
was made in Philadelphia by MUsos
Mary and Sarah Austin under thn
supervision of Goneral Wash
If tho shooting ability of Oom Pauls
butghers is ns good as In 1881 a war
In that section will fatten several now
Necessity is the
Mother of Invention
It nvas the necessity for a retUble blood
purifier and ionic tliai brought into exist
ence Hoods SrsAptritt Ii is a highly
concentrated extract prepared by a com
bination proportton and process peculiar
to itself and giving to Hoods Sarsapa
rUta unequalled curative power
MocdS Saoi
WTAalilt 1 f fllrTr
It 1b proposed that tho souvenir
badge to bo used nt the Washington
reception of Admiral Dowoy Bhall have
upon It a reproduction of the original
flag of freedom that was flown by John
Paul Jones when he sailed in tho Bon
Homme Richard This flag wnB made
In Philadelphia by Misses Mary and
Sarah Austin under the supervision of
General George Washington
The woman who loves you In nt once
your detective ami your accomplice
OppoBltlou Is a bIrh of Interest A borod
llstenor alwuys acrecs
In a recent letter to Dr Hartman
Confrassman Botkln says
My Dear Doctor lit gives me pleas
uro to certify to the excellent curativa
qualities of your medicines
Congressman Botkln of Wlnfleld Kan
and I have been afflicted
mora or leas for a quarter of a century
with catarrh of the stomach and con
stipation A residence in Washington
haa Increased these troubles A few
bottles of your medicine have given
me almost complete relief and I am
sure that a continuation of them will
effect a permanent cure Is
surely a wonderful remedy for catarrh
al affections
J D Botkln
The most common form of summer
catarrh Is catarrh of the stomach This
Is generally known as dyspepsia Con
gressman Botkln was a victim of this
disease twenty five years
cutps these cases like magic Address
Dr Hartman Columbus O for a free
The microbes that cause chills and
fever and malaria enter the system
through mucous membranes made
porous by catarrh heals
the mucous membranes and pre
vents the entrance of malarial
germs thus preventing and curing 1
mono aneciions
M A Co lliiHlinl WN I No 1H 1HO
Gould Not Eat Drink or Sleep
Sivokk Skwino Maciiink Co
Four Atkinson Wis
Restored to health after submitting
my ease in vain to several phynlclaua
1 take pleasure in testifying to the
merits of ZhegolN Geiiulno Swedish
KsMonii hoping thereby to induce
others to try it with equally good
result a
During my sickness I could neither
eat drink or bleep and in a short time
lost no less than 25 pounds Every
thing was done for me but all in vain
I was growing weaker from day to day
until a friend induced me to try the
above remedy After a few doses my
stomach retained food
my appetite re
turned and as I grew stronger I again
enjoyed good sleep at night and began
from that time on to steadily improve
until 1 am now entirely well and have
my former weight
Would not do without it for several
times its ootl
Manager Singer Manufacturing Co
Two Weeks
Treatment Free
The great blood
purifier Zaegels
Swedish Essence
of Life is to be
triven awav frea
to readers of this paper This mediciuo
euros Rheumatism btomach Liver and
Bowel Complaints by removing rilei
aenmfrom the blood Hundreds of lt
ters like the above on file in our office
are proving this every day A reward
of S00 Dollnn in Gold will be given to
anyone who can prove that they ara
not tramline
A book telling all about its wonderful
cures and a free ample large enough
to convince you of lu merits will be
mailed to all who write
P O Box 831
Wisconsin A So
fan ahould be an
aloaaa in your latter to
pay the postage on this
irM aampla
tf J